Xnder the distinguished ge ot Wis Worship the Mayore + Hom, Johm A+ Mhnlfl;.‘-‘ M.P.F Mou«. James Shead, M« ) 4 3. . Curriers Esqy M.P.R. W. F. Powell, Esq«, M.P.P. Robert Bell, E#q., M.P.P; R. \\': t1, ex«M.P.P. + Amd -:;rct the leadutg Families of the City JOHN TOWNSEND Son, and nhgh (-'):;Thnrsday ev‘g., govember 15th, \%gz.. Immediately after*t Mr. John T: sena will naez‘m. honoe of ?tl..':‘,i.; a brhm dtess_ in defence of the and Stage, as an intellectual public â€q‘ * & Gowan‘s full Band will to in attendance. . / To concludo with ts _|_ OR, THE STAGEâ€"STRVCK LOVERS. Admissionâ€"Boxes and Dtess Circle, 50 cents ; Guu?.zéedl; Private %5.â€" Doors opem at 7. Commence precisely at 8. Carriages at 11:13 @oD SAYE*II UEEN. + f Ottaws. November 9. ‘*Tnd _ Ottawa, November 9 S§KETCHES IN INDIA ; A SPECLIAL GENERAL MEETING OF the St. George‘s Society will be be‘d at SALâ€" MON‘S: HOTEL. at 8 oclock, oa. THURsDAY EYENINXG, XOVENMBER 15th, 1866, to: the parâ€" pose of clecting a Secrctary, and for general busiâ€" Ottawa, "November 13. Kt. Georege‘s rlwo ROOMS, USFUR NISHED, 1X QI near Centre Town. .zumu, stating locality , and terms, to E. W., Times éfice Ottawa, November 13. | 250â€"2 T-‘ TRUST A.‘Df LOANX COMPANY OF UPPER CANADA have funds for investâ€" ment on the security of lirst class town and tarm property, and are also prepared to purchase good , The rate of interest on Isans is 3 per cent. No commission charged, and @rzenses reduced. The loans are usually for fvre years, but can be made payable ilngy or half yearly instalments, if deâ€" 1 depositof $10 Tequired with each application. it requ with each a Em« information, apply at the t&n"o x ts Hebngrabore n teoe . P .. _=c ... .i > November 10 Ottawa River Hax;;ution Company. CHANCE OF TIME. Will be presonted tor the fitst time in Ottawa, Sheriian‘s great play (in 5 acts) of C t "= TH' STEAMER QUEEN j&‘ VYICTORIA will leave Ottawa for Montreal, 7 a. m., until close of navigation. (Ntaws, November 9. â€" Poold FOR THE BENEFIT SHEFFIELD HOUSE, 24, SPARKS STREET, OTTAWA. : ‘ Brooches, c Earâ€"Rings, h T8 Fingerâ€"Rings, 3 Bracelets, ~ Chains, ‘__:. Lockets, &c. E. K. MacGILLIVRAY & Co., L ___ Watchmakers and Jewellers. .RA Particular aitention paid to the repairing and manufactering department. * Stoves, * ROOMS WANTED. TLAamps, OIL#H, K erosene, C | Canadian! ESMONDE BROS., f 13 Sparks Street, Ottawa, Nov. $0. y e ‘mmll;n. Great Fall in Coal Oi1 ° AmUsEMENTS. Ottawa, November 10 BRILLIANT CANADA OIHL, 2s« 64. per| l‘ll“’lioo 1 PENNSYLYVANIA OIL, n?u sSTREET, z4. Depot for\cheap and good DYE STUFFS, PAINTS, OLLS, PATENT MEDICINES, &e. . . * WM. HEARN. uoc nc n ootatoe k . 2784 u..-.,w.-h‘ 10 Market Drug Store ! Positive MONEY TO LOAN. MAJESTY‘S > THEATRE! J. PENNINGTON MACPHERSON, I Barrister + or the Invasion of Peru, (Less®e ax» )04»1:.) Lamps=, Stoves, 'ILSt ocli and AT |THE Stoves. JOUX ROCHESTER. t 280u T_â€"aimp®, AT GILE. ccietyv,. 2784 Household Furniture, Morses, Carriages, &c¢. rl\ul: caNADA (LATE CHAMPAGNEs Hotel), having been rented to Government, the pn:rm hasinstructed Mr. Rowe tosell the wholo of this large hotel rurmshings by public auction, on the premises, commencing on Until the whole is disposed of. _ The property con» sists of a large ‘\nmily of Kiwhon" faP:nitnro of weg dnflim‘. in Dining Room Extension Din« ing Tables, Dining Room Chairs, Couches, &c. In Patior Furniture, Mair Cloth Sofas, Hair ‘Cloth Chairs to mateb, Tapistry,Carpet , Mirtors, Pictures, Parlor Ornaments, &c. Also one of Chickering‘s best seven cctave Pianos, new this spring, with the Furnituré, Beds and Bedding of fifty Bed Rooms ; together with the Horses, Cartiages, Harness, Sieighs, Buffalo Robes, &c., &o. ; the Bar Furniture, Fixtures, Liquor, Glassware, &¢. L rdojerbias +~peemeprinernnarin Monday, 20th of October, As the hotel was opened in May last, the Furniâ€" ture and Hotel Fistures are all quite new, and barâ€" gains may be nrud, as the whole must be sold. Tfllg OF SALE.