Glerk: tib he bie he will be C B us will h# to wll fire 10 of the City of Otta wa, hereby.onarts as followss . . A. That in additien to t se of Su ent created by the said By â€"ldw, there shallâ€"also created and established the flce of Assigtant perintendent. ~ 2. That the Assistant Superintendent shall, the absence of the Superintendent, perform all datios, and have.all the powers dn io-}» the same are described in said Byâ€"law 232, and the appointment and removal of the‘sa Assistant Ruperintendent shall be uhflu to ‘same conditiins as those provided in said Byâ€" regarding the office of Suporintendent. _ .. > 3. That whon the n?viflcm is present c the cecasion of any fire, the Assistant Supgrintend ent shall teseive and obey: the imud l Nuperintendent and.act as his aid and assistant i the direction of the Fire Brigade ; and at all in the ordinary routine of M’. the said Superintendent shall aid and assist the Suporinâ€" temdent as directed by the said Superintendent. | | 4. numw.ryamnumn’:-p w shail be ie hundrad dot/ar« perannam. 8| ‘ 3. That JohnLangford be, and he is heroby® ap| i. FPhat in hewof prentiums the sum of ore Auaâ€" dred ayd bity doliers pet annum shall be paid to each City Fire Company, in addition to nvlud- lowances under cl¢use No. 8 of Byâ€"law No 232, wad one Aundred doll«~s ppot annum to cach hoak and ladder company. . 8. That all s'!o-um- for drawing engines and hook and ladder apparatus to fires are herebyâ€" alowed, and the enactment» \in relation the contained in Byâ€"law No. 232 are hereby Â¥. mun.uonmhsmuuom the sum of seveatyâ€"/ire doller« shall be to Chaudiere and OttawaFire Co-rnhn and the sum of jifty do/or« shall be.paid to cach the other fire n-p‘c:'iu. ::-l to uel.‘l?l†ladder con y, to 0 w ro-:;‘:.s hook and ra«uor‘!"uuuh rom »% 1 8 | *J0. That the fees and premiums provided lrl.'?.‘o. 232, for the viast and szcox» = gobs of water arriving at any fire, are abolished, and the enactments of Byâ€"law No. in that regard are heroby ropealod. ~â€", _ inted intendent of ::‘ Puls;:'nu is also, i «d Astistant Suporintendent ‘:."‘!;:.n llr'i\:"uimn anid unct-hhb:l‘::-a a 2 fixing anting promiuns wad secand miniz ln:..u-l for the frst artival of a hook and:ladder carriage, are hereby reâ€" 11. That in liew of, said premizms the sum of ONEWUNDREED DOLLAR® is Nub“wcfl. to N"mdumflmlol the Fite hpvl.:: ent. for rewards to zh arrive first at fire with a supply of water, the same to be r aed expended as the Suporintendent shall decide, . | pealed 12. mmam‘ '| “._s .wih »di width to t :\'."'...'Z.‘I!..,.'T.'&'.'.':n..'.»".u.. oe-o’.’: Tewaehadiguis i. ==treâ€".. 2200 330001 12000000 0 uSA 13. That all provisions of said Byâ€"law No. and other 1!&.- of this Corporatnio®, 1 to or imm 'ilh‘tl:.‘rovuhu of this law, are y repealod declared void. G:rex ander the Cpu;nnn Seal of the Cityiof onmlo wenyâ€"ninth day of A A. D. % a E ‘v WEREAS it is desivable to Byâ€"law No. 232, therefore the Curn: wil m e o d o s t PE By.Lmw No Cortiied, Wy. P. LETT, City Clevk 1861 ANM SINSUN,sessscuces« «x CRpR. BOCKR®R: | BHEHEAEDeccqcomcccrsccccce." * Betels * ME ELAE He :s« ccsecccceccccccs c * FiRBLAY : | AH BE ON, «xc ccccccce exavercercs * HMbLEKRD\| «XNOW BLRD.«.........< * ~TO6EHK SASON GOUbabuccscsencesees * ONBRMARA| l‘n.:rhll'..........‘..‘.......... « Dusga®. | } 4* OR Hy ccrccceccccrcens :3 Coullp- CARDMRET.«cxcucccuusccrcc .. * BhOYDE On the opening ot navigation noâ€" tise) the steamer Ann Nimon wlg' leave Ayimer 8 day, for the U pper ouun.r&:l‘s. + m.