(HMacing lately arrmed jrom Englond ) s 1 3 i8 28 iestmsis ie ease soxssere | Brockuill: and Utt@Waâ€" R@ilW@y| 357 receive at their house, No. 1, Oxtord Terrace, 45 McGill College Avenue, a limited number of Y oung Ladies as Boarders, who may be desirous of Snishâ€" â€"â€" sSER@RER ARRANGEMLE NY R East End Da‘yâ€"st:, Ottawa. Select Ednca_t}gnal Classes. Mrs. and Misses Cossar, HOLGATE, OLIVER & ANNABLE; | | p),/u06 1 and from Oitawa chocked t LK f ot h« aggage to and from Ottawa checked th .‘.W LR Manufacture}.or {No | from and to all stations on Grand Trask Retihap. * c % Returns tickets to Preseott, K i e Ait i. | n t, Kamptville and Otaâ€" f Jol“mouvH&.NATt | ::a:x reduced rates can be had at the principal staâ€" T HOloaek Arbanyg. © of tamogtte Db€ .. s f BL 3% j T. 8. DETLOR, Thirty bousand prices ot the above forwarded ; * «_ 245 pm. 000 "*> a 3520 pmm. mdâ€o’llahrp.-hly.hg a ’ From Ottawa, 1.“&:. At Preseott 9.35 K-. â€" a a who «* _ 1:30 p.m. 9 «> 4:43 pam. BW{OVBO, Bfll‘bfld‘“ and Sqnm i The time of these Tnl!‘u h:n boc; ‘:‘ounlpd as s to ensure connection with night an trains on # Cousna®â€"St., Loxbox. 22y Grand Trunk, east and west. f oo Sarsaparilla Leun«<errhin or Whites, Ovarian Tumor, Urerime Ulceration, Female Discases. tm 3 it 9 Channing. of New York City, writes; "I % Sold b‘m Mortimer, John Roberts, W. Mâ€" Massey, M Â¥ MoCarthy and J. Stinner in Ottawa. â€" Sebruary 25th, 1367 idiw@y 1 ol ymant Lo wizabes by large doses of the same; #4y% u. cures the commen Pruptions by it constantly. h:omchoccele, Goltre or Swelled Neck. Â¥ohnion Sheus of Prospect, Texas, writes : " Three botâ€" cani your carsaparilia eured me from a Goiéreâ€"a hidâ€" «» ~«â€"lime on the neek, which 1 had suffered from rnl Instramonts, ' m'.) Drags, Paints, , Gla«sware, < Wedicine Chests, sundries. m\ fe the speedy sure of the following complaints : ..w;u.uw‘m.mh as ‘Fammo«s cers, Sore ms Fimplics, Pustules, Motones] Boils, wlatws, aud all Skin Discases. O«ccax», Ind., (th June, 1850. 1. C. Auce & Co, Gente: 1 foel it toy duty to acâ€" w#lojze what your Earsaparilia has done fir me. rive: Exn oke for &-:n::l.h-fl at ow m w :.J '\ .‘â€"‘-‘:’Ta -,v.hnl.:d arms; sometimes it wued leawasd aad distressed ie at the stomach. Two raue ago it broke out on my head and covered my scalp »# caee with <i sure. which was painful and leathsome S ic esn io.b hh CA .. No. 1, Oxford Terrace, itefereness kind) prrinned oi »Bher br. m n to:â€" . Dr. Wils #, Rev. Dr. J.lL. John Leeming, Esq., Jobn .nlb.‘lq.. Theodore Lymian, Esq.,. Henry Ver« n, Req. Montreal, June 28, 1967. 411% ¢» poimmacs hm a iyotieath. lm-lâ€"-&‘-“-d-nfl ssbmane but without much reief from any thing. In *, the disader grew worke. . At length 1 was rejoiced vead ie the Gorge! Messenger that you had prepared . aftenatine ( cnnssnpmrlln), for I knew from your reputa« a that may thin« you made must be good. T seut to hncounth auld gok 1t aiut wsed it till it cured me. 1 toole an your aclvies, hn ammall doses of a teaspoonful over a cutlh. mod uiet almest three bottles, New and healthy on souts began to forus under the scab, which after a ane foll olf. â€" My skie is cow clear, and I know by my chug« ihat the discase has gone from my system. You s well belheve thi. I foel what I am saying when I tell «», that 1 hukk you to be one of the apostles of the ago, ot cemuice ever gratebully. Yours, * s ALURKD B. TALLEY, i. Anthony‘s Fire, Rore or -rtl » Tetter and Sait lIhe Seald m. ing wore, I.n':yo,'-br-’.y. tw. Kobert M. Proble from Salém, N. Y., 12th o#., DS, that he bas cured an inveterate case of »epâ€"4, which threatened to terminate flu“t: meevoring use of uur Sarsaparilla, and also a dangerous FoR TWE RAPID CURE or joughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Croup, Bro: nt Come -.-'ptk-. for the Relicf « Cou-w.l:o Patients C in adv Stages of the Discase. This is a remedy so -k-ll‘nn- to surpass any #her for the cure of throat and lung complaints, that it » useless here to publish the evidence of its virtues, 1t« surivalled excellence for coughs and colds, and its truiy u-‘nlhltu-dlcha.ydbo.hnâ€hu joown throughout civilized pations â€"of the earth, Â¥ew are the communities, or even families, among them who) have not some personal experience of its effects â€" we living trophy in their midst of its victory over the pibtle and dangerous disorder« of the throat and lungs, is all know the dreadful fstality of these disonders, and » they know, tuo, the effects of this remedy, we need not i more than to as=zre them that it has now all the virâ€" pes that it did have when making the cures #which have pon so strongly wpon the confidence of . Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER & CO.. Loweil. Mass. > to make a new man of me. J fre! young again. The {st that can be said of you is not half good enough." hirrus, Canter Tumors, Enlargement, Puuom'u., Caries and lxtolh‘:lo- of the Bomes. & A great variety of cases have been reported to us whero -....:n-u’-um- compiaints have resulted from huo u-dubn-n’.ba-nhuflum-dnu wews. Some of them may be 1 in our American \uinamac, which the agents below named are pleased to araislh gratis to all who call for them. y apepsia, Heart Disease, Fits, Epilcpâ€" theumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint,. Ixparexpaxcr, Preston Co., Va.. uhru;. 1850. Dz. J. C. Ari®: Sir, t have been with a painâ€" ) chronic Mhewmatienm for a long time, which bafiled the Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral, M of physicisus, and atuck to me in spite of all the #nedies 1 could find, until1 tried your Earmparilin. One Liwer. My beloved pastor, the Rev. Mr. l.i.i..m-a -hlqhmm-h:l:,::: on, made was worth tL- un.l.me-ï¬ -.-n-"l purified my blocd > to make a new man of me. I feel young again. The sue®. Such a remedy has long been required by the ne« «ssities of the people, and we are confident that this will + fur them all that medicine can do.. woal Irszo0». * Ome of my pationts bad Syphilitie ulcers his theoat, whicl were his palate and the p of his mouth. Your steadity thkem, wed has in five weeks. . Anctherâ€"was attacked by soâ€" whaey symptoms in his nose, and the ulceration had den #way a considerable cnuu,-uul «irder would soon reach brain and kill him. «bW#ed to my administration of your Sarsaparilla; thi" _ ers healed, aud he is well again, not of course without V-Tl‘.b&h.- A woman who had bwen ’w the same disorder by mercury was suffering « this poison in her bones. ‘;lqldb«m-mnu- ..-.snn--dh-nhl-.-h-‘:'y:uu-dn- aciating pain im her and Ehe, too, was wed entirely by your In a fow weeks. I ...-t-luh-‘.-&\nrpn-.tm «s Preparation from your y must be a ;u": wredy ; vemar ves weil Lotnteatgy ie ult Fhetloide «y Â¥raternally yours, _ G. V. LARIMER, M. D. Ajprdl Prepared by v~t »foctual,. After taking your remedy eight weeks syriptous of the discase remains." y philts and Mercyrial Discase. , New Orzzaxs, 2th August, 1*50. m.J. ©. Arem: Sir, 1 cheerfally comply with the reâ€" wat of your w..-d_nv-t.yn-dthensu veve reabimed wit our Sarsapariiia. * n-ur-n-c'nfl.h-ym-utdih-.- simtw ;q-wbnh-'rnfl.-dhnwm sete truly vonderfal in eure of Vencreat and Merâ€" TOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. __ _~sy, Melancholy, Neuralgia _ _ Many,. remarkable cures of these afections have been ade y the alterative power of this medicine. 1t stimuâ€" tes the vitdl funetions into vigorons action, and thus awa, Aug. 8, 1867 tle cured meâ€"in iiowflvu-n'-wonl ith so much that 1 am far better than bei 1 was sched. .1 think it a wouderful medicine. | J. FREAM. DRUGS, EeE ‘"l:- Cmy PR CE 'll.l-.l yooale these .-tnu. it =, Marrow. u'm. writes rartTrEs 4sout To BUILDâ€"â€" â€"»fully comply with the request of your agent in 1 bave found your Sarraporilia a most excellent n/ in the numerons for which we uch a remedy, bat in Pemale Diseases <~Auloue diathesis. :ncud-n;hnter- of Lencorrhom by it, some where the comâ€" s1« coused by «iteration of the wlerus, The alcerâ€" »lf was sion cured.. Nothing within my know!â€" t =. Marrow, of Newbury, Als., writes, " A danâ€" â€"r«r» tumor on ons of the females in my family, «) sletied all the remedies we could employ, has h heen completely cured by your Extract of 8arâ€" . (Our physicisn thought nothing but extirpaâ€" 14 afford relief, but be advised the trial of your mliv a« the last resort before cutting, and it AYC ER‘S PLAXSS, . SPECIFICATIOXNS, ESTIMATES, &¢ AUGUSTU3 LAVER, Patent Medicines Drysaiteriess Dyse Goods, Losenges," _ | zN and after TUESDAY, the 7th May, . Chemicals, ’ 0 ll‘T.\oml until further notice trains will rum Qilmen‘s Store#, | as follows : » YVeiemnary _ | n:unu. ARRITAL Sundries. E_ IC P apnbr ic o" We mdns Nh m en ces o. 397° le 06y ‘ to ensure connection with night and day tr: | Gramd Trunk, east and west. | _ N. B.â€"These 1rains run on Montreal Time The: Sand p« T: >0O :: 2100 p. piy AJ and 8:15 p. m. Brockville, Jane 2 CHA“N: aâ€"ï¬ Bf\'l:IME. / Meals and Oftawa and Prescott Railway,, * From Prescott, 7.00 a. m. . At Ottawa, 10.30 a.m * «_ 2:45 pm. w +. e $:20 p.m From Ottawa, 7:00 a m. At Preseott 9.35 a.m naa«a, May 7 3145 p. uisg ATTIY Returns tickets to Preseott, Kamptville and Otaâ€" wa at reduced rates can be had at the principalstaâ€" tions on the line. .. ® j o e T. 8. DETLOR, Grand T1 Ik SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS, way ‘.xpress for Ogdensburgh, Ottawa, . _ Brockville, ï¬ilmdhvmo.‘l‘o- s : ronto, Guelph, Brantford . Goderich, Baffalo, Detroit, Chicag« , and all points West, At..................., 8.00 A.M. Night do _ do Ulfoatrnreertieccemmces Dek®: P Ms Accommodation Train for Kingston and Intermediate Stations, at.............. 9.40 A.M. Trains for Lachine at 7 A.M., Â¥.00 A.M., 12.00 Nood, 3.00 P.M., 5.00 P. M., and 6.30 P.M. The 3.00 P.M., Train runs throughto Plattsburgh. GOLXG SOUTRH AND EAST. > Express by Kailway throughout tor New York, Boston, and all Intermediate Points, connecting at St. Johns with Vermont Centrel Railroad, at Burâ€" lington with the Rutland and Burâ€" lington Railroad, also with the Lake George, Saratoga, New York, &e.,ke. Accommodation Train for lsland Pond and Intermediate Stations, at............ Express for Boston and Intermediate Points, connecting at 2t. Johns with ll‘u Vermont Central Boflro:?. fl‘:“ Mail for Portland, stopping over at TeE PAiltth c ccuuvens ocm ennos onmettsersees by railway throu, t for New *T Targ: Sonep: tnd aif imermediets ~ ‘Points, Mmu with Vermont Central at Burâ€" lington with the Rutland and Burâ€" Il:g- Railroad, also at Rouse‘s er Lake George, Saratoga, New Night epress ts Thres Iiram: Quabet, /.. . 1 t vers, Quebec, , Riviere du Loup and Portland, at...10.10 P.M. ya*~ mz(!m on all Nigbh#Trains, Baggage For further information, and time of arrival and departure of all trains at Termini and W:[ Staâ€" tions, see the Grand Trunk Railway Book of Time Tables. \â€"\ is C. J. BRYDGES, 4 =* Managing uvireetr. | orders as we are prepared to prove from the evidence of those who havetried it. All they ask is a trial, It is simple in construction, easily adjusted, and angwers for an IRONING TABLE. It never need be taken out of the Kitchen, as it answers for a piece of Furniture. The"following testimonia will show what the Ladies at the Nunnery think bf it. Parties desirous of giving us a fair trial will please to send us noties by post, or otherwise, paming time and place, will be attended to. the Ouly Washing Machine now in the Do# minions rAPememand ie Bureend axe Ssd bottles, wanted, and one yr* dozen more giv en than by u; other ";:wm same. . * « Ittawa, Septem ber This is to certify that Messrs. Holgo. Oliver & Annable‘s Washing & Ironing Table have been used by the (irey Nuns, and they have proved to be very satisfactory. ‘v WICHIS EXCELLENT, and WHICH they carsell at$3 PER DOZEN. Amateor who have tasted the wine, consider it a very good article, and superior to what is supposed to be imâ€" ported. Hotel keepers and dealers in Wines would do well tocall on LARQOQUE & CQ., and give them PPE Otawa, August 12th, Champagne Manufactured in Ottaws. LAROQUE&Co. CHURCH STREET DRYVYV GOOoODsSs ! Readymade Clothing 'l\lll: Subscriber begs to inform his friends and the public generally that ho has on:"-:n«d business in the store formerly occuâ€" P y Messrs. Fingland & Draper And where he will keep constantly on hand a gene â€" ral assortment of i 5 DRYâ€" GO 0{)3 1 â€"AND | Which will be sold at a small advance on cost. WASHING MACHINE. N ANXD AFTER MONDAY, MAY 14th, Trains will leave Bonaventure Station as fol« Ottawa, Jaly 10, 1867 Canadian Champagne! KA Botties of every description, excepting oil trail HE UNDERSIGNED are now manue facturing a new and what they claim to be READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING, ARE NOW MANUPACTURING A WINE CALbWD it with U. F. Coy Pembroke, &¢., at 0 a t NEW DOMINIOXNX. LEAYE BROCKVILLE HOLGATE, OLIVER, & ANNABLE OF CANADA. RALLRGA LS. « tb W & m, Trairâ€"from Brockville connects at th U. F. Coy‘s. Steamers for Portage broke, &e., and the Train from Sandâ€" p.0., leaves after Steamers are due and Pemoroke. n main line connect at Smith‘s Falls ; and from Perth. A. M.««TRAINS will leave Sandpoint daily at 5445 a.m., and rriving at Brockville at 12:00 p. m., unk Railwaf Company AVE SANDPUiNT GOoLING WEST M.«â€"TRAINS will leave kville daily at 7.30 a.m., Yand in# at Sandpoint‘ at :10 p m., JAMES HMIGGINSON, Imion Block, Susserâ€"st 1867. err SUPERINTEXDENT LAROQUE & CO Next to he Tem Pot. . 481tf GREY NXUMS 185â€"v 412y 5.30 A.M. #.30 A.M 6.45 A.M. 2.00 P.M SPARTAN lHave commenced‘ their t Montreal and Hamilton, call Port«, connecting with the h 1867, _ Passengers for the Colebrated Caledonia Springs will be landed at L‘Orignal. _ _ _ _ _ . _ __ â€" Parcel .:gâ€"r;;lâ€" laily from Oiltawa te Montreal and intermediate ‘© FARES * Return tickets to Montreat..................$6 00 each. HIFKE C1888....c..cocmstimmermtertrentenceccony & 50 Secontd 40 .;.......Hariecuremessertatetcireqs t O0. 1867 Aâ€"airB88sâ€" Iii.|VARIETY HALL MONTREAL & OTTAWA | This Co.;uu is now Jmp-red with new and efficient stock to forward Â¥reight of every descripâ€" tion between Montreal, Ottawa and Rideau Canal, and Intol‘llo‘lll:ob Ports, with promptness and desâ€" patcb, and at lowrates. Freight received at the wharf of the Richelien Company, at Quebec, and forwarded daily. For freight apply to |_ D. MURPHY, Agewt, _: LSAAC BONNER, A May 7 CHANGE of TIME 1101 ces 1367 On and after SEPTEMBER 1st «antil turther no tice) the steamer : Ann ANisson will leave Aylmer ::? day, for the Upper Ottawa,at 7 a. m., copâ€" ng with the Alliance at head of Railroad a: 11, touching at Anwor. Sand Point, Bristol, Bonnechere, Farrell‘s Wharf, Gould‘s Wharf, and Portage du Fort, arriving at 2 p. m. â€" Stages wili m::- Whart Im-d!m!