H Foreign ans nt from the Cireas besk charged thia" chewpest ng Wxlisbicic» 4RA ? aturalists and . with the " Be it is spoken Nibifou ancder & Co.‘s EPRICR 0P I wnter town , headed by in by a reams tHmtron s M Chal nrnpb-. d @xercise + Animals, and their faats, vre . COLOSsaAr mprehensive st. ve and varied latural Ristory the only ane« hant â€" t direes frou. 4 anPerayicnt AM T d compre CtK,‘s PQN 11 there multi® 41014 TUly NT T x 67 W IE CO,‘Ss \ pon Rart DAY, IONS 3 I B 4 doee Pnb Sasinh, Aiomale Mastnor, Lindgay and St. «ls, ancluding those | resumed for of the condftions of sale. | And also in the Town ot Brooke, Southampâ€" tom, Wiarion, Mardwickg, Oliphant,; Adair and Bury will be pMered at Public Auction, at the town | of Owen °& , on TUESDAY, the SIXTEENTH | JULY next, at the hour Lists of the same with of sale may be kad on application to the an Office. Toronto, or «t this office, F x k © Persons having Special) Cluimes arising frouf ocâ€" cupation and impro must artange them, supported by adoquate beforé the Agent for Indian Lands, W. R. Esquire, on or beâ€" fore the Friday preceding the Public Sale, who will attend at Owen from the Lith July to the day ot sale fir that phrp.me, from New York, Boston a tion tothe whole of the lat GARLAND, MUTCHMOR « Co THE LARGEST Indian Office, _ Ottaws, 31st May Miss May Saville, W holesale & Tullq OTTAW K June u.l : . | M Mr ) Townsend. C + _ Ataws, entitled aes The Streets“t.vl' New York, WVV o liard Room ao three Billiard Tables of which are superior sity. ~Now Bails, Cues, Thursday and Friday. Ottawa, June 10, 136 KXAMINATION FOR %. OR For the Indian Civil Se Examination The Examination will subjects over «eventsen Heads of the Pri Confedâ€"ration Metual 8, ne «abstantially the © distributed to the C ltl;p-tl‘wmq '.:nqu_m:q LO N DO N. months, as I Opening Night, W n <{miawa, June 1 "‘0 PARTIE®S A Hast ad Dailyâ€"**, rUESDAY, The regulations unyc\‘ Prepared by RICH E:T{o ]}n.fl&. ohn Tow lhnym CA U Isptax Lax8®, Savores Pooxstia ProviNCiaL Mis® Kate Is hereby: arncl1 K8 TT M And follow 1RE Now <HOWING A COMPLETE aAsSORTMENT or xOTICPE 1st wnk : AIf AU '}Arly Inspection Tnvited. ‘s Theatre.| atrraction: attraction: ‘ ihe FOLLOWIXG Pniindeipats, in addro / in Addiâ€" ï¬h«k Cc-'-:v'.fw‘ln' ms extenmded his Hil« rommedation ; he has now h marble beds, the cushions Billiard Rooms, r elasticity to any in this ko, . ‘The patronage of the « respectinily .uu,m F:.n‘n OrvicL, i», Sth June, 1867 W. SPRAGGE, Townsend, : 4 « Constance (iosvemor, CaTIONB, TKA &¢ THE CIVLL SRRVICE NDTA. P Miss Maggie Menri fortimer, . GUSTT® LAVER, MARCH 3lst, t.tu“ the Examination are thore leâ€"ned in 1863, and ill be in attendance. *IC CZ iven that on signed by me in. favor of taW®, zâ€ï¬‚. in two | j itâ€"the same having been | "I ISAAC VILLENEUVE _ | Alfred J / ioi Thomas V ng day s be open (o all British born nd undertwenty .one years March, 1868. n can proghte it on apply= icipal "Bducational TION . Sparkaâ€"street W W. McDOUGALL, * \| _ Seeretury; of Candidates | ite will be held in . E NGLAN D. | D AÂ¥Y PERSON TO date June 3rd, inst., for IN BLACK EMBROIDERY COLORED BROCHETs, raxov cnrkik, aros p® surR3, es HLACK TAFFETA. AND GROS GRAIXS S I L K S ! p FO@ BFILDee®e > l3 tacs>|Cal@UOMI@N G@TNETINGE.\ _ +1« « coppersmitns, New Wardrobe and John Townsend. W « Mmss P \ WVW ment‘of Dinner Set«..Dessert Sots, Hroak . fust Sete, Toa Sets and Toilet Rets,. of Superior M'll China, Enamelled Ware and Stone s ‘.:n.