Ontario Community Newspapers

Ottawa Times (1865), 2 Mar 1867, p. 4

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tm mminl w n‘ Are Wwarranto No fam th ¢ DARLEX‘s Arabianr Heave R RELI! Mussc BULKHMEAD DES CHENES RAA ME CANADIAN PMX DEST?O |\ now been before the public tor no, and whenover used is well liked, n Boâ€" by Geo, Mortimer, John Roberts, W woy . H. Â¥. McCarthy, and J. 8 , in _ AÂ¥Dâ€" CQÂ¥DATION, .w.wfl # POSEITIVELY sUPERIO Ottawa, Fob fonday, the 4th of Mar Plans and Specifeations may be s se, where forms of teniler may be oh A DDRESSED To THE UX Dl-;j Will be received at this office. anllion and Gre Fhe Departmsny will not e rest or any Tendor. ie, Buck anid Head, Cougha, Colds, Sprnins, Druises, Cramps« in the « _ Cholera Morbes, Dy io But Compla‘ats, Burns, QI\L. J;ul Bites, &o J &c. Feaders must be endorsed nesday, th3; 5th Marc M“ fvr in UIUE ORIGTN AL MJ ttawa. Feb. 5, 1867 mieve = s _ uthe house. , . Me No traveiler should be without a bupply ot ~ > Brvan‘e Pulmonic Wafe h affect the Wiat Medicine, sutyuss SEALED TEXDE Sealed Tend % __â€" «in his to Brean‘s‘ Pulmance W (h *A ad‘ Tipn 1 cther propara By order lopanturent wll n r th> Constraction of TX TEX Timbor §67 AT N kÂ¥i -!-i.-'s)!;_i the name nlmnv; U®T A It= 1 first article of .the kind t Newcastle, P. W., General Agent) for C. W o . cow ; all other ericits ho genuine RY AN being stamped ESTROY ER UA. is thr p length of iked, nepor tailing «nent rpliet wheo ur known a single lireet are 2y ,all ckh';t ake dn hm{n find | nidiscasus aln.lu a Condiâ€" SHli edy, e ~== To anÂ¥ of Heaves, vo fos Dcl w 6n P3 le, yB | t‘l'u,“:b 1 nexst, ?I1DS !| M ky *‘ )A M‘ you! wl cin | A' MODERATE RaTEs 0oN FIRST»â€" e * |' * w CLASS GITY or FARM PROPERTY. Ap. btaincd. e y to 100. "n. rexxtxaros MAaACPHERSON, | . * Basmare®, &0. Ripids.‘‘| _ quame 13rd March, 1986 * *T if * hnext, anceptâ€"tha alned accapt the ville North UTES® Oy dw m at this 1GNRD 8P ARY eakers s0 280# "‘ LOTS & HOUSES. of thq current money of our said provinee, will be paid to any person or persons, not being the actual o or offenders, who will give such informaâ€" tion ag will load to the discovery, approhonsion and eonvigtion of the perpetrator or porpetratore of the o above doscribed. Is Testmmont" Wururor, we have caused s these our Letters to be male Patent, and the Great Seal of our said province of posed Stamy know being l\v VICTORLIA, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and * Mtlaind, Queen, Defender of the Fuith, 4. die., > M | " To a! w-hâ€"Mp‘u‘ “m.-\.â€" bell and ft pagt authoi Pe A l{st of the names has this day been published in thy Conate Gazte, by the Redeiyer= who i!lpnytlo_monlpmufl*finmn the ats awarded, upon compliagcerwith the requitements of the Aatll\'h-.MfM- Statutes of ‘"orc.u&. * i /6 imia Deraktwext, Ottawa, Fe 2, 1867 W hic Wooden Bridge with Swing To be built across the Rideau Canal at Long Island, on the Town Line between Gloucester and Ongopde. Pigas and lde‘h.w be seen at the Ridonu Canal Office, on and after MONDAY, the 17th INST. The lowest or any Tender will no necegsarily be accepted. Tonders to be endorsed * Tender for Bridye,‘ «ukkitundaw" .: : 1 time tor reseiving tenders for the abor Bridgo has been ertended. Contractors will be daty notified of the time, and therefore need not send in their|tenders for the ‘prosent. {N THE TOWNSHIP OF NEPEAN " C:":‘l::‘.-n: :.'A'u.t"""c"::" % mates ng* prepared ol accounts of Artificers‘ work measured .Jvnh'-d.- AUGUSTUS LAVER, . °_ Late Stent & Lower, Architects, &s., 5 _“W Buildings. Victoria Terrace, Ottawa, January 36. K sule very obu‘qdumblobv-. L O T .N 0 . 2 5, North side of York Street, Ottaw« upon which is erected a 1 house 66 = 33 feot pontaining to@r tnomcu:z:h.lu- yearly reak of £84. ® spering CITY ~PROPERTY! dRtaws, Fob. . 22, 1966, Oitawa, Deocember 19. on.lx' useful. 1. I% testimonial h w/=* Oltawa, Fobruary 19, 1867 ‘v UTHIN TWOâ€"A NDeA«HALEF MILE® of the City Limits, with A DWELLING AOUSE erected \lonu.. One half of the land is doared and woll fenced. These propertios are worthy the: _gu-_y‘uu( intending purchasers, and () m#rm To CONTRACTORS. ~TENDERS | ha sald CHEAP. nR <6 xux'l-mnu MTLES wu...l. BE GIVEN hi wu.'zuoo."m. m}vnwl CK Caxapa. «wa, December 11, 1866. *3 | Loo'rrounnu'r. AREEHQLD CITY PROPERTY FoRr the same may C0n0@fA~ For particulars, apply to [“.Il@!o DURING THE NlGHT of the cighteenth day of January, now last r thereabouts, the office of Wiltiam H. Campâ€" he Deputy Clerk of the Crown and Distribu« Law Stampy in the town of Brockville, in P the United Counties ot Leeds and Gren ville province of Canada, (the said office then in the Court Mouse of the said United Counâ€" r- clandestinely entered by some evil disâ€" person or persons, and aâ€" quantity of Law of « large value, as well as a sum of , then and there being, wore then and there usly stolon, taken and carried away : Now ho. that [ | FARMER to take ob.:!‘ of Btocok apd a small Farm, and to make himsolf gon COOLUNSNPISIZRES it WMonday, the 24th Instant, i FOR TWE CONSTHUCTION OF A . o Mundred Dollars D. OTHERS INTERESTED, ARKE otified that the Exoeutive Counsil bave DER IX COUNCGIL of Miuu-lld to Investigate and Report upon Claims for Pensions and Gratâ€" uities, on account of Volunteers Killed or Disabled by Wounds and Sjoknoss, on A¢â€" tual Service. s i 8 nmand, isions and Gratuities, have been Canada.to be hereunto aflized : Wiryzss, Our Trusty and Wellâ€"Beloved 8iz Jonx Micur, K. C. B., Administrator of the (Government of our provinee of Canada, and Lioutenant Goneral Commanding our Forces therein, &o:, &o., &o. At our Govâ€" ernment House, in our CITY of AW A, in our said province of C the EIGHTH day of FEBRUARY, in the year of our Lord, one thousand sight bunâ€" dred and wixtyâ€"«oven, and in the thirticth year of our Roign. â€" .