Ontario Community Newspapers

Ottawa Times (1865), 14 Dec 1866, p. 4

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\ â€" .o+« within Mer *s Territorial jurisdicâ€" wb tm .i-lcl“'mn of Oh:l Belâ€" ligerent, has commanded me to communicate to you, 1yurpunn.lho N""hfi.""' which are to be treated and onforced as ler Majesty‘s , Orders and Directions :â€" .._ I!>r Majesty has been pleased to command that heve colgs shail be put in force in the United Kingâ€" The Collecto: of Customs, At Sea Ports in Canada 1 have iy to scquaint ’ut:“l:l the Queen has beer to direct that ts in M«nku'ul the principles above stated, should forthwith be addressed to all wrd aathorities in the United Kingdom, and to Her Majesty‘s Naval or other authorities in all quarters m«um United Kingdom, for their guidance in the circumâ€" stances. I have, &¢., R i _« 2 _ .. Diancs] CLAREXDOX. The Right Honorable . Edward Cardwell, M. .P. DOWXING STREET, February 26th, 1$66. S19,â€"Mer Majesty being fully determine? to obâ€" serve the ditics of Neatrality during the existing bostilities between Her Cathoils Majesty and the @apublics of Ch 1i and Peru, and being moreover . «iveil to prevent, as far as possible, the use‘ of i. ~ »l=jesty‘s Marbore, Ports, and Coasts, amd, the [Cort.] , amd in the Channel Islands, on and after Friâ€" lay,the 2>4 of March next, and in Hor Majesty‘s Territories and Possessions beyond soms six vl:{l after the day when the Governor or other Chiof Authority of each of such Territories or Possessions +«â€"nectively shail have notifed,and published.the â€"Ame, stating insuch notiication that the said Rules ar> t.»komdb all persons within the same cerriterics rssessions. ( I. During the continuance of the present Hostiliâ€" ties botween WCMW and the l:rb- ties of Chili and Peru, all ships of Wat and Privaâ€" teers of cither Belligerent are prohibited from making use of any Port or Roadstead in the United Kingdom of Great ’nl#l-l Ireland, or in the L\‘?JM. or in of Her Majesty‘s Coloâ€" nies or Foreign Possessions or D»p.‘omm.ncot W aters #u w the Territorial jurisdiction :‘.}:'lrml.--wfl‘:}!md t; â€"warlike or for purpose Mldl.:’ 51 lumt:ol'uhh q-igou. and no Ship of Waror Privateer ot cither mwl shall hereafter bo permitted to gail out of or leave any Port, Roadstead, or w-m; -b“oeuo British jurisdiction, from which any Vessel of the cther Balligerent (whether the same shall be a Ship of War, a Privateer, or a Merchant Ship), shall have previcusly until aftertheexpiration cfat least Twentyâ€"four hours from the departure ofâ€"such ie# of Her Majesty respectively, enter an mw.uo{ohfii(m{lnlnjny’. sither in the United Kingdom or in the Channel Isâ€" “-hm‘hh’q‘-mm«!mlgq required to put to sea within Twentyâ€" tour hours after her enterance into such Port, Roadâ€" “‘: 'mm"h-ndm-lvulhv. or m or necessary for the dh'm&-v.-:mt.hm d’pfl-hrrlhomdh Port or of the nearest (as the case may be), shall require her to put to som as soon as possible after the exâ€" piration of such period of Twentyâ€"four hours, withâ€" -Mkhflomw'm :h-mhlu use ; and no Vessel may have been aHowed to remain within British Waters for the purpose of repair shall rhquhn%‘:'m alonger period than Twentyâ€" re r her necessary repairs shall have been completed ; Provided neverthcless, that in all cases h’?hkh there shall be any Vessel (whether Ships of War, Privateers, or mmp‘ of the said Belliâ€" r‘ parties in the same Roadstead, or § or aters within the Territorial jurisdiction of H last mentioned Vessel beyoud the Torritorial uris “‘.‘!".E‘EM' l ie 2e on oc o e it s _ 1L. If any Ship of War or Privateor of cither W.‘-h time when this Order femenimiifinan resai m al a several Colonies and Forsign hzuu ‘or Deâ€" Waters within the Territorial jurisdiction of Her m”&-w-‘uh than hours between the departure therefroin of any such vessel (whether a Ship of W ar, a Privaâ€" teer, or a Merchant Ship)of the one Belligerent, m-mmnmduy Ship of W at or of the other Belligerent, and the C ie t emeneranatini noage mds w + ways in case of necessity be extended, so far umy{o xhdfin effect to this proviso, but nut T: No Ship of War or Privateer of cither beli~ . No ar or c -U:I‘LM be permitted while in. any Roadstead or W aters, subject to the Torritoâ€" ciad dh~Nl::y&hhhh.:-‘.y‘;q- plies, except such other as mhwm:-.Wlh-m.M ~nzcept so much coal only as may be sufficient to surty such Vessel to the nearest Port of her own sountry, or to some nearer destination ; and no coal Her , withoat -pd.l-‘:ndd-.-fll-h hmim from the time when weh coat may hare been last supplied to her withâ€" in British Waters as aforesaid. I have the honor to be, Sir, _ WDTARD CARDW ELL ...&: %] y the Governmert of ioh Oitawa, April 3. 1965. shall be .rn." ain supplied to any such Ship of W ar or, Privateer u-â€"--}'&umw ar W aters, subject to the Territorial jurisdiction of CITY PROPERTY ! [X THE TOWNSHIP OF NEPEAN NV on og fainond a PuaLuina w @ --‘fl.‘ 0-:‘4" the land is M:l well h:d. nm'm: Are will be sold CHEAP. R x INDISPUTABLE TITLE3s WILL BE GIVEN Nwm.?l’h P m WM. LIG;I.EQ.- ARRISTER, O ps<___ _ Telegraph Building, Otaws City, FINAXCE DEPARTMENT, EZSIUCC A Two storey Wooden Building, or the corâ€" m:h‘m Mlau‘.g‘lhod with Briek, with double doors aad windows wd Venetian Blinds. There is alarge Kitchen uidiige m the yang. "Thig figare is welt adapred "all in the yard. This is well adapted ora Store, l-lluflh.llqo.uprlvm roaiâ€" *his ‘ m, Fob. 22, 1366, § Pun. near the residence of Hon. M Cameron. This bailding contains Seven Bedâ€"rooms, asd is furaished with all modern im« Â¥ebraaty 10, 188w. LOTS & HOUSES. tta%a, February 10. 