Towards the clowe: of the late Seasion of Parliament, in anawer to a question by Mr. F. Josts, it was stated on Lohaif of the Govâ€" ernment that the Ouawas. Postmaster wouls 'L.hul‘us stated salary, and that the otfice would no lunger be worked on Commi+ â€"si0n. It was afterwardsannounced that the gb-b to be eifected on the lst o1 Octo . The pesple ofOtrtaws have an undoubied interest in this question, . It is a deep humiliâ€" stion to the Capital of Canada, to have it Post Office estallishment conducted on the same system which obtain= at Croes Roads, paetty villages and small towns in t!.e country parts, when‘ the actual amount of busines done warrants, we migi:t almust say .compe}s. the Government, in compliancé with the law, to place it on the rame relations towards th» P. 0. Department, as those of the Post O eee in other cities and large centres of,trade throughout the ‘esuntry. We have ever exinfdence thut the cltange which was pro mised long ago woulid be agreeable to ai parties concerned; to the Pustmaster, wh. â€"would then rauk with the like officials. in Monâ€" weal, Quebec and Torogtq ; tuthe clerks wh« would thus become officers uf':rl Department, aniâ€"would thereby enjoy a wider feld for the changes of promotion, und to the citizens o Ontuwa, who earnestly deâ€"ire the removal o this laâ€"t vestige of the rural "character of the young metrupuils. _ ® ber, but tha; day bas come and gone, and still po reformation has been efected. | Pernaps tue delay way have Leen caused the great presâ€"ure of husigess upon Mr. LI.A‘- since he has been churged with the aimini«tration| <f two. iimportint Depar ments; but as# the law clearly provides for‘ such a change as we incdhe.te, we think tha; the mere foutine business of giving it effect might iaoyo."mflxe’nl_nilimt hav» boy drawn a great deal upon his time. We shail thesefore cuntent purâ€"elver, for the preâ€" “fl. with almply askingy whut is the canse of the delay ? 1 We learn that the Hon. H. L. Lasorris was seutn in as Posrtmastir Gexerat on Baturiay last. The L. C. Solicitor Generalâ€" ship willâ€"remain racant for the present m i m ; { ud; C i.2 .. _ ‘.Aeso r 3 â€" R ~-" . * ks :‘-‘JF 4 > ie (Rleta 1 Cat ,(. 7 .4 » ï¬â€˜;‘y -h}. "."? fl'p e e ily U i t _ ,~/-1 [ $ Jue emmmmemnmmnepomemmmmamemmmuem s oo cmacanaeno » ChcOttaweaCimes aoua-'.'..a. Down‘ the river, per | Suommer (uees §\ , Capt. A. Dowin, it resches <| @Greavilieiaed Lbrignal by noon, thes placing in tne hands of those living at a distance of from 26 , :o 60 miles frow the Capital, all the latest newsof | e day, attaimest as eariy #n bour «s that of resiâ€" | Apveamu®n ABCNCT â€"SWerere. S. M. Patengll & | ï¬.uldhln!’.r.u‘ State Streat, | Boson, Geners! Advertiwing Agents, ars hereby authorâ€" | ised to restive Advertisements (o» the OTtA®L Truts. | All sabsequent insertions, per line,....=,... . 3e Yearly advertisers spocita‘ly cuntracted with, and a liberal allowance mage. The Dcily Times is delivered every morning at Kemptrille, Spencerville, and ail stations on the Weeaws and Presccst Railroad, at an early hour, and at Pressott by 10 a. m. It can be had at Mr. Vaberal‘s, at CAffiigUle, anicat Pressott at B. Gearge Cotton, Publisker and Proprictot. | «:. 18,000 1 thas outstripptng all competitors, and aTording the best mediuum {or business wen to adâ€" ‘ Aovent®®rterts are inserted in the Daily t the following rases : % Quziness Card»® of from 3.4o 6 lines, per anâ€" uualge UOLIUL, 1 UUIIOI CBC 1 IUDLIUIUL: . whole case for the defente \An additicn of from 30 to $0 subscribers is aaded | POCution * vary week to the sabscription list of the Weekty. | ‘The presence of Mr. Lo: Advertising in Weekiy, for first insertion, per l he Feniane having teen an _A eajoys us campenr cincciaro® of any paper pablished in the . Uttawa Valleyâ€"{ssuing of the Daily over 4,000 1 and Weekly over 4,000 1 waking a total circulation in the week of ever | semmâ€"paysble in adrance only,........... $6 00 Odttawa Horklu Timts, . Fre. Firs Pirnâ€"Purick Bretsas St Anirew!s Socistyâ€"J. P. Robaertson Teacher Wantedâ€"â€"James Losle, Fj~H@ DaILY AND WEEKLT TIMES XoW I. P. B. §.â€"Thomas ® Scorge Cotion, Puskster and Proprictor. Ons no occasion wili the numes of Wid Adsertibemenis be inserted here. ©Ottaba Railp Cincs, (Publuhed mary morming, Suadays excerted.) City and County Official Paper OTTAW a. KOVEMRER ¢. is66 orders from the country specially (Publuked esery Fritoy moreug.) NXEW ADYERIHSENMNENI~ "C EL B . 10¢ | _ Moved by Mr. Scott, scconded by Mr. Cunâ€" Iulnzhm. that the communications from | Messr®. Wofluut:r Carliou and btawart bo t received and placed on file.â€"Carried. | _ Sundry accounts were presented aud eail. ' Moved by Mr. Cunningham, by Mr. Scott, that the accounts of Louis Fqucher, | R. and G. Mason, Andrew Wilson & Sop, and , Wm. Howe, be received and referred to the | Finznce Committee.â€"Carried. * ! The Roard then adjourned. * , fuarth wiiness amounts to nothin | the tith shews his plundering proc (having left the hotel without "n â€"& crasy man in Hudson, X. Y . choked his wits to death on Saturday night. || We knoow well, and the i tolligout’ Catholies ~of the country k that aothing . coald be turther; from |\the do-l «ires of those.who aré charged with the «dministration "of justice, than to |give the seast occasion for the entertaining of such velief; but every intelligent man mukt know, that when a case of life or death belove jury of twelve meo, daly empannelled, , even the Queen herselt can . make tije person | unenable to punishment whom they sequit. 1 Ihe Royal merey may parion w the igâ€" | avrant or the bimssed jury has condemned, | uut the whole power of the Empire can | nake the man guilty whom the jury has a¢. juitted. This is a wise and a aalu ' «1sio9, notwithstanding its ion@l liabi}â€" ty, in common with all buman instituti ' o err, and we have every confidence| that in | is partieulse case where justice }as beep | sheated oct of an ignoble victitn, th¢ | Jsopular judgment will be far in { igmning the aystemn under which the ncci. lental â€" sequitsi of _ an evidently guilty | nan has been brouight about. â€" Of conrse, ! we have said, we are writing in ignorance ¢ ’ the remarks of Counsel and the Judge‘s charge, | vat we have not forgotten the principle« laid | lown in the eases of Lynch anl M¢M ind certainly, by the light of these and t evidence hefore us we fail to see the #light justification for the verdiet of the jury. . The Board imet on Thursday eve ng, t Ist instant, at eight oclock, _ Presentâ€"Mesar«. J. i». Slater, Chgirman}; MeCormack, McCloy, May, Kirby, Chnning bam, Scott and Work man. i ; The minutes were rad and approved. Communications from