-hnp.wmm at head of at 12:30, l-.hl, at "'3'“" Sand Point, o Bonnechere, Farroll‘s Whart, Gould‘s 'lï¬ wm lurt'ul leave Gould‘s y after asrival of Alliance tor connecting with steamer Josou Gould, and at Pembroke same evening. _ i es k ‘ _A connection is made daily with the tini Ottawa Railway nlznpulpu at 1 p.m. ; Sand Point at 1:40 p.m. ; and on trip at Sand*Point at 11:30 a.m. ; Arnprior at13:10 _ ‘The Pontice leaves Pembroke at % & m. OB 'h:ldaylul l.r.i.duy- for Des d'mllm calling at , returning on same Cays, Mm‘l Wiy P“"‘m at mé:‘. ;::-«Jm-“uu«l. vh::'l:‘v: ?:lly ab 5 a.m., arriving at Portage Oe M The -um uu’-;.« leaves m.:. w eve at 9:30 a. m., Wl?rf. r;fl-’;m W‘:t‘o.h'fhfl. Band Point, and , and onivhf‘:l head of Railâ€" way at 12:45, and connecting with Arn. Nimon, at Pontinc. . Passengers rehch Ayhmer at 430 p. m. . (~The steamer (C«/w»#Â¥ leaves Chapoau Village on ‘Monday mlur at 10 a.m., and returning leatyes Maverock same day on arrival ot passengers from n m i t L . m "_ Passengers for Des Joachims leave Ottawa etery Wn‘rnm" -"cyumo.ndho Company at Ottawa City or Aylmer» . | * .. % K. 8. CASSELS ".»~ Ottawa City, April 2 New Watches & Clocks, J | . ~ New Fancy Goods, ï¬ _ New CGold & Silver Jewellery, . New Plated Ware, _ YouNnC AND RADFORD‘S, 30, SPARKS: 8T., OTTAWA. . N. B. ~â€" Particular attention paid to repairing W atches, Clocks and Jowellery. â€" PMM"New Jewelâ€" lery made to order. <B I Special Notice. _ Messas, Youre .& Ra» would u&.n“-u. inform their friends and -'S'p-.uu that they. hate imported from London, England a frstâ€"class As« tremomicat Cloek such as are used. in all the Royal Obdervatories, and on which the. public can depend for accurate time. _ " ° ; _ k is #stoves, .r::th 1, l;li. Consisting of the following firstâ€"class steamers ll‘.".'.‘..‘.f.’:&*ï¬'»....‘""" ses , 1866â€"7. © -'F«D.o;'“!h-m.'l ‘kson. e Mlo.'byOnHl.ufluol"‘Hhm' «@ Our Father‘s Business," and « Out of Mazness," . by Guthrie. _ . Yuke THE Cgthr WA::BL.EY % % Mâ€" omhy. y, Guy ...- nering, The Pirate, Kenilworth, The Antiquaryâ€" 12 mrr volume. * * UE CHEAP COOPER‘$ NOVELS. ¢ Vols, publishedâ€"Last of the Mohicans, Water Witch, Homeward Bound, The Deerslayerâ€"15 March 30, 1867 C ’"Tl:‘..-l nw%-‘.‘ï¬- L knor‘s New ,o-‘nb.â€"“fl'h'l.‘l. Our Mutual Friend, Copâ€" *"The Frait Culturist, by n.-’r.u. : tGood Wordsâ€"Boundâ€"for 1866, « eenalwhye .:i l * if.=__ .600 Ottaws, April 4. TNION FORWARDING ANXD RAIL« AmDs, U pper Ottawia Houte. ANM SISSUN,... BMBER A L 1D)..«» 00« ALLIARC E,...... LR BW ON, .«»cceoss NNOW BLRD,.... JASOGN GOULL, POMEIAC...cicce PK}JROKA'..... CALUMET,........ That artios wishing to have the true time are invited (Signed,) NEW BOOKS. Depa CE 1 P. ESMONDE BROB:, St(}‘-('N, Lamps, ROBERT LYON, wAay comraxy. DURIE & sON 12300 Tc mabsairabah a wa, hereby, cnapt bitiem to t o said By â€"ldfe, the lished the « 9 sslstant Superint > Silperintendent, all the powers of are described in #; StoOves, Lamps, Opposite Ontame Bank, 43, Sparkeâ€"atroot JOMN DURIE & SON, 10, Sparks Streot, Opposite the Russell House. M Fivre Department, T?Io u':-ur appoint« n wl 1801 law No, m; only 7 o®, repugnan Canad of this Byâ€" l.d void. _ t ()ud' i the City of | throug day of April, qn"*[‘ dig e «210. President 419â€"4 206y w‘clock, a. m., that wellâ€"known lu--llfl uod-Mmdnnï¬ndhz a crop this yoar. It is 3 miles this ol Tesoully oconpied as & drery fatnme by J M-. ROWE has been instrue Mr. Sinclair, to ofer for sale at the HOUSE, in Ottaws, on the Tth of MA\Y ï¬mï¬â€˜ 'rn-:ï¬:hv-udenh. c ~ A. ROWE, Auctioneer. April 30 From i house in Montreal, which he will sell by ruh auction, at his Salesroom, commencing on ‘The Stook cosstaly of ’...:,‘ i tnade crombig. i = m f..... '.l:‘-. .A."vr.l:.o‘lpn' ,o huy-‘n-.