1366 | &0,, &0., &0 For further particulars a Auply to â€". Your obedicat servant, 3 RSM. BOUCHETTE, Commissioner of Customs and Excise. Dweliings to Let. POB SaAaLE, \__| coxsetme or 25 ACRES OF LAND sit, Building on Besserer Street, Sandy SSESS1ON GIVEN 1M+ mediately. _ A new Brick LEW1IS & PINHEY, Barristers, &e., Ottaws, $""**% CUsSTOMsS P. OHANLY. 46â€"utf Rxomverâ€"GrxeRa‘s OryiCk, Oitawa, September 17, 1866. No‘l’l(’ll’ HEREBRYGLVEX TO PA W TIES who have tendered to the Government for T per cont. Debentures, and whose tonders have been accepted, that they must doposit the funds Tor the same in the Nulv‘m-tb the TW EXâ€" TYâ€"FLETI SEPTEMBER inst, uI forward the draft and certificate of deposit for the amount to this Denartment. otherwise their tenders must be draft and certisicate of «deposit for the this Department, otherwise thoir tends considered as wiphdrawn. p N. F. BELLEAL NOTI!‘E 1s HERESY GIVEX, THAT ) under the uuom{ contained in the 29 th and 30th Victoria, Cap. 10, intituled : « An Act topro= «* vm« the issue of Provincial Notes,"â€"â€"and of an r in Council passed on the THERTEENTH F &+ Receiverâ€"General‘s Dlmmm. Ottawa, 18th September, 1866 2d4td _ And that the jolfmeing persons have been authoâ€" m-Wj!‘ m.&mumllw to attach their initiols thereto, viz. : 4 HIS EXCELLENCY THE fln\;{lNOR-QEXER- AL IN COUXC On the recommendation of the Hoaorable the Minâ€" ister of Finance, and under and in virtue of the auâ€" WMMM by the 5th section of the 17th :ronho Consolidated Statutes of Canaâ€" da, His Exsoltency was pleased to.order and deâ€" clare, and it is hereby ordered and declared that the item, " Iron Wire," «round or fat," mentioned un the Schedule E of the Act 20th, 30th Vie. Cap. 6, was intended to include, and :s hereby declared to extend to and inciude flat wire for erinolines unâ€" covered. W. A. HLMSWORTH, Q45tf Assist C. E. C. PROVINCE OF CANADA. 1t a Council held in the City of Quebec, on Monday, *1th Srplmbcr{ludd. * 4* PRESENT : 4 HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOYVERNORâ€"GENERâ€" AL IN COUNCIL “ll EXCELLENCY WAS PLEASED to lay before the Council a Schodule of rates of Toll submitted and recommended by the Honorâ€" able the Comunissioner of Public W orks, to be loviâ€" ol.t.::l“.*cnl:i;l'. hlbmd(‘.:u: aun, period of one year, as provid in cunle a tenk Mank mkl â€" _ _ _ _ _. Whereapon His Excolloney was to order nduhlo':bywdm& that forr.w”hd of| one year, to be oowduul reckoned on from the 12th day of May, 1 the lulkv!lanboa"l‘dl.hnd they are hereby authorized to be levied and collectâ€" ed on the said firlyv. that is to gay : For each vehicle of any kind and ensthorse or other beast of draught, and pot more than 10 owt. of load, each additional ewt. mu-u as one horse, and any x.; of 10 owt. as 10 nt....;.;'.........._“ 0 4 each addftional horse or beast of drau attached to such vehicle, or saddle lov?:. or other beast, and its rider................ 0 0.2 Â¥or each horse not attached to any vehicle and without a rider,ox, cow or head of 'Mh :MMP“ ’“?Mupd.. : : :‘ FOOR DMBONZOTS.....cosermeenstserermencccnieccncee 0 0 1 21541 ! FINXANCE DEPARTMENT, CUsTOMS, | DEPARRMENTAL ORDER. } eotemmee & * Qrrawa. 2ist August, 1866. ‘v-m THE Ird SECTION OF the Act r.-d in the 20th and 30th years dul’:y:ln intituled: «An Act to amend the Dutios of Customs, and the Tariff of Duties .J- under them," enacts M“nral‘lâ€" a lho"lsldn{':f 0Câ€" TOBE]} in the prescht year," Sparkling W in of ail Kinds, in boitles, when accompanied by a certificate of growth, shall be entitled to entry at u&rt dozen gfll bottles and $1.50 por dozen pint es. Notice is hereby given that in the absence of any special form trat may hercafter be prescribed by K'B-;;‘;C for the certificate required, the Exporter may go before an xqm'?mwm ctpuhlllpnulu.nd’nh and» sign before him a declaration as to the place of growth and Mdmh:}u.:-drchr:!zm-‘mfl such m n cath a -nhflm-hklduhnua Mh:: thenticathd by the British Consul, whose certificate should state the name of theship on boad of w»ich aud the Fort at which the V incs are to be siuppod for exportation, and such certificate shall at present be deemed the proper document to be produced at the Port of importation Iztlin Provinee ; and in the event of there being British Consul at the place of erpartation the certificate of authentication may be given by the Mayor or Chief Magistrate at the Port of shipment. _ At a Council held at the Cityof Montreal, on Satue» day, the 3rd day of Nocember, 1888 : ‘} * +A PRRSEXT : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERXORâ€"GENERâ€" AL INX COUNCIL N the recommendation of the the Omwdm.u-uqu virâ€" mdhm.-hndiyfl.“& im fioflhymd&rlflo"‘rnp ituled : # An Act to provide against introduction and Mdmw animals." is Excellency in Council has ploased to or dn.ndublouyMMuâ€"d of the odor\c‘\'(!-al the 20th day of hbvugh& as prohibits the importation or introduction of Horâ€" mm&hmnh:':wndl.byu‘. be and the same i« hereby be and the same i« hereby revok HI3 EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOQRâ€"GENERâ€", "*AL IN COUNCLI «> 0! the recommeadation of the Honorable the Mihister of Finance, and under and in virtue of the authority of the 17th Chap. of the Con. Stat. Canada, His Exseltency in Council has beon pleas= ed to order, and it is horeby ordered, that the folâ€" ‘Iu-hLu\hh_. which, under the provisions of the Act, intitulod: = An Act to amend the duties of Customs and the Tarif of Dutics payable under *aro to be a lmitted ra«® of duty when imâ€" »rted by Shipbuilders for Shipbuilding purposes, Wite 3 A¢ on 4 Sheathing. * o m wratus, Conportien Splken and Â¥aile. ng t m ails Iron Kuces and Rider«. Wire wiggng. _ . May be and.they are hereby authorized to be taken out of Bom free of duty, when purchased by Shipbuilders o:ah:lnly r;..