Messrs, Thos,| Wothâ€" erwell, William Carlton and James Stewart, tacher«, applyiny to be appointed \hy the Board, were read. ade their consciences to his acquittal * This is a serious .question. Se: ous, not done in the individual failure of justice, which we look wpon a« a ‘ mattert of very crifling consequence, for we believe, that with Lurmslen‘s di«charge this country will have «en the last ot ‘his worthless cardase ; but «wrious, as affecting the teeling, andâ€"itf you #illâ€"the prejudice, of a large number of the jeople, not only in this country, but in the United States. â€" It is nothing to our Jaws that Lutnzwien was "on the «pree" ; perbaps Mcâ€" Muahon, too, was on in * bender" when he cous ersauon with . loy was no aympathiser ® tence that his © Seot deny,.to the loval Canad The presence of Mr. Lanvien s1 he Feniane having been amply csta he defence, it is neediess to com is p‘ndxboj-imy for the pr. He was there w#hout a doutt, ani 1 yery easy expianats a1i. ; ihe tesumony of the remai esse= shews that Mr. Lom«ten preét ooversation with loval Canalians ras no aÂ¥mpAthiser with the Feman W&l hy, @Vinpatinse. with ( on ; he would have been a | ave done anvthing else. 1 BosRkhbh OF SCHOOL TRUS OTYA W A. nger continue." The thirtd WWIR AWAY * frow hitme on i ent sign a â€" Reetor of Trinity Civ «, and "Jrank a little t»â€"mu e W(;‘.J mitnese,; Bishop Cox sb ar with the 30c signs of dissipation;â€" Lum§gien ling the villagers to«take Inp . n=t the Femians: bis Scotth i in t stt Jawes Jorst, Secrethry that Lnudn in the brought imself off that â€"was cManos rÂ¥ recon er. Our ere, and â€", he â€" eil, c£ tisfactory in family nder the .counterâ€" he proâ€" and even ou®, . not ~ justice, of very bat with. ill have nt upon secution. It is the ?lh«-“ th Degapyct Cariagraornz.â€"It is our painfal: duty to reeord a 44trible calamity, which has> ! befallen the family of Mr. James Cahill, of | Calumet Island. Ou Thursday night last this. | temily had retired asnsual to their rest, but | | about twoo‘clock in the morning the cry of !lu aroused thos» of the Inmates whom tite | devouring element had spared. ‘The fire had ’ made great progress whilst they were alceping; ‘ and unhappily a daughter of Mr.â€" ('lhi'“ and two nieces lost their lives, Another daughter i who leaped from a window to excepe from the | tire broke her arm .: The utmost «y mpathy has i been awakened by this dire event throughout | the entite community, of which NMr. Cahill | was a highly vsteemed member, : § [ Porice Covrt.â€"Hugh â€"McWilliams and his: | wif: were charged with assanlting William (‘Reilly. â€" Adjoumed till this morning. | PThese | are the parties who were up last week, â€" Those ! who were the prosecutofs then sre now the ‘[de(émhnt“s. The »wife of the present com. | plainant was sâ€"nt to jail while her hushand } | was " tight" on a spree, and an infant of two | ! months old was left at home without a mo | ther. Such, and if possible, worse scenes are | | being daily enacted. ‘The insane passion for‘ i‘int«nliaflln; drink leads its votaries to the commission of crimes ao unnatural, degrading, lud repulsivre to every sense of decency and humanity as would make the untutored savage‘ shrink from them and their degraded perpeâ€", : trators with horror, Do we not require bome ‘missionaries here as well as in Africa* 4 â€"â€"Readur, it you sufer with corns, call o‘ Dr. Briggs ; if you bate bunions, call on Dt. Briggs ; if you have troublesome nails, call on Dr. Briggs ; in short, if you have the " blacs,? call on Dr. Briggs and he will relieve you. He cau be consulted at the Russell House, in tldb cit;, from 1 to 8, pm, daily, until Tharsday eventng next, #th inst. | uP â€"â€"The Newmarket Ere says, ©Complaints reach us on all sides of the potato rot. Quite a large per centage were found to be badly a{. fected when digging ; but rince the crop has been hoased the decay has been rapid and exâ€" amoupt to fire shillings a day â€"â€"On the Jist ult., the Bank of Montreal 1:.-1' ceived its first batch of legal tender notes. . ; â€"The French expedition to Mexico was ori< ginally undertaken to enforce the payment o‘| $263,490, and ha« cost $135,000,004. ; â€"The Imperial fire insurance company lll‘i adjusted claims arisingâ€"out of |the lat«‘ great ! fire in Quebec, to the extent of $21,000, d3 â€"â€"It is proposed in Alabama to open up u...; Coosa river to navigation by convic® labor. _ ~â€"Lower California, which Uncle Sam now thinks of purchasing, has 58,620 square milm,t with a population of 9,000. mpcp â€"The St. Mary‘s Argus compiains of th*a‘ frauds committed by farmers in that neighborâ€" hood, who bring fato market tags of 'llru(.- the top composed of good grain and the lowep part of a very inferior aud worthless article. | «â€"â€"Rev.8ylvanus Cobb, the wellâ€"known t'uLi versalist clergyman, died yesterday, aged 68, â€"The corn crop of Minnesota is so nborti that corn is now being purchased at Milwaukie and shipped up the river. / #5" } â€"â€"Nearly all the English cotton milis ‘are running full time, consuming quite a« much cotton as they did prior to 1860. | â€"Othneil Maddoch, of Eramrosa, was killed by a fall on Saturday night last whils returnâ€" ingchome in a state of intoxication. i h â€"Seventy three â€" vessels, cartying m-nr_lj 50,000 tons of wheat, have cleored from the port of San Francisco since July ist. l'rim«; wheat is now quoted at$1 95¢ per 100 pounis. â€"â€"lhe Belleville Intelligencer is informéd that Mr. John Richardson, of Madoe, on wluJ ‘ land gold has lately been discovered, has soldé his interest in theâ€"mine for $20,000 to an. .\m} | erican speculator, L â€"The Woodstock Sentinel ays that sommg cases containing 200 Enfield rifics, which lns been in the use of the United States service, were seized on Tuesday at the customs, in tlnF | â€"The Vidtria Warder says that on Thursda last, 25th instant, a young Frenchman emplo; ed in QGilmout‘s shanty, oh Nogies Creck, in Harvey, met his death whilst fâ€"ling a l-ltf pine tree. â€"The Irish citizens of Chicago urenm!rd} George Francis Train on Monday night. | .â€"The )(ollaile Gazett+ advocatts the culture of the tem plllgl(, in the South. _ . o â€"A young Tad named Jbhnson was bumedi‘ to death at Oneida on Friday last in a barn. } exhorbitant char ate to the servic lormation of a National Expn have branches in gil the citie Canade, is a matter which } about for years, and at length become a practical reality. businessâ€" men generaily have } ce«sity for 6 better systam in ti ness, and tho * Murchant?