W"IO.-'I.AI.. SPECIFICATION® «W and Estimates of Buildings ; disputâ€" «d accounts of Artificers‘ work measured valued w A.UOBS'!U! LAVER, | » Departmental &h.. h Jasmary 36. 11 MAicark FWl /. ut rcommiy 1| Spikes and Nails, | E'&".umm- l! s Irom Knees and Riders, || Wire Rigging. [| Tresnails and Wedges. !' Iron Masts or of Irom Masts. May be and ate hereby ‘mul to be taken out of Bond _ddu?."hn ased by liders exslusively for Ship buila! parposes, to such orders and regulations the proâ€" testion of Revenue as may be from time to time RPDRTTTDOMMECTCEOU SV may 9e . from » to time Imposed and sanstioned by the Hon, inister of Finance. | * W. A. HIMSWOR . 380 Asst, C. E. C. A* MoODERATE RAaTEs oX FINSTâ€" Plk. CLASS CITY or FARM PROPERTY. Ap. Ast, intituled : " An Act to amond the dutics of Customs and the Tarif of Dutics pi under them," are to be adiitted raze of daty| when im g_mtnum, for Shipbuilding! purposes, of thelnetponyy ot is Thim Chap. of Iag Cin. Bo 0 Cha . Stat. oâ€"u'::fl..nmey im .Couug-.nl a pleasâ€" “.*.lldhhlonbymhn:;‘ t the folâ€" lowing articles which, under the protigions of the HUIS EXCHLLENCY THE oonuoï¬uxsi- } AL LN COU NCIL | rA'. OTHERA® ll"‘l.fio, } notified that the Executive Cquncil ‘sithorimed the "* | k ISSUE OF. THE Ottawa, Decsember 11, 1886. I POSTPONEMENT The time tor ressiving tonders for abov Bridge has been extended. Contractors will be duly notified of the time, and therefore neod fot send in their tenders for the present. b Ridean Canal Office, on and after MONTD 17th INST. The lowest or any T mum’ud. | â€" Tenders to be endorsed " Tind& o . â€" * JAI!D.!I,AT* .. _â€"__ Oltewa, yth Noverpber, 1246 4b a Coumest heid ot the GCity of Mo on Satur day, the Ird of November, 1868 : o all to whom these presonts shall or whom ~*I.’ conceraâ€"â€" uen ol Two Hundred Dollars Wooden Bridge with $wing To be built aéross the Ridéran ï¬:"uu Island, on the Town Line between and WI-IIAI. DUnrIÂ¥e TuEK xicnt of the sightecnth day of Janugry, now last past, or thereabouts, the ofice of Willigun H. Campâ€" bell, the Deputy Clerk of the Crown and Dist ibuâ€" tor of Law Stamps in the town of Brockvills, in und for the United Counties ot Loods apd Grénville in our provine« of Cansila, (the oce then Beard of Ofisers assembled to Invastigato and )q-u,r-cw.hhu and Grap s uities, on account of V Killod, or Disabled by Wounds and on ‘Acâ€" ' wiLL a® rkorvED || Until Monday; thie 24th Instant, you.ta® cosstreuoro® or 4\ A list of the names has this day boan published ty the Canada Gazets, by the Receiyorâ€"Goneral, who will pay the several persons ontitled to recorve the amounts awarded, upon with the requirements of the Act 22 Vie., Chag» 6, Consoliâ€" dated Statutes of Upper Canada. $ Miuuitia Deraatwext, | Ottawa, February 3, 1837. } d39gâ€"w Tt &.hhowlmdlhubd.t-: ties,) was clandestinely entered by 14 posed person or persons, and & quttd'!“l-“ Stamps, of a large value, as woll as a sum of money, then and there being, mlbtlndtbn faloniously stolen, taken aad carried away : Now know ye, that L | A REWARD of the eurrent money of our gaid province, will be paid to any person or persons, not being the actual effendet or offenders, who will give such informaâ€"~ Tion as will lead to the discovery, a onsion and sonviciion of the perpetrator or porpe(rators of the «{Gance above described. > * .. Jw Trstmmosy Waurzror, wo have caused these our Lotters to be made Patent, and the Great Seal of our said ince of e Candada io be horeunto : Wimmzas, Our Trusty and Wellâ€" Sin Jonx Pensions and Gratuities, Â¥ICTORIA, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Rmitain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of Faith, NO’.[_‘ICE. VoOLUCNTEERs NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Ships* Bloocks and patent bushes for * !‘-erh.“l--n ‘.‘f‘“ ORDER IN COUXCOCLL Plans and Specifications may be J. PENXXINXGTON MACPHE t coerat 3 + Baszamm ND OTHER® INTERESTED, ARE Money to Lentd Bail Cloth or Canvase, from No. 1 to No. 6. Ia-.x.c.l..adnm?" ator of the @overnment of our province of Canada, and Lientenant MC-*ï¬il' our Forces therein, &o., &o., &£0. our Gove erament House, in our CITY J‘O‘HAW‘\. DATED 2#isr AUGUST, 1966, the terms of an Post Office Departm BY Tu® E. A, MEREDITH, © Asst. s OP J. MICI zoph Batidingh, S of the Hoaprable the in accardance with Rupeat Cas®at. nited Coun EJ Gar#tixo an ‘at the DAY, the t will no/ Canal Bridge, ovil disâ€" have Sold by ““'r Mortimer, John Roborts, W. M l-‘f‘:’_'_!.'.“‘f...†sad . ESkinner in Ottawa, knowm throughout the civilized nations of the carth. Few are the communities, or even families, lunt::c. who have not some personal experience of its ef «= some living trophy in thetr midst of it« victory over the subtle and dangerous Wisorder« of the throat and lungs. As all know the dreaiful fatality of these disorders, and as they know, too, the effects of this remedy, we need not do more than to assure them that it has now all the virâ€" tues that it did have when making the cures which bave won so strongly upon the confdence of mankind. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mase. Dyspepsin, Heart Discase, Fits, Epile t ly.hï¬oh.choly.' Neuralgia. ’-‘ Many remarkable cures of these affections have been made by the alterative power of this medicine. . 1t stimuâ€" lates the vital function« into vigorous action, and thus evereames disorders which woul« be supposed beyond its reach. . Such a remedy has long been required by the neâ€" cessities of the people, and we are conddent that this will do for them all that medicine can do. Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral, FOR THE RAFID CURE or c..#‘. Colds, Influenza, ‘Moarsene Croup, Bronchitis, l-cf'hln (’o-“’ I“JC“.. and for the Helicf Consumptive Paticats in advanced Stages of the Discase. This is a remedy so universaily known to other for the rnn’ul throat and {nnu r.-..,.:.":.'.'.'::z is useless here to publish the eyidence of its virtues, ]ts unrivalled excellence for vn.‘o and colds, and its truly W'# cures of :bnuy «liscase, have made it knowm throughout the civilized nations of the earth. . _ After taking your , woeks mflhbmrm‘ C Syphilis and Mercuriat ( New Onusars, 2th A 1980. hse.