Ontario Community Newspapers

Ottawa Times (1865), 15 Dec 1866, p. 4

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t :. Sug,â€"1 have it h command to call your special :....u.;::. an J‘zq? ef a Dospatgh from the Sec of e oreign Atuairs, to the. Governorâ€"General of this Province, conveying : Hor Orders no Chilion.ep Spameh armed Vpssols be < to bring their prizcs into Briâ€" tish Waters m. with the view of whoge effectus «ifect this ptinciple, to interdict \Rhips, and also Yhe P3:cateers Y\--th | yar Prizes made, by theim into th« 'l‘-:;:s; o or Jm of the T or Majesty‘s Colomic shine abt.u:" ] ho L have aeccordingiy to scquaint 3 The Colloctor of Customs, . _ At Sea Ports in Canada. The Earl of Clarention to Mr. CarduÂ¥ll. Fommex Orvics, 2ud February, 1 ‘&uâ€"flw Mru:n& :u:g‘ desi observing noutrali con between Spain »“7'&7.‘ .Hieyflfl\.lhoy' Wucen has been pleased to s ameeud L d sn 29 acuiet rvipe s with the stated, should m,h M"?g’ P oper authorities in the United nuqr. aud to l‘;'I.‘ Majesty‘s Naval or cther authori in all quarters beyond the United Kingdom, for their ‘&hwc in the cireumâ€" stances The W © J win \ Edward Cardwell, M. P Lort.] TE id Hor Majesty been pleased to and that ‘.uq.‘akplhmhlh Mfiht dow, and in the Channet Islands, on after Pr Wimintsd Femeyon: gand mroaans ol soas six days after the doy when nm or ctb:.-r (‘hi’cf ‘Authority of each of such Torritories or Possessions L cccus it Abandhere‘s ~brafiy nc // wat paemer n the espec .Yfl!A n___E:'_....n..n_T-bmu.‘:!flnhn binas. sn qds dine im sutee wl db t weun en apt o (ppeit notijeation that the said Ruleg w t becboyed by all parsons within the same territories and r’..:g_-...;-_..._.nmuL Pn EP ds x Ee eC PR C 1 il:“ m&:%'-l the lqy:t e AL TNX COUNCIT, Tes of Chili flu'. War and Privaâ€" | On the recommondation of the Hoadrable the Min« teers of %fl prohibited _ from | ister of Finance, and under and in vistue of the aaâ€" making use of or Roadstead in the United tl«rlt‘gim an. conforted by the 5th section of the Kingdom of Britain and Ireland, or in the | Jith e .E" of the Copsolidated Statates of Canaâ€" 3-‘ uumdw Coloâ€" | dx, His Rxselloncy was pleasod to order and deâ€" or or , or of | clarend it is heroby onmdered and deglared that u‘!m to the Territorial jurisdiction | thé item, « Lron Wire," «roand or fiat,") mentioned «f the British ada Stition or a placeof reâ€" | in the Schodule E of the Act 20th, m"k\Cap. sogt for anyâ€" W"‘""""ml"‘fl"’“ of | 6, was Imn-lo;b» includs, and :s heâ€"eby declared obtaining as ""’“".s@‘ and | to extend to mowude fat wire for erinolines un . no Ship of War or Privatoor ‘of covered. â€" abumil b be permitted to sail out of or leave * w. A. ULMSWORTH, . -'-â€".3-": British HSt * Assist. C. K, C. from aay | Ve of m{um wun cnenmmmmmmmnnmemmmmmomdocmnrnfp mcmmcentmenmmmmmmm in mm w i Merahant ship)s shail Lave | f orialy Tntit mtorthe uapiration of 2 @ovEryMENt novsE, â€" ‘Teast ' from the hw: such Oitawa,.Tuoslay, 27st August, 1868. last m Â¥ l'q-ith‘lm wrige . PRatxt: ie ""“"_ Rgerq *‘ War or Privateer of sither | MHIS EXCBELLENXCY TuB GovERXORâ€"GENER EC 4 Lo P wl / Ne wl t ipmmiy P uw cnd AL IX COUXNCIL 1. If Ship of War or Privaloc® on " .000 1230 5 n.na,..:’d-l..a-do time when this Order | AL IX COUXCIL shall " be first motified and put in force in the United llu EKCELLENCY WAs PLEASED Kingdom, and in the Channel Islands, and in the to lay before the Council a Schedule of rates several and Foreign Possessions or Doâ€" | of Toil submitted and recommended by the Honorâ€" :â€"‘" Wflw any | able the Commissioner of Public W orks, to be loviâ€" W to Her Majesty, | ed on the Batiscan Bridgo, in the county of Cham otther : the United Kingdom or in the Channel Is« | stain, for th@ period of ouJoar.' as provided by u of Her O-I-h--l‘wig Urder 11 Council of the dth March last o stich Veesel shall Whercupon His Excelleney was ploased to order required to and pat to sea within Twontyâ€" | and it is hereby ordered, that for a pasiod of one tour hours after her‘enterance into such Port, Roadâ€"~| year, to be computed and reckomed on f.n;n the I.‘;": 1 M UUTUGLL PETETILL Tedif cka ts Ino wame of Toll. he x FINANC e mm e e tC d t stead, or W except in case of stress of weathor, | day e(lny.lufl.tbol'«unwilfinw GL £05, or of her or nesessary | they are heroby authoriz¢d to be levied and < for the of her Crow, or im cither | ed on the said Bridgo, thit is to say : of which the Authorities of the Port or of the | For each vehicle of any kind and one horse nearest Port the case may be), shall require or other beast of draught, and not more m.*_- ~‘- h... !Io'::: than lmhml, emb::;litkml owt. > as one ®, wn out htm‘ m'\“ 'mmo("nn as 10 m.’( z be for her use; and no | Por each additional horse or beast of dranght Vessel ® 11: allowed to remain | _ attached to such vehiclo, or saddle horse, within British W aters .mlndnhfl or 6ChOr BGASt, A0d 1t3 PIdOF..cmmercemmee> continue in -fl“ or waters, | For each horee not attached to any vehicle for a longer hours after | â€" and without aâ€" rider, ox, cow or head of her shall ifi'“?"‘ ;| _ catile or nonâ€"enumerated quadruped...... n« es, that in all cases A‘fl-‘fl_l Â¥For OA0N #hoOpy [AG OP OM ce sn es nmcense en there sha‘ll be any Vestol (whother Ships of W ar, Privateers, or Merchant Ships) of the said Belliâ€" is ie esmm iermathe _ om er Majesty, there shall bean interval of not less than ‘Twentyâ€"four hours between the departure therefrom of any such vessel (whether a Ship of W ar, a Privaâ€" PE ET C war o . 