Qttawa, September 6 Nom-.â€"n.l. PARTIES HAVING | sStock to pay to J.. elaims against the Estate of the late ALEXâ€" | the sard Company ‘mzl:l‘)zlmvw-m in the #4me | wa, on FRIDAY, I his 26th * WAL a “ s ‘. Dated this 2 s BCPTRL , dttawa. Sentomber 6 222â€"3m | 340td Gt ( _ the Governmert of Canada. Ottews, April 3. 1865. t4s," Her , without :peemlrm‘m'wn. until after the jof Three months from the tims when such coal may have been‘last supplicd to her withâ€" in British Waters as* aforesaid. * I have the honor to be, Sir, ; Your most hamble servant, * »AMkrnedy EDW ARD CARDWELL. | For information, apply (..+ id) to MESSRS LYON &« REMON, Barnsters, JOHAX ELIL to the Seciety, Utta® a, + 1 Or to : } \ _ J. MERBERT MAsoNX, t P ® { 1 Necretary and Treasurer, Tor.\ow- Privateers, or *nh-m Ship«) of the said Beltiâ€" rn-t parties the same Port, Roadstead, or aters within the Territorial jusisdiction of Her Majesty, there shiall be an interval of not less than Twentyâ€"four hours between the departurether¢from â€"of any ggeh ve«sel (whether a Ship of W ar,â€"a Privaâ€" teer, or a Merchant Ship)of the one Belligerent, and lh-hann( departure thereftom of any Ship of War or Privateer of the cther Belligerent, and the 'w hereby limited forthe departure of such Ships ‘ar and Privateers respectively, shall nlw-{: in ease of necessity be extonded, so far as may mb;ubv giving effect ‘to thi® proviso, but not or otherwise. | i4 â€" IIL. No Ship of War or Privateer of either belliâ€" w shall schereafter be permitted while in any Roadstead or W aters, subject to the Territoâ€" rial jurisd{iction of Her Majesty, to take in any supâ€" plies, except provisions, and such other things as may be requisite for, subsistence of her crew, and excopt so much coallonly a«+ may be sufficient to carry such Vessel to, the nearest Port of her own sountry, or to some nearer destination ; and no coal shail be again sapplied to any sych Ship of W ar or Privateer in the same or any other Port, Roadstead, or W aters, subject to the Territorial jurisdietion of | «Loane at proportionate rates for 2, 4. 6, 8 or 12 years. / : . | The abovg instalments include a Sinking Fund, which pays of the Principal, as wel ‘of the Toan, go that at the expiration of the germ agreed upon, the debt is entirely wipe ameant ot thie loan is advanced, and no nt is required before the end.of the ha Yl{'.y-onb be made in advance, and interest ;::\kv-fl therefor : or the m« n,:-r lou in full at pay time the borrower desires, on equitable terms. _ EXPENSESSTRICTi f \_ Ortawa, 19th March, J 866. / Srg,â€"L haive it in command to call yourspecial sétention to the annexed copy of lbz:u h from the Secretary of State for Foreign Afairs, to the yt-vmâ€"d-nnl wf this Province, copreying Her g-m:. Orders that no Chilion «~ Spamieb armed essels be allowed to bring their prizes isto Briâ€" tish Waters F # y E. T 5 The Earl of Clarendom to Mr. 0«-%. Fommex Orrics, 2nd February, 1$66. Siz,â€"Her Majesty‘s Goverument being desirous of abserving the strictest â€"wflgw the | con test between Spain and the Repablic of Chili, they proâ€" tme, with the view of more efectually carryi :olm this pri iflo.nwmh\m:: Slip..l‘lhomnmmooibahmi , froum «nqudo :; them into the Ports, Harâ€" bours, or Waters of the United Kingâ€" dom, or any of Her Majesty‘s Colonies or Possesâ€" sions abroad. s . t Amount required to redeem each $100 adv in .__ If payable ye y‘.;.‘.‘l_ ‘I Rave accordiqguy to acquaint you that the Queen has h-‘auod hz‘uoeuhn orders in eduf-h{:it the principles above stated, should the United K n:‘“ 5':.