-.d. .. _A wa m...."i...uo-.-.i-,..‘.u boys. Also a large number of pisces of Tweeds, : Dooâ€" skins, Cashmeres, &0., &o. ‘m‘ with a vaire l:‘y o‘l atyles of Neekâ€"ties, Gentlemen‘s Kid Cloves, 0., &e. * The sale is positive and without reserve. April 30, V aluable Farm un been favored with instructionts from the Executors of the Estate of the late GEORGE BELL, to sell by & * ARMSTRONG‘s UNION HOUSE, I OTPAW A, *- Tuesday, the 1th of May, 1867, C AT 12 0‘¢LOCK, NooX, property is very beautifully situated, being only 7 miles from Ottaws City, now the Capital of Canada, and 2 miles {rom Bell‘s Corners; the at.yaluable Fuarm Property known as part o 17 and 18 in the 2nd Consession of the Town pqllopn.h*Mych (itn wa P said to contain n and Richmond Gravel Road ranning & the property. The land is of the best quality, and about 130 acres is fenced and under cultivation. There is a good PUBLIC AVCTION Fatm House and : Out Buildings the balance in 5 ¢ by mortgage, ps The to be paid ‘a As+ ® Further part culars or had the Executors, Jas. or A. Row oronto Globe an tione per week in dailyâ€" send to this® offic Onthe property. Also » never failing creek runâ€" ning through the lot. _ | ‘ he Title is Undisputed And of payment are casy, being £1,150 the balance in 5 equal annual instalments, by mortgage, paying 4 per cent. interest. The i to be paid ‘annualily. tione per week in dailyâ€"and week till date, and D\ (+010)1})1Ms ; April JII ARRI h ately, a df Qladiolus _ Com iz m Visto: P Alber John R * Eigin S Far Bl Duncar P L L‘Adorable. ano. Fireball Sca V. ETY HALL Has removed to PRODERICK‘S â€" BLOCK, '; “, .il“.l'.t-. Divrectly opposite the Barracks. JOSEPH BOYDEN, } (General Agent, and | Commission Merchant. Cladiolus and Rannuculus. tities i1 27. GaATINBEAU M ‘| _ |VELLED ykes Gra "CflOI § of Of the Capital St call Sh . weeks this 1 ‘llo‘l'm AUCTION SALE Of the Capital Stock of the said Company, which call Sh are required to pay within two weeks this 19th April, 1867, to H. V. Noel, the Treasurer of the said Company. JOUN AYLEN, Secretary of Gatineau Macadamized nes ’* and Gravelled weâ€"pv‘-.. County of Carleton,. Amos Rowse, Auctioneer, April 26 Ottai,wa- and _ Gloucester ... Road Company. 'Noï¬cl is hereby given, that the Di« of the Ottawa and Gloucester Road Co-pu’ have this day made a further f A, ROWE, Auctioncers Further part culars or any information can be d the Executors, John Bell, W. Graham, 'Cï¬ll of Ten per Cent. of the chpital stock of the said Company, which call require the holders of such stock to pay to the at the ofice of W . M. Matheson, Esq., in the City of Ottawa, on MONDAY, the 27th "99 s TB hi o B navâ€"aots doclh c uks day of MAY next, 1867. Dated this 22d day of April, 1467 ie TE ELAE cocadt h um A- , experienced in wodld be to-nluo’ hMM“ : Thorburn, Keq, M A ; Rev F Codd, Aylmer; J A Snow, Esq, P L 3, Huil. Adâ€" dress, B A, Postâ€"ofice, Ottawa. April 27. 4202 SPRING BULBOUS ROOTS ! Fireball Scarletâ€" And 30 other varieties. A is now offered for the introâ€" and cultured Flower be, as being a consi they will be sold less Montreal . Toronto prices in quanâ€" R. ROWE HAs RECEKIVED Aa large consignment of AUCTION NOTICE. 0 ° &A C L ES a ARRIVED, and must be sold im« lintely, a choice and very large assortment Olec*-ï¬fn-l.hll wm, ulm! to 4 Albert do. John Russell Red Purple Feathor, Elgin Searlet White Feathor. Fanny Rougetâ€"large, tall, extra fine. Bloustâ€"large, tail, extra fine. Duncan Searlot. _ OTICE is hereby given, that the Di« ors of the Gatineau Macadamized and'uynvo-m- |ccount to this‘ office. 