Ontario Community Newspapers

Ottawa Times (1865), 8 Nov 1866, p. 3

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HER IAJBS'IEE â€"THEATRE ! THE WORLDS FAVoRHNE *rROUPE Bownd . Oute From the St. Charles Theatre, N&w Orleans, Crowned with Lavze‘s and Immense Success. Having had the horor to to one of the laj e«t houses, (over $1,500), uw nqmgth_qu Auct at City uu‘ x C ROGERS® BEST (ITLERY|ror sa1E c "‘0 SALE, BY THE UNDERSIGNEDy, CIRD WOOD, SPLIT .SHINGLES, LAbâ€" DERS[und SCAXTLINGE. _ _â€"_____ _ â€"_| Oc | _ * @lassware, &c., . | . Jn THURSDAY, the Sth NOVEMBER, consisting of C C.â€"Blue Edged,â€"Painted, â€"I;nlml Cane W are, and a good assortment of Gr. R Catalogue» are crnd. Sale at TWO o‘c k ~ Mondreal, October 31 Cotte w CoU N Duprez & Benedict‘s MINSTRELS AND BRASS BAND of the burnt cork profession. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ CHARLES REPNOLDS. LEW BENEDICT and SUBSCRIZER BEGS LEAVE TO his friends and nfir-n that he has now his shop at the stand, Clarence Street, which wew lately destroyed by fire. Adjo and to I@f number siz, on the north sid§ of Sparks W ATCBHE®, Thursday and Friday Ev‘ngs., NOvYEMBER s AND 9, 1s6s. KRewrn of the ever Welcome and Famous BHILLY WEST ?no'noq-tflnd Comedians, "'w h t: their latest Novelties. â€" open at 7 ; to commence at 8 o‘clock. Cl 4o C ) CHAS. H. DUPREZ, Manager. Ottawa, November 6. *mwâ€"mn -.-m FOR 2 NIGHTS ONLY About 200 Packages of Urockery, | e it T PTF Mostreal, October 31 | @EXERAL GROCERIES, &¢., SATURDAY. 10th XOVEMBER, for| account of nmt Reuter, Lionais & Co. I Shie at NINE oclock. _ <â€"_ -Mgnfrvnl Trade(SMales| ____ ‘AUCTIONX SALES . ~* _ Be JORN LEEMING & Co. |EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE Ortaia, October 24 VAx'rto. Ponr scuooL %0o. i1, in the ‘I‘o'uhér of Nepean, a Male Teachâ€" I & Becond Class Diploma. Apply to the PORK AND FLOUR. fo At TEACHER WANTED. TY OF CARLETON, Y vIRTUE To Wik > % :Bd.'rkd Ven. and . Fieri Facias fot residde, issued Majesty‘s County Court, of the County of aud to me directed and delivered, agai and Tenements of J Brown, at Pinhey, and W Writ of for part, and Figri Fue for % ADE SALE OF R SALE 200 BBLS. M Llni‘fht Co., brand, (Chica hbis. No. 1 stronz superfine P urned Sherif‘s Sale of Lands. No. s l : & '!. e w v. Cavice. C ominiasion Merchant, Post Office Block and Desert Kuives, Meat and Game â€" Carvers and Kteels» % * i 4 | l 00000!0! Goop s1 RD.â€"â€"MRS®. TROTTER, OF THE | Hardwood, for sale i ronto House, can accommodate a few geirâ€" | M,Mnll if required. with roome and breakfast, or with full Apply to W. D. WO Can also take a tow day boarders. i8, Ride %, Novembe 1 RTo Ottawa, Ostober 11. LOCK®, â€" _ |â€" . ADOLPHE PINARD, Corner of Bolton and Dalhousie R * October 29. 26 ' oâ€"Plated Spoons and Forks. JUST FROM XNEW ORLEAX® Also a large collection of the best Grorer Hottragis, h m.,x;n:-. gfldul Trustees Jaxzs November 6. d4iwb 19i "ire. ol ©‘% "ire. mn"u : ; ce is hereby Courts of General er Sesgion®s ee and County Court, i for the raid Carleton, will be ho the Court the City of Ottaws, URBDAY, the y of December, 186 the fiur of ten of m., of which a‘l C T8, iff*, Conâ€" all others con uired to 1 govern the ves a ingly. AMVUVSEMENTS. And FANCY GOODS, YOUXG & RADFORD‘®, Practical Watch and Clock Makers, 30 Sparks Street, Ottawa. October 24. 2My A sAnk or | | Household Furniture I‘eas.'l‘obaccbs.\rd _ Morses, Carriages, &c. JEWELLER Y , Ainy office in the Cou , in the ‘a, 01 MONDAY , the. ‘day of . D., 1866; at the hour oftw@ive o‘clock, estate, right, title, thterzstEind equity ate Deres: & Gasers), CARLETON, y Jas. Bas JOHN LEEMING & €CC., â€" s + Auctioneers PATRICK BZENXAX, Blacksmith 6. 