3 Mb amcmock " ud T oianennin infandiy seerefrom of any Shty of 'nmld -ml-l!cu:t-’ and the umet hereby w':-m of such Ships War .flmmflfll fl"u houqd:-lq extended, so far as may uen fi.':"_"’" wtkis pohug Wet it *L 1 No ghip of War or Privateor of cither belliâ€" Tt HOmuP U adr be vermitted rent shall hereafter be permittes 3 + 51":- fption of m':;at‘:"? m ce iesns se rrniche, ai sack other things 4s Agcopt so much coal only as may be sufficient to â€"arty such Vessel to the nearest Port ef her own sountry, or to some ngarer destination ; and no coal shall be again supplied to any such Ship of W m-.:m nn‘:’“Mw ::mmb»-flr*u““r:“: mm’.d e months from the time when g.l«nlwy“ lnst supplied to her withâ€" in British Waters at mmidls . _ _ « Ottawa, April 3. 1 CITY %@_PERT\' : LOTS & HOUSES. * * ES§10N GIVEN IM» w3 & mediately. _A now Brick sn g on Bessorer Street, Sandy i6 d near the residence of Hon. Malgolrg Cameron.| This buaildtng contains Soven lk-l'-mnlh furnished with all modera imâ€" pro . A Two st Wooden Builling, «n the corâ€" net of This House is lined with UBrick, $ ith double doors aad ‘windows wi Voq ) There is a large Kitshen mds with Pum &nal-nd other *ail in the m:'- well adapted orm Wouse, or private rosiâ€" 4 t Fon SALE.»â€"â€"THE WEST» a ‘¢g oneâ€"third of Lot No. 27, in P First on Ottawa, Front Noâ€" 4 pesn, and Lots Nos. 26 and 23, in who Consossion, at present in the cccupation of Wi. T. Aylign, Eq. For furthor particulars apply to Jous and Ww. Tuowsox, Sc.;.u. and Lewis ie Preany, |Barrister, Ottawa. Jeiâ€"141â€"f \ y Tnu'r VALUABLE PRO# * *porty known as . M. Blasâ€" dell‘s Homaestea:l, containing about beantifully situated on the 06 ..:..‘Ta Oas, North side Welâ€" |'.:’u’. Street, City of Oitawa, with the Dwelling 1294 outhouses thereon. ence. tinwa, Fobruary 10. 1364 For farther particulars **{ * | KSX BOC Commissioner of Custom: [Signed.] & nfmm:xr. CUsToXs,, â€".| _ Ortawa, 19th March, 18366. | si ~ l.h-':‘bdkj sery ) uoly to 1 K.'Joâ€"&'?-' pmor to be, Sir; Your humble servant, + nody ~_| EDWARD CARDWELL 427y 10,; 180% m”. and suon oTner SNNg® °T for subsistence of her crow, and P PmE m 1 @ ! £ e t fl.p § | Â¥7 i 9 . pge | & cesc | 4* x §........... ) i sppperatin " _ "Febzaary 26th, 1806. menfrrg ; beirtg fully determined to ob» | s *********‘ m‘” .‘W B cvembecs Cats s M.:Aty and the .i onl koag w ceregrcce as eoas! 1" ws9 of | . ; Aud th Ports, asit C *, ~= i the rize 4 on & &;" Tersitcs‘~1 ;. asdicâ€" thoir emit \â€"soges of exuer Belâ€" « :~~ i dommunicate to the i “"fi“ which nd as Majosty‘s a Tâ€"have, & < M ‘House, with working utensil«, with a good house and yard, stabling ; andâ€"a good run -(’ cus» sate a good bakor‘s '-mhurn Possoasion immeodiat 17. shodâ€" of Canada. NO RENXT,«â€"â€"A BAKE CLAREXDON CHETt?s, ant and Excise. uary, 1966 to P. OHANLY. 8 Will 161tt EY TYâ€"FIETH SEPFEMDLI draft and cortificate of de this Department, ethorwi considered as withdrawn. Othawa PROVIHNCE Receiverâ€"Genetai‘s Dos.\m Oitawa, 15th Septe: » At a Com M : RWromyrckâ€"Gexzza‘s Orric®, Oitawa, Neptember 17, 1806. : OoTICEIS NHZREEY Giv La To PAM+ : RIES who have teadered to the Government HIS EXCBLLEXCY THE GOVERNXORâ€"GENERâ€" AL IX COUXNCIL ull EKc®ELLENCY WAs PLEASED to lay before the Council a Schedule of rates of Toll submitted and recommended by the Honotâ€" And that the / day of. , F1SANCE DEPARTMENT, CUSTOMS. w«â€"_â€"â€"â€" 7 . DEPARTMENTAL ORDEE, Orrawa, 2Ist Adgust, 1808. ‘v-ulu, THE 3vd SECTION OF the Act in the 20th and 30th yoars of Her intitaled : " An Act to ‘amend the Dutics of Custoras, and the Tariff of Daties under lua" enacte that « from r the FIRST { of 0017 TOBER = ':‘o‘r-d year," Sparkling W ins of a kinds, in , when accompanied by a certifoate of growth, shall be entitled to entry at $3,00 mr m‘u‘hflh‘nl @1.50 por dozen pint Â¥ Notice m‘m-mnh.wduy‘ rhlh.lnl may hereafter be prescribeil by Dopartment for the certificate n&-md. the M-.yphfi!:tylm the place | or port of Exportation, make and sign before t him a deelaration as to the place of growth and ; of such wines describing the «ame, and | such may administer the oath‘and sign | such dectgration, which dectaration should be auâ€" b&h British Consul, whose certificate sbould name of theship on board of wnich and the Port at which the Wines are to be shipped for expertation, and such certifieate shall at present be decmed the proper document to be produced at the Port of importation in this Province ; and in the event of there being no British Consul at the , | place of expertation the certificate of authentication may be flr-?-by the Mayor or Chief Magistrate at Foot passengers 184 Stf Treenails and Wedge« Iron Masts or ::m of Lrom & ‘May bo and they wto hore! taken out of Bond free of duty, Shipbailders exclasivuly for 3h to sach orders and reg of Rovenue as may be mposerl and s ite of deposit cthorwise the {" the D «t t ‘ €4# No § \& 5 BP : 3’1{:‘\ * oBPXA# Farcke 3 ee m I held at the City of Montrec o 3e doog af Noeember, 1865 N. F. BELL MAURILCE DC NXsFQRD, JOuX wW, TEMPEST, ROBERT G. HEBDBN, WILGLAM M. DONALD, JIHN A. TOLRANCK Hepattment, â€" â€" *~| . JOLX I MAURI i CLAL NXOTE L T®EXDER, .. miust L d Pla LA \aled Prov w . A. MIMSWORTY, ersone have wuthoâ€" ceuer= Qk-v"hb‘ attach Post CANADA. PRESENT rOV O t. CHRISTIAN t the amount to jonders must be L. BOUCHETT® amissioner of Cu rial Notes w a to say : AU,: verâ€"General t the 1 e Dena XORâ€"GENER m Ma Quebs 2440d PW EN y santhorized to| be 'h;; {‘um-huol\by l ag, pur 4, fi::l«- l-n'.lbm from time to time Hom. the Ministerol have o 6h d aind Veltow Metai NÂ¥ OR M n the lith itl, be and p«tom® ‘ MI3 EXxCELLENXCY THLE GoVERNORâ€"GENâ€" | EAAL EN COUNCLIL | (9‘ PM IKCOMMEXDATION OF | the ilonorable the Minister of .Finance, and | uniere and in vistue of the Tth seetion of the Act | sucto Vie.. Cmm 7. intituled : * An Act to uncus ect idns Cbcivacictuis: lt »Phihs + Cramnamigregs Soral 7OE T 3. Wvery appiivation tor J wits that knsoints on a printed lorm, in comorm .