â€"All sums under one hanâ€" dred dollars cash; over that amount three months‘ credit will be given on approved endorsed paper. Ts Sale to commence cach day at 10 o‘clock, a, sale Further information may be obtaingd of James Smith, Esq., previous to "unchao. who will be found on the promises previous to and during the 216y Stoves. Stoves. Stoves Tll' UNDERSIGNXED HAVING REK» ceived a large consignment of first . class COOKING STOVES, of various sizes and patterns, with low and elevated Ovens, will sell at C 20 por Cent. less than Cost. )fo close the Consignment. Those Stoves 1 guaran tee,to the purchaser. Also.a lar amber of ooe;:l l.nr?::?:.g'.‘wm,. B‘nx S‘;s:’ts? a':gl Part lor Stoves, at low fgures. * Furniture. â€" Furniture. Furniture, A large stock of Black W alnat and common Fur niture always on hand. . All orders for manufactur mnitureâ€"always on hand. . All OrUers (Gp MERTTISCCET ing mpl’y attended to E Crockery, China and Glassware. disj of, will he moty' Hall To this departm:ut particular atteationis given in urln.&:‘oo-phh assortment of all kinds, and at prices defy competition, _ . JOsEPH BOYDEN, General Commmission‘ Agent. _ gat To those having Stoves and Furniture to dispose of, will find immediate sule for them at Auction Sales every Evening. DE YC GOODS! PANCYGOODS®S CEHKINA SETS! And other articles toonumerous to mention, AT 0. WARDELL & CO‘S Ottawa, September 11. VYVARIETY HALL, Where they will sell at public auction every evenâ€" WA“ID, BY A YOUNG LADY, J who holds a firstâ€"class diploma from Le Bureau d‘Education, a #ituation in a huil{ as Teacher of Engiwh, French and Music, in w ich she is experienced. Address E. L., Times office. p We Geus: * connaue t a%7. Wu?lb.â€"A Situation in a General Etore by‘:Jnnon of 20 years‘ experience. Speaks French English ; also thoroughly unâ€" derstands Bookâ€"kceping. Roferences if required. Please address to A. B., at the Post Office, Otfawa. Wm:n.--rwo YOUNXG LADIES are desizous of obtaining situations as RESIâ€" DENT GOVERNESSES, or as Teachers of Junior Pupils, either together, or separately, in Academies. Nochoiccofplace, whether in Canada or in the States. Address, by letter, mtin‘mnkulnn. ; J. or J. E., THREE RIVERS, Co. St. Maurice, Canada East. Ottaws Anvil 2. 1866. â€" 80â€"tf Ottawa, April 2, 1866. And hopes b’dmh attention to :lll!iuï¬l ub.:"fl continuance patronage so libera towed on him before. ®* * Ottawa, September 15. z’ Ottaws, November 9. Ottaws, July 27. County Council Office, t Ottawa, November 12, 1866. § NO. 34, SUSSEX STREET, AGAIN PREPARED TO MANUPFACTURE all descriptions of ‘ CAPRIAGES, SLEICHS, &c., &c.. â€" A TREMENDOUS SLAUGHTER OF No. 514, SUSSEX STREET. READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING, AND AUCTION SALES. fovember 9, 1866 Cents per Can and KX KX KX at the GEORGE W. CRANE, â€" No. 56, Sparks Streot. 1!&; ;nl’:p‘tm o‘elock. ANDY FOLLOWING DAY3, NEW AUCTION ROOMS A. ROW E, . Auctioneer and Commission Agent J. SMTITTETIT, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ; wWANTS. of£ AUCTION SALE AT TR o® & 37» 0. WARDELL & CO. Ottawa, County Clerk Carleton FACTORY 186y 188tf 271m Trustees 2717}3m 11, COOKING sTOVES, Amongst which are The & QUEEN CUTY,** with reservoir. The i CANADA COOK,** with elevated The & ROY AL,** a good cheap Stove. Auso, Fancy Double Stoves vÂ¥@RY THICK. did article, very cheap, Calt ï¬ml examiiacy . ' 1N Table and Desert Knuives, Meat and Game Carvers and Steels. 