~|_ An addition of from 30 to 50 subscribers is aaded +<ry week to the subscription list of the Weekly. * "â€" Advertising im Weekly, for first insertion, per _ On no occasion will the names of Seorge Cotton, Publisher and Proprictor. _luq}«yo'rn Lamgest C:scyiatio® of any paper publisaed in the Ottawa Valleyâ€"issuing of the Dally over @,0001 and Weekiv over| 4,000 : making a total circalation in the week of over 1=,000 ; thus outetripping all competitors, and ‘,:m.ol-l.dh-hb.iâ€"-hd- Al ysmq-\uflhthh at the FolQring rated: * : Busiue«s Cards of from 3 to 6 lizes, per anâ€" * \nnmâ€"payable in advance only,.......... $6 0# T; spaient Advertisements, frst insertich per ry*HZ DAILY AwD WEEKLY TIMES Xow George Cotton, Pubtisher and Proprictor. | }Wrse travedâ€"+D. Hartel. * Iraio «ale of Teaa, Brandies, «oâ€"J, Leeming & Co s o. o Tess, Tobaceos, &oâ€" do «+ 4o | â€" Reotoh Creckeryâ€" | . de _: . "4 Groceries, Wines, &oâ€" â€" â€" do Ottiva Bailp €imes, N. Ormiston‘s .‘ml?l. Down the river,. per Stemmer Queen Fictoria, Capt. A. Bowie, it reaches @Grenville:and L‘Orignal by noon, thas placmg in tas hands of those living at a distance of from 20 *~ 60 miles fromâ€"the Capital, all the latest news of ihe day, at almost as eariy «n hour as that of reaiâ€" smaliest Card to a Manmoth Poster In view t the early accomplishment of Confederation, and the consequent partition ol the pable domain between tho Local Gorâ€" braments of Upper and Lower Canzla, there is a question of vast public importance to the fature prosperity of theso Proviaces, upon which we should like to see theâ€" pablic:mind thoroughly informed, and aroused to a seuse of what is due to the: fature pz‘ of the sempective seotions, as well as of the country a |{neral allowance made. Ottawa é:&fï¬ _ Tinus, | Th Daily Times is delivered every morning at Komptville, Spencerville, and ail Stations on the «ntaws and Prescott Railroad, at an earily boar, and at Pressott by 10 a. m. It can be had at Mr. Vitheralil‘s, at Kemptrille, and at. Presectt at H. Now Electroâ€"Plated Wareâ€"E. K. MacGillirray Putmished in the neatest style of the Art, 'Xflâ€m-‘flhw‘f.fl- cra material, competition in this branch is defied. All orders from the country specially and promptâ€" iv attended to. L ChrOttawaCimes The Hone. Mresss. Macpoxarn, Macvorâ€" calr and Cavracur are expected to Arrive in weu today trrm the West. j We understand that an informal meeting of the Cabinet will 1e held here toâ€"day, and perhap»s t»morrow. . To morrow evening Mini«ers pruceed to wnere & full c,u-â€"sq-a\.uï¬\um d.y, at which H:e Exccertesty the Govâ€" saxonGryzzar will be present. The Execnâ€" tive will remain in Montreal until Monday, on the afterncon of which day Mes«rs. Macâ€" Our readers will tind elséwhere a special despatch from Montreal, detailing proceedings at the puolic dinner given in honor of the pocgart and Lascoeyi® will take their deâ€" partare, to sail from Byston on the {th. The uther members of the Canadian Delegation, U.x. G. E. Cartiwr® at the St. Lawrence Hall in that city list night. 4 except the Hox. Mz. McGer, will probably leave on t e following week. % which can be réwdered them 1: " to make * Canadian Jl'wu'rdul ¢ 'hu undonttedly i= the fact. ive of merey belongs sglely to Canada ynone other can mitigate.their dogim. _ * â€" from the New York World as o the best means of securing merey for the Fenian felâ€" ous now in the clutchés of Canadian justice. Undonbtadly the World is right as to the ef fect of the threaténings ofâ€"the Fenian, hordes against Canataâ€"they can have but one effect, aud that to tighten the rope around the necks ï¬uee.nh\ T: is right too, ds to the orry attitude of these Feman priseners ; not one of thern has the manhood 1 profess his devotion to the cause £7# which, under griev ibue misapprehension, they invaded our soil. Tagy ure not, therefore, the stuif of which the *« M wriyrs" are made. What ‘a pity that the World had not gone a l Ale further and poissed out the calpability of . its own guvernment in allowing these cravey, devotee: of a cause which they. now disown to Cro«s our borders st all; hm they been| stopped, as they should have been, by the J Aimerican goverument on the Americar sige;~ not a netk of theire wonuld have now leen in d inger of an unfomfortable r‘lprm(im.‘_f_v with* Canadian hemp ;"&nd l&wté_hn it is, we incist, aypan the, reapdusibilicy of the American govâ€" nmen‘, Or the position in Â¥hich these Fenâ€" n prisshers are now ]vluflt’< But we can ot WithRold the expressiqn of our apprecitâ€" om <f the *etwtnorâ€"sense \if“ which ‘b‘ Werld holds regarding theig, pysitiwn, now that they have come into our shand«. *A acâ€" Knowledges thut the onl¢t fssible service (P-uudm_v:â€"-,.a;dq-:-#!-) For Arrmal and Departare of Maris see it Page. Old Advertiscments be inserted JOB PRINTING, City and County Official Paper. OTTAWA. OCTOBER 31. 1866. NEW ADVERTISEMENTs (Publisked very Friday moruy,) Brandies, Wines, &oâ€" _, do Crookery, Glassware, &oâ€" do @General Groceries, &eâ€" _ do T H E. FROM THE DCP HBGy..««««s«â€"«s00.«. 8¢ :“"-'WI’."" 1__ We merely alinds. t the «nbjectyin this f 12 K | isane, that those who are farmliar with it may C UBG............ 34 | Set a thinking about a remeiy for an admitted k-““..‘ilnd very serions evilâ€"an cvil which is ex f , â€"â€" Chaustive of one of our best and greatest in« :-,f-â€"â€"' * | ternal sources of wealth. Upper Canadians kl 8. | and Lower Canadian* have an interest in the 5 7 NCS, | preservation of our ‘public timber landsâ€" | J# woods and forestsâ€"from t I'.I"‘&‘_""""“""‘"'i""' | ww to which the practics ded : Lqp&wn of each section * / themselve®& The Cowummssto® 16e l Laxos, in hb‘lm report, calle whic{x it sprung, a= is the case for the waat of a Â¥ised administration. ' htuqda and forestsâ€"from undue destrucâ€" tio®? and we hope this will be one of the tirst subjili¢ts to which the practical minds in the isll@tures of each section will address themseilve® The Cowummsstoxk® or Crows Laxus, in bis last report, called public attenâ€" tion to thie 'u*:flant subject, aud, though at the time .we» directed. the sitention of our readers thereto, we: believe ‘the matter of sufficient importance_ to *be worthy of more than a ‘passing notite. . Amongy the many duties which will prese themselves upon ‘the attention of the Local Legislatures, we believe there is nose of a practial character of more seriou® con€equences