‘ml !mebu:f.:n,mwy h‘z.lhn r’t your renort to you some eftecte Wm{.vwm; T have cured with it, in my practice, of the com» plaints ‘for which it is recommended. and found its effects truly wonderful in the curs of V and Mer curial Disease. One of my patients had Syphilitic ulcers in his throat, which were consuming his fo and the ‘top of his mouth. Your Sarssparilla, s takem, cured hi inâ€"five weeks. . Another was at by seeâ€" endary symptoms: in his nose, and the ulderation had saten away a cousiderable of it, so that J believe the ï¬Â»hmmmh’:"bnmmkul im. _ But it yleidnd 40 my administration of your In; the ulcers healed, and he, is well again, not of course without some disfiquration to his fice. â€" A woman wijo had been treated for the same disorder t mereury suffering from this poison, in her bones. ‘Myl\fllh’ mo #o rone fl'ohlhmm.lul‘:ï¬u day sholaulered exâ€" pain in her jobn MLm 0, too, was ‘cured yz-yo- Barmaparilia in a for weeks./ I know from: its firmula, which your agent g4vo me, that this Preparation from youthnm ho a great -â€"’ consequently, these truly remar results with Ln-lw-s Fraternally yours, _ G.â€"YÂ¥. N. D. Rhenmatism, Gout, Liver Complaint. Ifwepemornc®, Preston Co., Vi&.. 6th duly, 1950. Dr. J. C. Aven: Sir, I have been uh.l'rb ful chronic Rhewnab+m for a long time, w ba the skill of physicians, and stuck to me in of all the remedies I could find, until 1 tried your Sar. in. One bottle cured ma in two weeks, and mwc‘“’-fl health o much that 1 am fur better than was attacked. .1 think it a wonderful pedicine. â€" J. Â¥l 7 aps Jules Y. Getchell, of St. Lonis, writes: "I have been aftlictad for. years with an afection of te Liver, which destroyed my health. 1 tricd every thing, andevery thing failed to rotieve me ; and I bave been a brokenâ€"down man for soue years from no other cause than drrungement :‘/ the Lu&r. My Leloved pastor; the Rev, Mr. Kspy, adw me to yrh-â€mh. beeanse I.-'nub-ltwm and an it you made was worth trying. . By the 6 hgofliodn has cured me, and has so purifed my blood «s to make a now man of me. I frel young again. ‘The mu-hma,â€"umh‘t’mm‘ Schirrus,Cancer Tamors, W-& Hhonuo..‘m and Exfoliation Bomes. A great var ty of enses have been reported to us where cuudll-‘i»rlpuhu- complaints have resulted from hmdl&?-«’y.bnm ca here will not admit them,. . Some of them mbtnhmj-mn- Almanac, which the agents below named are pleased to furnish gratis to alb who call for them. At a CounciPheld in the City of Montreal on 81â€" turday, t 8th day of December, 1806. . . @mmenyt : € CY THE GovERNOR.GENE uie gecengepy pog agrpmnnn ons WIIIIIAI IT HAS DEEN REPRE« souted to the Glovernor Goneral in Comneil that much incqlvenience has beon, and is expert ensed by certairt of the inhabitants of this Province residing in the vicinity of the.Canadian Frontiet line, by reason of their being deprived of the priviâ€" logo heretofure enjoyed by them of. having their grain procuce ground at MN:!!s situate on the Ameris san side of the Frontior. and reâ€"imnorting the sameé Whdreupon, and on the recowmendation of th Honorable the ‘Acting Minister of Finance and unâ€" dor the provisions of the seyenteenth chapter of the Consolidated Statutes of Canada, His Excellency in Connsil has been pleased to grdor, and it is hereby ordered that uny (fouror meal, or other produce of any wheat or grain grown®in and taken out otf this Province intothd United States to be ground, and brought back into this Provines within one week after such whoat or grain has been «o taken out to be ground, shall be, and the same i« hereby exâ€" ®mpted trom the yay mont of Customs dutics; preâ€" vided always that such grain be drst duly reported cutwards at the nearest Custom: Mouse before etâ€" portation for the spocial purpose herein reforred to, and that the identity of the flouz or meal, the proâ€" can side of t into Canada the.closet j HI8 EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GEXE. RAL IN COUXCIL. 1X THE RECOMMENDATION OF the LX# ble the Commissioner of Public W erks, .dpz';o authority ot the Consoliduted statutes of Canada, 22 Vistoria, chapter 28, seciiqn 83, is Excellency is ploased to or.ler, and it is heroby orâ€" dered that the foullowihg Goils be imposed on Saw Logs, Timber, &0., down the slides at Chisâ€" holms w Ramsay‘s Falls, Middlo l’d: Iulï¬â€™o aad Crooks Rapids, on the works the River Téent, vis. : N made it expediont this Province One cent por. Saw Log of thirtoon foot in length and in the same gm,mnlon on pisces of groater length, and one dollar on each erib of sqzare timâ€" ber; and that the above toll of one cent be collected on such Saw Logs, and one doiiar on all such Cribe of square timber as hl“'::uod down the River Trent from the opening of the prosent season 6f naâ€" -mwunbra.mua-nmli at been y cured by your E Our wiclan thought nothing tion coubd relief, but he advised the Sarsmparilia as the last resort before ¢ proved effectual. After taking your remedy no symptom of the disease remains." ‘ Zebulon Sloan of Prosy writes ;| @ botâ€" hd"mmmml B ’::NQ- sons ewelling on the neck, which I bad from over two yoars." Lencorrhoa umm Tamor, Uterine Ulecration, ecasess Dr. J. B. 8. Channing, of New York City| writes; «"I most cheerfully comply with the request of agont in saving I havre found your Saurmparilia a excellent alterative in the. numerous complaints which we employ such a y, but cTcuu im Diseases of the Scrofulous have cured y Inveter= ate cases.of Leucorr by It, and some w ‘the come plaint was caused by wleeration of the The ulcer ation; aw -m..r-d Nothing withip my knowl Sm amagaa mt 8. Marrow, of Newbury, A " A dumâ€" gerous cnarian tumor on one of the females in my family. vigation. St. Am ‘*s Flre, Ros & Tetter hnd Sail Rhoam :.lg: Troaa; Ringworm, Sore Eyes, y Dr.. Robort M. Preble writes from N. Y., 12th Sept., 1809, that ho has cured an inveterate case of Drepsy, which threatoned to terminate , by the use of our Sarsaparilla, and & m.’n',-lm by largo doses of the syme; says he cures the common Aruptions by it constaintly. Brome lonl,._“qo_ or Swelled Neck. And tor the specdy cure of the following complaints : Serofula and Scrofulous Affections,such as "-.'.i:"..'.' sores, Eruptions, Pimples, «tules, Blotches, Boils, . Blains, and all Skin Discases, * .T _ _ OaKLAND, 6th June, 1859, J. O. Avin & Co. Gente:‘Ll it my duty to ag» l-'w your has done for me. Having a Scrofulous 1 have frompit in various ways for Sometimes it out ‘in Ulcers on x.'hnlâ€"l.:r- sometimes it years -u\mh.o“ -dbo:l.u:l.:uuu 2 out on my ‘l‘-'?