Ontario Community Newspapers

Ottawa Times (1865), 15 Dec 1866, p. 1

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in Rireving aih wh win in u'.f .-. Orders &0 ports of the i beatitly ing .a« which it is ‘l‘ #% Noveâ€" aBuly w C 49 3498 w MA tlone are !&.,fl'vu Lmover tasl.ng t rellef when alter, 6 madlate P OVEA ! un CE 4& Co DYRK 16 *s 10me ulfais, N. Y Cileaity ez Ftore or leas m The " te e#ect “hu::-‘ k‘“ sn thi * harve bees cuanteriet (6 \ has been pre f c@xtury :be ted reed inâ€" wo in fo n‘wctud ;: bellows uses a Pog t em to .z‘.ma gan. CONTAlN W ds leotis Iqak cases Use. fur Five ALK it y r&-lq | ~~}! A. ®. BHOUCHETTE, _‘-v.crrn- Oliset No. 17, 3t« Potar T nuie miend pronglly io iny" Ruftca ths . to atto on y to any lovermncnt o.-;.;o;?::‘. ..3 the pablic generally * may entrust Wim. . ls. D. attouds reguiarly thecisâ€" ,fli.afllu the district of: Qquebec. December® 28, 1834 â€" Â¥â€"y Abous lateiy odcunied as the 'nh RISTERS, Attorneys, Rolicitors, O-.on{-un..u. h | armes: luths Court House, Oitawa, C. W. °_ Roasat L&us. _ Jous J. GinouLL. L)..n February 7, 1806. - 43â€"utf BP Notary Pablic, Clork of the Peage and Count; .v-’- Auorucy, i:unho Uaited c:zodh-oe: mms: In the Court House, L‘Orign&l. _ © _ l)lli’llclA!. Surgeom anmd Accouchneury witending Physician to the Protestant Moepiâ€" tal. | Odice aud rosidence, corner of Rideau and Mosgrove Stroets, nearly opposito Workiman & Grifâ€" fin‘s. . Entrance on Mosgrove Streot. i * Ottawa, May 8. 1)&y W. K. BELL, A.X., M.D., CM., OMEPATUHIC Physicéan, Suargcon and Assoucheus. erice: In Home‘s Blook. (‘Can be foumd over PP PC o4 o0 over hn‘ d Otainne mo. “‘-',','.:‘.,"f.‘. Lawrence, Qrouo ; Rev. :l;".u-im'u-m; u-.u-'o?- Hlagen, Ciarke ; Duncan Campbell, M.D., M &.C.8.E., Torâ€" Sma: Jhe Mail, M.D., J. Adams, M.D,, Torenté. drtawa, Fobrancy 7, 1866... . â€" ‘__ _* . $&â€"uif January 27, 1306 l’fl"lfl"c Ottawna. Day & Sprrks street, Con Kosidence, Maria 8 A BX LA Bolick Boausasas c al s m | Qumiow: Ammond‘s Buildings, Ridoaa Stroet. mdns hy 0k n O * ~ 0n 01â€" \I.“).l;:};.\:if.\LL MATHESON, B Qrerce: Iu-'f:;:lr;,s.’mr :;sp:-:; d Elgin Strdots, Ortawe. | Ortam®d, Doc. 13, 1966. _ / _ ty D Kaglish Mails, per H. & A. AlMan‘s COanadian dtemmships, viz mli elese at 9 p.u. every Tharsdayâ€"pdstpai li\'c ; via Now Y ork, every wb ate, S , &t No xmh?llm;vi.‘ &-l-:mq altornats NMohday, at Noun, Remrtra®o Lirraas aust be mu.nd postâ€" wid thirty minutes prioc (¢ the clostug of malls. __ W« Cusse. Atawa, Â¥ob. 7, 1968. Lo all parts of Canada, pald by Stam * ow, it uhgark 7 ott, To Iislich Coinatoin; 10 olg) Leottors for British Columbia, Gormany and Foreign Jovalrles gonocally, MEST BR MRZâ€"RAUD. . . : * COCOLKGG «& XEIMAS, â€", BA.I“TIII and Ajtorfiey seateLaws Solisitarsâ€"inâ€"Chancery, C Notar~ es Public, &5., &*. Qemez: Lelogriph Suildieg, i{e Street, prxes Surfeon and Accouchert Ottaws. Day ollcecpposite Mazeo & Russell‘s, Sparks Stroot, Conter Town; Night Ofce at his iexrience, Maria Stroot, Conter Town, :. â€". _ | .Caxcuus Cuons», without the useâ€"of the knife, by a acw, but certain, speody, and glmost pai Helerences given to partio® m Peated, if requicod." The oure quaranited. dxtaws, Apéll 14. . C f : IP8I ‘ml'.'m\fl‘-‘-lw. Satleltor=itn« W Chandory, Comnvoyancer, &c. Office:â€"North lug of York Streot, gro doors from Sussex. OAtawa, March 24, 1866. . 19â€"6m _‘.MSh\'hbx'ghM‘ Chamsery, Comvsy agcors, Noturies Public, &s. »vton< Post Mlics duilling, Elginstrect, Ottawa B. HaÂ¥yboc«. K. M. Havcook. ® y i, 1306 , i 4}â€"«tf Ottwe1, November 13. "'“AT“. Barrisiors, and atter= noysâ€"atâ€" Law. Qrmces: Hull and Aytwer; C. E. Mr. "rn wilt attead at Huli on Tuesiays and e n oauty Waitlke: 4 C1 5 s. n1 00â€"( 5 ; a. Coumax. ". _ W. Mozar Wauseurt, B.A.B.CL. Ditawa,Fob. 7, 1306 _ _ a+ulf l)-"?"o Olleet Sussor Sireet, Over P xsssis. Campboll & Oo.‘3, Grocors. (ttawa, Jasuwry 27, 18308, $tfatf ZB aroude to sll Law Gourts in the District of old wÂ¥ 4 Â¥ubturey‘t, 16 / ~â€"â€"> _‘ ___â€" ~<~ «Buk C uaws, December ce t m o Lk ce lage ‘GKO:; LOQGAN, M.D., L.CILB., Di. CREILLY, (2#* Street, opposite Ma+! citaws, Vebraaty (Recesrur raow Exouaso.) URGERY at Wearn‘s Market Drug Store, York Stroot. . JM" Raxidence Goorge rad irsdayâ€"postpaid 12; ¢#.; ia Now 1 raate. scme‘;:‘u S(‘E;. postage Ye tin, every altornaté Mokday, u‘m Urimmatraro Lirraas wust be l‘..?""' d ithirty minates pricc (¢ the clostug of 1$&" Oliee boursâ€"8 ;-:. to 7 ue ~ [ 0 o. P, BAKER, Post on nsm nmeren oo m e mereny on anne .‘ t & miacik m _ PAERKS $ircet, eatrance nest dook 10 W, W. Brown‘s Barsher Shop. F 9 q100 0 en iiathae K ‘H‘ f DR. WOLEFF, ATE of Quebec. itesidence==Clity Hall $quare. 44 Dss. 13 "6) 1â€"7 ARRISTER and Attorncy=atâ€"Law, Soli¢itor in Chancery, Conveyaacer, &0. . . Dii. OLIVER MARTIN, ENTIST, Ofices Sparks Street, Ceme ..:'.“:.‘fl.‘q 21, 1966. Stâ€"att ARKISTER, &o., Ottaws. Ofce: ToelograpiAtmildings, Motcalic Street. _ _ EDWARD T. DARTNELL, _‘ ARRISTEIR, Sollcitar, Attorney, and DL .0. LEGGO, HP Y 101 A Â¥4 l-.vcr and Acconcheur; Odico: Manton‘s Sparks Stroot. CROLNE N«A 2« A W, Sollobior Chansory, Conveyancer, &o., Sussox Street nows: Vaioa Baillings, Qtt3%e ¢ ARJRISTER, Kip, for Lower Canadas * Qumere : Court Hoase, Aylinerand Buckingâ€" sacy 4 YÂ¥ UJL.