{ after nra.v'sl of Alliance tor Cobden, connecting with steamer Jason Gould, and arriving at Pembroke same evening. _ The Pontiac leaves Pembroke at noon on Tuesâ€" days, fâ€"'ldl{;‘:ld Saturdays for Des Joachims, cailing at all intermediate ports, returning Monâ€" days, Wednesdays and Fridays, Invhf at 6 a. m., connecting at Pembroke with steamer Jason Gould, which leaves Pembroke Landing at 1 fs m., and arriving at Pmr du Fort.same evening. The m“ 7“;“ leaves Pon;t‘np due:‘or'. evel :30 a. m., railway time, touching at mm Farrell‘s Wharf, Eonnechere, Bristol, Sand Point and Arpprior, and arriving «* head of Railway at 11:45, and connecting with Ann Sisson at Pontiac at noon. Passengers reach (Oreantirle td h Te i: 3 : 120100 9 :1 hi e c ols 1 _ ‘The steamer Calumet leaves Havelock on Puesâ€" days anit Saturdays at 6 a.m. ; mnh‘f. leaves Chapeau Village on Monéays and Fridays at > %A Ottaws City, Aug. 26, 1867 CENTRAL PRO'“!OR of Music, Teacher 6i Organ, Piano, Voice and Harmeny. Als> Mrs. Clark, Teacher of Drawing and Painting. Music Rooms and Residence, 69 Sparksâ€"st., ad joining Desbarats‘ Block. _ A connection is made daily with ‘the Brockvill« and Ottawa Railway on the up trip at Sand Point 1 p.m.; and on the down trip at Sand Point at _F‘-?' for Des Joachims leave Ottawa evéry Monday, Wednesday and Friday. _ ._ _ _ _ For further pacticulars: at tae OQffice of th Company at Ottawa City 3'.'31...:. c R 8. CASSELS, IS AGAIN PREFARED To MANUFACTUR all descriptions of I (hu:l..e-, Sleighs, &c. > And hopes by strict attention to‘business to have a continuance of the patronage so liberally bestowe on him before. _ Ottawa, Septemb 15 _ . 230y May 14 To be seen at the Stable of Ottawa Desember 2 Pianoâ€"korte and Organ instructiov Al IMPORTED SET, SINGLE, DOT BLE and Tandem Silver Mounted Harnesses, â€" ROYAL MAIi. TIHI Consisting of | the following firstâ€"class steamers UE OTTAWA RIYVER NAVIGATION coxPraxy‘s f B.â€"Through and Retu d at reduced rates from May 4 Ottawa and Proscott Railro AC BONNER, A :3 Ou-qf-t. é’::s'l Basin, ‘llO\?ORWARDIIG AND RALL« way coOxPaxy. ANN S1S80N,.. EMER ALD,....... ALLIANOCE,..... OREGON, ......... SNOW BR D... JASON GOULD: PONTIAG,........ PEMBROKE,.... CALUMET....... Upper Ottawa Route. ADIAN INLAND STEAN NXAVIâ€" GATIUN COMPANXY i DIRECTORS: W. McNaventos,.,. ....J. B. Avora w FREIGHT LINE To OTTAWA AND IE RIDEAU CANAL PRESIDENTâ€"Hven McLexxas FORWARDING COMPAN) HARNESS FOR SALE. Bank St., Ottawa, V.; C. CLARK, STEA MER®S. HERRICK, BRUSH & cCO ince of Wales, (Captain H. W. Shepâ€" | * ; Lachine on arrival of the.7 a.m. train F q il, ‘conpecting at Carilion with C. c A R D E N T O O ns 5«-‘ ASSPORT LAXN TLIMITED. SSMITT id MAGNE Canal Basin, Ottawa THR j i TAWAa Tim 5s SEP rLMBER 14. 1867 M. CAMERON, npr »Capt. Z FACTORY Montreal Lesserer Stree: ~314f .$$ 00 each.| Agricultural Imple:nents dak LAMPLON Bockus. Lerreu, Frspray Hicriago. ToSki . .. Overyas. Duseas. Cooyrettr Buo«pt® in be 428â€"8 between 1M( President 419â€"82 267 BLYTH & ARERBR, Lmporters and Dealers in E _ id Bartware. lla‘l Stoves, Fire Guards, | f Jn|nu+cd and Planished Tinware, &¢., Manutacturers of all descriptions of work for W at And Gas Works, Brewer‘s Distilleries, Mills, & Makes and fits up Galvanized Iron ‘Cornices, 4 ters, Conductors, Roofing, &ec. .‘ x KeAÂ¥"Vublic and Private BuiNlings, Consery torie«, Vineries, Manutactories, &c., warmed | Steamw, Mot Wateror Warm Air, on the miost a proved pri‘:&l.plu. Orders f the country will reecive stmct a Plumbers. Double Stove Parlor Stoves lia!l Stoves, | HAV‘ RECEIVED 6 The Early Years of His Royal Highness the Prince Consort, compiled under the direction of Her Majesty the | Queen," by Lieut.â€"Gen. the Hon. C. Grey. | «Shakspeare," efl&hu, 30 cents ; * Byron," comâ€" Kl-to. 20 cte. ; "The Northâ€" West Passage by Land," y \'Mhflm,b-; " Rest in Jesus ;" ® Life in u‘:‘ln'n ‘; « lfll{or Heaven ;" “li).mu'u Purâ€" atorie," Longfellow; «* Ancien Regime," by &hpby ; * Voiees of the Prophets;":. « Th{: | Church of the First Days," by Dr, Vaughan ; © La Lyre Francaise," by Gustave Masson ; " Called to Account," by Annie Thomas ; «" Raymond‘s Heroâ€" ine;" «No Mans Friend," by F. W. Robjnson ; " W ynard‘s Ward" by Iolme Lee, Malton‘s Com â€" [Auy %M %Dflll ;"s.“ The Civil Code of »wer Canada ;" " poken Sermons," by (George MacDonald. * The English Magazines for August. The American l&‘uinu for September. « The New Dominion Monthly," 10 cents. Carpenters‘ and Joiners‘ Successors to Ohas,. Garth, Yo. 25, Ridecauâ€"«st., 24 +. Of every descriptic 10ES, RAKES, , AT THE SIGN OF THE (+ > IN G&ERAT VaRIRTY, Nails, Spikes, Camp Kettles,:Cireula cut Saws, Lamps, Oils, Gla#, Pot CHEAP. 