‘m that hereunto. annexed, and marked A, and »hail be signed by the porson mAking it. CA a n io uns suppried: which n-nm shail Co in conformity with the B hereanto arnesed, and shall be printed on paper espociaily propared for the parpose, with such ty po or engravings as may be approved by the Minister of Fix ance. 5. Every petmit shall state the period forâ€"which. it is to romminciy furte, *which {::l«l shall ot be more than will, l‘lh .:,nl»- of the odicer JPMIC it. be suificient tor effecting the removal of the | 1876 EPm e Mectivelous ce 6 The qomit shalt accompany the swnits to which it relates, and| renustin hlhhw«lion of the mnun having ¢ thereof, but it shall be T:‘ ced jor examigation as often a# may be reqh by any otficer having authority thereto, and it shail be delivered to the collector, or assistant collector, of Inland Revenue for yhe Inland Revenue Division into which mlriu to be removed, or wherein they aro re from one place to another, within the period mentioned in the permit. ; T PPR TTE d C dn coanlinating af any Loo4l prdanedimgaie urmer cAanejer o ceg m n 7. Every endorsation of the examination of any permit shall be made on the back thereof, anil every permit shall be defaced bJ "lilhal‘h word « can» t.:ou.;:hl for ‘hhi:h it h u‘o?.nl:l?u ts w as k f& bri .m-:r" ':ncn in n:t::. :';"u of splrits 0 w t are enu&lno-l have N'r.-rlod and ‘nambered in connection with the Warchousing Regulations pâ€" proved on the 17th March, 1865. W, A, LIMSWORTH, | #5â€"4f Assist, Clerk Executive Council. ty 652 L" C of the undermentioned v Huine t mtst Potwede ho tnla popsct and O# at (3) un _ w * by ime 0 ._lh-(n)whd-nm.!hnm '?""‘"";f.’ of (9) A he duty on the gaid spirits having been (10) aoz =â€"gâ€"â€"4 apr on commmememe commnrinereetrme= 2s en * _ CF 4 |â€" w .}; tidg EAAL LX COUXCIL _ â€"TMH â€"I@ECOMMEXDATH he ilonorable the Minister of . Fina and in vistue of the Tth seetion ol Vic., Cap, 7, intitaled : « Au Act is respecting the Dutics of Excise, + duty thereby imposed o'alrh'ih." in Coomcil has been ple to ord osby ordered, that the torow ® bimg permit« for the removal of ‘ istillery in which they have been m trom say warehouse in which they d or storedâ€"Obgether with the fort tiove accumpiny ing the same,be,un meby sanctoned wnd adopted, that Pormit«® jor the removel of spirit lory whereim they. havye been mat in auy . warchoust wherein they | i or stoved, may be granted on th & the owner of anch -fi_r".u. or of his 1, €) da **(1) Name and cccupation in full of (he person ,-su{-fi:- requisition. 9 l place of residence. 3) !.(nnr"u-â€"Ar- for [A B] the owner," as the case may be. If an agont, then a written wuthority to act as such must be lodged with the oticer before the Permit is , stating the name, residence, and cce of such owner. (i) The Wurchouse, or other locality, w hg:l;htl.\-.u“]‘\o'nnw attucbed to the Distillery of 0 D," or * Bondihg Warechowe ::.l’:.ucw. qr~'l'hmd.lk."uthlnan- 5) The street, town, ¢ village, &6. . in) The place --m:?'u h.‘t:‘hnnw«l.u “x“) The mode of .-va Th T m ance, as " The waz N‘uuzin‘wAB.“un steamer St. Ilohn."‘: « The Grand Trunk Railway," as the case may be. (§) Name and occupation of the (petson into 'laoroduhhwhlnuf-md. + k ,(thpuidnnu'?in of business in. full, ‘as #26, Craig streot, Montroal." (10) Hore state whether the cl:? has been paid, or whother the spirits are romov under romoval The number and description very . appl W hetherthe Juty has boen paid, and, if not, posscasion of T of [5 i * tf'o\'p ‘"i having beea Jh]] This permit is valid for (10] _ _ days from date and no longer, and on ‘or before he expira~ tion of the said I I:} days, it is to be delivec= td into the the Collector or Assistant Colâ€" lector of Inland Revenue, for the Ioland Revanue Diviston of (12] and cancelled ;{:Tuuoholgndbymm Bonde ermentioned !rlrit‘:;l‘l' to [4] & ;]-du-anm rm:,"i.-]z_mrf»r-fi! I uflsbfllhht!‘submdlm&o nossaamion of T ) o K. â€".> O PHP Pormit the removal im [1] o. from (2] (10 0 * 00â€" this ~_ Collector of Inland Reâ€" day of venne for the Diviâ€" 180 . ow . ‘.si:.,mm of the -.Anu of Alling ypthe blanks l't)dn ;: fl of conveyance as " The Steamoer St. " or the «W aggon bolonging to A B,", ns the case may te. * [ 2] The warchouse or other place, its localit¢ to., as Warehouse attached to the ‘Distillory of J P, at Prescott,"; or «* Bonding \hnhu-or‘. at Maitland, &6." ~ . o o * {3] The plaee to which the spirits are to be meef in J'.'.:.....'_-" e {1] Thd tatal gallons ot the strength of proo for FORMS AND EXPLANATIONS. Excia®. Requisition for a Permit Pormit granted at mca wherein it is then stored. & ace to which it is to be removed. uvegance by which the removal is to ine, place of business and cccupation n_lnhlv_llun possession the spirits are to miok of the person or corporation In ly it will be during its removal _ _ _ . #] Mi« place of business h the permit is granted. , . _ _ _ _ 1| The owner‘s naine and oceupation in full i smm merkss onl =___â€" . of (4) No of Permit, T oad is it is to be removed. mn-lphnurblulu- Exouse Pxmwiit T 16 al in each pac { the stron f the paok the pack onoral N making the reâ€" Local No l + g5ifi may be uf the o0 for the r 12 fluln nl:‘tj trom lLSs EX (bh;ht under a ferred I by orde ing the it gal {\] in Bond Fina the for ta in sue therofi of the [19} * q the Act ed Man to the € stalmes for the To the pa termi y 0 (crlmul to 245â€"t C;m‘;liu No 1754 * No. 8. NANCE DEPARTMENT, CUSTOMS, _ â€" s l pest Ottawn, June 6, 1866. 