-uho-ennthnhmmm\k youd description. _ 1 tried many medicines and several ysicians, but without much relief from any thing. . In the disorder grew worse. . At loogth 1 was rejoiced read in the Gospel Messenger that you had prepared an alterative (Sarsiparilia), for 1 knew from ty pltae tion that any thing you made must be I sent to Cincinnatiand got it, and used it till it cured me. 1 wok it, as you advise, in small doses of a teaspoonful over & month, and used almost three bottles. Now and healthy skin soon begun to u-:-un or the seab, which after a vflbtu‘d. My skin is now clear, and 1 know by my feclings the disease bas youe from my system. You ow than T boid Jon to To cae of the apptiee of the agh m-.hmog:flln’. Yours, Ne i ALPRED B TALLEY, F 4. â€"â€"“.â€"mâ€"'â€"' MEwid v-â€"-; CC CAowW Sarsaparilla 3iz FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. Ottewa, Tuesday, Jith August, 1864 PRESEXT : ‘ A Y ER‘S @oOvERNMEXT HoUsS e gWorn W, A. NIMSWORTH, Asst. C. E. C + recoumendation of th ister of Finance and unâ€" yontcenth chapter of the anada, His Excellency in { thirtoon foot in length in o &nm of groater ach erib of square timâ€" 1 medicine. J. 'n’lE is, writes: ©I have retion of the Liver, wiicth ry thing, and overy thing been a biokenâ€"down mon Mille t them v. \r. Kspy, advised he sald he im.n rylog. . By the so purified my blood W. U. LEB, cator capacity the residences rtation int " A dumâ€" ced fract of Sarâ€" :u"s- ng, and it C k 0. Ortawa, Fob. l:.llal [X THE TOWNSKHIP OF NEPEAN Â¥V of the ux' y Limits, with A DWELLING AOUSE erected One haif of the land 4s weared and woll fenced. These properties are Eoo PESRER errigntaliil ty iishmimdlicsaâ€" worthy the attontion of intending purchasers, and besold CHBAP; Te %L:PUTABI.I prruss wiLL BE orven en oi o n c ne s thods. ,LOTS & HOUSES. Acpflufl p "T"' hase to be made to Alfred A“:-phn... Esquire, Crown Land A.no.d." Bolie« w\ WI'l'lllS‘l'\V(bAsn-AollAl.l‘ MILE® of the City Limits with A DWBELTLEXA ‘ And whereas a contagiousâ€"disease or gruq cattle provails.a many Lutol . in h::c‘:.h. and ormlq nvq::.. m whoreas expedient, n octer to prevent m‘s‘" o eefmain mureals nod artichs in seow of certain aniun ml‘ he p«IINNâ€" & ~_Mis Excellency in Council, on the recommendaâ€" tion.of the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture, and under the authority given and conferred by the imid Act, has been ploased to order, and it 1 Ln- by ordered. that on, from and after the FLRST day of MARCIH next, the importation or introduction into this Province, or any part thereof, by sea, of cuttle, sheop, horses, swine, ussos and mules, meat, skins, hides, horns, hoofs, or other parts of such animals, hay, straw, and fodder, bo, and the same in ; save and except such .u‘:uou-‘ goes, or part of cargo, as His Excelleney in Counâ€" Fobruary 28, 1988 CITYâ€"~PROPERLTY ! cortain animals," authority is given to the Governer in Comncil to take such measures as may appear to be necessary l‘lmb mmfl\:"n-hq&-d contagious of :‘hmmh. cattle, horses, other animals, -u.:.'.x":."s disorders trom spreading, if introduced ; _ _. ; Her SteJaney Wiigit eocial clal porminfon, math whet . w w hh coal .l‘m been last “:o“: with= sue supplied im llhbh-'.-’hn as aforesaid. â€" _ I have the honor to be, Sir, Your most hamble servant, sSIpd) EDWARD CARDWELL The Officer Administering °_ PLSANCK DEPARKTMENT, CUPsTOMS, Ortawa, 1Â¥th March, 1866. , dit,â€"â€"1 have it in command to call your special attention to the annexed oqx:t a m from the Soorctaury of State for vign to the dovernerâ€"ueasral «f this Provinee, conveying Her Majesty‘s Orders that no CAapian ar SpameA armed The Collector of Custogss, g'u and Privateors respectively, shall Alttu fivige for giving wdeet bo this profines but wisite for giving to not mnq t or otherwise. yooplees s L Nosuzd':zumdom belliâ€" R:.‘ shall be lited while in any Ih‘mhusdcr'mm“hlh Territoâ€" tlal jurisdiction of Her Majesty, to take in any sup~ plies, except islons, and such other things as -..,u...-l?:u.uu.- of her crow, and weept so much coal only as may be sufficient to mrry such Vossel to the nearest Port of her own sountry, mmduuwh:bulnnd Mh{&nup’udbuyml' p of W ar or Privatect in the same or any other Port, Moadstead, required to depart and put to sea within Twontyâ€" tour hours after her eaterance into such Port, Koadâ€" stoad, or Wu.cr-. mop‘mmod':'â€" of weathor, or of requiring isions or necessary l«u&:hmm mr Crow, ar nml.h either of which cases the Authorities of the Port or of the newrest Port (as the case may N&. shall require her to put to sem as soun as possible after the ex~ pitation of mhhpflu-l :f "l’.wuly-ruum -& out permitting her to take unnu. y w u".hnnmwl fur her immediate use; and no such Vessel which may have been allowed to remain within British W aters for the purpose of repair shail continue in auy suth Ports, Roadsteads, or waters, a.k-.u 'uhdqtlu 'l':’-luu' hours after necessary rept‘rs shall have been completed ; huiddnwmb’ohu. that in all cases in which there shall be any Vossel (whether Ships of W ar, Privateors, or I‘:n;m SblpL :‘. the said Belliâ€" guu parties o same Roadstead, or aters within the Torritorial Jurisdiction of Her Majesty, there shall be an interval of not :: than Twentyâ€"four hours between the departure of any such vessel (whether a Ship of W ar, a Privaâ€" teer, or a Merchant Ship)of the one Belligerent, and the uhauu departure therefrom of any Ship of W ar or Privatoor of the other Belligerent, and the iyres hereby limited forthe departure of such Shipg 6€, W ar and Privatoors respectively, shall always 1 """"'"‘f::,.':-"l‘.'.:." you that the Queen has been p to that orders in wnlurn'n,‘.m the principles above stated, should forthwith be Addrdssed to all proper authorities in the United Kingdo«h, and to Ku Majesty‘s Naval or other authoritics in all quarters beyond the United K'ugdo..luuol'p‘h-nhlhdnt- stances. 1 have, &e., , [Co#r.) f DOWXINXG STREET, & Febrcary 26th, 1866. Sug,â€"Her Majesty being fully determined to obâ€" serve the duties of ï¬o&h’ & the existing hostilities between lMor Catholis and the Reyubtics of Ch li and Poru, and being moreover resulved w provent, as far as possible, the use of r Majosty‘s Harbers, Ports, and Coasts, and the ators within More l-io-ty'n 'bniwvhl't:hdh- uy aid of the warlike purposes of cither Belâ€" U n':. has w‘muu::. me to m-nuu: ‘: your guidance, following Rulos, w {{n’-‘b‘ troated and culurced as Mer Majosty‘s Or and Ditections :â€" 6 Mor Majesty has beun pleased to command that hoso rules shall be put in force in the United l;:.x dom, and in the Chaznel Istands, on and after F\ day,the In i of March next, and in Hee Majesty‘s Tetritories and Possessiuns beyond seas six d-&; «fter the day when the Goverror of other Ch Authority of each of such Territories or Possessions wvely shall have notited »ad ::Ibld the 53-’.