«1 other n a United ,E;g‘uw wtances. I have gccordin Queca bas béen ; conformity With the Torth w.th adive the United Kinzso m__ i i‘u_gs.t(l:.t: E Hor Majesty has l hese rules shall be 1 do, and imtite Cha: day,the f â€"Mare Territories Erumss afterthe dey when Autuority of cach of respectively shall ha same, statidy: in such are to be y@U by verritories and > :s I. Quring the cor ties betweeg. llor C hes of Chiiland Pc. teers of either Bs making use of any . Kingdom of Great | Caanoel Istands, or mies or Forgign Pus abyâ€" W aters subject of the Britih Crow sqrt for any, wrarlike obtaining sby Ficili no Ship of W ar oc shall hereafier be p anv Port, :nvhu a frewm s ° Sim,.â€" Ma of obseiving the betweeo Syimin 1 : Pilh the O‘M' is Ships, ajba wiso carrying Plizes Nl.".ltm tew dom, or ang of gions a attoation tmbe ant m&énw’, of ;st War, a Prigateer, or a oreviously hrr\- 4, o Teast Twenty â€"tour Lo :: last mml Vessch distion of . Majesty The Collector _ IL. If agy Ship mm:!{:n, afl «hail be lmin'.i:ic Kingdom, in the several Colonies hnd The Right : Euw a w Her Majesty respee .Uhl*lll.ur W atersoloasia either in this United Kingiloom or i Inods, or inlany of Hor Majety‘s C : Dep-cmleu Me#, "l:h required art and pit to sea tour gours l:ht enterance inta stead, or rs, except it casy of or of her reffuiring provisions or | for the s« af ber Crew, or . of which the Authoritics of & nearest (as the case may . bs her to put t sea as soun s possib piration of guch geriod of Twentyâ€" out permitting her to take in «ipp| -l be y for her unaiedi y Â¥ which may havphosn : within W aters for the pury» ‘continue y such Ports, Roadst for a poried than‘ Twentyâ€" her -".I’ repairs shall have wertheless, that in all shallibe any Vesso| (whethe ““fl merchaat Ships) of r‘ pafties in the ssme. Por ators 'x'i: v.:o“1;eenin-.<.ul ja Majesty, t sha an litorva Â¥wentyâ€"four hours between the d«{ of any su04 vesselâ€"(whether a Ship ‘c"!j] ? -uqtfl depart ie therefsm of any Shiff of W ar or Privaicer of the othor Belligerent, and $he times hereby limited forths departire of such S of War. Privateers respoctively, shall alw@ys ha case of ity be extended, sp far, as ma w ving effeet tophis proviso, buatifo or rwise. f i. d IL No Ship of War or Privateor of either betli w shall hereafter be permiited while in n ad or Waters, gabject to the Territo rial ion of Her Majesty, toâ€" take in any sip n rmv'mi.-u. and such other things a meay be royuisite for subsistonce of her crew, naxcept so much coul only as may be m’?ie& -ni suel) Vossel to the nené sountry, oc to some nearer de: ‘1 shall be n supplied to any . Privateor in the same or any 0t ar Waters, subject to the Porrit Her , withant «pebial pe the expiration of Three month« aach coal may have been last « in Britich Wagers as aluresaid. f I have the honor to be, Ottawa, ‘April 3. 1804. The b'.'esi ViAduiniqur"mg Maloolm Gameron.. This mulling c Bodâ€" and is fucaisted with <a ove m on ton manioing dsn on 000 ts AOUSE stected therson. One haif of \the Iugd is »well (enced. %‘hosw propertieg are y attention of intending purchasers, and be sold CHE AP.â€" w v LNXDISPUTABLE TITLES WILL BE GIVEN CHY PROPERTY!: qrta uy Féb: 22, 1 sos the same Consession, at | of Wir. T. Ayion: Ej [(N THE TOWNSHIP OF NEPBEAN Brick, futnished with d TslE _4 ¢ _ M Houss, with working @'ith a . good house . an ablirigyâ€"and a good rya omere ; l'«w.:.lo ?:»:f‘.‘ cker‘s '.:g ard harnass. . Pogsession iinnediat ~|L & arate. Apply at this ofice (or pu’..ndi:r,ï¬ Ottawa, June 26. | 16 >« , M . perty knojn ag T. M. jDlasâ€" | ‘‘do dsll‘s Homastexl, containing n] m Two Acres, beaatifully sitmated on | he Otta l.iué. being Lot On6, .\'urt;;lil;o \\'el«l lo: ity of Ortawa, with the ing |# .J'. 4.Rereon. h Sha Auolp to ~ ~ â€" y f f l ‘ 1 p eenpe 4c n# mdiner < ‘ad v'-dn’x(mu. To wod shed attasfled, with P« Puildings in the yacl.â€" Thj 0197&04 Hotol, Boarding labruary 10, 18%% #r8,â€"1 have it in ttawa, Foornary 10. 1835 FF Por farthe particalirs LOTS & HOUSES,! A large Two storey Woo lond the Governmert of Canadal (Signed) For % ’.ni'eula' apply to ul _ WaL Cpeac, m} h f * . [ A, ~Basudra ba. â€"â€" '-"'l'cllzspl Buil ng.oua-:‘t.‘ y FINANCE DEPARTMENXT, CUSTOMS, ITHILN TW Oâ€"A NXD=A«11 AL 6 m!r.ms t of ‘the City Limits, with A DIFCELIING Dweéliings to Let. rTOR SA L E, SRY 85 ACRES OF LAND Your most hamble » *~ EDW A B I am, sir Firat®Conce pean, and 1 U coul only: as may be ient to sel to the n'un Port of her me nearer de;tfhation ; and no upplied to any sdch Ship of War same or any «t56r Port, oadsto et to the Purritorial jurisdiction thant «pebial permission, uatil aft U rl\na-r~v:'gl.vAnv.s o-* _ 2st K perty km:la ay T 7\[. “,"â€, _‘_._' GCONXSIITING OP D (Â¥ LEWI® & PLINDEY, L‘ Daiclsters, &s., Ottatra, * SO pf D CARDWELL sorvant, CLAREXDON, a l‘\';»l m CABta a the time when Masch, 1866. i to bor withlâ€" 90â€"t that‘th 1 K TTE 4AÂ¥ ti irdâ€"Red|Byat any flour or meal, mmy whiat d giain grown in g Provice® isto Xtoâ€"Unitel States browghtffack inbe ‘this Provin after such whet.or rain has t be grou it shall , be}= (d the mpted from (the paymentuf C \',inl‘c:l"l a_\n‘l‘ t such gr:\in. ontwrde at fl*\ nesrest Custor portifienilor the .-ydvml purpos vad hatths {lon afy of the dou ‘h,uo l:l',‘,.’B 5, bo, aworn to on â€" 4 thikProvineg. || * ./ k se f ..A m §% be déswied t the Port of the event of place of exp may be give the Port of : tS HIS EXCELLENCY THE 00\'&“0&0‘.