“mh':-. uuuw:nolsnlbhh . â€" appro patterns, Stone Ware of all fee . kinds, _ Flour Pots of all sizes. Tnsiuetied and mee, i« | Milk Pans. Also, a Inr? assortment oi G. Stephens, I Ware in Tubs, Pails, Bowls, Clothes Pin«, Mr. E. Norfolk, Boxes, #pice Boxes, Buttor Prints and Ladâ€" s with a large assortment of ‘Table Mate, Poor . | Mats, Dusters and Brush«:. , George Sinelair I zrsox so| COOD 40 7td 3«.â€" 9d, to 128. 6d. per Yard. the groat GARLAND, MUTCHMOR & Co. te‘ |20 sSparksâ€"st. | | information y to the Auctioneer. _ t | _ N.B.â€"â€"W offered at the same time and place Jot number 41, south side of Albertâ€"street, Centre ‘Town, immediately below the Queen‘s Printing Office. _ Also Lot No. East side of Gloucesterâ€" street, % a double lot or nearly so. ih-fl these lots will be oneâ€"third down, the rest i .ar-l instalments peying 7 per cent interest. «L 4 AMOS ROW T. » Alaving opened a regular Vuraiture W are Rooi wn always on hand }hrp variety of | alnat and Common Furniture, Toilet Glasses and Gilt Mirrors and Pictures, and a "!‘f assortment New and Second Hand Cooking Stoves, which It be sold cheap. JLower Town, on Friday, June 21, 1%47, at the howe / of 10 ofstock, ‘a. m., Lots 228 and 237, fronting on Rochestorâ€"strost, being a portion ot the old Moches» | ter rty. . Also, Lots 23S, 259,210, 211 and 212, hom:- Balsamâ€"street, 249 and 250 fronting on ! Pipeâ€"street.. These lots are well adaptod for build« ‘*.hilf high and of a ï¬Â«hl awil. They ase :‘. south of the Richmond Koad, and adjoining owned by the Hen. J. Skoad, A. J. *h,--eu and David Moore, Esqrs. The torms of payment are | of the purchase money down, the balance n | 2 edual annual instalments paying 6 per cent inâ€" werest ; 5 per cent of the purchase money will ho required on the day of sale, the remaining 20 per cent will be nt{n‘ when the conveyancing is made, |‘The title is undisputed. For plans or any Sale of Building Lots ontside of the Corpo« | ~ ration, South of the Richmond Road, | near the Rochester Property. 3 Ml. ROWKE has bt‘nn favored with instruction« | from MR. McLAUGULIN, Richmond Hoad, | to offer tor sale by Public Auction, at the Mayket, | ANNUAL PICâ€"NIC! VYVARIETY HALL | 8T. ANDREW!3 SOCIETY, \Phorsday, the 13th June, A.D., 1867, WIIIII the ment‘of Dim | OPPo8ITF THE I R0T . GRA~D , 1s=0G7 Upwards of $100 in money and valuable Cups and Medals will be given in prizes tor the National Sports ot Seatland. â€" Diploma® awarged to saccoss» tul coinpetitore Dr. J. A. (Grant, Colonet Campbell, Allan Gitmour, Keq., and E. MeQillivray, ‘:, are con= tribators to some of the most valuable prizes; the Seotch merchants of the «lty also eontribute a valuable prize. y An Excellent Brass and Quadnille \ * w Will be in sitendance. Dancing commences at 3 p. m. Swings, accommodation for Dancing and other amusements will be provided. Wefreshments at reasonable rates can . he oi> tained on the Grounds. Y @urdens open at 9 a.m. ames commedee a t Ik xlk .. ; . t.‘." ; l‘m Béats will ply at all hours between the foot of the Locks, the Quegen‘« Whart, and the Gare 5s TOVES . Tickets 25 cents duch. To be had at the * places« and from members of the Committee « By order. OrrPOsITE TJj ESMONDE BROS. R e WGeneral Agent. N.B.â€"Househoid e@vets purchased as usual at Furnmiture ! Fueniture ! D 0008 THAT WILi Cals® aPPRACT i svwe To , We @RPN at im Bellevue Gardens, Mull. |Hoyseâ€"Furnishing Hardware !