« d d w _ WANTED, Money to Lend DATED;%isr AFGUST, 1866, NOTUTICH EW AERD IssUE OF THE %5 ACREKS OF LAND _ Banmaree, Tolegraph Building, Otawa City, wiILL BE RECEIYED _ JAMES D. SLATER, | Surcuretesoent Riogad CanaL. the terms of an BY TH® JAMES D. SLATER, _ Supt. R. Canal. JOHUN AsHUWORTR, [_.__ ~, _ Apimer Road. E. A. MEREDITH, Asst. Secrotary O# J. MICHET U. LAPIERRE, in asccordance with d333%â€"w7t Solicitor, &e. 31 iâ€"3m Ga®WTING 18 ucxu.lxgv THE GOVERNOR GEXE RAL INX COUNCIL 0lm RECOMMENXDATION O6 ols Honorable the Commissioner of Public Works and under the authority of the Consolidated siatut os ;fi*llml‘. :Jm-. chapter 28, section 83, 11 ney to onles, and it is boreby or dered that the followmhy Tolly be inposed .-u’su. Timber, &e., passing duta the «lites at Chis. lhr. Ramsay‘s . Fulls, Middlo Falls lnz’:‘: and Crooks Rapide, on the works of the Tront, viz. : 7 that much inconve enced by certain 0/ residing in the vi line, by reason «i V lego heretofore en grain projuce grow can side of the EF1o: into Camada free «/ the eloser prowiinit of such inhabitan made it expediont t Whereupon, and on Honorable the Acting der the "J\nobu of t Consolidated ftatutos Council has hil.lu ordered that wny â€"Alour any wheat or grain ¢o Provinee into the Uni brought back into th after such whoat or gr be ground, shall be, empted trom the paymen vided always that such gr oatwards at the nearest ( portation for the «psc‘al p and that the 'h?fil!j of t duee thersof, be sworn t this Province. . One cont por Saw Log of thirtoen and in the same proportion on ples length, and one J;' on onch eril o ber ; and that the‘above tol| of one evi on such Saw Logs, and one dollar om of square timber as havo {-:no-l ho Trent froin the opening of the present vigation. o e At a Council held in the € turday, the 8th day & HI3 RXCELLENCY THE GovÂ¥ELXon.GENXE *RAL IN COUNCIL ‘vu‘..ll IT HAS BEEX REPRE»® sented to the Governor Goneral in Council Da. Arta> Your Pills are the paragon of all that is | great in modicine. They bave cured my littly daughter :m-â€"-mhhfi‘b-fllfln'"'"" for years, Her another has been fong griow> | ously affticted with blotches and pimplo« on hor skin and in her hair. Au-cmrmuâ€"nuul.-huhuui your Pills, and they have cused hor. _ _.___ _ _,__. .. . | _ Statements from leading physicdune in of the principal citics, and from u:n"on m-::w- pere As a Family Physic. \ Prom D. E. W. Curtwright, New Ortsans» Your Pills are the prince of purges. Mxlnt cathartic we MAduidd are k hok ay ind aod aificrert in their action on the bowels, which makes them invaluable to us in the daily treatment of disoaso. 4 Headache,8ickHeadache, Foul Stomach. Prom Dr. Eiboard Boyd, Dallimore. Dein Bno. AreA: Lcaunot answor you what complaints lh-::v::h”‘mbuln uh.\nuv-lmd-c «war a medicine. s great depen« fi.-fl%h in my mvmm with disease, and believing as 1 do that your Piils adford us the best we have, I of course value them bighly. Pretsncns, Pu., May 1, 1855 Du. Jâ€"C. Arc®. $Sir: T have been repeatediy eured of the worst Anubuche any body can have by a dose or two Tuke taky Seatthe ut mpue e *4 Not only are your Pills admirably atapted to their pars : as an aperieut, but I find their beneticial effects upom Liver very marked indeed. They have in my prace Meo proved mors effectual for the curs of bikious conâ€" puinis than any on« romedy 1 can mention. 1 sincersly tejoice thit 'an at length a punmtive which is wor thy the conddonce of the pwh-.u‘- aud the people. Devantuent or omy Dwtanion, 'flb;::,b.t‘.. Tth Feb, 1850, @im : I have used your in my geueral anChospital n:"dm;a-fl-lhn.u\luwlm-b areâ€"the best cathartic we employs Their reguâ€" action ow the liver is quick aud decided, conse they are an admirable remody for derangoments of organ. . Indeed, 1 have seklom found a case of .‘.h-muummnomyfluw thom. . Braternally yours _ ALONZO BALL, S D, Physician of the Mcrine Horpitot, Dysentery, Diarrhwa, Relaz, Worms. «. Prom De. J. G. Green, of Chacog» > Your Pills have had a long trinl in my peactice, and 1 hold them in esteem as one of the bos: aperionts 1 have ever found. | Their alterative effect upon the liver makes .â€"-mnâ€"?‘.‘-uu‘mnm‘uu makes them ::,-lb C e E:" vory and convemicnt the use of women and chiliren. Bold by Mortimgr, Jobhp Rqborts, W. M Massey , -ommhy w .‘\inn“‘m Cl m w n Da. Aren: 1 have used your Pilte wi success in ayy family and among those 1 in distress, To regulate the organs :/ q::olhd.'bym the very hew ever wa, and 1 can confidently res my friends. Yourst system and puri/y the / Constipation, Costivencss, Suppressbon, nm:-. Gout, x..nxfl'.. p* #J » ais, Fits, etc. Prom De. J. 1 Vaughn, Murtrect, Conadea. | Too much cannot beâ€" said of your Pilis for the cure of costiveness. . M others of our fraternity have frund theu as efficacious as 1 have, they shoub\ join me in prochugh« Ing it for the benelt of the maltitudesâ€"who sullcr f om that complaint, which, althougl bad enmuzin in itsotf, is the progenitor of others that are wome. °P beliove 6« #eeness to originate in the liver, but your Pllls alect that organ and cure the, discase, T find one of two large doses of your Pills, tohon at the | Tal shen wheily it parthily wippeemet ant tiew rery | k » Vury effectual to elainge tho .â€"..a’ ml :"‘An-.c, 'l'l.,.