‘I‘n on soand pmucipl}s, can hardly fail 0 That Oftawa will yontribmttsits fuil support to it there can |t- ho donit, were no other teasons flr doinz so, 1i sultucie nt their . performance clicited, deservediy, the plaidits of she audince. | Dr. Hy Hill deliver, ed a fecling address on the subjoct of the‘re. cent fre at Quebee, | Between the vicces Gowâ€" Fewrmmase® Lycrras. â€"Wo undatrstand that Rev. D. W. Aglyworth, of Prockvilte, will deâ€" liver a lecture on temperence, at<«Davia‘ Hall, Cmubetland «treet, Lowor Town on Thursday, commencing at 7] p. in. > w tig Qurare Sepremirs.â€"The Quobee papers will confer a benefit on their fellowscitizens hy 'm; â€"â€"The personal expenses of the Pope do not Ti LOVUCAXL, NX EKWY A wa n m aoc Paromuases. â€"The amatenrs «red with a full house last night, and rformance (clicitéd. deservediv the se contfioat Theâ€"parties NEWS ITEMS L There Is work a for imany of them woed siwyors and « c employ ment witho nturely sativited, _ °_ .. | Exrazis Co.â€"The :in-a Company, to ities and town« in it has been talked Â¥ to wri® e editor. t _ THEK QOTTA WA K1 ymmi-‘- ty rchants and felt the nek Apices bust * conducted 2+ 1 of an0cesg. esorve much share It i + prosent pottiot + 1_JIndge DX ® «Ts id room Nâ€"pvant thee 14. stul for t t ciths 7-‘f1:'~,» {_W Af. 4 â€" Itcâ€"examined lm Mr. McNabâ€"The time I | hid myself was when the Fenlians came like a | swarm of sheep gver the hill. They were 4 !d? at our men. | A man on borseback hoaded: them, and J heard hith say, "Shoot the bâ€"â€"â€"â€"t3." _ I saw the prisober go and shake |hanas with the man on bors¢back.~ He then ) went to the rear of the colunin, and I saw no + more of Mim. | | joher had pleade l.&:‘-'u-'nll_\', not gnuilty, and it | 155C 'H q would| be for them to say whethor Ne ostal=) ho {lished his plea or not. Me hoped they would | u,"fl"% _ throw asido ali pn"'mtiw in theimatter, and try " _" is . ;) the matter as h-fv-}tn man and man, apart > \from icligious or| party motives, As thhe _ "I were & great numl}rm:’ people to be examin=d, | tot* she would not further delay them, but proce«d |to call the Crown with« sses, $ 3 John Backer ':AE the first withess callod. | l‘-L [ _ Mr. M. C. Cameronâ€"My Lord, 1 eBject to _A# . this prisoner‘ being examined, his natoe not! UtXt Sappearing on the back of the indictment. * rrome i‘ His Lordshinâ€"I shall note your objection. inf= ) > Withess awort=â€"] live at Fort Erie, _ 1 first : t9y © | saw the prisoner at $a. m. on Friday, the 1st : (used iu'f.lunv. 1 saw hite on the Garrison road, ; He r ’lbufl( two miles ftom where; the Feniaos | and ’ landed, . M«‘ was| $ghaking hands with the <thon 1 Fenian officers.â€" I4id notsee him aiter, as ho | 56« 4 walked.away. _1 think the Ponians mabered | pris | between 600 or Tob ; + . ..} Suba ;1,'Iu.‘_-1'xlmiul'd! by Mr. M. C. Cameronâ€"1 | Fon -Lnnn laborer in the employ of the 6, T. Rail« Jay { road, |1 was called up by Mir. Goolding to soo , Van« ._ï¬"!b- Fenians. < 1 '&*E not go to work that ‘day, clold [‘Whenâ€"I saw the prisoner lh:t! day I was standâ€" . Â¥i © ;| ing outside the dgor of my house, CI was not| this hiding from them, | I did nft sce any person . was | for two hours, .fouly the ipri;oufl and my ; port family, 1 saw the| Fenians about 59 yards . C " from mhe. Thr,v.iv}abm:‘ up it military order to | if 1 | my house. 1 did not hidc“n a hogâ€"penu, 1 | caps | did not feel cooled| 1 felt fired up when 1 J | saw the Fenians come. l'wmtcd to drive |last them lack.â€" 1 eaw ithe prisoner on Thursday ; | day. he appéared ‘tight at the time, and went into : O N« Harmis‘ pablic honge, and @rank a) glass of | touct whiskey. . I took i ginu m;wlf. TI:: priso. | me al ‘ner wore a long coat and a plug hat. The ' Fongh people around Fort Erie cannotafford to wear | killet plug hats, d , _ [ whilh 1 (The prisoner here stood up.) | with] M, C. Cammeron<â€"Is that the kind of coat the | on th prisoner wore? _ | | | bayg Withess=80t was longer. | t Lump . Prisonerâ€"It is the same coat. | am t °. Crossâ€"ezamination contingedâ€"1 only went | pass | to one house on Thumlay. | 1 did not go to | $0 0t work on Friday |when 1 heard the Fenians | intr | were coming. J went }o them, when they /. C took imne prisoner, and -:ï¬ "Boys, you had | said better let me off, as the red.coats aré coming | _ Whe up along the lake shore." They let me go | of lagt atterwards. l dH not #ce them land, But I | pri hoard they landediat the lower f«rry. I di{=4 sa not go down up«u'{llym goe the Feniaus, / | to se ! went to see if the frack was torn up. 1 did | from| not ‘soe the priegner from that time until I | if it {saw bim in May or June, 1 did .Kide | woul mysel( on Saturday in‘ order" to save myself | tim« \fromâ€"béing shot. |I only saw the prisoner | whor ftwice on the Thurkday and Friday, . I am sure | the 1 â€"aw him betw?el five ll{'] six o‘clock on | _ Th Friday mo;l:',fls. [ would u:rbcutoniuhed if | Erie 1 heard anything sworn about him. _, at di [ ing to the agent of the G. T. R. He appeared 1 soum * then under the influency of liqueor, nmrt said, | a Te !"Why don‘t you! get.two regiments from | from | Buftalo and drive the dâ€"â€"d Fenians away * | to th | He was walking up and down at the time. /1 befo | next saw him ou Saturday, when be fes walk. | dock | ing wlone. I page by for wWasgon .800 BaIGesS thero, and took iny horses away. ‘1 afterwards saw the prisoner at the camp twice. I saw him the following day, between the landing and the camp, whot 1 met the prisoner nlhlu? towards the vilâ€" Iuge with anoth«r person. . I do not know who be was. â€" Cropsâ€"ezsamined by Â¥r. M.C. Cameropâ€"]I did pot hear what the prisonet said to Gan. @‘Nefl ‘Witness, swornâ€"1 saw tho!prisoner two or three days before the raid ‘n FoflF Erie. T saw him speaking to ns in the Fenian camp, but I unnol:‘menllon their names. I saw him in different saloons. © I think I saw him spenkâ€" ing to the Fenian officers, but would not be positive who they were. He spoke to me on that occasion, and asked me if I fplt in m betâ€" ter humor. . He told me not to be afraid ; the Fenians would not hurt me. The prisoner was some distance from me when he was «praking to the Frnian ofticer. It was at the place where the Fenians landgd in the mornâ€" ing where I was thken prisoner, and. marched to the Newbiggin farm. One of the oflicers then ordered me to be released. I then went to the village, and there saw Dr. Kempson, ‘the Reeve of the village, speaking to Gen. () Neil, . OCNeil (told Dr. Kempson that he wanted provisions for his men, and gave him Wucriain thne to get it. Kempson then told inc to go around the village and get what I could. |Wher I returned J tnct Gen, O‘Neil, who ordered me to drive a load of provisions to the camp. _ I did so ; the team heronged to Mr. Douglas. : John Antony examined by Mr. Harrisonâ€"I live one quarter of a milo below Fort Eric. . 