‘1l. N0 ~B808. JOHXN SWEETLAND, M. D., MA YVCOC Hes cast o P®1CHR â€"@TIAW JosErli J. MGRPIHI\Y, AUGUSTUS KEEFER, COLMAN & \ J.:P. MACPHERSON, LEES & GEMUMELL, NOsSSa«t PARSONS pit. W.J. HENRY, arcd 34. J. F BOULTON, D. wCONNxoOn Midic M. McLEOD, $.504.AL. Ipeaanimnganimtss 1304 A. MAITIN, s 1Q otsâ€"preâ€"payment opâ€" OTT. J1 al .A x CUC iA Ar€Q o# WathA WilIGi wWOolu, Â¥nos. F. Nevas A 1. awd Accoucheur, Naithews* Hao« KT, stmastor 240y 87« 34â€"6m 4Jâ€"utf T0â€"y* 24â€"y ";'.F XAVIER CHARLEBOIS, o | Rooting Contractor, &¢ pHloXexeikAL _ Laxi SURVE YOA, vester, near Ottawa. Surve; description exscuted with accuracy. Cm:- .J-u':‘n- wd Uttawa City, (postâ€"paid), will receive prompt attentions L1 13 11144A CHURCH ST., OTTAWA, | A DEX ind FIELD ll .l;u‘l‘.PAuh‘iu NO COVEI i1QVi‘3, ) sale. All Reods warrn w in, Sheet Lrun, Siste, or Suingles, un the | _ A furge i fom c shortest notice, and at reasoosble rates. Maving mxlf-nmx been known in this place sinee its first settioment, | FLORLDA W ATER: 35 years ago, be can coutidently refer to his long HATR BRUSHES. established character, as a guarantoo fer the sailsâ€" | NaIL BRUSHES, factory pertormance of all work entrusted to him. . | #e., Vitawa, April % 1366. g SÂ¥â€"Jim | Just being opened up. . M Boot-uxn:u and | Maznniucturing Stationer, and Machine Ruler. Over ‘hg\w & Wilkinson‘s Flour Store, corner of York and Susâ€" sox Streots, Entrance on Sussex Street. > t _ Ottawa, Des. 13, 1865. f 1â€"f Particatar attention 'rs'{d to Map Mounting Ottawa..Docomber 19, 1865. A\!(“I‘lol Rooms, Now19, Sparks $ireet, ifi:n Town, Ortawa, opposite TR',.. s Station» .’ho #ale of Real Prtate at Austion or Private Sate promptly attended to. ‘Consignments recelysd for ve sale. Partics wishing to purchase Real will receive ‘all information RRKR OÂ¥ Bm MAKER, Wellington Street, op= posite Dr. Van Cortlandt‘s, Ottawa. | Haviog had many yoars‘ expgrience in some of the best eaiaâ€" blishments in the metropolitan cities . of Canada, he feels conAdent that all orders entrusted to his care will be executed in the best style, and guaranteod to give satiafaction. ; . Ottawna, Jan. 4, 1866. : NMâ€"y O unl n.'..’u’.{ "i-a Qenersl Aw or Read‘s w an Procf Whiskey ; :‘l::m-' Llolll':o Ales and Porter. . Pork, f\qt. &o., for sale. MESSRS. THISTLE & HALDWIN, PDOVIICIAL l‘.:? Survreyors, Canada Bast and West, Rstate Agonts, &c. Parâ€" ticular attention devoted to the sale and protection CIIAS. E. BRUSH, General Oomgx.isaion Agent, B BROEKE Ht. â€" Alde es Trinaeys on Iuighainte. . aio; meont ; Kyo iskoy ; and w 30, agont for lb(!tflll Inlaod Nav on Co., and Great Western.and Vermont c:unf‘:dnu&. Olice : $ Aumond‘s Baildings. s iriet , e e e e e . “T‘:;‘::E...:;.}..‘lm co’n--?‘n 13. sion Eschangg teal Ratite Agonts, 40, Sussex Stroot. â€" M Oitawa, December 13, 1865, * Lv Estate will receive ‘all information FREKE OÂ¥ CHARQGE by calling at the ofice. .‘ Ottawa, Des. 18, 1865. rsiciies lsp Ormcr: No. 5, Sparks Street, inear the Russoi! l_a:ng,o__.:-:oltywc.j. y L $U M o Mizng: tank and donornt Parhagmncary iy spginile the anen Guawes. Hotai, nod near: a fow doors to the South otf Dan Goode‘s Hotel, and Tind Ching mamng on Pomig, tod o, in :‘oya_‘w .fi- ln}n. business with any Ottawa, Feb. 7, 1866. *. 43â€"utf es DUIGN AN‘S LV ATR HOTEL, Spartks Street, Ot« l tawa, C. W. . A fow gentiomen cun. obtain sup~ erior apartmonts. Ortawa, Dec. 20, 1805. * by _ P. 3 ~â€"Spocial attentian giv ith despatch to _;@;!L.:‘L’?'M_.____Jfl.,_ sral, Angus‘ Block, Rideau Streot, ‘fl'c_:':m HMair Brushing Apparatus, l.hcd)-nlhoca,flnlhnu. Ottawa, Doc. 13, 1865. 4 Lat» sitheted Cny mad Villn en in Spger ‘and howep i m Canada; and an immonse qux‘f Â¥arming hnbhl.h‘l‘w-llbpnno Ouawe. ‘ Quzice : mawmumm. W, MISTLE, P. L. 8. /. .. TK M RB&LDWIS,P. 1 S Nlcidi.llb}n«.c.-mmh-u. nanun,tou Graham, Wdu House convenient! main« tains its charactor as & i'usr% HOTEL .c:.-umu.mnnnmu. -.‘:.I; promisos, thas been ontirely repainted :nud- Bo’_d-vmb-pnlhm OEIlUIg:‘uflnnmouuul boats free of ohnm is a FLRSTâ€"CLAS3 LIVERY STABLE attached to the Hotol. + Ottaws, Dec. 18, 1868. j 1â€"y proaptiy nada. March 6, 1866. ."""'mâ€","".“‘"â€"'_'“ The BAR cont the choicest Brands in gt:“"fl""'"“ of the season will be found on the table. mfim.&«munw to the « ,o,mlm,m““ THE " QUEEXN" RESTAURANT, P M.IIQVAI.A.?IIWQ."U'.MQW.C.M ‘:: the mail entrance to the Government building». _ J AS. JOHNSTON‘S Ullfll H.:‘U.l.l. l:th Gowers January l!, 1366 a * Jrtawn Dec. 23..1865 OQitawa, February 21, 1386 Ottawa, March 20, 1888 luomr TAILOR, 32, Sparks un tnpk °_ ~ [.. _ _ 1i8&â€"y . Ottawa, Fob. 7, 1306. mMDNEY B. FRIPD, klflu'l'lt'r. Ormice : Wollington Street, epposite 8t. Anirew‘s Chureh. + Ottawa, Fobruary 7, 1866. 4lâ€"utf KQ & T. W.KKIHK, . ‘I('l‘nl’!'l'll'l'l‘ No« 3, Victoria Cress cent, Uppor Town, (Ottawa. ; Oitawa, March 21, 1968. Thy "VIL ENGINEER, Union Buildings, .â€"corner of Sussex and York Streets. Ortuws, Doec. 13, 1805. 1. MHOTELN AND SALOON®S. MHOLT‘3 HOTEL, ‘~ in mmfatnics. Ablond Avewe Hutt, J¢.. Propit o oses Top F. p:.m-m. 1865, ? 4y it. li. McGREEV\, ONTRACTOR and Builder. Office : North side York streét, second door from Susser RGANIST of Christ Church Teacher of the Organ, Pianoâ€"Forte, «o. Ns w0 {?DK:_.IR_D'I_._,‘ ’.f'f';- nlor, core C..J.. BOVCHETTE, AND Agent amd Broker, Xotary Pab« lie, has removed his office to Nicholas Street, «.. K. MILES, . ARLIAMENT HMair Dressing Salcon, Under the Putronage of is Exceliency the nor of Sparks and Metoatfo Stroots, over the BUSILNXESS CaARDS. TE ALBION HOTEL, FARLIAMENTARY AGEKNCY. JOHUN 11. BARBEIE,: ACDONALD & BRO MBR. H. R. FRIPP, GEKO, H. PERRY, THOS. NXELSON, H. MceLREANX‘8 8. CHRISTIE, B. MULLIN, R. SPAtKS, T: G. HURD, hout, The BAR contsins nos and Liquors, and every on Te 1%y 27 1â€"y #â€"v The New Drug Store | 18th A large importhtion u(l-fi giish and Fronch FPERâ€" ’ FU ld.'lll arrive nest weo FLORIDA WATER: _ $0ZODONT, Qttawa â€" Drug Warehouse. A frosh Lt of Good, Cheap PERFUMES just N ?