‘....‘.. in such notilication that thesaid Rules mhkvmdb’ all persons within the same the Jovernmert of Canada. Htawa, April 3. 1865. Vessela be allowed to bring thoir prizes into Bri ish Waters. i oih, or any of ‘Mor Majosty‘s Colonies or Posses hunln.". Â¥ Th Boarl of lurendos to Mr. Carduesii, Fonmumy Orrics, Tnd rnunm Sin,â€"lor Majoâ€"(y‘s Government hbeing ( obsorving the strotest noutrality ir the contest etween Spain and the Repablic ot Chili, they proâ€" oo, wita the view of more oflmdl&onn',: nto eiffect this S:M'h. to interdict ‘Al hips, and also the Privateors of both parties, from nnyingl’fluh-mwun- into the Ports, Harâ€" oars, Roadsteads or W aters of the United Kingâ€" he Right Honorable â€" Wiward Cardwoll, M. P &¢., 4¢., 4o Circular . At Sen Ports in Canada roR S aAL E, Mo«razai, 20th day of February, 1866 PRESEXT : ALSO : %5 ACRES OP LAXD (Signed,) _ Basmers Telegraph BuildMig, Ottawa City, tub, #b€, \ uar obedioat servent, CON#ISTING oP K.8. M. Dol't.‘l(;m nor of Custome aind Exeise. CLARENDON TK OYTTAWA TIMES MARCH i, is6Â¥, &_M_um_'.-, gon belonging to A B," as ~ ease may be. L l)..'lr warchouse '“‘.’.!'s.“"m‘.x"n'“"f(’,{ ’l'“u Prescott," or * Bonding N arokuas 3. 1 ?";l‘:.ft-_m?hlmwmmhhm .{.flawcfl-dflo tength proo for 'l." *oM-uflm-u“ H His piace of business. 3 this _ Collector of Inland Reâ€" day of 166 ::otouho Diviâ€" Explanation of the manner of filling upthe blanks hh:â€"‘l torm B e *P "o(t) Tae mode of convepanee it "The Steater dite and no l-fu.ud on or before hur&n- tion of the «aid u days, it is to be deliverâ€" 4 imwo tns hands the Coilector or Assistant Colâ€" leâ€"tor of Inland Revenue, for the Inland Revenue Division of (12] and cancelled Permit the remoral in (1] _ from (2] s r&wlflrï¬?‘du (4) sttke "-n:- of the strength 'cd‘hi‘.; the property .“ 7 a ’ndM oh%l‘&_o "***** * Uge baty havieg besk 19] _ 3) The street, town, city, village, &c. il}'ho!luouthwuhuhmd.u The mode of " The w on m Apirmue -'l'holfltalmu‘ lnll'qy."::: case -ny‘:o. ame ccoupation person into nh(:.)omnd-uhhhumhmt 49) “fl:wdhflun,hhll. a» " 26, Craig street, M * ‘ (u)]onm-hunmhubu-nu. or whether the spirits are under removal (3) ~0v'lnr"¢-Afl|n for [A B) the owner," as the case may be. an agent, then a written anthority to act as such must be lodged with the odicer before the Permit is granted, stating the name, residence, and opcupation of such owner. (4) The Warchouse, or other locality, wherein loflu&.hu“ho'mm attached to the -llogdcb,‘u"luï¬-g Warchouse D yl’nnul. or "The store of J K," as the case may B eds “‘-‘MV“ ot the‘ -.-us ot ali blanks in the preceding Form A : 9e * Ilt l:.u‘ eccupation in full of the p« .(!) Mis place of residence. _ _ ting permits for the remoral of spirits from ::mwy in which they have been :‘uu(mnr- «1, or from any warehouse in v\it..q have been bonded or Mâ€"hplt.h‘u ;ilh hhr.:‘- :nd ex« amations accoun the same,be, the same :'n hereby -ud::l and adopted, that is to say 1. Pormite the removal of spurits from udy Distillery w they hare been manufactured, : frgm any w huo..'bonin lhy‘.:ln h"Ol or anted on applica« liom‘ the owner d-’mh -xlu. or of his .aJT' au» A a Council held at the City of Quebet, on Monâ€" day, the 24th September, 1866. pwEet : HIS EXCELLENCY TiHE GOVERNORâ€"GEXNâ€" ERAL IN COUNCIL 0. THE RECOMMEXDATION oF the Honorable the Minister of Finance, and tnder and in virtue of the Tth section of the Act 29â€"30 Viec., Cap. T, intituled : * An Act to amend "'A""!'.hg“w“m““""‘ tor the duty thereby imposed on spirits," His Excelâ€" loney l-Wlbuh..:‘quo order, and it is heroby ordered, that tollowing regulations tion‘ of the owner of such spirit«, or of his duly auâ€" thorized “lh:: the collector, or the assistant e ot 1 Revenue, for the Inland Roveâ€" nue in which the spirits then are. 2. Every application for such a permit shall stmte :â€" «) The number and description of the packâ€" ..so)h_'bhbt_hofl.rbmu-ru ie t _(e) The quantity, in wine gallons, in each packâ€" ngoudlluuu"i __(d) The equivaient in wine gallons of the strongth (A) Whether the duty has been paid, and, if not, how secured. (i) The time at which it is to be removed. a)"hou-oou‘-pun‘ and place of busingss of owner, ; are«nto annexed, and shall be printed on paper :-memhmm-u sueh ty pe or engravings as may be apprured by the Ministor of Finance. â€"(8) The marks and numbers on each of the pack «) The place wherein is thenstored. /‘ The place to which 1 is to be removed. h-.}.h..."’u by which the removal is‘to (4) The name, place of business and cccupation of the into whose the apiri to i: G person ied possession the apirits are (/) The name of the person or corporation in whose custody it will be duting its removal E. & E application for a perinit shall be made on & P":g‘ .'"".“.."_‘“".“1 with '!.“ hereunto rlluhdt.wioh tbol".lh-dlflo-'ol)l‘ri-h:i nto which cfllhmh removed, or wherein they are removed from one pléce to another, within the period mentioned in the permit. _ â€" _ mmwumr-m T. Every endorsation of the examination of any permit shadl be made onthe back thereof, and evory pormit shall be defaced by writing the word " canâ€" called " unu.oluo-’ll. n.L’upinuu of the period for which it has been granted. ; 8. Permits shall not be granted for the removal mlflo- the packages in which they are connection “il'h.lh W P “:.::l:uu [ w arehousing a proved on the 17th March, 1865, iE W. A. HIMSWORTH, 245â€"tf Assist. Clerk Executive Council. on a printed forw, in comormity with that hereunto .m&l_l_‘n_yh‘&.fl&cflhdpflbytho person making it. _ 4. Every permit granted shall be on the printed forms -â€m by the Department of l"rh . _-birhll“t.lfl!‘. lpmuyynh_mï¬.::; it, be suficient for effecting the remov«) of the * lrits to which it relates. 6 The shall accompany the spurits to -luunn.flmhhmruhdlho rmlovh.b-ww.bu shall be pmoâ€" a0ed tor examinamon as often as may be required lym“hflu&-fly“udu-hn be delivered to the collector, or assistant collector, 4. Every permit shall state the persod for which it bu"aahhhn. which :h-i shall not be wore than will, in the opinion of the owc~r granting Dormit granted at The duty having m,...uu-.u?:.. 