18, ; I have it in oounudg inform you that Mia Exâ€" nllqe{m Governor ,, byâ€" an Order in Coungil of this day‘s date, has been pleasedto reâ€" ngw, for a periodtof one month from date hereof, the in Council of the 19th March last, directing that «Fire Arms‘and Munitions of War" beimportâ€" od(rr of duty until the mmhn. n:)mtn the gondition t,&u the Importer ish the Collector of Custom with list$ of partics desirous of procuring gueh.arm«, and that such parties be known to be loval subjects, and such privilego shail ::' to all such importations made upon and from â€"4 ate . yol mc on ces Ee e lence t Shs Audias CBTE ECCE 1 Yhmhnby authorized to refund the duties already mu:ru\mudluuhudw-rh- ported within the period above named. ; I am, Sir, e + _/ _ Your obedicat servant, 1 R. S. M. BOUCHETTE. ‘The Coliestor of Customs Â¥i Va Sta GovERNMENT IMMIGRATION OFFICE, Quzzzc, 20th January, 1866, SIR,â€" + ‘The Hopourable the Minister of Agriculture and Immigration, having uuhot}nd Itho publhukq.liy on es wtgie . Dregrammmine waey C ie Apimi veg (a4 / h this Department, of an cccasional paper, to@e call a rti an cccas! 4 callâ€" ed the !.L’AN.\DA l!!lflkhfls.mm" which will be deveted exclusively to the encourageâ€" ment of Immigration, and to the diffision of aceuâ€" rate and usetul intormation concerning Canada abroad, I hikno to bring under your notice the advantages this sheet will ofer as an advertising imediam to land ownérs, and others having g;vrt- sas fue aale or lease. _ As information of this kind l inediam to land ownérs, and others having ma- ties for sale or lease. _ As information of thi ind is eagerly sought for, and much valuod ‘by every intelligent emigrant, means will thus be afforded of lacing the intending purchaser or lessee in Great %riuh in direct communication with the propertyâ€" holder hore. A = > ; ‘The Honourable the Minister of Agriculture and Immigration has also authorized the ot:uh‘ of an Information Office in Liverpool, under the manageâ€" Emm td F ment of Mr. Wi. Dixon, a geatloman well acquaintâ€" ed with this and the mother oomvhflm be mehlly charged with the distri of this p.m ughout the United Kingdom, and in bringing same ’mnhnuly under the notice of the emigrant. MERNTU TL LAHN sunssrin the anurie. of BC ui nancas Aucw o codstcan? bad edister The first number will appear in the course, of next month, the second in Asfll. bdl(lnjb'- the information to the latest period, to be followed up monthly or qumd{. as may be required. â€" As uf,..»uon is intended to allot for advertising purposes will be limited, and in view of the |.‘IE ~ireulation the shoet will obtain, [for it will be tributed gratuitously }, the m«- of advertisements cannot be much lower than the following : _ 4 i0 0 403. cnlins PR TTE For each advertisement, not exceeding ten . lines, $2 the insertion : and 8 conts for onr"m line. For a square of 22 lines, to stand for a twelveâ€" month, 6. .‘ â€" in all cases, advertisements must bo prepaid, n‘il_:: early :nnn-'l:rllal hlmo-'no-dtd. unders gladly recoive communicaâ€" tions bf a ,m'dm character for p-l:?leuh-; bearâ€" ing on the subject of Immigration, such as }mf: M CETET PME sc ccticee oob summon from actual .alofl.MI:f thoir in the Cvuntry, and pointing_out .,...d’.'."‘.’i“,*.. of their district in &uunln. k&o. ~At i desirablethat lhog. should be written as concisely as p?{blq and be free lm anything like exagâ€" goration. Fobruary 10 novals i« . | . 4 ;: period named for the removal. Inland A¢venue Division into which "-&'fi«.}&'lfi'in'fih’ié{tiim’ al to t takes place. * han F!QLLL‘NC\' THB uq\'u.sun-uuzxn- AL IX COUNCIL. â€"_ *4 eare: neEcormikxnaTION 0 Honorable the Minister of Finance, Ll in virtue of \the authority given and conâ€" place of business. | a«l" or * secured in bond," as the case Cb i t any Bonded manufactory liconsed under ve recited Act, uu{ be closed and the forfelted, w'l:ncnr it is shewn to the satisâ€" { the Minister of Finance that there is just belipving that frauds ;l-u the Revenue metrated in connection with such manufacâ€" PRESRNT : + HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENER AL IN COUNCIL llll EXCELLENCY WAS PLEASED to lay before the Council a Tariff of Duties to be imposed under th¢ authority of an Act of the Legislature of Canada, ‘pun‘ in the session there. of held in the Twentyâ€"ninth and Thirticth yoars of Her Majesty‘s Reign, intituled : #" An Actto provide a fund towatds defraying expenses incurred for matters nocessary to the efiâ€" cioncy of the Registry Laws of Lower Canada." _ . Whereupon His Excollency was pleased to order and it is hereby ORDEREDâ€" That on, from and after the EJRST day of OCâ€" TOBER next, there shall be imposed, levied and eoll«::il on each 1ss4, 6 mout olrmd'mmou“r: gistored in any istry Ofice in er Can and on every um made in such b‘molu on or after the raid day, the following resâ€" pectively, that is to say : : ME NEX ce To Eces d c in hh wl r Aanattan: 'ififillh,fix:p;-‘-v. * rarskNt : | it subject to the provisions of the Aot al these Re l.\(ionl, and to such further Reâ€" ®, a4 mny‘:flnafnr be made by com v, Licenses niay bo granted to m the acticles herein enumerated, viz: . gsâ€"including l-bon«z:ml Extracts, EV ECCC i OD-Qvor{ doed or instrumant eTecting or évidencâ€" | ing the #ale, exchange, hypothecation or mortga | of real property, for a sum or consideration uno?