74â€"3 Jt Jas. Bailiz®, UX LEEMING & Co., OX ever known in the history ON FU&SER, in the C Auctioncers 275 td Sherif. at Public y Sherift. PORK * fule of the 20 per Cent. less than Cost. To close the Consignment. Those Stoves 1 guaranâ€" tee to the rltehu.r. Also a large number of second Cooking Stoves, Box Stoves, and Parâ€" lor Stoves, at low figures. Furniture. Furniture. Furnituré. A IIT u_n‘dfl:-ck Walnut and common Furâ€" niture ""i" on h All orders for manufactur ing progaptly attended to Further information may be obtained ‘of James Smith, Esq., previous to purchase, who will be I'oT-d on the premises previous to and during the sale. NStoves. Stoves. Stoves Tnn UNDERSIGNED HAVING REâ€" ceived a large consignment of first class CONKING STOVES, of various sizes and patterns, with low and elevated Ovens, will sell at Crockery, China and Glassware. LEATHER, TRUNKS SHOEâ€"F] WBoors ANB sH01 Of every description suitable for the cluding Bulf, Calf, Kid, Cloth and Fel 'PIlVA"l BOARD, WITH * comfortable accommodation, for perscns, can be obtained at MRS, J. McART Ottawa, October 20. COOKLING sTOVES, Rubbers, for Ladies‘, Gents‘ and Childfen‘d wear _ WHOLESALE AND RE IL» at _â€"G. HOWE &{SON; j 69 Sussex Street, and 10 Ri Street. Ottawa, Oct. 17,1866. (257â€"47atf 216y Ottawa, September 11. * Successor to Jas. Starke, Has now on hand a) splendiil lot of â€" Amongst which are . ‘ _ The 4 QUEEN CITY,**with reservoir. The # CANADA COOK,* with clevated oven The «6 ROY AL,** a good cheap Stove. Auso, llNlTA!T AND EXTENSIVE $A by auction of SURPLUS STORES, &c. #::gc assortment aind stock of HARDW Al subscriber has bh«- instructed by C ; s .. to sell by auction, at the Bona :zgi::qu TUESDAY, the 20th NOVEMB & fi? large and miscellaneous stock of SURP STORES, -â€"Uq‘:( ARDW ARE. Catalogues will pared, and the G may be examined on y, the 19th. “. particulars hereafter. Sale at ELEVEN o‘cleck.. ‘ JOHN LEEMING & CO., â€" f ; Auctioneet Montreal, November 3. 27264 NEW ELECTRUâ€"PLATED WA Ottaws, October 31. As the hotel was o':nod in May last, the Furniâ€" ture and Hotel Fixtures are all quite new, and barâ€" gains may be expecte¢d, as the whole must be sold. b TERMs OF SALE,â€"All sums under one. hun, dred dollars cash ; over that amount three month: credit will be given on approved endorsed paper. And other articles toonumerous to mention, * AT 0. WARDELL &:CO.‘S 24, SPARKS® STREET, OTTAW A. Side Dishes, Cruet Fram« Tea Sots, Baskets, Waiters, Butter foolc LiquorFramos, Pickle Fram Auction Sales every Evening. Where t ill sell at public auction iA w.'-p-'-’c'-'.t. o seeql __ "‘"* stt 2 "<_ it ~ . ~O WARDPELL #60. ..‘.' Particular aitention paid to the npurl -n-hanrh‘ 4?11-.-'. E. K. MacGILLIVRAY & Co. s Watchmakers and Jewellets. DE Y GoOoOoDps|! JCA XCTNYVCGOOOPD®S C HINA SE TS! {Da.o Lead Stove Polisb, a new and splenâ€" article, very cheap, Call and examine; * Ottawa, November 2 Grand Trunk Railway Company rl\nl CANADA (LATE CHAMPAGNE» Hotel), having been rented to Government, th proprietor hasinstructed Mr. Rowe to sell the whol of this large hotel furnishings by public auction, 0 SHEFFIELD HOUS Momnday, 209th of October Sign of the Anvil. © PREPARE,F_(_)_R WINT ER Thomas Birkett Fancy Double Stoves VERY THICK. VARIETYâ€" HALL, Shelf and Heavy Hardware. Private Boarding I:touse. zs Sale to commence each day at 10 o‘clock, a KO. 34, SUSSEX STREET, "READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING, AND A TREMENDOUS SLAUGHTER OF A large and excellent assortme No« 54, §USSEX STREET. WwWOoOoD! wWoOoDb the premiges, commencing on NEW AUCTION ROOMs | A. ROW E, Auctioneer and Commission Agent. AND FOLLOWING DAY3 EYERY DESURIT!OX OP EVERY DRSCRIPTIO®] #4, RIDEAU STREET. A \2Mly AT THE AT TWY OP W. D. WoOoD, i8, Rideau Street 424 Clarei ED ! 