_HER MAJESTYS THEATRE! e To Wit. ‘notn'md Ven. l-.bvm.d Fieri Facias for residue, issued out of M‘H.‘â€"atyc:\.n.oflb('cï¬fd Carleton, and to me directed and delivored, against the Laods and ‘Tenements of Jobnston Brown, a the suit of Horace Pinkey, sud also of another Writ of J. M« Currier, Esq., M.P.P. W. F. Powell, Ksq., M.P.P. w Cader the distingnished patronage ot MIÂ¥ Worship the Mayor, ' NHon. John A+ ;fl-.‘.l-‘.".lâ€". M.P.P. | Robert Bell, Esqâ€", M.P.P. R. W. Seott, ex«M.P.P. o and Haay of the teading Famities of the City. lssned ont of ‘tl&uv'n Court of Queen‘s Bonch | at Turonto, agninst l.-du-d‘tu;&dth said Johnston Brown, at the suit ot Hunâ€" ; ‘tom and William Huston, I will sell at Public | Anction, at my offiee in the Court Hoase, in‘the | City of «ttawa, 0r MONDAY, the nineteenth day of November, A.D., 136, at the hour of twelre o‘clock, noon, all the estate, right, title, intersst and equity of redemption of the above named deféndant, in and to lot mum-%méi;o::&:rh Nirest, (cambering east wa m we. € SLdONX PRASER, . . Bhorif. â€"| oo c dn o‘ By Ja#. Baitirs, Deputy Sherif. | Sherif‘s Oflce, Ottawa, _ } November 6th, 1836. $ With a large supply of Foreign and Don] ‘l. C~~ _ TWEEDS. BLANKETS, & CcoUXTY oF CARLETOX.?/IPY YIRTUE| _ (Lessus asp Maxaose.) + '.;“h:hu.m be h.: &.io;nor-o and Messrs. Sparks street ; at ::h-ll.â€".; m Grabam‘s, n.-.u.'-.. aad Mathews® Hotols, omef John Townsend, at the ty Siner is HURAr iT rtnnor s aine. /o re x s 4n P3 ture stadon, on + . k % & large and miscellaneous stock of SURPLUS | D IR i (;’( )OD Catalogues wi |â€" > RmEADtâ€" o h. e red on ) "‘I!;. pesa |‘flh. . Yâ€"MADE CLOTHING, ‘sn Forther partioutag® hereaiter. s : ‘ Saie at ELEVEN oclock. EFANCY GOOD®S JOHN LEEMING & €O., Adjourned Sheriff‘s Sale of Lands, CROCERIES AND PROVI FOR THE * BENEFIT 2187 Auctioncer and Commission Aï¬ JOHN TOWNSEND Stoves. Stoves. Stoves â€" MR Pukitively not a single free admisston 10â€" night. * On Thursday ov‘g., November 15th, Pizarro ; or the Invasion of Peru, 4. loumediately after fl:ï¬hy Mr. Joha Towsâ€" sepa will have the hogor of vw? a brief adâ€" dress in defence of the Drams and Stage, a* ap Gowan‘s full Busd will be in attendance. \ , _ ‘To conclude with % Ottaws, Noversber 9. OR, THE sTAGE STRUCK t::m R Ad-h-:»â€"-l-.u and ;mu C†50 cents ; . 48 cents ; Private Bores, +5. Doors open mw :mb.l;&ï¬. Carringes at 11:15 _ GODSAVE THE QUEBN, _ Grand Trunk Railway Company lm.‘?l" AND EXTENKIVE SALE By auction of SURPLUsS STORES, &¢. Large assortment and stock of HARDW ARE. _ l;bl #ALE, BY THE UNXDERSIGNXED, | And FARNUY NUOOUPUY CORD WOOD, SPLIT SHINGLES, LaDâ€"| _ a* "TOUXG & RADFORDS, DERs, aod SCAXTHYSOD / sae ory «9D Practical Watch and Clock Makers, 7 _‘ _ Corner of Boites ¢nd NW. oi 1 UMâ€â€™.M. S$KETCHES 1N INOIA ; y Large assortment and stock of HARDW ARE. "r';z-h_-rflm has been instructed by °C. J Wil be prosented tor the irst time in Ottawa. Sm: play (in 5 act«) of A XFXZ ftrtzRCrs GOLDEXN AND OTUER STRCHP3. 150 BOXES TOBACCO. T EN DE FS BARRELS OP ALL KLND3 OPF sUTGAR. BARRELS MESS AXD PRIME YES3 PORE. BOXES RAISIN®. BAGS RICE. BARRELS SPLIT LABRADOR AERRINXGS. HALF CHESTsS OF TRA. BAGS COARSE AXD PINE SALT. BUXDLES AMERICAN COTION YARN. . gCLESON & So WILLLAX P. LETT, EYEP BROUOET To OTTAWaA,. coMmr OyE or AIÂ¥ o. THSE LARGEST AXD BEST SPLSCTE® n*uen or ty â€" _ Othewns, Octobey 24. 