3 Electroâ€"Platod Spoons: and Forks. Also a largo collection of the best WATCHES, \ . L ‘Thomas Birkett * _ Suecessor to Jas. Statke, las now on hand a splendid lot of Celebrated Machines |} “flll(‘ll FroR ARTISTIC BUAUTY, simplicity, easy running, noiselessness, and “YIII(‘II FroR ARTISTIC BUAUTY, simplicity, easy running, noiselessness, and speed are every where the Iadies favornte. The inamense increasing demand for these MACHINES have rendered me unable of late to fill my ordery, but I atp now prepared to furnish the different styles to kil who may favor me wi&h a call. . "’fl"" ~L :.I'iv-;tio:‘;?n'irl;'e:ll-d}i; and secure for yourselv@s a household [treasure, a Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine."®% _ _ . | Shelf and Heavy Hardware. All the tedious stitch, stiteh, stitech, by band, is dh‘rnnd with when you are once the possessor of a Wusruer & Wisos. i â€" | The Ture® Sttch and Embroidering Attact+ ment for those machines Mu‘l‘yonhd. | G. A. WALTON, Agent. #h fag «_ 37 Sparks Street, Oitawa. | T. N. B.â€"Needies for all Machines, Machize Oil, Spool Silk, etc. Allkinds of Sewing Machings repaired. 276y | Grand Trunk Railway Company REPARE FOR WINTER llron'rA.vr AND EXTENSIVE SALE by auction of SURPLUS STORES, &c, _: Large assortment and stock of HARDW ARE. ‘The subscriberâ€"has been instructed by C, J. Brydges, E«q., to sell by auction, at the Bunlv-a- ture station, on TUESDAY, the 20th NOVEMBER, a vexsl;rge and miscellaneous stock of SURPLUS STO , consisting of HARDW ARE. « | Catalogues will be prepared, and the Goods -? be examined on Monday, the 19th. urther particulars hereaiter. j Sale at ELEVEN o‘clock. e * JOHN EEEMING & CO., . Montreal, November 3. Ottawa, Octgber 24 AT 62 SPARKS STREET. FOR SALE VERY LOW, PENNSYLVANIA ROCK OlL ! Ottawa, October GER.EAT SHOW THE SV portunity ago so liberally nounce to his num general that he h mentof BEO BEAYVEL 1LOT®, ANKE wxir088, M English, §gffiih, Canadian and Iwe Also, ce assortment of thos0 jont E. Proof Whit w is prepared to make up in the At CALL!I CALL1! CALLIE CALL! CALLI CALLE 1 AT THE OTTAWA SHIRT STORR! AT THE OTTAWA SHIRT sTORE! THK ONLY EBTABLIS(MENT + THE ONLY ESTABLISIMENT + ( A large assortment of A large assortment of PLALN AND FANCY sHIR 3 PLAIN AND FANCY SHIR FO~ Also, Collars, Ties, Scarfs, Gloves, Hand shiefs, Hosiery, Wristbands, Braces, at 25 Sp ANOTMER LARGE AND |CHOICK LOT oOF THESE LEATHER, TRUNKS SHOEâ€"FINDINGS, HKB00TS AND smms,f'h Of ever Cluding SHign of the Anvil. CLOCKS, Of every ducr.iï¬m-'uutu £0R TSD EC 4 AHT cluding Buff, Calf, Kid, Cloth and Felt Goodg and Rubbers, for Ladies‘, Gents‘ and Children‘s wear. wWHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ut G. HOWE & SON) _ The best and purest oil in this market. "@% 69 Sussex Street, and 10 Rideau St Ottews: Oct. TT, Thole 1 > â€" > *B574 Bouws-:uu. TROTTER, OF Toronto House, can accommodate a fe Uomen with rooms and breakfast, or wit board. â€" Can also take a tew day boarders, . (Ottawa, November 1, ‘Hll‘ B.â€"Protossional Robes, Riding Habits, MN Clothing, &e., &¢., m‘fl[yaro‘rder. 2£:d_ Rractical Watch and Clock Makers, 30 Sparks Stroct, Ottawa Detgber 21. 2My WHOLESALE & RETAIL, 122y eHEAP. FORCASH. JEWELLER Y, Goods! Fall Goo Lead Stove Polish, a new and splen EVERY DESCRIPTION OP A large and excellent assortment of / _ Ana Faxcy aoons, YOUXNG & RADFORD‘S, /x L. E.:( RKS STREET BER TA urning thi BEACH & CO.,â€" | 62 Sparks Street, Oltawa. â€"ANDâ€" THO3 BEAMEN Where you will f Where you will THE OTT Auctioneers, Goods ! 1 the pubjlic in choice assortâ€" 27220 oven fls OP= the patronâ€" 270 |b|1‘ 2000 Wi_t}n a large supply of Foreign and Domestiq Gray Cotton, l TWEEDS, BLANKETS, &c., &c. \[Fhe iminterrupted success their House has had for the past quaufter of & centhiry has inducéd Messrs, P,. A, E. and 8. to a renewed elfort th supâ€" ply ani sell goods at pj'iws which they hope will merit the continukjice of an iheteased patronage from an intelligeut public. OTTAW A, NOVEMBER 7. & ; 2750f gonâ€" tull . 