â€' “m'zuli\“ : & i to Majesty‘s Nuv or other ‘um’\- all quarters beyond the United Kingdom, for their guidante in the circumâ€" stances. I have, &c., 9 i [Signed,) CLARENXDON. I, During the continuance of the present Hostiliâ€" ties between l.cuholk!\i-y and the Repubâ€" liad:.“hill and Peru, all ships of W ar and ‘.I'r'w.- teers either Belligerent are prohibited from making use of any Port or Roadstead in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, oriin the Channel Islands, or in any of Her Majesty‘s Coloâ€" mies or Foreign Possessions or Depuicn:inq. or of any Waters -goa to the Territorial| jurisdiction of the British Crown, asa Station or a placg of reâ€" sort for any warlike parposes, or fur p-r!:n of ohn-'-.n‘ facilities of warlike equipment, and no Ship of WarotPrivateer of either| Belligerent shall hereafter be permitted tosail out of of leave any Mtox-tn Waters, subject to British jurisdietion, which any Vesel of lb; cther i_-fli-_cfl_(-hlhflhg_-_o shall be a Ship of ‘The Collector of Customs, Her Majesty has been pleased to ‘command that these rules shall be pat in force in the United Kingâ€" dom, and in the Channel Islands, on and r Eriâ€" day,the 2nd of March next, and in Her Majesty‘s Territories and Possessions beyond seas six .days after the. day when the Governor or Chief Authority of each of such Territories or Posgessions respectively shall have notifed and pnbl'u%«l the same, stating insuch notifcation that the said Rules are to be obeyed by all persons within the same territories and poasessions. _ ww e s Possessions or Dependencics, such Vessel whall be ‘ wud"unupu to seq, within Twentyâ€" i‘.lleernunn:"â€"oh Port, Roadâ€" | stead, or W aters, exceptinc -u-d-#nm, | ot provisions of igs «#@ for the -m of her ('nv,w#;in.h u&:{ l of which cases the Authorities of the Port oriof the nearest Port (as the case may :&. shalt 31“‘" | b.rln.flu.lunsu na»afn‘rp-ï¬-' r Al:t‘ e exâ€" | piration of such pericd of Twenty â€"four with» | out permitting hpr'lu take in su n,bquz what | ma Mu,eo-n.zbrlor ip-xt use ; and. no ue‘_ h Vessel which may have been allowed to remain within British W aters for the of repairshall | continae inany such Ports, nm-. or waters, 4 for a longer‘period than Twentyâ€"four hoar« after her nece«sary repairs shall_have been completed ; | Provided nevertheless, thatin all emses in which | there shall be any Vessel (whether Ships of _Wrr. I serve the duties of Neatrality duringthe ¢risting hostilities between Her Cathoiis Majesty and the hostilities between Her Cathoiie Majesty the Repablics of Chili‘and Peru, and being mpreover resuirved to prevent, as far as possiblectiie use of Her Majest ‘z;l.llubon. Ports, and Coasts, the Waters within Her Majesty‘s Territorial jurisdicâ€" tion, in aid of the warlike purposes of either Belâ€" ligerent, has commanded me to communicate to you, for your guidance, the tc-llninï¬l-lu. which are to be treated and enforced as Mer Majesty‘s Orders and Directions :â€". ind §.:] Permanent Building & SavingsSociety Advances on Approved Real Estate ! *_II. If any Ship of War or Privateer of cither Belligerent shail, after the time when this Order shall ~be first notified and put in foree in the United Kingdem, and in the Channel Island#, and in the several Oolalm" ll':.;\l Foreign Possessions or Deâ€" josty respecti , enter an nm '~l{th“hgm~l‘jcuy,, cither in the United Kingdom or in the Channe! Isâ€" lands, or in any of Her Majesty‘s Colonies or Forcign mkdy um-d‘ until afterthe expiration of at Twentyâ€" hours from the depurture of sach last mentioned V essel bcy-hhfl‘mix’-m* urisâ€" diction of Her Majesty. _ Ne 5 c h 4 The Right Honorable