37614 ars ut :O¢ d-n#l- suitable for the season, inâ€" e â€"aeime~ c:-cn;"‘-l.c‘ , Kid, Cloth and Felt Goods and | Rubbers, for Ladies‘, Genta® and Ohflqnï¬ wear. s WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL > € at _.G. HUWE & s0OX%, , N 60 Sussex Stroet, and 10 Rideau Street. [% . Ottawa, Oct. 17, 1806 337â€"4Tutd temsst‘â€"_.____GCGâ€"| CLOTHS AND c‘fof ‘ROGERS‘ BEST â€" CITLBRY|"SSugas _ uy Atoe la : | Auction Sales every Evening. h | They wouldâ€"call jparticular attention, as they have now on hiand every novelty of cut and pattern in wooD! wWoop | ‘ '%i"‘t““’tï¬oe“ is mabiogebte fur the senson, ang ao thele stosk is Ihige and varled thay DEFT & ww w R i 4 â€" ‘ I I CORDS GOOD sEASONED | They aro also ared to take orders for Clothing, which they gusrantee to make up in th l,m Hardwood, for sale in lots to enit, ! ].â€.'ql“’nd !uhio:.&d as they are under the mp:!int ende off:xpprlenood cuttes, ,t’hey lr: and delivered if required | WARRAXTED TO FIT. > ; f #. Apply to w. p. woop, | f § | § #@, Rideao Street. *\ ecmmemnmrn mm w smn"â€"anr SNNHHITITIOATOUINPAIE ~..) . =.«««.... «.\ â€"~. â€"â€" * smaND~ & + FOR SJALE CHEAP! Chairs to mateh, ‘l‘ï¬phq.(.‘..-pet.wmu. Picturés, Parior Ornaments, &8." Also one ,Chhhrh&- hest seren octave Pigaos, new this with the Furniture, D‘:.ds %addi-g %f hy nloo.; together w otses, â€"Harness, Sleighs, Baffals #e., &¢. ; the nr Furniture, Fixtures, Liquor, Glassware, &o. _ __| _ â€" _ . . As the hotol mnndzhl gains may be e /as the whole must be sold. TERMs OF SALE.â€"All sums -nd‘:.:u hunâ€" d;::lm e::i ; over that amount months‘ credit ven on approved r. zen _Sale to commence each hmrm, &. Ottawa, September 11. LEATHER, TRUNKS SHOF;Pl]IDlNGS, AR.soors and suors,FR T6 o'lnn.:o Consig ‘u.‘nlou‘Mul '-bn::n-,‘ too to e # ba none no.ilud'a Stoves, Mï¬z:cz. I.Bdl'l!' lor Stoves, at lo# fgures. ‘ > t Furniture, Furniture. Furniture. &A l? stock of Black Walnut and common Furâ€" niture s on band. . All orders for manufactur ing p\n‘;:{y atteoded to Crockery, China and Glassware. AT 0. W ARDELL & CO.‘S NEW AUCTION Rooms _ Farther may be obtained of Jn? Smith, Esq., to purchase, who will found on the pnvnl to during the No. 34, §USSEX STREET. Tlll USDERSIGNXED HAVING RFâ€" caived .,ln:;. cousignment of first class CONKLNG STOV Ks, of various sizes and patterns, with low and elevated Ovens, will sell at 20 per Cent. leoss than Cost. Where they will soll at public auction evenâ€" 19g at hulfâ€"pastseven v‘elufl & Q. WARD & co. T JObEPH DOYDEN, _ . General Commission Agent m" To those having Stovd®s and Furniture to dbtaao of, will «ind imsmediste sale for them st he Varisty Hall. 184y CHINA SDBTS! EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE Household Furniture, ‘VARIETY HALL, To this c in securir; hm&imflï¬m1 at prices udlouw s o 5 JUST:ARKI V And other articles toonumerous to mention, NO. 34, SUSSEX STREET, A TREMENDOUS SLATGHTER OF A large and excellent .\gtctlos SALES. ol was opened in May last, the Furn| el “1'“ !',':“‘;;'*9?1';:-5‘)! JEWELLERT, [ A. ROW AmLou MCo-ni-'l:zu Agent. OP RVRRY DESCRIPTMO® ; Â¥% $0th of October, axD Portowixc pays, ' SIONS, #%c., : (LATK CHAMPAGNE!S bean rented to (Government, the Mr. %wo |:unu the wholo rmsbings o on ni “.eo--me’ Pi.ng onw for the past quayter of renewc& effort tï¬ saupâ€" evit the continuance of estic Gray Cotton, CUarriages, &e. ISING And FANXCY GO0D8, *4 fammie vriey" f Q. WARDE ‘J: FRri d LE CHE4 reellont of NC3 SHOEâ€"FIND at TH*® each day at 10 o‘clock 2150 3/ O‘ MEA R 4 !Is admitted to be the largest in the City. QINTER EAS H The Nhavi Mgfle,; an DR ESS (GO O DR ! s . | â€"ALS *} 1 An Extensive Stock of Winciesâ€"all makes, Varyi: READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING ! BONXNE in all the no ;ï¬;‘i}.