-'n,.uu.fi-’ pl:ptl«._‘ & to such orders and regulations for the proâ€" of Revenue as may be from tiime to time impogsed and sanctioned by the Mon, the Minister of Shi ps Treenails and Wedges .. Tron Masts nr'nm of Lron Masts, May be and.they are horeby au 2830tT hi ::uavu. : ® * al Lam: | T":'ollh. r.mko. L low Motal in Bars ot Boltsâ€"and Yeilow Metal aovERNMENT HOUSE, Uttawa, Tuesday, 1st August, 1866. « mbaleryt : Blocks and patent bushes f8¢ blocks. Binnacle Lamps. . f 3 Bunting. % # Sul Cloth or Canvass, from No. 1 to No. 6. in ; Eyes. Feseny suaclie® Doad Lights Dook Plage. Pamps and Pump Goar Post Ofice D':rnud. + Ottawa, Oth November, 1846. held at the City of Montreal, on Sotur« Ird of Nucember, 1865 :. v Command, R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE, Commissioner of Customs. THOMAS R. CHRISTIAN, JoIN ROGERS, MAURLCE DU NsFORD, JOHN W. TEMPEST, ROBERT G. HEBDES WILLLAM M. DONALD, JUN A. TORRAXCE. W. A. HIM3SWORTH, W. A. HIMSWORTHL . Asst. C. K. C PRHSKENT W. A. MILMSWORTH, . * wl Asst. C. R. C diverâ€" General stateo :â€" 74. (+) The nuimber and description of the pack ages in which the spirite are containgd.. . ; _ .‘_6).%,â€";;',‘; and numbers n each of the packâ€" ages. * Nes (e) The.quantity, in wine yalions, in cach pack» (e) The.quantity, in wine gallons ago and it« strongth. n'(tl) ':‘bo equivalent in wine galion Oul, # «) The place wherein it is thon st )) Thaâ€"place to which it i« to be 4) The conveyance by which t! be made, ® how secured. j (i) The time at whichit is t ?) The name, « ecmpation a of the owner, ‘(fi‘)‘ The name, place of business @ud oc of the person. into whose posseesion the apir be transferzed, and whose custody it wiil be during its remov 3. Every applieation tor a permit o!ulfit mado on a printed torm, in eunu\uil{.fllh that hereunto annexed, and marked A, and sliall be signod by the porson making it. en r T 0 Whs ulc wsue 4. By it granted shall be.on the priatel forms wbt:tbo Department of l‘!n:m:o. which torms shall be in conformity with the form B horennto aunexed,/ and shall be printed on paper especially prepared for the parpose, with stch ty po or engravings as may be appruved by the Minisier of Fixance. 3 ecoear 8. Kvery pormit shall state the period for it is to reniain in foree, which period shall mote than will, in th':’u-hndme offlicer<r it, be sufficient tor effecting ‘the removal spirita to which it relates. ; C n te Bs i 3 avelh â€"Wnh <as aall 6 The it shall accompany the spiri which it n;nu. and remain ll'\:n,‘--uu'\!m « m having charge thereof, but it shall be tor examination as often as mu}'u veq by any officer having authority thereto, and it bedolivered to thocollector, or assistant coll of Inland Revenue for the Inland Revenue Div into which lht':shiu are to be removed, or wh they are removed from one place to another, w the period mentioned in the pesmiit. |_ _ _ _ _ 7. Every endorsation of the examination of any permit shall be made on the back thereof, and ¢very permit shall be defaced by writing the word « canâ€" celled * across the face Ju. cm !io expiration of the period for which it has ho;t_r:nr-{. - :i."i.';ii' lâ€"h-:;{lâ€"loi :ir;n‘t‘;l f--r“l:c ;emonl # unless the packages in which they are .-w: have been marked and numbered in connection with the Warehousing Regulations apâ€" I -ml:“ c \Mh.A‘“;lbl.‘lJll‘ smy (*) (i) The name of the pesson or corporation in day of . 186 .} Â¥ y &n-flndth manner of Olling in Athe in the preceding Form A : t } S Name and occupation in fult of the person the requisition. : place of residence. _ ) "Wn“A‘flfiL\ BJ the owner," as the case may be. an agent, then a written authority to act as such must be ledged with the officer before the Pormit is , staking the name, residence, and of such owner. . (4) The Warchouse, dr other locality, whorein he spirit then is, as «* fhe "W arehouse attached: to h ‘fifi“hmfiufiuu attachod to ‘lvd.c 4 # Bonding Warchouse D Prescott," or «The store of J K.," as the case may hoad 'Eâ€"u-"" ion it is to be tranaCerred.. ‘P(lh m.;.dh of business in full, '-.;U) g::“mmmnfl has been paid. as been & g('_h&n.o spirits are n-ovJumlor nu':o.vnl ‘.fimohdplby&om gnesiage :[~~ [3]' a %M?w'fi" e $ f“ o e Mess add about to be transferred into the possession of [7) . _ â€". .‘ of[8) â€"~| possession of (7] .! _ of [8 &Ng&i‘ been |&]l £ This permit 1# for [l,l days from date and no lurt. and on or before. he expiraâ€" tion of the “:‘Jn u days, it is to be delivor« ed into the h the Coilector or Assistant Colâ€" lector of Inland Revenue, fot the Inland Revenue Division of [12] and cansolled "Requisition made at ) [3d. !!| The mode -vmln. as " The waggon W or * steamer St. Il-louf“ or ‘The Grand Trunk Railway," as the case muy be. (8). Name and occupation of the person into "fe? Wes made af cenvaysnce as 1 m;.“ ,;":',’,.,â€"” pthe its loonl w or t place, its looality, &[-.,l- W archonse attachod u'a‘h. Distiltory of J P, at Preseott," or «Bonding Warchouse 1}, at Maitiand, &6." _ [3) The piace to which the spirits are to be roâ€" 4 T-l:hul h-dlhounlctlo(pcoo for 0 hich the permit is granted. {‘Sl ‘The owner‘s name an 6] Mis place of businoss. 