â€" . Edward Cardwell, M. P., #o., &e., &s. > [Goer.) War, a Privateer, or a Merchant Ship), shall have ttawa, September‘11, 1366. *I have accordingiy to scquaint you that the ace 4 DOWXING STREET, s February 26th, 1866. Ere,â€"Her Majesty being fully determined to obâ€" FINANCE DEPARTMENT, CUsTOXs Cwewlar. At Sea Ports in Canada â€"KEARNS & RYAN ON THE FOLLOWINC FAVORABLE TERMS : s 4F â€"SPRING STOCK ! Union Block, cor. of Sussex &, York <TREETXS, LOW ER TOW N. | Ottawa, April 5, 1856 In all its Departments | _ | Your obediest servant, * TSAE ROCC Commissioner of Customs and ‘E.rcise New Spring Goods. AND IXYVITE INSPECTION OF THE SAME AT EARLIEST CONYENIENSCE. ; BEG LEAVE TO IXFORM THEIR CUsTOMERs aND THE PEOPLE IN GENERAL THAT THELR , #4F, TE CAN ATDA I< Xow COMPLETE 90â€"tf HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNORâ€"GENERâ€" AL IX COUNCIL. * Hll EXCELLENCY WAS PLEASED to lay before the Council a Schedule of rates of Toll submitted and recommended by the Honorâ€" able the Commmissioner of Public Works, to be leviâ€" ed on the Batiscan Bridge, in the gounty of Cham m. for the period of one )2'."' as provided by { t 17 Council of the 6th March Jast | Whereupon His Excellency was please 1 to order |and it is hereby ordeted, that furf- period of one . year, to be computed an‘d reckoned on from the 12th | day of May,1864, the following rates of Toll, be and | they are hereby authorized to be levied and collectâ€" ‘ ed on the said Brillge, that is to ut f | For each vehicle of any kind and bne horse _ * | _ or other beast of draught, and not more the sard Company, at hi« office, in the Citg of Ottaâ€" wa, on FRIDAY, the 26th DAY of OCTOBER next. Dated this 26th day of Scr-mber, 1866. R * W. DUCK, 4 SecretaRt, 240td Gttawa and Gloucester Road Co. OTTAWA AND GLOUCESTER ROAD COMPANY.â€"â€"Notice is hereby given, that ‘he Directors of the Ottawa and Gloucester Road Co ngv have this day made a further call of TEN PBE CENT. of the Capital Stock of the said Comâ€" Kxcormveaâ€"Gexsrat‘s OrFic®, Ouaws, Scp:enter 17, 1866. “'Oflfl 18 m::\' GIVEN TO PAR+» 1 % TIES who have tendered to t Government for 7 per cent. Debentares, and whose tenders have been accepted, that they :ut «&. it the funds for the same in the Bank of Montreal, by the TW ENâ€" TYâ€"FIFTH SEPTEMBER inst., forward the draft and certificate of it for the amount to this Department, ctherwige their tenders must be considered as withdrawn.| .. ' X. F. BELLEAU, ; P“{' which call they 'nc{:in the holders of such Stock to pay to J. D. SLATER, ESQ.; Treasurer of = vide for the issue of Previncial Notes,"â€"and of an Order in Council lid‘“ the THIRTEENTH day of SEP‘ISMBL‘K arrangement has been made by the Governmentof Canaga with the Bask of Montreal, for the gradual surrender of its power to issue notes, and tirat the said Bank has been apâ€" pointed Agents of the Province for the !ssue and redemption of Provincialnotes, and that the issue of Provincial notes is authorized from and after the FIFTEENTH day of $EPTEMBER, 1866, and pending the completion <of the Provincial notes now in process of Printing, that notes ot the Bank of Montreal, stamped and initialed as hereinafter deâ€" seribed, are declared to be Provincial Notes within the meaning of the said Act, that is to say : PROVINCIAL NXOTE: "Oflc: I%s HERESY GIVEN, THAT 1 W under the suthority contained in the 29th and $0th Victoria}Cap. 10, intituled : " An Act to proâ€" goc'ul form tnat may hereafter be prestribed by l is Department for the certific*te required, the Exporter may go before any Magistrate oll the place ‘ or port of Exportation, and make