‘y l are so much the best physic we have that 1 rowummend | ‘no other t0 my pativnts. I Prom the Rev. De. Howhes, of the Mithaodist Fpis. Ohburch. | Porgext House. Savannah, Ga.. Jan. 6, 18. ‘ Homont» #im: I should be ungratebil fot the relef | your skill his brought me if 1 did pot report my wase to | you. A cold settled in my limbsand brought on excru« | *w. which ended in Cbroms rhouma» | ham. / Notw it 1 had the best of physicune. the | diseme grew worse an‘ worse, iptil by the advice of your excellent agent in Baltimors, Dr. Mackoogie, 1 tried your Pille, â€" Their effecta, wore slow, but mure, By persovering in the use of them, 1 am uow ontinei. well. f Smmate Coamuee, Paton Rouge, *a., 5 Doc, 1888. Dr. Aren: 1 have been entively corcd, by your PMts, of Rheumatie Gout â€"a pabiful disease that had whtiste<} ue for yearss ; VINCENZ BLEDELL 'ahl of the Pills in market contain.. Mercury, although a valuable remedy in shilful bands. is | mh..w,mn.mnmwu......' quences that freqaently w it« ncautions ue. Thess | c-&t‘-mnw-l substunce whatevor © Price, 35 conts por Dox, or 5 Boxzes for $1. | Propared by Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowel!l, Mase. | Wansta®, Wyoming Cs., N. Y Dean fim: J ats using your Cathartic thee, and find them an excellent pursat Dyspepsla, Impurity of the Bbaod. * Prom Keo. J. V. Mimes, Pustor of Advont Comreh, Boatom. Bilious Disordersâ€"Liver Complaints. Prom Dr. Theodore Bell, of Now York C+4. From a Porwarding Merchant of 8. Lowis, PA. 4, 1852 Prom Mrs. E. Sppart, Physician angd Mitwif®, Boston. Pebruary 26th, 18¢ 7 Jt Yours with groat respect, _ | ED. W. PREBL®, gak Clork of Sttamer Clartom. GovERNMEXT Hot Ottewa, Tuosday, lith PRESENT W M JOHN 6. MEACHA & Ca 1t , of the Mathodist Fpis: Ohurch. Savannah, Ga.. Jan. 6, 18. l'b. LM bot the relief » nok t vaso to v limbs wnd O':‘"‘-‘nm Wich endcd t @bromis rhouma» had the best of physiciane. the ese, Wiptil by the advice of your te, De. Mackooaie 1 tried your low, but mure, By persevering ow ontine. well. ; iton Rouge, *a.. 5 Dec, 1858. ASA MORGRIDGE they hast in my pras Â¥ my prace o cuteâ€" of dilious coire ) montion, _ I sincersly unrative which is wor L aud the people. rormg Dtsnion, } Ds 3 tle :‘-‘h. 1804 geueral and*hospital .vmmh“-b omploys Their regue from a foul stomach, )A CTON OF tCre | herenntomt e of Public Works, | oâ€"pectally j meolldated statute® | oâ€" engravik 28, section N0, IL# | of Fixance. fd it is bereby orâ€" * Every a hnposed on Saw.| it is to reus : the alides atChis« | more tham liz, Middlo Falls, | an, bue aulic is, on the works of | «4tits to w W . M LK B Bob uw ty THER â€"OTTALW A TIMEKES MA | euntained h“v:‘:n' ::E::d ‘.:0::&::'!‘ in connection w w ing ap~ }'uvfl-fiolhllurl. 1865, * W. A. HIMSWORTH, 8 1 Mhllon;:s;fi[] Th [PR] :.: ::=I:2ccocilc0 $ gallone of the strength 7:--':}!?: the property 181 * and atout ohll:l-bnflldnth ;â€"-mdm S G'L"_] 18 EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNXORâ€"GEXâ€" EKAL IN COUNCIL ()! THE RECOMMENXDATION orF the Honorable theâ€" Minister of Finaznea and 1. (1) _ , of x (:L -vlbcm""&. ire permission to nmmtpuuummm':u‘dn‘&o y« .~ . . ,maoy .. ._ ‘lq-mu-:u-mu [84. 11J t day of 184 ; Explanation of the manner of flling in the blanks in the preceding Form A: _ _ 1) Name and occupation in full of the mfti Ihorqllolths’.“,“ P0 t)flh.lmdm e J,-Ovur"wutfi-d for [A B) the owner," a» the case may be. an agent, then a written authority to aet as such must beâ€"lodged with the olicer M the Permit is granted, stating the name, residence, and cccupation of such owner. (4) The Warchouse, or other tocality, wherein hwtth-h.u“ho\'uol«n attached to th» D ‘llogylcb."cr-l-.lh‘ W arehouse D at Preseott," or * The store of J K," as the case may 5) The street, town, , wil , &e. g.} The place to -h:?k Il:sho-nund.‘ â€"as C T)Tho-d.-lmv; ance, as « The waggon bu*ugh;loAl."u“l‘omr&. Melen," or " The Grand Trunk Railway," as the case may bo. (8) N nd pation of the _into winng muvegraton it is 10 be rausterres." *‘ E T he rm~ date and no l-fw' , aud r":‘bfwohm“m io tare ihe houds of tno Coneoter uf Amiatant Oo h ut uf Tnie for the Inland Revenue l=tor of Inland Revenue, f o bngizion of {12] ancelled 10) Here state whether the duty has been paid, u(-&thuhopldu.n n.un!udu n-’vvd |:I‘l’lo-&olmnyuuu " The Steamer 8t. Holen" or the .* W aggon belonging to A B," as the case may be. % ) 2] The warchodse or other !I.:u. mlnqy 1~., as Warchouse attached to the Distil 3 I‘, at Prescott," or * Bonding Warchouse at ,\lYmuT-:..Je.' ted the % ie % ace to whi spirits ure to be reâ€" “1"‘1‘:::.. foke t the teiugth fue n!\cl#.'u-hfm‘, proe [% owner‘s and ocoupation in full |¢} His place of business. Â¥ 186 . . e > 5.7 :1 / Explanation of the magner of 61i the blanks in the preceding torm B .'.,' hich it relates, and remain h'lho'ruoulh of the vsâ€"n having charge thereof, but it shall be rn- wod lor examination as often as may be réequired : any officer having authority thereto, and it shall : delivered to the ecli¢ctor, or assistant collector, Inland Revenwe for the Inland Revenue Division to which the spirits are to be removed, or wherein oy are removed from one place to another, within e period mentioned in the permit. . _ _ Med " across the face of it, on the expiration of e period for which it has been granted. > 8. Permit« shall not be granted for the removal splrits unless the packages in which they are (~) The quanatity, in wine gallons, in each packâ€" e and its strongth. R ' («) The equivalent in wine gallons of the strength & 6eâ€" t * â€"~~souhe '() ' ,l:o(r.n)hhublln ’Mm »scasion of (8) _ of (Â¥) 10 duty on the said spirits having been (10) e ving been This pr-l‘lri‘-.vzg :-.t f=| 1 to and no longer, and on or before # the Homorable the Minister of Finance, and | . ._ PRasENt: «lor and in wistue qf the Tth section of the Act | HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNORâ€"GENERâ€" «34 Vic., Cap, T, intituled : * Au Act to amend | AL IN COUNCLIL * Acts respecting the Duties of Excise, and to alâ€" 