10 te and no kllfl'.ud‘n'« he dut \/ke Requisition made at ) [84. 11j 1, (1) 11) To be signed by the personâ€"making he reâ€" Exoms. Requustion for a Permit C ! «y J e FORMS AND EXPLANATIOXS. day No of Permit, Exomse Peawrt General No Local No 3 Eiif days from 08E M ..,i. .h is â€"i â€"vr-v-r&.m“l'\l. -“i RECC ass & foreign country consigned dlrufly' to {-p;:f-l in Canada, -l-:'l? hereatter borllclllun-o_godq‘umuo Goods. Baturday, 16th day of December, 1865. 7 Prssext. : Mis Exormuzycy,rus Avoutsistrato® or tas Govâ€" ‘ ERNNENT 1X Cooxcut. ‘ “ll EXCOELLENCY '.lm.ed to lay before the Council a Report the Commisâ€" sicher of (im:-udu:: lsxt.‘hll)ou:‘b;r. 1865, and approved e lon. the Minister inance, statâ€" ing that -Jorulbodty of chapter 17 of the Con. Stat., Can., Seo. 24, an Order in Council was passed on 28th April, 1853, dlnall'c "that Goods bona fide exported tothis Province from any country, bat s:.lu in tramsiru through another country and unâ€" r Bonds shall be,until it shall be otherwise ordered, valued for duty adif such Goods ‘were imported diâ€" rect from such first mentioned eumaim this Proâ€" vince," and submitting that it would be desirable to extend said Order in Council to {ree as well as duâ€" tiable Goods. Whereupon His in Council was pleasâ€" d!oedc.x_lld it is hereby â€"ordered, that free )t drpienak tm (dhan d ies 4Aat until further orders the above dutics shall, in all the Registration Counties or Registration Diâ€" visions of Lower Canada, be paid in money, and the amount of such duties received by every Rogisâ€" trar v:o‘r«lnly, shall be by hiin mecounted for and paid over to the Receiver General immediately after the close of every third month, to be reckoned from the said First day of October next. _ On evefy will, marringe contract or donation, Thirty Cente, O:honx deed or ‘mh mdofï¬n‘ or evidencâ€" e sale, exchange, bypothecation or a :‘ real propert ï¬or ?un or emmm‘m ing in 'lll.".. Thirty Cents, _ Un every other doed or instrument, Fijteen Cents: On every search, with or without ceortiticate, Fliv _ What until further orders the above duties thail. That on, from and after the FIRST day of OCâ€" TORER next, there shall be imposed, levied and collected on each 133 d, ment or document reâ€" gistered in any Rcihtry Oflce in Lower Canada, and on o‘vor{ search made in such R.‘iuq Office on or after the raid day, the following dutics resâ€" postively, that is to say : * IfIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERâ€" * AL IN COUNCIL ; ull EXCELLENCY WAS PLEASED to lay before the Council a Tariff of Duties to be imposed under the authority of an Act of the ln{'u’lnun of Canada, Juuod in the session thereâ€" of held in the Twentyâ€"ninth and Thirticth years of Her Majesty‘s Reign, intituled : Wheretpon lis Excellency was pleased to order and it is hereby ORDERED â€"." _ «©An Actto provide a fund towards defraying exponses incurred for matters nocessary to the e%iâ€" siency of the Registry Laws of Lower Canada." The undersigned will gladly receive communicaâ€" tions of a practical ehnrzehr for pablication, bearâ€" ing on the subject of Immigration,, such as; letters from actual settiors, lho‘il{. their in the country, ndgoiwaf out t Ffllm mlnucu of their district‘ in rticular, &c. It . is desirablethat u;c{. ohoJ:l. be written as concisely as possible, and be froe trom anything like exagâ€" geration. L am, Sir, j Fobruary 10 sou into whose possersion it is to be transforred. | 8] Ilis place of businoss. â€" Iv «=Paid" or * secured in bond," as the case | ma + 7 » |{0] The nuimber of days which, in the opinion { of the officer grasting the permit, may beâ€"necessury for the removal. _ , Ill The period named for the removal. 12] The Inland Revenue Division into which the spirits are removed or in which the removal trom one place to another takes place. = 1 The first number will appear in the course of mext month, the second in April, bringinj down the information to the latest period, tc be followed up wmonthly or qumrl[v‘;‘u may be required.‘ As the space it is intended to allot for advertising m- will be limited, and in view of the large wiroulation the sheet will obtain, [for it will be disâ€" tributed gratuitously], the prices of advertisements eannot be much lower than the following :â€" _ For each advertisement, not excecding ten lines, $2 the insertion : and 8 cents for onr{v extra line. ce ',°t a square of 22 limes, to stand fora twelveâ€" In all caÂ¥es, advertisements must be : and an early transmission is recommended ‘. The ionourable the Minister of Agricuiture and Immigration has also authorized the opening of an Information Office in Liverpool, under the manageâ€" ment of Mr, Win. Dixon, a genatleman well acquaintâ€" ed with this and the mother country, who will be nrclll:y charged with the distribution of this papor. throughout the United Kingdom, and in bringing the same protninently under the notice of the emigrant. MIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNORâ€"GENERâ€" AL IN COUNCIL. 0N THE, RECOMMENXDATION OF the HMonorable the Minister of Finance, and under and in virtue of the ulhuri? Twn and conâ€" ferred by the Act 29â€"30 Viec. Cap. 7, His Excelieney in Council has been pleased to orcer, and it is hereâ€" 1. That subject to the provisions ot the Act above cited, to these Regulations, and to such further Keâ€" gulations, as may hereafter be made by competent authority, Licenses may be granted to manulacture in Bond the articles herein enumerated, viz : Drugsâ€"including Essences and Extracts, â€" | -Puéunory, : â€" Vinegar, + t dn'&.hcl. 2. Tiat any Bended manufactory licensed under the abpreâ€"recited Act, may be ‘closed and the License Arfeited, whenever it is shewn to the satisâ€" faction of the Minister of Finance that there is just cause for believing that frauds ‘:zu the Revenue are perpetrated in connection with such manufacâ€" 3. That in addition to the License fes named in the Act above cited, every porson to whom a " Bondâ€" ed .