5 y + s5 . Ottawa, April 13 MIRRORS, MIRRORS, M Torlet and other Looking JU"I' RECEIVED a large consignmen t of Mirrors and Toilet Glasges in Gilt, Koseâ€" wood and Walnut Frames of various shapes and #sizes and of superior‘fGnish, which will be old cheap to close the consignment. Also large addiâ€" tions of Crockery, China and Glassware. A large lot of Cut Tamblers nu{por'd«:. the best ever ofâ€" fered at that price, also furhiture of all kinds. In the assortwent will be found some beautiful Sofa«, which were rntuod cheap, and will consequentâ€" ly be sold for less than value. Bargains can be received by patronizing the V:rietB Hali. 1 JUSKEPH BOYDEN, !' August 6 + eptember 4. U. S. CONSULAR â€" ACENCY Notice to the Business Men of Ottawa | and its Dependencies. | merie | Tlll undersigned U. 8. Consular Agent ‘ for the CIl{ of Ottawa, and the dependencies thereef, deems it proper to give public notice io | those who may nrln his official services, that his | oflice in R. Eaton & Co.‘s Store, Rideauâ€"street, will | be open at all times during business hours. All involces of property of whatever kind mmnod or | intended to be,exported into the United btates, | must be suthenticated by me at this Cousular | Agency, in order to facilitate its transit at the proâ€" | per ports of entry. P. H. MAHAR, 1 Ottawa, Augu April 12 TIIIRE will be offered for sale by Pub~ | # lie Auction, at o‘eleck, in the forencon, on xoxm\'.uust day of September next, a | the Law Office of Willtam Mosgrove, in the City | ot Ottawa, under the|Power ot Sale contained in a‘ ; Mortgage thereof, from one Waiter Collins to | Thomas Cavdie, the following land, being com | posed of the north half of Lot No. pwentyâ€"three j in the broken Front Concession on the Rideau in ' the Township of Gloucester, in the County of Carâ€" | leton, containing by admeasurement seventyâ€"five | acres and half an acre. > \| Ail materials for t htly on hand. Terms and ‘conditions made known at time of sale. Vendor will sovenant only that he has dune no act to incumber. § Title to be accepted as itâ€"existed at the execu tion of the Mortgage. + Solicitor for the said Thomas Cuddiec Oftawa, August 23rd, 1867..â€" _ d524â€"3â€"34wtd All conveyances, searches, abstracts, Xc., to be at the purchaser‘s expense. . WlmAM MoOSGROVE, Just received direct from GERMANY;, to be sold at prices defying competition. â€" % Xlnn -puuï¬ lot of GUITARS, FLUTES, &e., lnhi-éu assortment of MUSICAL INSTRUâ€" MENTS never before ofered to the public of Otâ€" tawa, at the Ottawa Music Store, 25 rark.--st. 4 * J. L. ORIB'.L 50§ * i us,plrkp-st. YIOLINS, at 1 ON TUESDAY, the 27th AUGUST, on the road between Stittsville and Carp Viilage, m BBO'N OVERCOAT. Any person finding the samée will please leave it at. George (Clarke‘s, Otâ€" tawa, or at William J. Featherstone‘s, 3rd line funtley, and receive the thanks of 4 CAPT. FRASER, The Queen‘s Book. J. DURIE & SON Ottawa, August 29, 1867. TtidGleau Stree VIOLINS ! VIOLINS ! POUBRâ€" CASEs Just received a well sele tLas & Steam EFltters. 429y For sale by par CALL AND INSPECT THOMAS BLRKETT PLOT LINES, Tin «& Coppersmitiis. NEW AND IMPROVE1 34, Sussexâ€"st. A‘T OTTAWA Mortgage Saic. coNCERTINA®S, Bell Hangers,. &e. SPADES, SHOVELS, = A L8 AT TH® Lost, necessor to Jayres Eturke f 408y al J. DURIE & SON, No. 10, s;:rkl-n 6i. y AND OP ron Bedstead ronzed & Wir ACCORDEONS, U. 8. Consular Agert Fitzroy County. 629â€"1â€"30wtf General Asgont HSC I MB W r (G1g tRLONS 4074 24. 18y \60, Sparks street, Centre Town ADVERTISING "OTTAWA TIMES \Dry Goods, Printing Works! IT HAS 1 ADVERTISE! [ MitntBe LEA L * | EXPJ Let the World Know It ze==>== No Matter what your Business} This is the Motto of cvery. Real D6 you want to Buy? Property to Sell THS "OTTAWA TIMES NOW is the PJJ M IS hrough â€" WhichBit $Will (Hesch PRINTEES INK 18 ONE OB THE IUVDIOIOUS® APPLICATION OF THE PADING AVENUES TO WEALTH®" ~XDV ERTISE. THCE ~°TIMES" Hardware AFFORD A SUPERIOR MEDIUM | | Angest27, 1807 ADVERISEK.! Groceries, ISs THE MEDIUM \~ADVERTISE! RUSINESS MAN. ADVERTISE!! STDICA M sORICE 4 IF YOU HAYE iF YoU HAVE 1BE PUBLIC Crockery, mss A N Di LINE OF TRULY SAID THA‘T TO SELL, ADVERTISE, Glassware, MEX INX THE it 99 1 33 | O _ 00 .. seeneien cnenmnennnecnes i YOUNG HY8OD,..0â€"0eegere e rerbrcccree | FiN® | 40 |â€"* .v.cvvemmeneetenmen en Fiy | superfine and Very Choice:....... Fin0 GUNDDOWAOF. .. e nc fee > | Extra SUpertin® dO..eccss ce e see> Reductions made to buyers of i 5n dn in is upwards. . I " ax Arabian Heave THE IMPORTERS. TIIB MNOXTREAL TEA COMPANY, 6 Hospital Street, Montreal, having just imâ€" L':ned a hm quantity of Green and Black Teas, g to call attention of the Trade, Hotel Proâ€" prictors, and large establishments generally to their list of prices. Buyers of Chests and Boxes ot Tea will save money by getting it direct through the Importers. 