416â€"2awdâ€"wtd NOTICE OF REMOVAL ! GRADUATE of an rman, or A. Rowe. y oronto Globe and Mentreal (Gazette 2 insorâ€" Auction Notice. Un view ‘and for sale at the larket PDrug [EAU MAGADAMIZED AND GRAâ€" VELLED ROAD COMPANY. AUCTION 8SALES. oriciere Scarlet White Feather brand Light Searlet. m Vistoria Scariet Feather, Private ‘Tuition. Secretary and Treasurer, Ottawa and Gloucester Road Company MOREKE OR LENS of Ten per cent. Trava Casi oP A VRRY Yorxâ€"sthest AT A. ROW E WM. HEARN 421y 417td o TL Univer= HAVE JUST RECEIVED a LARGE STOCK OF Now Tapostry and Brussoeis Carpets. Kidderminster, Scotch and Imporial 3 ply Wool Carpets. All Wool Dutch and Union Carpets. Stair Carpots. Mattings. Hearth Rugs and Door Matse. OTTAW A, APRIL 16 GARLAND, MUTCHMOR & CO,, CARPETS & HOUSE FURNISHINGS. Two Plï¬ Union and Hemp cimetï¬ng& Cocoa Mattings, English Floor Oil Clothsâ€"â€"â€"all Widths. | Rugs. Matu. Massmocks. _ ‘Table Oil Cloths. Window Mollands. _ Bamasks. French Kips. amece Curlains. Curtain Moelders. Curtain Trimmings. Table Damasks. Damask and Cloth Table Covers. _ Table Napkins. Towellings. WNhirtings. Tickings. Brussels and â€"Tapestry Carpettings. W holesale & Retail.] . _ OTTAW A, April 16. é Organs & Melodeons E. Miles, Sole Agent for Ottawa and Vicinity. _ %@J" These Instruments have been judged by all the musical celebritics of the day as being SUPERIOR IN TONE AND MANUFACTURE! Many preferring them to the overâ€"strung Piano, the tone beisg more voluminous and mellow. A Choice “log;lon of Violins, Violin strln‘o. Flutes, Conâ€" cortinas, &c., on hand.â€"CALL AND EXAMINE,. E. MILE®, Rideaunâ€"8t., Ottawa. unaparhknt OTTAW A, Fobruary 16, 1867. Tollet Covers. Amntine HOUSE FURNISHINGS. MILLINERY BONXETS, STRAW & CRINOLINE BONXETS, NEWEST STYLES IN HaATs. CUNNINGEHAM & LIN DSA Y raNcY RIBROXs. ¢ BELT RIBBON®. M GROSGRAIN AND TAFFETTA SILKS OTTAW A, APRILL 8, 1867. To LET, IN CENXTRE TOWNX, A FUR+ mished BEDâ€"ROOM and DRESSINGâ€"ROOM, with or without board, in a private family. Butchers,. April 20. Bank St., Ottawn, A1ALELD ENJ & KE AARLAKRE® . IS AGAIN PREPARED TO MANUFACTURE | Al IMPORTED SET, SINGLE, DOV«~ all descriptions of PM. HLE and T- Carringes, Sleighs, &c. Silver Mounted Harnesses, And hopes by strict attention to business to have & | To be seen at the Stable of %dhmn“yw! M. CAMERON, on him before. _ _ w Ottawa, September 18. ENGLISH FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. _.A‘“aï¬n. €. 8. UST RECEIYVEKD FROM THE MAXNUFACTORY A COXNSIGNMENT OF THESE Furnished Apartments ! MICHAEL BOYLE & SON EKF, V Mutton and Pork always 4 band. Families mupptied at their own es MICHAEL BOYLE & SON. 1 on 414e MAGEE & RUSSELL Manufactoryâ€"YÂ¥ ongeâ€"st., Toronto. ARKE NOW SHOWINXG CROSLEY‘® NXEW PATTRRXS IX immtl-gu. Felt Carpettings. R. 8. W ILLIAMS‘ at this office. lar Instruments«, ‘They aregnow on Exhibition at my Establishment, on Inspection MKHoeven Casos .«Just Opened. No. 14, Rideauâ€"st., HAYVE TO HANXD City Moop Skirt Factory ! (GPENING DA Â¥â€"Trripay, 23rd Argit.) AVID MILLAR, of Montreal, has leased the D lwee on SPARK®â€"STREET, ""'fl ceeupled by Mr. my. oppomte the Ontaric Bank, where he will keep on hand s large asâ€" sortment of HOOP SKIKXs of .“'3". and style, and will manu« tncture any style to order. The following are among the newest styles at present worn : TiE PLASTIQUK=â€"(NXo Steel tops.) > EXHIUITION llll?â€"(l::zn-l worn by the most fashâ€" lonable in Paris and .) = THE QUAKER THRALIL. TWE ROYAL TRAIL ANXD EMPRER%â€"â€"O0r Double v Qore Skirt. BM® Clildren‘s Skirtsâ€"every size. N.B.â€"Old styles altered to the present, and repaired. 