t& the future of these. Provinces, than that "Of cevising a thomgughly éfficient workable syMem which will giye the largest present mesisure of deâ€" ¥élopment to the lumber trade, donsistent with the utmost degree of protection to growâ€" ing timber. How to use, without sbum‘ gr wusting the product of the woodland, 1# & problem which devolres upon the Local Peâ€" gislatures for solution. Notwithstanding _ the efforts of . the Globe tw the contraty, the dinner to the Delegates at Hamilton on Monday. . evenâ€" ing, . was a very . gratifying success. Mr. Browy‘s attempt to sever the alhiâ€" ance between the Retormers â€"and Conser vative=â€"an attempt to which he devoted an immense amount ofill directed energy durâ€" ing the ‘ late Session of Parlianient, and which since the close of the Session has been continued with unabated fury in the Globe, has up to this point, proved a signal tailure. The duty which Mz. Bzows a«ks of his late followers is indeed a hand one, and we who )lwk from the other sit:l'ol' the alliance d« not wonder that they should, for once in thei rlives, resist his mandate. He asks them t behere in and accept Confederation, but t reject as unworthy, of confilence, the mer who are instrumental in bringing it about This we say is a hard requrement and on which the Reformers may. be well excu«r for setting at detiance. 6 The Hox. Ma. Macuoveait weli remark on Monday evening that he had yot leen un able to discover the reasons which hal led Mz. Brows to leave the Catinetâ€"that isany reason of sufficient magnitade to justiiy th extraordimary step. under the cirenmata But sesuming, out of réspect to the great though in onropinion my thical, power of states manship with which Mx: Bzows believes him selfendowed, that his procedure was eomcxl then it follows that Mz. Macporaart should have followed his example ; that Mz. Howr.1xp» should have done likewise ; that the Refor: ers of the country should have withdra their support from the remaining section 0: the Coalition ; that the Ministry should then have been deteated and the country thrown the «nbject, in this equill Larktâ€" «i fammbiag with it maÂ¥)) an eppohent . th wedy for an admilted|} uo leawi the Hewur n ovil which 4* ex» { Wentwortb, on c est aiel greatest m+) . wiil sekor Upper Canadian« t %,;,_" id tas ut provery ~ysten wl ty t ; Mvem wiy servatives. . Hha Is |s CGamaria. would e!] neek ui hecls. y |. foes, stnd t dwve al to leaye the C oo eï¬ setieany Â¥alue ats @]) Gererninets <i f C Sereted since iL t is \__ _ Indicted for Murder and Piracy. lia.| _ New York, Oct. 30th.â€"Lieut. Brain, who the | claims to have held a commussion in the Conâ€" | | federate navy, and. who seized. the steamer ‘!* | Chesapeake dutring the late rebellion; has obe | been indicted by the Grand Jury for murder »on | and piragy on the high -ew\‘ He will be tried "'-t‘ , at the next session of the United States Cirâ€" Cc amit Conrt. * & patty represented in Pavliaiment, who can «j-.-nsiflm]nll_v scknowledge hinâ€"nof even his own constituients. tor it was as a Conlition ist, and as one of its ialhc-r.-,i that he wooed ard won the contile we'ulf!l.e elector«‘ of South Oxford, on his la«t appeal to their «nf. trages. ; ‘had Leen sent: he having had to leave on | business. The British soldiers were but a | , small body to forin a nucieus for the large J | army that would be raised bere. He Knew i | the spirit which existed, asd which must rise | ; higher tu a laed ot liLerty lhike this. He recomâ€" | [mended the government and gountry to act lib» | | eral towards the volunteers, and trusted that | | political â€" induence â€" woulgd not â€" prevent , | the lest men from‘. being placed ut j | the head of the torce. He referred to. ailair= | i at Nisgara, and spoke of the diwlvanmgr;}‘ ; which Col. Booker bhad to| enceuntér, und | | said that frw men here but| experienced =.â€" } | diers could have taken command as that othâ€" > | cer‘ had | done. lli!»Eue‘ilem'_v urged the | [enaion of tortification« and the opening up | | of water communication by the Ottawa, \yhicL ' x‘ would |give 650 miles negarer ronmte to the ; ! ocean. % i ; | % â€" {Special to the Times.] MoxtrEa1, Oct. $0th, 1866, The divner to the Hon. Géorge E. Cartier at the St. Lawrence Hall took piace in acâ€" cordance with a requisition by the fmends of that gentieman. _ _ About 250 persons were present. ty t Mayor Starmer occupied the chair, on ‘whose right were Hon. G. E. Cartier, Major General i’imm\,\'. John Rose, Col. Ford, R. g., €, J. Brydges, Major Cook, Hon. Charles Wilson, Lient.â€"General Sir John Michel, Hon. T. D. McGee, Colonel Ripon, H. A., Hon. James Ferrier, Colonel Bel':o Adjutantâ€" General Macdongal, Captain Clark. _____ ~ _ (Per Montreal Live.) DINNER .To HON. G. E. CaRTIER | MIDNIGMHT DESPATCH. The vice chair was occupied by Hon. L. Renaud ; «Wiltiam Workman, J. L. Beaudry J. McKenzie, L. Devany, and>C. 8. Rodier. The Band of the 25th was present. _ When the cloth was drawn the Chairman gave the usual Joyal and patriotic toasts, which were received with applause. The Chairman then read letters of apology: from Hons,. John A. Gait, (fmnpbel?nud Langevin. 7 | C The Chairman gave the: toastâ€"* The Army, Navy aod !i'uhmu'en." His Ex cellency Nir John Michel roge to respond, and was greeted with enthusiastic and prolonged cheer=. He rejoiced that inâ€" the toast proâ€" posed the volunteers of Canada were ass# giated â€" with: the Britien army. â€" He. had always tfound the volunteers carnestly and zeatouâ€"ly assisting in any work to.be done, but did not infend to return thanks‘for that excellent bedy. Un behall) of the army, he would reciprocate. â€" He regretted. the Comâ€" mander _ of _ Her Majesty‘s _sbip . was nut _ present, to . whom un iu\i(nlio? bad teen sent: he having had to leave on business. The British soldiers were but a small body to lorin a nucieus for the large The Chairman next proposed the tuoet of | the eveningâ€"*‘ Hon. G. E. Cartier," and reâ€" [ ferred to the sacrifices made in his private | business to further the interests of the counâ€" try, referring in particular to the Seignorial Tenures settlement, codification of laws, adâ€"}] ministration of justice, and appealed . to the‘ testimonial given by the Hon. E Brown a« to his honest, straightforward conduct, and that French Cul:‘u.l'i:im -I':ould be prond et /Gat tier,~ " enthusiastic chger«.)" f Hnn.