BLON® l w ERKS, \ ISER, ISER, ho e thina JNIST CKS. perfor Coumm* » of the to the ATC kâ€" ng ATT nd AT 2 k s. Reâ€" rmp & urdey. mee at AT 2 nee at cents ; lerk doin Pran 1OX Rav. bung TB, NT 8 NIST cath, (me at s per per® tent A Dad Ne OTTAWA RIVER, l MA THURSDAY, 26th SEPTEMBER, Boats not to exceed 20 feet in length. Open to all comers, No limits as to sail or ballast. Four miles. Prite, $20. 2nd, $10. Entrance, $2. Two miles. Ognluomduy reguâ€" lul{.fpflud b in this Dominion ; :u-n wale. Boats not to exceed 30 feet keel. First prize $54.; second, $10. Entrance, $5. 0 ROWING CLUB! Open to 17 years and under. Ls k looupl::’ ;t- the gunwale. No n."'.'.".. l‘o|-¢th Distance, 1 milo. Prize, $10. Entrance, k ; Club Race» Open to Lapstreak Bouts pulled from the gunâ€" wale. howluls. Muhmrm feet keel. two miles. hn-ozu. "".""&" presented by Thos. Reymolds, Esq. ; value, M T 0 to all comers. urun Bsats. Disâ€" la.c':.C miles. 1st Prize, $100. 2md prize, $50. Entrance, $10. Two Boats to make & bout jide start, or no race. ï¬.'lo pair seulls Skiff Race. â€" Open to all comâ€" ers, Uncovered Lapstreak Beats pulled from the gudvale. Distance, 2 miles. Entrance, $5. Prize, a L\‘. presented by Sir John" A: Macdonald, K.C.B., : value, $50, or money, at option of winner. Open to Pickies or Boats such as are used in the Lumber Trade. 4 cars and one paddle. Prize, $20. Entrance, $2. ® '01-;.;:;; ;E-"’;im 25th September. | HE undersignedâ€"begs to intimate that “mml‘:-bu-hd.:?.lh--u%f T he has removed his BUTCHER‘S STALL m W&- fl_‘i""““' ‘Cu1, | from the old stand to his NEW BRICK BUILDâ€" ford and Cambridge, and the principal Boat Clabs | jyq on RIDEAU STREET, nearly opposite Dr. l MEREBY cantion all parties ï¬.-[flv- h.em.-‘:\h.mlmu will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her, she having left my bed and board without any just provocation * JAMKES WALKER. Gloucester, Sent. ¢, 1367. 5$31.3 Open to all comers. One in each. Dis mmul, t wiles Prinh $ eerams pio * t» start, or no race. PRESIDENXT : sIR POHN A. MACDONALD, K.C.B. VICE.PRESIDENTS : lIs WORSHIP THE MAYOR. Arca® Girwove, Keq. I Tnos. Reyworns, Esq. Lt.Cor,. Braxazp. «| T. D. Hanixotos, Esq. H. Havcocx, Seey. M. P. Hay®s, Treas Burrowes. HM. O‘Meara Entries of Boats, with names and distinguishing Oftawa, Sept. 9, 1867 Glowcester, Sept. ¢, 1367. London, England, contained in Argonaut‘s k on the Art oupvhiul Training. . H. HAYCOCK, Secretary. ttawa. Sent. 9. 1867. 8333 Four=Oared Out«Rigger Race. to all comers. Distance, 4 miles. Pril'.! Entrance, 10. Two Boats to make bone OPPOSITE OTTAWA CITY, ON TubeRace, Dack*Hunt, &¢, Open Boat Sailing Race. Double Scull Skif Race. & U TTIGCN. Double Scull Skiff Mace. § Lumbermen‘s Race» WILL BE WELD OX TH® CcOMMITTEE : c--og luf Champton» d Inâ€"Rigger Rac«. 5 Chas. Drinkwater C. MacNab. J. Black.| . A. Atcheson. _ GaARLAND,. MUTCHMOR & CO. * *« a l No. 20, S ONE CASE OF BEAD TRIMMINGS, ®*" A DNX C 3 3 bales Dlankets, 2 casts Fancy Flannels, 1 case Shawls, 1 case Fall Hats, 2 casos Wool Broadeloths, 1 case Union Broadcloths,‘1 case Silk Mixed Tweeds, 2 cases Fancy Wool Tweeds, 1 case of Beaver Overcontings, 1 caso W aterproof Cloakings, 4 cases Whitrey Cloakings, 5 bales of Linen Goods, 3 enses Canadian Grey Flatznel, 7 cases Grey Cloth, from the best imanufacturer in Canada, 2 cases Capadian Hosiery, from the best makers, 4 cases Canadian Yarn, 4 tases Canadian SKirts and Pants, 1 case Cardigan Jackets, 25 bales Wadding, 15 bales Cotton Warpâ€"108% packages. ‘Z®~W arranted good valuo, as we aro determined not to be undersold by any house in the trade. Grvey Cottons from A4id. per Yard. Ten Cases Seventy Cases and Bales! Dress Goods, shawls, ‘ Mantle Clet \Print Twenty Cases of London Goods, FALL AND WINTER TRADE! CUNNINGHAM AND LINDSAY, DREsSs® GOODS, MILLINE ~_~ MATS AND BONNETS, c k SEIAWLS, MANTLES, &C., Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Electroâ€"Flated Ware, Fancy Goods, All kind# of work in the Jewellery ling carefully attended to, and Designs furnished on the shortâ€" est notice. Watches, Clocks and.Jewellery repaired on the premises and warranted, Ottawa, July 20, 1867. R . 