0. THE . kLECOMMENDATION OF : the. duty th:" imposed on epirite," His Excelâ€" _ the Honorable the Minister of Finance, and y, in Council has been ':‘-7 to onler, and it | under and in virtue of the authority Evon and conâ€" hervby ordered, that tullow ing regulations | ferred by.the Act 29â€"20 Vic. Cap. 7, His Excelieney speciiog permits for the resoval of ~piris trom | in Council has been ple to orcer, and it is hereâ€" + Distiltery in which they have been manufacturâ€" | by ordered that the tullow ng Regulations l'or!u«‘l- . ot from any warehouse in which they have been | ing the manutacture of the rmentioned dutiable wied or storedâ€"together with the forms and exâ€" | goods in Bond, be and the game are hereby adopted unmations accompany ing the same,be,and the samo | â€"thai is to suy : * h + hereby -umuuj and adopted, l‘l‘ll is to say _| 1. That subject to the prpvicion#â€"ot the Act above 1. Pormits jor the removal of sporits trom :{ | cited, to theso Regulations, and to such further Reâ€" stillery whorein they havg been inanufactured, | gulations, as may herealigy be finde by competent trun any warchouse whorein they have been | authority, Licenses may b) granted to manulacture wlud or stored, may be granted on the lrylk& in Bond the articles herein|enumerated, viz : n uf the owner of such spurite, or of his duly auâ€" Drugsâ€"including Essénces and Extracts, wiged agent, by the coflector, or the assistant Pertumery, loctur ot l-h.-{ Kovenue, for the Inland Reveâ€" \'hnfnr. o Division in which the spirits then are. Varnishes, § $ 2. Every application for such a permit shall | _ Starch. _ f 1. Every endorsation of the examination of any rmit shall be made onthe back thereof, and every rmit shall be defaced by writing the word " canâ€" Pormit granted at som mnaking ) The time at which it is to be removed. _ ) The name, «ceupatwon and place, of business in which the spirits afe contained. o ) The warks and numbers on each of the pack ) The place wherein/ is then stored. ) The place to which it is to be removed. ) The conveyance by which the removal is to ) The number anit descripticn of the pack ) The ul::.p':adbul.::&“ cceupation e person whise splrite to P men oo io foree as mrragaids o ) name of t or corporation « custody it will beduring it« n-om | Every application tor a permit shall be made printed form, in comermity with that hergunto xed, and quhd&nfl-‘nuhwwm Every permit shall state the perred fur which to remain in foree, which pericu sball not be tham will, hlh.?--hlull:clnc ; ranting : sullcient for effecting the removal of the i« to which it relates. - The permit shalt sccompany the sprite to W Aother the duty bas been paid, and, if not, day o ory perout granted shall be on the printed -n.-y."ml bL the Departiment of rm"a«. wms> shall be in conformity with the form B wannexed, and «hall be printed on paper ly prepared for the purpose, with such ty po avings as may be approved by the Minister Excis®. Requaton for a Permit FORMS AND EXPLANATIOXN®. neul held at the City of Quebee day, the 24(h September, 1866. ~ PRESEXT : it No of Permit, Excrs® Prawit Assist. Clerk Executive Council, this _ Collector of Inland Reâ€" venue for the Diviâ€" B General No Local No 8i3 e $ 1&8 days from , on Monâ€" is t 43 of the GOVERNMENT HOUSEâ€"OTTAWA. * Saturday, 16th day of December, 1865. | & Parskxt. 3! His Exorcuxxor ts Avwmxigraito® or tus Govâ€" : ERXwEXT x Cousom. â€" { ull EXCELLENCY was ple to lay ' beforethe Council a Report xou misâ€" sioner of Customs, dated 15th December, , and f;nmd by the Hon. the M\ r of Finance, statâ€" ing that under authority of 17iof the Con. | Stat., Can., See. 24, an Orderin Council was passed | on 28th April, 1853, directing «that Goods boaa fite. exported to this Province any ;country, but » mn‘qhumgfi neuufiudw shall be,until it sha}l be otherwise ordered, | valued for duty as if such G were imported diâ€" | reet from such first oom lfiflh Proâ€" vinge," and submitting that/it d be desirable | to extend said Order in Coungil to /ree as well as duâ€", | tiable Goode. l-i{h. Rak [10] The number of da of the officer granting the j for the removal, 2. That any Bonded mapufactory licensed under the above recited Act, may be. closed and the License furfeited, whenevet it is shewn to the satisâ€" faction of the Minister of Finance that there is just cause for believing that frauds u the Revenue are perpetrated in connection -nf':.cu manufacâ€" 3. That in addition to the Licenze fee named in the Act above cited, every to whom a « Bondâ€" ed Manufucturing License! is granted, shall pay to the Collector uf Inland Revenue, in monthly inâ€" stalments, such sums of mobey as shall be sufficient for the payment of the ¢xpenses incurred by the Finance Department for the effective wrer'i-im of the manufactures carried on under such license, and for taking account of the dutiable articles consuined in such manufacture, and of the articles produced therefrom, .Aad the maxinium gam to beso paid by the party aforesaid shall be from time to time deâ€" urn'uuj by the Minister Finance, as ho may deem necessary, and shall, ns nearly as may be, be in proportion to th emagnitud «_ general characâ€" ter of the business carried on isuch license. 4. That goods manufactured in Bond shall be roâ€" moved from the apartments of the uunufutol? wherein they are manufactuted as #oon as the whole Lm- of manufacture is completed, and shall then !