- ing in value 3{00, Thirty Cents, ‘ {b- every other deed or instrumont, Fi/teen Cents (n every search, with or 'immt‘art.?mu, Fin: Ceonts. ‘ That until farther orders the above dutics shall, in all the Rogistration Counties or Registration Diâ€" visions of Lower Canada, be paid in money, and the of such dutios received by overy Regisâ€" trar . re# vely, shall be by him mecoupted for and over to the Receiver General immediately wftor the close of every third month, to .be reckoned | from the said First day of October next. I # + WM, IL LEB, _ e o number of days which, in the opinion or granfingthe pormit, may be nocessary the :(:@'59:5')".5.’(%,;. 7, Mis Excellene I has bben -Zm.nd to order, and it is he id that the }. l;:l:la‘ Regulations ;u Anufactire undermentioned dutiable ficn.l. be -J the same are hereby adopt Pm oup 1Cce Coudies On every will, marriage contract or fimnh. Thirty Coute, hi ds 1. & Calgt d e one sc us Buus: ngry, gGovERrNMENT HoUSEâ€"OTTAW. Saturday, 16th day of Decembgr,1865. Prxsaxt. llis Exosnersxoy tw® Anaxistaw us Govâ€" ®RXENT 1x Cov: “ll EXCELLENCY was pleased to lay beforethe Council a Report xou the Commisâ€" sionor of Customs, dated 15th December, 1865, and approved bj the Hon. the Ministor of Finance, statâ€" ing that under authority of chaptor. 17â€"of the Con, Stat., Can., See, 24, an Orderin Council was passod on 28th April, 1853, directing «that:Goods bownt fide exported xio'thh Province from any country, but massing in iramsitu through anotherâ€"country and unâ€" 5" Bonds shalt be,until it shall be otherwiso ordored, valued for duty as if such Goods were imported di. : rést from such first mentioned countty into this Proâ€" vince held in the January 1 1864 208â€"tf om such first mentioned mmluo'&h Â¥roâ€" " aud submitting that it would be desirable aovERNMENT noUsB, * Oitaws, 17th August, 1866. I am, Sir, Oity of Quebee on Monday, hy w. A HIMSWORTH, i+ â€"â€" Asst. 0. E. C 0. BUPHANAR, Chist 44 , Chio 6. BPUO *R m k & 144â€"tf , * No. 8 66 ‘?TTA“VA Ii\lMES 99 hk : . "7 j DECEMBER i5, Printing Works|! 60, Sparks St., Centro WILL ADVERTISING I‘P MAS BEE’N TRULY SAID C1 : .IUI)ICIOL’S‘fil'I’I.lCATI.UN Dry Goods, Or Hardware _â€"TO SELL, . ADVEBTISE 1. Let the World Know Jt PR Do You want to Buy ? To BUSINESS MEN 1N THE No Matter what your Business PRINTERS INK 18 ONE LEADING AVENUES TO w it Ai PH This is the Motto of every THE “TIMES” AFFORD A sUPERIOR MNEDIUM TB "OTTAWA TMES Thvough â€" Which . it Will : Jteach OPERTY to SELL SUTUIEA M . _ ADVERTISE!! Groceries, ADV EHTISI. T EH E. orF1C® tE YoU HAYE BUSINESS MAXN. ADVERTISE! LINE OF TRULY SAID THA‘T 1F Yop HaAvE 18 THE MEDIUN Crockery, NJ LE D K JBR 14 16 VERIAISE! ADVERTISE, Glassware, smpeeufk I$ IJcouucs t ‘"Town. ob THE OF THZ By His Excellency the BlJbt. Honorable CHARLEE Sraxuey ViscouNt oxcan-m Monek of Ballytramon, in the County Wexfard, Governor~ * MMRODD B o) Amariea /and Captainâ€" Ballytr@M®®D® WO C Coosriea and Capt General of British North America, and Captainâ€" . General and Governorâ€"inâ€"Chief in and overthe Provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunsâ€" wick, and the Island of Prince Edward, and» Viceâ€"Admiral of the same, &e., &0. To all to whom these presonts shall gomeâ€"Garetâ€" * ING : a f A PROCLAMATION, * e im l as ut a & A l’l‘\!\auunn.-v‘-" tm d xo. Er. CartIER HER s awi 1 _ Atty.â€"Gen, ‘w by the thirtyâ€"cight ehlzsuro( Consolidated su&l.td of Canada, dh:t‘.:- ‘tuled : * An Act respecting preservation 0 ‘Public Health," it is amongst othet things enacted, that whenever this Province or any PArt thereof, or place therein, lprul to be threatened with any formidable epidemic, endemic or contagious disâ€" ense the Governor may, by Proclamation, to be .l:j’ him from time to time issued, by n%wwith the adâ€" vice and consent of the Executive neil of this Province declare the said Act to be in force in this Province, or in any part thereof, or place therein, mentioned in such Proclamation, and it shall thereâ€" 2 * CarccA2 .. and the Governor 1368 Real LOG NOE S Aoacioadeene‘ upon be in force accordingly ;â€" and the Gov® 7 may in like manner from time to time, as t all or any of the parts or places to which any such Procâ€" lamation extends, revoke or rengw any such Procâ€" lamation : and, subject to such revocation and reâ€" newal as aforesajd, every such Proclamation shall have offect for six monxl or for any :honu period in such Proclamation expressed ; ‘Ako WurREA8, .ulthough there exists no reason for serious alarm, the Province "’F“" to be so far . throntened with Asiatic Cholera, a disense within the meanâ€" T ing of the eaid Act, as to render it expedient that all C €00 700 w luld be taken for the proâ€" nld Province. NOW BUTDTTYLTOIG T the a the power in Mo vested by the said Act, 1, the said Governor of this Province by and with the advice of EME EEUUEICTILTA Peavince. do hereâ€" do or ! PROVINCE OF CANADA. 1 99 W; have appolnted Mr. J. LESLIE, w en es onn mt selits agnin teing ime es, and camt ie ng imâ€" mosed upon by Watches marked " Makers to the May 31, 1866. HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENâ€" ERAL IN COUNOIL Hll EXCELLENCY WAS PLEASED to lay before the Council a Memorandum from the Hon.the Minister of Finance, recommending that Peas, Barley, and Onts, as well as Petrolowm, LW E000 PARTUID UR DW C Bc wrlsed ma: which have ‘,.uml'rouu- the Welland Caâ€" : nal, be permitted to pass the St. Lawrence, Ottawa and Chambly Canals of Toll. : ©‘ Whereu His Excellency in Council, on the recommendation aforesaid, and under and, by virâ€" tue of the &-und conferred bx the 85th section of the 28th Chapter Consolidated tes of Canada, has been pleased to order, and it is horo\z ordered, that on from and after the TW ENTIET day of JUNE instant, Peas, Barley, Oats and Potroâ€" leum, which have paid full Toll on the Welland Canal, be and the same are heroby allowed to pass freethroughthe St. Lawrence Canal, the RIIou’u and Ottawa Canals, the 8t Ann‘s ‘Lock and the Chambly Canal. + x w.ULss, : .