ind sign before | him‘a. declaration as to the place of growth and | production of such wines describing the same, and | such Magistrate may administer the outh and sign | such declaration, which declaration should be auâ€" | thenticated by the Britisn Consul, whose certificate ' should state the name of the »hip on board of waich and the Port at ';t:h the Wines are to be shipped ‘ for exportation, and such certificate shall at present | be deemed the propier document to be produced â€"at | the Port of iuw{;&inn in this Province ; and in | the event of there being no British Consal at the | place of expertation the certificate of authentication may be given by the Mayor or Chief Magistrate at the Port ,t-flhlpuw,t. se « WIII.BA'; THE 3rd SECTION OF | the ‘Act passed in the 20th and 30th years | of Her Majesty‘s Reign, intituled: "An Act to amend the Act« re«pectinz Duties of Customs, and ' the Tarif® of Duties payable under them," enacts that " upon, from aod aiter the FLRS I day of 0C« TOBER in the present year," Sparkling Wine of all | kinds, in bu:le-, when accompani¢d by a certificate \| of growth, a be entitled to en at $3.00 per | dtn‘-"n quart b*lhs and $1.50 per mm pint boum | .\u'u-o_i: hereby given that in the absence of any l Receiverâ€"Genetral‘s Department, Ottawa, 15th s.p&’.'.’s.., 1366 215t1 â€" than 10 owt. of load, each additional ewt. being reckoned as one horse, and any fraction of 10 ewt. as 10 ewt...../........... For each Additional horse or beast of draught attached to such vehiclé, or saddle horse, or other beast, and its rider.....,............ For each horse not attached to any vehicle and without a rider, or, cow ot head of catile or Mlonlui quadruped...... For each sheep, pig or goat..................... Fuol [NSHIOUGNIN:. +s Aevescons iveererevenvcicevatcles their imitals thereto, viz. And that lhojdlom'ns:)m have been authoâ€" rized on behalf of the Receirrâ€"Gâ€"meral to .attach PROVINXCE OF CANXADA Sef FINANCE DEPARTMENT, CUsSTOMS PEPARTMENTAL ORDER. > Ottawa, Tuesday, 21st August, 1866. PRFESEST : GOYERNMENT HOUSE Bv Command Lkcat |Tex»®n 5 yoars. 10 year $120% . ~s.0f 1 Shoo 16.45 THOMAS R. CHRISTIAN, JOMN ROGERS, MAURICE DU NSFORD, JOHN W. TEMPEST, ROBERT G. HEBDEN, WILLLAM . M. DOXALD, JIHN A. TORRANCE. Ortawa, 21st August,$1366 W. A. HIMSWORTH, _ . Asst. C. E. C Commissioner of Customas. M. BOUCHETTE :-r may be redoem CTLY MODERATE Barnsters, JOHN G Receiverâ€"General 22â€" the Interest t. The full 23 itd 13 years. 6 30 0 0 1 0 0 04 0 0 1 J | «o) I | «) T Pt J‘VIJ-E‘\-L | C) 1t x | 6) i . | be made mt | (A). W P ;hn'-'.(\'l 2 4 & T Ciov e A .u t 0 o (¢) T w4« _ | of the pe | or engravings as may be q;ph;u{ by the Minister |of Finance. y | |\ 5. Every permit shall state the period for which | it is to remain in force, which od shall not be | more than will, in Ihc?miul officer granting it, be sufficient tor effecting the |removal of the spirits to which it relates. f |__6 The l:emit shall accompany the «pirits to , which it relates, and remain in the ession of the | person having charge thereof, but it shall be proâ€" | duced for examination as often as may be required | by any officer having authority 0, and it shail | be delivered to the collector, or astistant collector, | of Inland Revenue for the Inlgnd Reveaue Division | into which the spirit« are to be removed, or wherein | they are removed from ome place to another, within i the period mentioned in the permit w hgiim | possession of [7) HIS. EXCELLENCY _ THE GOVERNORGENâ€"|,, / ERAL IN COUNCIL . ui idhe A 0! THE RECOMM ATION OF . the Honorable the Minister lof Finanee, and | ,} . , under and in virtue of the 7th on of the Act ; [ "â€" 2vâ€"30 Vic., Cap, T, intituled : * An Act to amend | . || the Acts respecting the Duties of Excise, and to alâ€" . . ‘| ter the duty thereby imposed on «pirits," His Excelâ€" "?" Â¥ lency in Council has been ple to order, and it s is bhereby ordered, that the solldwing: regulations x respecting permits forthe remoral ‘of spirits from ï¬.