-lmd in apartments or storeâ€"rooms set apart for that purpose, wherein they ghall be bonded in the manner required by the Excise Bonding Regulations made by Order in Council, dated the 17th day of May, 1865; and they ghall be dealt with, in respect of their subsequent removal, exrofiuion or entry for consumption, in accord with the #aid Reguâ€" [i} ‘l‘bchn:.nolu‘ into w possession .wfli lln”almofbuiu |9 # id " or * soou The HonouraLie the Minister of Agriculture and Immigration, baving authoriz¢d the publication, b( this Department, of an opcasional paper, to be callâ€" ed the ©CANADA IMMIGRATION GAZETTE," which will be devoted exclusively to the encourageâ€" ment of Immigration, and to the diffusion of accuâ€" rate and usetul intormation goncerning Canada abroad, I beg leave to bring under your notice the advantages this shoet will ofér as an advertising mediuz to land owpers, and others having l'"'{"" thes for wale or lease. _ As information of this kind is eagerly sought for, and much valued by every intelligent emigrant, means will thus be afforded of Euin‘ the intending purchaser or lessee in Great T olegs h“ direct communication with the propefty. ere. ht The lltanbk the Minister of Agriculture and Iminigration has also nuuwriid tho‘o::‘ ing of an Information Office in Liverpool, under the manageâ€" ment of Mr. Win. Dixen, a plu"lnu well hequaintâ€" ed with this and the mother country, who will be «pecially charged with the distribution of this p.p;;' J:‘MQ the United Kingd::. and in hringing the same prominently under the notice of the emigrant. 11} The period named «_ |12] The Inland Reve the spirits are removed « trom one place to apother 2Moâ€"tf The first number will appeéar in the course of next month, the second in April, brin‘in1 down the information to the latest period, to be followed up monthly or quarterly, as may be required. .. * As the space it is intended to allot for advertising purposes will be limited, and in view of the large virculatiqn the sheot will obtain, [for it will be disâ€" tributed gratuitously }, uufli. s of advertisements cannot be much lower than the following :â€" + For each advertisement, not exceoding ten lines, $2 the insertion : and 8 ce ;' oqu‘uu'q ling. For a square of 22 linog, to stand for a twelveâ€" To sitverse, 2i h-:l ‘must be id, n »il cases, advert re and an carly transmission !Alfioonnondod? P* The undersigned will gladly receive communicaâ€" tions of a practical character for publication, bearâ€" ing on the subject of ln:i‘r ion, such as letters from uu.l..‘mlon. ohovl:hg irl 6 y in the country, M out the |pecu lu vanta; of their district in Put lar, â€" &o. lt‘.h desirablethat tbog. should be | written as concisely as possible, and be free trom |anything like exagâ€" geration. "u-.su} CHs £ HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERâ€" Ale 1N COUNCIL s I,ll. EXCELLENCY WAS PLEASED to lay before the Councilâ€"a Tarif® of ‘Duties to be imposed under the authority of an Act of the h{:lmn of Canada, P“.“ in the session thereâ€" of held in the Twentyâ€"ninth and Thirticth years of Her Majesty‘s Reigu, intituled : q a That on, from and after the FIRST day of OCâ€" TOBER next, there shall be lm}:u-d. levied and collected on each 1s>4, or ducument reâ€" gistered in any Registry in Lower Canada, and on o"ri:unh made in|such Registry Office on or after the raid day, the following duties resâ€" ,p:.l‘vcly. that ll'-. to say : t l Ciroviar No. 175 1 have it in command to inform you that His Exâ€" eollo.cly the Governor Gengral, by an Order in Council of this day‘s date, has been pleased to reâ€" aew, for a period of one monthfrom dute hereof, the Urder in Council of the 19th March last, dirécting that « Fire Arm« and Munitions of War" be importâ€" ed free of duty until the 6th proximo, -ub‘iecicw the condition that the Importer furnish the Colléctor of Custom with lists of partios; irous of procuring such arms, and that such pnln be known to be reliable loyal subjects, ch privilege shall extend to all such importationg made upon and from this date \ | GoYERNMENT IMMIGRATION OFFICE, SIR, QuzBec, 25th January, 1866. «* An Actto provide a fund towards â€"defraying expenses incurred for matters necessary to the cAâ€" eic_?_e_y of the Registry Laws of Lower Canada." . lations SIR, You are hercby authorized |to refund the duties already paid upon Arus and Munitions of War imâ€" ported within the period above named. I am, Nir, s Your obedjent #servant, Xt. 8. M. BOUCHETTE. The Coltector of Customs: HM4â€"<f Whereupon Mis Excellency was pleased to ordér and it is hereby ORDEREDâ€" _ _ 4 On "or{ deed ur instrumgnt effecting or evidencâ€" ing the sale, exchange, hypothecation or mortgage of real pmpr‘tk.fin a sum or consideration exceedâ€" ing in value , Thisty Cent«, Un every other deed or i ment, Fifteen Cents: * On every search, with or out certificate, Fiv That until further orders above duties shall, in all the Registration Countics or Registration Diâ€" visions of Lower Canada, be |paid in money, and the amount of such dutics ived by every Regisâ€" trar n-;eunly, shall be him accounted for and paid over to the Receivet General immediately after the close of every third mouth, to be reckoned from the said First day of next. * Ciaues ® WM. IL LEE, | February 10 Cc thn havines B ._ T. When a letter is posted at an office after the Vhatemipcn is "““"d in Countll WA Pl#®®~ | despatch of the Mail for which it is intended, but ed toorder, and it is heréby ordered, that free 5A Goods pm'!{ through a foreign eun‘.lv{ consigned | On the same day, the Postmaster should mark it directly to Importers in Canada, shall hereatter | ite the post mark, either by stamp or with pen bopltulhlllis{odl-‘uhulblofloofi, /and ink. * Too Latk" to shew that the letter was Wy. 6. L'r' C. E. C. posted too late for the Muil of the day of which it anuatry | 1866. 