00oD AND NDINGS, s MR six or seven IUR, 2 A P ! ASONED lots to swit, "AGNE* N ic dn uh ol ifi c tains oc icb aty ut dricatn uie cumtlithet ob ce ht t 1 . i Millinery . Goods, Manties ade Jackets ! AR, 08 44 "Is admitted to be the largest in the City. , GARLAND,MUTCHMOR & CO. "BLACK DOEYKINS, y SILK MIXTURE OF COATINGS, Do. do. TROWBERINGHS, j BEDFORD CORDS, ; CHAUDIERE ‘I'Wlfi. BANNNOCKBUKN Do., HALIFAX DO., KERSEYS, i FLANNELS, WINTER PASHILO AT | 1 Â¥ | The Shawl, Mantlie, and â€" They would call particular attention, as they have now on hand every novelty of eut an Â¥eadyâ€"Mades, that is fashionable for the season, and as their stock is large and varied COMPETITION. . gonkeirs * Bs mcuge Wt n mav ie | w‘ OTTAW A, October 22. READYâ€"MADE CL I « ho BLLL‘R AND COLORED SILKS, «excellent value." ~ > FKENCH MERENORS, « voriohsp." | RUBIAX AND EMPRESS CLOTHS, «t niee GooÂ¥s." FANCY STRIPED POPLINETTES, " tashionable." e dLASGOW, BRADFORD, & ABERDEEN W I COBOURGS, TULBETS, & ALPACCAS STRIPED &)CHECKED SKIRTI LANCASHILRE, WELSH & SAXONY FLANNEAS, « cheap." 4 * COTTON GOODS, of every description, « very low." C CLOTHS, from all the best manufacturers, « for . Ladies‘ an fleulleumy{wur." * * SHAWLS, MANTLES, & MELLINERY GOODS, and | > A LARGE VARIETY <OF FANCY ~ARTICLES f (LA BUSSEX STREET, OTTAW A, Octob They would call particular attention, as they‘haveo now on Gand every novelty of eut pattern in Â¥eadyâ€"Mades, that is fashionable for the season, and as their stock is large and varied they DEFY COMPETTITION. . 4 ¢ | » ‘}_ ‘They are also prepared to take orders for Clothing, which they |gusrhntee to make up in the 1 styles and fashion, and as they are under the superintendence‘ of experienced cutte~s, rhey are WARRANTED TO FIT. | A t | PLLOTS, BEAVERS, _ . PETERSHAMS, . DEVONS, wWHITNEYS, IRISH FRIEZE, CANADIAN Do., Â¥ BROADCLOTHS, in all the ;:w;tiiu:hh ~ SHAW LSâ€"As usual our stock is 'mfi and completa, with the Iatest hovelties of the menson. A full assortment of LACE GO0008, RTBBONs, VELVETS, COLLARs, TTES, BUTTONS, PLoMW. ERS; TEATHERS, NUBIAS, HOODS, GLOVES and HOSIERY. | | $ Sparks Street, CUNNINGHAM & LLINDSAY, ALEX. DUFF. Varying in Quality and Price from $345° to $40 each. CEA MN‘C .A O?M]E]AI}A c : CCJ., Importers of Ilryolf Goods. IX COLORED SEAL, SATARRA, _ OTTAW A, September 12 CLO‘THS AXND CLO[CEHHING. London and Paris Winter Fas BLACK and COLORED SILKS from the cheappst to the best to ln-.l'uf d in the Me nu:.g‘cn MERINOES from 50 eonulror {‘lld. GLASGOW, ABERDEEN and BRADFORD WINCIES ow/y 199 certts per yard COBOURGS, THLBETS and ALPACCAS from 15 to 75 cents per yard. GREY COTTONS, from 10 to 17 cents per yards, PRINTS, fast colors, from 15 to 20 cents per yard. . ‘ P o oo o P Eid 1 .\‘uoly. Welsh, Lancasbhire, and Canadian FL&NNELS, as cheap ur they can be sold. 300 pairs GREY AND WHITE BLANKETS, splendid value. « (‘RIWAND EATH BLANKETS, very nice. % l SH A W LSâ€"As usual our stock is lne and completa, with the Iatest ovelties o‘l' m:u w1 Our BCOnE ts TEEgo m COmep® M ns NOR T SS mevie drvemane OCTOBER 29, 1866. OTTA W A, November 1. UR STOCK OF FASHIONABLE PRY u0008 being pleasure in inviting inspection of the following choice (Goods, vis. BONNETS THAT ARE PERFECT GEMS, copled from real LONDON and PARIS PATTERNS, rn® yow orrEring a naror anbh weurâ€"sEut GQODS, which they will sell CHEAP FOR CASH. , Velvet Jaékets, Cloth do., Lambskin flo., at CUNNINGI Millinery. Millinery»Milliners; atCUNNINGHAM & LIKD8SAY Dress Goods, Dress Goode, Dre«s Goo«ds, at CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY‘S. + }’luin:'winseyfi, AStrip’ed Win?e_n, FancyWinseys, at CUNÂ¥INGH AMA LINDSAY‘S. Skirting, Skirts, iin )lemm, Silk and Wool, at CUNNINGHAM & lJ*DSA\"S. 4 Frenth Merino, French Sler_iuo, French Merino, at CUNXNINGHAM & LINDSAY‘S. Flannels, Flannels, Flannels, at CUNNINGHAM &LINDSA Y‘S. j Â¥ Mantles, Mantleâ€", Mantles, at '(‘|'N.\f:l.‘t(3|l,\.\( & Ll.\'l’*:‘\\"-\'. Wool Shaw!s, Chemlle Shawls, Fil Plush Hat«, Velvet Hat® Felt Hats, uli';('l'.\'.\'].\'(il‘!A.\l Fuancy Silks, Black Silks, Plain Silks,‘& CUNNINGHA Flowers, Feathers, and Fancy B“""m'v at ('I")'.\'l.