‘“ Al LN COUNCL yark N the recommendation of the Honorable the Q Miuistorod Agriculture, and under and in virâ€" tag of the authvrity conférred byfhe Act pazsed in the 20th year of iler Majesty‘} regn, intituled : # An Ad to provide igwinst the introduction and spreadiuwg of disorde.s affecting certain animals." MisEsxcciicney in Council. has been pleased to.orâ€" der, aud it is heroby ordered, that «o much of the Onder in‘ Counc:l of The 20th day of Fobruatyrlast, prohibits the import ition or iAtroduction of Horâ€" xs into this Province, or into ..’Iu' oi it, by sem, be and the sanic is hereby revoked. ___ _ N the recommendat 9 Ministoroé Agricult tagâ€"of the authvrity confé the 20th, year of ‘iler 3 « AnAéf to provide gn spreadung of disorde.s af MisExcciieney in Coune der, aud it is heroby orde Onder in‘ Counc.l of uhe 2 prohibits the impostat x; into this Province, or be and the sanic is hereb it teet jay ply to i 5t ‘r;n::um\s, THE 3rd SZCTION OF W ‘the Act ‘m,«ed in. the 29th mm are Mer Majesty‘s Reign, mntulrl An Act\toâ€" gnd the Acts respecting Duties of Customs, ia Tacif of Duli:.rnyubh under them," enacts c i+ hymn‘h('m- after the FIRSE dlr of 0C« BHI in the present year," Sparkling W ine of all ds, m bottles, wen accompan{ed by a certificate growth, shirl! ln:qntmedut» entry at ;quu on quart bottlesard 31.50 peridozen pint bottles. tice is heroby given that in the absence of any cial l‘u:In tnat may hereafter be prescribed by s Depattiogdnt for the certific=to n&nlnd. the porter may go bb/ore any Maigistrate of the place port of Exportatipn, and make and sign before n a Neclaration‘as to the place of growth . whuction of such wines describing the same, sh Magistrato may administer the oath and s ch declaration, wiich deelaration should be auâ€" % ; i'Moml Telowr Ottawsa, 23rd Musck, 18*5 BB FINXANCE DEPARTMENT, CUSTOMS. T MODSRATZE RATES ON FIRST. CLASS CIÂ¥Y or FARLM PROPERTY. Ap. _Â¥ | P J. PEXNINGTON IMACPHERSON, t ¢ 1 by the British Consul, whose certificate the name of l.hf ship onboard of which : at which the Wines are to be shipped on, and such cértideate shall at present ho proper doâ€"ument to be produced at importation in this Provinee ; and in. thore being no British Consul at the «rtation the cortificate of authentication n by the Mayor of Chief® Magistrate at RARTMENTAL ORRER endation of t iv Command, NCY.T AL TN NCY TiE .GOVERNORâ€"GENERâ€" AL IN COUNCIL, c LLLNCY WAS PLEASED vc the Council a â€"Scheilule ofâ€" rates and recompended by the Honorâ€" lat the Cityof Montreal, on Sater dny of Nucember, 1866 : & AL RNMENT HOUSE, Tuesday the (th March (ut.r Pxcellency was Fleupd to order Mred, that for laperiod of one »1 and reckonedon from the 1ith he following r: of Toil, be and thorized to be leviod and collectâ€" h K. 8: M. BOUCHETTE, Y TiE G m:&l.\'oa-uxxsn- TN CuU NCI a cvy to lLend DBurs or Dolts and Yellew Matal T. A. HIMSWORTH, Asst. C. E. C Orrawa. 21st Au PRESENT WaA. HIMSWORTH, Pump Gear ULF W, A, HLMSWORTH, Asst. C. E. C Ad t OMeg«Department, . . _# «m....,\mf,'.w..m, 1866. c City af Muntreal, on Satue~ member. 1806 : : « +, Chnvass, from No. 1 to No. 6 A. HIMSWORTH, Assist. C. E e or beast of draught ‘le, orsaddle horse, Commissioner of Customs. £ 1 !; 7cowvc;; hï¬oi A. HIMSWORTH, s > Asst. C. E. C od to any vehisle [von Masts. â€"|~ commpmmmmeeâ€"â€" se ‘ hureby authorized to be | . dury, when purchased by | reor puolnk t for Shipbailâ€"ing purposes, | day of vlâ€"re‘zuiations for the vc; ’ h 186 1y be from time to tit .\Explanation of the by the Hon. the Minister of hm.’nmedin for unvx:m.\'olatxan‘ UNCIL, | s 1 quadrupeéd 4 Nails Nails id and t:: horse t, and more i additional ewt. horge, andâ€" any ul m of the Honorable the 1nd ‘ufider and in virtue » Chap.â€"of the Con. Stat. Cogn«il has been pleasâ€" y ordered, that the fol= or the provisions of the to amend the duties of ‘ Dutica payable under rugi of dity when unâ€" Shipbuilding purposes, 1 ist, 1866. 2i'“‘W' bu y of Montreal on Sa wy n{ Quebet| on mber; 1866. 1| . lie W orks, to be leviâ€" the ¢ouoty of Cham car, is provided by OvERNORâ€"GENE hes for blocks Basersre®, &0. . i Buildings, Ottawa. Aâ€"tL het, 1868 K0 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 04 0 0 1 {] 0&' PHRE _ ‘RE® |, the Honorab ‘oungil | under and in viit J ‘.‘_ 20â€"30 Vie., Cap, 7 ; ®*""" 9 the Agts respéctin &Â¥imce | tur tlie duty theie ront ior ‘ ll'l;\‘) jn L'\'“ldl"“ h ioa. | iwherfby sordered lf'_"."»l respecting pecmic Cw (!) The name "of the oreorporation in Rose custody if wil be d‘;;:rip removal : Every application tor a permit shall be made on abprinted jorm, in.comormit {ï¬ith that berounto annexed, and marked A, and shallbe signod by the persen making it. .‘ | 4. Every permit granted shall be on the printed forms suppli l‘go the Department of Finance, which torms sh in conformity with the form B herennto annexedand shall be printed on ‘paper especiaily prepazed for the purpose, with lur?n(yp‘ o; ;ngruings as may ‘be approved by the Minister of Fi«ance. ‘ r " | \ bouded or stot dd;â€"'-ln. planations accompnn u7 hereby sanctivne . Penmit® for ths Distillgry whereim th w uw; any . Warchoi buised or stored, ngal tiow of thelowner of s thorized agent, , by _ (i) The time at which it is to be removed. , ‘ (j) The name, «eeupation and place of business of the owner, / s x * 1 # stat _ ‘(h) W hether the duty h : IwS' secured. h‘\ uty “ '?â€.'! ploatifh {(k) The name, place of\pusiness and cceupation of the person into whose, on the apirits are to be transforred, and \ b Set l 5. Every perinit shall state the period for‘which it is to remain in force, lhi%lueriml shall not be wore than wiil, in the-?nnlon the officer Tnntln‘ it, be sufficient tor efecting theremoval of the spirits to which it relates. s( * 6 The [;onn'\t shall: accompany the #spirit« to which it relates, and fmain in he posseswion of the person having charge thereof, but it shall be proâ€" duced jor examination as often as may be required by any officer having auhority thereto, and it shail ve delivered to the collector, or assistant collector; of Inland Revenue for the Inland Revenue Division into which the spirits are to be removed, or wherein they are removed from one place to another, within the petiod mentioned in the permit _ _ _ _ â€" _: ago of proof, * w s PC 0 (¢) "The place whorein it is then stored. (4) The "‘ï¬:,w whichâ€"it is to beremoved., h'r(:/; :iho conveyance by which the removal is to made, u To: . T. Every endorsation of the examination of any permit shall be mado on%hq back thereof, and every permit shall be defaced, '( writing the word " canâ€" celled" acruss the face of it, cr the expiration of thg period for which it has been granted. . Permits shall not be granted for the removal 8. Pormitashall not be granted for the removal of spirits unless the pagkages in which they are contained have been: marked andâ€"numbered in connection with the Warehousing Regulations ap> proved on the 17th March, 186). , oib W. A. HIMSWORTH, L. (1), , of(2): (3) * of the undermentioned spirits, require permission to remove the same between the date bereof and the at«(5 s to (6) ._â€" ___ by th t 14 t:o(n)to be dclinm.