436y PRACTICAL WATCH ANB C1L00K MAKERS, YOUNC 4& RADFORD, Mna\oniq- GGoods treal. September 5, 1867 favors, ho :xu in his new premises to merit a continued . increased support, having better ING on RIDEAU STREET, nearly opposite Dr. Grant‘s. While thanking his customers for past facilities for supplying their want« _ f AI.L persons indebted to Dr. J. Garvey, T'II.VI PLASTERER® can And | wnd whose ue:rlb have been rendered, are c-#?-ut for the winter by lrplyin‘ to nq‘nmdwull and settle at once, or costs will PHILLIPS & WAND, No. 9, Balmoralâ€"st., Monâ€" | be incurred. | o s anl WE HAVE NOW READY FOR INXSPRCTION THE CONTENTsS Ob Ottawa, Sept. 6/ 1867 3 bales Grey*Cottons at very nearly old prices 1 case White Shirtings. 4 bates d‘rints. OTEAW A, July 25, 1867 EG to announce that in order to clear they have made a great reducticn in the prices of MANUFACTURING JEWELLERS. ‘Are now being marked of, and will be shewn toâ€" Ottawa, Sopt. 5, 1867. 20, Sparkeâ€"street, Ottawa, September 9, 18( CLYDE AND LIFERPOOL STEAME Dry Goods at Reduced Prices. AVUTUMN imMPCOGRTATIONS. REMOV AL. W AN T ED. MAGEE & ERUSSEILL. + Make <Your Selections in Time. ll order to make room for fall importations the stock new on hand, consisting of choice Summer Tweeds, Coatings, Trouserings, Black Broads, Doegkins, &ec., &¢., &¢., will be sold TEN PEF CENT. PECG TOP DEPOT. Under original prices for cash CLOTHS & HOSIERY, TO PEHHHEE PUBTICT. JUST RECEIVHED 30 SPA RKSâ€"ST., ND 1HE BEST AND LARGEST COLLECTION OF NYo. 14, Rideauâ€"st., C. M. HOLBROOK, 381y LE 3+ 13. 8. ROBERT Butcher 531â€" H P 2 "** &, 3. of Canadian Tweeds City Heop Skirt Factory ! 1 am manufacturing the following new Tram Raimmts, in all gizes and widtlhs : ° * TIHR NEW DOMINION TRAIL. THUE ROYAL VICTORIA TRAIL, ___THE LONG TRAIL ; THE QUAKER TRAIL, and THUE DEMT. .: ADDITIONAL ITEMSâ€"Just received a large lot of Corsets and White Cotton Hoseâ€"â€"all sizes. s« i DAVILD MILLAR, 45 Sparksâ€"st., Centre Town. Ottawa, July 5. > | C da * 453â€"Â¥m 18, COoNSISTINXG OfFâ€" 5 eases Aberdcen and Faney Winceysâ€"Very Cher; 1 eanse Black Lustres. _ _ _ RECELVED B\ â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€"â€" FoR THI clear out the balance of their Summer Stock =â€"ANDâ€" ut Contral Canadan. SyTELZ . "T_A E: Â¥ elveteens, Clioths and ‘Tweeds, Wh + Cottoas. . This year Miss Girovarp has secured the serviâ€" ces of a young lady from the Normal School of Montreat to teach the English language. _ _ > _As usual, Music and Needioâ€"work will be taught in this establishment. _ For terms apply to MISS GLROUARD, No. 6, Clarenceâ€"street Ottawa, Sept. 9, 1867. â€" 5: Bta' to iInform her friends;and the public in general that she has nâ€"olpnod her Academy at the same place, No, 6, Clarenceâ€"st. Belzian," ELGINâ€"8T., OTTAWA Ottawa, Sept. 4, 188 â€"___ 1 case.biack Cobourgs. _ _ : ._____. _1 case French Merinoes. & sases Fancy Dress'u designs MISS GIROUARD Wholesale and Retail f 484Â¥ NOTICE. Blankets. J, GARVEY, M.D THE OTTAWA TIMES SEPrWMBER 10, iss%. KS, 202y 380y §33â€"3 â€"> ’llA\'B JUST RECEIVED A LARGE PARCEL of \ENCLISH MUSIC! O | BOOSEY‘S COMPLETE WORKS, | . Ho for the Regatta l'l‘\vn First â€" Class Skiffs TWADKAY, COMMOD..... ... cesc Youn SOMc enc ced erreiarerrprermenienpenan beves l-'inogdo’ emvemmeemeeceeneeetrencen in snn inss Superfine and Very Choi0®...,....000002«~ FiDnO GUNPOWACT..............c00eciecereenmnerernes BxtrA SUDETTIMO CO......0 0000 00004 en smcs Reductions made to buyers ot Five Chests s tarand upwards. 