%(ï¬mwr rephed in French, ocâ€" cupying the "Aopr wbont an hour and a Col. Macdougal] brieily. replied t unteers. | * Severe Storm near Portland. Portuaxo, Mr., Oct. 30. â€"A sevore storm| form the gouth weet has prevailed bere all day. Several wulls in the burnt district] which were being rebuilt, have beeu biuwn . down. _ No disasters are yet reported to shipâ€". ping " Resolved, that we look on the trials, conâ€"" viction aud sentence passed on Col. Lynch and > others, as‘a challenge to the Irishmen ‘of ; America, and accept it in the spirit intended, | and we pledge our lives, liberty and sacred | honor to meet the issue as becomes a race , that never accepted the yoke of the Normant robbere." s £ if MHon. Mr. Cartiee proposed the health of the Emperor Napoleon, which was received with cheers. abie length * Hon. Ja«. Ferrier and Hon. Jno. Ro#@, reâ€" plied to the toast‘of « Both Houses of. Parliaâ€" ment." Sevegom@u . were.. which the Hon. Mr. McGee s; . Abandoned at Bea. Nrw Yourr, Oct. 30.â€"The ship Walrus, of aod from Sunderland, England, ftor Quebed, was abandoned at sea on &:t. 15th. â€" Crew saved by the bark Agra, and arrived here. Roberts About to Issue &n Address, New York, Oct. 30th.â€"It is stated that President Roberts will soon i«sne an import, ant address to the Feman Brotherhood in ‘tc; lation to the sentenge of Lyoch in Canada, and the future dutics and work of The organâ€" ization. _ There has been much., excitement and activity at the Fenian} headâ€"quarter= in this city toâ€"day. & a $ Fenian Bombast. Pmrapeuritts, Oct, 30.â€"â€"At a meeting of the Fenians held at Logan Hall this ¢vening, to express their sentiments on the conviction and sentence of Lynch and MeMahon, a numâ€" ber of resolutions of a bombastic character ure_!nn:ed._ '_I'Iw lnl!ow_iug is w specimen : Opening of the Ottawa Ship Canai. Over 350 Persons Present. Speech of Sir John Michel. ralotWer Toasts en leaders, or c‘reisted 6Â¥ (he Gotke â€". _ Haif the population of Upper woudd tome seltâ€" Hhemselyes sold, one cfs, (ts theit" alnclent Opelitical id bveuse Mr. Hirqpuir‘took a taney he C rabité m, 8. O!w]h. the Ret -ro;iv'rs ahpe atudl apots the lflll ib shave in the eri i4 tae eoputiy which they Lime .‘:m'-; Laxt ho tuÂ¥t tot * t the Coalith 11, w e c nnt valne nudo Contode ratiun, Itis aGreat Success. * Per Montreal Line. ber hianud, in the €y es pPWC" on “1“" a nustuRc, ar | in} f 1Cormpoderati I is notf to P / Cogpdition ingases, ,":.d'_‘ unes that Mesare, ")5;," dondilbnais ought pot ts lnhee chat iav â€" [ B# ®. It7 perMt® 1 B us d _ Th# N M posed, ‘ after gat considerâ€" iteceuents title.. ‘As l:i“:'n{’v' + »| THE oTTAi.wA TT c.anm ~EPH MT T fhis locality who have not yc 'wgm-:r -ï¬m\, 'L"' 4lcp?w.~§| to fli-& c‘|n.r.~.§uull'0!rh~fl of the sals toas, bramBos#and wineg, wilt V ar ‘n. ie wor n,â€".\}]x;fl ol tion in the city )'c.}un?)', that Edinbargh had committed s quiry; | b{wever, it turgs out groundless. _ | s “l‘l".\\\.ih tas t ustrA Y Â¥.â€"A Gas (":lll{!yfll.\' was lreld yoste Ual!. } .\1;1.;uiwlmn was pre is all llna:llliglnl:\\,q' can lat pros i\l"j-'q‘,"l. lkluc;lil". we believe) will nub)iuhu gtatement of its â€" Tiw .\rum(h Prewror aso® tions for this |T‘rfor|num-c'|u-~ 1 favorably, _ Dr, Hanmet Mill 3 addi¢ u‘!u the night of the qx adde/ "I the ‘pmgr.mun«‘ alr torms a lylfl-nr; attraction _1 Tit'u;v'l-\ will i on sale to.day. .\ï¬un.g'jt. oy | Miitany.â€"Th ths ihmfln-dt‘h; regiment, cons l‘rigi',r, rorsqany | twe . lJanc twenty mor, ulriw-d hevre by st ing~ ‘Chj« deticbment has be to prepate tuo @«ranrku for the right wing of t’.v regiment, exf some tim» next work, > day next, Nov, "Aitl, atothe 8 Thompson, Murray & Co. O 8th, two other bates cof toms," l;:nl Â¥rockery. will take place ( YÂ¥inws oe vinp Lare Fing a aptice that Mr, Jobhn Leslic, j ; ceived solmo veky firns stereosc views of the lnte disastrons taken the morning after th« These litté pictures show wit ness the lcrrihvic ravages of ¢lement in that devoted city; their mute eloquence for the deprived of sholtor, warmth ani forget the p«jn‘nrmanee at Monday next.| The procecds kuferers. | + Pouiee Corg‘r.â€"Johun. tirimgs, who en the previous Jlll'l’l“ll'.:‘ made a mise to His Worship that he would sign th¢ pledge on that idlay, and bring a certificate of his having done zo to the coftrt, appeared yesterday morning jpot only without the certificat¢; but under the 'Mditiolnnl disadvantage of having got "tight," and making things rather unpleasant at home ht the earliestâ€" possible moment after béaving the police court, so that Mr. OGara deemed it his bounden duty to inflict a fine of $4, or in Uefanlt two weeks at hard laboyr. John begged yery hard forâ€"credit, but formu" experience as to. punctnality and credibility, was against him. | I Js s â€" _ â€"â€"Itis extimated that $1,250,000 is about the , average weekly expenditure on meat in Wash» 1 ington Mnrk‘:fl, K. Y.The :h\'eugu sales of |Tive ‘stock areâ€"oxen, 0,500;; sheep, 2,500 ; "wclvu, l,':(m;nndApigl, ’_O'M‘A zt Prssrb, Pass.â€"â€"Now you ‘sge. it, and now ‘you don‘t, _ This phrase is orie that belongs peculiarly to that class of performers known as © wizards," or " fakirs," Ong of the latter, a Mr. Norwood, was to have visited this city , sndâ€" hold forth at ‘the Theatre dyring the week.‘ Somg time since he tclegrapked Mr. Townâ€" send for terms, received a protmpt answer, and as promptly answered, securitig the Theatre for six mights, commencing on the 29th, Monâ€" ‘day last. At the same times Mr. Myers, Manager of the Lyceum Theatfe, Toronto, deâ€" sired. to ‘secure the ‘Theatre| here from )Ill" (Townsend for the six nights of this week, an the citizens would certainly thave enjoyed a Townsend for the six nights or this week, and the citizens would certainty (have enjoyed a -.fuutgo?nnuén." Mt.‘Fownsend was in a fix. Norwood bad the prior claimjand Mr. Myers was rofused The azent, or /74 man ahead,â€" £ and very sost jwt thatâ€"arrived, and after enâ€" } deavoring t ‘raise some exditemcosit, bolted | on Monday, forgettiny in hij hurry.to settle up with Mr. Matthews, and hs a comforter, | took an overcoat, to which took i fancy, aith him. This sleek young gout needs lookâ€" jug atter, and it is to lu:'bo;mfl that the Nor» ‘wucu_l show “ill be dealt with carefully. Iw ;l’lnll and. Theatre Manazors. | )o Acmerure ast Drsyew.