5 LE . F w a% uslsice ue uces aiets All orders tor,25 lb. boxes and upwards, carriâ€" age free to any Railway Etation in é:uudn. Parâ€" ties wanting emaller quantities shouldcclub togeâ€" ther, Buyers living beyond Railway Statione, will please send YM office order, or enclose notes, The carriage will be paid to the nearest station, where there are express offices. Tea will be forwarded immediately on nm;:t of the order by mail conâ€" trining meney, or the money ean be ecliected on delivery by express man. Casi. collected in Montreal tree of.charge, and Tea forw arded for the same. Original packages ‘Blnvk Tea weigh, 4 ls POsITIVELY SUPERIOR TO ANY | M or ail other prepaiations for the cure of Heaves, | Coughe, Thick and Broken Wind, and all diseascs Tâ€"uv&ch affect the Wind of Zorses; also, as a Condiâ€" | tion Afedicins, surpassing everything of the kind | is easy to f".' sure to cure, and safe in all cases | ana at all times, and does not prévent the horse | from being worked while using it. I chests about $0 Ibs. Chests do. 90 to 100 1 Te« from 60 to 80 lbs. Teas not mention vertisement can be hullnnlly cheap. pany are determined totake a stand in the market, every article may therefore (be . on as to quality and weight. â€"It cleanses the breathing apparatus, by removâ€" ‘ing from the airâ€"cells the cougulable 1y mph, or | that gecretion which in heaves clogs them, causing | a ditfeu‘ty in breathing, and by its acticn on the | diseased part, causing the mucous mewbrane to ‘ resume its natural dimensions, thus equalizing the cireulation of the blood, and restoring the distended l versels to their natural size ; by its use the horse‘s lrpdll. is improved, all derangements of the | digestive »rgans corrected, softening the skin, and | giving to the coat a sleek and shining sppearance. D ie I enrevi on in on ce d on cce pe en ds Common Congou, Broken Leat, Str Fine Flavoured New Season do.... Excellent Full Flavoured do.....,... SOURG OOIOME+, ... cececenerecemn n nds Rich FI2Â¥OUT@d G0......uu0k ce + Very Fine MQ scerorneciacixres carss Yery Fine 00....c0c0râ€" tm en renes An excellent miged Tea, Black an: Twankay, Comm HQWEfS Boot and Shoe store. Al the Lease of our Premises i: street terminates this month, we int fine our business to one locality, and s‘ the whole of our Stock on the Ist of M: ‘our Store in * Uur stock of BOOTS and SHOES, LEATHLEY SHOE FLNDINGS, TRUNKS, &e., &o., will cof sequently beâ€"very large and most complete in ever department, and we most respectiully solicit a con tinuance of favors, to merit which our conslant er deavors will be as usual to provide the best articl« and sell at the lowest remunerating prices, i next to Howell April 27. | same, forming part of Lot No. 29, in te 1st conâ€" | cession, Ottawa front. A most desirable private | ressdence and vacant Lots adjoining the same alse | for sale at reasonable prices. OTTAWA to MONTREAL The Oftawa River Navigation Cs, To and from Montreaf, the above Company been induced to open an EXFEREKE SE A(G B NS In the city for the carriage of all descriptions goods and monies, &e., at reasonable rates. (G@ ealled for on leaving notice at the o§cesof f Merchandise and Parce Agents. 3 TIHE SUBSCRIBERBEGS LEAVE ‘ to inform his numetous friends and the inâ€" habitants of the city and surrounding counâ€" (r{. that he has opened, at <the above stand, where he is prepared to furnish them withâ€"a supeâ€" rior article.. + Readyâ€"made Boots and Shoes. Boot The Gustom Department wiil reeeive his special attention. Orders from Lumberers. promytl': atâ€" ended to. + s GEORGE MURPHY. Ottawa, May 8, 186 429â€"y out any just cause plaint, and contrary to his engagement llh°:.P‘ Whosoever employs him will be ted as the law directs. l HEREBY Tuon and forbid any per= son or rom engaging or employin THOMAS ; OAL, as he E‘,"j.‘,g my employ wilhq AI’I'I.ICA'I‘ION will be made to the Covrnuon of the ‘Iomhig of Fitzroy at the B“fldfléx“bq ME'OII SATUR Al:'. ;&h day of oct next, ’“fl "law for stopping up the old road: feross :fl. Quarter ultllmt Number Twentyâ€"one, in the Eleventh Concession of the said Township. â€" wW.P. TAYLOR, s "*~» FOR SALE, THAT ELIâ€" ~a gible property, beauntifully situated on the Banks of the Ottaâ€" wa, in the Township of Nepean, distant from the City of Ottawz about three miles on the macadamized road, together with the STONE DW ELLINGâ€"HOUSE thereon erected, at prtnn} occupied by William Thomson, Esquire, and th Ottawa, February 27, 1867¢ Township Clerk‘s Office, Fitzroy, 20th August, 1867 oceu by William Thomson, Esquire, and the en -J ornamented (mn-h adjoining . the f:'-{‘:r-inx part of Lot No. 29, in the m‘ conâ€" For particulars and terms apply to John ans William Thomson on the premises, or to Ottawa, May 8, 186 Hull, Sept.