‘ Proseri arefuily and promptly « B.â€" t ons C Luk paurss we _J. GARY n'.'i.;;_: _ _.,.__ 41 Su«sex Street, ) Is tho Place to Buy Your Medicines I P. S.â€"â€"Advice to the poor gratis Otawa, April 11. Wiiied Coxmuum Merchanta, lmporters, and Wholesale Dealors in Wines, S.rvax'uu, and Cigars, 18 Lemoine Street, Montreal. | GI“IAI. Agent for Great Woestern Railway of Canads. q. Ofice 30 Great St. James street, Montreal. Montreal, May 23. 133â€"6m JOHN MERCER, Teacher Pianoâ€"Forte, Violin, &c. on hand. Sale. All Seods warranted Frosh Suoe-uon- to Corss & May, Import= ers and Deaters in Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Ginss, &o, No. 474, St. Paut Street, opposite their old store, Montreal. > & ® Societv. VIllfl dTrAWA TUESDAYS AND FRIDAY®. . «+. Orders left ut Union fouse will be panctaally at tended t» 4 Ottawa, July 26. 187 TOLLLTT ARTICLIHS, &CQ Plcass, catt and examino the Stock. It is the largest and bost ever imported: _z@9" All the relhable PATENT MEDICINES A LARGE, STOCK OP FREsSH GaRâ€"« DEX And FIELD SEEDS, just arrived and on Engiish & Fronch Chemicals, P-ODUC. amnd Lesther Commi a "'i'.:"c':..':‘.‘.‘.':‘ku.:..,.;.....; [ontiey *4 iecbalnaintdnh > "_â€"_ _" & B. MaY # 0; Gteneral Commission Agent AND EXCHANGE BROKER, _ JrO® Agont forthe Ruropean Life and Guarnutee _ JAY" Agent for the estate of Morton‘s Distille Tlngptne for the aelo ar thguriner «id Whiskey: * l“"'t.l;- ERCC -‘.fi“' _fisr.: s‘d O:taws, June 27. 142y uthionbinntennifats 3 4. cir dicnant onl ced ‘“â€"I We have now porfast n*hl with the United States ‘l'qk‘nyh’l..\nu x‘ Four Dollars and Upwards Ottawa, Fob. 12, 1286 .'Nx”h&','m:‘ ' Ym D &R d Has been opened at‘this Branch, andâ€"interest wil ,= be allowoed on Deposits of * tho is prepared to accommodats six or eight boardâ€" «es â€"122.% A SAVINGS DEPARTMZNT We are hanpy to announce the completion of the Froviaclal Telpgraph Lenatte MONTREAL dolivered. Montreal, Cape Vincent Bufalo & Detroit Ottawa, March 27, 1866 Bonumsm.--uns. REYNOLDS, «"THE Cottage" Book and Fancy Store, York Street, 3 doors from Sussex Street, begs to announce that Tlll CALORLIC ENGINE, formerty asod in the Hsion Printing Establishment. 1t is an 18â€"inch Cllhln. and will be sold cheap. PPLY To f H, J, PRIELq Or R. E. O!COÂ¥NOR, P.u'nllooxlo l!-mu-"mo of every kind. We call attention of the Ladies of Ottawa to our assortmeont St# "DUVERNAY BROS. With eight diforont Syrups, manu{actured on he prg«nlg:‘ I: w a !nXk{iy !:-'l coocling beverage. Apothecaries Hail! Provincial Telegrapn Lino! ° orrIcks: us rl\n.\sutrbm;x.ron r.‘sr‘th. amgest Â¥ors. $ mredhl y to| an t nounee that I bave now mlw1 my 6 s«tock for the Summer Trade. It tom: "® <prises all the best and purcet } Montreal, May 23. Montreal, May 28. Montreal, May 28 youm Ormc® Hovas:â€"Prom 10 a.m. to 3 * 3L V. ROEL, _ 1ND FREL Th airige: rhiaring sns fuocgs Cigaing too s es 40, Hooplaat Siroet Aive: UE LABGisZ Ass0ORTMEN®T OP DYES in this city on sale atthe _ MoNTAEAL CARHRVY®. DOMXESTIC DYES, JOMUN DOUGALL & Co., tin‘@tmo tor Male, se of the Bank of Upper Canada, MORTINMNER‘S REE FROM ADULTSRATIOATI i amd , Just Roceived ! {* 41 RIDEAU STREET, BALDWIN THOROUGH BASsS. RIDZAU STREET H. E. SWALES, DRUCGCGISTS. PAOPENLY COXPOUNDED HAX SODA FOUNTALIN Or"r.A wA DrCGS, PERPUXKET, IL. HUERRICK, 1)% JOSEPH CARVEY, M.D. \R 6140 USK , CLOTHES BRUSHES, t~â€" it sSEEDS. 1866. ( & Co., AYLMER, C. & 133â€"Gm O FILZL 1337 136â€"y Manager 43â€"ut #7â€"y WA â€"C. W. SATURRAY, DECEMBER 15, 1s66, ('- and after TUESDAY, the 27th No# vember, 1866, and until further notice trains will run as follows : # perartca® ARKIYVAL. From Ottaws, 7.50 a m. At Ottawa, 11:00 a.m. # * 1:b@ pim. "# *# > 5.20 pm. The time of there Train#has been ounmn to ensure connection with night and day on Grand Trunk, oeast and wost. N. B.â€"These Trans "-”W\NMMM Baggage to and from Ottawa © from ahd to ai1 Stations on Grand Trubk Raltway. CHANGE of TIME. Oftawa anttâ€"Prescott Railway, Returns tickets to Prescott, Ko-&vuu and Ottaâ€" wa at reduced rates can be had at the principalstaâ€" tions on th line. i 4 T. 8. DETLOR, i ; SurkEtNTENDENt. i wta wa, November 26. Grand Trunk Railway Company Notice is herehy given that upon: and after the FLLST day of JANUARY next, all invoices of fw.b.rc-utodlorenrfl at any of the Custom louses‘in the Province, will be retained and put on f.l.b!thcoll 'vn‘lm-Mhudw-lgvu the 1oth uaflon“f?thflmn Vietoria, Cap. 6, “u.-lthntetmhdroph w‘:n be given by Culhrtoretpm‘:rolur.' INI*I the conditions therein mentioned. h SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. {P"% Express by Hailway throughout for New York, Boston, {nd all Intermediate Points, connocting at St. Johns with Vormont Coptrel Railroad, at Burâ€" lington with the Ruatland and Burâ€" lington Railroad, also withâ€"the Lake Champlain Steambodts for Lake Qeorge, Saratoga, New York, &0« &6. 5.30 A.M Accommodation Train for Island Pond and Intermediate Stations, at............ 645 A.M. Express for Boston and Intermediate s Points, connecting at £t. Johns with Ssiteer yorgant sppmeg over wderan 0 *A ail for ing over f Expron y fail 'tgugim?ru wee °* y railway ow > York, Boston, and all Intermediate $f Points, Mfla“: St. Johns with Vermont Central Railroad, at Burâ€" lington with the Rutland and Burâ€" lington Railroad, also at Rouse‘s .. ruml:{m Lake t‘bugyhh&u;an for @ George, Suratoga, Now ! i’oik. &c..'n...fig..v_.l.i.l....-...s-...w.. 3,30 P.M. Night Ex or Three ebec, ® izbnmfrs:.