'l‘llE ANNUAL SALE WILL TAKE place at the Company‘s Warchouse, 17 Common Street, Montreal, on vom\(. AND INSTRUMENTAL, in aid of the ORGAN FUN1, St, James‘ Chuich Hull, on the 12th SEPTEMBER, on the grounds of Edward Haycock, Esquire, Village of Huil, All orders tor 25 1b. bozes and upwards, carti agoe free to any Railway Station in éaundn. Par ties wanting smaller quantities should club tog* ther, Buyers uvl: beyond Railway Stations, will please ..l'“ran order, or enclose notes. The carriage be paid to the nearest station, where there are express offices. ‘Tea will be forwarded immediately on M:r of the order by mail con« taining money, or the money can be collected on Min? by express man, Casii collected in Montreal free of ehnio. and Tea forwarded for the same. Oli‘;ul packages Black Toa weigh, j chests about 50 Ibs. | Chests do. 90 to 100 Ibs. (,reeu Te« from 60 to 80 Ihs. ‘Teas not‘mentioned in adâ€" vertisement can be Ind equally cheap. ‘The Comâ€" pany are determined to u}(o a stand in the Montreal market, every article may thereforo be depended on as to quality and weight. Hon Hudsons Bay Company‘s Buflalo Kobes Refreshients on the ground, and furn moderate cMarzes, | Ottawa, August 30 rl\m-: MONTREAL TEA ('\!‘\', 6 Mospital Street, Montreal, having just im« morted a large quantity of Green and Black Teas, Lo to call tg: attention of tife ‘Trade, Hotel Proâ€" prgum. apd large establishments generally to their list of prices. Buyers of Chests and Boxos of Tea will save money by getting it direct through the Importers. _ __ _ â€" _ en o Common Congou, Broken‘ Leat, Strong Tea..$00§48 Tiee Playcured New Season 90................. 00 55 Excellent Full Flavoured do............ ......... 00 75 NOUN OONNE:.cccccnerrnnrnenniinmrensreccrcrrcncfs 00 06 Righ FLAYORROU Uo...1s» 12444 «1 «Gaxcerrerevevererccc 00 00 Very Fine UQ C onl n nopinnfaiyrinecerredcrents N00 TB oEA rerey redecenscenrirsenntorntarcfert sprerccctscer+s M BB Yety FIGG 0§.,ss21â€"â€"eiveseccesscediorecctentercrerves OM TB An excellent mixed Toa, Black and Greon,.... 00 60 Tickets of admiz for ehildrer. 0N TUESDAY, the 27th AUGUST, on the road between Stittsville and Carp \'illg?. a BROW N OVERCOAT. Any person finding the same will please leave it at George Clarke‘s, Otâ€" tawa, or at: Williain J. Featherstonc‘s, Srd line Huntley, and réceive the thaiike of CAPT. FRASER, o September 4 THE IMPORTERS TEA! TEA! TEA! Viz.â€"MUSLCAL CABINET, in single numbers, or bound handsomely in Crimson and Gold, adaptâ€" ed for presents; collections of PIANO FORTE and ORGAN MUSIC. Also, a complete stock of SHEET MUSIC, INSTRUCTION BOQKS of every kind, &c. & WADNESDAY, 1s Strayed, FIOU the New Edinburgh Pasture, a I" COW, five years old, farrow, marked red and white, pflnelp&li{ red, with white on the flanks, and white face ; horns rather wide set ; o(u wild. Handsome make. Whoever will give information which will lead to the recovery of the same will be suitably rewarded by _ _ | _ __ __. _ _ New Music Openâ€" Aitr Concert, WOULD take â€" this opportunity of thanking their‘ patrons tfor thrge yoars of continued suceess in business, and hope for a conâ€" tinuanee of the same, ‘Their establishment this year will receive a larger assortment of ‘goods of better quality, and cheaper than can be found elseâ€" wlon‘l‘iou.vo. w list of which will be shortly published, Country deal¢rs"send your fall orders Oltawa, August 31 BI!AIIOCAI‘I‘IIG. l'lnl-hlnï¬. Plumbe« hT Gas and Steam Fitting, Bellâ€"hanging and Locksmithing done in the best style of workâ€" manship. Everything connected with the trade kept on hand. 453â€"3m (It’lwn Brass Foundry, | * WILLIAMâ€"STREET, _ | (Next Door to the Tea Pot, Rideaw»strect,} | THEODORE FRIEDUICK, Propricto | }‘OMSALli.