12¢ bears the post mark. a _ On every will, marriage M or donation, Thirty Corge, _‘ _ 7 At FINANCE DEPARTMENT, CUsSTOMs. | Ottawa, June 6, 1866. oil hold in the City of Quebee of the HAth doy of Aeptember, 1306 * raasgxT: ‘ GovERNMENT | noUSE, Ottawa, 17th August, 1866. PRESENT s _â€" _ __Your‘obedient serventt ~ A. C. BUCHANAN, Chief Arfl. j 62â€"t W. A |IMMSWORTH, ____ | Asst. C. E. C ed in bond," as the case inister of Finance, and authority fllven and conâ€" . Cap. 1, Mis Excelieney to orcer, and it is hereâ€" ng Regulations rw!-cfl- rmentioned dutiable for the removal. we Division into which in which the removal akes place, 8 on in full of the LP'.uulu be u'ndomdrb ys which, in the opinion ermit, imay be necessury y uf Quebee on Monday, JH °2. 1867 No. 8. LET’I‘IRI, Newspapers, &c., for the aboveâ€"named destinations may be forwarded from Canada by way of New York in the Mails made up daily for that City‘ at the Post.offices of Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa, Kingston, Toronto and Hamiiton, > A Postmaster having letters, &¢., so addressed to mail, will mail them for whichever of the six City Offices abore named, may best suit the purposeâ€" as regards the relative, position of his own Office and New York. § Registration of Newspapers and Books for United Kingdom. 2. A Packet of Newspapers, or of Books, adâ€" dressed to the United Kingdom may be sent regisâ€" tered on preâ€"payment by Postage Stamp of the same registration charge as on letters for the same destiâ€" nation, namely, 8 cents in addition to the regular POGNLE®: :.: . Coy: 3000000 00200 4e oi DEPARTMENT ORDER, Letters forwarded by this route can be registered as far as New York on preâ€"payment by l‘o-fige Stamp of an additional 5 cents per letter, All Lotters, Novnpl.porl. &e., for the above places intended for. the New York Route should be. adâ€" dressed (ria New York.) s 3. In applying the :7 cent unpaid rate to letiers passing within the Province posted unpaid or not fully prepaidâ€"Postmasters will observe that a letter passes either as prepaid at 5 cents per $ 0%., on condition that the whole postage due be fully prepaid â€"ar at7 cents por 4 oz. if posted unpaid, ar only partly prepaidâ€"in the latter case the full rate of T ets. per } oz.should be marked and a deduction made therefrom of the amount which may have beep paid â€"thus on an ounce letter prepaid 5 cents onlyâ€"the rate wiil be 14 conts and crediting the 5 cents paid â€"9 cents will remain to be charged, and collected on delivery. % Letters,. Newspapers, SOWTH AMERICA, AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND . Via New York,. ‘ON PREPAYMENT J*fiig . Of the following rates by i ?L)\â€"« * > CANADIAN PosTAGE stamps. Toall W homit May Concern The object of the 7 cent unpaid rate, is to induce preâ€"payment and thereby relieve the Post Office from cost and trouble of account and dollection, tt: this object is equally defeated whether the letter wholly unpaid, or but partially prepaidâ€"andthereâ€" fore the 7 cent rate applies to the whole charge upon the letter in both cases. HEOKINNLE: «o+ evssverese+5reu0+ MOKICD i ccstssvoursessresere ie Do. via Havana........... New Grenada, e.luptz Aspinwall & Panama, Pacibe side Nicaraoca ¢ Gulf of Mexâ€" ico side Do, ria ll:;lnn'......... r AyrA Vexzcrua 3 P.t‘!‘:lnllo: Wesr Inoiesâ€"Briushâ€" Bahamas, Nassau, Barbadoes, Demerara, o Dominica, Essequibo, "C & Grenada, g Jamaica, Nevis, St. Kitts, : 8t. Lucia, St. Kitts, Fs 8t. Lucia, . ‘ Et. Vincent, * Tobago, Trinifld. toce J Wesrt â€" Inotrs,â€"Foreign, except Cuba and St. Thomasâ€" Guadaloupe, ; Hayti, St. Domingo, Martinique, * Porto Rico, ’ Santa Cruz. 1 Australia and New Zeaâ€" _ land via New York and _ Panama, _by steamer Ieninf New York on the l1th of In the case of lettors to or from the United States, no credit is given for any partial preâ€"payment of the 10 cent rateâ€"By the United States Post Office Law, any amount of partial ‘preâ€"payment is torâ€" feited and the letter rated as if wholly unpaid., ©Bill, Law and Registration Stamps. 4. Postmasters intrusted with the sale of .Bill, Law, or Registration Stamps (stamps to be used in Lower Canada in paying fees on Deeds, &c., in Registry Offices) are required to be careful to keep their accounts and remittances connected with such sales, and the appligations to‘t further supplies of such stamps, entirely distinct from their accounts, remitfances, and applications in connection with Postage Revenue, Postage Stamps, or Money Order business, Acapuleo. As nP:w.ll llaririt.... WEST INDIES: Brazin PHHMNGE css carcesictsisensssgiss Prrvâ€"Callao, Lima........ 8t. Thomas, U. 8. packet 5. Postmasters: are reminded that, at every Post Ofice, a printed or written ‘notice stating the time at which the Mails arrive and close, and the hours for opening the Office in the morning and closing in the evening, should be put up for the information of the public. 6. When letters: are posted . without address, or for any other reason, cannot be forwarded by Mail, they are to be seqt by first post to the Postmaster (General, but before doing so Postmasters should se* that they are postmarked, and that the reason for sending them to the Postmaster General is written upon them. as COUNTRIES, &c Notice to Public of Ofice and Mail Ifours each month Letters posted without Address, &¢ PosTâ€"OFFICE DEPARTMNENT ECA * â€"dul,., Bahia Para Pernam Rio Janciro Partially Prepaid Letters Orrawa, 12th Feby., 1 Too late Letters POR THE 2k 28 Cents. | Cents. | Cents, 10 .. i .2 2 p 4dox 10 2 2 pdoz 34 ~$ & p or . 34 10 34 18 10 34 10 22 10 34 22 10 10 34 10 10 8 ; 5 por 2 p 4oz 5 iu u% 2 p 4oz 2 P doz 5 p oz 2 p 4oz 8 p or 2.p dor 5 p on 2 p 40z 2 pAozr p 4oz 8. Postmasters should lp careful not to open or read themeelves, nor to sufer to be opened or read by any jother than the person addressed, any Newsâ€" paper or Periodical |ms.