| Anction Notice. Oitawa, June 6, 1867 Oitawa, June A, 1067 AUC;I‘FON SALEKS, 34, Sussexâ€"st., or OTPaA wA r*/* Ausplces of the $3 APARKSâ€"ST., Will take place on TWE FLIPTH J08SEKPIL BOY DEX most beautifal assort» aP TW® 1. P. ROBERTSON a%in ONTARIO BANK B A R B A C K CHEAP, Hon. Secretary 453td do6y * @ =| Boot DALGLISH & RUSSELL BLYTH & KERR, 1 Oltawa, Chocolate and Cocon Spices, Mustards, Essenâ€" [ ces, Syrups, Pickles, Sauces, Vinogars, and Bottled Fruits, in >yrup, Preserves, Potted Meats, Fruits, &e. Also, {’n-vi-h-nr. Sugar Cured Hams, sm& Wolled }Hams, Bacon, Butter, Cheese, Crackers, | Biscuits, Flour, Oatmeal, Ilurlo{. Peas, Rice, Laâ€" | brador Herrings, Table Codfish, Digbr. Herrings, '; Our stock is extensive and u-:ou. and every \ acticle warranted to give satiafaction. . All orders | sent or left wiil be promptly to. ( |__ AllGomds delivered on the # notiee. | Saddles. _ Saddles. Saddles CROCERY COODS Consisting of Teas, Gunpowder, Old Hyson, Young flym:l‘lgu 'l‘vnhmluh. Extra Fine Engâ€" lish Breakfrst Sonchong, Coneon ditto, Oolong, Orange Pekoe, Finest Japans. â€" Coffeessâ€"Java, J-.nlu.g.- Guayre, Mocha, Roasted and Ground on the premises. & rs«~â€"English, refined in loaves, Broken l.oammlevl White, Vellow Refined. tended t HOWES h Boot and Shoe Store. ; Al the Lease of our Premises in Sussex* street torminates this month, we infend to con fime our business to one locality, and shall remove the whote of mur Stock on the f-t,n( May next, to war Stove in * . Readyâ€"made Boots and Shoes. THE SUBRSCRIBER BEGS LEAYE to inform his numerous friends and the inâ€" habitants of the city and surrounding counâ€" lrz. that he has opened, at the above stand, whore h« is prepargd to furnish them with a upeâ€" tior artiele Uur stobk of BOOTS and SHOES, LEATHER, | su(fl’l!::)l sus'. TRX Z.\d KS, #¢., .;;.m-ll .:’ | very large and most com| ro‘punnsudnmfl mrhuynlbhu‘l- l tinwance of favors, to merit which our constant o: deavore will be a« usnal to provide the best artiel ' and selt at the lowest remunerating prices. * , . HOWE & sON. | 7 ; Remember the placeâ€"No. 10, Rideauâ€"st -n*'nrll‘- Grocery. April 27. + ° , * 420y . ‘ Ottawa, May At‘L & Pinmbers, tinas & Steam Fitters, tialyva...1od and Sheet Irou, Lead and Composition | 5-"'«?»'-.":3‘"" r;u-..o..nnm. Brack» | s and Pum; deseri togeâ€" thee with ail kinds of Steamitiing und Piimsie | Matemials, &o. 1 | RM" Public and Private Building», Conservatorâ€" ies, Vineries, Manufactories, &c,, warmed by Steam, Hot Water, or warm Air, o§ the latest and most improved prinaiples. ' Successors to Chas. Garth, Â¥%,. 23, Ridenaiues1t., Just received a cAmplete TACKLE, viz. : ?: CRICKET, Soe _ TRVNKS. o "TRUNKS TRUNKS iACTONY AND STORK, omer Rideay,and Mosgrove Streets, Oftawa City. | May 8, 1867. j #19â€"Jm * | Plain and Fancy Wicker OTTAW A Music :md Faney Store. Lhe Custdie Department,will.receive his orqlnl ontion." .Orders seom Lumberers promntly atâ€" May 31 Â¥xra Relined Lard, Yo. ) Lard, Weiied Lingeed Oil, And all kinds «f Colors, including Artisat‘« Tube Paints. For »ale at the â€" + Market PDrug Mtore. RE NOW IN RECEKIPT or TuEIR now and varied assortment of , HARNESS. HARNESS.: â€" HARNESS. “l‘ Na Rods, 'II.Q' * Bait, Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, MACHINERY OILS. lupll'l(‘ Mu‘ilfznl of the alhove just received. PAPIER MACHIE GOODS. Iv rweay SNLF. ORME & SON, _ \T THE CAPITAL May 23, 1s6? and §J Stoe Ste! 17 14 Mo , â€"ALSOâ€" Importers and Dgasters in Heavy Engine, â€lz-!m- Luabricating Paints and Oils. Valglish & Russell, CROogqLET, 10. Rideaust. Raw Linszed Oil, to the Market â€i‘fly‘ Nlo 0 Pale .'iqd. Bell Mangers. &¢. | STANTLY ON MANDâ€" 1INWILNG Bs YORK STREET Flies, Landing Net#, Trolli Srnu. l.tml‘l:: ote, ov 4 GEORGE MUPRPIN . 