mebip, at m;n. dates for 1O N above e daly tonAr s of the ) Townâ€" Wait of 1P A L. " munjeiPAL To “‘S"‘-t‘lll The undersigned ‘Kice= tors« bf Victoria Ward, hereby request you to allow yourselves to boxlmd in nomination as Al\dermen‘ at the coming unicipal Rlections for the * Roued and pledce you our united support io allo yourselves w» be Aldermen‘ at the coming | above W ard. .flr"‘i‘ Lecure your yBb c Kobert Boil. M Hamnet Will. ) Allan Gilmout K. Mewiliivra J Res hss W C 1}, Raiteo A Pratt | AV um n ,=‘ @ ? on M J ing Thos Neison R Swiumge . 4 We W n A hes, M D Tho#: s C K T W Kgir W in C W n C n s w W CCa A Menderson Jas Kepott _ . John Albert J chmMabhony M Kenedy a ‘Bl.r' J\‘:M’â€"‘ Feter Atkinion A Dayley A';fl‘z‘ s W ash ;’:h'n:.“ Tc D) Tims to your respectably signedâ€"requisition 1e] wiit dp ogr utmest to falfil the dat IH us, as Ortawa, December 9 TO R. IL. MiQREEVY, E80. Ti- USDER®1IGNXED, ers and m‘om of. S uia» awhare of the large proper ing asare of the large property INRCTOTAE 0 C 0 ?.".‘.'um-ua,‘-’.. on your integrity, en« terprise and business energy, ""v e oc d "‘"‘_huhlfl'h vifice of Abderman fot sadd .3::-.\-@:â€â€œ"“"‘ Lo# bask to secure your election : mg-;‘.;rd. and Jno. chester, Esquires. > the Monm. James® > Hiil, M and dfhers : oEâ€"' With 6 Powe G M Jarvis John Bowes R Jami Jas Finch Dan Goode John Doras Jas Doram . Felix RE Michael Kinselia Win White 1» A Welish J Portiér â€". P E Ryan Arthur Rarvey tGeo A Coulson rvine ERREARET RRRTCCCC C - To Phomas Potessn, 46. E. Desharaté, Jamer Adame, Witam Fingland,. E. Parcit, Pounia ie Audrac Humelt C. Carleton,. Rett®s * T _Ibi‘:v-, ul â€" s qure + * t l To Pakimenstos ortawa, Dec, 8. 1806.. .ull ru‘lhf Wh;n of St. George $ Ward. EKNTLEMEKN: Ha at the reque f G of a large dmm-.“ } to become & Candi at the Election f i _ the office of Alderman.of the W ard, 1 beg to solic your Vites and , tusting, if, SCs 20 oahy of that confidence. eunel ORmer > & 1 Gextiawry,â€"I feel it to be m duty to accade to you wishen, ant if slected ut L-""‘““,,""'.,.'_ ‘imwbvudncf interesis. ing you for this kind ex of your confidenc* * 1 remain, "" LCY 11 Covank . 1P P 1. M D sOUIsITION ® Dee. f1, 1866 ige~ C ETT 7 Mn cur s ud ectably signedrequisition. #nd if olecâ€" ogr utmost to fultil the dutics develving your reprosentatives. .. .u# CUXXTNXGHAM. 3OHN LANGFORD. . . _‘ JOUX ROCHESTER, J«. S 30314 > REQUISITION Te Xeme en se on nd CC .-mm ; Im with | _« Grasseu, P ITHE G .......-u«“m.-::muy mlv.m-nunl. dthwdï¬;\'ud.lhmw w mm C toe nominated a* Alderm®® 2l somt â€" | ~ The Ladies in of the RE thn. Ifelected to fill thiat responsible 1 | yABLE AND cnxflnu TREE shall, to the best of my abilit?; Perist ail iTlâ€"timed | Goadunce at the Hail on TUESDAY, th or extravagant 6* â€'"’"'Q"“" 1 | from 12 to 6 m., to receive contribu! ‘ill diigently advoeste a sttict 200 T00 o hk ‘ Mrs. g.tu.-. Mrs. 8t Y PAroBev e in every department """" / nr'l untiting .attention. | ‘% M"l"“‘- .’. U i C Ub ciicicads ut ue 1e B k*YCY UUP" "be constant and untifing . AU wi Msb’ ..'.'..“.‘â€".