4124 FACTORY | THE OTTAWA TIMES MAY 1, 1S67. PREMIUM TCO THE LADIES. AMBER, JET, AND CRYSTAL FRINGES. TULLE, SPOTTED AXD BRUSSELLS NETS AEROPHANES AXD CRAPES. HAIR NETS, VEILS AND LACks. DRESS CAPS, FLOWERS AND FEATHERS IHOSIERY ANXD GLOVES IN ALL KINDS. Ml. GEORGE SHOULDIS; IN RKâ€" turning thanks to his friends and the public tor the liberal patronage which he has received for many years, begst o state that for the future his business will be carried on in YORK STREET, where his premises are known as the YORK STREET FANCY umr( And where every article in the trade can be tained of the best quality and at the lowest Mr. Shouldis is ready to wait on all who may favor him with their custom, and furnish them daily with such bread as they may nvln. '.!hlunuldy-rudcnbho ork Street Fancy "$ Twe Journeymen Bakers Wanted. Ottawa, December 300f Tnvited. ce @ im HARNESS FOR SALE. Furniture Chints. BE EAD. [(20 Sparksâ€"st. > <<ally _ GRANT & HENDERSON‘S BEG LEAVE To INXFORM THEIR CUSTOMERS AXD THE PUBLIC IN GENERAL that they are now prepared to show a complete stock of f To Comprise MILLINERY, MANTLES, and INFANTS‘ CLOTHES, they having secured the serâ€" vices of a f> tâ€"class Milliner and a firstâ€"olass Mantle maker, who will spare neither time nor trouble to please their customers. All are invited to give them a call at the OTTAW A, April 24. SHEFFIELD HOUSE ! E. K. MacGILLIVRAY &Co. INSURANCE COMPANY, Incorporated 1819.â€"Charter Perpetual. CASH CAPITAL, all pald up......., ...... .. .).>....+,..., .. $8,000,009.00 AS§ETS, at 1st January, 4867,...........00 00000 00........ $4,478,100,.74 ASSETS at 1st January, 1867,.. ....$4,478,100.74 This Old ana FavoritesCompany being NONâ€"TARIFE continues to insure, as HERETOFORE, at the lowest rates commensurate with the Risks lincurred, Private Dwellings, detached, their contents and Farm Property Insured for three yours at greatly Reduced Rates. h : â€" For financial strength, liberal treatment of Policy Holders, and promptness in the ,settlement of Losses, All Losses paid promptly in Canada Bankable F4 J. T. & W. PENNOCK, Agents, | * f Brar«s Steet, Orrawa. DAAA UA . Waohroenry 2% 861. 4 365â€"3m. Way* The large assets of the Company have, within the last six months, been increased by a sum exceeding $400,000 as shewn above, _ , 7 OTTAWA February 23, 186/ OITY REPRESENTATION REQUISITION . Edwd. McGillivray, Esq. SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS ! The undersigned Electors of the City of Ottawa invite you to offer yourself as a CANDIDATE FOR ITS REPRESENXTATION IN THE FIRST COMMONS OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA, and pledge themselves to your support by their votes, influence and active exerâ€" Ottawa, March 15. GENTLEMEN,â€" £ . »l I have much pleasure in accepting your requiâ€"‘ nuh..umhlvnlâ€"-uuul’ signed. From my experience in commercial transactions and long residence amongst you, it ‘would not, I trust, be conmdered presumptuous in mo to say that I have a deep interest th the welfare and advancement of this section of the country, and, lay claim to a thorough practical acquaintance with its trade, its wants, its resources, and the mode of their best development. Should I be the choice of the people I pledge myself to devote my best energies to the advanceâ€" ment of our County generally, but more especially to all that will contribute to the prosperity of our rising City, and that great staple trade so closely identified with the progress and prosperity of the Ottawa valley. â€" _ « Ottawa, March 16. AT OTTAWA, C. W. s Notice to the Business Men of Ottawa â€" and its Dependencies. 