‘::: Loup and ro{‘nl:":‘;:a. fi':i:"“ P.M. p4~ 8 @ Cars on all Night , Baggage checked through. ° ooo s o en Finazce Department, Cussoms, Ottawa, 6th November, 1866. ‘vnllkA the power given to Collectors of Customs by the Customs Act, Consolidated, .;mnu. es of Cuna i &:u'ur ";t.‘htrlthaz nvoices been pr::ll?‘:;onlnm that it has been found advisable to make i tncumbent upon Collecâ€" tors to retain the ¢dicial custody, and pfl. on file all such invoices» * w»ray «xpress for Ogdensburgh, Ottawa, f Br-milh. Kingston, llxllovflh. Toâ€" ' . ronto, Guelph, London, Brantford. | \~_ Goderich, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicagy ; WBd All POLRL® WOBty Mtssmmmessscceccse $.00 AM. Night _ doâ€" do Rbaommemtoomurs §15 PM Accommodation Train for Kingston and Interpiediate Stations, at............... 9.40 A.M. Traing for Lachine at 7 A.M., 9.00 A.M., 12.00 To o l mnrdirertse Aisipiicgs e 3.00 1.M., Train runs through to & â€"GOoING soUTH AXDQAST For further information, and time of arrival and departure of all trains at Termini and '3 Sta. l‘i'u;tx. see the Grand Trunk Railway Book of Time ables. > ‘ 0. J. BRYDGERS, memues is Managing Director. : M has been isgued from the Hydrogr Otâ€" fiee, Aduinny. London, in Nfeun.n’ w:n’l“t.‘ Light on Cape St. George, Gulf of Mexico, United States, to whith the attention of all cortcarned is specially di The su of this Notiee, as soon as it is roâ€" seived on is to be inserted in red ink on the Charts afecteil by it ; and introduced into the marâ€" gin or other ioqlndupap.efho&oflln&blno- tions to which it refates. Seo instrubtions, Navigaâ€" tion and Pilotage, p. 172. Information has been received at the Admiralty, that the Light on Cape St. George, West Uoast of Florida, i;li'nr-u‘liohdo. the ist day of ust, 1864. _ |. | hi en " A'l‘ EiXSUANp YuaASHINY LIGIIT ONCAPE SAN fl:w that the light on bl Bun Blas, West Coast of Florid wik Iâ€"oatabitified on the Sird day wl Pubyy M 1542502000 saaa 13 t 0o d ieA \â€" "fi’-'fi"'{uf- zd white light, varied by a every lifi. inf: half. ehts, ’, C Also, that 4n and after the 15th day of A the f:g “"fi‘ at West Quoddy llo.n’d. m Maine, mm.ld :0 made by nhonh:f & Dw ‘t:'n'- 0 ted & lop" ot tl.:'-um lqen:dn duration, with gtnll of :‘ seconds between the blasts. ts was ts cvery minute fnl a hailf, and‘ift clear weather -lou{dh soen from a distance of 16 miles. Also, that the Jight at Jupiter Inlet, East Coast of Florida, was reâ€"establishod on the 28th day o# The trumpet is placed in a small white.building, a short distarice south of the llgnhuzu an cleâ€" vation of T5 aboye the moan lovel of the sea. By command of their Lordships, < _ ______ HE following imports ' T in fonanicet ie Tar Hy acamrnonts on [ No. 41. ‘This light :d a fred whito light, and in clear woather oiul be seen from a distance of 15 miles. FIXED AND]PLAS!HNO LIOHT AT JUPITER | INLET. POG SIGNAL AT, WEST QUODDY HEAD, | STATE OF MAILNE. cnm' & afects &oxl‘dlovln"my harts : ‘s sound, o.m 0s &c., No. 30928 d in West Indies, No. 300. Bay of Fundy, {!o. 2; Malifax to Delaware, No. 2,670. | . > e T May 26 Uydrographic Ofice, Admiraity, No‘l‘lQl 18 l-nb* given that the vacant Pubâ€" f ‘duo L::lj lnm ;wuh::.d Rawdon, I!u'- tin ngert arm Madoc, Etsovi Lake and Wudor, hre ofered for sule ns mineral lands at $3 per acre, cash, : _ Applications to purchase to be made to Alfred PHO‘I'WBA.PRI RBY NOTMAN, FOR Bale at the Ottawa Stationery Warchouse York streat, Ottawi. Ottawa, Docemb 20,1865. * £ tire, Crown Land Agent e‘l&mm&qlu.!}mhfl% ©aa CCCE | . The lightis 4 /ized white light, varied by a Aash Gulf of Mextcos=United States, FIXED LIGHT 0N CaPE 81. GRBORGE. FIXED LEGHT ONX CAPE 8T. GEORGE. 280 rographis Adimiratt Czows Laxp Dfraztuzxt, | | Ottawa, 6th Decomber, 1866, OTICE is heroby given that the vacant Pubâ€" N AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY 14th, Trains will leave Bonaventure Station as folâ€" Gulf of Mexico==United Statess *A ég .;‘fi 4y 166 Â¥inance Department, Customs, _ . |__ Ottawa, ? October, 1866, xXOTiCE TO MARINERS, * By command, NOTICE TO MARINERS. OF CANADA. NoRTH ATLANTIC. HALLROADS, By gommand, Golxg wWEsST GHO. HENRY RICHARDS, V R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE, Commissioner of Customs. NOTICE. R. 8. M. BuUCHETTE, Commissioner of Customs. fyb 3+ Mydrographer 135y STOVES.. STOVES. STOVES. iss Capital" Stovn’Deinqt,SB,Sussex' St., Ottawa OUR STOCK OFP THE ABOVE 18 NXOW COMPLETE, COMPRISING A GREAT variety of all the different ];morm, with "'3 real improvement which the advdncing>â€"requireâ€" ments of Central Canada have *bown to be needed. The assortment is the largest and mwost varied in this market. .J”“l attention has beeri given to the stlection of STOVES, suitable for Farmers and to residents of the city. The , | «l ELEVATED OVEN COOKING STOVES ! Of which we have about hnnt{ diferent sizes and patterns, including the following celebrateil names: Protectioniat, Large and Small King of Stoves, Improved Farmer‘s, (2 s#izes), Fortune, Mousekooper, Sunny Side, &c., &9., all 0 which are splendid bakers. Our : ® Aro unrivalled for city use, being very economical for tue}, and likewiso good baking Stoves. The following well known Stoves cong.mq‘ part of the stock : Monitor, (3 -im& Hmpire State, (3 sizes), Queen City, Hotel, Charter Ork, St. Lawrence, Forest, Premium, &c., &0., &¢. > gommodate the guests and ‘patrons, .. 4 $eB" Mrs. Trotter is now prepared to take DAY BOARDERS. . Ottaws, April 5, 1866. hk v2â€" }f THE RUSSELL HOUSE, LA‘I‘I CAMPBELL‘S HOTEL, Ottawa, C, W. The undersigned, proprictor of the uboveâ€"named Hotel, begs leave to acquaint his nuâ€" merous friends and the mnllh&p-dh, that he has ::ohhd and newlyâ€"furnished througliout this coniâ€" ious establishment, in the management of which 'by‘.