-i|{;; through their Offices or coming to their. Offices, for delivery. © The pracâ€" tideof allowing Newspapers or Periodicals to be so opened or read, is very reprebensible, and deads to abuses sind coniplaints; even when the irregularity is alleged. to take ‘placeâ€"with the permission of the person to whom the Newspaper or Periodical may be add 9. In DepartmentOrder No. 65, dated 24 Nov., 1863, permiskion was given for Bookâ€"Manuscript, and I'rinlvrr' Provfe, whether corrected or not, to pase at the} printed matter vaté of one‘: cent an ounee, and it now apfpears to be neccesary to explain toâ€" Postmasters, that | by ,Bogkâ€"Mabuscript, was meant the wilten sheets of rmy Book; and the inâ€" tention wn.«}m encourage. literary productions, by affording facilities for, Authors t6 sond jand reccive such muatter to and from: their publishers by Post. Printers‘ Proofs are the printed impressions taken by a P‘rinter, for eorrection orexamination, of any matte? passing. through his Press. Under former regulations (the â€" written ‘marks eorro'c(ing. such provfs rendered them liableâ€"to letter postage when sent by Mail, and the intention of the Department Ordert referred to was, to relax the rule in favor of such proofs, and/allow them when corrected, to retain their character a« printed matter, and pass at printed matter rates of charge. â€" (._ | . . L .LANGEYINS, . ; * 367dw9â€"tf d Postmasterâ€"General, rJ FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES NNF]'G['CN Sor delivery n J ~Oflices Not ingorporated by any Statute of this Province have not published the statement of their > Assets and liabalities 5 : Ainoint of Capitat Stogk ; > Amount paid thereon ;i * ‘% Nature of Assets; . _ | a Atndunt of Jowser:~â€" i hok ‘ Printed forms containing all ‘other information and conditions of the propesed contract may be geen and obtained in blank form at the Postâ€"Offices of Aylmer and Ottawa.‘ > February 23, 18i7. Fur the conveyance of Her Majesty‘s Mails for the term of four years, twice a day, between : NOTICE is hereby â€" givenh that IN8SURANCE COMPANIES not complying with the eaid Act aro iable to the £ 55+ Addressed to the Postmaster General will be re ‘ @ ceived â€" * l FRIDAY, M!SRCIP, 15th, 1867 , AVLMER AND OTTAWA, 1st of April next. f + EDWIN F. KING, j £1 ~ Postâ€"Office Inspector Postâ€"Office Inspector‘s Office, Montreal,"20th Feby., 1867. 367dw9â€"td pyomer is ufinr‘.n Â¥ GIVEX THAT 41@ His Excellency the Governor General, by an Order in Council bearing this day‘s date, has been pleased to order and direct that, with the view of encouraging the introduction into the Province of the very important improvement of Steam Cultivaâ€" tion, Steain Ploughing Machines and their appurâ€" te be exompt from import duties for a period of two years from this date. By command, f i1z I. £. M. BOUCHETTE, 208t Commissioner, of Custonis and Excise HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNORâ€"GENEâ€" RAL IN COUNCIL 0N THE‘ RECOMMENDATION OF the Hon, the Commissioner of Public Works, and under and in virtue of the eightyâ€"fifth section of the twentyâ€"eighth chapter Consolidated Statutes wi Canada, His Excellency in Council has been pleased to order, and it 1s hereby ordered that the following tolls be imposed, levied and collected or saw logs and timber passing down the shdes at Ranney‘s Falls, Middlo Falls and Bealy‘s Falls, on the works of the River Trent, that is to say : one cent por saw log of thirféen feet in length, and a proportionate sum on picces of greater. length, passing down each of the above mentioned slides respectively. And that the aboye toll of one cen per saw log be collected and: paid for each such slide on all such saw logs, and of one dollar per erib on all such cribsâ€"of square timber as have passed down the River Trent from the beginning the present season of navigation: h e ie dus and unpaid ; ; adjusted -ud‘tmt.due. . _ in suspense abd waiting for further o proof ; resisted, and for what cause; _‘ . | _ Amount of all other claims against the comâ€" â€" 4 a pany ; % f A Amount of promiuws earned and unearned * during the past year ; The whole as required by “n Act . 23 Vie., cap. 33, see 11. it Derartuzextat Orp®z Lightsâ€"Gulf of St. Lawrence, Prince Edward Island. EGOVERNMENT OF PRINCE ED= ward Island has given notice thata Light Touse has recently been ereeted on the North Point of th J*lnd.hfl", 3‘, 46" N., and Longitude 63©}59%9" W. ‘The Lighuuidaolfiht feet high above water, and shows a fixed white l({t. ‘ Â¥y command, â€" s R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE, For such [A T â€"0O TT aA W A, | At a â€"Council held in the. City of Montreal on Sat _ _urduy, the 8th day of December, 1866. . + â€"PRESENT : + * * 10 MPL ALNT m ¢ PENALTY .OF $1.000, certain 3i2 FINANCER DEPARTMENT, CUSsTOMS Mail Contract. ‘INANCE â€" DEPARTMENT, CUSTOMES. Ottawa, June .14th, 1866 54 AManuseript and Printers T EN DERS NOTICK TO MARINERS. It, fl!‘lvl’u\'idd“ in the said Act. _ â€" JOITN StMPsoX, _~ * 4 Absimraxt Acprror 367. o 3674w9 if To commence on the Othawa AT NOON, Oftawa, 13th August, 1 USTI W . A. HIMSWORTH, Asst. C. E. C Commissioner of Custoras Avopit Orrice, Febtuary 19,.1867. bsâ€"a _ made that to Ap th B." Stah attached Ottrs Ot a w William Thou build taurapt. . 1‘0s posse Oitawa, I Otta wa, l-’.+ Odawa Fel of which afe cleared and in a goud #t ate of cultivaâ€" ion with good: Dwelling House, Barmn, and other putbffidinge Xberden. 4sc 510C( o. 000004 f ) erected, and within five miny Banks. # and 10 on mor in rear of above. ; This fand is ‘of the best quality, and situated seven milés frim OfHawa t,‘ll'y on Macadamized ro;msdrggta',fi‘irhnum. 