&:{.‘-ï¬.’.f:é’&i'ï¬uf ;l;d_oonplito with the latest novelties of the Benson. A fall nt of LACKE G0008, RIBBON8, VEUVETS, COLLARS, TIES, BUTTOXNS, FLoOW. ERS, Â¥EATIRRS; NUBLAS, 0ODS, GLOVES and HO IERY. â€" | Carpettings and House Furnishings equally Cheap. | (Pes GARIAND, MCTOHMOR &:C0. NTTAW A ) Navamber 1. | 110y ... BLACK AXvD COLORED SILKS, FRENCH MERLNORS, « ver [RUBIAX AND EM ' ‘ FAXNCY ST GL OTTAW A, October 22. Millinery Goods, Mantles and . Jackets ! AII NOW OFFERING A LARGE ANXD WELLâ€"SELECTED sTOCK or DRY GQODS, which they will sell CHEAP FOR CASH. | IN COLORI BA Lf.\‘(?AstE. WEI CoOTTON GOO, GARLAND, MUTCHMOR & CO. SEIO Sparks Sfemget = GRANT AND Ij(‘ENDERSOJFL | HAVE A VEKRY LARGE AXD: BIf UTIFUL ASSORTMEXT OF Importers of Dry Goods. uvssex l NEW â€" DRESSES UNNINGHAM â€" & LINDSAY, London and Paris 300 pairs GREY AND WHITE BLANKET cntb {so BATH BLANKETS, vory nice RHA W LSâ€"As usual our stock is lurr and TURE C TCO CT D Ter in anane tnpaA OTTAW A. UR sTOCK oFP FAaAsHION 4*R pleasure in inviting {nspection of the Funcy Silks, Black Silks, Piain Silks, at CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY‘S. Veivet Juckets, Cloth do., Lambekin do., at CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY‘$. . Dress Goode, Dress Good, Drese Goods at C ‘NNINGHANM & LtXDsAY‘$. PininWinseys, Striped Winseys, Fancy Winseys, at OUXNINGHAM & LINDSAY‘S. Skirting, kirts, in Merino, Silk and Wool, at CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY‘S. i reagh Merino, French*Merino, French Merinp, at CC)#N]NGBAï¬ & LINDSAY‘S. Fiannels, Flannels, Flunnels, at CUNNINGH]AM & LIXDSAY‘8. : Wool Shawis, Chenille Shawls, Filled Shai!» jat cvs*manu & LINDSAY‘8. Flowers, Feathers, and Fancy Button«, at CUNXNINGHAM & LINDSAY‘8. Millinery, Millipery, Millinery, at CUNXNINGHAM & LINDSAY‘8. Mastles, Mantles, Mantles, at CUNNIXGHAM & LINDSAY‘8. Plush Hate, Velvet Hat», Felt Hate,.at CUNKINGHAM & LINDSAY‘S. BER 20, 1666. TO THEIR CLOTHING ODEPARTMENT TREET, 10th November, 1866. i i omlgeg," â€" = â€" | SILK JACKETS, _ AND MaAXTHES, < || > y g in Quality and Price?kom ‘;$2.50 to $40 each D SEAL, ARRA, TINSPECTION)| INVTTEpDp. ESTABLISEHEI LN 1844 , November 1. wHITNEY, OK8, E VARIETY OF |FANCY‘ AR RLES nNO. 20, SPARKS STREET, ARE NOW EHEWING THE LARGEST sToOCK or TO BE FOUND IN ITHE CITY. THBE NEWXEST| DESsIoNs en m COn n eeF ut . ‘ W LS, MANTLES, & MILLINER CANADIAN DO., BROADCLOTHS, NO. 60, 8PARKS STREET, AXD MAXCP®CTURERS OF,; aND| DMALRR JS No, 14, Ridonau Strooet. UR STOCK IN THIS DEPARTMEN P POoPLINETTES, , BRADFORD;, & AJ BOU RG3, THLBET3, BTHIPED & CH i AXONY FLANNELS, « che Too NUNMEROUS TO MENTION description, © very low." Magee & Russe « nleo PL ArN CLOTH, PRESIDENT, ERDb * Aubad KED SKI ap." D# being now completed we lave much Ladies‘ and Gen @OODS, and §I1T1IO D Ottawa : of ARA & CO. MoUXNT 8T. en > SILK JACKETS, / INCLES, «from 16¢ per yd." ji, « good yalue." _‘ > THING. â€" ~Ottawa. », = cholice," s wear.!" llinery 278â€"6m 31!4m 2017 .. O !