‘ h‘k’u. m"‘-‘ * » o p® y Jt imee Stead, R. Bel, XJA‘ P 4. M.D , Allam Giimour, H. Merâ€" Otha w# ,¢ Vites and we myself wot 10â€" 20086 ELECTIONS | amos John Ieâ€iu W Sweatman ‘Thes Hinchey \ c N 3 Drasdott Nt Patierson > sincere pleasure we N 8 Blasdell M Patierson _ â€" U Wilson Th« Sleoman Nelson‘ Porkins Juseph Dowart John Kerr Jolin McDosald _ , W Leciaire ‘ Saninel Mix James Matks® s Thes Porger ® W m Richards W m May J "\g-m cague ?-lg Law George Newal . John Bonpell A :{."mt ® mming J KR Booth g Fitzpatrick X i Bbardwin John Kenna John lnnts. John MceGillivray Wm Anable _: * Horace Uiunlevie R R Booth ° * onald #ALE« 3 500 BAGS LV GXED, . FREEMNOLD=« ere of. ?‘» ?fll"' ":‘l‘ ze property interest you have ,1’.. oa your integrity, eB« mergy, hereby invite you to teo Maton Josoph Johnston teo “m A Philion James W ilkihson E Parent C*Carleton W MeKkay K E ‘Connor W Kohoe ‘Thes Donoha Patrick Regan Ww Finley Jas Cammings SGeo A Buck Patrick Shea# Cornelias Shea _ , T Trudean Thes W orthington Maurice Bennett K Fitssimmons J Brown, Jr > John Kehoe: %@ H Lane J F Pellant @ A Maillien ‘ . "F P Brophy E. F Joyce l’b"dJ' nr-ifl" . :ub xh' 'ï¬h.‘ J I" Robertson ; of St. Gearge s Ward. | EN1 We at the reamest | siaes af the Electors; consented i at the Â¥jection for Amani of the W ard, T beg to solicit | influence, trusting, if, ui winy of mat contdence; | Yours re#peci®iy) 00 o cyos. 4| David Ryan Moore A Higgine tiee Seale John Kehoo Genilemen, Yours faithfully, Michael Kelly Jlrod Mays Tnomar Martin Jame# Driscoll Jobn l.cmh{ Michael W James Connolly J Prendorville C McCarton Michael Kelly Poter J Gethauson Patrick Lyon _ . Evan Bdwards Kantons â€" Augustus Laver is W helan obedient servabt; ‘x. W. MCGREEVY « Sd4â€"td Jno. "ERPOOL SALT. E. McOLLLIVARAY s Ward TU2r KOBERT LYON. . c ~~vemiis ~ * _ s PETERSH | Q‘ Also a choice assortment of H} SERINXGS, and T ard. FANCY YEST PATT ubare hich 1 am to 1 ie | «haeataegamm san for| ~Just in time for ï¬?fl ow DON‘T DELAY. * @. M. HC 06Â¥3 ... .nn css sinvnm | nnrlf Crulnrs .. ocms T PBATHERSTON: | quawe, December 8, 1866 MONEY SAV ED. ANY PERSON CANX #aAVE A LARGE AMOUNT .Of CASH by attending the sales h AT 0. WARDELL &€C0.â€"‘S % |_ wiwsR® YoU WiLL READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING, CLOTHS, Going every Evening ._ own Prices. * Call and se0 for yourselves Where they will sell at public auction every even ing at seven o‘clock. s1GNX oF TWE LARGE FLAG. o 0. WARDELL & CO. Ottawa, December 12. Crockery, Crockery, Crockery Tll,l LAIO.I‘*T!D BE#T STOCK ever imported to the city of Ottawa 18 now being opened out at the & VARIETY HKALL, No« 54, Susserx Street» The :::on 'Ikhhl‘u. attended my establishâ€" meont # it® o as mh:;l me to buy largely, t:‘d rln:::ofon l-o-’I numerous uw:on a variety of stoc nequal in this city, and at MMMM&M“I&M:. Crockery, China and Ciassware and PEC TOP DEPOT, y stook of wINTER GOODS ! BEAVERS, NO. 34, SUSSEX FANCY YVEST PA 1TERNS. .:'ll:‘lnv':'izl I am prepared to make in a style Just in time for vour Christmas Suits. Ottawa, December 4. WARKET | DRUG _ STORK. FRESH DRUGS, CHEMICALS, and MNEDICAL PREPARATION®» Made from the formute in the oduir 1866) of the U. 8. Di iz * ol And in to sundries of a Drug Store the subscriber has largest assortment in Ottawa of ‘ SPECTACLES FOR ALL SIGHTS Inclading. wenuine Brasillian Pebbles, Cataract Glasses, Eve Glasses, &ko. Also a general ass ETT Etd Glasses, Eyo Glasses, &o. Also & 2880 ment of ol;!lCA.I. 1NSTRU ll.