1 saw him on Friday the ist of June at Newâ€" biggin‘s farm, whers the Feuians bad pressed my wWani. I spoke to the prisoner about getâ€" ting my team away, and he went and spoke to Gemeral O Neil, who, in copsequence of what be told bim, came up and told me that if I drove another 1001:( ammunition across the camp.I migbt go with my borses. ‘The amâ€" munition q;(;urd to be cartridges. 1 drew thrce loads of amtmwnition from the landing to the Fenisn camp. The prisoner was preâ€" Crossâ€"examined by M. C., Caimeronâ€"I do not recollect exactly what tims the Fenians left the village for the camp. It was someâ€" time about sundown that I went down to the Fenian camp. I|cannot exactly say what hour. There was a resolutiog of the Council passed that day that we should visit the camp, and I, as c of the Council, went with them.â€" There may have been plenty there who were not Fenians. | [ nextsaw the prisoncr on Suturday, sometimie after the Lattery came into the village. (They were| then marching toward the camp. ‘The prione’ was then with them. When I next saw the(prisoner he was with Colonel Dennis. I/understood that he had been taken prisoner & the time. At that time he was much dirtiet, and had a more «dissipated and bloated appeaiance than he has at present. ‘That was one ol;l‘:e reusons that I would hold no,conversation with him. > Win. Lewis was nextâ€"called. M. ©. Cameronâ€"I object to theexamination of this witmess on the same ground, that his name does not appear on the back of the Inâ€" dictment.. â€"â€"_| I + Crossâ€"examiued by M. C. Cameronâ€"When I first‘saw the prisoner it was on the Tuesday before the Fun&nmf landed, J saw him on the afternoon of Th y in the billtardâ€"toom. There/were a good many villagers in the Feâ€" nianscamp, who went there out of curiosity. I did not hegr what passed between the prisâ€" oner and the Feniau officers. Hon, |J; H. Cameronâ€"If!your objection holds good in one case it holds good in all. Charles ‘Treble, crossâ€"examined by J. H; | I s Cameroaâ€"I live at Fort Eri¢, and saw priso. | som ner there on the forencon of the 1st June. The | â€"Dr prisoner was alouo when I first saw him ; but, | Erie, sometime after ho}ame up when I was speak. | in lh’{ {/ William ‘Atkingon, Johr| W WColiins, Edmund| Stepheng, â€"G |__The Evidence in "0 Case: . ,_ Yestrrday we gunounced t uittal , of the Rov. D. . Lumaden, at the Toronto A#â€" tizes on Baturday. The,ml'lo- ng |is the trial As reported in the |ADsi‘y| Telegrtph of Saturday yxoning : n sigg bies Th | prisonor Baving be¢en |plabed in the flock, | | 1x.% . t Th following jurors were thin sworn, none uit whom were challenged, by/the prisoners counsel o Fenisn camp. The prisoner was preâ€" when I drow the third Joad. 1 loft my T H & FENIAN |PTRIA F ifs porbeable inhabitants he| property (they, ¢onld lay po the indictyent the pris> kenerally, not anilty, and it bek Cns d | Cameronâ€"I do | abou ‘lu the Feniang ; ¢aw; rh«»{ corg soh, | Willism orge Howard, gl .McEhun, Lod, Henry _ _road, ; ie récognized (r¢ "cnians | and the prfsoner th, the (thotjwent fo Gen , as he | oruef to. get them, abored | prisglbher with Mr â€" _ . ; Satuiday â€" guornin ronâ€"J | Fonfhit canbp. M \ Bail. |slay fthat the Fe Atoa see , Caondiéfa, when 1 re t ‘day, (toldfim thht I w stand="_ Â¥i o[fwhich] was t as not| this Provinge as s person | was oing 1fo har nd‘ my | portfimattork, _ â€" yards =_. Cipssâ€"exabnined rder to | if 1 Bad been him en, _ 1| capefrom the Pro vhen 1 d«jgepnh Newbig ) drive |,last| ithess J a | , Mit M.C. _ Dr| Fatler, | was @4 medTea | prisoner sine i mnr)*‘r 1365, \ | consi lered / | antiâ€"Fenian, t other respoct; whiskey. a Fenian, by Englind an« he cams ove dving. 1 e stating that | English clei ruftigns who, all, were Rot plied that in as a Roman Cro«sâ€"cxan the prisoner i pression that of a desperat opwmni(y to bui arrest: whe Jogeph 8q Fur‘:?;:riu oni prisoner by private in l:j prove the . ‘Mï¬;fllch as were| killed |mml“ of the Mr, J. H any ¢videnc sentiments, Hig Lords I;Gt. Dr. Ca capal] church| oner,| 1 am went Ilo Buil of mi,n-. 1 r self stibject t reason of his )hyI saw t him & letter him to send i tion with the plaints that no longer coj from to th befor dock bx l'nr“ me that he h sion in Cana met im on go dissipated from bim. lage agod Buffalo, betw and twelve o‘ F his con ed him to be Mr}| Whito Hous¢, Bufal that he pris the‘ 31st of the régister. without payin the bl Thos. Molesworth swornâ€"I live at Fort Eric} I saw the prisoner on the 1st of June, at different times near my house,‘ J live beâ€" tweeh the Newbiggin furm and Fort Erie, Was not in the Fenian camp, On Saturday I heard the prisonet say that he was the reporter of the New York /fâ€"zald, and afterwards stated that he ha beéen in the British army and had servad in th¢ Crimean war. Crossâ€"exarpined by M. C. Camcronâ€"â€"I took the prisoner, from his representations, to be a rcwdrtur of the New \‘0!{ press. At the time 1 sa bir there were soveral Fenians prescnt, some had arms afÂ¥ the others had not. f «* Dr}; Kempsgon, swornâ€"1 am Reeve of Fort EricJ} I s& at different t tween . the Was not in heard the p of the New that he hai Rey. Mr. Fort |Erie, the Fenian Aaim am t pass go o intr kille whil wit unn bayd day ' O X |'|ll|] me a 4 nomai my . hdme 1st of Jun Feniays a »f my hor ie Fdnia [b(lu Pot umed wit ad mpt in as aciing i had 1ot # them,/as i others wet no Fchian for thp pul tolsfoss, when he : when be 1 I do ridt re from Hort from Buffa rying Fen uced sâ€"exa the omas N t withd her Co him o about me, 1 not Inot ht ) P euia mem olution what h ) Feni > the fic at the itmcss fuir di il}:h"l hinks m d 1E ns to 1, and ;, but t the pri o way iet anc »den t] e cha; hose 1 had ar Kemp: and th whom t the couldn .. Cook, the pri . Denmis, swornâ€"I saw the prisoner he was brought on board the tug Robb, enian prisoner. â€" He told me he was not House isoner, hi« my*, Y him w Me a, upo \ltr‘ or n came Bnmj noe ttle f but / cogni h« pri yb W c ung, (that was the moruing that the s atrived) and as they had pressed some norges L requested my on togo down to Iniar camp and se¢ if he could not get rcturued. [Bbortly. afterwards he reâ€" with the prisoncr, whom he told me he t in| the camp, who represcated himsel{ ng as chaplain. ‘The prisoner said be ot aâ€" great deal of influence amongst as be wits a Protestant, and most of theâ€" werp Roman Catholics, and that he was nian, but had only ¢ome over with them * lnmjpow': vfrcslruiuiug them from licenâ€" oss, | We then retited to a private room be agkoed me if my horses were valuable 1. ipplicd they wore #o to me, to which J, whuld you be willing to give €25 in to glt theém restored, as moral persaaâ€" «s