| | speam . | GHIL,ESPT e yat in gonformi I Hundred ~â€" | For the special f l sioanchule urosf â€" |_ 10 arp 20, Cornzne, Loxvox. f ins | w_«_â€"« "|GAPITAL |â€" . _ £2,500,000 8TG. Lwn' Y BUBSCRIBED. _ #"° pted on wood or.other buildings. ' | ~FRANCIS CLEMOW, * Aug. 10â€"200â€"3m | . :‘_.g‘iE‘.i Etreet. Ne FALL AND WINTER GOODS, AB8 NXOW MANUPACTURING a WINE CALLED Can an â€" Champagne! Wlll(.’ll 8 EXCELLE NT, and WHICH :/ they cansell at $3 PER DOZEN. Amatears «he have the wine, gonsiger it a very goou art.cle, and superior to what is supposed to be im s:rud. Hotetkeepers ad dealers in Wines woula rdwotttoodl on LAsOQUE & CO , and give them orders. . PM Bottles of e description, excepting oil bottles, wanted, udmpun’ per d:):on nfm giv en than by other party for the sume. .. __ TO HEIR HIGHNESSES the PRINCE of Wwules, &nd Prince Alfred,His Grace the Duke of| Neweastle, Lord Elgin, 8 r Edmu ond, Lora Monek, Right Hon. Earl 8t. Germ (‘, Bruce, Major Teesdale, Mujor Cowel!, and#gnite. English anti French Perfamery, Cutlery, Hair, Tooth, Nail and Shaving Brushos M Bansiey‘s Celobrated Razor Strop and Rasor Paste, 1n 3d to 5s. f Gontlémen‘s and Ladies‘ Wigs of all sizes and solors kept on hiknd, :0000 000 000 C c Ottawa, GILILESPIE, MOFFATT & CO, Witaws Ottaw®, 'u_‘yrlulng uil that isnew in tashion and #hade: 1TNEYBS not to be |urÂ¥uud: BEAVERS, PIâ€" LOTB, BLANKETS, CLOTHS, MELTONS, &0., &o. *. _ Also a choice selection of Tlll UNDERSIGNED, PROPRIEâ€" troas of d:r above umd\kflal, in returning thunks for the liboral pntmnur bestowed on hei husband, the late K. R. HAMILLTON, b'ï¬! le ive to inform her friends aud the public wenera I‘y that she intends cartying on the business us usual, and hahnes hyÂ¥ atantlon In wmumsFh tn‘ Ansmmin hh ansmuss As the propridtor of the above establishment has already p oved bis mbility ss a CUTTER, he i» prepured to muke to order his well assorted stook, in & way that wll {ln satisfaotion. * ty4g, Choap fur Cush,.> _ _ _ _ _ _ |. _ hopes by attentien to guests to deserve the support and patronage of the travelling xublh. he House is situated in the bost business porâ€" tion of the city; adjacent to the Railway Station w su-ubo-t&.uuh‘. :udmnf‘h the most deâ€" sirmble place in town for commercial men. L â€"_ |â€" MRS. PHOEBE HAMILTON. ;g' NOVEMBER 10, , 1 866. INSUBANCE ADVERTS | _ For saiek KR suj News And [ shall will favo CaANA PERS a Strict u: Commercial Unionâ€" Assurance Company, Roy English, Softch & Canadian Tweeds. Ottawa, Septon PHGENIX FIRE ASSUPANCE COMP‘Y <|. OF LONDON. Established in 1782. CIGAXR rious grades, | i Pure Virginia Leaf, * The Great Ottawa, Octol silfld‘ll HA HAMILLTON‘s HOTEL York Struet, Ottawa, C. W. Jhampagne Manufactured in Ottawa. LAROQUE & Co, CHURCH STREET 20,000 T O BAC C OS ! _ . . From 10 dtaup to $1.90 ote per pount. _ Alarge stock of English French and German AGENTS POR CANADA. $ II8 COMPANY HAVING INVESTED, in gonformity with,the Provincial Act, lundred Thousand Doliars, SAsVN N mn,lld:liOo}. «866. ts J A n Goods. New Goods G TOP DEPOT, TIONERY & BOOKS IR â€"CUTTERS | happy to waif on all his customers» and eu.lomozg‘ and as many new ones ns me wn% eall. DIAN, ENGLISH and AMERICAN PA d IA/&AZI.\ES kept coustantly on hand. 1NG PUR(‘II ASKD ALL THE ck of J.l,fl. BARBER, in the and | Periodical Business ! having added largely to the stock uf , Aug, 20. JUST RECEIVED aN ABSORTMEXT OP at the alCanadianBark une 21, TAWA AGENCY : Desbatite‘ Bnild.inï¬, T7 Sparks St. . P. HAYES, ‘ab. 12 ption paid to orders. cak Picture Framing done to order, ctuber 20. 