{int: &2 ;ouuulo. of gfl) ® «_ of (9) t heâ€"duty on the said spirits having been (10) A" « Council held at the City of Quebec, on Mon« duy, the 24th September, 1806. > , 4+ Prkskxt:| CC0 | l!nqnhiï¬.: -ndo\( [84. 11J s this .. â€" kc 8 day of 156 .g\ y 4 Explanation of the manmer of filling in the blanks in the preceding Form A : | ,, _ _ (1) Namée and occupation in full of the person hs_!,z-l.}h.m“‘:'“i“;w "o" NH "‘ s making the. requisition. t 2) ï¬h place of residence. *Â¥ ¢ 3). * Owner" or « Al;u& for [ A B}(Io owner," as the case may be." If an ageot, then\a written authority to act as such must be lodged with the officer ‘before the Permit is granted, stating the name, residence, and occupation of such owner, . (4) The, W archouse, or other mEuy. wherdin he m’it then is, as " The Wareh attached to the Dist.llery of C 1)," or « Bonding Warchouse D ;: Prescott," or * TP: store of J K," as the case may . j is * <a _ (5) The street, town, city, village, &c. . _ * Azb) The ‘duo to which it is to be romoved, as # Xontredt," .. _‘ #8 w# ?I;i‘i; mode of em{n{neo. as *The waggon belonging to A B," or The steamer 8t. Helen," or " The Grand Trunk Railway," as the case may be. d. -;( I;f'li;;o'm a whether the dn? has been paid, ;:rm: the spirits are removed under removal (8) Name and occupation of the person into who-)o possession it is to be unp-fy;m[.’. ESphcnict _ (9) His residencé and place of busingss in full, oo Th omig ioh Meminea y ol o * !* 0n T qn(u igno.’ btaipoé\b‘; the person making he reâ€" to 31 : x3 of the undermentioned spirits equal to [4] * gallans of the strength of proot being the property of [3] i of [8] and about to be trunsferred into the possession of [7 ) °10 C _ ‘The duty having been [9] ~ This permit is valid for [10] * 9 days from date and no longer, and on or before he expiraâ€" tiqn of the --ldLll ] |.. . days, it is to be delr\-'r. ed into the hands ot theyCoilectoror Assistant Colâ€" lector ofInland Revenne, for the Inland Revenue Diyision of [12] 1 & and cancelled â€" _(-4:“‘7‘ The number and déscription of the pagk es in which the spirits are containel. * (4) The marks and numeers on each of the pack | 3 this _ Collestor of Inland Reâ€" day of â€" +. venue for the Diviâ€" i 186 _ . & sion _ .. . \Explanation of the manner of filling upthe blanks in the preceding torm B eaesn {.pel ï¬[l[} ‘Theâ€" mode of conveyance as * The Steamer St. Helen" or the W aggon belonging to A B," as the case may be. k o [.2) The warehouse or other place, its locali ke., as Warehouse Mhs to the Dlstllhrito P, at Prescott," or * ing Warehouse B, at Maitland, &c." * & â€" _[3) The place to which the spirits are to be reâ€" “'4“1';:‘«1 J’l&;ua trongth of for A U Jubch the permithy geeanele® Oe t "PMp it the removal n | Coadin y ++\ s )' The quantity, in wing gallons, i each packâ€" and its strength. & 3 ) The equiy atent in wine gallons of\tlpe strength P The, oJ Te prove oi pustmere 245â€"tf Excisg. Requisition for a Permit FORMS AND EXPLANATIONS The owner‘s name and sceupation in full day of No of Permit, Assist. Clerk Executive Counell Excia® Prant from (4) THK â€" QOTTAWA TlMESL General No Loeal N §$1.2 . ~§%47 5i8 s °o & FE by the (7) § w = B I f * " |_* {7) The name and ounrn‘on in full of the perâ€" | m‘i into whose possession it is to be tnnfornr § 8] His place of business. | f ‘_ *2 Y9] «Paid" or * secured in bond," as the case | thay be. â€" _ . _ | _[10] The number of days which, in the opinion | of the officer granting the permit, may be necessary | for the removal. j |__{11] The period named for the removal. (4 |l21 ‘The Inland. Reyenue Division into which \.the spirits are removed or in whigh the removal | trom one place to another takes place. > . , HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR.GENERâ€" £ | AL IN COUNCIL »_ 0x nE . RECOMMEXDATION | oR the Honorable the Minister of Finance, and under and in virtue of the authority given and conâ€" ferred y the Act 20â€"30 Vie. Cap. 7, flis Excelleney in Council hus been plc.un.-d to order, and it is hereâ€" by ordered that the tullowing Regulations rerpectâ€" ing the manutature of théundermentioned duttable goods in Bond, be and the same are hereby adupted â€"â€"that is to SÂ¥ t« *3 k 1. That subject to the provisions ot the Act above cited, to these Regulations, and to such further Reâ€" gulations, as may hereafter be made by competent wuthority, Licenses may be granted to manufacture in Bond the articles herein enumerated, viz: â€"â€" * Dnrnrâ€"inuludin‘ Essences aud Extracts, Perfumery, i * Vinegar, Varnishes, « % Stareh. _~‘ â€" 2. That any Bended manufactory licensed under the mbove recited Act, may be closed and the License forfeited, whenever it is shewn to the satisâ€" faction of the Minister of Finance that there is just cause for believing that frauds pon the Revenue ure perpetrated in eotinection widl: such imnanufacâ€" tory. $. That in addition to the i.icenpse fee named in the Act above cited, every purson x whom a « Bond> ed Manufacturing License‘ is granted, shall pay to the Collector of Intand l(av! mie, in monthly in stalments, such sums of money Â¥1 shall bepuflicient for the llrlyment of the uperin incurred by the Finance Department for the effdctive nurerviliun of the manufactures carried on under such license, and for taking accourt of the dutiable articlesconsumed in such nnufneuire‘pgg_of theYarticles produced therefrom. _ And ths imaximuni sum to