â€"On Vtiday evening ‘ last. at Cotbett‘s Hotl, beM‘s, Corners, the | [Dire« tots of thit Carleton Agrigultural Society, in vrunpany with some of the a@ing farmers und public men of the county, had a very | pleusant evening‘« © talk," and one of the best ; of dinuer«. ‘The occasion was a very auihbkl \dne! for an asgemblage of the kind. The doings of the society for the season Ueing now over, it "was right that those on whom the manage. \ment devolved sHould meet in a social way, talk over what hLad been dong, and‘ make reâ€" ' \solves for increased nseful in the future. 1 Accordingly we find that this meeting means work. _ After full justico had been done to the !“gwl things provided, it was Hecided that tbb1 [usunl toasts should be dispenged with and the | | business of the ovening en upon at one¢,. ‘ \The President being in the chair, rose and | stated tlm‘ob’ect of their mLug on the 0gâ€" | casion, it being found necessary, owing to the: growth of the society, and in order to koo? pace with the times, to have more hotuse acâ€" |commodation for the propet display of the | diffcrent departments forming the exhibitio a, [ and also to take a step onward in other mat» ters relating to the more sugcessful working of the society, â€" He urged upon the direc | the kseping open of future exhibitions twod‘é | instead of one, and threw out imany practi hints, in.detail, for the consideration of his asâ€" km«m present. : The Hon. J. Skead followâ€" ‘ed with a neat little speech, giving his own P i aw ; experience as an amateur f-+n:r, and in ï¬l»& iworklng of agricultural sociktics. He conâ€" I cluded his remarks by offeritig $25 as a head. | ing for a subscription list for the o-nlurfing of ! the society‘s buildings, The fecretary having g‘pnm«-al round m mbm-riptis;n list, G¢o. W. Enton, Hsq., followed with a like liberal | amount, which was« added to il,\' those present ‘ until s’,u‘lic_u was announced as the result ; A\'er# credithble sum for a gatherihg of atout %) persons, The building in question is intendâ€" ed ‘for the ‘Idiuplny of the different products of the field, and is to be provited with a dinâ€" ing hall on the second flat ; switable sheds are also to be erveted, ‘Those presint were thenadâ€" | dressod by Messrs. Dawson, ‘Fhos. Graham, F. | W. Harmer, W, Corbett, jr., the Warden of the County, theâ€" |Reeve of Richnond and others : ! and before separating it was Tmli‘gulf@lnuld A soiree on (,‘h‘fis(lwu night, in the u;;l‘icullum! ] building, the proceeds to b‘ applied to the | building fund, â€" The divectors haveâ€" the arâ€" | rangements in their_hands, and judging from the spirit in which it was |mitertaken the | affair promises to be very nucï¬-raml. â€"A correspondont of the Chichgo Times writing.â€"from Toronto, says a tompany recontâ€" ly formed has purchased three immense beds of pest, comprising over three thongand acros, adjacent to the Wolland Canal, in Welland County, C.W. ‘They lmve already an order for 55,000 toma "to be delivered in. Buffalo in the spring | R | LELCUJCA L. JN tod. atoth loves of fedde nceting â€"u y in the ntod, and nto gwive e * the ‘con Nairs > =The pro ‘detachinent of sting of Unsign eâ€"cyrporals aud .. 009 amer last eveti~ m sent forwara reception of the vected to arrive t‘rlh r, bas res pic and eante ire at Quebec, conflagration, h graphic clear the: destroying and plead in any. thousands 1 bread. Don‘t 1e Theatrs on eo to abl th* tormutuce ; this ad\ daid down L W i. ained iN doliv ‘would divect ics, win=s aad i Mr.+ John Merchants in laid in their QUEBSEC â€"â€"â€" th cur on Sature es of Messrs. Tuesday : the ced pr hy cireula» at . New On enâ€" hntirely wines City that n the wl this vrik> |cday th â€"â€"A new and be brought _â€"â€"Mr, Poa somebody) at â€"A Chinan a white man « â€" A womnip, an inmate of the Havre Mospi« tal, dicd thet} a day or two since at the age of 100 vears. .’ » contrad killed H nfb ha in a h'»n \â€"â€" Th Goderich salt wells avre now being put into/full operation, and it is expected that they will have salt in the market in a few (ll)'.- f â€"â€"A Chinanjan cannot testify against cither a white man dra negro in California, .A close «xerver estimates that New York city consumed daily 360 tonk of meat. â€"â€" Â¥ “l.ah! measuring d{'ny teet in length was washed aghore at Rockway beach on Mon» "I eA xander Smith, son of the oviginal Jar, is laboring with the Salt Lake saints to conâ€" ¥«ii thein fibin polyzamy. fls | _ The Eipneh papors pat a musical attachâ€" ment to thif wanc of the new Amcrican nm» Hassador, . [Phey vall him General Dixie. | _ The Klng of P‘russia has issued a concilinâ€" tory addregk, explaining the political nocessity for theamiffn of Hanover and Prussia. i th Inceln 1 in that n woith of Tieit th away N tntions â€"At[fancaster, Poun,, on Tuesday, Lazelle and Kirfg, posturers and acrobat«, while perâ€" forming| in Howe‘s cireus, fell a distance of thirtyâ€"ghe feet, and were seriously injured, * _â€"Matthew Skates, a soldier of the revoluâ€" tion, didd recently ncarâ€"the Cowpens b.'ltfl‘t.‘- ground,| South Carolina. at the nge of one hundred and cight. g ty . Qufen Emma spent all her money while in Eurdpe, and the Hawaian Assembly, at its recent‘spssion, voted her $3,000 begides her reâ€" gular allowance of $6,000, / ~â€" Abbut one hundred and twenty miles of the thirfl rail on the Great Western Railway is now laifl ; the whole to be completed by the first of fanuary, â€" Fomfirteen bears have been killed recently in Albkny, N. 1. The" Portsmonuth Journal says tliey have been quite‘ bold. ‘Three of them c{munitted the offence of visiting a fart mer‘s drchard. * â€"Tlik Sherbrooke Freemen says that Chas. l)ickm;u, the erigineer: Killed in the railway accidert at Windsor,C,. E., had his life insured for \I’ )0 two or three days before the fatal acciderl, _ Mcâ€"deaves a family, ; 541( as been decided to reâ€"build the, Conâ€" % t. Sauveur, Quebec, the walls of which condition, for a chapel and a sc ‘the nwe of the families in the neighâ€" the dis lowa, i Loul p("ll â€"‘Tlfe Colorado Mi»m#deyrne! says Brighan / YÂ¥ ounglis making inspocting tours sound about his datninions. ~ He was “‘bllayhhml" by a reugh ckwoodsman, who p‘rommï¬le;l Arte» mus â€" Ward‘«‘\ qnerv indirect. . " Haw!s your mothex inâ€"law *\ * o [ W . id d â€"â€".A |man named Montjoy killed ivll'g brotheg in Maron County, Kentucky, las â€" turday//in a «quarrc] about a horse. . Tl mugâ€" deror cfllcd tho other a dâ€"d thict, uh&ehp?u the oul thus: atigmatized. turried, apon him,! beat hm with a logâ€"chain