â€"l!o.ukimllililunudon the Macadamized Road between Otâ€" " "%e tawa City and Aylmer, about 36 minutes‘ drive from theâ€"city. _A farm of excellent land, conulnlni about 90 acres, with a largo Stone louse erected thereon. % ‘The proprietor has no objection to sell a part of the farm, with or without the hoiuse. This would be a desirable country residence. Title unoxcepâ€" tionable. Apply to : [ . .c20osseclocticicke 3 Fizance Derarriext, Customs, Quebec, 6th March, 1863 l'l‘ 1§ DIRECTED BV THE HON. THEK FINANCE MINISTER, that hereafter Weekly Notices be published and furnished to Collectors of Customs, as to the raté of discount to be allowed oz Awerican Invoices, which is to bo in accordanct with the price of gold as represented by Exchange at a rate equal thereto. Such notices to appea‘ every Saturday in the Canada Gazetrk. ____. _ _ A«gust 1 Oltawa, September 6, 1867. neâ€"_ lu ACCORDANCE WITH THE ABOVE | Al BOOKKEEPFR OR ACCOUSTANT Order, notice is hereby given that the authorizâ€" by a ym-n who understands his basiness ed discount is declared to be this day 20 pgr cent ’ thoroughly, can give satisfactory reference as which percentage of deduction is to be continued | t9 character and ability. j 5 until ‘next Weekly Notice, and to nn»ly to all purâ€" | 4 Address C. 0. wW. chases made in the United States during that week. | 4 [ Times Office. August 27, 1867 August, S0th, 15t 520â€"44 Ottawa, Sept August 29, 1367 ESMONDE BROS, PB Adjress IDNESDAY, l¢ih Catalogues will Sale at TWO otclock, JOH AMERICAN INYVOICESâ€"DISCOUNTS Apply to BUY YOUR TEA ORME & SON GREEN TEA. BLACK TEA. (KINGSTON BCILD. ESMONDE BROS , ; 43 SPARKSâ€"8T., IsC 81. Opposite the Ontur:; l)ll;nk Fixaso® Derartxuegxt, Costo®s, CA RID. MONTREAL TEA CO., 6, Hospitalâ€"st , Montreal, ‘. 52234+wy OoTTAWA MUSIC STORE, 25 Sparks streot. 1867. 528â€"2 CcOUNXTRY RESIDENCE DIRECT FRBOX FOR SAL} CONPRISINC Lost. Or ROBT. BLACKBURN, New Hdinburgh | M 8 PTL} REV. J. JONHNSTON, . * Hull Villag 501â€" 5m JOSEPM SKINNER, , Chomist, Wellingtonâ€"stroct W M. MOKAY, Jr. CHURCiLW ARDE R. S. M. BOUCHETTE, | ‘ Oitawa, Sopt. 2. SEPTEMBE, 0i R. S. M. BOUCHETTE be pre} New Music! Fitzroy County. _ §20â€"1â€"Sowtf EMIXG & Co., Auctionse ire dults 525 $00 38 red at 00 55 00 60 00 75 00 85 1 00 ind 00 April 10, April 10 '(1mul:n's DUBLIN . sToUT FPor» Xâ€" TER, April 10 April 10. April 10, Aprit: 10 April 10 April 10. Slllnl}\' WINE, various brands, In Wood and Bottle, 3 | _ At the Iutia Warchouse, delafein BROWNE & HARDY April 10. YHak yous suur BitTERs, April 10 April 10 April 10 April 10 April 10 April 10, (1 0OSEBERRY JAM,S TRA WBERIRY K Jam,Raspberry Jam,Green Gage Jam, Assurance Company ! l’l". April 10. SUOAR-CURID HAMS, AND BREAIK= fast«Rolled Bacon. A choice supply of the above can always be bad At the India Warehouse, BROWNE & HARDY. April 10 April 10 April 10 CGITY OF GLASCOW Life Assurance Company . ESTABLISHED 1630. CAPITAL, £600,000 Stg. ANKUAL REVENUE OVER £120,000 Src. 