beso paid by the pnrt‘{ aforesaid shall be frim time to time deâ€" termined by. the Miniiter of Finunee, as be may deein necessary, and shall, #8 ln‘ljly as may:be, be in prororï¬on to t h« mr-rfnitudo.un‘ general charac~ ter of the business enrried on under such license. /A That goods manufactured in Bond shall be re> wrd from the apartments: of the manufactory whérein they are manufactured as soon as the whole process of manufacture is fmnpleled, and shalithen be rlued in apartments of storeâ€"rooms set Apart for that purpose, wherein they shall be bonded in the manner n&nimd by the ExciséBonding Regulatidns made by Order in Council, dated the 17th ‘day of May, 1865; and they shall bb dealt with, in respect of their subsequent removal, exportation or entry for consuiaption, in necordance w!lh the said Reguâ€" lations. mt 245â€"tf Circorar No. 175. Ko. 8. FINANCE DEPARTMENT, CUsSTOMS ~| Sir, I Kave itin command to inform you that His Exâ€" celionay the ‘Governor General, by an Order in Council of this day‘s date; has been ‘pleased to reâ€" new, for a period (Tom month from date hereof, the Orderin Council of the 19th March last, directing that «‘Fire Arims and Munitions of W ar" be importâ€" ed free of,duty until the G\h&mximo..nul‘)!ect to the condition that the Importer furnish the Collector of Custom with. lists,of parties desirous of ‘procuring such arms, and that such parties_be known to be reliable loyal subjects, and such ‘privilege shall e:tl:d to all such iimportations made upon and from this date * 4 You are hereby authorized to refund theâ€"dutips already paid ugmn Arms and Munitions of W arimâ€" ported within the period above named, ym I amy8ir, > 2 > J(\'our ;Lbodi;‘nt l;rrvan':.n aTs F 8. M. BOU, s The Collector of Castomsâ€" * * > 144â€"tf _ The Coliector of Castoms SIR,.â€" The Honourable the Minister of Agric re and Immigration, haying guthorized the publication, b this Department, of an occasional S.P"' to 'lll ed the ©CANADA IMMIGRATION GAZETTE," which will be devoted exclusively to the encourhigeâ€" ment of Immigration, and to the diffusion of aceuâ€" rate and usetul intormation ‘concerning Canada abroad, L bo&lnvo to bring under your notice the advantages this sheet will oferâ€"as an advertising medivm to land owners, and others having grorr- ties for sale or lease. â€" As information of this kind is eagerly sought for, and much yalued by every hnclï¬.pnt emigrant, means will thus be aforded of glnelï¬â€˜ the intending purchaser or lessee in (sreat ritain in direct communication with the property. ROKECE NOE ::‘ .â€"â€":â€" 4=c t evar 5 The [lonourable the Minister of Agriculture and Immigration has also authorized‘the opening of an lnfot\l:!lï¬on Office in Liverpool, under the manage« mont ‘bf Mr. Win. Dixon, a gentioman well acquaintâ€" ed with this and the mother country, who will be specially charged with the distribution of this paper tz:em‘hmlg the United Kingdom, ani in bringing the same prominently under the notice of the emigrant. .The first number will appear in the course. of wext month, the second in April, bringinï¬ down the information to the latest period, to be followed up mohthly or quarterly, ag. may bo_l_"oqt_und; &Â¥ irposes will be limited, snd in view of the large rirchigton the shoot will obtain, [for it will be disâ€" tributed gratuitously}, the luhricol of advertisements cannot be much lower un_n 6 following :â€" .. For each advertisement, not exceeding ten lines, $2 the insertion : and 8 cents for every extra ling. For a square of 22 lines, to stand ?!l‘ a twelveâ€" month, $6. 3 > t t an «The unde: raigned will gladly receive communicaâ€" tions of a practical character for publication, bearâ€" ing on the subject of Immigration, such As letters actual settlers, showing their rro‘rm in .the coubtry, and polnuni out the poculiar ndvantages of r district in rurï¬euhr. &o. _ It is desirablethat they should be written a« concisely as possible, and be free ftrom anythingiike exagâ€" goration. e * _‘In all cases, advertisements must be ‘prepaid, and an early transmission is recomimended.. _ _ February 10 HIS EXCELLENCY THB GOVERNOR GENERâ€" AL IN COUNCIL Hll EXCELLENCY WAS PLIAIED to@4lay before the Council a Tariff of Dutio® to be imposed under the authority of an Act of the 'l;ii-i:ï¬i;urf Canada, ‘pund in the session thereâ€" of held in the Twentyâ€"ninthâ€"ang Thirticth years of Her Majesty‘s Reign, intituled : | i s _« An Actto provide a fund towards defraying 'fe"“"' incurred for matters necessary toâ€" the e%â€" ciency of the na'ip:ry li.:un,ur buwo‘r Clnll.ll."; eqllc 2l ut dnc ob c ds That on, fcom and after the FIRST ‘day of OCâ€" TOBER next, there shall be imposed, levied and cellected on each 11:4, ment or document reâ€" gistered in any Rniimy Office in Lower ‘Canada), and on Qnri:nrc made in such Registry Office on or after the ; aid day, the following duties resâ€" pectively, that is to say : + e t â€" Whereupon His Excellency was pleased to order and it is hereby ORDEREDâ€" _= _ ~ _ ce 0n'c"’r{ deed or i funant effecting or evidencâ€" ing the sale, exchange, hypothecation or mon“:.so of treal property, for a sum or consideration exceedâ€" ing in value $400, Thirty Cents, ; f On every other doed or instrument, Fi/teen Cents On every search, with or without certiticate, Fiv Centa.» ! + ' That until further orders the above duties shall, in all the Registration Counties or Registration Di visions of Lowerâ€"Canada, be paid in money, ‘and the amount of such duties received by every Regisâ€" trar mrouvoly, shall be by him mccounted for and paid over to the Receiver General immediately after the close of every third month, to be reckoned from the said First day of October next. â€"_ _ On every will, marriage contract or donation, T hiiniey AQewbes 3000 C541 005005 . fs .l $ : _ Saturday, 16th day of December, 1865. Presext. His Excrurexor ta® Avatsistraro® or ts Govâ€" . _ ERMMEXNT Ix Couxcu. 