2 * ‘“ x k urther partioulars apply to the undersigned. 1 n e oo 5s s APAN hikas . o oo ut E+ s Y LA A M GKAHAM, â€" f 1 JAMES BEARMAN, _ Executors of the Estate of the late George Bell ivzenga}! With a good house and yard, l‘;&% stabling ;‘un-l a good run af’fl- omers ; aleo, for sale a good baker‘s wagon, horke av‘ harness. <Possession immediat»ly. Keut modâ€" erate. â€" Apply at this office for particuiare, . _ Ottawa., }um 26. . . 1604 â€"_ w e 4 First Concession Oftawn, Frout Neâ€" €4 zy pearn, and Lots Nos. 26 and £8, in the same Concession, at present in The oceupation of Wm. K. Aylen, Esq. For further particulars apply to Jonx ayd Wy. Tnowsox, Nepegp, and Lewis & Piaset. Rnrri.tcr, Oituwra. _ JeZâ€"4414f In the To lhhill.l a mile fromeBillin en bloc or 1 lots ot _ For furtiier part s X M3 fluuh- VALUABLE PRO» ssatn +.2 perty. known as T. M. Blas 4 J'p@ deli‘s Homestead, containing about s EMc Z. Two Acres, buullhlly gituated on whe Ottawa River, being Lot Ouse, Noith side Welâ€" linElnn Stnaei. City of Qttawa, with the Dwelling outhouse$ thereon. on -WAK‘RED-â€"A Situation . 1: * Sture by a rntm of 20 years Speaks Freuch and English ;, also th derstands Bookâ€"keeping. â€" References Please address to A. B., at the Post _ Oftawa, July 27. r Fabreary 10 Bedâ€"rooms, prqr_onem.._ ECc c A lufia ‘Iwo storey Woodep Building, on the Cor" ner of Murtay Streets. This House is lined with Brick, furliinied with double doors and windows nd Venetian Blinds. > There is a large k itshen indShed l‘rlehe.t, with Pumps, Stables and other *uildings is the yard.. This Enun is well dlz‘ & 10b y dA _ AO0l MAE T TLE d s y3 f l)(mlx-non GIVEN IM« $3., ; §3 ; wediately. _ A new Brick ‘ !l %Bmld"hx‘m Besserer Street, Sandy Mill, ‘near the residence of Hon Malcolm Cameron. This building contains Seven w‘l"l"ED.o-’l"'O vOUa® ELARTTMD® «re desirous of obtaining situations a# RESIâ€" DENT U()Vg}(.\'fl‘.‘fi",m as Teachers of Juviot Pupils, eithe together, or separately, in A cademio® Nochoice of m.wWherinCaanonihlhofiufl Address, by l6tter, stating particulare, a 4o y .E TMREE RIVERS _ _ Ottawa, Apfl, 2, 1868 rl\mc GENTLEMAN: 1 take took away from the Tharsday night, A MINK CA4 turning the eame. i. era Bo&nmkm.â€"-.\ms. REYC Cottage" Book and Fancy Sto 3 doors from Sussex Street, begs to she is prepared to accommodate whx Tus Orrawa) Tixgs:â€"Printed and every woming, (Sundays . exc . Grzorer Gorrox, Proprictor, at Steam Printing Works, Ne. « Btreet,. in;;lm City of Oltawa â€"Carleton, C, W . y > ttawa, kepruary 10. 1866 T Otawa, Septémber June 20, 1866 Ottawa, Sept Ortawa, Februagy 23, 186 > 4x id( tm h4h 44 a Â¥ s (fte 113736 $ wuly to OR $A l15- * 2.500 BAGS LIVERROOL SALT xecutors of the Estate Addréss Bell‘s Comner I we FOR EALE 0fp + A]‘-'-lb‘ t 10 FOER SALH. â€" Thrée Hyusost <~c. O :s LA ALSO, 23 ACRES OF LA *%D. Dwellings to Let ALSI and is furnighed with all modern im , this N OTPILC LE aâ€" 4 Apply OTlN( & e arueniar® apply to Huxcfi LENMOW . I ExO Lasa ] House, 'l\o RENT,.«=â€"â€"A â€"BAKE House, with working utensils, with a good house aud yard, FRTO LEY ,w=T W O ab W AXNTS Of ‘\Oll ® .‘L_Noâ€"].h(t 9 Aj w lsuil« TR oxFAPSINC (%@ er, or separately, in Academio® ether inCanada or.in the Btates. tating rrtie-lnn. ). E., THREE RIVERS Co. St. Muurice, Cénads Past m 1 . B#â€"f SALE.=â€"THE WEST»â€" oneâ€"th ird o me LEWI8 « PINBEY Barristers, &e., Ot 1Â¥ References ut the Post 0 XT, PBony LE s TIDA YOoUxG LADIE® T1 REYNeLDS, " THE y Store, ""kmfi T O 4t t wino Ey MiS*« o Russcll House, 0n P. will oblige by reâ€" MeGILLIVRAY M A HOUSE C@N¥» p. OHANLY.~ 46â€"utf + Apt DL~ tuated about half is land can te sold 1A ) DW ELLMING in a General re‘ expgriénce. thoroughly anâ€" es â€"if required. Office, ttaW®â€" Announce that or eight boardâ€" ET A TER® County on the dor rul.lidn‘ ,-ml) by the ‘Tak® ), (Spark® C w 46 â€"utf ~EXT, | is to be he wther en Stroet H LAG EL. O d 10 aths \% at of ‘.'-113'.. Astxc go., $4, 4 Iow, .A ” General Advert ‘“"w Advertus TTORNIE®S» A Chancgry, Conr 4 orner of Sugsex.and â€" Ottowa, Fobruary % paily over 2,000 4 paking a total ciroul ““.q.l(hu'uqi\ sfording the best med sertive in. <( ~*~ > i "ApÂ¥ERTISENENTS a “"'i"‘ «akes : gusiness Cartis of fre Beorge Cotton, (Ottalva ¢|‘n“ DMLY ‘-\. All subsequent insert Yearly “m-n liboral allowance n \itaWA, pumâ€"payable in M Advertisem Afi‘(’llfl\'flt Chancery, Cons ufice: Elg é Surde Ausgxaxous "Koss. Ottawa, July 28. .mâ€" Union Bu {ebruary 21, 1566." ‘rronsn\'s Chancery, Ooi ADVOCAI':. Street, uebec. repared to attend q tovernment employ away ®utrust hims. *A wit in and for ths di December 28, 186 Store, Ridemu Strec Jaxuery IL, 1948 * . AtGUS® Blluursn Solicitor in Ch Wikoe : Upposite Aoomé lately occupi Jiawa, March » urrice: Pos Od . E. B. Harc00®. ebruary 7, 1866. BAllllll‘l‘lr.l Chancery, &¢. MB O.uveyancers uvricz : in the C Roseer Laws. Ottawa, Fobreary 7 Rtawa, Jan. 12, 1 January 27, 1866 gureery B‘uuu-'rr. Notaury Publ (Published evar‘y Wu. Curoe. Atema, Fob. 7, 1 #»Pablic, &c., . COLMA lnvodnflu «ney sâ€"ait â€" Law. Qrmices: Mull an Mr. Wright will a VOL Ii Othce, over Mr RD Notary Puk rown Attorney, Dtn-ur. Street. | # by means of the enjoys TWE Laka wW, MAltLSI Blull'l‘ll Orric«:: Hor €Elgin Stroots, Ortawa, Doc. 18, Fobruary 7, 1866 IDA â€" RISTER e office at : 1-';’ Smith, A W, , Chanee Qreto®: Mosg TTrTORNXEY= * GEO, LC I H ONGEPA Ottawa, Jan LAPI A 0 0 000 0C nauft * " uw..‘g. CA «R. BELL ARRLST â€" QrFiCE® : HAYC Otftawa, May CLEA A. N0 B8 108 °D 0C EDW Alt ATE of Bquare. P; J. Bi Dit 1Â¥ EXTLS T. tral Ottawa. PARK® < DR. EXxTIsT. wWILLI A JOHN & D Y SECE A YEICH 1W»SS « YEICL DA. M Ln DJ C

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