245â€"4f . Exciss Prowt Permit the removal in [1} i”“‘ ret,‘town, city, village, &c. , 6) The to which it is to be removed, as W hether the duty has t Pormit granted at <â€" this _ Collector of Inland Reâ€" *__ day of venme for the Diviâ€" 186 .. _. slos . Explanation of the manner of filling up the blanks FORMS AXND EXPLANATION® Exciss. Requuition /or a I ‘The owner‘s name and cccupation in full this day ie mode of conrsyance as "The Steamer " or the «Waggon belonging to A B," a« K #) URRSRNT > W, A, HM3SWORTH, Assist, Clerk Executive Couneil Noof Permit, > THRE OTTI on paid, an 4 q *A h a permit shall remove of the strength General No making the reâ€" Local No val is t Divi \n +pogially charged w1 thre xlxiut the Unite sanjfe prominently wii o first number aex} month, the seco: infrmation to the la mugthly or vpuhtlz y the sfrce it is o | parsiposes will bo limi virqulation the shoet , | triluted gratuitously " | m be mach loiwe } or each advertise » | $3 fhe insertion : an h or a gquare of 2 e th, $6. e all cases, adv an early tran«o , | .. The unders w _ | thopg of a practical e {i) Thb IPinourable the Minister of Agriculture and Immfgratios, having mg'.'l;urhcd the |n|buenian,.ll;{ this PopArtment, of an 0 asional 'MJ)O'. to be callâ€" wd tfe »CANADA LMMIGRATION GAZETTE,* which will be doveted exelusively to the encourageâ€" ment of Im;migration, and to the diffusion of accuâ€" rate and usctul intormation concerning‘ Canada abroad, I bez loave to bring under your notice the idvsntages tais shoot will offer as an Advertising imedjum to land owners, and others having W Itles for sale or loase: _ As information of this kind 41 | hob SIR, is ealzeriy sought for, and much valued by every Ipz c-i'gr:n.l. means will thus be l},ndd of lagug the intending purchaser or lessee in Great Ll}t in in direct eommunieation with the propertys Inf men ad x all cases, advertisoments must be prepaid, and an carly tran«mission is recommended. he undersigned will gladly receive communicaâ€" thogg of a practical character for pablication, bearâ€" im the subject of Immigration, such as letters from actual settlérs, showing their rn‘r-l in the L Jc1_ °20A caintine ant tha nacullar Advantasal 1 uk";..'uh;;"--;{i be free trom anything like exagâ€" February 10 wontry, and pointing out the poculiar advantages r}r nZu dh':lld 1- rnrtlulu. &e. It is lejirablethat they should be written as concisely to lay before the L\)fill a Tarif® g Duties be imposed aader the authority of an Act of the gislature of Canada, {wu’o‘l in the seasion thereâ€" of held in the Twgatyâ€"ni Mhind Thirticth years of or )hknly's Reign, intitujed : * t # An Actto provide a fand towards defraying ponse} incurred for mattdrs ueuulz to the efâ€" ney of the Registry Lawyof Lower Canada." Whergupon His Excellonty was pleased to order d it is horoby ORDEREDâ€" That on, from and after FIRST day of OCâ€" OBER next, there shall be imposed, levied and teeted on each ts : 1, wmont or ‘docament reâ€" stered in any I&e£-¢ry lb.ice in Lower Canada, 1 on "or{ search mude i% such Registry Offfce or after the i aid day, the following dutics res» "ordvn!y. that}'-. to ray : o m o That y ef= Saturday, 16th day of December, 1865. * Puegsyt. . fA J is Excunuexey ts Aomaxist¢ator or tus Govâ€" PRNXNENT Is Couxcu.. . That until darthor ordors tho above dutics shall, n all the Registration Counties or Registration Diâ€" risions of Lower Canada, bg paid in money, and he amount of such daties ved by every Rogisâ€" rur respoctively, shall be by him accounted for ind p:i& over to the Receiveg Goneral immediately ifter the close of evary lhivi‘mnuh. to be reckoned rom the said First day of October next. _ _ Janizary 1 1864 thly or -pllflerl{. as may be requred. % # the sfrrce it is intended to allot for advertising es will be limited, and in view of the luz julation the shoet will obtain, [for it will be d ited gratuitously], the mku of advestisoments «t be much lower than the following : _ u»'uur{ dood or instrumbnt efecting or evidencâ€" g the #ale, exchange, hypethocation or mo real proporty, for a sam or consideration â€" g in value $100, Thirty Cents, , Un every other doed or mont, Aifteem Cents On every search, with or without certificate, Fiv 8 EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERâ€" * AL IN COUNCLIL WIS EXCELLENCY, WAS PLEASED or each advertisoment, not exceeding ten lines, he insertion : and 8 cents for ovaoun line. or a gquare of 22 lincs, to stand a twolveâ€" e Honourable the Minister of Agriculture and igration has also aubborized the opening of an rnwation Ofice in Liverpool, ander the nlm- ; of Mr, W is, Dixon, a gentleman welt adq â€" ith this and the mother countryPwho will be ially charged withthe distribution of this paper 208â€"tf OV ERNMENT INMIGRATION OFFICE, Quzrnec, 25th January, 1866. r here ;Ill l!(‘l}l‘LE\'Cg‘wn- rle.n_d to lay SM. beforethe Counsil a Report from the Commisâ€" ar No. 175. °_ No 8 xaAxCeE DEPARTMHENT, eusftoms. / lector gOovERNMENT HOUSBâ€"OTIAWA. Pi.co of Nl‘l(:“i n‘{ {dition to the Liconse fee named in o j;tv «L. every porvon to whom &# Bondâ€" aring Liconse " is granted, shall pay tor ef Inland Ievenue, in ly inâ€" ich summ« of money as shall bepufficient mont of the expenses: incu b% the arumont for the effective #u of thrce carried on under such Ti , and tooitat of the dutiable articles ufacturd, and of the articles And the ma xinntty sum to beap paid by vrecaid shall be from time to time deâ€" + the Minister of Finance, as ho may ary, and shall, #s nearly as may be, be i to t hemagnitude and genergl charaoâ€" sines=« earried on under such i " ols manufactured in Bond 1 be reâ€" i the spartments of the mapufactory ; are manufrctuged as soon asithe whole anulacture is completed, and ghall then : Apartments or storeâ€"rooms se apart for GovERINMENT HOUSE, Ottawa, 17th August, 1866. t io the provisions of the A golations, and to such fur + hereaiter be made by ec : may be granted to man i.