120â€"y Wellington & Kentâ€"sts. 3 my *‘ BORBRIDGES| C‘UNNINGHAM & LINDSAY‘S, . ind ARCHERY. selection of FINHING White Lead, epind on 30 SPARKSâ€"ST. f »se« PRACPTIC AL WATCH A ND C100 K MAKER®,! Fly Books. 116y THHE OTTAWA TimBHs JUNE 11, i867. â€"st. â€"| Watcher, Clocks anddewoblléry of egiory description caret yHy YOUNC & RADFORD, f To our extens«ive‘premises, which ft all times 'llw found 1 with all the latest novelties. | Our Stock of CARPETS and FLOOR OIL CLOTHS will the lum in Western Canada, comprising Axminster, Velvet, Ernssels, Tapestry, 2 Ply and 3 Ply ; Dutch, ch and Hemp. .Also, Rug«, Mat«, Cocon Matting, sprd a complete assortment of Houseâ€"furnishings. . , f Will be found large and well assorted | OTTAW A, MAY 23, 1867. PyiuE sUBSCRIBERI® ANK 1X RECEKEIPT or PORTYâ€"TWO PACKAGES a l w;l-")oï¬ ?â€"I’v-\"i.‘;;;:;;m.v\;‘]“r'; and Johp Buit British Markets, â€" Oa)l and see our prices. . 450 dos. Joivins (u-“.;l‘ Duchesse Jxid Gloves, worth 10 Black Glace Gro G Silk, from 3« 94. 250 Bnuo. Rich, Fanty edding Eilks, from 7 1000 r‘. Rich Dress Goods, from 6d. e 1000 Assorted Shawls, from 3s 9d to 5505. * 1000 doz, Ilohwu good, and very fhoap. 500 ps. Prints, ,a&an.fnnu.a } 400 "« Heavy Grey Cotton, from 74. 10 Cases Straw Goods at fearlally low prices. We have added a «plendid * ic im n oi ie s t cnih n ons * _ o eienmalietins) | Masonic hbloWdâ€"J ewels, Gold and Silver Medals, Clasps, &¢., W. C, CLARK. OFESKOR of M Tencher . of l Organ, Piano, YVoice m Also Mre. Ciark, Teacher of Drawing and Painting. Music Rooms and Residence, 69 Spark«â€"st.. adâ€" joining Desbarats‘ Rlack. May 4. e f hy 150 dos. Juivins (medual) Duchesse K1d Gloves, worth 51. 744 ; our price iJs #4 FPianoâ€"t orte and Organ instruction Mac [Av. REMOVED To THEK SHISHOP‘® NEW Bt ILDING, SUSSEX»â€"ST,, NEAR the Cathedral, where their Stock 0f iJ y y * 1 s Dry Goods. Millinery, Mantles, Cloths. "~GRANT & HENDERSO N June 8, 1867 OTTAW A, May 30, 1867. Ottawa, May 15, 1867 MANUFACTURING JEWELLERS, / to 0 MIL L LK EBEX BROQG M er, and old Jc:li l_) reâ€"soit in Yio latest styles of fashion. _ Always ou hand (Chaice Assort Gold ilver Watches, Chains and Jewelloery, FleetPoâ€"Platest Ware and Fancy Goods. ~ T Natet for Nale. PS TABLISEHED, 1838. The Subscribers have just opened 5 Bales GREY and WHITE COTTONS and PRINTS, which were lmp«_qlï¬ Lby their Agent during the recent grcat anic in. the Cotton Market in Manchester, and will aflee them at such ptices as hare unt been known in Uttaria for acseral yoars. ° ‘ s yas* Please coll, ond se the ealue, _ * MAGEE & o RUSSELL. One Price and Quick Sales LVERYTHINXG REQUISITE FoR THE ABOVE SPORT SHEFFIELD HOUSE ! Watches, Clocks, Jewehen, EBloctroâ€"Plated Ware Kepairing Departmont NEW Ew N EW NEW NE W DRY GOODSâ€" PREMISES. JB Particalat atiention cpaid ‘to the Manufacturing and CRICKET.._CROQUET, CHEAP â€"‘COTTOXNs. HISHING TACKLE, ‘CARPETS, &eo.. rAxoY Goopsms, wIn®srP ARRLVAL ‘PITE DEMI SKIR‘C,. †"MILLAK I8 NOW MANUFACTURKING THESE ® fashionable Skirts in all the above sizes to order. Also the much admired ©Qraxre" Skirt, in all widths of Tape, (white and coloured.) * BLACK SILEKS, LaCB SHAwWLS. _ } 4â€"4 AND 6â€"4 BAREGES CHA&TLLIS. | > ‘eaâ€" GRENADLINES, X MUSLINS, D{Eï¬-‘\i aGoops, s ¢ K: + ~On ‘hahd about 500 doron readyâ€"madeSkirts, every #ize and tyle, at prices (Idylllf competition. Altoring and repairing done on the shortest notice. 4034 City Hoop Skirt Factory. 