\'(‘-"‘fl)( & LIND8SAY‘S. DRESS GOODS ! Carpettings and House Furnishings eflumy. Cheap. io GqARLaAND, MUPCHMOR & TO‘THEIR CLOTHING DEP GRANT draxt GRANT GrRaNT GRANT GRaNT GRAXT GRANT GRaNT GRaAXT GRANT GRANT GRANT ESTABLISET WILITNEY, ARE NoWw sSHEWING TIE , LARGEsST sflwu or TO BE FOUNIY IN THE GIHTY. THE NEWEST DESIGNS & HEXDERSON are showing cheap DRESS GOODS. | & HEXDERSON are showing cheap WINCIES.. | & HENDERSON are showing cheap SKIR|[INGS. & HEXDERSON are ghowing cheap FREKCH u:nn«L & HEXDERSON arc showing cheap ELAÂ¥NXELS. l & HENDERSON are showing cheap HOSIERY. > | & HEXDERSON are showing cheap RIBBDNS. . | & HENXDERSON are showing cheap HOOP SKIRTsS. °| & mcxm:uspx are showing cheap BLANKETS. | | & HENDERSON are showing cheap TWEEDS:. _ , 1 & "ENDER”:ON are) showing cheap MANMNLE ('A'L('b'l‘llfl,‘l‘ & HEXNDERSON are showing cheap OVERCOATINGS. | & HENDERSON are showing cheap SHAWLS. & VELVETEEN JACKET®, ___ _ AND MANTLES, SEHHTOW . ROOM AND MAXNUFACTURERSâ€"OF, ANI} DEALKL NO. 20, SPARKS sTRE Largest stotk in Ottawa of No, 1â€"4, Ridenu Street OUR STOCK IN 'rfus DEPARTMEN TOO NUMEROU® TO MENTION, " % ’V Magee & THBH cOTTPA W Aâ€"OITTL p 17 PE JAS. BROUGIH & CO.) N ) EN DERSON, hss > se n t â€" BLANKET® Led Shawls, at CUNNINXGHAM & LIND8SAY O‘MEARA & CO. COATS, MOCCASINS, BUCK, | > BAGS, LINEX, ‘ _| Do., TRANVELLING, 4 COTIHONES, STRIPED, ; +, | BLUB, f Do., __ GREY, + + |! TRUNKS, | _‘ VALISES, PANTS, VESTS, TN 1844 SHILRNTS, niqw. complet RA WERS, SMOCKS, $00Ks, AM & LINDSAY‘S IN RTMEN THING ! TED STOCK OF DRY UNT ST. BRRNARD, SILK JACKETS, t in the Markat CLES, * l'rmu}.‘u- per yd." " good value." ‘GS, * choige," / .‘ * & LINDSAY Tinussell. TINDSAN‘S Millinery CJ hions ! * MITTS, WOOLLEN Do.° BUOK, 1 we have much taws.| & CO. 210y 2114m 57â€"6m 2iut t) Offic Gen sloiy hoye Otts w , Fob. 12, 1866 v%x’ttn'rv sTORE! | 6, SPARKS STREET. wlgl' or me with a call. _ _ ANADILAN, ENGLISH and ‘AMERLCAN PA PERS/and MAGAZINES kept coustantly on hand Strict Attention paid to orders, N. B.â€"Pipture Framing done to order. Ottaw#, October, 20. 260â€"3m RC INSURANCE ADVER"I‘S3. Is id chand Ne SrATIONERY & BOOKs, L. shaJf be happy to wait on all his customers, and en myjold eystomers, and as many new ones as Bruc En Toott Co CAP PIRE ASSURANCE COMP‘Y GILLE o tion and shra Ch LA‘ Aug. 19â€"200 1 H1 For t Pu Tobaccos, Cigars, | FANCY GOODS f Meerschaum Briar, Gutta Percha Pipes,&c. From 20 ets up to $1.50 cts per pound. . CIGARS,.......................... from 2 ots up to 10 ots. J40" Orders will be taken for a new musical Cigar stand, delivered in 4 wooks from the day the | | _ Corner of Sparks and Metcalfe Streets. Ottawa, June 26.+ P, 16 T O BAC C O $ ! ‘O Ottawa, A ARR NOW MANUPACTURING a WINKE CALLED anadian â€" Champagne ! HICH IS EXCELLENT, and WHICH they gansell at$3 PER DOZEN. â€" Amateurs o have d the wine, consider it‘ a very good wat, orm he tends by al atrona e House f the cil team le place have d the wine, consider it‘ a very good e, and buperior to what is supposed to be imâ€" . _ Hotel keepers and dealers in Wines would ell tocall on LAROQUE & CO., and give them rscha ROQU Roos ris given GAl THEILR HIGHNESSES the PRINCE Wales, and Prince Alfred, His Grace the of Newcastle, Lord Elgin, S r Edmund Head, ‘Monck, Right Hon. Earl St. Germains, Gen. , Major Tecsdale, Major Cowell, and Suite. lish and French Perfumery, Cutlery, Hair, , Nail ind Shaving Brushes. ‘ f ~â€"BansJey‘s Celebrated Razor Strop and Razor , from J s 3d to 58. . emeri‘s and Ladies‘ Wigs of all sizes and kept on hand. h + arge k of English‘ French and G.ms‘n awa, Ang. 20. i ~. W08yr : * grades. e Virgi os, want an by a 0.0 AIR â€"CUTTERS | ra, Sept awa, 18 lish, Scotch & Canadian Tweeds, Great W A, Jun ya â€"De & J> "l"l‘ VING . PURCHASED ALL THE tock of J. M. BARBER, in the and â€" Periodical Business : d haying added largely to the stock of Ioionq;rnilityiwlth the Provincial Act, } in Canada, rred|to lc(?er Rirks on Dwellingâ€"houses, old Goods and Furniture, and General Merâ€" e at the lowest current rates. JOHN DURIE, Agent Ottawa, . No. 10, Sparks Street. Febi. 12, 1866. . i 47â€"utf ndred Thousand Dollars, e n;‘ed.l security of Pnlle’yalmhl'r. Risks gecepted on wood or other buildings. m t rcia Union Assurance Company, Oot 19 axp 20, Cornmnt, Loxpo® ‘OF LONDOX. XWYAX AGExCY:: ICanadianBank barats‘ Building, 77 Sparks St. ‘ M. P. HAYES, Opposite the Post Oflice 1i that is new in tashion and shade : to be surwaod; BEAVERS, PIâ€" NKETS, CLOTHS, MELTONS, &e., &c. V E MBE BR S, SPIE, MOFFATT & CO, rENTS FOR CANADA, : )MPANY HAVINGINVESTED, rietor of the above establishment has ed his .bilit{ as a CUTTER, he is ake to order his well assorted stock, iblished in A OHOICE ASSORTMENT oP + .