« berein enumerated, vis din« Hâ€"sonces and Extrac Mewe "Onewre e woe I am, Sir, Oy Nn u{wuuxun. NERâ€" L IX COUNCHL nECOM JLI':NDA'I'IO orF to the Minister of Fi , and wof¢the authority lglun con» 20~40 Vie. Cap, 7, Mis Exgeliency n pleased to order, and itfis hereâ€" me tullowing Regulations fespectâ€" ve of the undermentioned @utiable awd thosame aro hereby pdopted A. C. BUCHANAN, Chief A 7 gaay * 4 § \u:rfil*tdlent servant, R.‘8. M. BOUCHETTE. dloninâ€" | 144â€"tf ond in A'p'ril. bringifl:i down the latest period, to be followed up W. A) MIMSWORTH, ththe distribution of this p.m d Kingdom, and in bringing «Jer the notice of the emigrant. will appear in the course of nanufactory lNieeni I'llutf , may be closed the ver it is shown tothe satis« f Finance that thefo is just frowds upon the Revenue ection with such shanufacâ€" M SA ments of the mapufactory ctuged as soon asithe whole « completed, and hall then or storeâ€"rooms sef apart for ey shall be bondbgr in the !.\cike Bonding Ré@ulation« i!, futed the 17fiNday of all be dealt with, espect moval, e,‘,u.rmli r.entry rdapeo with the gaid Reguâ€" Your obedient serventt ized to refund ghe dutics apd Munitions hnr imâ€" alove named. hi & Ottawa, Jung 6, 1866. mouuin & Pxhir® ago.contraet or donation, in full of WA H. LEE, ellency is hereâ€" vupcd- utiable dopted facture above er Reâ€" S FDECE MBER i4, 1866 ndeay, "OTTAWA TIMES Printing Works! 60, Sparks 8t., Contre Town. WILL ADVERTISING 1P HAS BEEN TRULY sAIb TiAT 4 JUDICTOUS APPLICATIONâ€"OF THE Dry Goods, Or Hardware ADVERTISE ! Let the World Knrow It PROPERTY to SH Do You want to Buy ? No Matter what your Business This is the Motto of every Real TB "OTTAWA TWES NOW is the CPLME PRINTERS INK 18 ONE 0+ THL TO BUSINESS MEN 1N THE LEADING AVENUES To WEALTH Phrough Which it Will, lteach THE "TIMES" AFFORD A SUPERIOR MELDIUM ADV EINTISI Groceries, §TICA M ADVERAISEI ADVERTISE!! â€" TO SELL, BUSINESSâ€" MA N. I8s THHE MEDIU M IÂ¥F YoU HAVE ADVERTISE! T EL E. oFFICE : IF YOU HAVE PHBE PUBLIC Crockery, LINE OF wemueA N DJsmms ADVERTISE,. Glassware, SLL t 33 Mey Apen: D * L _ Te mnads id e;;?ud“.chou«ldlm bu&l.ul of Canada, gnu-“ 1 46 l-p.dl‘ prenon'uliun of the â€" Public Health," it is amongst other things enacted, that whenéver this Province or any part thereof, og, place therein, a to be threatened with any formidable .pidllnn endemic or contagious dis; ease the Governor may, by Proclamatior, to be by him from time to time issued, by and with the ad; vice and consent of the Exceutive Counecil of thig Ptovince declare the said Act to be in force in this Provines, or in any: part thereof, or u:u-c thercin, meutioned in such Proclamation, and shall therey .vpon be in force accordingly; and the Governor may in like manner from time to time, as to all of any of the parts or| places to which any such Proce lamation extends, revoke or renew any suchâ€"Procâ€" lamation ; and, subject tqsuch revocation and reâ€" newal as ufuremid,e\'er‘yl’luch Proclamation shall have effect for six months or for any shorter period in such Proclunation expressed ; Axp Waku®as, Ctshanchithare exiets no reason for scriousâ€"alarm, in such Proclamation expressed ; Axp Wuikk®Aa8, although there exists no reason for scrious alarm, the Province =||?-euu to be so far threntened with Asistic Cholera, a discase within the : meanâ€" ing of the eaid Adl:n to render it expedient that all nu:cuury'rrounli a should be taken for the proâ€" tection of the Public Health, and it is therefore exâ€" pedient to declare the aid Act to be in force in the #aid Province, Now Know Yo, that by victue of the power in Mo vested by the said Act, I, the waid Governor of this Province by and wi§h the advice of the Exocutive Cou:xiog ul':hc “iscll" oÂ¥jnee, do hereâ€" by declare the said Act ercin before Pn d to bz in fdreo in this Province, from and a m te of these Lr:unu,nndunt the same do and k tinue in force for and during the period of 6 Calendar Months from tho dnte hereof, unless this Proclamaâ€" tion be soon revoked and recalled under the rro- visions of the eaid Act : Of all which, Her Maje tyls leving subjects, and all cthers whom theso presents do o;kmqy in any wise.concern are hereby requs to take notice and govern themgelves accordingly. * Givkx under my Hand and Seal 5! Arms, att Governinentdlouse, in the CITY OF 0TTAW1. in the #aid Province, this TENTH day o,rA‘»ri i in the the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hunidred and sixtyâ€"#ix, and in the Twenty Nlutr yoar of Jer Majesty‘s Reign. | 8 ;. MONCK.~ By Comi '.‘H{l\'. govERNMENTOF PRINCE E .M ward Istand has given notice that a Lig House has recently been erected on the North Point ‘of that 1sland, in 47 © , 3, 46" N,,:and Longitu 63° , 59‘, 9" W. | The Light stands eighty feet hi above water, and shows a fixed white light. | WV . Sparke Street, solp Agent for sale of above Watches, and caution fl}-fi:‘amfiu being im posed wy»mn by Watches marked @ Makers to the Queen," but which are not manufactured by us. | THCMAS RUSSELL & SON, | PROVINCE OF CANADA. ‘iyl!n:â€"(,'vlf of â€"& May|31, 1866. wick HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR Gqfl- | ERAL IN COUNCLL r“ll EXCELLENCY WAS PbEAfifiD to lay before the Council a Memorandum fr the Hon. the Minister of Finance, reoommendf:; that (Peas, Barley, and Onts, as well as Petroleum, which have paid full Toll lhm? the Welland ‘z)n- nal, be permitted to pmthrou‘g the St, Lawrence, Attawa and Chambly Canals free of Toll. Otuiu'nd Chambly Canals free of Toll. ‘ Wi cn:son Mis Excellency in Council, on the recommendation aforesaid, and underâ€"and by virâ€" tue of the authority &:nn and conferred by the 8oth tion of the 28th Chapter Consolidated Statutes of ‘::nuh,hu been pleased to order, and K is herobé‘ ordered, that on, from and after the TW E.