“l'! * <yag. Physicians® prescriptions wnt YORK ST., LOWER TOWN, Ottawa, Decamber 14. 3474 TIII HALFe«YEARLY EX AMINATION in the several Schools, under the control of the i No OVE UUT U t otaae . dn this city. will K inthe sevren® UUTIIC C220 bo thie al Board.of Common School Trustees, in this city, will be held on the days and at the places following, viz. : lâ€"uuw.m.lm.“Qm Queen st.. .( C C / tyne Church st. Wednesday, 19th, 1 pm. _‘ Oppasite the Post Office. mmamm‘ Church st. Victoria{Ter. York st. AUCTION SALES. Albertst. â€"~* _ _ Iriday, di0h Department.) | â€" . ~| M‘Ml‘lï¬hï¬llr : > Department) . â€" . ~ Parents and Guardians are particu ted to attend. ux wolyt wI1s ESTABLISHMENXT, R LY. opened, is now farnished with (itawa, December HALFâ€"YEARLY EXAMINATION. City or OTTaAwWA, Pv' NoTICE | To wit : is heroby given that mmuï¬â€"umm'mun. for the cuydoua-fllhwbhlh cas‘c--n Hoase, in flg on MONDAY, the SEV ENâ€" ‘lllmhm ECEMBER, instant, at, the hour of E of the clock, in the foremcon, of which all City Coroners, Justices of the Poace, E:-ubh-. Jurors, and ail others in any wise conâ€" t rned, -n_bonly niin‘\oulc notice and govâ€" TWEEDS, jern themselves igh Bailiff‘s Office, c cftama, Sth December, TH. USDERSIGNED LADIE® WHO have tables for Fancy Work, will feel much Mr‘lldlMll be sent ip by FRLâ€" paAYÂ¥,.the 14th INST., at latent : 4 Mrs. Johnstom, * . Mrs. Charle« Wright, > «â€" Mimeworth, .,; Reiffenstein, _ * «_ Rowan, Jones, H. J., | _« MeNab, , «_ Daikin, AELE « Ford, RAECORDER‘s COURT THE BAZAAR!| & /s y ies OuRol, NLL, New Dining Hall of the Rus* sell HMHouse. wm'&uhu'h COTTON3, and % FANCY _« Of every deseriptio®, j < 6 on "wia 5 I |_â€" * dAPRIAUGES,.SLEIGHS, &e, &6. _ | CENTRAL PLLOTS, e eP tteee C nc hk â€â€œw“w&b.nt Andndhuce i the patronage so liberally bestowed on him before. faws;, Saptember 15. ~ .~ 20y w Ada C eeene The Doors will be opened at 11 &9 1 Eatrance, First Day, 10 cents, ANNLE CARY, FLANNELS, Nankk #t.. AGAIN PREPARED â€"â€" _ PETERSHAMS, &6., 6. assortment of HEAVY TROWâ€" Will be held D. V., 10th AND (20th +A Wt ; moTICE. 12 G. M. HOLBROOK, Ottawa. RODERICK ROSS, Thursday, 20th, 1 pm. as **> I pmâ€" Friday, 21st, (Jun. SSMILTEL, P wEX h;‘ of the REFRESHMENT RISTMAS TREE will be in at« 11 on TV E8DAY, the 18th INST., to receive contributions : J + Mrs. Steole, # 'llo-.? m. «â€" Marpers; c wt., Orta w o. EPARBED TO MANUFACWRE all descriptions of Â¥i wt . your â€" ; â€"| ap1l pm. are particularly requies~ w. couskNs, Local Superintendent. P 306â€"4 y 398 RECEXT» l th a coniplete Ds O# Migh Bailif 30444 \’u THE SIGN OF THE ANVIL, lideau Street. : \SKATES.SKATES. at 9 mat: | FACTORY INSSTANT, \m-h-m-u is w 90 6 Ottawa, December 4 se enenenip en Ti O ds ib a For contracts to and deliver in the yard of the Jdlvflw“ of ‘the County of Carleton, % ... 300 CcoRps oOr Good Merchantable Hardwood ! County Council Office, Aome P \‘ j“'_':v-_::ï¬_‘_.__ï¬â€˜l“ â€" | GILLESPIE, MOFFATT & CO, | 9¢ _ _ m n en gous ég;&,@i ?