'l‘llll cOoMPANY oFFERS TO THE blic the combined advantage of rtfuct ..emf;. moderate premivins and liberal participaâ€" tion in profits. No extra charge for Voluntoers in defence of the country, * Te 'l“lll MoST SUCCESSFUL LIFE INâ€" SURANCE COMPANY divides the whole of the Profits, every year,among the insured, reducing the cost to about oneâ€"hal the figures usually chargod. For instance, the annual pay meat, at the â€˜ï¬ of 30, in nofldomg::lu.u insure $26 is, with profits, about $5Q, and without In the Ktaa, $2000, to a person 30 years of & AGO, 00848 thQ fiFB YOMP....sssmmm essmc . 20.31 And @00h BUDSOGUONE YOAP....ssseeeesecessccses 20.74 \th:‘r:.y:onz is subject to further reduction as the s of the Company increases. m Endowment policies on equally favorable torms. ‘The fact that the Rtna has, during the past 12 months, insured over 14,000 &.unou, from among the best business men of the ment, is the best possible testimonial to the soundness of the Com. pany, and the excellence of its method of . doing Capital and Assets, 1st Jan., 1867, $4,401,833.86 Muniverk Ottawa, March 13. INDIA WAREKOUSE, ESTABLISHED is30. R. 8. Cassels, Esq. â€"â€"â€" â€" + Cousulting Director, ' l'FIm"iii?"rZu& to insure all descriptions of property agaiast loss or damage by fire. FWWHE ABOVE FIRSTâ€"CLAS§â€" COM»+ Ottawa, January 4, 1867. NC oLD CHERrRy BRaANDY, l‘lnl. TROTTER b?. to iInform he M friends that having enlarged her premises by the addition of other rmlonl of the: Desbarata‘ Block, which have been fitted up in unexceptionabl o style, sheis prepared to receive a few more (Genâ€" tlemen Bonrd';n, to whom will be afforded superior accommodations. £ ‘TOUUI[TON BITTERS, At_the indua Warchouse, 1CHIEDAM SCHINAPPS, b At the India Warchouse, f BROWNE & HARDY Ai®®Esr onb nyE WIISKEY, * At the India Warehouse, "“ NEST AMBER At .he «ROSSE & BLACKWELL®S RED AND ) Black Currants, Jams and Jellles, At the India Warchouse, _ _ Ottawa, July 1 1867. 0ooTIs OLD TOM GiIN, y At the Imdia Warchouse, BROWNE & HARD\Y ORT WINE, finest quality, In Wood and Bottle, â€" Toronto House, Ottawa AMSAY!s PORT ELLEN ISLAY wWIIISKEY, ERNXARD‘S GINGER WINE, At the India Warchouse ESTABLISHED, A. D. 1820. RANDY, HENNESSEY and other Brands In Wood and Bottle, ORK AND FLOUR Constantly on hand, § At the India Warchouse, 1NTOUL BROS., Montreal, General Agents for IBBERT‘S LONDON sTOUT PoR» TER, §ias) 4 COEEY s J. GARVEY, ESQ., M. D., Modical Rofereo. _ C KUYPERS HOLLAND GIN, In Wood and Bottle, BRITISH AMERICA No, 16, Rideauâ€"Street, toor . to ‘Cunningnam and Lindsay‘ Wanted a Situation. FIRE AND MARINE INSUV B A NCE _ _ _ R. BMITH, Agent, »?ng: Over (-}eoq'- Cont:gtll_c_meq. At the India 7!'tmyllwnf! At the‘ India Warchouse, _ BROWNE & HARDY HERRICK, BRUSH & Co., NELL MeKINNON, At the India Warchouse, At the India Warehouse, At the India Warchouse, â€" BROWNH & HARKDY At the India Warchouse, BROWNE & HARKDY At the India Warchouse, BROWNE & HARDY At the India Warchouse, At the India Warchouse, BRLOWNE & HAkDY BROWNE & HARDY,. BROWNE & HARDY BROWNE & HARDY BROWNE & HARLDY. BROWNE & HARDY BROWNE & HARDY BROWNE & HARDY India Wl":'bmur, BROWNE & HARDY sYRUP, BROWNE & HARLDY BROWNE & HARDY 400tf i AGrxT8, , Aumond‘s Buildings. 