‘wmto ::::oudud Mfl‘ , he hopes o and su o Tm::.IAMES E. 58‘{!!!. ol with 4 Lubtet h or man conncted wit ; ’Râ€"-fl‘o umlz ,:-hm Street, Quebec, RONTO HOUSCG. s ROTTER, PROPRIETRESS, No\ 7T, Sparks |Streot, Desbarats‘ Building, aapotlu the Parliament. Buildings, The Toronto ouse comprises everything necessary in a firstâ€" glass Restaurant. ‘The house has been thoroughly and ohpw{ fitted up throughout. . The BAR con > tains the choloest brands in Wines and Liquors, and m;‘y delicacy of the season will be secured for the ‘Table. No pains or trouble will be spared the acâ€" LATI McADAMS, Coimmercial Hotel, Packenham. ‘The above Hotel, one of the oldest and best known in Packenham, has beon leasod by the undersigned and thoroughly overhauled and reftted for the speâ€" and therough!y overhauled and reDited lor the speâ€" em.ou-Ju.n- o(T.uu. THE TABLE A!fl) BAR will at alltimes be furnished with the very hlt%-uht affords.. _ # * GOOD STABLTNG and a careful Hostlor always Ilmdr E/ [f [ JOHN MALTMAN,. > MRS.) GRAN‘S BALOON, CBORCGH STREET, Ohoice Wines & Liquors,Prime Cigars £0 ; )‘ 0. ‘Ottawa, 13th August, 15464 NO’I‘ICI 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT Mis Excellency the Governor General, by lan Order in Counisil bearing this day‘s date, has béen pleased to order and direct that, with the view| of ::ooun‘ll.‘ the introduction Iu:‘ tsh‘: PTOé'il of e very lrhuhpun-elt am Cultiyaâ€" tion, Steam Ploughing Machines and their apyjurâ€" tenances be mnlmn import duties for a period of two years from this date. By command, C R. 8. M.B OUCHETTE, | \V(Madim mmumopmw,u-mm design, durable for use and ” D $ " ‘ * i 7 ~. | BDX dfom: MORTON HOUSE, COIIBR of Water and Division Streets, W, N.Y., 8. Slosson, Proprictor. Omnibuses to and from the House free of charge. December 20, 1865. * « 33 Derarmuzxtit Oxoce. Of the bestRussian and other Tron, s}so Gallows Pipe, T" Pipes, Elbows, Key Pipes, a®¥d all kinds of, Tis, Sheet, Iron, and Copper Wuq'oq hand and mm to otdnp:..' e ts v 4 Made to ordor, The best of material used and none but firstâ€"class workmen employed. _ Camp Kettlcs, Bake Paus, Shanty Piates, and all kinds of Liummberca‘s ‘ ‘ Supplics on HMand. â€" s A nr* large stodk .of these Stoves just received, including the Black Giant, Rambler, Rover, Lioness, Jyjon, Fulton, &c.,i@ll sizes, suitable for the gmallest bedroom or the largest hall, warchouse, or church, Different patterns, with single or double Ovens HOUSE PURNIBHD\;G G00DS.â€"Parties nmut'fnrnhh!n( houses would do well to call and examing our stock in this department, as there is\almost every requisite for the Housckeeper, especially in th culinary branch. W | * â€" ?‘ COAT." OIt;;~*COAL >»OIL.â€" â€"COAL tirl TAE WRIGHT HOUSE, LAI'II.Y KEPT BY J. F. DORNEY, Hull Landing, Arnift® 4 Lemox, Proprietor, $A Ball Room, Bowling Allies, Parlor bkates, Picâ€".Nis Ring, Choicest Winesâ€"and Liquors. . Mull, Mav, 1866. 179â€"4f ITron Bedsteads. Iron Bedsteads. ‘BIRD CAGES. BIRD CAGES CHEAP. Oitawa, Oct. 4, 1866. gent for . Fleck® patént ‘and improved Tayl Tuiet, Whest aud valeen tros W orks, uouz'm Address Chas. Esplin, Ottawa. > â€"â€"___ 219f <| CHARLES ESPLEN, . _ Millwright and Enginee) o. room ‘Toilet Setts, Baths, Sponge, Plunge, Sitz and Children‘s Baths, Chambet P and all uuufin:(d Japanned and plain Tinfrl?o.‘ ts . * ( sil% > R@TORrACrFE, . | IN FIRSTâ€"CLASS BUILDINGS, FREE OR 1N BOKD, t ; FRANCIS CLEMOW, 6 Aug. 10â€"200â€"2m Elgin Street. 1 wWIENX YoU WANT TO EXAMINE ANYTHING IN THE ABOVE LINE, Go DIRECT To Thg LAMPS. LAMPS. LAMPS. LAMPS. MOTELS AND SALOON®. $AS" Rethomber the piace, P. O‘Meara. old and. _ .o fogel it 208tf Commissioner of Customs and Exc m, Fulton, e.,i@)) s1zos, suitable for the gmallest bo liberal dheuu$n40 on all@Etoves sold xn(!hurchu. FINANCE DEPARTMENT, CUSTOMS MECHANICAL DRAUGHTSMAN, | RIST AND SAW MILLS RUILT ON tus mo resemm "abt Hoproves pringiplie. Builders‘ Job Work, Hot Air Furnaces, Eavetroughs, &¢,, Go to the " CAPITAL !" JOHN MALTMAN, Best I'cmuyli"qnia Kerosené and No. 1: Canada Oils. | No.inferior article kept Parlour, Bedroom, Kitchen and Hall Lampsâ€"a great variety on hand _ &roceries, Ligquors, | ANDPROVISIONS, *Wholesale and Retail. DUMB STOVES AND STOVE PIPES ! ind Ather Trhnl atsa flallaws Pina. T Pinag: Â¥lhows Kav Pis LOW OVEN COOKING STOVES ! SPARROW‘S BWLDING, : Corner of Sussex and Murray Streets August 1, 1866; M. SPARROW &£.00., qx t C H. MHEADOWS & CO. + IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN ; "THE CAPITAL" STOVE DEPOT. _ ' 35, SL’SSH.L; STREE1, H. MIEIEEADOWS& & Co. DOUBLE STOVES ! PARLOR STOVES ! 5o OQttawa, December 18, 1865 * es f o Farms For Sale! ‘KUHBEB OF. LOTS SITUATED IN 4%. difforent parts of the city, well adapted gither $ [orrlgrivm residences or business purposes. ~Â¥or further particulars and terms of sale, SiR, ‘The time fixed by Order in Council, for the free admission of fire arms, hlfli‘ expired on the 30th ultimo, I beg to inform you that the prohibition, created bfly the Imperial Act, against the importaâ€" tion of fire .arms, &c., from a foreign eon:g. revives, and you are therefore to govern yourself, from the above montioned date, ‘by the instructions conveyed to you in my Cireular of the 12th Janu. ary last. Arms and munitions of war imported otherwise than from Great Britain ‘or the British »ossessions, are to be detained and reported to this Ii)opuhun‘t.w bodealt with asâ€"you may be further 100 000 ACRES OF LAND, SITUATED sasd in the Township of Gleucester, County of"Carleton, being Lot No. 12, in