4 Hll EXCELLENCY was pleased to lay before the Council a :Report from the Commisâ€". sioner of Customs, dated 15th December, 1865, and approved :i the Hon. the Minister of Finance, statâ€" ing that under authority of chapter 17 of the Con. Stat., Can., Seo. 24, an Orderin Council was passed on 28th April, 1853, dimtinf "that Goods bona fiae exported tothis Province from any country, but sming inframsitu through another country and unâ€" or Bonds shall be,until it shall be otharwise ordered, Jannuazy 1 1806. WE RP C P PV M Ee U PATEE T TeE CHORTET ralued fof duty as if such Goods were imported diâ€" rect from such first rfeationed eoul::? into this Proâ€" vince," and submitting that it would. be desirable to extend said Order in Council to /ree as well as duâ€" table Gouds, :: 5â€"=>::~+f) * C Whareupon His Excellency in Conncil was pleasâ€" ed toorder, and it is hereby . ordered, that free loods p.uu{ through aâ€" foreign ooun'.rr consigned lirectly to Importers in Canada, shall hereatter be put on the “-.B {foetln‘ as dctiable Goode. ' & gaed," : iE onthly or quarterly, ag. may be required. Wt ‘As the space it is intohded to aliot for advertising 208â€"tf @OVYERNMENT IMMIGRATION OFFICE, Quz®BEc, 26th January, 1866. Council held in the City of Quebec on Jlnldnm : the 24th day of Neptember, 1866. 4; rursext: | ‘ GOVERNMENT HOUSEâ€"OTTAWA GovERNMENT noU Ottawa, 17th August, 1866. PRESENT : xÂ¥ . . \Your obedient serventt A. UCHANAN, Chief Arn. X: â€" . 62â€"t , Sir, W. A UIMSWORTH Ottawa, June 6, 1866. Wu..X. LEE, C. K. 0. ; on him before. *‘ _ ‘ 1984 ~ Ottawa, September 18. WM. 1. LEE, Asst. C. E. C To be built across the Rideah Canal at Long Island, on the Town Line between Gloucester and Osgoode. j * & WILL â€"BE°RECEIYED ; Until Monday, the 24th Instant, # FOR, THE COLET_BUC‘I’!O! OP a Oitawa, December 11, 1866. Wooden Bridge with Swing Plans: and Sgecinestionl may be seen at the Rideau Canal Uthce, on and ‘after MONDAY, the lith INST. The lowest or any Tender will not necessarily be accopted. Tenders to be endorsed «* Tender /or Bridge, and addressed to ED 1 JAMES D. SLATER, Supsaintknpent Riogay CaxaL. The time tor. reseiving tenders‘ for ithe above Bridge has been extended. Contractors will be duly notified of the time, and therefore need npt send in their tenders for the present. | (:%] IYQ‘BXCELLE.\'C\' THE GOVERNORâ€"GENEâ€" > RAL IN COUNCIL j 0}‘:6 THE llï¬(‘())ll!lll).l'l‘l("v or the Hon. the Commissioner of Public Works, and under and in virtue of the eightyâ€"fifth section of the twentyâ€"eighth chapter Consolidated Statutes of Canada, His‘ Excellency in Council has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered that the ‘ following tolls be imposed, levied and collected on« saw logs and timber passing down the shdes nt,‘ Ranney‘s Falls; Middle Falls and Bealy‘s Falls, on the works of the River Tront, that is to siy : one cent por saw log of Thirteen feet in length, and a proportionate sum on pieces of gréater length, passing down each of the above mentioned slides respectively. And that the above toll ot one cent por saw log be collected and paid for each such «lide on all such saw‘logs, and of one dollar per crib on all such cribs of square timber as have passed down the River Trent from the beginning of| the present geason of navigation: ® Board of Customs, Excise and Stamps. REGISTRATION : STAMPS ! At aCouncil held in the City of Jldl‘trml on Satâ€" ‘ urday, the Bth day of Deceimber, 1866. > To beâ€"affixed to certain documents under the Act 20.30 Victoria Cap, 28, may be procured, on and cive NP after the s FIRST DAY OF JANUARY, 1867, From the undermentioned officers, who have been approved of as distributors of Registration Stamps by the Honorable the Minister of Finance : Messrs, Burroughs and Rheaume, distributors of Law Stamps, &o., Quebec. * x Messrs. Dumas and Meilieur, do. do., Montreal. And the Postmasters at other places where Regâ€" istry Offices are established. _ f NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. TENDERS i‘INANCE DEP ARTMENT. New 7 Per Cent. Debentures, Tendored for, in accordance with the advertiseâ€" ‘ ment of L0th August last, | | And hopes by strict attention to busi1 ess to have a | continuance of the patronage so libermily bestowed ARE NOW REAbY for DELIVERY And parties holding the TEMPORARY CERTIFIâ€" CATES of this Department are desired to surrenâ€" dor the same, and receive in liew their Debentures, cither in person or by their proper nu)»moy. s grounds laid out in the newest style of landâ€"keep i:&, together with Grafting, Bndd{fl. and Planting _ will be g’rompdy attended He also will have sorts of Plants in season for sale, at the late .. dence of Clement Bradley, Esq.= _ _ â€" ThoAiliuo of those Debentures h‘nvin’ entirely ceasell, no furthor tenders can be received. conveyed to you in my Ciroular of the 12th Januâ€" ary last.. ‘Arms and munitions of war Imgomd otherwise than from Great Britain or the British E:aeuiom, are to be detained and reported to this partment, to be dealt with as you may be further Instructed. / e ) .. rmaxce D:ra:nm. Customs, $ Ottawa, December 6, 1866. 1R, | â€" The time fixed by Order }n Council, for the free admission of fire arms, having expired on the 30th ultimo, I .beg to inform Ion that the prohibition, created by the Imperial Act, against the importaâ€" tion of fire armg, &e., from a foreign mnt.r{. revives, and\you/ are therefore to ‘onr:.{i)uru A from the above mentioned date, by the instructions Cireular: No The Collestor ot Customs . CrRows â€"LAXD , DEPARTMENT, \_ Ottawa, §th December, 1866. NO'I‘ICI is hereby given rul ‘the vacant Pub~ lic Lands in the Townships of Rawdon, Hunâ€" tingdon, _ Mungerford, MarnSora, Madoe, Elzevit, Lake and Tudor, are offered for sale as mineral lands at $2 per acre, cash. o mX Yos on m ville. JANUAXRY I1, 867. '_lgï¬ieh“a&.