\'TIEED_ day of JUNE instant, Peas, Barley, Oats ard Po leum, which have paid full Toll on the Welland Canal, be and the same are horeby allowed to jiu. freethroughthe St. Lawrence Canal, the Rideau and Ottawa Canals, the St Ann‘s Lock and the Chambly Canal 3 |t tS6. W. NLE®, . â€">â€"0_â€"r_ t PRESENT : T , HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL | Wlllllll, BY AN ACT PASSED |IN W the twentyâ€"ninth year of Her Majesty‘s Reign, intituled « An Act to ormvi«.h against ithe introduction and .w“dili. disorders affecting certain animals," authority is given to the Gove in Council to take such measures as may appear to be yecessary inâ€"order to gnnn the introduction of contagious or infectious disorders affecting sheep, eattle, horses, and other animals, and check :rerk disorders"trom spreading, if introduced ; . | And whereas a mu’wu disease or egdotnse affecting cattle prevails in many Puuol‘ urope, and is increasing and extending its rAvlfep, and whereas it is expediont, in order to prevent the |inâ€" troduction of the same into this Pr:?xco. that (the impmtubn"tz sea of certain animalÂ¥ and arfiflefl should be prohibitedâ€" > | P | His Excellency in Coundil, on the recommendaâ€" tion of the Honerable the Minister of A(ricul;ro, and under the authority given hnd conferred by|the said Act, has been pleasedito order, and it g_zfiro- Jommand, \\’hr Mrl)OU()_'Al_.L. Secretary FINANCE DEPARTMENT, CUsTONS. | 22"' .'mo 14th, l.m‘-& | _ NoTICK TO MARINERS. [ +8 uovnnfinxr nouge Oitewa, Thesday, 14th August, 1866. | v PRESENT : HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR Go_yE. RAL IN COUNCIL. f 0! THE RECOMMENDATION OF the MHonorable the Commissioner s'Pnblic Works, and under the authority ot the tod Etatutes of Canada, 22 Vietorin, chapter 28, section 85, His Excellency is pleased to order, and it isshoreby orâ€" dered that the followihg Tolls be imposed on Saw Logs, Timber, &¢., passing.down the slides at Chik. holms / Rapids, Rameay‘s Falls, Middio Fails, I;I.“L’:" l‘n.l'h ud_l(!mh Rapids, on the works of hrivig + Autbly ~alvareut veeri Mealy‘s Falls and Crooks Rapids, on the w the River Front; viz : iQn.c e:tnt por: §§w In;‘ of thirteen feet in 154tf Enrlataliyrtmd DST TB 0° ‘airteen feot in longth. and in the wmdsmwfion on picces of greater length, and one dollar on cach erib of. square timâ€" bor; and that the above toll of one cent be collected on such Eaw Logs, and one dollur on all such Cribs g square timber as have Ku«l down the River nu‘rm. the opening of the present season of ng~ vigation, % By cominand, h h rns . Arhe t SA GOVERNMENT HoOUSE. EL' Ottawa, Wodnesday, 7th June, 1 7 Prarsext: P â€" nds 4 Woike y\ 8t, Loawrenmce, Prince‘ Eded Island. tm G_T <hls / 4 R. S. M. BOUCHETTE, | Commissioner of Customs. ux & on . y Clerk Executive Council. n "A % w48E 124â€"tf ()(,'E.\;\: STEANSHIP CoOMPANY f sUMMER SERVICE, â€" ACADIAXN,. ... (Building) ... AUSTRIAN .;.. ,(Duilding),.. PERUVIAN ..Capt. Ballantine . MORAVIAN .. .. Capt Aiton ... HIBERNIAN ;. Capt:. Dutton .. NOV Aâ€"SCOTIA N . . Capt. Wylie BELGIAN,,..\ . Capt, Brown . NORTHâ€"AMERICAN,. Capt, K« DAMASCUS.,.. . Capt, Watt . to 8T. DAVID, 1650 tons.. . 8T. GEORGE, 1468 tons . 8T. ANDREW, 1132 tons 8T. PATRICK, 1207 tons The u!)x‘mi-rn 0 lar intorvalls betv Berths not seet l"nr |mmzl'.;ll', 6 ply to * yire l'l‘ 18 DIRECTED RY THE HON. THE FINANCE MINISTER, that hereafter Weekly Notices be published and furnished to Collectors of Customs, n# to the rate of discount to be allowed on ‘American Invoices, which is to be in necordance with the price of gold as represented by Exchange, at a ra#s equal thereto. Such notices to appear every Saturday in the Canada Gazerye. L R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE, a . Fixaxce Dsrawmuzxt, Cosroxs, ; A Ottawa, Dec. 7, 1866. 6 ‘AccorDpaxce® wITHTIHE aAsovrR Order, notice is herchy given that the authorizâ€" ed discount is declared to be this day 27 per cent, which percentage of deduction is to be pntinued urtil next Weekly Notice, and to A[;rly to all pur. chases made in the United States during that week. 4 R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE. SATILING W EEK Rates of Through Passage from OTTAWA LIVERPOOL or LONDON DERRY : »CABIK . ... .. 1. . . ~$06.10 to $86,15. SARSAPARILLA ! AN QUVaART ©OoTTLES 1 fra5y® FHE GREAT PURIFIER oF THE ~£100PD [# particularly recommended for use DURINGTHE SPRING A NDSUMMER “7 HEN THE BLOOD IS TRAICK, THE ciroulation cloxfied. and the humors of the body sendered unbealthy by the beavy and greas secretions of the winter months. This safe, thong{ pagrertul detergent, cleanses every portion of the , _ system, and shou‘d be > Ww . USED DAILY AS A DIET DRINK, "6X Qttawa, May, 14 »RLTURN AmMEINCAX Ix vorcesâ€"biscouNts SALT RHEUM, RING WORM, TETTER, © SCALD HEAD AND SCURVEY. Itis guaranleed to be the purést and most powerâ€" 4 ful preparation of And every kind of Serefulous and: Scabious erup tions. â€" It is also a sure remedy for And is the only true and reliable cure for Syphilis, % _ even in its woret forms. It is the very best medicine tor the cure of all discases arising from m vitiated or impure state of the blood, and particutarly so when used in conâ€" nection with o BRISTOUS (Vegetable) Sugarâ€"Uoate « The Great cure for all Diseases of the LIVER, 8TO M ACJ _ANDi BOWELS Put ur in Glass Phials, and Warranted to keep any ¢limate. s nsm lg > ufiqlim;u. a | ese Pills are expressly to rate in harmon ywithlhnp'g‘r‘:"dlmt of‘ all I{logdq;).urlfiern, BRISTOLS SARSAPARILLA/"in® cases arising from depraved humors,or impure blood, The imost '(A('(-(;r.d};li:' to nccommodation.) STEERAGE,..... 