__ .._ FINANCE® DfiPAfiT)lEN’!. CUsTOMS s Ottawa, June 14th, 18 a NoT:ICR TO MARINERS. Beign, intituled « An Act to Jmn(do against the jntroduction wt.l,vnldhi. disorders affecting certain animals,‘" authority is given to the Governor WIIERIAI. BY AN ACT PASSED IN the twentyâ€"ninth year of Her IAjld&'l Beign, intituled * An Actto prowide against the certain animals,"" authority is given to the Governor in Council to take such measures as may appear to be necessary in order to prevent the _!mrodncfiw of contagious or "infoctious disorders affecting shee cattle, horses, and other animals, and check n& disorders trom spreading, if introduced ; And whereas a oonhflou disease or o&khmlc affecting cuttle prevails in many z:nlot urope, and is increasing and extending its ravages, and whéreas it is expedient, in order to prevent the inâ€" troduction of the same into this Province, that the h_npo‘l‘!.b‘fion bl. som ?f certain animals and articles lmpomuonr:{‘ua of certain animais and articies should be ex‘ bitedâ€"â€" | * His Excéllency in Council, on the recommendaâ€" ‘tion of the Honerable the Minister of Agriculture, and ug:r the authority given and conferred h{ the said ABt, has been pleased to order, and it is hereâ€" b{ ‘ordered, that on, from and after the FIRST day of MARCH ‘next, the importation or introduction hfl this Province, or any part thereof, by sea, of c sheep, horses, swine, asses and mules, meat, skins, hides, horns, hoofs, or other parts of such animals, I:z. straw, and fodder, be, and â€"the same is prohibited ; save and except such c or carâ€" goes, or part of cargo, as nhxxoollom;i: Counâ€" cil may horcafter see fitto exempt from such proâ€" hibition. f j W.H. LEE, & Clerk Exeoutive Council. Fobruary 28, 1866. | p 66â€"t HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENE. l RAL IN COUNCIL ‘ Ol THE RECOMMENDATION OF the Honorable the Comuissioner of Public Werks, and under the authority of the Consolidated Statutes of Canada, 22 Victoria, chapter 28, section 85, His Excelleney is pleased to order, and it is hereby orâ€" dered that the followihg Tolls be imposed on Saw Logs, Timber, &e., passing down the slides at Chisâ€" holms lux. Ramsay‘s Falls, Middle Falls, !!u”_’-l‘_ nPiccwb Rapids, on the works of "WOne tpat per Bow Log of thirteen feot in length | One cent n wid in the Jame propurtion on Bieces of, granto length, and one dollar on each crib of square timâ€" r; and that the above toll of one cent be collected such Saw Logs, and one dollar on all such Cribs of square tim! ruhnrddon the River Tront from the of the present season of naâ€" vigation. HIS EXCELLENCY THE é!OVIRNOB GENERAL IN COUNCIL GovERNMENT HOUSE. Ottawa, Wednesday, 7th June, MontrEAL, 20th day of Fobruary, 1866. PRESENT : GOoVERNMENT HOUSE Oitewa, Tuesday, 14th August, 1866. h are not manufactured by us, THCMAS RUSSELL & JON. London .and Liverpool, or [;lloo therein, and it shall thereâ€" and the Governor time, as to all or Clerk Executive Council ,| Prince «* W. H. LKE, 130y ocEAN STEANUSHIP COMP ACADIAN, AUSTRIAN .. .; (LunOng). .« >+n0000 PERUVI A N. .Capt. Ballantine .‘, . . 2600 MORAVIAN,.. . Capt. AitOn . . , « «« 2650 HIBERNIAN..Capt. Dutton ... . . 2434 NOVAâ€"8SCOTIAN . . Capt. Wylie, . , 2300 BELGIAN.... .. Capt, Browth . . .‘ 2400 KORTHâ€"A MERICAN,. Capt. Kerr{1784 DAMASUUS,,.. .. Capt. Watt . . . . 1800 Â¥ ; nnmmmne ues Passengers Dooked to Liverpool & * Rates of Through Pageage from O to LIVERPOOL or LONDON DERRY : ic AEABEN , : s xx..0+%+ »pO0. 18 to $86. (According to accommodation .) STEERAGE .. .. .. k 6+ ++ .. . $34. ppRETURN TICKETS GRANTE REDUCED RATES. 8ST. DAVID, 1650 tons... ST. GEORGE, 1468 tons . ST. ANDREW, 1432 tons. 8T. PATRICK, 1207 tons, The stcamers pf this Line will sail lar intcrvals between the Clyde and Q Berths not secured until paid for. For passage, or any «ther <particu ply to i werin ut 4 OW A HATLINMCG ; «Fixaxce DerartME8T, Customs, Quebec, 6th M ['l‘ 18 DIRECTEDBY THE 4 FINANCE MINISTER, that hereaf Notices be published and furnished to Ouswnl,uw&h.rmofdimmw be Awerican Involces, which is to be in with the price of gold as represented by. at a rate equal thereto.. Such notices every Saturday in the Canada GazetTk. » C \f ROWC Fiyaxce Derartuext, Cost * 4 Ottawa, Dec. lu ACCO!}DAICE wITH THE Order, noti¢e is hercby given that ed discount is declared to be this day which poroonqr of deduction is to be until next Weekly Notice, and to :fliy chases made in the United States during Ottawa, May, 14 AMERICAN INYOICESâ€"DISCO OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. IN QUART BOTTLEB 1 IHE GREAT PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD Is particularly uqolmendu for use DURING TNE SPRING AND UMMER “7 UEN THE BLOOD Is THIICK, THE circulation eloflpl, and the of the . L BE L 0444 Seakd and ereasy wE M e k c body iendorcd nnhu“y by the hea secrotions of the winter months. Thi mpow'fiul ertul detergent, cJoanses rtOR 'mm, and .hom'l."f CoPy uen USED DAILY Ag A DIET DRINK, & MONTREAL By all who are sick, or who wish to s10K~ ness. It is the only ine or preparaâ€" tion tor the permanent cure of the dangerous § and cases of | _‘ ‘Serofuia, Old Sores, Bolls» Tumors; Ab= . GENUINE BONDURAS SARSA And is the only true and relinble even in its woret forms. It is the very best medicine tor diseases arising from a vitiated or “4 the blood, and particularly so when pection with : 11 RISTOL (Ve §UJ G L LIVER, 8TOMACH AND BOWELS. Dyspepsing or Indigestion, Liver Come plaintis, Constipation, Headache, and Piles, & Bristol‘s Sarsaparilia, and Bristol‘s Sug ed Pills arefor sale by all D mm Bold in Ottawa t:‘y John Roborts, Dr. Garvey, H.F. MacCarthy, J. Jennings, W. M. Massey, and Geo. Mortimey. + 48utf ‘Thirty thousand prices of the above forwarded, free of all charge, monthly, by 1 Burgoyne, Burbridges and Squire Coumuax St., Loxpox. 