â€"7, 1867. ZD" Address Next door to the Market Drug St HE public are informed that owing to the increased demand for the quick dispatch TEA! TEA! TEA! BUYâ€"YOUR TEA No. 10. Rideauâ€"st. Kememb . the pla AND CONDITION ME! It IG M OV A L. BLACK TEA. AT THE CAPITAL GREEN TEA. ECX PEARJS. and Ezi&hoe Stare | NOG. 10, YORK STREET NOPICEH, MONTREAL TEA > #, Hespitalâ€"st NOTICE. DAhuEYV‘$ rocery LEWIS & PINHEY, Barristers, &0., Ottawa 27, 18678 369y RECT FROM HERRICK LBRUSH & CO ==Â¥IAâ€"â€" TIMOTHY MOFFATT Township Clerk irCliCu PCX P 45 in Susser« ntend to eon Odw Om 51 ddde w y 0 h \ Y f the ery [ L.S ; CANADA VICTORIA, by the 'Gnc'g of â€"«G KL’O\\' YFE, that we being desirous and resolved, as spor as may be, to meet our people of {ar Dominion of Canada, and to have their advice in Porliament, ‘do hereby, by and with the advice ofour Privy Council tor,Canada, gumâ€" mon and calltogether the House of Commons in and for our said Dominion, to meet at our city of Oitawa, in our said Dominion, on TUESDAY, the TWENTYâ€"FOURTH day of SEPTEMBER next, then and there to have conference apd treaty with the great men and Senate of our said Dominion. | 12 KSO\V YE, that we being desirous and resolved, as soon as may be, to meet Our People of Our Province of O%IM and to have their advice in Legislature or Parliament, do hereâ€" by, by and with the advice of ur Executive Counâ€" eil of Ontario, summon and call together the Legisâ€" lative Asâ€"embly of Ontario, to meet at our City of Toronto, in our said Province, on TUESDAY, the TW ENTY FOURTH day of SEPTEMBER next. Tnited Kingdom of Gireat Britain and Ircland, Qu®rx. Defender of â€" the Faith, &e., &e. | ow 160 all to whom these Presents k.n comeâ€"Grertâ€" By C “TIIEBIAI we are dekirous and re» solved, as soon as may be, to meet our ple of our Province of Ontario, ‘and, to have Irflr wdvice in Parliament; We domake bwnflm- al will and Klunn to call a Legisiature of Parâ€" liament, and do further declare that by the advice of our Executive Council of Ontario, we have this uy.Snn,Mm for issuing our writs in due form, for calling n Legislature or Parliament in our said Province, which writs are to bear date on the 7th day of August instant, and to be returnable on the twentyâ€"fourth ‘.{7“ Beptembernext. Ix Testmmoxy Wurzzor, we have caused these our letters to be made patent, and the cnt seal of Ontario, to be hereunto affixed ; Witâ€" xEss, our right trusty . and wellâ€"beloved Mexey Wiuuiam Sï¬â€™na.C-m of the most honorable order of the Majorâ€" General in our Service, Licutenant Governor of Our Province of Ontario. _ At our Governâ€" ment House, in our CITY OF TORONTO, in Our said Provinge, this SEVENTH day of * AUGUST, in the year of Our Lord, one thousatd eight hundred and sixtyâ€"zeven, and thirtyâ€"first year of Our Reign. * By Command, 8. J. VANKOUGHNET, A Clerk of thh Crown in Chancery, [1 the Faith, &e., &e., &e. & To all to whom these presents shall comeâ€"Gazetâ€" â€"___._ PRoOVINCE OF ONTARIO. V icrorRra, by the Grace of Gop, of the United Kinzdom of Great Britain ind Irel:mt{ QurEx, Defender ‘of sTOCK BROKER, CONSIGNEE, &c., | PLICTOU.N.8., . *Â¥3 Ofers Li« services as Agent, Correspondent or Cor â€" signee to th¢ Merchants and Manufacturers a' Canada West C JOSEPH F. ELLIS, e 1 iarin | INSURANCE, SHIPPING l Dominion Self Sealing Fruil J; * ~REFERENCERS: . .8 _ Hugh â€"Hartshorne, Esq., Seheitor... ......... Halitax. Meesrs. Black, Bros. & Co.,Merchants......Halifax. J. B. Bland, Esq., Danker.................... Halifer Jonathan C. Allison, Esq., Merchant......Halifax John EB:dhr. hq......i’:.'....‘.‘....'.&. John, N. B g~ Basiness respectlu icited. June 27, 1867. % 47!â€"2mâ€"e04 [x Trsimoxy Wurkwor, we have caused these .our letters to be made patent, and the great scal of Canada to be hereunrto aféred : Wiryzss, our rightm‘tï¬:nd wellâ€"beloves cousin, the right honer CharLns dtaxâ€" 1ky, Viscorst Moxcs, Baron Monck ot Dallytrammon, in the county of Wexford, in the Pecrage ‘of lreland, and Baron: Monek of Daliytrammon,in the county of Wexford, in ‘the l’eeu!e of the Uhited Kingdom of ‘ Great DBritain‘ and Ireland, Governorâ€"Genâ€" eral of Canada, &e., &e., &c. At our Govâ€" ernment House, in. our CITY of OTTAW A, in our said Dominign, this SIXTH day of AUGUST, in the year of our Lord, one thousana eight bundred and sixtyâ€"seven, and in the thirtyâ€"first year of our reign. . By Command, a 5 + nd good wages will be Is Tess 506â€"td 506â€"td 6t d ~ . J A M .:. 1DU.A. 1w0 PIRSTâ€"CLASS JOURNEYME®X | . Blacksmiths to whom constant employment | Wanted Immediately, HEREAS we are desirous and re« silved, as soon as m:g be, to meet calr &o« wr Doinion of Canada, and to have their in Parliament; We do make known our Yill and pleasure to call a Parliament, and her dcclare that by the advice of our Privy i for Canala, We have this day given orâ€" rissuing our writs in due form, for calling amont in our said Dominion, which, writs are date on the SEYENTH day of AUGUST ‘rsitwoxy Wir:for, We have caused these Our Leters ‘to be made Patent, and the treat Seal of Ontario,to be hereuntoaffized ; Wirsess, Our Kight Trusty and Wellâ€"Beâ€" loved lisury Wiuiam Ersren, Companion of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, Mujor General in Our Service, Lieutenant «iovernor of Oir Province of Ontario, At Oar Government House, in Our CITY of TORONTO, in Our said Province, this EEVRENTH day of AUGUST, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand ï¬EN hundred and sixtyâ€"zeven, and in the thirtyâ€"first vearof Our Reign. mmand, F. J. VAN KOFGHNET, EDOUARD J. LANGEVIN, Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, GENERAL AGENT, M Ar M W. STISTED. $ wIXCE OF ONXTARLIO. . y ‘the Grace of God, of the Kingdom of Tireat Britain cland. Qugrx. Defender of RTH U ese prose CANADA EPTEMBER the . Electoral ‘Grace of â€"GJ, jof the United Great Britain land Ireland, W f the Crmen o reaxieBdes LANGEVIN STISTED ANI ?!