300 P AIRS . Superior Quality Gray Lumber Blankets :: JUST RECETVED. f j a~ ESPECTFULLY OFFER To . Merchants, at their new promises, USSEX STREET, 10tch OTTAW A, October 22. CUNNLN READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING ! n Extensive They would call partioular, attontion, as the Readyâ€"Mades, that is fashionable for the so COMPETITION. H, They are also prepJod to take orde l tyles and fashion, and as they are un WARiANTED TO FIT. ; ANI Now OP'l'llliNG A LARGE AND WELL«SELECTED sTOCK OF DRY GOGDS, which they will sell CHEA® FOR CASIL aâ€" s pu.o{s. lnaie BEAVERS, y |\_PETERSIHIAMS, | _ | DEvoNg, o | WHILTNEYS, [. 4| â€" _ IRISH FRIEZE, BLACK DOESKINS, SILK MIXTURE OF CoATINGS, _ | |â€" ; . _ Do,. __ «o. TROWSERINGS, | | BEDFORD CORDS, | lial CHAUDIERE TW EEDS, t BANNNOCKBU KN D0., | HALIFAX DO., | f ‘_‘_ KERSEYS, .| @icisien FLANNBLS, RAN‘T OVEMBER 12, 1866. ALEX. DUFF. 30 mporters of Dry Goods. OTTAW A, September 12. 1‘ Dress Goods, l)r(~.â€"-1 * Plaiu‘:Winse,\'o, Str | Skirting, Skirts, mj \~_~ TNGSGIF CLOTHS AND CLOTHING. GRAY BLANKETS. Velvet Jackets, C1 Millinery, Millinery Mantles, Mantles, Plush Hats, Velvet Fancy Silks, Black ۩. so, sUSsSSsICX KTTDERICHEG" French Merino, E‘r Flaunels, Flannels} Flannels, at CUNNINXGHAM & LINDSAY‘S. _ £ Wool"Sha\‘vls, Chempilie Shawls, Filed Shawls, at" CUNNINGIIAM & LINXDSAY‘S Fluw?er.fl, Feathers,{and Fancy B\il?und, «t CUN.NING’HAM & Lindsay‘s. CERIES AND.' PROVISIONS HAVE A YERY BOXEs3 TOBACCO nALP CHESTS OF TEA t BARRELS OF ALL KIND3 OF SUGAR TIERCEsS ddl.DEN AND OTHER SYRUP3 BAGS RICR; : w ) BOXES nAl%l.\'s‘. . BARRELS SPLLT LABKXDOR HERRING3 BARRELS MESS AND PRIME MESS PORK BAGS COAHKsE AND FINE SALT. BUNDLES hsmc aN corroN YAry. ES T 4 ‘EYER BROUGHT To OTTAWA, CcoMPRISING OXE OF ?I‘!I! LANGEST AND BKST SELECTED STOCKS OF THEIR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT DRESSES AND WINCIES. CANA A,\'Ib MAXUFACTURERS OF, AND DEALERS 1X + A ECTCTILON ILNVITEHLD. ‘ LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF ‘Goods, Dress Goods, at CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY‘S. _ ped Winseys, Fancy Winseys, NCl'.\'.\'I.\tGll.\M & LINDSAY‘S. Merino, Silk and Wool, %u CI'XNINGH.;M & LINDSAY‘S. h nfafsrien. Proncn: Mevino. at CUNNINGHANM & LINDSAY‘S AN D HENDERSON, Hats, Felt Hats, at CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY‘S. Silks, Plain Silks, at CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY‘S. l do., Lambekin do., at CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY‘8 AT THE LOWEST CaASH PRICES ovember, 1866 antles, nch Merino, French Merino, GHAM & LINDSAY, No, 1 4A, Millinery, at CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY‘S. 0. 50, SPARKS STREET, L cA Râ€"A. & BLTSETED IN 1844 Stock of Winciesâ€"â€"â€"â€"all makes, BROADCLOTHS, ut CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY‘S. THE PUBLIC, THE TRADE AND ('()l'NF‘nY , as tth have now on hand every novelty of cut and pattern in the season, and as their stock is large and varied they DEFY e orders for Clothing, which they gusrantee to make u{z in the are under the supcrintendence of experienced cutters, they are § ~â€"Gâ€"O O D S ! ~"Magee & Russell. â€"ALSOsâ€" ltideau Street. BLA] o â€"_NOYV IL MBE EBH 14, COC:MEAXARA & CG. COATS, KETS. MOCCASINE, BUCK, BAGS, LINEN, : Do., ‘TRAVELLING, COTTONS, STRIPED, Do., BLUE, Do., __ GREY, TRUNKS, i VALISES, PANTS, VESTS, SHIRTsS, DRAWERS, SMOCKS, s0CKs, MLTTS, WOOLLEN Do. _ BUCK, 278â€"6m 21 4n 261y 2iH INSURANCE ADVENTS. PHCENIX FIRE ASSURANCE COMP‘Y GILLESPIE, MOFFATT & 00, AGENTS FOR CANADA. Il‘llll COMPANY HAVING INVESTED, in‘ conformity with the Provincial Aect, For the special security of Policy=holders Ia prenuod to nm;gt _Risks on Dwellingâ€"houses, Household Goods and Furniture, and General Merâ€" chandise at the lowestcurrent rates. _ | _ Ottawa, Feb. 12 1866. I Hundréd Thousand Dollars, VARIETY SsTORE! 