é%%%vnm Rock Maple, Beech and Birch, watuthvc.. « Ahcmmaintt ~Actnd. Adrattv t t 100 cords to be dry, an@ ot last ‘year‘s ontting; the | â€" dnlnudnmqhm:aqï¬o-&:oh delivered and piled on the 'rn-hu d-rh&tbc 4 ensuing Winter; 25 cords the dry wood bt delivered within one week after the acceptance of ~hï¬:. oC l n o ie ionlrrieeort 0 00; Hakinen of the Contract required. En NUR CCL TL cmd Payment to be made by the ‘»cwm M:‘n-l"l ENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED AT this office until noon, on Y p wâ€"â€"â€" ty p ET a "or ch un seammeenmtemacemmaneti s P i 0 ‘ county 0 s THE YEAR BOOK n icey ow i# CaRuETON. _ | jy| Almarac of British North Antrit, ‘Snivgd by m.".‘.?&-“‘:,.?."u'."‘m'.ï¬ af the :?*Qg_ieev. Corporation of the County of Carletod, until \ Tuncnuuwu’nu.xumw FOR 1867« Tneslay, 18th Decembor, 1866, €tarke‘s Pooket Atmanac for 1867. ‘The Canadian Farmer‘s Almanac for 1867. _~ Tuesday, 18th December, 1866, NOTILCE. Ottawa, November 28 pona:sTIsG 0P THEK â€"OTTAWA T EDW ARD BEARMAN, Ob ccxccarcccccennritesigt, 80 k C enrreentectiats qoi l be immediately attendâ€" L. W. SHATEUCK. Elc 298â€"2m W arden‘s order Chief of Police CcUNNINGH. TIMMENSE "\PINE AsSURNANCE COMP taurant‘ â€" Possession imymediate. â€" ApPPY 10 UEORGE E. otï¬ï¬‚“" j | Queen‘s Printer‘s Office. t e ele e o nc h : s42F in rear of Ottawa, Feb. 10, 1866 aty! o e ie a) E se esw \ye\i \ome VWandred and Filty Acres of whickh nnoelnn-l‘hnd in a good state of cultivaâ€" lon with good Dwelling House, Barn, and other qutbuildings thereon 1 t This land is of the best quality, and situated seven miles from Qttawa City on macadamized Ottawa, September 29 seven miles from ï¬l“ road leading to Richmond. For further puï¬eulnn .‘| Oitawa, September †l,‘A m FOR #41LE.â€"One < sax agh undred and Ninety Acres of .i“ Land, in the 'Iomhirol Nepean M g:u rt-pny of the late George ol1 Tme Hundréd and Fifty Acres road leading to ANCRUTTU® For further particulars m& the undersigned. * nu.n WILLIAM GRAHAM, ¢ JAMES BEARMAN, Â¥Executors of the Estate of the late George Bell. yar Address Beli‘s Corners P.0. June 20, 1866. 156â€"f ' Mss ies T | 1| Hundred Thousand Doliars, VJ3 maÂ¥tcwrtatiere 1 Ottawa, Feb. 12 1866 _‘ OR LOxDoxn. Istablished in 17882%. | taken in ex ‘anction, it of Ottaw®, dn“ of J TWELVE | enst half of sion of the ‘ Ottawa. ny JAMES BATPIPP, Deputy Shoriff. Sheriff‘s Office, Ottawa, t ‘OctoberT7, 1866. A4wtad ‘V A small Cotur. or two or three rooms and a Kitchen, in the eentral part of the city. API, at 252â€"t Sherift‘s Sale of Land& vl\o Lt A _ Ouitioma \ Iloupe.aouninhf‘hnnmu in the Desbarats‘ Block, Sparks Street, next to Mrs. Tpn_-r’n Rosâ€" INSURANCE. PHCENIX rl\(! LET, A HOUSE CON= :Aiutna‘niu rooms, on Ottaw& Street, south of Mathow‘s Hotel. Apply en the premises, to Luks a antbxe: April 2, 1866. ANTED, TO RENT.«« the premise®, °0 ThDs. G. BURNE. 