229y P ILLS. M MmMMER SERVICE. =| alnatikatick . rreo wWEEEKLT Glassware, Medicine Chests, ectable) Sugar AsGOW LINE ‘The Great cure for all Diseages of the Perfumery,. l_’_rsur.' mm w4 DRUGS, k&e. HEUBACH & COW ARI Acests at OTTA UsI@! MUSIC!I; FRENCH AND English Songs, Sacred Music, Polkas, Valseb (Buildi_ng) ak++% .(B_l_xfl_(_lm(‘z!)_.‘. sxe Instruments, Pharmaceutical Preparations, _ Photographic Sundries, _ R. S. M. BOUCI . Capt 4 . . Capt. | , «Capt. ,., Capt. DUVERNAY BRO Patent Medicines rocks. t reguâ€" ebec. Tons Tons Tons Tong ‘Tons ‘Ton# Tons n toy , 1863 THE Weekly ctors of arg, Ap ABOVE authorisâ€" por cent, oo::u.inod _ at v:k. Fermecd cott xchange, AWA mith o appear ) AT pure state of mhon- e cure of all NTS Coated PIANO â€"FORTES ! &A Z THE ONLY INSTRUMENTsS constructed on a truly Sc':rnt@:‘»lc l'rmmrle.-- greate , and will remain longer They have gre -.’-’::‘I:":"i:nu. "l'hc eonstfuction PAE * un 0 SL6 artiel in than aby other Piano. | The construction it “""Pl‘l "nd‘ufll"lt all the extrancous lumber in the body of the instrument is dispensed with ; the boards are merely two arched plunks of thin sound boards are MOTOZ """ 0 °C 0 lollinc the sound DURERCARDTTCCTE 3 quiade . wood, like the front and back of a viclin; the strings are attached to a strong iron frame, which is separated and entirely independent of the cask; tkereby dism-' with the old harp form of string ing by substi filfl straight bridges, pres¢rving at the same time the Over Strung Base, of which Mr Dr1oos is the Inventor. By theee improvements we gain much more vibratory power, ‘nt the same time preserving all its sl.my and richnors of tone. They have received highost testimunial« from the prees, and «ll the principgt artists in the counâ€" try, among which are: Harry Fanderson®y 1 1., .. @ottzxchalls Hax MHaretsck, I #, Thalberk‘s Theodore EAsneld, U ‘m, Bea#ony Merman Wollenhaupts | «#, M arbli s Francts H, krowny I .4. atrachor(hy Wim, Menry l'ry‘ Chas, Evede Me M P Goarstam FHRLBERG, the grea ;hn'm., says ;â€"] have examined ortes, and 1 cordially lrpnv\-e construction. Its principle, by crease of vibr.wr.y»o"cr is obta “-.::.::d perf yb]:lluw],hi« 50k reat « grand and noble ;iit has great construeiIalh â€" T07 PTUUT (LÂ¥4al J crease of 'ibnu:yfl'cr is obtained, being very simple and perfectly philoeophical,. The tone \s grand and noble ;F'fi has great capacity for sueâ€" taining the for sin‘i:‘, aud its volume of :.m or morl hate mmr ard excelled in depth, 3 #® vlb aweetpers. § WL. HEA{'; FKY, late mugicalcritic of The N. X: Wl‘{t :â€"I have examined your newly invented Pinnoâ€"Fortes. Thefimerit all the praise given to them by Mesers. Thalberg, Gottechalk Strackosch, Mason and others. As regards strueâ€" ture, they are original and philosophical ; in purity, volume, and continuity of tone ; in vocal versimiliâ€" tude, that crowning excellence which enubles the pianists to sing" on the instrument. _ Your Pianos over deserve the highest rank. Your invention, in my opimion, is destined to work radical,.changer in lll:n manufacture of Fianos ; throughout the world. From_The N. Y. H@aid, Sept. 5.â€"Upon a careful examination of Dsi6o‘s FPiano Forte, we find the results obtained gre a very fine #inging tone, great purity and brilliancy throughout the entire instruâ€" ment, not often found in Pianos constructed upon the old yln. The N. Y. Times, July 12, nq- ;â€"We have now an instrument without u.:aul. "Jt can sing with a emooth delicacy, perfectly unattainable.on an other instrument; an ordinary player obtains ‘il{ no exertion, the (lllluu of a Grand Pianoâ€"Forte, and they must q;odfly n&!rcede the old style. GaxTLex®x:â€"Having thorougbly examined an i tested the Pimnoâ€"Fortes, invented ard J‘tlu‘nwd by Mr. 8. B. Drigge, I am of the opinion that the tone ~homadintneislin »4GGANCACANTNINTY The N. Y. Times, July 12, i an instrument without an .:alu a emooth delicacy, perfectly other instrument; an ordinar no exertion, the (ull_nau of a bl CRA ht aicis . * dn recmasiinpiamn ied AGOAP CY : resuiting fn-‘fl; improvements as exhibited in the instruments usder examination, in point «f richness, depth and brfll::‘-ey. equals that of the best Grand Pianoâ€"Fortes, excels them in puré, musical inâ€" tonation and ectwal tone, power thus approxiiwatâ€" ing closer to what I consider perfection in the instruâ€" ment than has yet boen achicved by any other system of manufacture, Automatic Organs School Organs & Melodeons Finished in Elegant Rosewood, W alout or oak cares Ivory“ Instrument Wu-n-u‘ for Five Â¥earsâ€" No Charge for Boxing * or lhln,"?- 35,000 Now in Use. A!( n.l'fimm C:‘TAI{.OG.E:: CONTAIN description of style, testimoniais -to-h-'n-l-l mmu-l. as to the -rr:« excellonce of our instrumentsâ€"will be seut free to any address. The Automatic Organ» In presenting the Avroma1C Oraarywe boldly -nu:? ':o greatest m-;.ph in ml-;ml 1...