56, SPARKS STREET, “AV]NU PURCHASED ALL THE Stock of J. H. BARBER, in the News and Periodical Business ! And baving added largely to the stock of I shall be happy to wait on all his customers, an on m(y old customers, and as many new ones a will favor me with a call. _ STATIONENY & BOOKN _ CANADIAN, ENGLISH and AMERICAN PA PERS and MAGAZINES kept connnn?ly on hand Strict attention paid to orders. e N. B.â€"Picture Framing done to orde Ottawa, October 20. i ~_OTTAWA AGENCY : Officoâ€"Desbarats‘ Building, 77 Sparks St. RoyalCanadianBank Ottawa, June 21. TO THEIR HIGHNESSES the PRINCE of Wales, and Prince Alfred, His Grace the Duke of Neweastle, Lord Elgin, 8 r Edmun . Head, Lord Monek, Right Hon. Earl St. Germains, Gen. Bruce, .\!ajor_'l‘_e_uda{e. _Mflor Cowell, u.nd hui‘lln. PP o sc en omcs ol â€" English and French Perfumery, CutJery, Mair, Tooth, Nail and Shaving Brushes ~ PAÂ¥ Bansley‘s Celebrated Razor.Strop and Razor Paste, from 1s 3d to 58. Gentlemen‘s and Ladies‘ Wigs of all sizes and colors kept on hand. C m x) U . Con y se 0 coa millls HAIR â€" CUTTERS | Toys New Goods. New Goods PEG TOP DEPOT, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Com’rrhing all that is new in tashion and shade: WITNEY3S not to be lurgused; BEAVERS, PIâ€" LOTS, BLANKETS, CLOTHS, MELTONS, &e., &e. e ‘Also a choice selection of _‘ t English, Scotch & Canadian Twoeeds. As the proprietor of the above establishment has already proved his ability as a CUTTER, he is ret:nd to make to order his well assorted stock, 5\ a‘way that will give satisfaction, , uqq Cheap for Cash. $ G. M. HOLBROOK, 930y Ottawa. OTICE.â€"â€"NOTICE ISs HEREBY GIV= en, that an application will be made to the Provincial Parliatnent, at its next session, for an Aet to incorporate the Ottawa Water Works Comâ€" any for th supply of the city of Ottawa with water Ottawa, January 30.‘ IHIAMILTON‘3 HOTEL York Street, Ottawa, C. V thanks for the liberal pnlrontie bestowed on her husband, the late R. R. HAMILTON, begs leave to inform her friends and the public ¢eunE(y that the intends carrying on the: business as usual, and hopes by attentien to guests to deserve the support an patronage of the "'2'.'"‘2‘ E“b“f' t L Eme ie We c on uce Pn LE LOGSLE ts George W. Crane; OF LONDON. Established in 178Â¥2. The House is situated in the best business porâ€" tion of the city ; adjacent to the Railway Station and Steamboat Landing, undeflnf it the most deâ€" sirable place in town for commercial men, wine ommampnr U aWTTâ€"TAN A large stock of English French and German No'ncn:. se« WHEREAS ‘CERTAIN evil disposed persons have circulated m‘pom that I the unitersigned proprietress of Hamilton‘s Hotel, York Street, Oltawa, am, or have been, enâ€" deavoring to dispose of the said Hotel and business. This notice is therefore for the purpose of contraâ€" dicting such Nrotu. and to state that the business of my Hotel will continue to be carried on in the same first class style #s heretofore, a trial of which I respectfully invite from my friends and the pubâ€" lic generally. > PHCEBE HAMILTON. Ot:tawa, November 10. BOARDING. «â€"= THREE OR FOUR gentlemen may obtain comfortable rooms on reasonable terms, cither with or without board, in the brk building next the Queen‘s Printing Office, Sparks Street, Ottawa. 1978 sSPARKS STREET © CIGAR AND TOBACCO DEPOT, * J. Roos, ttawa, Aug 20. rious grp’dea. Pure Virginia Leaf. 20,000 An excellent article for Smoking Meerschaum and Briar Pipes» * The Great Pocket Cigar Machine, . One of the novelties of the day, 0 o2 _ _ MRS. PHOEBE HAMILTON, Ottawa, 18th Oct , 1866. 