}' 'B'i‘s’ég'cili'. to: be made to Alfred A. Campbell, Eequire, Crown Land ‘Agent, Belleâ€" ounty of Carleton, cails the. attention of the Inâ€" habitants of the Clt{ of. Ottawa, and nrfoundknf country, . He wili fulfill orders for all serts of Fruit ‘Trees, Oramental and Lawn Trees, Flowing Shrubs with a choice lot of Bulbs, and Beddingâ€"out Plart for Borders; also Herbecious Plants and Esculese Roots. _ He \n also on hand a large stock of Greenâ€" house Plants, a quantity of Garden, Field, q;d-!'lq\v. fl‘llE UNDERSIGNED HAVING PUR® CHASED 12 acres of land, on which he Intends tarting & Garden & Nursery aouse Plants, & t:ntity of GGarden, Field, and Flow. er Seeds of the best description. Parties wanting In Gloucester, Green Field e & MATHEW T. DeRINZY. Ottawa, March 4, 1866 _ | 83â€"tf :J., BGMITELI, CENTRAL MPAC o Bank St., Ottawa, _ IS AGAIN PREPARED TO MANUFACTURE *"% all descriptions of PROVINCE OF CANADA. 309â€"td 312 3litd CAFPRIAGES, SLEIGHS, &o., &o., 315b LOOK HERE. PosTPONEMENT. PUBLIC NOTICE Within two miles of the city, I am, Sir, 202 R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE, PREBENT THAT THE Your obedient servant, W. A. HIMSWORTH, Asst. C. E. C. JAMES D. SLATER, / . _ Supt. R. Canal 5& | T. D. HARINGTON, D. R. G R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE. FACTORY CHAIRMAN 302 No. 35 Ry His Excellency the Right Honorable CnarLEs °*‘ Stiasuey) Viscoust Moxck, Baron Monek of / â€" Ballytramon, in the County Wexford, Governorâ€" | _ _Geheralpf British North America, and Captainâ€" l General ‘and Governorâ€"inâ€"Chief in and overthe Provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunsâ€" wick, and the Islaiid of Prince Edward, and Viceâ€" Admiral of the same, &c., &c. ®. To all to whom theso presents shall c«poâ€"()nrr- tuled : " An Act Public Hgalth," i that whepeyer th or place fhgrein, formidable! epid ease the Boverne him fron a ne to vice and gonsent Provinceld ‘clare Provine ,“ in ment ion@@ign suc upon ‘b § forc may in 1 I nan any of thÂ¥parts lamation®§tend lamation®#&pd, : newal as fifpross have effe@t for & in‘ such ‘Wrociar ulthough #here . the ï¬ruvi‘ ce aj ooo Et n t © ease the 601 ernor y, by Proclamation, to be by him frongtime to time issued, by and with the adâ€" vice and punsent of the Executive Council of this Provinceld ‘clare thdsaid Act to be in force in this Provine " in w{J art thereof, or place therein, m ent ion qgugn such lamation, and it shall thereâ€" upon ‘b force ‘agcordingly ;. and the Governor may in li{@manner from time to time, as to all or any of th&§parts or places to which any such Procâ€" lamation nds, revoke or renew any such Procâ€" lamation®&pd, subject to such revocation and reâ€" newal as rouid.everg such Proclamation shall have effe@t for six months or for any shorter period in such ‘Wfroclamation expressed ; Axv Wurrkas, .l‘hfugh fhere exists no reason for serious &larm, the Provifice Ap{)enu to be so far threatened with Asiafic Cholera, a disease within the meanâ€" ing of theleaid Act, as to render it expedient that all necessary(precaution® should be taken for the proâ€" tection of the Public Health, and it is therefore éxâ€" pedibnt to|declare the said Act to be in force in the said Province. Now Know Ye, that by virtue of the power in Me vested by the said Aot, I, the said Governor of this Province by and with the advice of the Executive Council of the said Province, do hereâ€" by declare the said Act herein bfforo mentioned to be in force in this Province, from and after the date of these Pre-enu.-ndthnt the same do and shall conâ€" tinue in force for and during the period of 6 Calendar Months from the date bereof, unless this Proclamaâ€" %un be soon revoked and recalled under the proâ€" sions of the said Act : Of all which,.Mer Majesty‘s loving subjects, and all others whom these presents do or may in anywise concern are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. GivEx under my Hand and Seal at Arms, atthe Government Housg, in the CITY OF OTT AW A, in the said Provincé, this TENTH day of April, in the the year of Our Lord one thousand e!ght hundred and sixtyâ€"six, and in the Twenty ‘Ninth By Command Lightsâ€"Gulf of St. ldmd , Prince EUward a » Tu‘ GovERNXMENT OF PRINCE ED= ward Island has given notice thata Light Touse has recently been erected on the North Point ‘of that Island, in 47°, 3‘, 46" N., and Longitide 63°,59‘, 9" W. The Light stands eighty feet high above water, and shows a fixed white light. j Byâ€"comthand, ; ‘R. 8. M. BOUCHETPE, ! 154tf Commissioner of Customs. GOVERNMENT HOUSE. , Ottawa, Wednesday, 7th June, 1866 2 t Pararyr : HIS EXCELLENCY TRHE gOVER.’\'OR GENâ€" ERAL IN COUNCIL Hll EXCELLENCY WAS PLEASED to lay before the Council a Memorandum from the Hon. the Minister of Finance, recommenfling that Peas, Barley, and Oats, as well as Petroloum, which have rh‘l full Toll (hrou? the Welland Caâ€" nal, be permitted to passthrough the St. Lawrence, Ottaws and Chambly Canals free of Toll. . ___ _ Whereupon His Excellency in Council, on the recommendation aforesaid, and under and by virâ€" tue of the authority é:ven and donferred by the 85th section of the 28th Chapter Consolidated Statutes of Canada, has been pleased to order, and it is hereh ordered, that on, from and after the TW ENTlETï¬ day of JUNE instant, Peas, B;‘xley, Onts and Petroâ€" leum, which have paid full Toll on the MWeliand Canal, be and the sameâ€"are horgz allowéd to pass free throughthe St. Layrrence al, the m:.m and Ottawa Canals, the St Ann‘s Lock and the Chambly Canal “And whmn'n oont.l:.‘wu disease “ol. emic ecting cattle vails in man z:m rope, and is inenuln‘P"M oxungn" a ravi al::d whereas it is expedient, in ofder to prevent the inâ€" troduction of the same into this: Province, that the impomuonr:‘ sea of certain snimals and articles should be prohibitedâ€" . |_ _ ‘His Excellency in Council the recommendaâ€" tion of the Honerablé the Minixter of Agriculture, and under the authority given confornd’bg the said ‘Act, has been pleased to order, and it 1s hereâ€" by ordered, that on, from and after the FLRST day of MARCH next, the importation or introduction into this Province, or mny part thereof, by sea, of cattle, sheep, horses, ewine, asses and mules, meat, skins, hides, hornl,!:-fl, or other parts of #uch animals, t::i.