2M2f E®s DEoFBmR 17 ; ;Is6e06 _ REAT&LEARING SALE. BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT DW ELLING City of Ottawa. IN THE PRICES OF } Wincies, and | â€" Stuff C Skirting, and â€" . * Skirts. Mantles, and emesmeme ) !.l ;) .l Velvet, and Feolt H _Colored Silks; Ribbo White and Crey . Cotto Wool and Unionâ€" . Carp Scarfs, and Clou:« Caribaldis, and Sont: Dozen | Hoop Skirts. f °_ arEatT PREpPARrATI0ONs And Unusual Attractions for Cash Customers At MAGEE & RUSSELLS Swtable for Christmas and Ne ‘ BESIDES ‘)-o‘la'afli.. WORTII RECELIVED P) This Winter, all of which will be on exhibition until the close of the season. f@'il{nflldiniu in Dress Goods, Sluur{f, Mantles, Jackets, Mantle Cloths, &s..__ _ C882 s 33 Decurabet 16. _ â€"â€"â€"â€" 347â€"40 s se MA New Dress Goods, Millinery and Mantles ! WE HAVE JUST OPENED OUT SEVERAL CASES CONTAINING N New Dress Goods, Wincies, Shawls, French Merinos, Shirtings, i 7 ( _A LARGE sTOCK OF New Whitney and IIlorse OFFERING AT CHEAP PRICES. Sussex Street, lst December, 1866. PTIE es waeden Gehnrrcmectns P L EN D L 1 .;. GRANT sSTOVES, ___ PIPES§, &¢., T snn rfenik weinmentiantions oo ESMONDE BROS. Kerosene A VERY MAGN{FICENT ASSORTMENT OFg E ARE IN RECEKIPT or A LARGE VARIETY OF from London, Manchester and Glasgow, HAIR â€" CUTTERS ! ARE ALWAYS KEPT EWARE 1 JACK FROST IS MERE. « Don‘t let him in on you," by buying your DURING OHRISTMAS Importers 0f They wuid eall particular attention, as 1M0y MS"" . l.ï¬-m that is fashionable for the season, and $ n;‘t"flon.mM red to take orders for Cl y are a e orders for Clof l.:;tylu and fashion, and as they are under the WARRANTED TO FIT. * PLILOT8, | o BEAVERS, | * PETERSHAMS, . _ DEVOXNB, _ wml-rnu\'g, crk M cu‘.fl;uï¬ po., ; BKOADCLOTHS, BLACK DOESKINS, MANTLE CLOTHS, TWEEDS, &o,, AL S M‘w?,‘é’.furm'm 12. ESMONDE BROS., ; us,urll Stroot, k o e uo Opposite‘B'n 6 CLOTHS.ANZE L iPpro dn ue 9 + will be found without exception the oops AT LOW PRICES. / \ LAMPS rways KEPT OX REDU CTIEON FAgiHOXABLE DRY GOOD8 | ESTABLISINIENT, UR PURATIUO [ BILK MIXTURE OF CoaATING®, Do. _ do. TROWBSERINGS®, BEDFORD CORD8, CHAUDLERE TWEEDS, * ~â€" BANNNOCKBUKN Du,, HALIFAX DO., KERSEY®S, FLANNELI®, ‘ M E AER L waAYs KEPT. OX HAXD. e and Rock Oils, n#m Noxâ€"Exriosiv®. s mSTABLISHT pptun. , t THEY HWHAVE MADE AN & LINDSAY P. O‘MEARA, ProratrtOR. : 202f THEIR CLOTHIN & HENDERSON‘S. attention, as they have n | â€" Stuff Goods. * Skirts. ¢ ‘ _ â€" Mantle Cloths. Felt Hats. Ribbons, &c. + Cottons. | * Carpets. Clouds. Sontags.. «t Al WANUFACTURERS OJ ND 208y p SPARK NEW YEARS HOLIDAYS, \Christmas Holidays. LONDONâ€"MADE JEWELLERY 1 Which will be found on inspection V ALLED in the city, for extent, ch of design. . . : Also, a amall and ‘melect lot of the NEW and . FASHIONABLE ' AZVRITE ._I!WEI.I.E_RY I xow so MUCH WORX IN*LONDON & PARIS. in a%a &1 i\ ATTENTION IS ALSO INVILTED T C vammran ANNn TN. || BLANK ETE New UST RECEIVED, direct from the man» ufactuters, a large assortment of the best YO lery And Shoffield Electroâ€"Plated Ware ! infor imp trom Roy: depe ew Year‘s Presents roOEIVED PREVIOUSLY | O‘MEARA & CoaTsS, LVII:L-I ELECTED sTOCK MOCCASINS, BUCK, } ‘ &Special Noflï¬o. \ ssrs, Youx® & RAaprorp wou bo“ leave to n their friends and the pnblieï¬hnt ey have rted from London, l;n‘lnd a firstâ€"class. As= omleat Clock such as are, used in all the 1 Observatories, and on which the public can nd for accurate time. Flï¬u wishing to have the true time are invited t ols 186A ' 206y ° ow on hand every nonllb of out and pattern in as their stock is large and varied they DEFY Watohes & Clocks, *ng ew Fancy Goods, _ Eï¬;& New Gold & Silver Jowellery, New Plated Ware, ; INC }, â€" Particular : attention res, Clocks and Jowellery nade to ordez. W 5 STREET, comber 1, D IN 1844..