\hnufmnrl:‘n, cense" is granted, shall pay to the Collector of I Revenue, in monthly inâ€" staiments, such sums of money as #hall be sufhicient The Honourable the Minister of Agriculture and Immigration, having acthorized the publication, by this Department, of an occasional paper, to be callâ€" ed the ©CANADA IMMIGRATION GAZETTE," which will be devoted exclusively to the encourageâ€" ment of Immigration, and to the ndofu.im of neeuâ€" rate and usetul intormation concérning Canada abroad, I bo&lhvo to bring under your notice the advantages this sheet ‘will offer as an advertising medivcn to land pwne?s, and others having P râ€" ties for sale or le As information of l.hunzi.nd hufuly for, and much valued by every. intelligent emigrant, means will thus be afforded of Britnts in quext reopoementiog wit ty property" rect unication w rty. holder here. a 4 Y by ordered that the tollowing Regulations respoct~ ing the manulacture of the undermentioned dutiable gouds in Dond, be and the same are heroby adopted â€"â€"that is to say: j isud for the ,i',-.,anu'oi the.expenses incurred by the Finance Department for lksoheï¬n urnl-iau of the manufactures carried on under such license, and for taking account of the dutiable articles consumed in such manufacture, and of the articles produced therefrom. And the maximum gum to beso paid by the party aforesaid shall be from\time to time deâ€" umlux by the Minister of Fimance, as he may deem necessary, and shall, as nn::) as may be, be in proportion to themagnitud «_ goneral characâ€" ter of the business carried a n um\g‘!licrme. 4. That goods manufactured in Bond shall bo reâ€" moved from the apartments of the nawrm-mry whoreinthey are manufactured as soon as the whole l:neo. of manufacture is completed, and shallthen placed in apartments or store:rooms set apart for that purpose, wherein they shall be bonded in the manner required by the Excise Bonding Regulations made bdy‘&nlor in Council, dated the 17th day of 5.{.: {; and they shall be dealt with, in respoct 1 have it in command to inform you that His Exâ€" collom‘( the Governor .General, by an Order in Council of this day‘s date, has been pleased to reâ€" new, for a period of one month from date hereof, the Order in Council of the 19th March last, directing that " Fire Aris and Munitions of W ar" be importâ€" ed free of duty until the 6th rfvcino. nm to the condition that the Importer furnish the ctor of Custom with lists of parties desirous of procuring such arms, and that such parties be known to be reliable loyal subjects, and such privilege shall Oxlc:tl to all such importations made upon and from this date . 4 t Cirourar No. 175. 1k‘ ~ . No. 8. FINANCE DEPARTMENT, CUsTOMS. . s Ottawa, June 6, 1866. Sir, SIR You are horebyâ€"authorized to refund the duties already paid ".'.â€" Arms and Munitions of W ar imâ€" ported within the period above numed. i ] I am, Sir, fls flw Your obedient servant, 4 R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE, The Coliector of Customsâ€" 144â€"tf [?] The name and occupation in full of the perâ€" GOVERNMENT HOUSEâ€"OTTAWA @ovERNMENT IMMIGRATION OFFICE, ‘ ~QuiEnzC, 25th January, 1866. ouncil held in the City of on Monday, the 24h day of aepâ€"ï¬',‘f;n . f PRESENT ; 1 GovERNMENT n0UsE, Ottawa, 17th August, 1866 4 . PREBENT: * .___Your obedient serventt A. C. BUCHANAN, Chief Ag p Wyx. K. LEF, C. E. 0. 62â€"t prepaid, and ink * Too Lat®" to show that the letter was posted too late for the Mail of the day. of which it bears the post mark. 7. When a letter is posted at an office after the despatch of the Mail for which it is intended, ‘but on the same day, the. Postmaster should mark it opposite the post mark, cither by stamp or with pen In the case of‘l'd.urifto or from the United States, no credit is given: for hny partial preâ€"payment of the 10 cent ratesâ€"By the United States Post Office Law, any ant of partial preâ€"payment is forâ€" feited and mr n&red as if wholly unpaid. * Bill, Law and Registration Stamps, _ ~= 4. Postmaster intrusted with tho sale of Bill, Law, or I{eghtry&thn Stamps (stamps to be used in Lower Canada in paying fees on Deeds, &c., in Registry Offices) are required to be careful to keep Their accounts and remittances connected with such 5. Postmasters are reminded that, at evory Post Office, a printed or written notiee stating the timt at which the Mails arrive and close, and the _hou‘s for opening the Office in the morning and closing in the evening, should be put up for the information of the public. | t * sales, and the applications for further supplies of such stamps, ‘entirely disiinct from their accounts, remittances, and ‘appli¢ations in connection with Postage Revenue, Postage Stamps, or Money Order business, t ‘ 3. In applying the 7 cent unpaid rate to letiers passing.â€"within the Province posted unpaid or not tully preplldâ€"l"’u-l'au'n 'ilt observe that a letter passes cither as prepaid at 6 cents Fr 4 oz., on condition that the whole postage due be fully prepaid â€"or at7 cents per } or. if posted unpaid, or only partly prepaidâ€"in the latter case the full rate of 7 eta. per § oz.should be marked and a deduction made Aherefrom of the amount which may have been paid â€"â€"thas on an ounce letter prepaid 5 cents onlyâ€"the rate will be 14 cents and crediting the 5 cents paid 9 cents will remain to be charged, and collected on delivery, T. The object of the 7 cent 6*“1 rate, is to induce preâ€"payment and thereby relieve the Post Office from cost and trouble of account and collection, but this object is oqually defeated whether the lotter be wholly unpaid, or but partially prepaidâ€"and thereâ€" fore the 7 cant rate applies to the whole charge upon the letter in both cases. Registration of Newspapers and fp‘;h for United Kingdom. 2. A Packet of Newspapers, or of Books, adâ€" dressod to the United Kingdom may be sent regieâ€" tered on proâ€"payment by Postage Stamp of the same registration charge as on letters for the same destiâ€" nation, nanjely, 8 cents in addition ‘to the regular postage. | _ l . Do. via Havana......... Veszceua 2 {:‘a‘:ï¬ï¬:: i Wrer Ixomsâ€"Britishâ€" Bahamas, Nassau, | Barbadoes, ‘ Demerara, f ‘ Dominica, Essequibo, Grenada, #2 Jamaion, sieves Nevie; ' St, Kitt«, 8t. Lucia, * Et. Vincent, Tobago, | Trinidad, . " Wast Ixpre8,â€"Foreign,| except Cuba and St.. Thoimasâ€" | Guadaloupe, | Alayti, St. Domingo, | Martinique, | Porto Rico, Santa Cruz. 1] | Australia and New Zeaâ€" land via New York| and Panama, by: steamer leaving Now York on the 11th of each month............. DEPARTMENT ORDER, All Lotters, Newspapers, &0 ., for the above places intended for+the New York Route should be adâ€" dressed (ria New York.) > A Postmaster having lotters, &¢., 55 Mddressed to mail, will mail them