‘nnv. d fodder, be, and the. same is prohibited ; ‘save and except such cargo or carâ€" goes, or part of cargo, as His Excellency in Counâ€" :ilb‘n:qy hereaftor ‘gee fitto exempt from such proâ€" ibition. t February 28, 1866 PROVINCE OF CANADA. IXG year of Her Majesty‘s Reign Ae en o h is e en nc cce oo‘ MONCK ‘ommand, _ _‘ P WM. McDOUGALL, Secrstary. _ Y24â€"tf . A PROCLAMATIO Mostr®AL, 20th day of February, 1866. W.â€"H. LEE, Clerk Executive Council Cadbr 66â€" 0. E. C oCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY ACADIAN,,... .. (Building) , ... AUSTRIAN ... ... (Building)..... PERUVIAN..Capt. Ballantine ... MORAVIAN ;. .;Capt.Aiton .. ... HIBERNIAN . .Capt. Duiton ; ... NOVAâ€"8COTIAN . .Capt. Wylie. . BELGIAN ... .. . Capt. Brown ... NORTHâ€"AMERICA N,.Capt. Kerr DAMASCUS... ... Capt. Watt ... l'amnynJIIoaL('d to Liverpool &. i ondonderry g»â€"RETURN > TICKETS â€"GRAXTED REDUCED RATES. | ST. DAVID,1650â€"tons.. ... ... Capt Aird. 8T. GEORGE, 1468 tons ... ... Capt, Smith, ST. ANDREW, 1432 tons ... ... . Capf. Soott, ST. PATRICK, 1207 tons| .. , .. Capt. Procks. The steamers of this Line will sail at reguâ€" lar intervals between the Clyde and Qhnebec: Berths not secured until paid for. _ |â€" For passage, or any other| pasticulars, ap ply Fixaxcs Depaerturxt, ©; Customs, Quebec, 6th March, “8’63 l'l‘ 1s DIRECTED BY THE HOX.THE FINANCE MINISTER, that hereafter Weekly Notices be published and furnished to Cullectors of Customs, as to the rate of discount to be allowed om American Invoices, which is to be inâ€" lrmrd-?é‘. with the price of gold as represented by Exchange, at a rate equal thereto. Such notices to appear every Saturday in the Canada GazerT®. Ege R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE Fikaxcr® Derarturxr, Custons, * P 1j Ottawn, Dec. 28, 1866. ll_ AccoRr5ANCE wWITH THE ABOVE Order, notice is hereby given that the muthorizâ€" ed discount is declared.to be this day 25 pér cent, which percentage of: deduction is to be continued antil next Weekly Notice, and to spply to all parâ€" chases miade in the United States during that week. y his * k. S. M. BOUCHETTE. .And every kind of Screfulous and Scabious erupâ€" | tions. | It is also a sure rewedy for SALT RHEUM, RING: WORM, TETTER, | SCALD HEAD AND sCURVYEY. t is guaranteed to be the purest and most powerâ€" \.‘ ful pnpnnmn of {“ w h e Een e 1 P body ,ender».l4nnuenlt%y by the heavy and geu{ soéretions of the winter months. . This safe, ofl& powertul detergent, cleanses every portion of the , . _ system, and shou‘d be â€"|_ \ IN QUART BOTTLES 1: f pHE GREAT PURIFIER OF THE BL00P Is particularly recoitomended for use DURING ThE SPRING ANDSC MMER By all who are sick, or who with to prevent sickâ€" ness. ~It is the only genuijie or original preparaâ€" tion for the permanent cure of the most dangerouk and confirmed cases of Scrofula, Old Sores, ‘And is the only true and reliable cure for Syphilis, even in its worrt forms. . | f It is the very best medicine tor the cure of all diseases nrising from a vitinted or.impure state of the blood, and particularly so when used in conâ€" “flll’:!\' THE BLOOD I8 THICK, THE circulation ‘clogged, and the ‘humors of the PA Sn Arcmainat h sn cte sc i lealiingit nection with (Vegetabl¢) Sugarâ€"Uvate â€"â€" The Great cure for all Diseases of the LIYER, STOMACHâ€"AND BOWELS These Tili® ATO pareo €7 NV Eenc hkrmony with that greatest of all hlqa‘?uriï¬ r8, BRIBTSL'S BARSAPARILLA, in ooi arising from deprared humors,or impure bi The most helpless sufferers need Mdugnir. Underthe influâ€" ence of these two GREAT REMEDIES, maladies that have heretofore been considered utterly incurâ€" able, disappear quickly and 'pu'mlncflly‘. In the following diseases, these Pills l? the safest, the ?.iekou. and the,best remedy ever prepared, and should be at onge resorted to : " Dyspepsis, or Indigestion, Liver Come plaints, Constipation, , Headache, _â€" and Piles. 4 SAILING W EEEKLY any climate. 4 } * ‘Auese Pills are prepared expresely to operate, in Put up in Glass Phials, and Warranted to keéep AMERICAN INVOICESâ€"DISCOUXT® Bristol‘s Sarsaparilia, and Bristol‘s Sugarâ€"Contâ€" ed Pills are for ale hy all Dr’nggm every where Sold in Ottawa }ay John Roberts, Dr. Garvey, ILF. MacCarthv, J. Jennings, W. M. Massey, and Geo Ottawa, May, 14 Mortimer Pharmaceutical iong, . Pmnaphum, | & Surgical Instraments, P Medicines &:op Fittings, » Perfumery, Goode, Druge, ~ \Cojors, Thirty thousand prices of the abore forwarded, free of all charge, monthly, by | Burgoyne, Burbridges and Squire he., ko M GENUINE HOXDUxaAS SARSAPABI‘LLB. Paiots, Glassware, Medicine Chests, Storekeepers Sumdries. CABIN P T L T‘ . MONTREAL. â€" OCEAXNX . STEAMSHIPS. USED DAILY AS A DIET DRINK, "®R DR UG®, &e6. USIG!I MUSIC 1j . FRENCH AXND English Songs, Sacred Music, Polkas, Valses sUMMER SERVICE,. BRISTOLS HEUBACH & COWARD. 1 Acests at Orrawa scesses, Uleers, s GGO w L I X K CoLtmax St., Loxpox. Bolls, Tumeors, Ab= pVVEBNAY BR oo / Chemicals, b’ Oilmen‘s Stores, 2600 2650 2434 2300 2400 4784 1800 2050 ssutf eterinary Tons Tons T ons Tohs Tons Tons Tons I ds AT 220y PlANQ,.E.,O_RTE; * Z%. constructed on a truly ;bey have greater strength, h Tume, than any cther P;, is gimple and natural, all the the body 6f theâ€"instrument ;, sound board« gre. merely two wood, like the front and i. ;‘v'n-m The) N. Y. lierald,Beyt. 5.â€"U eximination of DRGG‘s Piame Fote, g, results obtdined are a very \..’«!