250â€"y Ottawa, October 16. Tobaccos, Cigars, Meerschaum Briar, Gutta Percha Pipes &c. T O BAC C O S ! 1 S tit 230y CIGARS,...........................fFORF2 ots up to 10 ¢ts. pe)~ Orders will be taken for a new musical Cigar stand, delivered in 4 weeks from the day the or!flh given. [ JOHN G. ZIMMERMAN, | | ¢ Corner of Sparks and Metoalfe Stroéts. _ Ottawa, June 26.* HE . UNDERSIGNED, PROPRIE«â€" tress of the above named Hotel, in returming Jw G. ZIMMERMA N JUST RECEIVED AN ASSORTMENT OP From 20 cts up to $1.50 cts per pound. Remember the Place, 264 Sparks Streot. Opposite the Post Office in Canaday, Ottawa, opposite Ontario Banks C. BANSLEY & CO. P ERFEU MERS TOBACCOS FANCY GOODS No. 421 Sparks Street, JOHN DURIE, ® Agent Ottawa, No. 10, Sparks Street, | 47â€"utf PRIME AND CHOLICE CIGARS just to nand of vaâ€" AND The best in the city l‘roprletor. 60â€"3m Aokxt. 1574 208y , Mair, +160# this office. uk >\ rl\ol.n'r,uu CcoRrNER OF 4 > Wilbrod and Nelson streets, _Bandy Mill, two dwellings, newly finished, first class., Onoe building eontains 9 rooms, and kitchen: the}other 6 rooms and kitchen. ‘The premises are beautifully #sitentâ€" ed, and surrounded with shade trees. . Rent modeâ€" rate. _ For particulars. apply on the premises to ARLCHILBALD KEYsS. Nttawa. October 6. f 248tf Ottawa, October 6. i TO LET.«â€"FROM 187 OF m November next, a STONE DWELLANG on Sparks Street, C cnn}nining seven rooms and a good collar. Rent moflne. For particulars apply to MRS. FREDERICK SPARKS, > 245â€"f Un the premises. A ",5> â€" $ Jouse,containing TenRooms, in the Desbarats‘ Block, Sparks 141 Street, next to Mrs. Trotter‘s Resâ€" taurantâ€" Posscesion immediate. . Apply to GEORGE E. DEB‘ISAI(AT.‘, dnks "~ /\ rl\o RENT,se«A â€" BAKE n riie as House, with working utonsils, a h with a good house and yard, a2â€" stabling ; and a good run of cusâ€" omers ; also, forgale a good baker‘s wagon, hore ard harness. Possesgion immediatily. Kent modâ€" erate. A]le at this office for particulars. Ottawa, June 26. 16itt »â€" OR SALE.â€"Lots 9 and 10 s F South Side Sparks Street, nearly opposite the lot on which the new snnk of Montreal is to be erected, and within five minutes‘ walk of the other Banks. <Lots 9 and 10 on north #ide of Queen street in rear of the above. ALSO, 23 ACRES OF LAND. In the '.l‘ownshilp of Gloucester, situated about halt a mile from Bil l‘:“l Bridge. This land ean be sold en bloc or inlots of 5 acres. For further particulars, apply to _______ _ * * P YRANCE: Ubdat NCIS, qw, EsQ., " â€" City of Ottawa. Ottawa, Feb. 10, 1866. â€" ; â€"_ A6â€"utf "' & THA'I‘ ml‘UABFE“P:!lO- ie rty wn as ‘P. M. Blasâ€" l;_m dG“'lpl'iOIIIOF(Gld, containing ‘z bout "*****~ _ Two Acres, beautifully situated on the Oittawa River, being Lot Oue, North#side Welâ€" l::jton Street, City of Ottawa, with theDwelling outhouses thereon. Aunply to en nlcs evrevareres outbuildings thereon Nebruary 10, 18bu n on on NARM FOR $SALE.â€"One [‘ xk l‘ Hundred and Ninety Acres of ; , Land, in the Township of Nepean g:u property of the rne Gourge 11 One Hundred and Fifty Acres of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivaâ€" ion with good Dwelling House, Barn, and other Mbnildi.:s- thereon. 4 s f «This la is of the best quality, and situated seven miles from Ottawa City on macadamized To rerbes particpiats a the undersigned :For further particulars a to un & â€" » f y Jm?h‘ BELL, ' WILLIAM GRAHAM, JAMES BEARMAN, Executors of the Estate of the lute George Lell. $b Address Bell‘s Corners P.0. June 20, 1866. » 156â€"«f Ottawa, September 20 Ottawa, September 29 Ottawa, February 10. 