for whichover of the six City Offices above named, may best suit the purpose as regards the relative position of his owr. Office and New York. 9 Lettors forwarded by this route can be registered as far as New York on preâ€"payment by Postage Stamp of an additional 5 cents per letter. Letters, Newspapers, LE'I"I‘ERI. Newspapers, &c., for the aboveâ€"named destinations may be forwarded from Canada by way of New York in the Mails made up daily for that City .at the Post.offices of Quebec, Montreal, Oitawa, Kingston, Toronto and Hamiiton, _ AUSTRALTA AND NEW ZEALAND WESNT. INDIES, CANADIAN POSTAGE STAMPS. Acapuleo. As !:wall Borlvu.... EOURGOF .......currrrrsrees COrxirat § Costa Rica Awerica. zuuuen'uln Cmurâ€"Valparaiso ... ï¬nnjlenu, avana, Coma {Mnunnl, * _____ | PurtoPrineipe PROUHE : ssncredcerntisens snduss Preevâ€"Callao, Lima.;...... Et. Thomas, U. 8. packet Brazm FEORUUEFRE: : +565 a383 418 sa xi +040 MeRICO..sssscarccetstecenors 1e Do. vie Havana........... New Grenada, elcop&i Aspinwall & Panama, Pacife side Nxcnmmg Gulfof Mexâ€" ico side Notice to Public of Ofice and Mail Ifour:, COUNTRIE®, &o ON PREPAYMENT Lelters "puud without Address, "&e soUTH AMERICA, Partially Prepaid Letters Bahia w‘;ln s roam Riv Janeiro Via New York. Of the following rates b Too late Leitera FOW THB Cents. ‘Cents. | Conts, 10 | 2 ‘| 2p 40r 10 ‘2 2 p4or 34 4 |5 pos 24 18 10 22 34 10 34 10 22 10 16 34 34 10 10 5 /5 pos 2 ; 2 p 40 5 p or 2 p 4oz 5.p os 2 p dor 2 p dor 2 p 4oz 5 p os 2 p 4oz 2 p 4oz 4 p oz 2 p 4oz 5 p or 2 p dor : NOTICE TO MARINERS®. Lightsâ€"Gulf of St.. Lonwcrence, Prince Edward s Island. THI GOVERNMEXT OF PRINCE ED« ward I#land has given notice thata Light House %as recently been ereoted on the North Point of thal Island, in 47°©, 3‘, 46". N., and Longitude 63©,59%, 9" W. â€"The Light stands feet high aboye water, and shows a fixed white li y |ecveminnd, : _E =0â€"ill .36 / o5s > ‘YO'!'"‘E ISs HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1 @ Hisâ€"Excelioncy the rnor General, by an Order in Council bearing this day‘s date, has been pleased to order and direct that, with the view of encouraging the introduction into the Province of the very important improvement of Eteam Cultivaâ€" tion, Steam Ploughing: Machines and their appurâ€" tenances be exempt from import duties for a period of two years from this date. $ 3 By command, s 4 ‘ R. 6. M. BOUCHETTE, _ 208tf ~_/ Commissioner of Customs and Excise At a Council held in the City of Montreal on M§t urday, the 8th ‘day of December, 1866, *\ M ressknt : f ‘ HIS EXCELLENCY THE GuVERNORâ€"GENEâ€" p24%» RAL IN COUNCIL. _ 0: THE: RECOMMEXDATION or the Hon, the Gommissioner of Public Works, and under and‘n virtue of the eightyâ€"fifth #oction of the twentyâ€"eighth chapter Consolidated Statutes of Canada, His Exceliency in Council has been pleased to order, and it 1s hereby ofdered that the following tolls be imposed, levied and collected or saw logs and timber passing down the shdes at Ranney‘s Falls, Middle Falls and Benly‘s Falls, on the works of the River Trent, that is to say : one cent por saw log of thirteen feet in length, and a proportionate sum on pieces of greater length, passing down each of .the above mentioned slides respectively. , And that the above toll of one cen per saw log bo collected ‘and paid for each such slide on all such saw logs, and of one dollar per crib on all such cribs of square timber as have passed down the River Trent from the beginning the present season of navigation: Newspapers for delivery not. to be read â€"in Pos Olices, * o Dreartuextat Oiore 8. Postmasters should o careful not to open or read thomselyes, nor to suffer to be opened or read by any other than the person addressed, any Nowsâ€" paper or Periodical pl!s:i through their Offices or coming toâ€"their Offices, for delivery. + The pracâ€" tice of allowing NowlpnpflL or Periodicals to be so opom;r or read, is very nQrehmible, and leads to abuses and complaints, even when the irregularity is alloged to take place with the permission of the person to whom the Newa;ilpr or. Periodical‘ may be addressed. | 2 Printed forms containing all other ‘information and conditions of the proposed contract may be seen and obtained in blank form at the Postâ€"Offices of Aylmer and Ottawa. / ' 7 3 _ EDWIN F. KING, Postâ€"Oflice Inspector. Postâ€"Office Inspector‘s Ofice, * * Montreal, 20th Feby., 1867. z 367dw9â€"14 FIRE INSUKANCE COMPAXIES Not incorporated by any Statute of this»Provinee, â€" _ have not published the statement of their Assets and liabilitigs:; } Th Amount of Capital k ; o Amount paid thereon ; * Nature of Assots; |â€" > ; ._.., Amount of lasses ; } due and uspaid ; I + adjusted and not due, ~ * _ in suspense and waiting for forther 33, For the conveyance of Her Majesty‘s Mails for the term of four years, twice a day, between To commence on the 1st of April next. For such lefsult, as };rovided in the said Act. * ‘JOUN,SIMPSOXN, February 23, 1887 AVLMER AXND OFTAWA, Toall W hom it May Concern NOTICE is hereby given that INSURANCE COMPANIES not comp!ying with the said Act are inble to the ~ f A ddrersed to the Postmaster General will be re ceived _ . | FRIDAY, MiRCH 15th, 1867 ptoof ; a _ resisted, and for what enuse ; . Amount of all mhot:ui-u against the comâ€" vany ; Amount of premiutisâ€"earned and uncarned during the past year ; The whole as required by the Act 23 Vic., cap. v R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE, 104 Commissioner of Customs PENALTY OF $1,000, aT orTraw a/ FINANCE DEPARTMENT, CUSTOMS.. . °* Ottawa, June 14th, 1866 Bookâ€"Manuscript u+m' Printers® Proofs 3124 FINANCE DEPARTMEXNT, CUSTOMS oMPLAINT certain 367 dw9.â€"tf Mail Contract. 