«;: ments age. During Je »#alf contury the French and Germans bave manufactured reed inâ€" 4 4 200042 Th 22c w Th Ast > dn w it struments with double beliows, and two pedale for the feet to eperate, but the want of the reversed or KEXHAUSTED BELLOW8, (vthihmonlb{.hlhno used in our instruments,) made it dimpossible for t em to poluuh-olb'.rhh.,d-uudm which \ our instruments mul-b.ufi Another objection to this method of blowing was, o P s * afarad for the management of the ewell. . \{'ldn_- i;i‘dfum“im:idhnou., wirmnn the past two you:', “mmr:u;du&h European plan of " owers," have been (a:=“ lll'.::“'buboe R w a swell) a lever n “hlgmhmdtb)nmww-;:: -puthw-ll.u-wmmfin-nm he incopvenience and contortion necessary to efect this object are disagrecable enough to a gentlemar, #52 to @552 EACH. THIRTYâ€" NNE V ARIETIES DRIGGS) KEW PATEXNT Leuad. Doi 4 T SEGESMUND THRLEERG, dealor represents any other instrument as «the same as ours," it is usually a mere attempt to sell an inferior instrument on which be can make a All of our instruments have upon the name,board, in full, «GEO. A. PRINCE & CO." When a "TF isA libe « .8.â€"A 1i discount ME lw“fi- to Churches, Clergymen Among the most important of CANADIAN PAN OESTRONE ! Side, Back and Head, Cougbhs, Colds, Sore Throat : Spraing Bruises, Cramps in the Stomach, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Bowel Tfll CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER Has now been before the public for a length of M now been before the public for a length of time, and whenover used is well liked, never tailing i-snhflflmanhil.n permanent relief when timely used, andâ€"we have never known a single case of dissatisfaction where the directions are proâ€" perly followed ; N.lham,mnndd tâ€" ed with its m and in the bi; terms of its magical effects. Wor&meh&h-M,huhg tested it thoroughly, and therefore those who are suffering from any of the complaints for which it is recommended may depend upon its being a Soveâ€" “fl.‘fi-fi efficacy of the Capadian Pain Destroyer, : in diseases for which it 1» reâ€" commended, and its wonderful success in eubduing mmmmmhnlhfiq Nervous entitle it to a high rank in the list of Remedios for these complaints, Orders are oo-h‘irl(ro-mu‘:lhtflpuudm country for further each testifying as to the universal mufim ‘The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to give immediatp relief. All Medicine Dealers h-lni hi-hh- uu-.urunu-u,w it .ntrfi # Price â€"five T&tm . NOR‘ P & LYMAN. > : General Ageits for. C. W or Bo by %s Mortimer, John m‘. W Massey H.F. McCarthy, and J. Skinner, in Otâ€" Ottawa, Rec.18th, 1865. to a lady the use of uch an appendage is nearâ€" tawa. Tes Ortawa Tiues.â€"Prinfed: and Published â€" every morning,‘ (Sundays excepted,) by Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865. Gzores: Corrox, Proprictor, at the Tiw® Steam Printing Works, Ko. 60, Spark Street, in the City of Ottewa County "Carloton, O.W. * uy: Yours respectful BASEO TENUTO OR SUBâ€"BAS solicit a continuance of their patronage. A. Prince & Co‘s. Caution to 18, 1866. BOLE AGENTS THRLBEERG, the great examined your new Pranoâ€" eE PR es s ~"mpprove of its system of elpE: by which great imâ€" er is obtained, being very he instrument. . Your Pianos st rank. Your invention, in ed to work radical,changer of Fianos , throughout the PATENT W M ~ > §43 Broadwn NEW \'Oh send for a descriptive cata 3., . @oinchalls #, Thalberk‘s 1 ‘m, «ea#083 .. Barkli s .%, atrackurihy Chas, Â¥rade GEO. A. PRINCE & CO., Buffalo, N. Y 865. s 1â€"y HALL & S0ON, GOTTSCHALK. the ewell. . Within s censtructed on this 1â€"y 1â€"dwâ€"y | _ . . dopme Inroly nopugiod as the Arir A y l ath DLDTLS Th ad Latters for British Oolu »VOL;. 1. ! xC Arfonsnrq-AMA'ofl Chancery, Copy »yancers, Nota gfee: Elgin Street, apposite the N Auzxaxpck Ross. ~_ Auit Ottawa, Jaly 28. q * ante To theo i Englich 3 Af‘l‘(’llfll’-l'l‘-u'. Chansery, Conveyancer, &c. ide of York Street, two doors from Wil awa, Murch 20, 1808. L. v‘UuNXNXO A‘l“l‘alll\'ot'l'ola". Caancery, Conyeyancer, &e., | urrice: Union uxm-g-. \htaw Jebruary 21, 1806. ADVOCAI‘I- Wilice: No Street, Quebes. . Mr. Abouche repared to aitend promptly to i jovernment employes, and the may entrast him. Ar. B. attende witin and for tye district of Que Docember 28, 1865. _ Tue 7 0 as ‘-rro..:-\'uums'u Chancery, Conveyancors, N urric«: Post Odive Bailding, El K. B. Mavopos. & ebruary 7, 1806. all part« of Canad al M o e ADVOCATBI. BHarris ter® neysâ€"atâ€"Law . Orrices: Mall and Ayimer, €. | â€":'1‘1:. w:;u-aun.:u,uu-l‘ 2 every week. in uce * _ . Mokar W TUORSE YA TeL A W q Chancery, Convey ancer, «e Jutawa, Jan. 12, s geyora BAlllll'lln A«t@ Orrice; Morne‘s Bail sud Elgin Stroots, Oitawa. Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1866. Wotyiy Itail, Daily, LKES & GEM B. RISTEI®, Actor c‘m{:-n-t‘- orrice: Inthe Coart House, Ottawa, Bnuu'r:n nad At Solicitor in Chancery, Con J.Â¥. BQULT Bgsunlwnmfl Chancery, &c. Orric« : Aumond‘s Buildings, January 27, l‘fi:ur:l. Solictt Notary Pablic, Clork of yown Attornoy, for the Unit __ Ww Curee. + sAtawa, Fob. T, fLAYOCOCK & HAX JjOsEPII J. MUR «s Public, &¢., w RELEsILALL M NA 4 1.# .__ MEDE wW.R. BELL, AM. > 08 T OPRLOZ; â€"O TV nrcurxg a ND Orrice: ‘Lolog Ba COLMAN & Wi “Il"llf- Ofice t tral Ottemwa. ‘ Ottawa, January 27, 180 RDCC Ottama, November 18 lOaD «t RATLES O# n:lflll’. Office Mossrs. Campbell 4 Ottawa, January 27, 18 EDW ARD T. D GEO. LOGAN, “q;crnfllc 1 and Accoucheur. _ Orrice: In Home‘s B Rtey "a d a, March 10, 1866 ue office at DJ Reforences : . J, EKCOTT, J ARRISTER® and A AUgUSTUS K UVRGERY at H Store, York Street. J. P. MACPME â€" uy DH,. W ATE of Quebec. % l’""““' ap Otawa. Day ofi Sparks Street, Conter Rosidence, Maria Stre Caxotes Conse, wit Ottawa, Febranty 1, lly, DE 1 States Octawa, May 5 ‘ebraary 7, 1866 Ousars, April 14 _ * pR. W. 8 w . W . Brown‘s E M. & A. Alla Fotiead, ctgse M mast be p vége ns PÂ¥/ CLRGG & DR. OLIÂ¥#} C)tiaWak JOHXN SW mate Monday, at N DR. fl YEICIAN, ® (Rroesry »20 ORK Street, the Coart House, 3. P. BAK BoUCHE PARS io e yerud or Wa B ATAGE r Co Germa {Ye DELAVOR 11 PS and and $ J PX

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