of no us? amongst the mon in the 1 then told him that as he had been Low iil: ine, 1 would be equally so with haviing been told that the Fenians were We i1d, that morning, confided all my [ vainables to ‘a friend of mine in Vc then went down together to the p, where he entered into conversa< cÂ¥e«rul of the officers, and suggested propriety of saking some of tho i¢s to supper. . Not desiring their 1 particular, he took upon Limself d tion, O‘Neql, Colonel Starr, Capt. id the prisoner walked up to iny pper. â€" Whilstat supper the officers votse relative to fheir projects, Wit would be protected. â€" The prisoner ne thre order, (pronounced in Court) as follows : d ent up to hi regardibg my hotscs. collect secing any of the villagers Erie at the camp. â€" Th¢re were some 0, who were laughing ntine for carâ€" an arms. s . Newbiggin, Sen., swornâ€"1I was at on my farm near Fort Eric on the ‘rd by D. F. Lumsden his chaplain." per, he left with the officers, H« in sopewhat later with a friend ln. .1 asked him if he would use his ith the Fenians to allow me to gâ€"t rom the pasture field. â€" He first reâ€" inally went with me to the camp. zed Gen. O‘Ncil among«t the men, soner pointed bim ort to mo, 1 Lu Gen, â€" (Ncil, who gave me an them, > When { got back I saw the h Mr. Murrey, At 8 o‘clock on orning J met him sgain in the p. lIs told me on the previous e Venians had 100600 men in n I remarked the change. I then t 1 would give him a friendly adâ€" was that he sbould ‘clear out of e as soon as he could. HMe said he o harim,and only came over to rcâ€" ntry was, ‘I am the chaplain. £.5:% Austrian Cabinet Changes, } ewbiggin, swornâ€"I am. a brother | _ Vigkxxa, Nov. 4.â€"Decrees have been proâ€" s. Un the 1st of June L‘saw the | mulgated, rlieving ‘Trensdoff from the Forâ€" | to ing up the road with my brother. | eign Office, and appointing Voun Benst as his l u h the same evening when I went ‘ succesgor, The decrees also appoint Baron | st the cattle the Fenians bad taken | John Minister of War, viee Esterhazy, relieved. I on heard him obgetve to Mnrray that | The‘ ministry is withont portfolios, Von | p been for his Inlan:v-nifm father ; Benst has issued @ circular, wherein he deâ€" | > ve got back his cattle. !The next | clares himself sepatated from the past, He | him was on Saturday morning ; sayshe.cnters the Austrian wervice free and 0 in conversation with my‘Tather in | unprejudiced, and Austria will maintain a st true‘and peaceful conciliatory policy, but will esworth swornâ€"I live: at Fort | uphold the dignity of the Empire, ‘ the prisoner on the 1st of June, | .‘ Rejoicing in Italy,. C §7004% Arou . 166y h"“'c" }) Irit"Elf“' Frorgscs, Nov. 4.â€"A deputation from Veâ€"| 'l.u ewbiagin fiwm "‘On Saturday J | 26@ bad arrived at Turin amid great cn(hu,-' 5 e Fenian camp, | On Saturday I | suuusy, "Tj., King : and ~Cabinet \were also | soneft say that he was the reporter there to receire them | ork /ferald, and afterwards stated | s yie 8 1* ‘en in the British army and had | ~ _ From Germany. ! de Crimean war. â€" |. Berux, Nov. 4.â€"The King of Saxony and | or pined by M. C. Cameronâ€"â€"I took | lxiifnmif} reeentered Dresden yestertlay, and | > from his representations, to be a | were well received by the people, (The Gerâ€" | e New York press. At the time | man Parliament, it is expected will beready in ere Were wtcul Fenians prescnt, | to meet at the beginning of the year. e 18 AAMM the others had not. i Resignation of the Belgian War Minister» | |,, "z' st“:"m_ll ‘m':}“‘"'f of Fort | The Belgian War Minister has resignod. hi rst time Iâ€"saw the prisoner was . e | camp whon‘l vrcntplhcrc wiing:: The F:""h E‘?‘“"’ to Washington. | ('Pi rs of the Council, in pursuance of | _, P3RIS Nuv. 4 ,_n;':'. "'"i’o"“‘ changeln the | & passed by us the night before ; | French Embassyâ€" at Washington fs fully couâ€" To said I took him t be chaplain | firmed. j ' in s. I next saw hini" on Baturday | #ubscriptions in England for the I .lorofl ht at Fort Eric. He was on the. the Quebec Sufferers. | o ime, _ He was afterwards brought _ Loxpox, Nov. 3.â€"â€"A large subscription hay I 4 hen I told him that all L know | been raised for the relief of sufferers ljy the | 5> s that I saw him in the Fenian / fire in Quetec., | to replied h: knew nothing about | Warlike Preparations in Russ | ;:i which, in order to give him an | _ 5y, Prrersscron, Nov. 3. â€"The militiry and 1 da ( knowing more, I ordered, him ; naval forces of Russia have been ordered toâ€"b¢ | , is imorh=1 nwitlxe |i|:i;6ncr | raised to their fall strength, esd 4 tm swornâ€" ; it brought on board the tug Robd, | London Money Market, | so risoncr, â€" He told me he was not | , LOxD08, Nov. 3.â€"â€"Consols for ""’"«‘.Y Aa} " ap t a clergyman of the Church of | 3+20®, 68] : Erie, 514 ; L. C, 77. | th hcaring that there was fighting, Liverpool Market. % ' l{.’ to administer to the wounded and | Laverroot, Nov. 3.â€"Cotton advanced to 15} l * ressed surprise at chis answer, | for middling uplands. Sales toâ€"day, 16,000 | * did not see what use he or any | bates. _ Breadstufis unchanged. _ | : from us 14 sheep, which they hey had some of our cattle for a h®y returned them. 1 then: went net to our own house, and while p the Fenian sentry presented his refused to allow us to pass. . Mr. en put his hand up and said, 1 lain, Thengome one sung out, o men, and we were allowed to hea went to the : house,: where I im to my father. ‘ ined by M. C. Cameronâ€"All he ntry was, ‘I am the chaplain. ewbiggin, swornâ€"I aimâ€" a brother mined by M.C, Cameronâ€"I think n him 1 could have made my esâ€" he l‘m\'inc&x 1 ewbiggzin, swornâ€"I am on of the . ] saw him at the camp on Friâ€" iner, _1 was talking to General the‘ prisoner stepped up, and : on the shoulder said, come with nake things all right for you. The is. â€" On the 1st of June I saw the ing up the road with my brother. h the same evening when I went the cattle the Fenians bad taken heard him obgetve to Mnrray that been for his Inlhrcv-uirn father ve got back his cattle. !The next him was on Saturday morning in conversation with my‘Tather in t a clergyman of the Church of ; +209 ®% 681 : Lrie, 514 ; 111. C, 77], I hcaring that there was fighting, Liverpool Market. 3 to administer to the wounded and | _ Liyerpoot, Xov. 3.â€"Cotton advanced to 15 } ressed surprise at his answer, | for middling uplands. Sales toâ€"day, 16,000 did not see what use he or any | balcs. Breadstufis unchanged. . yman would be nmomivut sucl | Seleieieieeiidree eR ty lc ceccec cce macaies if they professed any religion a; | o ks 3 n Catholics, To which he reâ€" | 1 UI{(‘)})JQ‘AN NXNEWS such a case he approached them Per 8. 