un‘l‘&ï¬."dmw' a knife gind atabbed his ngmiw,’mmgh Hm] deror crli( the onl t beat hm knife ind heart « i,\j(fl ot our rflg!;qï¬vill deeply regret to Idrth the death of anold aud esteemed citizen of Quebec, for & niimber of years connected with 1u; u_f:&m}$llncipnl banks of Lower Canndaq We méitn the late Mr. Samucl Newâ€" tonâ€"a |pjost jfble man of business, and of the strict ‘inte'i(y, his personal charaeter was to the logt degrec amiable, Under all the reâ€" sérve of‘that English manner which never in any degree left him, he carried a most genial tempe } nd a most kindly heart. A wenerous friend And a sagacious adviser, he was alro, wheneffer he overcame a self abnegation amounting to diffidence, a most improving compagion, and a "favored few" knew that liis mihd was well stoced with literature; his cdumln of old England‘s sound old type, and th§ classical knowledge fe dreaded to disâ€" play, : s sufficient to make less modest men not uujustly proud ot their attainments. any de temper friend, whene amoun compa his mi educat and th play, w not ut statteg on his round. Abgut oue o‘clock nest morning, a horse drawikg a furniture cart, came quictly down Eighth street. The borse‘s feet were tied in fieces of carpet to muflle the clatter of the Eoolp The teawm was stopped directly oppoâ€" site the case. Two sturdy men jumped from the whggon, lifted the cause into it, sprang with velerity upouu the seat, and rapidly drove away, To been present at the opeuing of the ‘case by its cuptors would have beun worth a d or two, even for a back seat. In slang pasi@ues, the Dutglars had a © soft thing" of it. (KFripm the Philadelphia North American.) ‘As ith attache to a well known dry goods concerp in Chestnnt strcet, for years past lived @large mastiff. _ He was a faithful watch dog, kpown to every regular habitue of the store fur his gentleness by day, smd to every one wlto tapped at the closed door after dark by his wigilance at night. + P The|animal, however, grew helpless and tooth1l@ss from age, and suffered additionally from that scourge to caninity, known as the mange! _ ‘The life of the quadruped became to hiny a burden, and very> reluctantly the firm aGopted the advice of a discerning farâ€" vier, ind relcased the age tidden animal from & further suffering from his many inâ€" Bremitiibs. > â€"Thig being done, the disposal of his body was abjnestion. â€" ‘There was no chance to inâ€" tor. it on the premiscs. Nobody would reâ€" move Bit, not could anybody be found who would{undertake ; its interment, ~ An effecâ€" tual @xpcriment was adopted. f1r a snug packimg case the body was carefully laid, and with straw and broken bricks the case was fifled. The lid was mailed on, and the box marked with the address of A. ‘I‘. Stewart & Co.{New York. The box was put upon the sidewglk, where it remained during the afterâ€" noon,| When the night watchman came upon the prémises,be was told that he rfeed not watch the very closely ; indeed, that if it were stolemhe would not be visited with the smallâ€" est cqusure. Mr. Watchman grinned and & Co. sidew noon. the pri the stole est c starte th â€"Within the past week George Peabody, â€" Aufbrican ;n'pilliouuiirc banker, has given y $$h4,000 to charitable and litorary insti~ Com The Vim ewand of ($1,000 has been offéred for m:ér(_?f Eduar Tisdale, of l)uhuqnlv‘ ive‘or «lead, who mysteriously disipâ€" rom Chi@ligoc on the afternoon of the xtember. 7 +C * : J‘ (ronesite‘ M 1 FAKRY DECIDED SELL ’Nmuun-o- Lspress says| that a farmer ighbourhood sold this scason $1,200 hops, grown on #sis a¢res of ground, t Eulenburg, the Prussian officer who rt Olt at Bonw, has Dbeen pardoned, und ondon Lance/ says thete is nothing + ol the Emperor Napoleow‘s herlth le with long lifs and activity. th been contined for. several months Laxposition, gd <pas aap" with the British Ambassador, full life of David Garrick will in London shortly. dy‘s fortwnc is reckoned (by 70,000 000 , EWS ITEM® it Te/â€"griph is authorized to wort that Garibaldi will soon ind P‘ BROBEER S1, 1866 oBnITUARY s of Wales will «o THGRIPMC General Sherman . declines to be Secretary 6 of War, j Naw York, Oct. 30,â€"The Hera/ld‘a Washingâ€" ton special zays : Gen. Giant is anxious that Gen, Sherman should assume the portfolio of Mr. Stanton, in order that he may have hearty coâ€"operation of the War Office, in the work of reâ€"oryanizing the army, Gen, Sherman, it is reported, does not aspire to the position, and Gen. Grant horeu to have Goneral Stedman nominated for the position: _ The . 8. Treaty with Mexico. Nsw York, Oct, 30.â€"The Times Washingâ€" ton special says: Colonel Campbell, United Stutes Ministerto Mexico, has left with creâ€" doentials to the Juares Government, and with full instructions contirming the tripartite arâ€" wingement alroady «nnonunced, between the United States, France and the Kepublic of Mexico, ‘ Napolcon, is to commence the withâ€" drawal of thie French army from Mexico next month, and it is probable that the whole arâ€" my will be withdrawn by the dirst of January nexi. â€"Of comese Mazimition leaves also, . Gar Govermment will extend to the Juares Govâ€" ernment &) protoctorate, to be operative and ready in cate oi cuergetey, In order to fcâ€" complish this, a mililul_i ificer of high runk will â€" go |with _ Colonel â€" CampleH, â€" and both General Sherman and GenerwsT Hancock are.spoken lof in this councetion, ~ In cousidâ€" eration of| these frieudly offers, Megican tertitory will be ceded to the United States, which will zive us the whole of Lower Califors nia together with Sonoma and Chib nalhe Rallroad J‘c«ue-h â€" Prexsant, X. Y., Oct. #0,.â€"The Albany trainl due heve this mogning ran off the track two miles south of Peekskill, owing to the track heing washed away,. The cars wore thrown from the trich. The road will De ebstructed for »everal (honur«. LATEST AMERICAN DESPATCHES. * New Yobs, Oct,. 30. â€"The stcamer, Prrats trom Liverpool has arrived. Yellow Fever on Board of a Steamer. The United States stcamer L/encil/e from St. Thomas is Iying at quarantine with 15 of the crew â€" sick< with yellow and intermittent fever.. Numbers died on the passaze.