1866 eont;min{ 300 meres or thereabouts, being comâ€" posed of the '!rokonurztud 25 in ln&xweu sion Ottawa, Front on Nepean. "Also Pow No. 62, in Christ Church, Ottawa. Forterms and particulars, naply to the Revd Charles Forrest, Merrickville, or LEWIS & PINHEY, Feby 10, 1866. mwmwd Lots Nos. 26 and 28, @ the same Concession, at present in the occupation of Wm. ‘P. Aylen, Esq. For further particulars apply to sorn and Wu. Tmowso, Nepean, and LEWiS & P:xuzy, Barrister, Ottawa. . Je2â€"141â€"f ‘e*fl::;,,'., Fou sALE OR TO LET. t s Aol})kndid Farim, within three s miles of the City of Ottawa, on the Third Concession of Gloncester, conâ€" taining 180 acres, 150 of which are in the highest. state of cultivation. There are buildings of all kinds erected on the farm, besides a iine orehard, and everything convenient attached to the premises. AyFiumu can be made to the undersigned, or to C. T. Baines, of/Ottawa, solicitor. ENXOCH WALKLEY. N. B.â€"Possession given within at least a month‘s notice. 44wiim E> ®4 FARM FOR SALI,«®IH L % undersigned offers for sale 59 ? ncres of excellent Land, situuted in the Township of, Nepean, Lot No. 35, Secund Concession Rideau Front, on the base line leading from Bell‘s Corners, to Ottawa, of which 29 acres are cleared, and under good culdvation, with a good Log House and Frame Barn erected thermon. . The lot is amply lglpp“:d with |wuu-r. " ' S > swate +4 tha Nepean, October 24, 1866 FOR SALE OR TO LET. ty *~~ (nermon, PM® TSR OR CRIOER PTTOEL For full particulars as to time, &¢., apply to the Executors of the Will ot the late Mrs Mary Hobb«, J., MES H0GG, _ . W M. FOSTER â€" FOI& SALE.â€"Lots 12 and 13, South Cathcart | Street; 26, 27 and 28, North Rideau Street ; 1 | est Augusta Street ; 1 and 2 East Chapel Strectâ€" | all in the City of Ottawa. ~ | Also, VILLA LOTS 10, 11, 12 and 13, being | ‘ slrto( the South haif of the frent part of Lot 20, unction Gou.‘ro'uhigo( Gloucester, as laid d own | in the ngmn.d.slu y George F. Austinâ€" and ‘ other Cis Lots Fu-la.l.l&.dl. gas" Money to Lend on Estate. ‘_ Dwellings to Let. us +4 FOR SALE OR TO LET. 3% x A Tapnery and D«elling with Â¥ ~28 Stables, Sheds, and other wt:&ild- ings attached, with one a of land, situated on the bank of the Miuiw. within tive minutes walk of the business part of kenh am Vilage. There is no Tannery within nine â€"miles of it. Terms will be liboral. Apply by letter to William Owens, Antrim P, 0., or to p. Hilliard, P ikenbam P. O. 45w3 February 10, 1866. Uttawa, October 26. ‘Thirty thousand prices of the above forwarded, free of all charge, monthly, by . “:lrz. thousand pnnl’o'l bI’ll ADoVC lm".lrucu. | 5 .“; ;'w.. t m“-." Burgoyne, Burbridges and Squire | 7. :v'.?.-‘m Mortimer, John tsoborts, A , M CortnaX E1., Loxpoy. 220y | Miscoy, 11. E. McCarthy,and 8.Skinnor . OMa a EOE SALTLE. 200 bhis..No. 1 strong superfine Flour. °. | nndunsinain 5.. c | Commission Merchant, | Post Office Block. . | PORK AND FLOUR. Apply to OR SALE 200 BBLS. MESS PORK D. Kreigh & Co., brand, (Chicago.) DRUG®S, WY A small Cottage, or two or three rooms and a Kitchen, in the central part of the city. . Apply at â€"257â€"4f gio LET A DWELLING T() LET, A HOUSE CON= l-ininghnino roomé#, on Ottawa Etreet, south of Mathow‘s HMotel, Apply en the promises, to THOS. G. BURXNS. nber 29. 242f Fou lu.:.-rn.‘: eligible reperty known as Woonroors, omx bg.,thu late Cugain Baker, beautiful “‘ situated on the Richmond Road, within five miles from Ottawa, Fon SALE.â€"â€"THE WEST« crli oneâ€"third of Lot No. 27, in First Concession Ottawa, Front Neâ€" Pharmaceutical Proparations, _~ Photographic Sundries, .. ANTED TO RENT.«â€" LEWIS & PINHEY, Queen‘g.Printer‘s Office, Barristers, &c., Ottawa 4 4G6â€"uth LEWIS & PINHEY, Barristers, &c., Ottawa. L. P. O‘HANLY. â€" Sandy Hill, FOR SALE.