â€" _ £2,500,000 8TG. FULLY SUBSCRIBED. | > oods. New Goods T RECEIVED AN ASSORTMENTIOP ND WINTER « GOO0DS, ILTON‘S HOTEL }reet, Ottawa, G. W. runmnsmxzn, | PROPRIE» the above named Hotel,.in returning e liberal patronage \bestowed on her lat# R. R. HAMILTON, bor aint friends and the public generally that rrying on the business as usual, and tien to guests to deserve the support of the travelling public. is situated in the Lest business porâ€" y ; adjacent to the Railway Station tt&nding. rendering it the most deâ€" in town for commercial men. . > MRS. PHOEBE HAMILTON. +m rge W. Cranso, will give satisfaction p for Cash. te Manufactured in Ottawa, & Co. CHURCH STREET s of every description, excepting oil il, and one penny per dozen more givâ€" y other party for the same. _ __ _ . ZIMMERMA N mber 21 Pocket Cigar Machine. One of the noveltigs of the day mber the Place, * 26) Sparks Streot, Nes Iso a choice selection of er 16 KS STPREIET * _ An excellent article for Smoking. i and Briar Pipes» / in Leaf» TOP: DBEPOT PHCENIX TOBACCOS JOHN (. ZIMMERMAN, AND TOBACCO DEPOT, us Ottawa, opposite Ontario Banks . PERFU MERS C. BANSLEY & CO. FRANCIS CLEMOW, //+ Agent, Elgin Street. DEALER (N PRIME AND CHOLCE CIGARS just to nand of vaâ€" No. 421 Sparks Street, G. M. HOLBROOK, ‘_ Ottawa The best in the city LAROQUE & CO, AND Proprietor. 1 s *> 259â€"Â¥ AqRXT. 157( J. ROOS. 256tf 160# & Lxur ~ 0 LET, A HOUSE COKN= fls '.,:‘* T taining nine rooms, on Ottajra L Street, south of Mathew‘s Hotel} Apply en the premises, to . | 1 THOS. G. BURNS _ Ottawa, September 29. 2M2Ff ] 4. 4 lant ~~ 10 RENT.«â€"â€"A (BAKE ‘ “s:‘ 9\ '.I. Mouse, with working utensils, 6 with a good house and â€" yard, JA â€" stabling ; and a good_run |of cusâ€" omers ; also, for sale a good baker‘s wagon, horre ard harness. â€" Posseasionimmediat»ly. int modâ€" â€"erate. Ap}:ly at this office for particulars. | _ Ottawa, June 26. 161tt * ALSO, 23 ACRES OF LAND. In the Township of Gloucester, situated ab a mile from Bill[:ng- Bridge. This land car en bloc or inlets of 5 neres. For farther particulars, .HK to FRANCIs CLEMOW, ESQ bast Agermet <tw OR SALE.««That eligible h 4) F Euperty known as WoopRroors, owned by the late Captain Baker, beanutifully situated on Â¥: Richmond Road, within five miles from Ottawa, contllnini:wo meres or thereabouts, beihg comâ€" posed of the broken Lots 24 and 25 in 1st Conces sion Ottawa, Front on Nepean. Also Pew No. 62, in Christ Church, Ottawa. For terms and particulars, apply to the Revd. ‘Charles Forrest, Merrickville, or to | LEWIS & PINHEY, s % l‘wn $ALE.â€"Lots 9 s‘ ~ul im Bouth Side Spartks nearly opposite the lot on the new K:nk of Montreal erected, and within five minutes‘ walk of th Banks. Lots 9 and 10 on north side of Quee in rear of the above. Ottawa, Fob. 10, 1866 «eedeieeee® Bell One Hundred and Fifty Acres of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivaâ€" ion withâ€"good Dwelling House,. Barn, and other outbuildings thereon. This land is of the best quality, and situated seven miles from Ottawa City on macadamized road l.i"diln. to Richmond. j Ihe uhd For further particulars apply to the undersigned. wans ° JIU';IN BELL, WILLIAM GRAHAM, JAMES BEARMAN, Executors of the Estate of the late George Bell. $A Address Bell‘s Corners P.Q. * . Juno 20, 1866. 156â€"tf C [xg TllA’l‘ VALUABLE Alnpain 3: .. ) perty known as T. M [ raat?