1.... .. .$84.2 helpless sufferers need lwtde'-éuir. Underthe infuâ€" ence ‘of these two GREAT REMEDIES, maladies that have heretofore been considered utterly incurâ€" able, dium-r quickly and ‘pemmewy. In the fql!oyh' seases, these Pills are the safeit, the following diseases, these Pills are the safeit, the uickest, and the best remedy ever prepared, and &wld be at once resorted to : Dyspepsis, or Indigestion, Liver Come plaints, Constipation, Headache, and Piles. = â€" Bristol‘s Sarsaparilia, and Bristol‘s Sugarâ€"Contâ€" ed Pills are for sale by all Dmgfim every where Bold in Ottawa by John Roberts, Dr. Garvey, H.F. MacCarthy, J. J{mninge,'w. M. Massey, and Geo. Mortimer, i dSutf OCEAK STEAMSHIPS Surgical Instruments, Bhop Fittin l'nl;mryf.' Drug»s, Paints, ~! Glassware,. @ GENUINE HONDUAS §ARSAPAR!LLA. Medicine Chests, \Oiln . Storekcepers . > V # / Sundries. _ 8 , Thirty thousand prices of the abov free of all charge, monthly, by _ _ _"; * MONTREAL. Burgoyne, Burbridges and Squire s sc CoLxmax 8t., Loxpox. 229y L ILILIDNC+ WEEKLY |l Te aoneafeean~ try. TAXN,. ... (Building) ... . .2650 Tons | #e RIAN . ;. . . (Building) ... se e 66e# + VIAN..Capt. Ballantine . ., 2600 Tons | g., VIAN., . Capt.Aiton ... . ... , 2650 Tons | &# RNIAN,.Capt. Dutton . .. . . 2434 Tongk ‘ > .SCOTIAN ; . Capt. Wylie. . . 2300â€" Tons *. HAN,. .\ .. Capt, Brown . .. . 2400 Tong ' l_'"' MIâ€"AMERICAN,.Capt. Kor, 1784 Tons o. ASUUS.,.. .. Capt. Watt ... Q;lrjln() ‘TODB | cre homeat en ToR 4 sin ap/ o8 Booked‘ to Liverpool & iondonderry. | gri L insimuicss % tai 4e., o. BP L. L S ; DRUG®S, #&ce. UsI€!I Music ;: English Songs, SugrodMusic, N TICKETS GitA REDUCED RATES ty .20 â€"4 1 gen wtaky 20 k Fixaxcs DerARTXENT, Customs, Quebee, 6th March, 1863 336 HEUBACH & COWARD. | Aczxrs at Orrawa Pharmaceutical Preparations, _ Photographic Sundries, _ <GO W 11 NE 0 tons.. ... . .. Capt Aird, 468 tons , ... .. Capt. Sinith, 1432 tons, . . . .. Capt, Soott, 1207 tons .. . . ., Capt. Procks, of this Line will sail at reguâ€" ween the Clyde and Quebec, ured until paid fort. , or any other particulars, ap" nd DUVERNAY BRG NTED 20650 Patent lu:.drl‘cmu O8, D; | T8 s nges, Chemicals, "/ Oilmen‘s Stores, NCH AND ‘olkas, Valses Vetermary Tons forwarded, A1 DRIGGS NEW RE TH chy | A euml}uclfi 1.2 1: l&:| They have greater rlr(n!u{ ‘ in Fame, than any other | ie simple and natural, ad} i the budy of the instrumert gound boards Wt mercly ty wood, like the front and | strings are attached.to a »t | is separated and entively | thereby dispensing with the ing by substituting straigl the game time the Over it Diiwos is the Liventor. we gain much more vibra time preserving wl its purd They have received the the prees, and allghe princ | try, among which are: Harry beurrmsony, .u-r‘:crflul., . Yhve wa AArdcibly: *u | Hermen BoMentionpliy Franci» Ji, br0u ky ‘ L‘m. Senry 4134 1 AfKt. SEGESMUNI» _ PIANO â€"Foi. Tess ianist, saypiâ€"â€"4 buvyo CARIO L;rtcs, and 1 cordially ‘app: ecustruttion. | Ats principic, erease of vibratury pewer is simple and perfectiy philce grand aud noble ; it has gre taining the sobed for singir tonc or power I have n'eu:r,iw purity, whd ._vm,_..q(’m swee , o eA L â€" WA HENRKY TY N. Y. Tribuncenys :â€" L invented Pianoâ€"Foites. given to them by Mc# strackosch, Mason and ture, they are original ar volume, and continuity c tude, that crowmming en pianists to * ring" on th ever deserre the highest my opinion, is destined in the manufacture © world. * »Froup Whe N. Â¥. Hevubd examination of Dmos‘s | results obtained are a ve purity and brillieney t ment, not often found in the old plan. . $ ** Ahe N. Y. 1'-‘w'r-zl.luly an instrument withéut an a simooth delicacy, perfc other instrument ; an ord no exertion, the fullness and they must specdily su ho Bs EW nuest T GratLrzry:â€"dlaving thorougly exs tested the Pianoâ€"Fortes, invented and ! Mr. 8. B. Drigfia. I #i1 of the opinion 11 resulting frem his improvements as «xh instruments under examination, in polut depth and brilfianey, equals that of the Pianoâ€"Fortés, and ercols them in pure, tonation and -mml:z:, power thos : ing closer to what I ider 7x rfection ment than has yit been achirved by any of monty acture, is â€" oys Defm.'s:!rrhning. sond bor logue, wi llv.l"ive. Ottawa, . 18, 1865. Automaiic Gheans & wITH PATENXT Basko TENUTO OR sU1 School Organs & Melodcons Finished in Elegant Rosewood, \\';inut or oak cuses Every Instrument Waranted for Fiv« Yearsâ€" â€"Ko Charge for Boxing ie or Shipping» 35.000 No®=in Use. AX\‘ ILILXUSTRATED CATALOGUE COXTAIX ing full deseription of style, and testimonial of the most eminent musiciais, as to the enperi« excellence of our‘ instrumentsâ€"will. be sont free t any address. * * ; In presenting the Aviowxamc Orcax, we bolidiy ‘announce the greatest triumph in mogical instru ments of the age. . Duriug the past half cextury,the French and Germans have manufactuded reed inâ€" a«l"‘l_::tlwl' with double bellows, and }cdnifi!‘ r e to operate, but the wapt of the reversed or r.xnun.nvlm.mrs. (wh“u only beliows usod in our instruments,) made it impossible for t em to produce the mellow, rich and musicaltone â€" ~which our instruments are colcbrated. _ Another objection to this method of Mewing was, that both feet being occupied, no opportunity was offered for the mmanagement of the ewell, â€" Within the past two years, instruments ucted on this European plan of " double u‘%‘:‘:," have becu manufactured in this country, anll to counternet th is dificalty :(want of » ewell) a dever has \)een'l.r.