11. TENDEHERS Ottawa ar Nbox! Ottawa, 13th August, 1 W. A. HIMSWORTH, | * Asst. C. K. C UXBHL AssistaXt Auprrou ~ 36Tdw9 if Avoit Orrice, . February 19, 1867. bssa _ inade that LANGEVIN, Postmasterâ€"General. Psp â€" PIL L L. as prohibits the importation or introduction 0 ! T,° mmithh Province, or into any part 0f it, by 808» Cer ECERETET n en oo ce s + tue of the ul-‘:fily conferred by the Act ’Az; the 29th year of Her Majesty‘s reign, inti * #" An Act to provide against the introduction and spreading of digorders affecting Certain anknalsâ€"" Tas Orrawa Tiuss,â€"Printed a every morninig, (Sundays « Grore: Corrox, Proprietor, Steam Printing Works, No His Excellency in~Council has been pleased { dor.hnditinhon‘:‘ludond.thu #o much 0 Order in Council of the 20th day |of !'obfuz P U DC TD S Qumnludaétnw ar sntnadnetion ifâ€" be and the same i= hereby IIIS EXCELLENCY THE GOYERNORâ€"GENERâ€" AL INX COUNCIL _ * On the recommendation of the Honorable the Minâ€" ister of Finance, and under and in virtue of the aa~ thority given and eonferred by the 5th section of the 17th clu&or of the Consolidated Statutes of Canaâ€" da, His Exseliency was pleased to order and deâ€" clare, and it is hereby ordered and declared that the item, * Irou Wire," «round or fiat,", mentioned: in the Schedule E of the Act 29th, 30th "5&0‘} 6, was intended to include, and is hereby to extend to and :nclude fint wire for crinolines ub= covered At a Counesl held at the m,‘{exoml, on Saturâ€" day, the 3rd day of November, 1866: * § PRESENT ; HIS EXCELLENCY TIHIE GOVERXORâ€"GENERâ€" AL IN COUNCIL 0l the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture, 4nd under and in virâ€" At a Council heid in the City of Quebec, on Monday, 241th September, 1866. _ _ & C PRESENT: â€" * TO PREVENT the depositing of ; Sotl, Mamnurc, and other mm and unwholesome substances the Ice, or Inâ€"the Waters of a taw Cand Ridean Rivers, and J Canal, within the Hmit« of th of Ottawa. Bs iT Exactiko ty tu®g ation of the City of Ottawa, in ( bied, and it is hereby ¢xzacted andâ€"or therity of the sameâ€" . > musdmizie caesdt near & ‘ BEISTOLS SAKSAPARILEA, in enses arising from depraved humors, or impure blood. The most helpless sufferers ‘need Mdfl{llf Underthe infiu= ence of these two GREAT REMEDIES, maladiet that have heretofore been considered utterly incurâ€" able, disappear quickly and ‘Lnrmmdly. In the following disenses, these ‘Pills are the safest, the xiekut.nd the best remedy ever prepared, and ould be at once resorted to : 4 Dyiépepsia, or Indigestion, Liver Com* plaints, Constipation, Headache, + 1. That no person shall throw, leave, place, or caure‘to be thrown, Icft, de placed, or suffer or permit bis or her tervants, to throw, loave, depostt or dead animal, night soil, carrion, putri the entrails of any animal, or fresh . vegetables, or any dung, dirt, fith, or mny description on the ice of, or in th the Oitawa or the Rideau Rivers, or on or in the waters ef.the Rideau Canal limits of the Ciq of Odawa, : T w OO DUBMO Per is ol P l‘h(}nunnlard{mdfl LILVER, STOMACH AND B0 W EL6 Put up‘in Glass Phials, and Warranted to keep . any climate. EmA ob 6 --'fb::lrfl‘lu are re ared reesiy to operate in !?&9!.!.!@.‘95%2‘". blood puriGeit, City Clerk: Ottawa, l-‘cbnur; 22, 1867 2. That each ‘and every person who shall be guilty of any infraction or breach of nny of the provisions of ‘this b{-ll'. shall, upon copviction® thereof, before the Pourc® ‘Corrt, forfeit and pay a FINE of not iess than TW O DOLLARS, s more than FIFTY DOLLARS, together with the coste o(Jmmcion, to be made andâ€"leried by disâ€" trea® and sale of the goods and chattels of the ofâ€" fender ; and in cake of m-t‘)m( of the fine inâ€" flicted for any such breach); and there being no distress found out of which same can be levied, such ofender shall be'i-(!ui med in the Commop Gaol of the County of Carikton, with or without makD LAaBor, andfor, suchjperiod not exceed TWENTYâ€"ONR DaÂ¥s, as_the Court xmvifliu‘ct: adjudge, unless ’hneh fine and costs be sooner paids ‘Hiven under; the (‘f-rvn e Seal of the City of Ou-'s.*thiq Eighteenth day of February, A. D. 1867. (Signéd,) + . on Certified, “7 HEN THE BLOOD IS THLCK, THE circulation el:ï¬:d. and the bumors of the ‘body aendercd unbealthy by the heary and socretions of the winter months. This safe, q powerful detergent, cleanses every portion of system, and shou‘d be â€" «* &.&ll who are sick, or who wish to prevent sick» . It is the only genuine orsriginal preparaâ€" tion tor the poftn,ncm‘gn‘«( the most dangerous And is the only true and reliable cure for Syphilis, even in its woret forms, It is the very best medicine tor the cure of all discases arising from & vitiated or impure state of the blood, and particularly: so when used in conâ€" nection with * « â€"~ BRISTOLS â€" 200 o_‘ ./ and confitmed egses of T lmthu! Old Sores, Boils, Tamors Ab« , °.\ scesses, Ulcerss And every kind of Screfulovs and‘ Scabious orupâ€" "tions. ~It is adso a sure remedy for 4 SAbDT ~RHEUM, RING _ WORM, TETTER ©SCALD HEAD AND SCURVEY. It is guaranteed to be the purest and most powerâ€" e ful preparation of . ~ gENUINE HONDUKAS SARSAPARILLA, DUTING THE SPRING ANDBEU MMFER Street, in the City of Ottewa Carleton, C.W . IN QUART BOTTLES 1 pPHUE GREAT PURIFIER OF TRE sLoobD _ Js particularly recommended for use . | _ GSARS®SAPA RILLA ! 2451f (Vegetable) Rugarâ€"Coated W. P.LEIT, USED DAILY AS A DIET DRINE, & BRIEIST O L+S ROBERT LYOX W. A. HTIMSWORTH, Assist C. E.C and Piles» â€"Printed and Published (Sundays excepted) bM Proprietor. at the TWB Rivers, -:q-ï¬'m e limita Of the ("h' Mavor. HIMSWORTH iresh or ‘.,.,"‘ ith, or rubbish of r in the waters of #, or on the ies of 1 Cl“'."uhiah L N-‘NI- in Counci s i ordained :, anâ€" leave, deposit, or eft, doP‘.M of r her #ETVRIR; or ait cor fllcc, Any Asst. C. £.C. pleased to or y CoRde s County * the Ote Nights wB) any affording the b wertise in publiched in 21 F-szy over %, miaking a total a%,000 4 thus Aos l.&fl“-.i following rateak All subsequent Yearly sMivert dliberal allowa Scorge Cottc Byriness Ca 1 ®% [ransient Adv szed t Ottal ‘A ovie®risiNG Co., $4, 1 ark T DOR NE A, Chancer®t, gomer of sup...~“ awritawa, Four 7%. Chancory Ofice :Blzin Acrcx a Nanbay d Oitawa, .l.ily: 2 K4 orric urtawa, C. W WB Solcitor Ofice, over Btore, idean January 17. (%. Chagcery urgrer : Uns Zebruary €1, i :Aot:-w_u Streot, \Pu repared bo utt $ovornnt an nay gluxhu mit in and Por Decembor 2 I 1" Wt-l:‘..xl COL Auvm’ru ney s~atâ€"1. Qawicxs : Ma Mr. Woright : fridays of oy o 1 a . onÂ¥ a M . Ottawa, Feb E. 8. Hare ebruary 7, 4 Qryion : A Atawa, Jan OrF1C®: l-m’: Vitawa, Febr Orric« : In January 27, 1 B A 6t B¢ & Notary Atawa, Fob. O#ICK BAKKIi Bolicitoi es Public, & (P: ~HB 4 1 } by means Fobraary 7 Clarke; D »nto ; John Ottaw a. Qrrice : 4 he ofice at ‘eren Jone on cuimâ€"pgy & P _ Orvice d figin sto V OU)PF 1509 TOR S TBORX Ottawa, J T PO DX W . MA L. _ ‘Clates March.4. Juawa, J ublished en LAPIL A 4t d8 4 s Sulcitor hee : pp A 8t 2t 18 A T4 M A®S Chancer A 18 40 4 8 Street. Ottawna A RAtRS O iC a Ottawa. &n 11A Â¥4 EDWV A RRES A 3 ï¬.‘lu GEO )44 KEXA P AR ENTH ENB & . JO A UA