the 7th conâ€" cession. . ‘There is about 20 actes ofthis Farm ¢leared, the remainder is covered with wood. ; No« 3« £ f ACRES OF LAND, SITUATED 200 in the Township of Osgoode, County ot Carlcton, Rideau Front, being Lot No. 20, in the 4th concessign. ‘There is about 25 neres jof this Farm cleared, the remainder is coverâ€" «d with a good Hardwood (Bush. ‘This is a good Farm, and will be sotd at reasonable rates. * 100 Circular No. 202 100 The Coltector ot Castoms OTS . NOS. % AND 3 ON THE NORTH | side of Wilbrod Street. These lots are situatâ€" ed opposite St. Sosephis College, (Sandy llill,; and are well suited for the erection 1 private‘dwellings. ia s T WO AND A«HALF STORY HOUSE, .gitaated on Lot No. 6, ‘morth side of Cathcart Etreet. Th building is nearly new, and finâ€" ‘ishedâ€"30x36. There is also a !ood Frame Dwelling on the Lotâ€"24x24, which rents at $100 per amnum. It is situated {n the imâ€" mediate vicinl&y of the Rsilw? Terminus, and is a very desirable place for a private residence. . . No« 1. f 'OACREl or THE PROPERTY known as the O3SIAN HALL FARM, aituated in the Township of Gloucester, Counâ€" ? of Carleten, being the East halfof Lot No. ; in the second concession, Rideau Front. There: is ah extensive clearing on the lot of at least 50 acres, and the remainder is coverâ€" ed with afine Hardwood Bush. ‘The Farm is within /ive miles of the City, and is beautiâ€" fully situated on the banks of the Ridean River, thus having an approach to the city either by land or water. The land is of a superior quality, and yiclds exeelient crops. ’0 ACRES OF LAND, IN THE Township of Osgoode, County of Carleâ€" ton. . This Farm issitzated within Two miles of the Gloucester Church, and within Eleven ajles of Ottawa City.. There is about 40 acres of this Farm cleared and under cultivaâ€" tion. '0 ACRES OF LAND IN THE Township of Gloucester, Count“of Carleâ€" ton, being the East half of Lot No, 21, in 2nd éoncession. This is a good Farm an will be sold cheap. 5 APPLY To Â¥isasce Dreautiest, Custous, Oitawa, December 6, 1866. ‘* * 4@« pd F4 :: | .« â€"| |â€"Â¥% o C mtE "Gin. uo Ay yB c /2z ut ib I am, Sir, Y ALU A3LE ~ es L ".- â€" ”‘l’ â€"ALSOâ€" Your obedient servant, R. B._P‘ BOUCHETTE stome. â€" ®09¢ 6 â€"ALSOâ€" No« 4. No« 5« §5â€"y H. J. FRIEL & ©0,, Or to H. MCLEAN, Land Agent. 02 62â€"7y No. 35 WV they cansellat$3 PER DOZEN. Amateur who have tasted the wine, cansider it a vory good awiticle, and superior to: what is sypposed to be imâ€" 'S‘“N. Hotel keepore and dealers in Wines would o well tocall on LARKOQUE & CO., and give them ~orders., . adendind w pxus CRost aAnD oX cou‘r-nu\' OF UPPER CANADA have funds for investâ€" nent on the security/of first class town agd tarm property, and are also prepared to purchase good ounty of Carleton, cails the attention of the Inâ€" habitants of the City of Ottawa, and surrofnding country, â€" He wili fuiill orders for all serts of Fait Trees, Oramental and Lawn Frees, Flowing Shrubs with a choice lot of Bulbs, and Beddingâ€"out)Plart for Borders; also Herbetions Plants and Frculese Roots, _ Ie hasalso on hand a large stock ofGreonâ€" house Plants, a quantity of (iuf:m, Field, Flow~ er Seeds. of lhet‘:est description, Parties wanting grounds laid out in the newest style of landâ€"keep mfl, together with Grafting, Budding, and Planting will be promptly attended to. |‘Healso will Have _ sorts ol[l’hnu in season for gale, at the 1 dence of Clement Eradley, l-l;]. [ :; ~>/.~. / MATRLEW 4. Delu‘l\’. Ottawa; March 4, 1866 | 83â€"4 _ mortgages. ”Ennuol interest on loans is 8 per eent. No imission charged, and ex yeducerl. The loans are nl-xlllf for five yo}u, but can Â¥o made payable in yearly or haif yearly instaiments, if deâ€" sired by Derrowers. | * .. & defpoeit of $10 required with each application. . For further information, apply at the }; pany‘s Oflice in Kingston, or to _« J. PEXNINGTON MACPHEIfiON, 5 | Batrister. In Gloucester, Green Field Or to W. WADE, * Ontario Bank, Champagie ManufacturgIin Ottawa. LAROOUE & Co. CHURCII STREET November 10 ply to ENNE UNDERSIGNED HAVING PUR« _ JA Bottics of every description, excepting oil bottles, wanted, and one penhy per dozen more givâ€" en than by any other party h)r‘u_ag_g‘_l.":?;‘ iRed Ottawa, September 21 FOR SALE CHEAP! ARE XOW )IRN UFACTURING A WINE CALLED Canadian â€" Champugne ! “Tl"(‘ll 18 EXCELLENT,and WHICH they cansell at$3 PER DOZEN. Amateur Of evory da;rr"ptioi\ suitable for the gemson, in inding Bufl, Calf, Kid, Cioth, and Folt Goods and Rubbers, l‘ Ladios‘, Gents® asd Children‘s wear. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, | at . G. HSWE & soN, j 69 Sussex Street, sud 10 Rideau Street. Ottawa, Oct. 17, 1886. _ | 257â€"47etf TEE' NEW CB_.Q_G_KBRY BTORE,. Fall Qoods Just Arrivod. Tno'sn WISHING THE MOST BEAUV» : tifu) sets of all kinds, should .311 at once to urchase, We also now offer for sale crates of C. E. ware, to suit countryâ€"merchants. We aresatisfied we cansell them at MONTREAL PRICHS. Our CHINA hns beenselected with at care, while our SZTONEW ARE is some of the 5:: ever imported. pss~ Call at the new Crockery Store, . _NO. 51 RIDEAU STREET, Direo! ite D. WHELAN‘S GROCRRY. %az *?'o%mgu e n t ho ie ie 'l’\lll o'l‘l‘AWAgumev- w B orsTER ROAD COMPAXNY. ¢ Bi-hv providing for the election of forthe Ottawa and Glouces * ter Road Company, forthe year one « thousand eight hundred and x‘iny- soven : | Be it enacted as followsâ€" | ® That such election shall be by ballot. That the election shall be held at the office of F. Clemow, Eeq., in the City of ()tuwtein the County of Carleton, at the hour of TWO o‘clock, in the af. ternoon, on SATURDAY, the FIFTEENTH day o DECEMBER, A. D., 1866.