‘ ’nri? and l»tilli;nrydlhnu‘." e usent, not often f« in Prane t the old plan. *’ *L saraitucte, GraTtrxEbx >â€"Having the tested the Pranoâ€"Foites, im Mr. S. B. Driggs, L am of t resulting frem his improven instruments under examint depth and brilliancy, equil Pianoâ€"Fortes, and n,nlj the tonation and ectuol toue, y ing closer to what I congide ment than has yet been ueliier mantifacture.. . . The NÂ¥ Tipres, Fuly 12, #5983â€"%Â¥ep," an instrument witholt as e« l.:l.’ k-': a gmouth delicacy, ;flfrvr‘y 4 other instrument ; Ill'trdihar_"[«h-:: no exertion, the fullness of a â€" Grau By;. and lh.,":llrt q:cd‘iiy satpered 4C lb die, Finished in Elegant Rosewood, W Every Instrument Warrante iw» Yearsâ€"â€"No Charge for Boriy. or Shipping» | Scheool Organs & Me PATENT BAS8O ‘TENUTO OR 8% \,Another objection to this Â¥ . that both feet being occupied, ®# offered for the manage! the past two years, instru European plan of, = double be manufactured in this country, dificalty *(want of a awell) a jected from theâ€"centre of the i 4 whon the «well, as» orEkaTeD BT i&uvenienee and. contortion this abject are disagrecable c but to‘a lsd{ the use of such an s ly impogsitile. =, (| 0. 0‘ i. + s Geo. ’A. I;’I;i}pce&(‘flg Automati¢ Orge 35,000 Now in I AN ILLUSTRATEDCATALKUEQO® ag ing full description of style, und tests ... nY\lhol d oefminom. musicians, m :ï¬c A excellence of our in-tnmpnâ€".l wott. any address. _Â¥ The Automatic Organ« ,â€" In prexenting the Avromas:c Ob6a% ® announce the greatest triemph in musig) «4 ments of the Â¥ge. During the pasthalf@® > French and Gxrmans« bave manufsdurelt ©« struments wilhtuhlt bellows, flz. the feet to operata, but the wait d % ©orarsTe» BRELbw8, (which i.'â€'ï¬ert_ _ Out Abromatic device obviates tirely, (ho:imo net of blowing foree ‘ivinï¬l desized increase Of volume of t \ tone, . Aes The l)\o‘t«an ud‘l“d For seventecn\years the superior Melodeons has !\;I been questioned, years past the enorimous gemand pu-ib';‘rur us to meet our ordeit our increased fnilitiq‘;:e feel ing our rone that their order whd met, nmlleiu eonxi»:mdfl M » Cauttion fo Wardasth __ e en y n se in our innmmrnh,Nadc it i-,&.‘ produce the meliow, rich a n d mustoaltabt . our instruments ‘nre celebrated. |_o _ _ Allof out instrumebts hn *A in‘ full, «GEO. A. PRINCK 4 0 denler represents any other same as ours," it is usually b an inferior instrument on w t 1 profit. F A .?-‘S.-â€"A liberal discount to # P.B.â€"A liberal discount t and Schoole. . Adgress Amorg the most unportant of makt®P / CAKADIAN P â€" Osr 1e $552 KACKM _ THIRTYVNINE Y ARIEN to the universal ERU@RCUUT â€"r“] The Canadian Paig Destroye" es Ammeâ€"Jiate relief. Medi®96 Stg Physicians order andfuse “kl-" ¢ without it after once trying botle: Price twentyâ€"five cents ï¬ Â§ â€" _ NORTHRON _.! ETBE ARERCECT® i is > t % The astonishing \effcacy of * USg . Destroyer, in curing:diseaset for commended, and il:%‘u:dfl“ nuecet the torturing pains of ‘-ï¬â€d Nervous Aiett.i.m. egticle it 1 os we$ list of Remedies for these yip abyt 9 coming in from Medidipe cach We > _ country for further suppliet k to the univérsal sati dlu!fl"‘_‘;‘ gue, with price. Ottawa, [?ec. 18, 1865 Before purchasing, send for‘ a deserip, Massey ‘oflc:â€"-flhfl- ".? . W and Estimates of Buildi®G! Prkge ed accounts of Artificers"work M®Afgg_ : _ AUGUCSTUS U k Late Btent & Laver, APCU"," oc Tus Orrawa Ts * every morning, â€"Grzomesz Corro®, Victoria Terrace, ~ January 26 Ottawa, Dec:}8th, 1865 PH1COS) NEw nareks ~ rE THE ONLY xn constructed 0B a truly Sciepyr 4 XEY have greater streneth, and 2 .8 Prims Ottawi, Dec. 18, 1865 Steam Printing Etreet, in the C Carleton, 6 W 5 5. 5 J w ure respectfully L. M a BOLE AGENTE \flci' & ‘...,7_7 A)ttawa, !: * NV M. MALL & uy GEO. A LPrinted and (Sundays * Proprictor, t Works, Â¥o! nied, n ! : d & I ble Ne + try , and tocmmis â€" ) a f he i a ATED BF rtion ® le enough ch an t bviates this d lo ming with at | . of NEY 4 ED t o m O OMCGRrATRIC Orv Horne‘s Block. Akhe o.lf,:t night * D John . Bowmanville :f::b;buunm soto ; John Wall, M.D., J. A Ouawa, February 7,1866 YEICtTaA® PSNMSo Autter Bparks Street, Corter T& Caxcers Ovrep, without th ing Physician to int " Tikce a2€ Tt a Mosgrove Streets, nearly opps &y‘s. Entrance on Mosgrays Gitaws, May 5. W. R, BELL, A.M., new, but certain, speecdy, ARKS Street, ont s"’ wW. Brown‘s w ‘Ottawa, December 8. MHYELCLAN, Surgeon pirilfii®nires. B‘llll‘l'uln Solielt f s itA rown h and Russell. Sitawa, February 7,4806. * Orricn : In the Court January 27, 1866. Wa. Curoo. Aawa, Fob. 7, 1866 iL. . 240 BaQgs Aug. 10â€"2004f / ham, 0. K. t*. 3 B Aitends to «ll Law Oilawa. < Bllflllf.ll auamel" 4 4 Public, &c., &c. + and Eigin Streets, Ottawa. (Gu4w4, Dec. 18, J866. ï¬â€˜ A‘:.lli':‘..-AM‘ Chancery, Ovricn: Anmond‘s Buildiz Atawa, Jan. 12, 1866. . ,‘ _DKR. C./‘A. M l’l"ll‘l‘. 0‘.‘0& Ottawa, January 27, 1866. ')'.TIIT- Office 4 1 . tral Ottawa. Ottawa,pJanuary 27, 1886. 7 Stere, York Street.. reat. Ottawa, November 13. _ ATE of Quebec» A Bquare. LD O.un{mbi. Orrice: In the Court Ottawa, April 1 "iawa. Fobruary February 7, 1866 DVOCATE. .Offee 4/-‘ Stroet, Qu:;o Mr. 1 to atte prompt .rf:po'on":aqc employes, mn Hmitaes dn it im ‘Dwo-hu 2#, 1865. (Ruogunr ruow URGERY at Hoar A‘nvocur... Barri neysâ€"utâ€"Law . . a uvrices: Mull and Aylu« Mr. Wright will attend at '"wu(c of every b.;k. # 4%. 0 , Mor, Mam T, 1886. GEQ, LOGAX, N. TTORNXEYâ€"AT= A l:uury. Conve yan Orrier: Uuton Building february 21, 1866. Jitewa, March 40 Autraxo®es Rogs. Ottawa, July 28. Aml.lltn"c (2..««,. Conveya Juznoer}s Shoe Store, Ride Ottewa, April 27. ‘I‘I‘Ofllc'...".l Chancery, Convey ano Orrid® : Post Ofiee Buil E. B. Hargook. â€" whruary 7, 1666. _ ; 3 Hcepn prale i Oitawa, March 10, 1 «lternate Saturday, mt N« lHostbn, every alternate M c 4 thi whun- 14 «i thirty on prior & #" Ollice hoursâ€"S #.1 Unglish Mails, M Sentoatipe, vie Portieg Daursdayâ€" h Frreasman 4 °s mm reagh‘s. W, M AIRSHALL ) ARRISTER, <Att« ‘antries , mome To the .rmd"m 1 i mal. 3 C ‘ LEES & GK A RISTER®, Ate JOHNX SWEETL Cackinghani, Greavile gn Dwer »ita _-.ni Leaquptrilic; (kï¬ ks Tholscn aud W. W «4 Pempleton& & #t Temylets EDWARD ‘P. D ARRISTER, Etoep Orricas : Court Hous to all pard 4 Cabag Lo ail C ..u.arup.u.qq:? E? etsers for British Cofumi iyier & .N. Shore ot Ot ARRINTER and #: Lelegraph, Bu DHR. OLIVER *UOLMAN & TTOR NKE Y®%â€" A T Chancery, Comveyas HAYVCOCK & AUTGUSTUS Piee: 24nd Hplot CLEGG & ahd West, by Rail VOL.. IT° J. P. MACP DR. W. J 1M B P 4%P t# ROss & P J. F. BOU MERDLC W. J. 8C hild Wt t d w N D. uC