2t 7/ '&% s { %3\ texzzx9 Opposite the Post Ofice h Briar, Gutta Porcha Pipes,&c. ccos, Cigars, FANCY Goops ecket Cigar Machine. , _ One of the novelties of the day, aber the Place, 264 Sparks Stmot, in cb i rHifis STRIIT â€". AND ToBacco DEPOT,. * , r 16. An excelient article for Smoking. and Briar Pipos, ber 21. TOBAQCOS. livered in 4 woeks from the day the JOHN G. IIMMERMAX, of Bparke and Metoaifo Stroots. _ i1 security of Policysholders | in Canada, : ‘coeg( Risks on Dwellingâ€"honses, J and Furniture, ard Geveral Merâ€" lowest current rater. BTY STORE! SPARKS STREET will be taken for a 1886. ze W. Crane, Ottawa,. opposite Ontarie Banks PERF U ME RS C. BANSLEY & CO. ZIMMERM AN PRIMYE AND CHOICE CIGARS just to nand of veâ€" No. 424 Sparks Street, JOHN DURIE; Agent Ottawa, No. 10, Sparks Stroot. * 4Tâ€"utt (G. M HOLBROOK, Ottuwa. The best in the city LAROQUE & CO. Proprietor. AND #i4y" / 4 ots ‘up to 10 ots. 254â€"y 280â€"3m 208v Acext. 157 J. ROOS. 258tf , FOR #ALE.â€"Lots 9 and 10 lake Bouth Side Sparks Street, mearly opposite the iot on which the new &lnk of Montreil is to be erected, and within uve minutes‘ walk ofthe othe» Banks. "Lote 9 and 10 on north side of Quoon Street in rear of the above. Faty A180, 23 ACRES OF LAND. ; In the 'l'owulhi[v of : Gloucester, situated absut hali a mile from Bil ? Bridge. This land can be sole en hioe or in lets of 5 acres. For further particulure, l.?gl{ to Praxots 1Â¥ punw wrea ;,_,\ 5 l“AB- FOR ‘SALE.â€"On A » io Hundred ‘and Ninety Acre» o !::nd, in the Tot;wx.h-r«l Nepom ¢ property ate * oke Soll sm}nuflum and Hnyu::’m uf which are cleared and in a good state of eultivaâ€" ion with good Dwelling fHouse,: Burn, aud other outbuildings thereon. This land is of the best éuuky. and situates seven milee from Otftaws City on macadamize« ro;: ltfm.lin; to lu::lmd. 5y the r further particulars a to undersignea TS PhiL ; WILLLAM GRABAM, # . JAMEE BEARMAN, Executurs of the Estate of the late George Beli $@0" Address Beli‘s Cornera P.O. m " RENT,»=â€"A â€" BAKE tX ] Hourse, with working utensils & with a good bouse and yard * stabling ; and a good run of ous omers ; also, for eale a good baker‘s wnï¬m, bore: ar4 barness. Possession Iu;mom-ulyi ent modâ€" erate.‘ Apply atthis office for particulars. Ou;ws.’?u{:o 28. P* 16itt * tauraut. . Possession immediate â€"FRANCI» t"l;}:i%z:" Ottawa, Feb. 10, 1866.. © / loakr > 'l\llA'l‘ VALUABLE PRO»« 4 & perty known as T. M. Blasâ€" & dell‘s Homestead, containing abput f ** Two Aores, bemitifully situated on the Oitawa River, being Lot Oue, North ::“\Wol- lington Street, City of Ottawa, with the Dwelling and outhouses thereon. Aunply to e e ies Ed . _ A large Two storoy Wooden Building, on the corâ€" wer of Muriay Streets. This House is lined wiw Brick, furnluflod with double doors and window» and Venctian Blinds. There is a large Kitchor «nd Shed attached, with Puu&a, Etables and othe Buildings in the yard. This House is well adaptes f_or a Store, Hotel, Boarding House, or private ; resiâ€" dence, _ * s For further particulars aj Ottawa, February 10. 1866 not.t L _ November mext, a sTONE DWELLING on Sparks Street, 4 containi« g seven roums and a good cellar. Rent moderate. i‘ur «rticulars apply to MRsS. }’REDEKICIFSPARKS. Pounnlon envix imâ€" he s Bummdiutsl.y‘;. A new Brick a ag . ilding on ter Streot, Sand) â€â€œ% Hill, cear the residence of fHow Maleolm:Cameron. This building contains Seve: Bedâ€"rooms, and is furnished with all modern imâ€" provements. oo amafaie t ns ot hpfxt * lpon SALE.«â€"That cligible vaeq‘ reporty known as WoopRockB, w owms by the Into C;gain Baker, rbenutimllz #ituated on the Rlehu.c.l.