323y 1867 381y 4i4tf nt PILOTS, BEAVERS, PETERKSHAMS, DEVONS, WULTNEYS IRISH FR 4 CANA BLACK DOESKINS, SILKk MIXTURE OF COATINGsS, Do. A l;lo.o TROWSKRINOS, BEDFORD CORDS, CHAUDIERE 1 W £Erps, $ â€" BANNNOCKBUKN Do., HALIFAX DO., KERSEYS, FLANNELS, READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING ! ALEX, DVFFP Tsam. They are also prepared to take orders for Clothing, which they guaruntee to muke m latest styles and fashion, and as they are under the superintendence ot experienced cuttors, t vina e as d smaa se nc ds i WARLRANTED To FLT Y Ww Whecler & Wilson‘s New ‘Button hole Attachment for their MM Machines is now ready, It is the greatest. invention of the day 1863 * Embroidering Attachments, And other latest improvements, etc. TIHE HOWE MACHINES are WORLDeRENOWNERD for doing the Handsome:st and most durable work on Leather. For Harness Makers, Carriage Trimmers, Boot and Shoc Makers, &c They are the best Shuttle Machine in the World for Tailors‘ use; Spools, Cotton and Silk, Oil, Needles, etc., ctc., constantly on hand. seul moCa aurar mumwr Amneul a% elllll s shisclcl Importers of Dry Goods. DESI[&UU! OF RETAINING AND DEsERVING Tur uBErAaL PATRONAGE y hitherto nccorded them by the public of the« CAPTITAL," beg to intimate they have lately added some new and improved machinery to their manufacturing department, and are now enabled to offer extra inducements for the manufacture of all kinds of articles imade from Sheet Metais, shch as TIN PLATES, Galvanized, Ecglish and Russia SHEET IRON, L‘UPI’EIL‘&e.,w.j are prepared to take orders for the manufacture of all kinds of MILITARY STOREKS, is the above line, sach as CANâ€" TREENS, SOUP KETTLES, CAMP K LES, DibH PANS, &¢., &0. Also "CAPITAL‘‘ STOVE DEPOT : | > COAPITAL‘ TINWARE DEPOT : "GCAPITAL‘‘ HOUSEFURNISHING DEPOT! Is AT NO. 35, SUSSEXâ€"STREET. Water Coolers !â€" Water Coolers _ Water Cookers ! Water Filters I Water Filters | __._ Water Filters We would ’mrï¬culnrly draw attention to our Water Filters and Covlers, by which all impurities are taken away from the water. ‘They are constructed on undoubted scientific principles, being simple in their operation, and not liable to lrtu.t of order. ‘The filtering substance is the same as nsed by the best W ater Works Companies in England, and recommended by the medical faculty as the best kaown combination ‘bf ingredients for r-uwv‘l':f all foreign matter, and making the water pure, #parkling and healthy, We make different sizes styles, s0 as to bring thom titflu the rou.g“uf all. No family should be without one, especially where there are children. AMill Lamps Plunge Baths, Sponge Baths, Hip Baths, Sits Baths, Foot Baths, Children‘s and Infant‘s Baths, various sizes. ‘TOILET SEITS painted in new and beautiful Msu. 1RON BEDSTEADSâ€"ILRON BEKpâ€" STEADS#â€"double and single. REFRIGERATORS and ICh CHEST3; also" Torry‘s" Arctic lee Cream Freezer, warranted to freeze the cream in four minutes, Jelly Moulds, Pudding Moulds, Jelly Cake Pans, Pio Plates, Melon Moulds, Brass, Tinned and Eramâ€" elled Ketties and Saucepans, Stewpans, Egg Coddlers und Slicors, Lee Cream Moulds and Freezors, Rice Moulds, Soup Turcens, Chatiing Dishes, @al Steak Dishes, Dish Covers, Round, Oval and Oblong Tea and Coffee Urus, Soup Ladles, Toast Forks and Racks, Wire Vegetable Boilers, Gridirons, Egg Benters, Skewers, Mincing Kuives, Paste Cutters, Cake Turners, Flesh Forks, Basting Spoons, Cullenders, Patty Pans, firavy Strainers, Nursory Lamps, &c., &¢. + â€" hey would call particular attention, ns they have now on Land every novelty of e1 ,end{-Mu]o!, that is fashionable for the season, and as tWeir stock is large and va GMPETITION. . | â€" In‘this branch we keep the best and most reliable. _ R@" Our Cooking Stoves are now the favorites.. We can always furnish any part of a Stove that is bought trom usâ€"a fact intending purchasers would do well to note, as many Stoves sold are of foreign make, and when separate lï¬uu are broken or * T 0S C RK Jn m hy bremches carafully altonded to & JOB WORK in all its branches carel atte to by compotent and experienced meehanics. All kinds o&%mlldlu‘ and steamboat W ork J!m on the