‘ ing, which they gusrantee to porintendence of experienced 30, SPARKS Dry Goods. December AND DEALERS TN CLOTHLNG. best PANTS, CLOTHING | BAGS, LINEN, _ ___ A Do., TRAVELLLNG, CoTrONS, STRIPED, Do., + |> BLUB, _ DEPARTMENT MAGER & RUSYELL > Blaniets! VESTS, xrEw GOODS DIRRCT AND RADFORD‘S, oPJ SHILRTS, DRAW ERS, SMOCKS, Bonnets, and Hats, ortunity ever | 1j uds e Aeleraise® es extent, choice, and novelty ; sST., OTTAWA. attention paid to repairing owellery. ® y N eprflnl. AT S68y TO BE UNRL: BOCKS, 206â€"6m TRUN MITTS, W OOLLEN ~BDo. | BUCK, VALISES, NEW and make up. in the cutters, they are 300 hf chests young Hyson Ten» w 350 _ do Twankay |__ do«â€" 400 . do Japans . do« _ | 100 . «do Gunpowder ite. * 120 _ ~do Imperiat _ / _ do« ; AND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT or }(}ROCERIES, TOBACCOS, &c. x n ras & oF DRY Crang‘s Kews Dosot, Ko. 56, Sparks 5 And who would ‘be without low price of 4B Gents per ‘Can and X X X GEOoRGE W CRANE, _â€" George W. Crane, VARIETY STORE! 56, SPARKS STREET * O xY 8 D 1 Eit ®! 171 News sTATIONERY & BOOKS, K9 0 ENeAE AE NE NT CA C c San‘s I #hall be happy to wait on all his customers, and on miy old customers, nnd as many new ones as will favor me with a call. CANADIAN, ENXGLISH and AMERICAN PA PERS and MAQAZIN.Bï¬dkept constantly on hand. Striet attention paid to orders. » RRVUUUT Enc conls ons to arder. * in Arso 100 puns. Highwines, 1&’ hhds. Gine 25 qr. casks Gin« 300 Green cases Gin. + 300 Red do _ do. 800 Brandy do. 500 Claret do. 75 Champagne Green Scal, AxD a GENERAL $1009 .or Btrick RUOTUUCPANCL OS as N. B.â€"â€"Picture Framing done to order. Ottawa, October 20. 2 )1 P claeet S reuukrietenane . imcnaubers Ottaw a, ~()ew'bel' 20. *4 ds 260-3p_ NOTICE to the PUBLIC! Servants‘ and Laborers‘ . frogistry Offce % 1st Door: West of Batex‘, ; / ~ am CRANE!s| NEWS ‘DEPOT, \ + 56, Sparks Stteet. Wyient uns e i 2028 , 227 November 9, 1866 «NOTIZI rupsil LOT OF THOSE Ot‘awi, FOR SALE! ; **| yORK STREET RoyaiCanadianBank Officeâ€" fine JTI A.!t II Al Ottawa, June 21 SHEFFIELDHOUSE, oo ns ee 1 vs\ and Poeriodical Business ! And having added largely to the stock of AVING _ PURCHASED _ A ‘Stock of J. H. BARBER, in the 24, SPARKS STREET, OTTAWA, Writing Desks, . _ ‘ / Work Boxes, . + Clove. Boxes, All hu;g e«+apes the late dutios. jo=EPN PNELA N: _ ‘ 835 und 537 Panl Strect Montre® Card Boxes, ge®@n Particular itention pa and 19 mnt‘mwrinf dep=rimeut Uttawa, Novem her 21 . C oovmantomepnentemae *n T L(?fl". ty Ttuts crry, O% CcUmBER® .AND Styâ€"et. on helev ming « f the 2nd insi., A LAib¥‘s BRX90CHâ€" ebtch pebMe:â€"et is gold The finder will be suitab y reward>d on loaving it at the Tixes office. Ottawa, Decemner 13. «3062 â€"â€"â€"*â€" Trinket Bï¬â€œ,’ ‘ a Jewet Caskets, With a variety of usefal andâ€"ornnzental Goods. _ _ E. K. MacGILLVRAY & Co,, W atehimakers and Jnvallflr‘. w@ Particular attention paid to the repaifing OTTAWA AGENCY : coâ€"Desbarats‘ Building, 77 Sparks St. N. P. HAYEE'-_.