44%, flpnl'k'-ul . Contre Town. Taylor‘s â€"â€" Latest Novelty. GRANT & HEXDERxO\ . 2..2+â€"â€"2. Yards KHound THOS.:. & W. HUNTON. | _R a fow Gentiomen with Board for the summer m the BeonCnc The fivove is pleasontty stnaid, ouse 1y sitn and the rooms comforta bly hmm. y sunnted 4 ‘ * J, GARROW, 195b On the promises. TII' SUBSCRIBER Is PREPARED BoARDERS m the hoars‘ latoly ‘oovapied by Te Soros: streer of queen ind Retoalo Sts. Apply on the premises to idenuest. Ottaws, May 18, 1867, Board in the Country hought »ince the great fall in price in the THOs. « W. NUNJFON. =@ + 8 t : 7. i. 112| § &A e. leaned, Reraneo and W arnasTF tidy 195y BER 1sS PREPARED imment, day, and transient | ! house lately ooard | er of Queen and ‘“"ZJ the same Conc 455â€"y W . 442( | and Dwelling on w.m.wm-u’mf« j worthy the Altonfion of â€"Intending purcharers, a1/dl / _ "1000 16 No t l â€"â€"4. P l Tt z== [ c io ie alaren ce Eparkt | volepUrabbe RRTLES WILL BB CIVES «o ® â€" 2 ) Wt . 2 4 . a x : ," + E‘:t-nallod Atable. * Rent -{odorflr: Apply to t For further parpiculars q?ly to Of every de scnption :. | 11. MeLEAN, | _ war Cprug £sq., 10Es, RAKE®, c \| o MR. HUGH no's!gdi"""" ; Telegraph uumhg‘:)‘u.nén 8 Or to MH. i NS, © L DR, » s f s it . ;. Soag Wollingionâ€"st. _ | Utnwa, heb, 22, 1866, ( seu _ .. . ; _ »L0r 1x®s, â€" $ P en menimnittes dront nnemeeminih ces dn ]- p nd 1 nte ' SPADES, SHOVEL® \viorortaA HotEL_to per,| F arm,and_ City Lots: . .. e n o ns } 4 z1 _ 3 i+ § es * P en (fyâ€"00| _ ~ FOR SALIL. Carpenters‘ and Joiners‘ Tools ~~~~ _ Ottawa, Feb. 10, 1866. | Aprit 19 Oun the North side of Rideauâ€"street, â€" . | C‘ TR | COI‘I‘A!I’I!G Seven Rooms and a Kite | â€"~~ | chen each. Possession given on the Ist or | April, if required._ Rent moderate. C l' + a $ > 'fply R. H. MeGREEVY. > Or to _ 1. N‘CONNOR, & | Ottawa, February 131867 wA 7\ 8 H j> TO LE ts :: ‘0 | E,fl" with back store, April 10 April 10. POI'I‘ WINE, finest quality, In Wood and Bottle, â€" it the India Warchous, / Gulliing » BLOWNE & HARD\ April 10 April 10 April 10 , could not fail to be made to pay.~ * Lt So. 3, Bouth side Patrick streot, Ottawa It is built on the most modern style of architocâ€" | with a house sontaining four tenemonts. ture, of cut stone ; has large lass windows, . Lot N« 18, South Boteler stroet. | and is four stories high, exclusive of the basement. , Apply at the Law Office of | It is finely situated on the corner of Wellington and LEES & GEMMELL ‘ O‘Comnorâ€"stroets, immediately opporite the Parliaâ€" Court House, Ottawa ! -uu. ..mmnnild:“ hbu :hlv‘oo vuilnbl;um“hfl. Quawn, Jqpuary _ }867, TY so that ings bould be enlar; to any reâ€" eg Nee omm coman in m > quired es&uuy. h FPFOERER SALE.: \ _ __ Appifeations, m-ld; to be addressed to i1 HAT VALUABLE PRoâ€" i rRaxoms CLEmow, Esq., * is \pur k OHN <A4 perty known as T. M. Blas Or JOHN MENEY, Eaq., dell‘s Homhestead, contai ce 4 Righmond Road, Ottawa, C€. W. 8 mm P yedoug on i ie .l.l.‘:‘."“ t April 10 April 10 Ai-nl 10 April April 10 April 10. BR TL BYs: > 1. s . 44e oo en cnercatih o T&E®T AMBER sYRUP, April 10. April 10. API’“_ 10 Aprli 10 May 11 THREE NEW HOoUSEs INDIA WAREKOUSE, Yet do Ottawa, March 114 garden and ornamented (cn. idjoining the same, forming part of Lot No. 29, i:‘!bo l:f cou» ceksion, Ottaww front. A most desirable private residence and vacant Lots adjoining the rame al«» for sale at reasonable prices. For particulars .ldphl-l applyâ€" to Juhn ans William Thomson on the premrses, or t ; LEWIS & PLNUEY, â€" Barristers, &6., Ottaw a. Ottawa, February 27, 1867. ALSO, 23 ACKRES OF LAxp. * In the Towaship of Gloucester, situated about half a mile from lu‘r Bridge. , This land can be sold en ,lloe:fl:.l& 5 acres. ‘or P p‘lflflhll. to : i * FRANCIS af!:wv. ESQ., i FO‘ BALE.