ohm{ul. notico, & BIRD CAGESâ€"BIRD CAGESâ€"A variety of beautiful patterns. COAL OIL of standard quality, Cunadian aud * merican. . Lamps, Chimntes and Wicks. Inspection invited. Ottawa, March 11, 1807 ; ~; ~â€", _ _FROM FIRST OF Xxoâ€" . * 3%~ 1 ~ vember next, as the proprictor is Te about refiring from busivess, that excellent and commodious hot«l Atand, situ On the south side ot Sparksâ€"st., in the central portion of the city ot Ollawa, Io-‘ and favorably known as the British Lion Motel, toâ€" gether with the large yard, stables and out bousce thereto attached. sas! l'“)ll SALE, THAT ELIâ€" oi "_4 > gible Wrt{, benatifully % situated on the Banks of the Ottaâ€" 4 . wa, in the Township of Nepean, distant from the (2:.†of Ottawa about three miles on the mag«damized road, together with the STONE DW ELLINGâ€"HOUSE thereon erected, at present wecupied by William Thomson, Esquire, and the garden and ornamented gflfll adjoining the same, forming part of Lot No. l..h“&l Ist conâ€" cession, Ottawa front. A most desirable private residence and vacant Lots adjoining the same also for sale at reasonable prices. A lease for one, three or five years will be granted, and possession given before first of Noâ€" vember, if N1ult.d. For particulars apply on the premises to 5 RICHARD BISHOP. Ottawa, August 17, 1867. S14â€"f Oitawa, February 27, 1867 For particulars and terms apply to Jubhn ans William Thomson on the premises, or to 479y Ottawa, August 17, LE NoOwW Op-‘l"Eltl&'u A LARGE AND WELLâ€"SELECTED STOCK OF Dity GQODS, which they will sell CHIEAP FOR CASHL | TO THEIR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT ;“X&"""N’-‘s‘\’ FOLR SALE O TO LET ts\v’«'.'é'egu'-'m'm 12 AÂ¥D TNE CAPITAL CENTRE uF ATTRACTION OF THE CONFEDERATE CAPITAL, * MB :A EKA â€" &Aco: 4 s~TOV EFS. STOVHAS. STOV ISSH, BSTA BLITSHED LN TO LET, BATHS BATHS!! BATHS!!! LEWIS & PINHEY, _____ Barristers, &0,, Otteawa thl Cans Cloths and Clothing. FIT. MEH.ADOWS & TCO., "M. SPARROW & Co., August 1, 1866. AND PROVISIONS Wholesale and Retail. SPARROW‘S BUILDING, â€" . Corner of Sussex and Murray Streets Farmers‘ and Lumberers‘ Supplies, Groceries, Liquors, ©CULINARY UTENSLL®S®. NO. 560, SPARKS STREET, ANi» MANUFACTURERS OF, AND DEALERS 18 IMPORTERS AND.DEALERS I Bake Pans. _ Sugar Kettles, _ Jmicq'lluml Furnaces and Stoves ! EZE, DIAN Do., 0ADCLOTH . MEEADOWS & Co. Wheoler atd Wilsor Manufacturing. Company, Howe Maching Co., both of NewYork. Paris Exposition, 1867, THE TWO HIGHEST PREMIUMS AND ONLA BLANKETS GoOLDâ€" MEDALES There were Eightystwo Competitors. C‘:MEAXRAX & CC) G. A. WALTON, Acext, 37 Sparkeâ€"st., Ottawa. MOCCASLNS, LUCK, BAGS, LINEN, C OATS, RoyalCanadianBank | Ofliceâ€"Desbarats‘ Building, 77 Sparks 8t FOK BEWING MAaCHANES aT Theâ€" PANTS, V Es Uttawe, Aug. 28, 1867. OTTPAWA AGENCAY Do WERE AWaARDED To THE Apply to ~â€"AND N1 â€" STS TRAV ELLILNG, CoTYrONsS, STRIPED Do, _ BLUE, SHIRLS, DRAWERS, SMOCKS, SUCKS, Do Milk Pans and Strainers 55â€" UREY, TRUNKS, VALISES MLTTS, W OOLLKN Do BUCK, o. s \Very Choice and Superior. JOHN GBEEK €a they 22 pâ€"in th they mr U 62â€"y ern in DEEY 523 tf | _ We are constantly receiving suppties of ti i beantiful and delicious COFFRE, reasted â€" | Just Received from England : l ROAST HARE. | _ CURRIED po. | | * JUGGED po. | ( +. _STEWED po. | ‘ ROAST PHEASANTS, i ROAST GROUSE } ___ROAST |PARTRIDG» (â€" ALL QOQDS DELIVERED PRER by cur es ]Wc“uu any part of the City daily y ~_TEAS, * Without ï¬*‘“ the fines world."