- HAMILTOXN‘S IIOTE York Street, Ottawa, C. TXIE ABOVE HOTEL: LATELY 80 ‘ m successfaily carried on by Mrs. Mamilton, ) ALL} CA will in futire be earried on hy her in partnerehp | with Mr. Newcombe. Particul«r attention will be | CALL1 C) paid to travellers. ‘ A firstâ€"class table, and nong but \ AT 7 the best wines and liquore will always be found on | . hand. oT(h:l:w;.y is ‘;Jmhd h'h'.h':uut bui-fu AT 7 rtion city, adjacent to the way station bad steamboat landing, rendering it the most dosig. | *u" 9n‘ sbloJ.m in town for comme®tial men. TuE OnLY J ‘ ‘Two or three boarders can be accommodaâ€"~ * tod. Ottaws, N Ml- GEORGE SHOULDIS, IN RK« turnipg thanks to his friends and the public for the liberal patronage which he has received for many years, begs to state that for the future his business will be carried on in YORK STREET, where hi-‘)wmhu are known as the â€" Novembor 27. | _ a nbA Gowsdl rirntamtie YORK STREET FANCY BAKERY, And where every article in the tride can be obâ€" tained of the best quality and “o‘ah. l«:oï¬' prices. mar Innt" CT OBR Gined o. AETARE EUE CCC 0A sn F â€"Mr. Shouldis is ready to wait on all who may favor him with their custom, and farnish them daily with guch bread as they may u\!iu. Please send your orders to the (ork Street Fancy Bakery. WOes h meon ol L tb atcnes SW ambadt : ""i'.'i ‘Two Journeymen Ottawa, December 6. psteri« XORAgOOE:.._.._.._Ls sPARKS STREIST CIGAR AND TOBACCO ; pEpror 1. Roos, | ~ _ * Proépriotor. J. Roos, Ottawa, December 7. Prime Cigars, Toys, Seweliery. â€" Furs, -j;,;;pg Miit«, 1 0j sominy no Siubite SE * "E &c., . &o., \#&c.," #g&o, | most elegant headâ€"dress. h.::'mc'zm:x? bkdm:ni:kud-r w,\ : _ Sold by all Pruggists. make room for winter stock, NB ; JOHN (G. ZIMMERMAN, Sold by o.-:r Mortimer Roberts, W. N â€"\ _____ Cormer of Sp and Metcalfe Streets Massey, H F McCarthy J Skinner in Ottawa. C Wiknc woll._ize 96ih 1888 10â€"y guer REOMYED AT PRLIME CIGARS. PRIME CIGARS. _ PRIME CIGARS ° © 7 PRIME CIGARS. + ~â€"xEW STOCK TOBACCOS. NEW STOCK TJBACCOS. ° NEW STOCK TOBACCOS. NEW STOCK TOBACCOS. FIRST QUALITY MEERSCHAUM PIP}S. FIRST QUALITY MEERSCHAUM PIPES ,mns‘g QUALITY MEERSCHAUM PIPES FIRST QUALITY MEERSCHAUM PIPES izp .. Remember the Plitce, 264 Sparks Streot. 1 pane Ottawa, November 16 <&*EC HAVE NOW ON HAND A sSTOCK amounting to over $5000 worth of ember 27. BEREAD. No AT THE HAMILTON & NE'WCONBB' » 97. m’ a can cf them at the Ten» $5,000. Kparks Stroet. 277â€"3m ALL THE Bakers W anted at that. 1674 ; | ea¢4 Very Choice and: Supericr NOW ON SALE TRESH ARRIV AL 1,000 : soucHoxG. a 150 Cadd‘es MAXDERIN MXTURE ‘ °. gay~ Th‘s is the finest Brack Tea over tnrï¬- wd, 5« per pound ; in siail Caddies, about 14 !b» The Pure Mountain Berry. «* Without nce;:iol the finest Coffee in the w22 "â€"London Fimes, March 16; » """"; uâ€"!