â€"Lots 9 and 10 Bouth Bide Sparks Street, nearly osyudu the lot on wnich the new Bank of Montreal is to be erected, within five minutes‘ walk of the other Banks. Lots 9 and 10 on north aide of Queen Streot in rear of the above. ; [“I,Efl'r oLpP RYE WIHISKEY, * 4t the India Warehouse, NROSSE & BLACKWELL*S RED AND / Black COnrrants, Jams and Jellics, It the: India Warchouse, * BROWNE & HARDY 7 tast«Rolled Bacon. A choice supply of the above can “"G.'" be had It the India WorMkousec, _ ; BROWNE & HAKDY. . 1UINKSS*s DUBLIN _ TER, HERRY WINE, various brand OHN BELL BITTERS, t It the India Warehouse,\| o BROWNE & WARDY TOUGHTON BITTER®, f 4 the India Whrchous, BROWNE & HARDY CIUEDAM SCHNAPPS, | At the India Worchouse, & BROWNE & MAKLDY UGARâ€"«CURED HAM®, ‘A ND BHEA K+ INE OLD CHERRY BRANXDi, RANDY, HENNESSEY aud other Brands, _ In Wood and Bottle, ~__ . _ 1867. oo Ts OLD TOM GIN, KRNARD‘® GINGER :’ll’lï¬. | ' At the Indial Wearehoure, 4 BROWNE & HARPY, AMSAY»% _ PORT KELLEN 4siAYV WillISKEY, ? 3 008EBER R Y J A M,8 TR A W BEERI V Jam,Raspberry Jam,Green Gage Jam, 1t the‘ India Warehouse, BROWNE a HARDY. E KUYPER8 HOLLAND GIN. In Wond and Bottle, * 1BBERT*»$ LOXDON sToUr roie TRR, _ e RK AND FLOUR Constantly on hand, o j 4t the India Warchouse, |, BROWNE & HARDY: 10. â€"A05t No. 16, Rideauâ€"Street, FO SALE OBR TO LET. In Wood and Bottle, Three Houges to Let, â€"_ _ T,( en the eve of" Confederation, and Ottawe | _ W 4 of Lot 23, in 3rd Concession, 0. F. Gleace» finitely settied upon as its capital, 1u':.,:t ‘l‘ arm uf.l ‘o«l.““'lud.w of tbout“ 120 moresâ€" Ts d i The Victoria Hote!l ' :nd mjcv.ic.provmw.'r 7. mm Â¥ to Fgrnum-ruz WEST» oneâ€"third of Lot No. 27, in m&.uuh. guvu.hdh'o- pean, and Lots ht 26 and 28,.ip session, at present in the oceupation sHOP AND DW TO LET.â€"That commo« 4t the India Warchouse, : â€"â€" BROWNE & HATRDY sersion given May 1st At the India War 4t he Imig; l!'ry'ehpugg y W h o d e 4t the India Warchouss, 4 the India« Warchouse, ' BROWNE & HARDY 4t the 4 It the India_ Warchonse, BROWNF & HAT, 4t the 4t the India Waschouse, NOVICTORIA TER» race, Richmond Road, conâ€" ing eight rooms each. Poyâ€" TO LET. BROWNE & HARDY BROW NCE BROWNE & WARDY BROWNE & HARDY BROWNE & HARDY nd ie _ W GWNE sTOUT POR® NPE Aâ€"HARD\ MRS. LAUDER â€"â€" 357H Barrister, & Woyehoise? eruÂ¥ * REIPICTU'ULLI’ announces that he OAY , ESQ., is now mlluuh deliwer 1CE to all requirâ€" Oity of Ottawa. ilï¬:uhcidur y the week, month or season. 46â€"utf vhï¬th contract for ::lplym‘t‘.no Parliaâ€" â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" . ment Buildings, the Ico 1 offer to the public has« ‘THE WEST» , been carefully picked. of Lot No.27,in | Pricz.â€"10 ibe. per day, per season, $6.00. tawa, Front Neâ€" _ $AM"Hotelâ€"keepers, Steambosts, and others rc. 1. Lindsay‘ archows & HADY 1867. & WARDY T9L | Establisfied by James Bromgh & Co. | * Kochente | Ortawa, May 10,1867 * 2y A NKAT and Comfortable o Cottage containing four rooms t and a Kitehen, . with good Garden | lot atuached, on Parry â€"street, west | side of the creek, For particulars apply to MR. | JOHN CONWAY, two doors west. 455 May 31 t -.»\rï¬;ulm:ivlims ï¬o?