% eR ez LEATEER, RUHKS SHOETINDINGS F€oools 1ND suOES,FEW duAlI u::l u&o:;'uaa,"a&éw‘a, by hand, is wil en aro the pessessor of a &nn.n & W:uox’.“ | he O'E'I'AWA AXD GLOUCESTER ROAD CO!(PANY.â€"Xotl! is hereby given, that the Directors of the Ottawa an} {Hloncester Road Compuéy have this day made afa call of TRN PER CENT. of the capital stock of the said comâ€" pu{, which call they mqeintx holders of such stock to pay fo the undersigned, at the office of. W. M. l(A'erEWSON, ESQ., in the |City of Ottawa, on TUESDAY, the EIGHUTEENTH day of DEâ€" CEMBER next. . [A Dated this Sixteenth day of November, 186. gacalik lLl'AITS. Wlll(.‘ll FOoR ARTISTIC BUAUTY, simplicity, casy ranning, nolselessness, and spoecd are every where the ladies favorite. The immense increasing deinand for these MACHINES have rendered me unable of late to fill my orders, but I am now prepared to fTrnhh the diferent styles to all who may favor me with a call. 3 _ eA Ladies don‘t fail to call early and secure for yourselves a hauxhuu uu.&iyn Whocler & Wilson Sewing Machine."®® _________ _ The Turrs Stirow and Embroidering Attach mont for those machines \, on hand. & G. A. WALTON, Agent. > + _ 87 Spatks Street, Ottawa. '?_ N. B.â€"Needies for all Machines, Machine Oi1, Spool Silk, ete. All kinds of Sewing Machines repaired. h “ 216y W. . FALLS, _*. _ Secretary FOI( SALE.â€"Lo# 32 and 13, South Cathcar " Street; 20, 27 and 28, North Rideau Street ;1 West Augusta Street ; 1 and 2)East Chapel Streotâ€" all in the City of Ottawa. . | Also, VILLA LOPS 10, }1, 12 and 13, being art of the South half GF‘the "ront part of Lot 20, ;mkn Gore, Tmhlg of Gloucester, as laidd own in the n(hundnshl y George F. inâ€" and other Olg Lots Farming Lands, * , 2X Money to Lend on l.eal Estate. «_ Apply to k * LEWIS & PLNBREY, Bs PBA Barristers, &e., Ottewa. Fobruaary 10, 1866 “lfil CATHARINE WALLS, DRESS» 1 MAKER, offers her services to the Ladies of Ottawa,who prefer Inving their Dresses made under thoir own suporvision. . Having hadseveral y% experience in one of the BESTESTARLISIDIRNTS in POF~ oi: I feel contident of giving satisfaction, .. Orders left at Mr. Jobn.Watls‘, corner of Camberfand and Mu{ Streots, Sandy }ill, will boâ€" prompt!yatâ€" Celebrated ‘Machines ! JUSCE ABRIVKED! W 1 k'r wondcrair?k rirrs on PiRSTâ€" CLASS CITY or FARM PROPERTY. Ap, to hy Â¥. _‘ I I g J. PENXTINGTON *A(‘l‘ll":llfiob" $ | _ Barmustr® &o. Montreal Telcinpb Buildings, Ottawa. Ottawa, 23rd March, 1886) BAL Otawa, November 21 Witxess our Seal this Twentieth day of Novem: ber, in the year of our 1866. E. MCGIL AÂ¥, >; 284td AxoTHER LagG® Ai:;;oqc* Lot or ‘grese LOOK _ HERE.;: MoNEY TO LCAK. aMoney to Lend A largo and excellent assortinent 0 a 4 w ‘,\J‘ : tnps *48, 4h e 5t Phey, O Within two miles of the city, DRESSMAXKiINCG. Secrotary. and Treasurer, Ottawa and Glouderter Road Co. â€"AND+â€" LAROQUE & CO, 2504 #27 President. J qhz i. T8d sdx’jy i PRICEâ€"3 CENTS ing neutrality. I hope the goyernment will support me in this simple and just method of restoring peace to our border and trade, and commeerce to our |people. ‘There will be a trade through Brownsville and Northern Mexâ€" ico of twelve million dollers yearly, as soon as these Mexican troubles subside. (Signed), _ _ _ | _ P. H. Siterwas, My lotter and the arrest of Ortega will settic everything on the Rio Grande, and 1 think in a few days that Ortega can go without yiolatâ€" Colonel Gillespie of my staff has just reâ€" turned from Brownsville. Ortega was arrested at Brazos, Santiago, for attempted vidlations of our neutrality laws. My letter to Sedgwick and this . arre«t were opportune, as Canales iu Matumoras aud Negreto and adhecrents in Brownsville, were just waiting bis_uarrival toâ€" assert his claims by an appeal to arms. He: has no adberents in Mexico but French and English merchants, who heretofore supporte{ Maximilian, | There is no trouble in all Norti#* ern Mexicoexcept in Matamoras and ‘Tampico, and those mercimnu are at the bottom of it. I am just in receipt of news from Brownmsâ€" ville, and fear that General Sedgwick, comâ€" manding the subâ€"district of the Iio Grandc, will, for some unaccountable and unjustifiable reason, demand from Canales the surrender of the town of \hhnwrn‘ on the plea of preâ€" venting the pillage of the houses of Americans, &c. _ The situation there is this : General Escobedo is in front of the city with| about 2,500 men, and Canales offered to nurrl(:‘:dcr hk the Lfbersl government would pay the merâ€" cliants who had been ¢upporting him in his illegal and infamous acts. This Escobedo would. not agree to. 1 very much feartthat these very merchants have in some way gotten around Sedgwick, who is, 1 fear, not a very strong / man, and have prompte® him to this action "which he .contemplates, . 1 have therefore notified . you that these very merchants are at the bottom of all troubles over there. "There is pertect barmony between Sedgwick and Escobedo, and no ob he was a tcacher, arid never punished a pupil He does not believe in the virtues of birch, Graxp Loporx or Texxsssex. â€"The followi persons have ‘been elected to office in Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons Tennesste for the euuln%‘ym: J. M. A son, Grand Master; John W. Paxton, 1. G. M I am, General, very respectfully, your obedicnt servant, » ‘ .