} dell‘s Homestead, containir Prmepâ€"s Two Acres, beautifully sit the Ottawa River, being Lot One, North sid lington Street, City of Ottawa, with the I and outhouses thereon. Aunly to i | d d f POS'E“IOH GIVEN IM» pa ud mediatle,::y. A new Hri;k â€"ui #23 tin/2,5°_ Building on Besserer Street, San \iies "PEALs Hiill, nenr the retidente of llun’. Maleolm Cameron. This building contains Seven Bedâ€"rooms, and is furnished with all modern imâ€" provements. ht t e( + hgl Fon SALE,â€"â€"THE WEST+ i eréy oneâ€"third of Lot No. 27, in First Concession Ottawa, Front Neâ€" pean, and ‘Lots Nos. 26 and 28, in the same Concession, at present in the occupation of Wim. T. Aylen, Esq. For further particulars apply to Jsou® and Wa. Tnowso, Nognn, and Lawis & P:xiey, Barrister, Ottawa. _ Jo2â€"141â€"tf taurant. . Pospession immediate. Apply to s UGEORGE E. Dl-ZSlIMItATs.. . Queen‘s Printer‘s Office Ottawa, September 29. 22 Ottawa, February 10. 1866 .ms.mdy Hill, two dwellings, no finished, first class. One build contains 9 Tooms, and kitchen: the other 6 and kitchen. ‘The premises are beautifully si ed, and surrounded with shade trees. â€" Rent m rate. For particulars. apply on the premises to ARCHIBALD KE\'P’ Ottawa, October 6. 248tf T 'l‘O LET,.=â€"FROM 18T rag 5 November next, a STO DWELLING on Sparks Str ~3_ containing seven rooms and a g cellar, _ Rept moderate. For particulars apply MRS. FREDERICK SPARKS, | 2M5â€"tf (n the premises Feby 10, 1866. this office ind +. ce Fon sALE OR TO LET. +. A -cplendid Farm, within three f miles of the City of Ottawn, on the id Third Concession of Gloucester, conâ€" taining 180 acres, 150 of which are in the highest state of cultivation. There are buildings of ail kinds erected on the farm, besides a fine orehard; and everything convenient attached to the premises. Application can be made to the undersigned, or to ¢. {: Baines, of Ottawa, solicitor. ENOCH WALKLEY. N. B.â€"Possession given within at least a month‘s notice. 44w3m ~~J. BM ICTEL, CENTRAL efl FAC And hopes by strict attention to business to have & continuance of the patronage so liberally bestowed on him before. Yebruary 10, 1860 art of ‘the South half of the front part of Lot 20, s‘unetion Gore, Townhlgofdlwmmr. as laidd own in the registered plan by George F. Austinâ€"and other City Lots lns Farming Lands. Z@~ Money to Lend on Keal Estate. Apply to % LEWIS8 & PINHEY, Barristers, &c., Otawa. NOTI(‘E.OONOTI(‘E IS HEREBY GIV= EN that no receipts for moneys or goods, or orders for goods, in the name ,of the undersigned, will be considered legal after thi dm,ewofi when issued by JOHN 1'. ESM lhE. JO8. R. ESâ€" MONDE, and their agent, JOHN ESMONDE, Sz., or by special order trom them. _.______ _ _ Ffll( SALE.â€"â€"Lots 12 and 13, South Cathcart Street; 26, 27 and 28, North Rideau Street ; 1 West Augusta Street ; 1 and 2 East Chapel Strectâ€" all in the City of Ottawa. Fe Also, VILLA LOTS 10, 41, 12 and 13, belng February 10, 1866 18 Ottawa, October 20. 1561 the said mortilg. deed be sold by Public Auction, at the Law Office of Messrs. Scott & Ross, on the Corner of Queen and Elgin Streets, in the City ot Ottawa, on Friday, the ninth day of November next, at twelve o‘clock, noon. k G All searches, deods and abstracts will be at the expense of the purchaser. €+ 5/ «n The said Michael Stevenson will covenant against his own acts only,: w * W, A. ROSE, Ottawa, September 29 For funho* pnniedlm a Ottawa, September 15 © Dated 1st Nov., Bank St., Ottawa, AGAIN PREPARED TO MANUFACTURE CABRIAGES, SLEIGHS, &c., &c., FOl SALE Oll TO LET. PTOEF SALE. Dwellings to Let. WAN'I‘ED TO RENT. A small Cottage, or two three rooms and a Kitchen, in { central part of the chyo. ',A?plj‘ 09 .6 'l\() LET A DWELLING House, containing Ten Rooms#, in the Desburats‘ ‘Block, Spatks Btreet, next to Mrs. Trotter‘s Resâ€" 'l‘() LET, ON CORNER ¢ Wilbrod and Nelson stre all descriptions of Solicitor for Michae! Stevenson ., 1866. 