-;:l;n;ly ro;olvhcnpplhl of this truly beautiful and delicious COFFEE, roasted daily on our premises by . > ; 4 Dakins Patent Silver Cylinder J. ROOS. S01f By which peculiar process, the aroma is preserved, and renders it the rAavoRITE WTTH ALL CoPPEE DRINKâ€" â€EWAI}E OF SPURIOUS IMITA TIONS®, go@r As it in lnpotudbynomlr-h Canada, Wines, Spirits & Liquors ROBINSON & CO. would especially call the atâ€" mofl'llfliflhm"':“ ALES, wyymogf&PIRITS 2N § ul M mCs F Streets ____| Massey, H F McCarthy and J Skinner in Ottawa 283. |\ _ December 29th, 1866 10â€"y o00 saret* _ 500 Cherts very choice and supérior YOUNG rysox. iA 200 Ch: sts Good Strong TWANKAY. _ 109 Chests old fashipned BREAKFAST â€" y$ " _ »Hn We have a most delicious GUINESS & CO BLOOD‘S LOXDON STOUT. BARCLAY‘8 LOXDON PORTER, ALLSOPS PALE ALk. .BASS‘ EAST INDIA. g poW s CELEBRATED MONTREAL ALE. paAWS SUPERIOR LACHINXE ALE. DAW‘B CBELEBRATED: PORTER & svOUT TEAS, Just Received from England : ROAST « conkinp no. + JuGgaeEDp po. L ETEWED Do. ; > wA ROAST PHEASANTS. « ‘ ROAST GROUSE | ROAST PARTRIDGE \ ALL GOQDS DELIVERED FREE by our own W aggons to any part of the City daily â€" PINNEK SHERRY ¢ hich we are selling at 8 shillings per gaiten: _ ROBINSON & CO. THE TEA POT, § oTTaAW aA. Establishmentsâ€"Bussex Bt. and Rideau St. 100 cases Otar«,,) , MOJ+ e hm sc ie c tiie N :4 _ _C. E. ZOLLIKOFER, Draughtsman Modeller, & D-uus‘ol FOR LETTERS PATâ€" ENT of invention neatly M.u descripâ€" thous l:utfl"em::-‘th‘ drawn up, '“kl‘;‘ Mode & ale materials pnpn‘ » signs for w P uon uts turnished and Monuments M n L D ud in Stone. Plaster of Dane, Comport‘ upon the shoites uzon Ne AROINCE x?;:. of La year i) ai0% : Rooms ver Tâ€"4., Elgiu Swest, opposite the rm f 1 t# & Do,_m_tg_r_&________g.-ho 4 W’ DUBLIN STOUT CALL] CALLI CALLL 1 " AaT THE OTTAWA SHIRT sTORE! \_ _ aT THE OTTAWA SHIRT sTORE! THE ONLY ESTABLISEMENT * , TWE ONLY RSTABLISHNENT k Wi_.. was will find Alupw‘ * A large assortment of ALL! CALL!1 CALL COFFEE | persons, can be obtained at MBS â€" Ottawa, October 20; ROBINSUN & CO,, Bo.nn.â€"u-. TROTTER, OF THE ‘Toronto House, can accommedate a few genâ€" temen with reoms and breakfast, or with full board. Can also take a few day Nud-n.“ > C E7 \ _ PLAIN AKD FANCY sHIRTS! PLAIN AND FANCY SHIRTS pAr Also, Collars, ‘Ties, Scarfs, Gloves, Handkerâ€" lat« Hosiery, Wristbands, Braces, at 25 Sparks Private Boarding House. 'lll- LEAMY®8 PRIVATE BOARD« TNG.Mouse, No. 25, York Street, Ottawn. Ottawa, November 24. 2004 LIFE, GROWTH AND BEAUTY _ Hrs. 8. A. Allen‘s Wortid*s Hair Restorer and PBressâ€" ing invigorate, strengthen andlengthen the hair. They act directly upon the roots of the hair, supplying recâ€" quired nourishment, and natural color and beauty returns.‘© Grey hair disapâ€" pears, bald spots are covâ€" ered, hair stops falling, and luxuriant growth is the rcâ€" \ sult. Ladies and Childre» | will appreciate the deltighh | ful fragrance and rich, | glossy appearance impartâ€" | ed to the hair, and no feas \ of soiling the skin, scalp, or most elegant headâ€"dress. Ottawa, November 1 ; Omgmentul Work in Stone, Plaster 0) bp(*-i‘"flg_ffw designed and executed PRESERVED MEBATS. RIVATE IOA.â€"I;-‘WII'II’OOOD AND Clp ED ay t detns sls acmobngs AT THE THE TEA POT, United Vinquels "*â€"nk or U MRS. J. MoARTRBUR, oTTAWA THOS BEAMENT Where you will find W here you will fnd tion, for #ix or seven