- jected from the centre of thetnstsumignt, to wet upon upon the ewell, AxD @PERATED BÂ¥ Ts hxk 'h.c imconvenience and contortion. necessary to efect this object are disagrecable enough to mgention:ar, but to a l.:{ the use of such an appendage is nearâ€" ly impqssible, °_ __â€": 50 c . > _ _ Out Avrowatic device obviates this difculty en tirely, the simple act of blowing with more or lest force giving the desired increase or dgvrease in the volume of the tone, a | The Mclodeon and School Organ. For seventeen years the suporicr cxcellence -&( our Melodeons has mot been questioned, and for two years the enormous demand has made it im for us to meet.our orders promptly. . With ‘our increaéd facilities, we feel 'nn-‘ihned in aestrâ€" hgo:tvauM their orders will be prompt!y met, solicit a continuance of their patronage. ; ~_ Caution to Purchaserss » All of our instruments have -{on the nameâ€"board, in full, «GEO. A. PRINCE & 00." When w dealer represents any ‘other instrument as «the same as ours," it is usually a mere attemptto sell an inferior instrement on which be, can make a large proft. _ . onaen &fi e * #52 to *55% EACH. THUIRTYâ€"NIN EVY A KR id _ P.S.â€"A liberal discount to Churebes, Clergymer and Schools. Address * Among the most important of modern Medical 1)is CQiADIAN PAIRâ€" CESTROVER 1 Bide, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sore Throut / _ Sprains, Bruises, Cramps in the Stqmach, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Bowe! Complagats, Burns, Sealds, S now been before the public for a length «i :lnnn, and whenever used is well liked, never tmling a single instance to give permanent relief when timely used, and vofin hever known a single case of dissatisfaction where the directions are proâ€" perly followed ; but on the contrary,all are delightâ€" ed with its mfluu, and qnur{ in the highes ‘terms of its virtues and magical effects. We Tnk from experience in this matter, having tested it thoroughly, and therefore those who are suffering from any of the complaints for which it 4« recommended may depend upon its being a Foveâ€" heten Hoemedy. . _ s C it The mhh!n# efBcacy of the Canadian Pain Destroyer, in curing discases‘ for which it 1« reâ€" commended, and its wonderful success in subduing tbohflnrH pains of Rheumatism, and in refieving Nervous Affections, entitle it to a high ramk in the list of Remedies for these complaints, iOrders are coming in from Medicine Dealers in all parts of the country for t‘ufimm and each testifying a» "T“l.c.é‘:udlu Pain Mp: er never fails to give immediate relief. All I_O‘hinl' Denlers keep i Physicians order and use i; ‘and no famiily wil: it after .:':qhg-xl. * Price twenty cents bottle. lolfllfi; «& LYMAN. * Newcastle, C. W ., wolsg (Go T)/‘ 3. MemeralAgents for‘C, Bo by Geo. Mortimer, John Roberts, W _ !:a‘ny MH. Â¥. McCazthy, and J. Skinner, in Ot tawa. . Whre mm ie Ottawa, Doc. 18, 1865# * Geo. A. Prince & CC PATEXT Nn neae d Botne paan d uoX a imates il ; dispat ed mm\mm'm-mm“d\-.:.{. d. ® AUGUSTUS LAVER, late Stent Laver, Architects, 4 c., M e m_bflufl‘-nnd Buildings, Tus Ortawa Times.â€"Printed and Published every morning, (Sundays excepted,) by Groree: Corrox, Proprictor, @t the Tiss ~ Steam Printing Works, NKo. ©0, Spark Btroct, in the City of Ottawa CoButy Carleton, C.W 4 Ottawa, Dec. 18th, 1865 Victoria Terrace, \)fl.n-':,- January 26. ME CAXADIAN PAIN DEsTPOYER »As The Automatic Organ» Yours nspcrmlll'\" BOME AGENTE & WOML. HALEL & SCA. Wruly Beient 1Xx#1 and y Bites, &c., &¢ GEO. A. PRINCE & C9., >‘ ‘ Buffale, K. } M. GOTTSCHALA 1â€"dwâ€"y «itetnate Datu Sustons @VeTy 3 | Aunxitxong Oitawa, Juby Â¥. 1. Hay cbmuary i oos lateiy occunied as the ditawa, March 30. TPOR N & YÂ¥A TeL A W q T TOi NK Y 5« A WeL A W s BAll.u'ruu-uwm Qrrics; Aumond‘s Building Jawa, Jun. 12, 1606. :. __> TPORNE Â¥=A Chanvery, Cooy Chaneery, Comy »y an B‘“g‘nf‘& Astormm Orrice: Morne‘s Baildin and Bigin Stroots, Ottawa. Ortawa, Doe. 18, 1866. * Ottaga, Feb. ham, CE Ottaw®, 4 i). yXA x l‘lol&il\'.rl'-s"l‘-l.gl:"’ ‘ LEKS & GE B. RISTEAR®, Att C. ..v.lm. &c. Orrice: Inths Court Moue Roakar Le#s. _° Ditawa, Fobraary 7, 1866. &lllli“fl wanih . / Solicitor in Chaneery, C Viloos @pposite us 41 and Rassoll. | Orrics : In the Court 13 OX a Caancery, A 1$ January 27, 1868 Fobruary 7, 1886 Btnniii;i:u;.-a 34 Solicitorsâ€"inâ€"Unanoery, ce Pablic, &+., &*. ; 4s 1 n ind yown Auorney _ Ww Cunes stawa, Feb. T, ARRISTEA, &6« Télographlimildinzs, 2 Y MARSHALL M W. R. BELL, 4 JA) An..urq.u-w-l.m j JOHX SW EE l’n"“'c'“..- 4 Ne â€" tal. Odice and roside W“-“i tn‘s Entrance on Mo# _Quaws, May 5.. f Pi.V. Orrices ‘Lelogra “lli‘ll'l‘. * Office tral Ottawa. Ogatra, Jenaary $7, 1 ARIISTEI), Ki0e f Oreices : Court Hoase, ;cu‘l' at IfeaX Store, York Strost. . peot. Ottawa, Noveimber 13. ___ DBR. Wt DU C A. n"f!l‘l‘- Oikee "Messrs. Campbell â€" uaa, Janazey 21, GEKQ. LOGAXN llo“rluw and Acsouchear. Orrics: In Home‘s 1 Jhe office at night _ _ EDW ARD T. 44 ARRISTER, 8 olleit Notary Pabiic, €lork of ~ Rteferemets : NN John Smith, B0 Ciarke; Dancam AUGUSTUS K Attends to all Lawâ€"C ATE of Quebec» ’.‘."*‘._‘ _A J. P. MACPHE _1A Autrâ€"st o V ° ”;J“”c""‘ Ortaira, Febraary T.4 Q'.m Stroe! 19 w , W . Brown‘s J Oitawa, December P*s" ) opsanubred. l"'“"!‘ "Thai Canougs Cu®ep, w but cortain, # i nc deten6.2¢ Octaws, Aprid 14 HYELCIAN, # Odico: Muntor‘s Ottaw#s, CLEGG & i. 6. 1 £,0044 4 yor H. & .‘t:‘,‘_‘ TArD T. D »A w1 A W 1, 1806 ‘KK «& “‘\ | §« A y le & OW Y#H M. McLKXC , for the noRsILY k08 id OLLV E4 , 180 Di C. PBR W yeer, &¢ Di. Stroels m post 3 TE «ud the . attemdi UL CHE M UIL AKI A a

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