'l\lll-.dfl?c‘ U, 8, Consular Agent hflhoclt{ Ottawa, and the dependencies thereof, deems it proper t:JIn public notice to those who may require his oficial sorvices, that his office will mum&hâ€"ï¬dn‘ business hours. All uu-p:vd-mmn.d exported or intended to be exported into the United States, must be authenticated by me at this Conâ€" sular Agency, in order to facilitate its transit at the proper ports of entry. April 12. Ottawa, March 15. RARE OPPORTUNITY POR CHEAP Goovs Ottawa, April 30, 1867. New Show Room ! . S. CONSULAR ACEKCY .. REPLY, To Mon. James Skead, H. £. Bromson, Exg., THE ETNA OCCUPIES A FOREMOST POSITION. GOUDS REDUCED IN PRICE. OR SALE. PORK, MESS and PRIME MESS, FLOUR and OATMEAL, ~ _ HIGAWINES and WHISKEY, | ALES and PORTER, ANCHORS and OHALNS. A DISCOUNT ALLOW ED ON SALES OVER A DOLLAR No. 1, CEDAR SHINGLES. THEY HAVING ENLARGED THELR PREMISES, AND OPENED OUT A KEARNS & RYAN UNION BLOCKâ€"â€"â€"Cor. of Sussex and Yorkâ€"streets. JAMES SKEAD, H. F. BRONSON, â€" . HENRY MeCORMICK JOSEPH AUMOND, JAMES GOODWIN, DONALD DOW, DAVID MOORE, And othere. Watchmakers and Jewellers, ASSETS, at lst July, 1866.......... $4,075,880.55 Increased Assets in 6 months,....$ 1402,270.19 Peremptory Cheap Sale. 1 remain, OTLD ACPNA. OF HARTFORD, CONN. sSS ECONMN D WV E E K: Yours respectfully, E. MoGILLIVRAY. The Stock must be cleared out by the 31st of May P. H. MAHAR, > U. 8. Consular A 407 24, SPARKS STREET, OTTAWA 8. CHRISTIE. GRANT & HENDERSON, OF HOWES Boot and Shoe Store. Al the Lease of our Premises in Sussex« street terminates this month, we intend to conâ€" fine our business to one locality, and shall remove the whole of our Stock on the 1st of May next, to our Store in 1 a &m stock of BOOTS and SHOES, LEATHER/ SHOE FINDINGS, TRUNKS, &0., &o., will conâ€" rquently be very large and most complete in every department, and we most mrednlly solicit ® donâ€" tinuance of fawors, to merit which our constant en« deavore will be as usual to provide the best articles and sell at the lowest remunerating prices. : G. HOWE & soN. wag. Remember the placeâ€"No. 10, Rideauâ€"st., next to Howell‘s Grocery. : tle EDW ARD GRIFFIN, As Haroware Merowzan®ts,â€" under the firm of WORKMAN and GRIFFIN, was this day dissolved by mutual consent. ‘ALEXANDER WORKMAN, EDW ARD GRIFFIN. City of Ottawa, April 1, 1867 ME cnased "oe sS1OCRâ€"Inâ€"!IACG 0° IN® DURIN®NE I0F7 merly carried on in Wollln‘um-mu. in this city, by MESSRS. WORKMAN & GRIFFIN, Tlll UNDERSIGNED HAVING PUR= chased the stockâ€"inâ€"trade of the business forâ€" Would respect{fully solicit a share of the patron «o liberally bestowed on the late firm. P e* HOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the coâ€" artnorship carried on for some years past, in the ity of Ottawa, by e Tul FARM is &:uu-lly situated on the Banks of the.Ottawa River, in the.Townâ€" ship of Clarence, near the Steamboat Landing, and ufl’ahm* * Butternut Grove," the residence of G. R. J,. Fellowes, Esq., s Of Land, a of ;Rwh is under cultivation, and on which is a ient and well finished Stone Cottage and outâ€"buildings. Hawkesbury Vill Wortl 15, 1867. * _‘ INSOLVENT ACT OF 1864. ROBERT HEIFER BEDIEKGFORD, April 27. ROBERT SPOTSWOQD, A « concurrent" Writ of Attachment has issued in this cause. , _.___Wwu,. F. POWELL, Surmirr By JAS. BAILIFF, Devory Smumwr. McCAUL PAKRM. April 1. FOR SALE OR TO RENT, Hardware Merchants, Ottawa, April 12, A.D, 1867. IS8OLUTION OF COâ€"PARTNXER» SHIP. ~ Containing 200 Acres, No. 10, Rideauâ€" For particulars, apply to THAT VALUABLE PROPERTY KNOWN R E M OV A L. ALEXANDER WORKMAN NOTICE. 9 and 11 Susser Street» ALEX. WORKMAN & CO. A8 THE AND Z. 8. M. HERSEY. 