% Yorkâ€"st., Ottaws. Chancery Conad (Ontc Ontario |Y°bfla | Dominion of Carada, United Counties of Pre P , and Russell. the same stapd, mituated on ti the central portion c favorably known as gether with the lars apply to Joux and W x Lewis & Pixmatr. Barriste granted, and vember, if req,‘ could not fail to be made to psy. It is built on the.most ‘modern «ty ture, of out stome; has large pliteâ€"g and is four stories high} exclusive of It is finely #itaated on the Sorper <( \ O‘Connorâ€"streets, immediately 0p> ment Buildings, and has I.EE vracap so that the Buildings could Te emiar; quired capacity. . % t VICTORIA HOTELâ€"TOLET Ottawa, March 14 Being en the eve of Confe being definitely settied upon. their.creditors, and On Monday, the Thirticth day ‘. ! _ September next, They will apply to the Jad a confirmation thereof, Provinee of Ontari Tlll undersigned has a few roow.s n#® vacant for boarders with execilent accow®t dations, and within five mientes walk of the Pst liament Baildings. a The Manafactures of Ontario and Qaclk. Sugatâ€"cured Hams, Breakfast Bacon, & CONVERSE, COLSON & LAMSB, CORNER HOSPITAL (when LOWER PROVINCES Ottawa, August 13 Tlll UNDERSIGNED haeving pointed agents for Mesers. Wilson Tders will be promptly executed at the ket rates. HERRICK, BRUSIH & Co e Ortawa River, bomi pgton Street, City of ) Ottawa March 2 Tas Orrawa Tixgs.â€"Printed and 1 mv% ‘morning, (Subdays exc# the Tixgs Steam Printins Works Spark»â€"st, in the City of Orewe Fol preserving fruit with oneethird the quantity of sugar used by the obd methos while the true taste of the fruit is proserte} Price from $1.50 perâ€"dozen. A houschold requisite for reviving, with ® any labor, a Looking Glass polich on f4r where the My-iiub or yarnich has 1 dimmed: by wear. £ Price 25 cents per bottle at Market Droug Store. BENNETT‘S â€" WH ARF M Private Boarding Houst 1e .8 FREE OF DUT\i. PM Consigniments Seliciteds dJuly 30, l“!: i 4: f EDW ARD TAYLOR DARTNELL 1Orignal, July 29, 1867. * . 49%â€"] aw Bm x« s \gt 47 July 3 of Carleton C.â€"W P“‘ undersigned | have of eo-'-ition and discha COMMISSION â€"MEIJiCIHA NTS WILSON & CO. = Pork. Packers, YÂ¥ PRIVATE BARGAIX, Insolvent Act or 186 the maiter of ALEXASDEK CAMLRON ALEXANDER CULMMINS, and 14MA€ KERR, tradipg under the style and Grm d «CAMERON and CUMMIN®, J n#1vents, Apt Dominion Furniture Polis}t FOR SALE In the County Caurt of the 1 «. of Prescott and Rose (Late of Chieago.) EAVY . MES#, Prime Mcsp, Prume Pork, guaranteed Chicago : nme ol tm oihe Peeld) Pre veie oi‘ ihto the FPoR S Three Houses to Let, _ orygtesgs The Victoria Hote! ALEXANXDER CA NME: ALEX ANDER CU MA ISAAC KERR. > Apply to 4 P E. 11. A LX A v 4 T A 4 4 I.\ Iwo Actes, be offered to any par lfl]-il{ line th an> wbove FIRSTâ€"CLA For SAl *O R 8 A LE }‘KA.\'%S CLEM Or JOHN HENE FROM FIRST 0p gmber next, as the rron NONTRE A 1. (post] By their A hmond R UALLFAA M _’u‘o-b Kâ€"STLEET MBRS. PAXKDI s«=THE Wo TOL fhed M 1 N DW eHWing Inc a . deed euted bs R EKT E1 Ad Comrty «un t uid NO ext» tl af CBP Solicitorâ€"inâ€"Chs «Plice, over Mr. 1 store, Ridean Street, January 17 1867. TD . AUGUST BAR'I“I. 5 -sd' O":u P Oflice : ux latol ho« vms lately gecupie A BR IST “ Chl.ncqry.E: mnuu‘rn RD\Notiry Public, rown Attorney , Yar «nd Muassell. \ DVOCA TE®, +. neysâ€"atâ€"Law. * !)mr'n: lhlnnnl Mr. Wright will at fridays of every wet 'Al.al.lAl. N OHtawa, Fob. T. 18 i3‘ C "Ebl-t tuuh,q‘ ©o#ss. ~References W'.:Aulu Orrice : Aumond‘s Atawa, Jan..12, 1864 R®P "‘Grrious r1am, C.K. C P C..veyancers, Orrio® : {lho Roauer Lews, â€" Mtawa, Fobrunry T Referencors :. Rev. Iohn Smith, Jin lï¬ll,‘ * Cuewe, Py DAR. â€" puyxscuas, Kosidence, Maria 8 ‘i' DVoCATE. titreot, Quobee. repared to attend y jovernimeont '#z pay ontrust him suit in ulf:‘; ‘Decomber 28, 186: DIR. OLF I’ll‘l‘llf- tral Ottawa. _on..n.. January GEO, 1LOG uo.I'PAfll ‘ and Accoushe FAN Auustds vo Mtawia. k * Fobruary T, 185 1)!! YS1ICIAN, Clarence Stre March 1. : .. OH, © ‘,ll‘l’ll'l'. C 23â€-.:,:::'1 D m In the andlury 27, 1866 Â¥.R. BE § 4« )"'!Cl over mont, 25 Rideg May 30 7 ist 1 Ottawa, N }mél' .: " N» W . Brown‘s Ottawa, Docembe Orricz: In Hor ¢ office at night. A MrORLNEY» % TTORNIE {PARIKS # GMlaWa meaas of the ('“IK . tel. Wawe i# M. ARRISTEAR, 1. â€"@. MB A RRESTER HXYSICIAS, Office : Huntoi . Chaneery, or of Buksex tawa, Pél wa, July 1. TPORNEY=â€" EDW ARD ESTIST, ® M ASNI OTARIE® 1 A W JCOhame JM Jhip rmuiï¬% Chancery, Co lce: Ricin Sun A W J Clinae Chancory, C ick: U*"| unry 21, 1866 J. A. Masa® arly ad i eral l¢ eubscripti advdnce).....«« t paid in ady 1y subseri t awa, July 1 LAPIELER COLM4 Right Solie: ry 7. 1866. bsequent in LEES . H18 TK BR a0 van YVIELI DR. J ICH1O1 D. Y Â¥1444, R DR DR in ada bor m DR *s DR R 1 Ad