‘ Road, within five miles from Ottaw », oonumini 300 meres or therenbouts, bdm posed of the broken Lots 24 and 25 in 1st slon Ottawa, Front on N e?uu. Also Pew No. 62, in Christ Churéb, Ottaews. Forterms and particulars, apply to the Revd., Charles Forrest, Merrickville, or to LEWIS & PINHEY, We N0LET, ON CORNER Or k T n Airbl a9U Sobepe miteme, Bandy Hill, two dwellings, newly finished, tirst class _ Ong building cuntains Â¥ roums, and ‘kitchen: the othér 6 rooms and kitchen. ‘The promises are beautifully situatâ€" ed, and surrounued with shade trees. Rent modeâ€" rate. . For particulars. apply on the premires to _ +; CR FOR SALE.â€"â€"THE WEST»â€" orly oneâ€"third of Lot No. 27, i First &-uonlou Ottawa, Front ‘le pean, and Lote Nos. 26 and 28, in the sume Concession, at prosent in the mu‘pum« of Wm. T. Aylen, Esq For further partionlar Ottawa, Qotober 6. this office. + to sous «nd Wu,â€" Tnowsux, Nepean, and l.?le’-t P.xart. Barrister, Ottawa. _ Joiâ€"141â€"4f Te FQ. sALE OR TO LET. A ‘n‘plradld Farm, within thiee miles of the City of uUttawa, on th: % Thirs Concersion of «wloncester, sun taining 180 ucses, 120 of which are in the bighes "tute of cuhiv.tion. There are building» of abi kinds erected un the farm, besides a fine orchard, and everything conv: nient attached co the prowmiser Applicat on can be mude to the underaigned, or t« C. Â¥ Bainea, of Ottawa, solicitor. + <â€"___â€" ENOCH WALKLEY. . Foby 10, 1866. Uttawa, October 26. J. SMITE, ognmrrarm cA rac And bopes by strict attention to business to have a continuance of the patronage sw liberally bestowed on him before. Oftawa, September 15. 250y Bank St., Ottawan, IS AGAIN PREPARED TO MANUFACTURE all descriptions ot P('ILIC NOTICEISHEREBY él“l. that default having been mude in pay ment of the piincipal money ana in‘erest, â€"-5:-.4 in a mfr‘m made by J Ech â€"rf, of the Townâ€"hip Of Russe!l, in the of tussel!, yeoman, of the first part, and Ruch r‘ohuf.l{o wife, made a Bart and Jauses Reaymol the ame place, Buquire, ames Kea came ro, of the third par Ld’l‘ln.p Weet half of Lot nomber said Township of Ressell, and the Southwe«t quarâ€" ter dwmhil*hun in the sSecond Concesâ€" sion.of the aforesaid Township of Russeil, containâ€" Tug in ul‘ one bandred and fifly acrer, wore ar Teb N. B.â€"Possonsion given within at leust a month‘s antice. 44w3m Rebruary 10, 1866. of the third Er.cl the West half of Lot number Seventsen, in the Second Cononssion of the aforeâ€" will in pursuance of the power of sale contsined in the said "'s:mcnfln Pablic Apotion, 5.'-'-' rLe.t'Qu(on l: Eigin 'R::: ‘-n&t:'&.: Ottewa, on Friiay, the ninth day of Norember Owawa, on Friiay, the uloth day of November noxt, at tweive o‘clork, noon. * All soarches, deods and abstracts ‘will be at the mndï¬mm. * The said Michac!Sterenson will corenant against his own acts only. «_ .mmd PW James Keays to ‘Michael Stevenson, of wenccamen A FOR SALE 200 BBLS. MESS PORK D. Kreigh & Co., brand, (L‘Muï¬) 200 bbis, No. 1 strung supertine tlour. R. w.»inuncz, , Comntatssion Merchant, | _ Post Office Blook. FOI SALK,.â€"Lots 12 and 13, South Catheast Street; 20, 27 and 28, North Rideau Street ; 4 W ost Augustr Street ; 1 snd 2 East Chapel Streutâ€" ill in the City of Ottawa. Also, VILLA LWTS 10, 11, 12 and Il,bda rmof the South half of the front part of Lot ungtion Gore, Tomh‘tdulm. as laid 1 ow n the registered plan by George F. Austinâ€" ane n the registered plan by (George F. / tbor Clty. Lots ..3 I’Am’lz Lands. PAF® Money to Lend on Real Estate, ‘ebruary 10, 18bu. June 20, 1866 Otuwl Reptember 29 T ~~ To LkT, a nous#& cosnâ€" oh. . > taining nine rooms, on Ottawa Rtreet, south of Muthew‘s Hotel. _ _ Apply en the premises, to THOS, G. BURNS. Ottawa, September 20. > PEA ~ * Pant tm Yor., 100¢6. tw PORK AND FLOUKRK. 