270â€"8 4+BWIS & PINHE Barristers, &e., 0 46 Barristers, Ottawa. ESMONDE BROS. 260tf to P. O‘HANLY. Sandy Hill. 46â€"utf ()n the premises City of O« FACTORY! Lt# 9 and 10 PRO#= Street, which is to be dther Street welling . Blasâ€" g about ated on o Welâ€" d w ®, dtf ut halt be sold a W A. uth nt ly ng he at Also, a cheite assortment of those fashionable Frost Proof® Whitneys ! which he is prepared to make up in themost satisâ€" tactory manner * N.B.â€"Professional Robes, Riding Habits, Miliâ€" tazy Clothing, &c., &¢., made to order. _ 245â€"d . Are of the most bemutiful and varied assortmend ‘and not to be equali¢d in the city. pe Theâ€"trade supplied at low rates. . Fall and Winrter Goods! ESMONDE BROS. TO THOSE W ANTING A GOODCLE A Jt OIL, we would say we hare the best, free from flnnll. n!ld _'l{l’lnlod nonâ€"explosive, (known from Are from the champ stoves.on bhand. Tun SUBSCKIBER TAKES THIS OP= i portunity of returning thanks for the patronâ€" age/so liberally bestowed on him, and bezs to anâ€" nounce to his numerous eustomers and the public in gengral that he has just received a choice : ssortâ€" BROADQLO’I‘J;â€".E$ BEAVER®, PILOT®, BLANKETs hélkh Seotch, Canadian and Bannockburn Tweeds, Pyrometer test) Othawa, October 27. 300 hf chests young Hyson Tea., 350 do Twankay do« 100 do Japans d:- 190 do Gunpowder doe 120 do Imperial do. AXD A GENERAL ASSORTMENT or CALL! CALL!I! CALLII a CALL! CALLI!I CALL! 1 * 3 | aAT THE OTTAWA SHIRT sTORE: | AT THE OTTAWA SHIRT srORE: THR ONLY ESTABLISMMENT TYE OXLY ESTABLISHMENT . \ / Competent wo STOVE PIPING E.. WY AL. P â€"C) GROCERIES, TOBACCOS, &c, A large assortment of .‘ , A large assortment of Ottawa, October Fall Goods! Fall Goods ! } PLAIN AND FANCY sHIRTS! 1 PLAIN AXD FANCY SHIRTS : | fl"ho, Collars, Pies, Scarfs, Gloves, Handkerâ€" shiefs, Hosiery, Wristbands, Braces, at 25 Sparks WAI'I'ID.-A Situation in a General Etore by lrnon of 20 years‘ expérionce. Speaks French and English ; also thoroughly unâ€" derstands Bookâ€"keeping. References if required. Please address to A. B., at the Post Office, Ottawa. %_‘n‘;‘,{;‘Mfi’é‘f‘%‘.‘,“h“{u;:ffl,,?fi;qsm;fg: | LIFE, GROWTH AND BEAUTY ie sides n t Is in Faconfutttens. | â€" Mrs. 8. A. Alten‘s WortiPs | Ottawa, July 27. _ 1884 | Hair Restorer. and Dresaâ€" \ “;;:'_-T;;‘ o‘;"w“ l“‘f';m'u! ing invigoratt, strengthen mmggmfibwinin‘;im.:‘m;.;s‘g‘l_ 1 and h‘ngthe’n t]‘-c hair. M gnpil.,..nhorwguher,o;::p?u:l‘;,i;r..k:fldfl':'::: act l’ltl'l’f"lll «pon the roots x;l::;’m:;pll:;;wm:;m:&zfi::ml.hcflulem ie of the hair, I“lpply"w Pe=â€" ... .. s h on J feo Yingss kivens, | quired nourishment, and (ilaws, Aprit z'm‘fi’:'-&"'""“'C“‘,;‘o'{l}‘"‘-.i natural color and beauty Aem tm memmatnmmmmmemmenmnemmnnememenaese | returns. G"‘O' M"' d“ap' f | : | pears, bald spots are covâ€" . DRUGS, &(‘}- ! ered, hair stops falling, and [+ Pharmacentien! Preparations, . | | luxuriant growth is the reâ€" hmmnrfh Patent Medicines | #WI4â€"_ Ladies and Children * Thop: Fittings, 7 Pouloous: | will appreciate the detight [ _ . mew & Clo:, ‘ ;| ful fragrance and rich, ? ‘m"x ; _c“"‘"'-,m | glossy appearance impartâ€" | Medicine Chests, Oilme‘t Sort. | ed to the hair, and no feas [* "Tdmainke," * sumane. | of soiling the skin, scalp, or Snrml Instrume I *Fittings, Dn:. $ } Glassware, : | Medicine Chests | : Storakeopors 4 dn edatitor & : Thirty thousand i . most e m. jee . mar f ph‘lc.!'t,h above torv.srdod.’ 8 m Burgoyne, Burbridves and Sanire. | | Depot 198 & 200 Greenwich St. N. Y. Burgoyne, LLQ V O S . OU R LAMPS No Inferic %ap,. All having efcaped the late dutics. | | JOSEPH PHELAX, 17.f 535 and 537 Paul Street Montrea WAK'I‘ID.â€"'I‘WO YOUNG LADIE® are desirous of obtaining situations as RESLâ€" ENT GOVERNRSSES, or as Teachers of Junior upils, cither together, or separately, in Aoademies. To?hoiuo(plm,whflhor.i?Csnad:orinuuBmzn. ddress, by letter, stating particulars, | J. or J. E., 1PHKEK RLVERS, f Co, St. Muurice, Culd: Rast. ttawa, April 2, 1866. 