8. Cily of Pari ‘atholic pricst. » er 8. is. Cily of Paris. inedâ€"From the‘.appearance of P ie m itarennnds t the time, I was under the im« % thange “M Steamers, he was suffering from the effects | _ ‘The Prince of Wales Going to Russia, spree. ‘Sneptreememboniars i ncmammenmacyns h-': swornâ€"I was a constable at ; New Breech=Loaders for the British Army« the 3rd of June, and arrested the : o o anentnemes the direction of the Reeveâ€"(a Decrease of the Famine in India. Queen s Own)â€"Was called to | From Cape Town, Africa. ts of the Fenians at Ridgeway, | eermmemmiaierimmsnterentaintencnrecundrcing that mone of the Fenians who / Nzw York Nov. 4â€"Tho steamer in 27 came â€" to their deaths by tHe | F enians. pent For the Defence. 24 ameron called, | of Syracuse, who stated that he practitioner, and had known the | May,/ 1855. _ Prisoner, in Febâ€" | as rector of Trinity church, and | hat his character was decidedly ‘ Prisoner‘s character was good in j , only he drank a little too much | man t ipâ€"Decidedly so., | xeâ€"I am the Bishop of the Episâ€" | of New York,and know the prisâ€" ] under the impression that he | o in answer to a verbal citation f gret to say he had rendered himâ€" ; dismissal from the church by | intemperance, On the 30th of prisoner in Bu+lo, and gtvel rom Bishop Potter, and advised ' n his resignation, as his connecâ€" | hurch, from the frequent comâ€" been made agatust him, could ’ tinue, % rabaum, swornâ€"Am Rector of n ,‘Tuesday evening preceding ; id, I met the prisoner, _ He told | thought of applying for a misâ€" | t-. He then wenut away. I nexst ‘eduesday morning, but he had in appearance that I turned away n the gomlng of the first I again was falking to some of the vilâ€" be was inviting to take up arms Fenian«. He said his Scotch t stand it ¢f Brooklyn, Michigau, ewornâ€" oner in the Mansion House at n eight o‘clock in the evening ;ock at nlfbt ou the 31st of May. rersation I would not baye jadgâ€" t Penian. _ y, proprietor ‘of the Mansion ;, was next called, and proved ner atrived at his place on ;by, and entered his name on ‘The next morning by left carly ig bis bill. swornâ€"I am proprietor of the OV HEMBEI 6. 1866 I bave no ‘ï¬ï¬lit&ï¬i-o- with ut have seen him at my house. iv on Cameronâ€"1I must object to being: given of the prisqper‘s " Ist Juine, 188 ttho asvthing on ‘this COLONEL STARR { _ â€"â€"Dr. Briggs is doing an extensive business | in his line, removing corns, bunions, bad nails, | &c. Every hour of the day, the Doctor is | engaged relieving the afflicted. His operations | are so skilfully performed, that it is a pleasure | to the affiicted. _ Give him acall at the Russel! | House, and as he will only remain until Thursâ€" | day next, you had better not delay, You will | find him not ouly a man of talent and «kill, | but most gentlemanly in bis deportment. { atre salfe now, the troops have com», Lieut, Schofickd awornâ€"â€"I was at Fort Eric ; on the Znd of June, and gaw the prisoner there, | 1 took him for the inâ€"umbent of Fort Erie, ! and it was from him that I first heard that our { troops had been repulsed at Ridgeway, and | from theaway he spoke I jadged he had been { there. ; â€" tifcation by groetings which came from the mn Ye lpdf;idu!l,zdm l'l‘l}-\ dert the sccumulating paius of corns, bunions, &c., visit the Doctor without doh':’, you will find him at the Russell House trom i to 8, p m., until Thursday next. on the 5th of November{with a lâ€"uul-mmu; snire to attend ‘the marriage: of the Prince«s Dagmar with the Czarewitch. . Distixocisaso Asuvar.â€"There . was a great rejoicing among our citizens at the arrival of Doctor Briggs, the famed, Chimgodi-(. Even the disabled seemed to walk with more clastiâ€" city in their stops at the prospect of being cured, while the limb testified their gratihication by groetings which came from the The weekly .sailing of Cunard extra steapaâ€" ers has been suspended, butâ€"they will leave every alternate Saturday for New York,fcom- mencing on the 27th, 'l’hc'ï¬onwriptinn in Schleswig Holstcin is decrceed from January 4st. 4 In confommity with. the Prussian liberty regulations under the I‘russoâ€"Saxon Treaty, persous politically compromised during the recent events yill suffer no molestation. The famine in India is almost ended, and &A plentiful harvest bids fair to restore the country to i&;‘lulul prus!,writ)'.‘ io srcr cdra nagin o To ti‘s u4: yiue ds New Yorr, Nov, 4.â€"The steamer City & Paris from Liverpool, Oct. 24th, Queenstown Oct. 25th, arrived this morning. The war Secretary had invited proposals for breechâ€"loaders to replace the present rifies used by the British army. A Calcutté letter says it is estimated three» fourths of the laboring population, and half of the lower class of agriculturists hare perished, or will perish before the calamity is stayed. The Englandleft Ligerpool on the 24th . tor New York. > _Advices from Cape ‘Town state thnt the Basutos are starving, and a renewal of thi" war is feared. f i | °. M.€, Cameronâ€"1 wish to show your Lordâ€" | ship that this witness was taken by mistake for the prieoner by Gen, O‘Neil, who ordered him of «» 4 British spy. * °. His Loodshipâ€"If you want to prove that, it is by General O‘Neil you should doâ€"#0, ;( M. C, Comeronâ€"Yex, my Lord, but unfor» | tunstely Gen, O‘Neil is not here. + To Hon, J, H. Carngronâ€"I was not tahen up ; for participating in the Fenian raid. ~J. Forsyth, swornâ€"L reside at Port Erte, Have been acting as Reeve of the village, tor about five rems«. ‘.J know the priâ€"oncr. , Saw him at Fort Eric at Titch‘s bote!, onâ€"Tuesday © Arrived Ont. Qusekxsrowx, Nov. 4,â€"The n!vau:slï¬p from Boston 24th, lfl'ï¬\'v.‘d toâ€"day, ‘¢n ro Liverpool. s . TLEWRPIIL This closed the evidence for the detence, and Mr. Cameron then addressed the jury. _ , bxamination continuedâ€"â€"1 saw the prisv« ner on Wedncedayâ€"and also on the. imorning that the Fenisps laoded. He. held ont his hand to me and said, why don‘t you got forces and repel these ruffiens ? they bave no riglit here, Whilst talking to him a drunken Fenian cams up, and prisoner asked him w hat brought bim thâ€"re * Mr. T. Blake, swornâ€"â€"[ am American Conâ€" sul at Fort Erie, and J think J saw prisoner there on the 2nd of June, 1 saw him as is was leaving the forry boat with a Mr. Thompâ€" sou, . He was coming off the ferty boat as I was going on board, â€" Me said Mr. Consel you Hon, J, H; C ationcin referc the raid in Jun Mr. M. C. Cameronâ€"1 submit T have wright to ask witness such a question, ; His Lordshipâ€"1 dow‘t think. you have, Mr. Cameron. M, C, Cameronâ€"It your Lordship wou‘t 1câ€" ceive it, that is suficieut ; but I am eatistied I ain tight in my views. 