245â€"tf Apply to CAPRIAGES, SLEIGHS, &o., &c, FOR 8ALE OR TOoL BPOF SA Dwellings to Let. 'l\o LET A DWELLISG House, containthg Ten Rooms , in the Deâ€"barats‘ Bidck, Sparks Street. uext to Mrs. Trotter‘s Resâ€" Wu«-rl:o TO RENT,.«â€"â€" A smali Cottage, or two or three roome n?du‘s Kim*ea. in the central part of the city.! Apply at ce ds af® . n immediate, A‘.ngy to GSUISUK E. DEsBARKATS, 0 LET.â€"â€"FROM 18T OF ‘The said lands ana LEWIS & PLNREY, Barristers, &0., Ottawa, Queen‘r Priuter‘s Othce. 2i2f '}'P'fl ‘;’ O‘HANLY. ARCHIBALD KEYS. * ~ Barristers, Ottaws. aesigned by the said oo U ikk Cur of On the premises. City of Ottawa. FACTORY Bundy Hill, 46â€"utf Fall Goods! Fall Goods! Also, a cheite assortment of those fashivnable Frost Proof Whitneys ! '_hhj_b:!mn‘ to make up in the most #a isâ€" Tll! SUBSCKIBER TAKE® THIS OPâ€" poitunity of reurnirg thanks for the patruonâ€" age so liberally bestowed on him, and bexs to anâ€" uounce to his numerous customers and the puillic in general that be has just received a choice assortâ€" ment of 4 Fall and Winter Goods! Consisting of West of England 2ENNSYLYANIA ROCK CIL ! N.B.â€"Professional R=bos, Ridingt Habits, Mill~ tary Clothing, &e., &e., made to order. ___, 245â€"d . FDo-c Lead Stove Pulish, a uew and splenâ€" did article, very cbeap, * call and examine, Ottawa, Novenibor 2. Ottaws, Ortobar COOKING sTOVES, Amongst which are The 6 QUREEN CIT Â¥,**with resorvoir. .. The 4 CANADA COUK,* with elerated oven The + ROY AL,!! a good cheap Stoye. English, Seoich, Canadian and Bant:\burn Tweeds, BEROAD C:E‘O'I ES BIL& MIX+CiaKi BEAVER*A, PILOTsS, BLAXLKET®s CALL! CALLL! CALL!! CALL! CALL!! CALL! 1 aT THE OTTAWA shHIRT sTrou®: aAT THE OTTAiWA suHIRT SsTronk : tea only cevasctamemre t%B ONLY EOTARLISEMEN? * ;:_ Mign of the Anvil. PREPARE FOR WIN T ER Thomas Birkett Buecessor to Jas. Starke, Has now on hand a splendid lot o GROCERIES, TOBACCOS, &e. Fancy Double Stovcs 300 hf chests young HJyson Tea. 350 do Twankay doe 100 _ do _ Japans do« 100 do Gunpowder do. 120 do Imperiad do» AND a GENERZAL AAAORTWENT oP A large assortnent of A large assortment of NV Sn y cprtem af To Foat? Aapericnse. | _ UIFE, GROWTH ANO®BEAUTY o amany BeoprAveping. MRerenem if Tevaired | _ Mrs. 8. A. Allen‘s Worti‘s Please address to A. B., at the Post Ofice, Ottawae. | JJaip Restorer anu. Drcessâ€" AT 62 SPARKS STREET. FOR SALE YERY LOW, Ottawa, April 2, 1866. PLAIN AND FAXCY SHTRTE! PLAIN ANXD FAXCY SHIRT® : BM" Also, Collare, Fies, tcarts, @loves, Handkerâ€" whiefs, Aosiery, Wristbands, Braces, at 25 Spark» WV are desirous of obtaining situations a» RESIâ€" &l!fl' GOVERNENSES, or as h-d':n of Junior ) -‘Mw-"‘w“,o Academies. loï¬.:uammhc“ctmm Address, by W.“m J. or J. E., EX RL o * Oo. St. Maurice, Canade East. guw, Sninlge mt ‘Syus | beeiee ie timametn e s Burgoyue, idges and ‘Bquire ® Coupuar Br, Levpor. * y Mhourch T Hireittiy iess 6 Thrwert "buy 4 WA"IMO‘ vorso LAaDIE»® are desirous of obtaining situations a» RESI]â€" L 1@ BSUOR S way,. All having escaped the late duties. GREAT SEHGW Shelf and Heavy Hardware. $# CuUEAP FOR C ASs H. CA 4e JOsEPH PHELAN, 1THf 535 and 537 Paul Street Montrem Ottawa, July 27. The best and purest cil in this market. iX 100 puns. Highwines. %5 hhds. Gine 25 qr. caske Gin. 300 Green cases Gin. 800 Brandy do. 75 Champagne Green Seal, Axp a GEXFRAL 8Tt00r of DRUG®S, &6 FOR sSALlLG WHOLESALE & RETAIL, YERY TEHKICK. LAMPS Pharmaceutical Preparations, SPARKS STREET. Photographic S«sAries, EVEEY DESCRIP1ON or wWAaNTs 11 1f} %4, RIDEAU STRE&ET. Iebammaat 211y ; 3 P . _ BEACBA 4 00., 82 Sparks M_(‘)g_n.