811. â€"‘ PREPARE FOR IT BY BUYING AT T’u-‘ best and purest oil in this market,"%>5 I| BEACH & 00., 800 Red _ do . do. 800 Brandy de. 500 Claret do. 75 Champague Green Seal. ; AXD a GENERAL 8700Â¥ or a ALS@ 100 puns. Highwines. 25 hhds. Gin. 25 qr. casks Gin. * FREAT SEHOW _LAMPS COLD wWEATHER. RSALE VEWfY LOW, FOR $ALE CHEAP FOR CA SH. 6T WHOLESALE & RETAWL, 62 8 Consisting of. West of England Phi tical Preparations, l m;fik Sundries, | Instruments, .. Patent Medicines | on / K Inubea | SPARKS® STREET. Burbridges and Squire: |.. BSP¢ 598 & *uo nc John Roberts, W. & Cu.uu.ll.,w.ox. 220y | “.J’?fim, n"F. Sinner ‘:l % BILK MIXTURES, W ANTS. r Artitcles Kept. rkmen ever ready to do â€" , JOBBING, ETC., RPC. ESMONDE BROS., 43 Sparks Street, *)Nmm Ontario Bank Iv on makers, overy aize of goo MELTONB, sSTOV ES â€"â€"ATâ€" 62 Sparks Street, ‘lib:uw- Where you will find Where you will find ly 7» ROBINSON & CO, would especially call the at tention of families to their stock of ALES, WINES&SPIRITS . uUINESS & CO JSust Reccived from England : ROAST HARE. CURRIED DO. / . JUGGED DO. ® STEWED po. ROAST PHEASAXTs, ROAST GROUSE ‘ROAST PARTRLDGE. ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE by our owe We are constantly receiving supplies of this trcly benutiful and delicious COFFREE, romtef daiy on our premised by â€" Â¥ By which peculiar process, the aroma is proserved, and renders it the FavoRITE TTR ALL CoPPRE DRINEâ€" _ ROBINSON & CO. THE TEA POT oTraAW a. Establishmentsâ€"Sussex St. and Ridean Et. Very Choice and: Superior The Pure Mountain Berry We have a most delicions BLOGONS3 LONXDON sSTOUT, * BARCLAYS LONXDOK PORTER ALLSOPS PALE ALE.* BASS‘ EAST INDIA. pOWS CELEBRATED MONTREAL ALK. DAW‘S SUPERIOR LACHINE ALKE. DAW‘E CELEBRATED PORTEK & srOUT each, 4s 9 * Without exee;_uiou the finest « world."â€"London Tiges, March 16. # Wines, Spirits & Liquors Waggons fo any part of the City daily. A BAZAAR IN AID OF THE FUNDS for the n»hildilc'o( Et. James‘ Church, at Hull, will be held (D. V.,) on the 19th and 20th DECEMBER next. Contributions will be thankâ€" ully received by the l‘ollw%hduo: MRS. JOHNSTON, (Rev.) " _ McNAB, « _ JONES, H. J., _ MRS. TRUBIDGE, (Refreshment Table.) NOW ON SALE NEW YOLUMKEK. > Bunday Magazinetor 1866 Ottawa, September 6 MII. WARREX®S GREAT n‘:ll " How I Managed My House on £ m year.": «Mow I Managed My Children frum Inâ€" fancy to Marriage." j FAW" As it is imported by no other firm in Canada. N()'I‘l(‘l:d-ALLl'Al'l‘l InDEBTERED to the Estate of the lute AL ‘OTE are required to make immediate n f thoir accounts to the undersigned. _ _ ‘£" w~ * N OTICE,.â€"â€"ALL PARTIES HAaVING 1%@ ciaims against the Estate of the lute ALEXâ€" ANDER 5C(;+l' &re requested to send in the same forthwith to the undersigned. ALI8ON 8COTT, Ottawa,)September 6 Vols. I to VIII, Ohambers‘ Encyclopedia. hich we are selling at 8 shiliings per gallon Ottawa, September 10. J#$" This is the finest Buack Tra ever t-rn- , 5« per pound ; in small Caddies, about 14 ib FRESH ARRIVAL Becretary. . Ottawa, Ortober 9, 1866 Illustrations of Scottish Life, by Dr. Rogers. The Sparrowgrass Papers. Half Hours of English History, by Chas. Knight London Poems, by Buchanan. ' The Tiger Prince, by Daliton. _ , ‘The Contemporary Review for October. Bound to the Wheel, by John Snunders. Mrs. Becton‘s Household Management. BEWARE OF SPURIOUS IMITATION$, C. CAKY ,000 JcA.I" ::.'l" UNCOLORED 500 Chests very choice and superior YOUNG MYSON. 700 Chests Good Strong TW ANKAY. 10@ Chests old fashioned BRBAKFAST sOUCHONG. % 150 Caddies MANDERIN MIXTUREK. 1090 cases Gtard Braundy. 50 " Martel®s * Dakins‘ Patent Silver Cylinter DUBLIN SsToOUT ! PRESERVED MEA‘TS. 15 For sale by DINNEK SHERRY, TEAS, ROBINSUN & CO,, BAZAAFT. COFFEE | THE TEA POT, oTTaAwWaA United Vinguels, » AT THR JOHN DURIE & sON, _ 390, Sparks Stre 104 ALISON 200TT, 222â€"3m

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