â€"London Pimes, March 16 The Puro Mountain P¢ Dy which peculiar process, he aroma is presers *\ renders it the FavoRITE WITB ALL CoPFEX pro , _ LOLNSON & CO. would especially oad: the tontion of fannibea_to their stock of | _ GUINESS & co ROW ON sSALE Wines, Spirits & Lique, BLOOD * %,ONDON STOUT. BARCLAY‘$3 LONDON PORTKR * ALL8OPS PALE ALK: BASS‘ EAST INDIA. I DoWws CELEBRATED MONTREAL ALÂ¥. DAW S SUPERIOR ucm;;tu‘z. DAW‘S CELEBRATED PORTER & srov1 UÂ¥ ALES, WINES&SPIKRI®, We have a‘most delicions W hich we are selling at 8 shillings per gailon ROBINSON & CO. _ _ THE TEA POT, OTTAW a Establishmentsâ€"Sussexr Et. and Ride» Ottawa, February 13, 1867 m cupled by Mr. i. â€" known as the Pas Dressing Saloon. Enquire of Mr Ai mises. . ‘The reason of the present leaving is, that he is about. to remov uockowm Russell House, : llir-rkl which is now bein, airdressing 3aloon in a style of «1 to none in British America. Ottawa, August 24, 1807. asteiiimwett poun, und Lite Nos. t .. the same Concession, at present in ‘the of Wi. T. Aylen, Esq For further p« apply to Jonx and Wx. Trowsox, bey» Lewis & Prxwxy, Barrister, Ottamwa. _ J¢ Oftawa, May 10, 1867 bo k: 4 _ pleasantly situated & Richmond Rond, | with "~L Conch House, and v Lot adjacent thereto, A sistern of fine water .. house. Apply to a MRS. BUNTING, Rochester Estate, or on the PFemise B\' PRIVATE BARGAIN, A LARGE firstâ€"class Frame House and Lot, 66 ##, within tea munutes‘ walk of Government # Apply o. .1 . .cc cce o liament or the Legisiatyre, tor an Act to incorpor ate certain perrons under name of * The 8t. Lawrence and Oltawa Railway Company," and to vest therein the Ottawa Presoott Railway with the lands, rights, privi ger, franchises and appor» tenances thereto belonging or appertaining, with full power‘to convert the several interests of the present proprictors thereof into stock or shares, and to open stock or shareâ€"books, and also to enâ€" wble the Company to substitute Bonds or Deben. turgs bearing interest for the several certificates of the Trustees under m certain Deed of Security, heretofore made in and upon the said Railway by ‘the proprietors thereof, or to confirm such certif. caces as Mortgage Bonds, and also to enable the suid Companyâ€"to sell or lease thesaid Railway »nd its appurtenances, and also tor power to extep the line of the said Railway, from the City «; Ottawa, in gither or both of the Provinces of Onâ€" tario and Queber, and gonerally to confer u;«» the St. Lawrence and Ottawa Railway Compan, all powers, rights and privileges necessary in â€" for the conduct, management, working _and . ency of the waid Railway and its appurteu«. either by adoption of certain of the sections o ch Railway Act, or by express provision therefor. _ â€" (itawn, September 6, 1867. $3%â€"2m soUCcHoNa. _ ng 150 Cadites MANDERIN MIKTURE DAF~ ‘This is the finest Buack Tea ever |-r-r X bs}-er runn-l; in ewail Caddies, about 14 |â€" eh, 4s Â¥4. May 8 Ottawa, September 10. FRESH ARRIV A /‘ BEWARLE OF SP URIOUS IMITATION OO Chests very choice and superior \ + ! HYSON. E_4 700 Chests Good Strong TW ANKAY 100 Chests old fashioned BREAKtA Dakins‘ Patert Silver Cyhnee 100 cames lturd mrandy. #4 _ _ MartelÂ¥s | + 150 * _ Hennessey, a 15 _ _ Unlited Vinqguels As it is DUBI IN STOUT OTICK is hereby given that appiica» tion will be made at the next Bession of Parâ€" Apply to FOR BALE OR To un DINNEKR SHERRY Threo Houses to Le:, Possession given 1st June. COFPEFEE / ROBINSUN &‘ Cu,, y THE TEA Po® PRESERVED MEATS. inported by no other firm in Can rG: Tki. CHESTS UNCOLO® JAPA N. 0! VICTORIA i. race, Richmond Rome taining eight rboms euch sebsion given May. ist TllA'l‘ FiNE i BStand on Ride TO LET KFor OR S ALE.==% ts » AT THR NE GROVE is OP I1. MeLEAN, Centre Town. OTTAV LAL 225u 3o%t t i T d