4174 st. Plaintif®, 310y 414tf 398d 414b Bm\nnv. HENNESSEY and other Brands, In Wood and Bottle, =â€" _ [ _ April 10. P°"L QHERR Y WINE, various hramds, a In Wood and Bottle, i j At the. Indva Warthouse, April 10 April 10 ; 1867. Aptil 10 April 10 April 10 April 10 Apri 10 April 10 Aprit 10 April 10 April 10 April 10. Nezt door to Cunningham and |Lindsay‘s April 10, April 10. April 10 April] 10 QUO‘AR-(‘I!IID HAMS, AND BREAK« + fast«Rolled Bacon. A choice supply of the above can always be had At the India= Warehouse, April 10 April 10. INDIA WAREKHOUSE, PORK Prepare‘for Spring Work. AT THE SIGN OF THE 24 HOES, RAKES,â€" . PLOT LINE®, f SPADES, SHOVELS, &c., Carpenters‘ and Joiners‘ Tools, IN GREAT VARIETY, | . Nails, Spikes, Camp Kettles, Circular and Crossâ€" cut Saws, Lamps, Oils, Glass, Putty, &o.,â€"aLt c.m. onwecy w Pn llv-d!.ï¬- Ottawa, April 13 RoyalCanadianBank Q'l'l‘A\VA AGENCY ;. Officeâ€"Desbarats‘ Building, 77 Bparks 6t. M. P. HAYES, Ottawa, June 21. BIG RESPECTFULLY to ANNOUNCE that t::‘y have opened SEPARATE RGOMS for ladies gentliemen, for x 1UINESS‘s DUBLIN sTOUT PORâ€" X TER, HAIRCUTTING AND DRESS:NG» AT NO. 57, |, RIDEAUâ€"STREET, Opponte the Rudeas Hotel. ym All kinds of HAIRâ€"WORK, WIGS, &e., kept on hand and made to order on the shortest OHN BULL BITTERS, Agricultural Implements N. B.â€"This is the only establishment in this city where there are separate rooms for the acâ€" commodation of ladies and gentiemen. Ottawa, March 18. . | $85â€"3m TOUVGHTON BITTER®S, | At the India Warchouse, _ * BROWNE & HARDY CARDEN TOOLS Macadamized Road â€" Company. amized Road have, this day, made a call of BIX PER CENT. of the Capital Stock of the said Company, and demand and require of the CHIEDAM SCHNAPPS, ' At the India Warehouse, BROWNE & HARDY Nflflcl is hereby given, that the Di« rectors of the Ottawa and Montreal Macadâ€" amized Road Compapy have, this day, made a call kolders of.such Stock respectively to "n{'m the Treasurer of said Company, at his Office, in Ottawa, six per cent. of the amount of such Stock held by them respectively, on TUESDAY, the 21st day of MAY, 1867. Dated this 22nd day of April, 1867. INE OLD CHERRY BRANDY, L Af the India Warchouse, INEST OLD RYE WHISKEY, . At the India Warehouse, BROWNE & HARDY 00TH*S OLD TOM â€"GIN, INEST AMBER SYRUP, | At the India Warehouse, AMSAY‘s _ PORT | ELLEN ISLAY WHISKEY, f ROSSE & BLACKWELL‘S RED AND Black Currants, Jams ::: Jellies, At the India Warehouse, BROWNE & HARDY. ERNARD‘S GINGER “':,E. $ ‘ , At the India Warehouse, BROWNE & HARDY 00SEBERRY JAM,STRAWBERR Y Jam,Raspberry Jam,Green Gage Jam, i At the India Warthouse, BROWNE & HARDY. E KUYPER*S HOLLAND GIN, Jn Wood and Bottle, . |.. IBBERT‘S LONDON sTOUT POR» TER, dhat ts mtc Rideau Street, Messrs. Curtis & Mclintosh No. 16, Rideauâ€"Street, 416â€"t4 par CALL AND INSPECT. . THOMAS BIRKETT, Buccessor to James Starke WINE, finest quality, Wood and Bottle, | _ . _ At the India Warthouse, BROW NE & HARDY OTTAWA AND MONTREAL AND FLOUR f Constantly on hand, At the India Warchouse, BROWNE & HARDY. | 405tf NEW AND IMPROVED Of every description ; At the India Warchouse At the India\ Warehouse, belhctrbaetid x At the India Warhouse, BROWNE & HARDY At the India Warthouse, At the India Worghouse, At the India Wanthous At the India Wanehouse, .BROWNE & HARDY CAN BE HaD » BROWNE & HARDY BROWNE & HARDY BROWNE & MARD\Y BROWNE & HARDY BROWNE & HARD\Y BROWNE & HARDY BROWNE & HARD\Y BROWNE & HARDY BROWNE & HARDY. _ £Z, WILSON, Becretary and T*®asurer. 1867. Aoryt. 1574 _ 24 soUCHONG. 