« P. H. Surminax, Majorâ€"General, U. 8. A. &«'rclary Stanton‘s Instructions to Gen. Sheridan. War Dirartuest, Wasimxcroyx, Nov, 30th, 1866. } To Majorâ€"General P; 1. Sheridan, New Orl La. Your telegtam of the 27th instant, to Gen Grant, in relation to the contemplated acti of General Sedgwick in crossing the Grande, has been submitted to the u;dkyc:ur action in :.I:lm to General Se:c wick is appro General Sedgwick‘ proposed wmhspund If he ghou! have crossed the Rio Grande, you will rgliev him and place him in arrest to await E;(ur ther order of the President concerning i £ Eowis M. Staxrox _â€" Becretary of War. of Knoxville; Jorhathan 8. Dawson, 8.G. W of Paris ; J. W, Hughes, J.G. W., of Clifton}; Win. H. Hormn, °G. L., of Nashville; A. Baird, D. D., of Nashville, Grand Orator. large an assemplage of the fraternity was nevi before seen at the Grand Lodge in T x Delegates unite in reporting that there. is more prospereus condition of th¢ Order all over the State than was ¢ver kuewn in annals of Masonty. Siweme 75 8i | ___P. H. Siieras, ( Mg 4 C x Second Despatch from General Sheridan. f New Ortzaxs, Nov. 27. To General U. 8. Gtant, Commanding Army. jections are made to the contemplated act of General Sedgwick, â€" Should Sedgwick act as 1 have some reason to expect, 1 will af once disapprove his action, and relieve him from his command. I have telegraphed to General Sedgwick, disapproving his contemplated act, or any action he may have taken in view of it. Is Drcaritamox â€" Pamrci?~â€"Four ringâ€" loaders in a mutiny at sea were executed at Brest, France, last month, and their bodics were given to the surgeons for : Some interesting ‘experiments made them are thus described:=â€"*"Next to bodies, rolled up in . napkins ‘ were four 1i heads. Whe work of dissection instantly. â€" The nerves quiveredâ€"and the was sfillhwuu. The m:;&p-l co'.linelliw* of the heart was ved, well as in worta, wherg mddl:"eone- ::n extreme. . The contractibility was manifested | on simply touching the part, and of course was still more apparent vl.cn subject to clectric currents, The muscaular contraction was so intense that even after twenty minutes one of the doctors, on applying. the electric current, made the four heads goi in the most horâ€" rible lnumfl‘-()illicl-ae especially asâ€" sumed the most frightful .-:ruaiu. A penâ€" ri} was plaged between Oillic‘s tocth; it was biften through and smashed.as though it was made of glass.* ‘Tur Roval Famoy or Bavagia â€"The nmemâ€" bors of the rogal family of the Beer Kipgdom are all at lu',:gx'lval& Prince (Zlm;, the late commander of the date Federal y. has resigned not only all his offices and military homors at home, but also thos: he ‘held in forcign iftmics, And young King Louis inâ€" tends to make up in music and theatre for all the losses be sustained in politics.. Mother, uncles and aunts, areâ€"of no avail against his extravagancies. | In despair, they sent for the grandpa, exâ€"King Louis I., of Lola Montez momory. Grandpa and grandchild (quarreled n:)w in ron_llntyh.- w.““ when the old man, guilty of all kinds of extravagances himlel!L became too W Lolq monarch haughtily replied : "Grandpa, do you Mamz» or Virc¢ixiaâ€"The committee “x pointed by the board of surgeons to the number of maimed soldiers in Virginia reâ€" ports returns from fiftyâ€"seven counties, ms follows ; Amputations below the knee, 109 ; amputations abovo the knee, 84; amputations below the elbow, 35 ; n-punuou“shon the «lbow, 132; making a total of 360 amputaâ€" tionzvilhommmfim ot both feet and one amputation of arms." They estimate the | remaining fiftyâ€"one counties so as to swell the aggregate to seven hundred and fifty, ’l'he{ think that an appropriation of $20,000 would be sufficient to meet the needs of those requiring State help to secure artificial lighbs. To Gen. U. 8. Grant kn:r who I am?". â€"«"Undoubtedly," replied Louis 1., "you are his: Majesty, the King.‘ Butd&yon km:.h: I “1‘:.'“ King myself, and am toâ€" a private man, and you have m% ~of r:eon ing that yoursclf ére long. People think the Lola Montez monarc# will ¢urn a modern prophet, Shame to these Kinglets, by the grace of God. ; Tus Grear Voucaxo 1® nuae Saxowica Istasps.â€"The vyolcano of xsm according . to the corréspondence in a ula paper, was again in eruptive activity on September 17th. He describes it as follows:â€"* All who tecl interested in hot + rock soup‘ will be glad tolearn that Kilauca is again ina ruady glow, Traveliers passing the crater on the 14th and 15th, state that about oneâ€"third of it is in fusion, ~ The secthing, surging, spouting and pulling: are a {a Pete. Alfi.fin weslgen, morthesn and castern walls action was grand and awful. _ Just at the foot of the path which leads down into the crater the fiery river flowed in subterrancan t@unels, or under hardened lava bridges, while on the right and left, for miles in extent, all was an Apen inâ€" candescent sea, "Whether the mural walls of the crater will Jon@tstand the immense Jateral pressur¢, so as to allow the lava to fill the cauldron, and change the volcano from a pit to a conical crater, or whethtr a rending will take place, thas disgorging the fiery masses into the sen as in 1840, nt carlier remains to be seen. 'I':dllllq. up m six months has been marvelious, pa wubtcrranean and vertical pressure, ‘degisjvely from swharial deposits,* * $ â€"â€"Professor Agassiz says that for forty yeart THE MATAMORAS AFFAIR General Sheridan to General Grant New Oruzax4, 10 a. x., Nov. 14 sex . â€"The followi ied to office in Accepted Masons &y«r: J. M. A . Paxton, 1). G. M . Dawson, 8.G. W J.G. W., of Clifton}; f Nashville; A. , Grand Orator. fraternity was nevi Lodge in T .+ ting that there: is m of the Order all éver kuewn in uo Te [# The committee irgeons to

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