1 will not press the matter further, but 1 will a«k your Lordshipto note mydissent from your rulinz. | Cross.cxamined by Mr. Harrisonâ€"J rememâ€" ber sceing him during the evening. HMe apâ€" peared very jolly. My son said what is this drunken man doing here. riaats ~Rev. Mr. iiili, swornâ€"] am as quainted with : and at Presoptt with Ferfy for Oz@ebebuirghâ€"acMib the handâ€"writing of Mr.. Lumaden, (looks at | COpBCqi‘nz Mith Heliroadforalimarit of Mhe Wl io. | Whie of y h s o B .â€" Montr 4. the hotel record.) ‘That is his In(n‘l-wrilmz. Il K ,†n,â€!’f'.. . ’? n dredfers ied 1 The prisoner bhas a wife and four children, the | _ OTTAWAITOKINGSTON.â€"The Steamer: City of eldest 15 and the youngest an infant. | | Ottawa k-w-t’n 7a in., every Monday and Thur«day. Dr. Trow bridge, swornâ€"I reside in Bufialo, | The «teamer |Bytown at 7 pum., every Wednceday and a» a» ds o8 Foge uooo hk on id ow yc‘ Bn""',‘ay' 1 C .._..A o W 1 t 1 Dr. Trow bridge, swormâ€"I reside in Bufialo, N. Y. State, 1 was at Fort Exic on Thursday the 30th of May. 1 went there on a pleasure excutsion, _ 1 also went there on Friday. I was never in the Fenian camp. Never met the prisoncr, but heard him spoken of, I wont there with the olject of assisting the wounded on both sides. _ After the skirmisit at Fort Etic; 1 saw a middled aged man on horsebacks who L was told was Gen. O°Neil, i. A. Harrissnâ€"XNever mind what he told He catue there on the 209th or 30th of May He entered his name on the passenger book I think he was intoxicated at the time. The Prince of Wales would leave for ifussia momnew â€"anmmnlie «> ABiiiws..â€".. ... (Per Atlantic if m Telegraph C able.") 1sia | Fir¢ in PortJand, Me. c | _ Powraz», Mz., Nov. 5.â€"â€"The house, store | and stable of J, lhrtlf(‘, at Locok‘s Milis, wer ’I:urun.l on Friday, |. Loss. from $10,000 to As there are imitations, be sure to obtain the ; genuine. _ 48% 3 . 2614 i 1 m-u"â€â€˜o’.'nm"""".rï¬â€œ"" «* 1 recommeen: r use ® | hev. E. H. Craris. â€" *‘ Most salutary roliof in br itis." ¢ be"a"aï¬ Sreoraito, Morristo® a, Ohio. ©#Vo neficial when ing from colds." * Rev. 8. J. P.‘AxpezSor, St. Louir. # Almost instant relief in the distressing labor of broathing peculiar to asthms." "They have suited my case e My"â€"' lyâ€"relievin my throat so that I could sing with ease." t | heve that (the" Mexiean «question mâ€"opened with France, but that ’ju:l where the lu«t piblished note f de‘‘HMuys to Mr.Scwhrd placed it. ! ernment is waitinz to see ho# the | up to the first of the coming your. « I have neverchanged ty mind respecting them | from the first, uxoovi::dto ink yet betier of that | which I began thinking well of." t | Kev. Mexey Waro Brroure. +** For throst troubles they are a e{oeik"‘ Conlnt | . P. Wlu..'u. = Contain no opium, nor anything injurious. .3 D?:. A. !h‘;ll..“m. Boston. * An elegant combi on for coughs." _: > 3 o. ks t o mathes, Hestos. | 1 the skin, that mdmt marked bérnml:\uonl symptoms are so dangerous as i; z. Its uu}:: in the derma or true #kin, nn"?hrin‘ its continuance the np-rlelfl vessels are surcharged with anjinfections virus. Yet it ylields with a readâ€" inczs almost incredible to the zpnnï¬n counterâ€" irritating properties of tol‘s Sarsaparilia» All the external emptio%:ch as salt rheum, netâ€" tle rash, rose rash, inflaminatory blush, humid tetâ€" ter, shingles, lupus, pruri (to, scale, rupia, etc., etc., are rrmï¬emd with great\rapidity by this peericss vegetable specific., ‘The bowels should be kept laxâ€" ative, for which pua;on Bristol‘s Vegetable Pills are the best and safest medicine. A clergyman, while r:jidin; in Houth America as a.inissionary, di red a safe and .hflf remedy for the cure of nerrous weaknoss, early deâ€" cay, diseases of the urin and seminal organs, and the whhle train of @isorders brolf:t on by baneful and v cious habite. Great numbers have been cured by this noble temody. I‘rowmpted by a desire to \renefit the . affli and unfortunate, 1 will send the recipe for ring and using this medicine, in a sealed Mre“pe, to any ongAh« needs it, yree of charge, _ | * Please enclose anenvelope, addressed to, yoursel{, l * DEFARTURE ANib ajusral Of VEAIN®: , Mail Train '3»':' Ottawn gt 00. .c 0).... 7.00 a.n, |u'x-od- n Train learjeat.. se |.<> > 1.45, poail Artiving Morning Mail...,...ue>(e»»â€" 10.9, tm | MAily EYODINZ . cce cene e eneeniecceinecectene»» 200, pi } Wâ€'flm"’nlnum t at Presoott Junetion .5 | Trains on Grand Tronk Kaliway for the Lart and Wes!. | and at Presontt with Ferty for Ogdebaburghâ€"ackib connecting with Railroadspfor all part® of the U, ®. .| | _ N: #.â€"There Traina min on Montreal Tem+t, I â€"Rev. Daniel T. Waod, Middletown, Orange County, N. Y,, 'l'ik’j‘:“ By the use of Nrs. 8, A. Allon‘s World‘s Hair Restorer and Zyâ€" lobalssmum, my hait Las greatly thickened upon my head, and |put od@ a very lively, healthy appearance. (The same is truc of my daughter ; her bair byd become thin, and cam» out constantly, until|we thought the head would be almost lare. Her hair has handâ€" gomely thickened up, |and also has a healthy appeatance. _ We are thankinl t§ you, and feel that we have full valup tor our money." . Sold by all dinggists. Depot, 193 Greenwich St., New York. Aravid Graxo Tavsk Raiway or Caxapa.â€"Return of traffic for week ending October 27th, 1866 : PAESOMGBTS, â€"... +1« +issr8i4es rexvinser srrcentever gnn oT 4072 Express Pni{ht’. Mails and Sundries,......... ©5,100 Freight #Nd LiÂ¥e BtOCK,..,.».s»sssâ€"++««»»s»20+«..«» 88141 Inflammatory Er the skin, that are not Corresponding week of 1865,......... 1 dox to Your Freerâ€"â€"The amount of praise bestoiwed upon Dr. Briggs is but a well deseryâ€" ed tribute to his protrssional skill. * Ail who have availed themselves 6f his services thank | hiim for the bencfit thky have received. Every | Operation is casy, without pain or loss of blood. j Those afflicted with cpros, bunions, tad nails, | &c., should apply to Pr. Briggs. â€" He can be | found at the Russell House from 1 to 8, pam , | until Thursday evening next, #tl inst. J ,l:fl('lll;lrln, Neov. 5. â€" The woollen factory O, Barnett, at Arbiun, Ocleans egunty, was d stroyed by fire vesterd>y. â€" Loss £10,000. i \\'m»'uic-rn.\',T{ov. .â€"â€"The Mexican Minis ter bas received|agloiter tromm Vora Cruz, dated the 25th Gctol ?, by way of New Orieans, stating thit )l:‘ilmil m left the city of Mexico on the 2321 inst., fesigning in favor <of Gen| Baz«inc. h | Mmissi American Speculation o. Mesican Affairs, New York, Nov. ~â€"â€"The /ferald‘s Washingâ€" tou telegram says, lu}x. Grant has at last, most probably per instructions from the President, taken u#p the Mexicah matter in cdrnucst, and wiil attend to it as fat as he can be concerned, Saturdar mornius He invitel Romero. the walking topether in the stroet, . The murderst is the Ihnsban4 of Mis. dseach, and has beep arrested. â€" Jedlousy is (the supposed catise, .