‘o;g};up Po;f; 1 rooms; a Flat | 3 oTT “i A of 5 ; and a suite 6/ otographlc apartments, &0., | s e #he 4 'go.,'),-_ To see which enquire 5; the tenant, | Establishmentsâ€"Bussex St. and Ridean 8: therein. And for terms, &.,W-I( sr uerrerts | _Ottews, September 10. 224 / MR. Joén\;u.\lf.\l'ld_\'. Yin®)" Village, County ! ppmenpmenepiemencmmememnenemnemmesmemnyeiimmmmmmmmmannzess» | I omr wa, C. E. * l on 1 is Â¥:â€" s yA ! ~Ottawa, March #. || > sissm â€" / Prenare for MAmmme Work The proprictor has no c to sell a past of the farg, with or 'iaontullm, o. house. mp:‘uM he a desirable country residence. Title good. Apply in LZT 3 S P0 e 4 .3 THE â€" commodious Stonc > house and premises on Dalyâ€"st., _ with Garden, &c., (highly cultiva **â€"ted), formerly oc«ll)h-l hy the {pfe "herif Fraser. . Immediate possession minutes®‘ drive from the city. A farm of excelient , land, oonuinin'i About 20 aeres, with a large Stong ! House erected thereon.. * Ottawa, May 28 DESIRABLE NEW STORE AND DWELLING 8 O LIYE. . I’o.lfllï¬ld))' wGIVEN 1M» wyy" & modiately, _A new Brick &B-ild&u on Besserer Street, Sandy Mill, near the residence of Hon Malcolm Cameron. ‘This building contains Sever Bedâ€"rooms, and is furnished with all modern imâ€" provements, Cmet ralinen, 0 %, BEAUTIFULLY FINISH+ Are ED and arranged for either Dry Gioods or «Giroceries, with large cel~ Clarage and buck store, on tï¬: #ore nor of Dukest and Idol Laneâ€"the‘ main strect leading to Lower Canada, and (in. the tarimodiate vicinity of the large milling establishments at the Chaudiere: | Thisis one of the Beet businers stands in the city. None but a firstâ€"class business man need apply. â€" Posssssion given immediately. * 4 4. It., (°OONNOR. May 10. | €luf Lot adjacént theret house. Apply to « May 10 Y PRIVATE BARGAINA, A LARGE | 6 & ehil ‘ Bfl:i firstâ€"clase Frame llu;ln and Lot, 66 w 99, l fhick we wie ""'.".‘:~ tm yer welb‘s within tea minutes‘ walk of Government Buildings. rvre ©\, & : Apply to cce rgrens ndufn 4 GUINESS & Ou. > * | kept on hand A large Two storey Wooden lhiliinf.m the cor ner of llurnL:uut-, This House is lined with Brick, furnis with double doors and windows and Venetian Blinds. Whereis alarge Kitchen and Shed attached, with hnr; Ftables and other Buildings in the yard.. This House is well adaptee for a Store, Hotel, Boarding Houpe, or private resiâ€" dence. 4 Ottawa, Feoruary 10, 1866 mws (the capital of B. N. A.,) that elegant Stone Buildinï¬. «(Store, Dwelling, &¢., &¢., &e,) nccupied by Mr; King, &c. And adjoining it is TO SELL OR LET, h (‘,I'F Y : PROPERTY n Tags HAT VALUABLE PRO»« . a is Tpny known as T. M. Blasâ€" L E r dell‘s Homestead, containing aboct s oc EC ‘I‘wo Acres, beautifally situated on «he uttawa River, being Lot Oune, Northside Welâ€" | lington Street, City of Ottawa, with the Dwelling A. lnrlm(h'flhw thereon. will be J wnly o . td Sta 'l\lll'.' FOLLOWING VALUABLE PRO . perty is offered for sale «t private contracs on terms very fayorable to the purchaser : _ [N T worthy the atiention of intending purchasers, and be sold CHEAP. ; .\'nlsrvmxu.ï¬m WILL BB GIvES lor t\ 4 to For tu râ€M?!l‘w.’rm i8 ° THEODORE FRIEDRICK, Proprictor. CENTRAL + HAsSRSSCADBTING, A lmiml C EeE .n"l:& Gas ud‘s«n:.:au;:. fl.’lu.:‘..m Bank 5t., Ottawa, a #mithing done in the e of workâ€" / $s ad , sn eorilp. Everyihing. sonnecied" k tee wete Adg ATYX rn‘znr‘Aâ€n.mp To :A.\l FACTUER 6 * l(':l‘;! » 1 _Â¥ UH Io#:l M JAMES XAXH, Mantfacturer of Pickliecs: Sauces. & «Pm a Snvans Puppizlits on pveranty desit with i atnee Toh M ‘ar. s. Rerrietth Butcher, Wellington Market, or at Mr. attention May, 21 May 8 WKLMNXGTONâ€"STREET. UPPER Tow N For farthe parthhn ..F‘I’ t’;m Ottawa â€" â€"Brass Foundry, l WILLILAMâ€"STREET, FoR sALE or To LET._ _/ FRESH ARRIV A1L, (Next Door to the Toa Pot, Ridorsâ€"sreo,) HRASS*C A 8 TANG, Possesston given Ist June. )TS & HOUSES. 