-n. THO® BEAMENT Where you will fnd Where you will fnd & ; 80â€"4f E$ Wines, Spirits & Liquors We are coustantly recaiving nnd;ï¬-dflhfl beautiful and delicious OOFFEE, romsted daily on ~ Dakins Patont Silver Cylinter By which.peculiar prosess, the aroma is preserved, , «pd rendors it the ravoRtTk wiTh aLL |CoPFRE SRSME ROBINSON & CO. would especi«lly oal the atâ€" tention uf familie» to their stock of ALLS, WINLE& SPIRITS R@" This is the finest luannm ~d, 5s per pound ; in small C abo uch.rw. | , « Withont oxom the fAmost Ooffee in the world."=â€"London Timer, Morch 16. ;. ‘ vUINXESS & CO BEWARE OF SP URIOUS IMITATIONX8, ZAP" As it is imported by no other firm in Cansada, Very â€" Choics and Superior BLOUDV‘s LuADUON sSTPUUT, BARCLA Y3 LvAaDUNX PORTELR, ALLSOP‘3 PALL ALb. © BASS EAaSTP DiÂ¥ DOWS CLLEBKATEL MONXTREAL ALE, DAWE SUPMQL UR LAcHINE ALK, DaW$B CELEBKATED PURTHEK « s10UT SJust Rececived from England ; ROAST HARKE. : CURRIED D0. > j JUuuED DO ; * STEWED Do. * * ROarT PHEAEgNTS, ROAST uupun. ‘_RuARTPARTRIDGE. AL GOODS DELIVERED FREK by our owe Waggons to uny part of the City daily, _ ° ROBINSON & CO. THE TEA POT, "*_ orfata. Establishmenteâ€"Eusses Et. and Rioean 8t Uitdwa, Beptember 10. _‘ _ ___ 880Â¥ > 100 cases Ctard Brundy, §0 . * â€" KNeultlti® . * > 150 * Mennessey, 15 * Aauiind Ningu«ls, We bave a most d«licivus NOW ON SALE A BAZii# IX AiD uF THE fl‘“ for the re b-lldurl .. Juies‘ o Hult, will be bela ( _ V.,) un tas 19th ani 10th DbCt MBE i neat. Contobutume will be thaukâ€" ully revesves by the lulu-lu"tuu-: 0_ l Rs. JOM «* TON, (Rev.) = _ Mcaal, «_ _ Jubke, H. J. MRS. TRL BIDGE, (netreshment Puble ) C.Cant, ‘uflcl.--iu.l. PARKTILE® MarinQ i .w-.ï¬a-mubu-au Into ALEXâ€" ANDER sCOTF are requestad to soud in the sume . * forth with to the undersigned > s ALIBON £OOTT, OOtto w a Mlio ‘Alln'l GLEKAT BOOKS : a ® «duw »l Munaged My MHuyse un 4200 a yoeur," @Momw.1 MA muged aty Cholguen tm Tnâ€" fancy to mustiage." w sundiy Magazine:or 1866 NOI‘I‘N‘MAI&"L"‘.‘ 1 6 D Bcas t KB & W «to the kiâ€"tate of the lnto ALbXANDEA SCUTT «re rqnhu': mwake immediate pay meut of their uccuuute tu cu-'t‘pu ALISON sCOTT Ortawa, Seytember 6 COFFEE ‘ [he Pure Mountain Berry. 1,000 . i52** t*coronk» 500 Che:t very choice and sunerior YTOUN@ HY8ON. | 700 Ch. »s Guod atrong TW ANKAT. 100 Chests old fuskioned! BREAKFAST ing invgigorate, atrengthen andlengthen the hair. They act directly upon roots of t/ie hair, supply roâ€" quired nourishmentimand natural color and beauty returns.* Grey hair dishpâ€" pears, bald spots are coypâ€" ered, hair stops falling, and luguriant growth is the reâ€" sult. Ladies and Childre» will appreciate the delighA ful fragrance and richk, glossy appearance impartâ€" ed to the hair, and no feuas of sotling the shin, scaip, or mast elegant headâ€"dress. . Depot 198 & 200 Greenwich $L. N. Y. dirs. Beoton‘s lu-ï¬g-l-u’d Vols, 1 to V1L Chaimbess‘ £nopglopedia, hich we are selling at 6 shil ings por galon. Ottnws, ©r*cher FRESH ARRIVAL Tiustrations of Beott‘sh Life, by Dev Roger». The Sparrow¢ines Papess. * MHaif Hours of Euglish etory, by Clas. Knight, Lopdon Poem», #y M"a ® The Tiger Prince,&y Dauitin. * T"M"W"’:.c"w, : Boupu w the W hoel, by Jubn cnuntert a _ # BOUCHONG. | 150 C»diles MANXDERIN MIXTURE OuUuBLlIN § 1: UT ! PRESEKVLV MEA‘1S. For sale by DiNNLK SHERRY, TEAS, ROBINSUN & CO, B & Z2A AFRL. RK W VOLUMEL THE TEA POT, & OTTAW A. JOUN.DURIE & 808, w10, Spnrks Stroot, Ar us