â€" \ Flood in Jersey Citys ~~ * Jixsky L'&n, Oct. 30,â€"The flood _ was so great in Jopscy city that every | basement and cellar was filled with water. (From *l:o New York World, October 29.) While the Fenians and : those who sympaâ€" thize with them in this country are organizâ€" ing measutes to secure the escape from the deathâ€"penalty of * Colonel" Lyxes and his companions in duress at Toronto, it iz exâ€" tremely désirable to Lbear in mind the real eonditions |of sneces« in thee hnimane and hanorable efforts. â€" These are not to be tound in such hot and hasty appeals to the pas#ions of men on the American side of the line as may,indeed, precipitate new hostuliticg against the Canadas, but can hardiy fail in doing #o to cause ilhe execution â€"of the individual« chiefly concerned. There is &« time for all things; and however excellent and desirable the mostiimpassioned Fenian may hold it to be that the whole Canadian border should be set in a blaze by way of compelling , Englishâ€" men to unilerstand that Ireland refuses to acâ€" cept the favor and consideration of philanthroâ€" pic Britons as the best thing she hasa right to hope 15¢, it must still be perfectly plain to any reflecting iman that lr;' way. to make Canadian justice relax its hold upon Lynch and his ugmrml(\s is not to rekindle in the popular mind of ‘Canada all the fears and fury, all the terrora and rage which were aronmsed by the invasion in which Lyuch aud his comrades are acoused of taking part. No doubt the hanging of Lyuch and lits c;?\u would grgatly fire the Fonian hea rotls in the. ol country and the new; but, thougle it! be . true that thcï¬u" the martyrs it the eeed of the c h, we noâ€" where reall that it is proper T6 make men martyrs against their will 4or the sake of the church. _If Lyuch apud is comrades had proudly claimed the an name, gloriéd in it, and asserted 1 willinzwess to die jor the good of theâ€"c#nee, the case might be ditâ€" proudly claimed the an name, gloined in it, and asserted ï¬llin;m »s . to ie jor the good of theâ€"c#hee, the case might be ditâ€" fereut. â€" But sy Waris this from being true that Lyneh aad his comrades have earnestly endeavored to repudiate all share in the inva sion. â€" They claimed acquittal on the ground of their nouâ€"participation in the campaign ol Fort Erie, â€" Their “:'cs must be saved, f they are to be paved at all, by such representations frot our own government to the government of Cauada as tmmultuous and passionate demonsatrations upon our &wn border are moâ€" Taily certain to staltify and reuder utterly fuâ€" ile. > In this connection it 1« imporiant to im« *L‘s! upon the Canadian" people themeclves TH / the Mct, of which we have the fullest Cauaâ€" dian t,vgdince, that even the combatant=wn the Fenian gide, duriog the "raid on Fort Erie," exâ€" hibited a forbearance and good conduct which should be imitated now by the authorities who bave these prisoners in their hand«. Major Denison, who, aficr serving in an important military [muion n the Canadian side, wrote and published the best account we have of the # Fort Brie campmiga," expressly says : 1 * must mention that, from @ll account», the " Fenians, except in ‘so far as they were ** wrong in invading a peaccful country, in " carrying on an nnjustifiable war, ‘ behaved " remarkably well to the inhabitants. J © spent three weeks in Fort Etie, and..conâ€" " versed with dozens of the peuple of ‘the *« place, and was astonished at the; universal " testimony borne by them to the nnvaryâ€" « ing good conduct of this rabble while amon "them, .* * * * They have been calï¬ * ed plunderers, robbers, and marauders, yet, " no matter how unwilling we may be to adâ€" © mit itix:hc positive fact remains, that they «* stole but few valuables, that they destroyed, " comparatively speaking, little or nothing, " and that they committed no ‘outrages on « the inhabitants, but treated every done with " unyarying courtesy," s The same officer adds that the Fenians be« haved to their prizoners with " the: greatest kindness," nnï¬â€™ speaks of them as " doing "acts that put one in _mind. of the days of " knighterrantry."" As no honest and humane person can have aAny object at this moment in convection with the Fenians in Canada save to rescue them from death, it must be the wish of every such person to strengthen, and not to weaken, the pressure npon the Canadian nuthorities of such i generous and dignified public feel: ing asiis borne witness to in these c;unlit% adâ€" missions of a soldier who did his duty! galâ€" lantly| in the field againat the invaders o June.| We bave the particulars of the loss of the‘ stcamship Ahima, in the Red Sea, on the 11th of September, when on her way from Bombay to Sitéz, by collision with the steamship Nada, procerding from Sucz to Bombay, ‘The colâ€" lision took place during the night, and thg Bhimg sauk in less than three minutes aftér she was struck, " Out of the 101 persons,on board, only twentyâ€"two have been saved. _ O these, cight are Europeans, and ‘the resuainder natives. ‘The Bhime was struck on her starâ€" board side, a fow feet astern of her mainmast, ‘The sbock was terrific. Those who had gone to réstâ€"and nearly all had done #o about an hour| beforeâ€"were . instantly aroused, and springing to their feet, rushed forward to see what had happencd. How great was their dismay to ï¬ur the vossel already sinking! LONS OF THE STEAMER "BHIM A, | WITH 79 LIVES. The scene was ons of a most appalling charâ€" acter. For a few seconds there was a terrific rushing from one part ‘of the vesscl to another : but it was too evident that there was no hone for cscape. Shricks and lmuul cties for belp filled the air. As the Shema was sinking a terrible explosion took place, which is eupâ€" posed to buve been occasioncd by the water running into the fires and coming in coniact with the boilers. Those that were saved were Ml}xh’ï¬.m from the Noda. O( the seventyâ€"Ave persons lost, alzteen â€"wore Euroâ€" peans. 5 PRENTANS AND| THE CANAâ€" | DILNS: l . [., (Per Montreal Line.) Arriveds 1 Hor'hy-;:r'- Rem od y At a public meetin beld in Buifabo : since exâ€"President Pillmore is yeporiei] t that he would do nothing to cxoito the irs ‘ the hostility of his Canadian neighbore ; & worthy people, and wore for the moct! [ 1y ; an immediato outbreal was mot to * | ted, he would ndvise hi« fellowâ€"@iti. t the fesgons which history had taught â€"« [ o Jn digne of pesee propare bor wer," ber ‘ be well to lmave our Norcthern froutiors w i J not this. s;lesson to w« to dortify o4 frontieps ? end while doing eo weuld it | to fortify ow»selves against the aftwe«s Fuovnâ€"Super Extra y n EXU se Fancy,...... * Canada Wheat Western * Qatsâ€"Per 32 "bs........ Barueyâ€"Per 48 lbs..... Bortrkrâ€"Dairy.......>> We certify that Mr. G.. Mortimer‘« + Cholers Remedy" has speedily removed several attueks of Bowel Complaint and #ymptoms of Cholera, with which we were lately goized." 4 _1 ___ Storeâ€"Packed ABMHFRSâ€"DOLS ... e 0 Ilu*.vrtm- Supprmea Gowe=*]xtemcive . ab» seeszos are dangercus ; but many of the mothods of cure alp du0fe Jnn:olm-‘ than the malads. They ihust not be supprossed by extcinal applications. Bristol‘s Sarsapariiiay the mosd harmices of ‘all depuratives, jyet the most irresiâ€"tible, »oom purgee from the hlood the poisen which generates the disonse. 1t is the »ame with carbuncle, which latn, €@ all oth plying cts. 1 all depuratives, (yet the moâ€"t. irresi=lihle, . ~008 purgee from the hlood the poisen which generates the disoase. 1t is the «ame with carbuncle, which is an uugï¬rrdcd and virulent ¢pecies of boil, and geperally denotes a~ weakened constitution. Bristol*s Sarsapariffa, the rreat vegstable tonâ€" ic and deterzent, is the 6ue lhihgmc']e-fin carbunâ€" cwar as in all other ulcerons disorders. . Bristel*s Vegetable |Pills used at same time in inoderate dowes, will téud to ailay feverish #ymuptomsy and will earry off through the bowels« the morbific matâ€" ter #»et free by the Sarsaparilla, thus facilitating and hastening a rnml.ltle cure. s ‘267a « I have neverchanged my mind respecting them from the first, excepting to think yet better of that which 1 began thinking well of." â€" BRav. Mésay Waro Besouts. | Oftewa, October 31. # Most «alutary relief in broochit:s." â€" * _ Ray. 8. Sipormu», Motristown, Ohio. . © Very beneficial when suffering from colds." Ruv. 8. J. P. Axverso®, 8t. Louis. « Almost instant relief in the diâ€"tressing labor of breathing peculiar to asthina." ; Ray. A. C. Eoorissrax, New York,. " They havo suited my case exactlyâ€"relieving my throat so that I could sing with ease." ; y T. Dacuaryes, Chorister French Parish Church, Montreal. A« there are imitations, be sure to obtain the pnu?mt A ~~A CARD PO INVALID®. â€"â€" A clergyman, while residing in South America as a missionary, discovered a safe and li-no remedy for the cure of nervous weakness, early deâ€" cay, diseases of the urinary and seminal organs, and the whole train of disorders brought on by banefal and y cious habits. Great numbers have been cuted by this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to bencfit the afficted and unfortunate, I will gend the recipe for preparing and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to any one who needs it, pree of charge. Please encloseanenvelope, addressed to yourseM. i W. H. MITCHELLL, _ . & Hair Dresser, Weollington St., + Qpposite Montreal Bank, (wper Town. To be hui of the proprietor, iat 209, \\'ollh,w. Street, and at the drug stores of J. Skinner, Wellâ€" Street ; J. Brown, S,‘wu(L Stredf"ud J. Rideau Stroet., e t* ~Oftara, July 2, 1866. J 161y Aerible, and thus prevents thatperspirable multer j rom callecting on its aurface, Rt not only reasvates the hair, but imparts to it a beautiful glous. M Mothers Read This!â€"BHolloway*s Worin Lozenges are a certain and safe remedy for Worms in (Children and Adulisâ€"As it is a well known and melancholy Fact thatone great vause of death among children is fromy Worms alone, it connot be too deeply impre=sed upon the minds of parenuts the mnecessity of eloâ€"ely waiching thoir children. ~ By : *o ‘doing ; aud understanding the symptors and «true canse of_the disease, thuuml!u of children might be sared from ewrly graves. . Sysrrous or Wonys.â€" The ï¬.umi-s wre in few of the very numerous «yimploms an diveaâ€"e« which are caused by Worms : deranged appetite, emaciated extremitics, ofensive breath, frequeat picking at the nose, grinding of the teeth during sleep, harduors of the belly, with froquent slimy steols, and cometimes convulsive fit« ; itghhg of the arms, pain in the head nrl stomach, unquiet sleep, faintings, tromplings, coughs, lndigestion low spirits, frightfal «dreaum, and a gradual waist inz away of fleshs. . etorat yb e ul :('l inclpw{:ly. of lhl;bwz'g:' those grosser {u-nich-' perspirable matter deposited upon it. . The copâ€" :ï¬'“"w 13 tie ahin ppcomes Sontfacted, sonles g-ools off ; and the heat which is on its surface, weakens that nutriment which feeds the HALR, it soon falls off, and BALDNESS is imminont. _ _ UP e EV t ncty h 1 They are palatable and selfâ€"adjministered to the clildâ€"drive out the worins thoroughly without pain and completely cleanse the stomachâ€"Abergby doing away withthe necessity of administering Castor Oil or other nopleasant cathartiocâ€"as in the use of other Worms. y nd ds , f‘&eh box contains the facâ€"simile signature of Norturor & Lywax, Newcastle, C.W., who .are he gole phrlmrn‘. 2 N. B.â€"Ask for | Hollocay‘s Worm _ Lozenges, l‘l‘ 18 WELL KNOWN TO THOSE Wito have carefully etudied the F«:nh’ar diseases of the hair that DANDRUFF collects on the skin by N. B.â€"Ask ~{for Hollocay‘s Worm _ Lozenges, F and take no cther. "W®. . Sola by a!l the ruggist« in Ottawa, and medicine dowlo. everyâ€" where. +A 144.6m Mitcheli‘s Vangru Embrocation 'â€"ll' ;I;‘mlirbovun we;y E-"a}'-' and Genfleman‘s Toilet, both as a DRESSING and REXNOV ATOR, At Christ Church,Ottawa, Rev: Mr. Lauder, J. M. Hosk to Mildred Elizabeth, eldest Win, Mines®, Egq., of this plat No cards«, & mmc'rno-rnimm Wm SHEEFLELD HOUSE, Mulleneux, Eeq., W’†irpoo!, #fl- and, to Caroline, ?‘lllLdlllx..llel"‘flfA ry C, Grant, Esq., Kingston, 24, SPARKS STRERT, OTTAWA, Side Dlphu,â€"c+un Frames, Tea Sets, Baskets, wmu: Butter Coolers LiquorFrames, Pickle Frames _ R@" Particular aitention paid to the repairing For sale at 41, Nussex Street #1 recomizeod thoir use to public «Containr no opium, nor anything injoricas. f Dr. A. A. Hayes, Chemist, Bost * An elegant combination for coughs." % Dr. G. F. Biorbow, Bost Neptember 24 This prephration at once readers the skin soft nad Sand w The Great Dandruf® Preventatives Yesterday‘s Montreal COM M ENC AL rthroat trouble« they are a specif his. s{leseon to w« to dortiy our Seutheri s ? amd while doing #o would it not be well y cwselves against the aftac«s e shoumat« ghs, colds, cholic«, bowel couplaints, and r diseases incidont to this climate by sup» rselves with the © Canadiah Pain Destroy» un be bied of .ny Medicine Dealer for 25 Brown‘*s Bronchial Troches» SPECIAL NOTICE®. d do nothing to cxoite the irs, or provolee | +A ut his f'sluuznliuu neighbors ; vhr’y wore â€"‘, 3 ople, and wore for the most part tniend> l C Al=o, 13 ediato outbreiak was mot to®e anticipd» | o4 o. ui would advise hi« fellowâ€"gitizon« to heed ! 