150 Caddies MANDERILN MIXTURE. | Pet~ This is the finest Buack Tra ever |-ron- ed, 5s rr .ramd} in small Caddies, about 14 1b each, 4s 94. h our premises by The Pure Mountain Berry We are constantly receiving supplies of this truly beautiful and delicious COFFEE, roosted daily on By which peculiar process, the aroma is preserved and renders it the FaVORITE WITH ALL OOPFEE DKIN NOW ON SALE * Without nux: the finest Coffee in the world."â€"London Times, March 16. Very Choice. and Superic ROBINSON & C# would espevsially call the at tention of families to their stock of f W hich wo‘m selling at 8 shiliings per gallon UUINESS & Co. BHEWARE OF SP URIOUS IMITATIOANS, #" As it is imported by no other firm in Canad Wines, Spirits & Liquors ALES, WINES&SPIRITG 100 cases Otard Brand;. 50 * Martells * BLOODS LONDON STOUT. BARCLAY‘8 LONDON PORTER.: @ ALLSOPS PALE ALKk. & BASS!EAST INDIA. °..‘ . i;, pOWs CELEBRATED MONTREAL ALk DAW S SUPERIOR LACHINE ALE. DAWS CELEBRATED PORTER & SPOUT We have a most delicions Just Received from England : ROAST HARE. CURRIED Do. JUGGED po. s % STEWED Do. « ROAST PHEASANTs, ROAST GROUSE *4 ROAST PARTRIDGR. ALL G00DS DELIVERED FRER by our own Waggons to any part of the City datty > ROBINSON & CO. a THE TEA POT, OTTAW A. Establishmentsâ€"Bussex St. and Ridean Et dence of the Hon. Malcolm Cameron. | This Buildâ€" ing contains seven Bedâ€"rooms, and is finizhed with .Ifqo‘gn improvements. A wooden Building on Conesmant ranbepr altimsnen resi * * » U ight Rooms and Kitchen, vlth,‘oo':‘ynd and separate entrance. Apply to KD E-Swiï¬:dhlm.h rooms each . Ope with a hail, good yard, stabling, a well, and }’:).fm by 66 ground for Am,:lnl:o,du waâ€"strect. Possessiop given + + H. A%OLPII P&Q@. Ottawa, April 27, 1867 road this summer is likely to adds the business there. Apply *o: _~"s April 25 For a ur;:lyocu.llu.mullh’ PLACE, residence of J. Wadsâ€" ie~ 4 worth, situate on the bank of the Rideau River, at the East end of «)ttawaâ€"street, two and aâ€"half acres of land, well laid out, and fenced into three gardens ; a \u-u@l brick Cotâ€" tage, tinâ€"roofed, and gallery all round. Extensive Wood House, Ice House, Poultry, &c.. in good order. This is one of the most commodions and healthy situations in or about the city. Also, a qumi‘tyof‘“:‘n;l‘M Furniture and stock to be disposed of. Parties purchasing or leasing will have the refusal. Possession given on the 1st of May. Terms liberal. Apply to the proprietor on the premises. JAMES W ADSWORTH. April 9 KFor Maig, LOT LETTER U, NORTH SIDE OF feet fromtage, Â¥9 Iet deep. " Will be pold whop for » e or cash, and afclear unencumbered deed given. & FRESH ARRIV AL FOR SALE OR TO LET. Ottawa, April 6 Ottawa, September 10. ____ Apply to & Ottawa, February 13, 1867. € XFgFUXFQS pisces Cedar, from 25 to 4* fmlng.mwndw i ",Mtl.ol â€"hand Buggy, for sale cheap or & 4 â€". H. ADOLPHE PINARD, Cor. of Bolton and Dalhousicâ€"sts. Oitawa, April 20, 1867. . * 70,000 April 25 HYSON. 700 Chests Good Strong TW ANKAX . ~© 100 Chests old ° fashioned BREAKFAST CHESTS UNCOLORED ,000 EZ3 500 Chests very choice and superior YOUNG Dakins‘ Patent Silver Cylinder DUBLIN STOUT ! 15 TEAS, , April 16 2x‘ . 2 COFPFEE | ROBINSUN & CO,, Three Houses to Let, PRESERVED MEATS. Possession given immediately.) t L aew Britk Bunding on Bessere:" ~~ 0' YICTORIA TERâ€" in race, Richmond Road, conâ€" Apply to To ent, «_â€"~_~~ + INX THE VILLAGE oF Chelsea, eight miles from Ottawa City, a store where for some‘ time u:k‘:.m-nl business has e of the Gatinesu "THE TEA POT, FOR SALE OR TO LET.â€"* DWELLINGS TO LET.»â€" taining x .n.’-uouh‘ Pos a | MRS. LAUDER. United Vinquebs AT THE ) LETâ€"A DWELLING on Sandy Hili. SPLIT SHINGLES, 125 THE VILLAGE oF JAMES MURPHY, * J. L. P. OHANLY, R Sandy Hill. Apply at this office. * 421â€"3 A. HWN. 41%b OTTAW A Blackem ith 418â€"b 418â€"b ably to