â€"â€"THI Barristers, Ottawa. 22 Patent Medicines Drysalteries, Dye Goode, 46â€"utf & 0. 45w3 Very : Choice and Buperier NOW ON SALE £,000 5 The Pure Mountain Berry * Without exception the fipest Colee in Me world."â€"London }"m, March 16. We are constantiy receiving supplies of this truly beautiful and delicious COFFEE, romsted daily on FRESH ARRIV AL ERS, By which peculiar proces and renders it th¢ #2 vout ROBIN~OX & CO, would espesially cal the at tention of familics to their stock of ALES, WINLS& SPIRITS Wines, Spirits & Liquors l o tst BEWARE OF SP URIOUS IMITATIONS, 7#" As it is imported by no cther firm in Canuda, We have a most delicious GUINI BLOODS LONDON SPOUT, BARCLAY‘s LOADoX PoRTER, ALLSOPS PALE ALB. BASS LAST JXDIA. poOWw$s CELEBRATEL MONXTREAL ALE, DAW‘S SUCPERIOR LACHINXE ALE, | _0 DAW® CELEBRATED PORTER & 8LOUT Just Recéived from England : ROAST HARE. * CURRIED po. ‘ JUGGED PO. â€" â€", ; f sTEWED po. > ROAST PHEASANTs. Ro®T GRoUsk. ROoAST; PARTRLDGE, ALL GO0DS DELILVERED FREE by our own Waggons to any part of the City daily ROBINSON & CO. ‘ THE TEA POT oTraAWaA. Establishmentsâ€"SBussex Bt. and Rideau 8t. Ottawa, September 10. 2254 A BAZAAR IN AiD OFâ€"THE FUND® for the re buiMlneox ‘Ft. James‘ Chureh, at Hull, will be beld (D. V.,) on the 19th and 20th DLCEMBER next. Contributions will be thankâ€" 500 Chests very choice and superier XOUNG ... ~aysqps. [ i m 200 Chests Good Strong TW ANKAY. _ |.., 109 Chests old fashioned BREAKFAST hich we !\'o'ru:u.â€"-u.l. PARTIES .MAVING £ N claims againsCthe Estate of the late ALEXâ€" ANDEI SCO'{!T hre requeited to yend in the samé forthwith to the, undersigned. * a * ; * _ AlasQ0Nâ€"CoTT, * * Exsounux. DLCEMBER next. c«.éiuimm be thankâ€" ully received by the following l : MRS. JOHASTON, (Reov.) . « â€" MCNAB, +4 i < JONES, H. J.. MRS. TRUBIDGE, (Refroshment Table.) M soUVCHONG. o 150 Caddies MANDERIN MIXTCORE ‘ UTICE,.â€"â€"ALLPARRTIES JIADPBSTED 1 % to the Estate of the late ALLX AXDER SCOTT are required yo make immediate paymentiof thoir accounts to the undersigned. * * ALLsON, sCOTT, ~ Exsoomax. Ottawa, So;l-.b‘or 6 Sunday Mag«zinetor 1866 1'[3!. WARREN®S GREAT BOOLK® : "clow I Managed Slouse on £200 a year," ®MHow I Mona, M&-‘m Inâ€" fancy to Marringe." * k Dakins‘ Petcut Silver Cylinder ttawa, Septotiiber 6 Necretary. .. Ottaws, October 4, “’L"A 1090 cusos Oiard Brandy. d * â€" MukiGH‘s * 150 â€" * liennessey, 14 * â€" ECniiau i. gyuels, . MRS €. CAkY, Vols. I to VILI, Chambers‘ kncyclopeGia. TEAS, DUBLIN â€"STCUT ! Iliustrations of Seottish Life, by Dr, Kogers. The Sparrowgrass Papers. WlA Half Hours of English H:story, by Chas. Knighy London Pooms, by Buchanan, _ . The Figer Prince, by Daiton, The dmwy Review sor October. Bound to the Wheéel, by John Saunders. Mrs. Beeton‘s Household Management. s LIFE, SROWTH AND BEAUTY #rs. S. A. Allien‘s Wortd‘s Hair Restover andt Dressâ€" ing invigorate, strengthen andlengthen the hair. They act directly upgn the roots of the hair, supplying reâ€" quired nourishment, and, natural color and beauty returns.: Grey hair disapâ€" pears, baild spots are covâ€" ered, hair stops falling, and luxuriant growth is the rcâ€" sult. Ladies and Childre» will appreciate the delight ful fragrance and rich, glossy appearance impartâ€" ed to the hair, and no feas of soiling the skin, scaip, or most elegant headâ€"dress. PRESERVED MEA‘TS. DiNiALKR SHLRLhY, SS & CO COrFEE | ROBINSUN & CO, TKE TEA rOT, For #ale by is the finest Buack Tra over import und ; in small Caddies, about 14 Ib nre selling at 8 shiliings per gadom BAZAAFL. cur®sTÂ¥LNCOLORED JAPAN. e EW VOLUMKE. Oi® the fipest Coffee in the :, the aroma is tnmv.‘. & WITH ALI, COFFER DRINK» JOHN DURIE & s0ON, 10, Sparks Street, Qpuusite Russell House OTTAW A 250â€"4f at M