7 T inde,. . which history had taught â€"all nations,‘ | (,'Tn.:low pewee prepare for war," henee is Would | _ <sle at 1 wve our Northern froutiers well foititedal ; | s;leeeon to w« to dortify our Souther mid while doing ¢o weuld it not be wel ".l-'nlv'-'h ‘ rselves against the aftae«s o shousat. | "_______. , colde, cholics, bowel couplaints, and | * is eases incidont to this climate by supâ€" in i6 wives with the © Canadiah Pain Destrey» 'l Prepared by Pearl« Address N. Gpmvary, Sussex J>. McGrar#, York Watechmaters and Jowellers, ty tor Chotera Diarre huer e J« .sl;wi‘r. ENXMAXN, Station D, Bible Mouse, .‘ New York City Mortimér‘« .« Cholera | s Competent workmen ever Vr;;iy io 4o _ ; M YE PIPING, JOBBING, ETC., l'!‘(‘o l FSMONDE BRO®. | # » IBD m h 43 Sparks Street, ATROW | o.....,!‘.: Ontario Bank * | Oit wa, Octobor 27. _ Iy! _« th October, by the , Esq., of Almonte, ughter of the late Markets» $8 00 6 45 «# i 10 6 95 ht 1 bo 6 295 @ P. Wiuuss Y & Co., Stront 25 264 UFUUC | Mixty Seven CUrateés Crockery art sriend> | ~ Al=o, 199 eages Tussblers, Plain, Ribbed, Preasâ€" an ‘.f""'. | ¢d, we., Luitable for the, Upper and Lower Cansda akers few days have said 50 "Teas, Brandies, W ines. &c,, at the stores of Nesers. Thompson, Co., on SATURDAY, 3rd Rovember Montreal Trade Sales By JOHN LEEMING & Co. > &o., at the stores of Mesers. Thom Ac., &¢., for account of Messre, Converke, Colson & Lamb, at their stores, fluxiul Street, Montreal, on TUESDAY, 6h NXOVEMBEE. 4 â€" Sale at NINE o‘clock | _ F | Fresh Teas.Tobaccos, W ines Vor atcount of Jules Fournier, K.t.“ his Stores, St, Paul Street, Montreal, on THURSDAY, the 8th NOVEMBER ® Sale at NE o‘clock ; or immediately after Messr® Runmer, Gunn &,Co.‘s Sale. JOHN LEEMING & Co., 4 , Auctioneers. Montread, i FBNRADE SALE OF Montreal, October 31 § G a T4 c« Dmramndies, W ines GENERAL GROCERIES, &c., ' sATURDAY 10th NOVEMBER, for aceount of Messrs. Reuter, Lionai« & Co. Sale at NINE o‘clock. ce Montreal, Octob _ Glassware, &c,, Un THURSDAY, the 6th NOVEMBER, consisting of C. C.â€"Blue Edged,â€"Painted,â€"Dipt, and Cane W are, and a good assortment of Granite. " Cataloguer are mcnd SelearTNo waedk. . _ C _ _.% YEXORER. °: 0 .. 0. > Nale at NINE 6‘cock Montreal, October 31 About 200 Packages of Crockery, Montreal, October 31 Dlll., ROWE HAS RECEIVED IK» struction= from the Executors of the Estate of the late Thomas Burke, to sell by publicauction, at his late residence, on Ridean Street, foot of Sanâ€" dy HMill, on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1st, 1866, commencing at 10 o‘clock, a. m., the whole of the household cfects, consisting of Pariour Furnitare, one hair cloth Wainut Sota, hair cloth Chaire to match, Centre and Side Tables, What Nots, Pariour Ornamests, Mirrors, Pictures, Window Cartains and Carpets, Prawing Room Cul'r, Cane Seat Chaire, Nurse Rocker, 1 Bureafi, Fide Table, &c., ha Rooin Dining Table, Chairs, SN~* Board, Case and Books, with Cupboard and Drawers, 1 Clock, Mlated Cruct EL?\L Crockery, China, and Glas»rare, 1 Double Sove, 1 FPariour Stove @nd Pipe:s, Zinc, &¢c. Bedroom Furnitareâ€"Bedstcads, Bureaus, W ashstands, Hair and Straw Mattraeses, Chamber Ware, &c., &c. kitchen Fumitureâ€"â€" Coaking Stove complete, Kitchen Table, Chair«, Capboard, Jars, Water Casks, Cord Wood, &s. TERMS OF SALE CASIHL AH gouds to be remored m the day of «ale. it *"% AMO® ROAFKE, Otta wa , 0 sEw voOLtMNE. Sunday Magazine tor 1866 year,", "MNow 1 .M lan':_vh Marriagze." N()Tl('lv: Is HEREBY GIVEX, THAT this Bridge will be locked open from Bix a‘clack, p. m., unitil Seven a. m. Any open» ing or ~}!‘:.ming it without authority '!ll be liable to a penalty of forty dotlars. JAMEsS D. SLATER, . _ Swing Bridge at Mutchmor‘s Cut. Household Furniture, Ot awa , Qctober 30 ESMONDE BROS. ',l;lT»ft.'j'-'.' would say we hare the best, free from ;:;e , an r:::';â€"wwl nonâ€"explosive, (bow- from OUIGâ€" LAMPS Are from the champion makers, every.«size dp‘ stoves on hand. kA To THOSE W ANTING A GOODCLEAR e OIL, we would say we hare the best, free from Are of the most beautiful and varied assortnent and not to be equailed in the city. _ & The trade supplied at low rates. Dranclies, WV imnmes Sale at TEX w‘clock The Tiger Prince, by Daiton. The Contemporary Review for October. â€" Bound to the Wheel, by John Saunders. Mrs. Becton‘s Household Management. * Vols, I to VIIL, Chambers‘ Encyclopedia. Illustrations of Scottish Life, by Dr. Rogers. The Sparrowgrass Papers. Half Hours of English History, by Chas. Knight» London Poems, by Buchanan. No Inferior NHADKE $ALE OF «RADE SAiLE O®F NRADPE SALE OF itreal, ¢ U ADE SALE OF PREPAKE POR a~ ut "THKEN WILL FE SOLD, «n TV ESDAY, the 6h NOVEMBER, RADE SALE OF eax, ‘*VTobaceoxs, Brandies, Wines. sSCOTCH CROCKERY. GROCERIES®, &o3 Gtss acemint cof Mcs«re. Kimmer, Gunn & Co., at stores, Montreat. on THURSDAY, Sth NO OUFEFR RS. WARRENS GREKEAT BOOK® : Airpneral Effects, &c. «"Mow 1 Managed li Mouse on £200 a ‘ «ow I Managed My Children from Inâ€" COLD WEATHER. For eale by AUCTION SALE PX NERAL GROCERIES, &e., e being propared JOHN LEEMING « CO., OMX LEFMING 4 co ck. « Joux Lread*o & co., JOHNX LEEMING & €o., IOHN LEEMING & €O., Aurtioncers. JOMHN DURIE & SON, _ 10, Sparks Stre N LEEMING & CO,, Anctioneers Snperintendebt R. Canal. * BY BUYING <AT Auctioneers Auctioneers 394 Aucstioneer A49d Murray & The Quebec Under the immed:a i}yor and Corporat Crand Am On Monday e W ith the mssistahce TO PARIS When will be prese city, the be dttewa, October THE WORLD‘ _ Maving bad the est houses, fover $ To tes barm Sork CHARLES ld I‘lnl.l.\' "l:‘l‘.l w w #cu Doors open at 7 é €. T. SLOCU M, A; For the following date of the troops tember, 1867, or u if before that day ll IDl’PI."I:;:‘ by mm Con .-' Dr, J . Hill a sowan‘s splendid Doors open at 7 ; | For further partic l.n‘uu-l!r. o Texascare â€"Wis Frauk Dranctonâ€" Gobp ®A be paid at per hour. above sorrices, 1 ud all other «d at the Con on a proposed C week each way, Station, (©. & I MAIL wa, until Noon, Ottawa, October “_m..,,,,,,,‘l biank forms of Offices at North From the 8t tember, 1867, if before that SATURDAY, C I6 E: pde those of No tenders service to be The Mails to XovEM® Return of the JUST FR COAL WICK (Lor (By 1 Jow