94 Dwellings to Let. 1E TOWNSHIP OF NEPEAN Hote!, Vork Street, will i COUNTRY RESIDENCE | PORSALE.â€"Boautifully sitvatedon | th Mu:uunl-i;wod between Ot â€" e tgi’a City and Aylmer, about 26 | ALSO 35 ACRES OF LAND , 186 YORKKâ€"8T., OTTAWA TOâ€"â€"LET. MIS. BUNTING, whester Estate, or on the Promisus Apply TCO‘ LET. l)lsll‘. GROVE . MOUSEK, pleasantly #ituated on the Kichinond Road, with Stables, Conch THouse, Garden and vacant KFor Sale. LN Dikeâ€"streot, Chaudiere, Oltaâ€" | CON@I8TING of To FPOR SALXE, REV. J. JOUINSTOD, ‘Bull Villag A cisterniof fine water in the LEWIS & PINHEY, Barrigters, &¢., Ottawa KENNEDY & BUCK® IAS. BROUGH 11 MeLEAN, L. IP. OHANLY. b*,. Sandy Hill t 4bâ€"utf > Centre Town 4200f 430â€"4f N6 m cce 440â€"t1 453â€"3m _ ROUCHON@. 5 | * 150 Caddies MANDELIN MIXTURE) _ f This l:‘hhut l‘}x.:‘l:‘ }‘n ov:‘r mrm | ; in emall Caddies, aboni 4 1 Un maeag _‘ * : [ ALES. WINES& SPIRIT : (M‘a hare a inost delicions Jdust Received from England : . ROAST HARE. | _ CURRIED .DO. _ i JTGGED po! 1 ( _ ®TEWED po. ("l * ROAST PHEASAXTs, _ | ; * _ ROAST GROUSK. o f ROAST PARTEHIDsL | _ ALL G00D8 DELLVERED FREE by on, ow» I W aggons to any part of the City daity ‘Prepare for Spring Work. AT THE S1GN OF THE @ F"* SALE. * N PORK, MESS and PRIME MF== | Very |_ * Without exception the fines world."â€"London K-, March 16. By which peculiar process, the szuma«r preserse whd renders it the ravaztt: s®emft an Cols ns mank Fas | We are constantly receiving supplies ot this truy [beautiful .and delicious COFFEE, rowend dbig o our premise by .. . A4 |â€" MUOBINSON & 00. would expecially eall Ja jention of familhie® to their «toek of | The Pure Mountain Berryv Wines, Spirits & Liquors BLGODS LOXDON STOUT. . BALCLAY‘S 1£.0NDOX PrORTHR ALLSOPS PALE ALK. BAS8SY EAST JNDIA. â€" DOWSs CELEBRATED oX TREAL iLs+ DAW S SUPERIOR LACHINE aLEtE DAW‘S CELEBRATER PORTER & spoq EEWAKL OV NPURIOUS IMITATAUN ®. #4*" A« it is imported by no other firm in Cana i ROW oN SALE *‘ DUBI IN STOUT | Nalls, Spikes, Camp Ketiles, Creular and Croes ¢ut Saws, hamps, Olls, Glaes, Puity, &o.. l k take took uu&ï¬h the Russe Hlouse, © M&.t A MTNK CAP, will ablige by ve turning e. . Ottawa, FPebruary 23 1%67. "Whbst 1 A MHAUSSKE | has removed: c.: tine & * Times® ‘tlï¬ Bparkeâ€"#t., where be vfllunn:;:mul the latest E 'l.. tod States, Canadian poriodicals an/l papers ï¬.‘l’“l w * _ Time:" Building, Spark es A-dbapu‘l:‘d::mumunn * continuanc6 W #o libern best nwe 4 on him before. « (ttawa, Beptember 15 > ... *hiy (Kawa, April 1 9 € GENTL AK WLHO B = l.“tllkotut nuy'gg! the Russe . l}u:" Ortawa, March 14 May 17 L EN D IN G LI1BR A R Y Agricultural Implements CARDENâ€"TOOLS j uÂ¥ysox. j 100 Chests Qood Strong TW ANKA\ 100 Cbests old faxhioned .BREAKFA~i 500 Chests very choice and superior DL N Dakins‘ Patent &lver Cylndet RideauSBtreet, 100 cuses Otard Brund; . FLOUR and OATMEAL, # HIGBWINES and WHISK#\ ALES and PORTER, ANCHORS and No. 1, CEDAR .nmx.:“ 154 ROBINSON‘& CO.. y THE TEA POT,. ] OTTAWK A Carringes, Sleighs, &c. TEA S, pat" VALL AND 1N8PECT. THOMAS BIRKETT, COFFEE | ROBINSUN & CO,, PRESERVED : MEATS J. SMITEI, VYEW AND IMPROYEi NOTICE, iN GfraT va®ihry CHESTS UNCOLOREKL JAPAX. <*» THE TEA POT, oT AW a United Vinguets CaN Mb Mab uccersor to James Btarke 408y aAT ME and . Superier FACTORY N» 24