‘ | Y || From Baltimore. ’ [ Bapimorg, Nov, 5 /â€"Thim« city is perfectly quict, and the «trects almost deserted, and the excitement bas cntirdly disappeared. . Mess« Yalleant and YounZ) and Sherif Thompeon are still in jail. â€" The/connse«! of these parties is endeavoring to fot ont a writ of haherr Mext _ OTIAWA |ITO MONTREAL â€"The scagec Queen Victoria l'-nro the fout of buseex Street erety morhâ€" log at 0:30, 1 granted J'{L"M‘ is spme souths ago, giving bim the privileze of the grounds of the Fortre»s during the |day, has Pecn extended through V xecntive ¢lci0cncy.zpmoving all surveillance over him, furd his & s ftom chis rooms in Carrolt Hallat night. All the guards over Lim, botlf giay and might, being removed hs now enjoysleyery poskible. means of comfort apd pleasute while h{ldâ€"a prisoner, and it is LATEST I.\.\IPLI:I(?I\.\' DESPATCHES., '1 (Per Mo real Line.) i L" \Fire In Bostons« it 4 Bostes, Nov. 4. â€"L&st night a firzin Fraak+ lin street cpusumed property to theamount of from $290,000 to $500,000. : Septomber 24 ; Fire in Naghvilies 'l'clll: Nagnviuusy Texx., Nov, 5.â€"A fire last night strayed property amountin@ to about £100,+ 14 Odh f T. Decmuas there are imitations, sure to obtain i TBAIVELLEB®NY DiUELCTORL, CO MCM ERCIAL Brown‘s Bro nr.h- in} Tro h}.« is now Abiatir â€" Meéxtca uscrox, Kov. J reccived jagleif« h uw.w:,' I» thit Maximil 2%n1 inst., rewit ¢ Flr¢' at A end to it as fa y morning n Minister, 1 eadâ€"quarters, tatl A CARD TO INVALID®. Increase,...... SPECIAL Address, Fire at Albion N. Y. tin Mexiean Je# |Davi«» JQO8SEPH T. LNM AX Ftation 1. Bible House JOHN HICK8ON, â€".__ _ _ Secretary and Treasurer hich invited Romero coulidential inte ich meeting last rro‘s dcparture Loach and George J were shot dead whil« stroet. . The marderet dwach, and has beep be supposed catise. . /| LEstox, New York. nss==Few diseases of arereriems$150,873 ew York Cit 3.â€"The putole li 147,398 tory 0 ’ 'l‘lm $ A N D A D 8 Es W INXG M ACHILNE } of the .M%« » | | _ Another large/lot of these celebrated Machines | expected daily, when I will be «bie to supply @ll who may favor me with a call. The immense :c mand for thes¢ machines make it diligult to get | thein along tast enough, but I will endeavor for the future to hrye on hand a tull assortinent. q 4, A. WALTON, Agout. * SI Sparks Stroct, Ottawa. . a N. B.â€"Needles for alk Machines, Machine Oil, Spool Silk, etc. _ All kinds of Sewing Muchines Irish ~ Protestant Berevoicat Socigiy Ottawa, October 26. FO.. SALE 200 D. Kreigh & Co.. I THI SUBSCRIBER BEGS inform his friends and castome now uo:e.d his shop at the old & Street, which were ln_g:l! destroyed > Ottawa, November 6 GOP SaAVvE THE Qt Ottawa, November 6. Seesy ingy Tuesday next, J 20 AT MAUITAST NIN®E oter Tickets may be procured from Mesers. P. A Egleson, Sr., and George xs{. Sussex Street : Thes Patterson, and Dr. Garvey, Ridean ; Messre Y and Radford and L Bishep, Sparks« Street and Hm Jas. Montgomery and Efward Grant Weilington Street. + TL ‘othcers, and general business of the ®ociety. At Eleven o‘clock a. m., the Society. will FORKM IN PROCESEION and &«'«J to Christ Chureh, Upper Town, whore Divine Service will be held by Rev. J. £. Lauder, Chaplain of the Society. Darâ€" ing eervice a collection will be taken up in sid of the charitable fund. . All Irishmen and desseadants of Trichmen fayâ€" orable to the Sucicty are Sqvised to join the proâ€" The Anniversary Dinner CoS®1cn THE ALBIONX At 7 o‘clock in the evening of t WHEELER & WYE WIGHURRT PRodiica Ottawa, November 4 cially invited to b;‘r’mu&. who are not members, that they may en their names on the charitable roll, to':nln in relieving distressed eountrymen. Â¥ urder, Tlll ANNXUAL MEETINXG.OF THE above Society, pmrnruuréto the Anniversary of St. Andrew‘s Day, will be held in the St. George‘« Ward School Room| Mall, on FRIDAY ENENâ€" ING next, at 8 o‘cipck, p. m., for the clection of officers, and the transaction of other L«â€"iness of importance. 4 aod s ierei¢h 4 ho. beand, (Ohickge) . > 200 bbis. M % * . a thireg, Commission Merchast mt & 47. lr Is wELL Ksxow s ro TtHoss wuo have carefully studied the peouliar diseases. of the hair fhat DANDRUFF ecliccts on the #kin by its incapacity of throwing off those gru-nq-.nidu of perspirable matter dépcorited wpon it. Te conâ€" sequence is the skin becomes contracted, scule» and peels of ; and the hedt which is won its surfac €, we-gm that natriment which feeds the HALR, it soon falls 6f, and BALUNE*S is imminent. N. Blâ€"Ask for # F and take no «ti ruggists in Ottawe, a where. We cerfify tha* Remedy" ba« spee Bowel l,'.;nnl'luilvt a which we were latel Mothors Koad This}â€"Bolto why Logenges rre a cexain and eafe|r Wonus in Childrea and Adolt.â€"â€"Ap i known am} melencholy fact that one| g of death qmong children is from Wor cannot ht«v deeply impre=ed lapi J parents the nfcessity of cloâ€"ely wht children. _ By + doing ; â€..‘d ind the syw and true lcause h Wam:-hzldm wiskt be earéd graves." Syurions or Works.â€" any verâ€"el« tering that j 2 serious for Mitcheli‘s vandrut Embrocation ! M qo t hane The Rai 1 sunk some 20 ve t Charleâ€"ton Ha nadian Pair jealors eve PORK AND FLOUR. For sale at 41, * er uk Ctry eroTral Will moet in their Rooms, ttracen w OR THE ANNCAL ELECTION or II‘ Seotchmen and their dessendants The Great TEACHER WAN* sel By order, THE MEMBERS OP TH1I Nicare Hol d Dandriot Proventative» PATRIC 19 Ninchine=s ! i. P. ROBRERTSON, TUOMAR srmru:. Ree} Secretary 14 O OoTTAW A, Srecey Mn 99, Rotssey Street Post Office Block litth In=t HOTEL, Hon, and Gentiemmi RENOVATOR EAVE To that he has , Clarence five. NAX, Blacksmit h. | qT EB € * 24 esers. P. A Street : Thes ; Messre parks Street : shool Trustees . NO. 11, Male Teachâ€" Apply to the â€"as n iGe 27 dowt FO N‘ e same day 4iwh m > Ietragre, 1 by mli the ale â€" every» POR K *s Worm is a wellâ€" at cause ther y 1 ure sre \Montre Fresh Tea their «tore«,. Mont #e., ke., coon Lamb, at stor PCESDAY, N sixty SATUERDAY . 100 Meesrs. Reuter, Li Also, 1 «l, 46., VEMBEN Montreal, ©otolber TnAnl'. 8A# ®t, Paul Street, M XOVEMBER Montreal, Vetobs For account of Jal Saleat ONE o‘cl Rimmer, Gann & Montreal, O tober Bran Bran« Montreal: October n THURSDAY, TBE CREA W are, and a good Cataloguer are BSale at TWO 0‘1 TONY. . (From his O Composed of the TONY P COMIC S1GNO In connection BEDO MR. BL November 1 Nale TBE V At Saleffif TWO o‘ Nale at NJ Nale at NINE «f FOR 2 Has now on PREP T UR ® on TUE®Dy RADE ®A Fa SCoOT RADE SA From the 8t al, October at NINE ADE ®A a~, PANTO «* CA N By J GEXER GENER "Th dUST O«