‘( the Distillery in -hle_hthey_hnv; been imanufacturâ€" I uncta® w. or from uny warehouse in which they haye been bonded or storedâ€"together with forms and exâ€" planations .-\wom;::jm‘m 8 ,be,.and the same are hereby sanctio and adopi¢d, that is to say : 1. Permit« for the removal spirits from any Distillery wherein they have inanafactured, or troui any warehouse wherein they have been bunded or stored, may be gti on the nrplic-- tion of the owner of such sprrite, of of his duly ‘ auâ€" thorized agent, by the collector, or the assistant sollector ot Imfiand Revenae, for the Inland Reveâ€" nue bnvision in which the spirits then are. [ %..Every application for such a permit sha o en n e 1 *! (») The number,&nd description of the packâ€" ages in which the spifits are cont . (*) The marks and numbers on bach of the packâ€" ages € ‘\ \v-) The quantity, in wine gallops,inr@hch packâ€" ago and its strength. C (5) The equivalent in wine gallone Of the strengt :- ) Lhe place wherein it is then k + () The place to which it is t ved. (4) The conveyance by . whic removal is to be made, +| ; (4) Whether the duty has bgen jpaid, and, if not, how secured. j * sÂ¥ (") The time at which i is to be remoyed. (;) The name, eccupation and eâ€" of business of the owner, T | (4) The name, placg pC bus and o6pation of the person into whose possessionithe spirits are to be transferred, and «3 /) The name. of the pereom ar corporation in whose custody it will be during itsiremoval # 3. Every application for a pe shall be made on a printed form, in eonl'a-nici h that hemfl: annexed, and marked A, and shalllbe signed by th person making it. ate ® ue e Exery permut granted shall be on‘ â€"the printed forms suppied by the Depart of Finance, which torms nhdl{o in conformity with the form B herennto annexed, and shall be printed on paper especiall¢ prepared for the purpose, with such ty pe T. Evzry endorsation of the examinstion of any | S:x, ~ { ; permit shall be made onthe back thereof, and every | > I have it in command to inform you. peryit shall be defaced :{ writingthe word "canâ€" | celléency the Governor General, ‘by ecll&" across the face of it, on i‘:r expiration of ; Couneil of this day‘s date, has been the period for which it has been granted. | new, for a period of one month from d 8. Permits shall not be granted for the remoral | Order in Council of the 19th (March 1 offspirits unless the packages in which they are | that « Fire Arms and Munitions of W a 1, (1) , of i!) of the undermentioned rpirits, req remove the same between the date s day of {af undermentioned spi | _ ‘The dntz having beon | This permit is valid for [10] date and no longer, and on or bei tion of the uidLll} days, it i ed into the hands of the Collector 0t 4t a Couneil held at the City of Quebec, on Monâ€" day, the 24th f 1see. at (5) officer before the Permit is granted, stating the | In all cases, advertisements must) be prepaid, name, residence, and occupation of such owner. _ |and an early transmigsion is recommended. (i) The Warehouse, or other Jocality, vheret: | . The undersigned will gladly receiv¢ communicaâ€" the spirit then is, as " The Warehouse attached to, | tidns of a practical character for publication, bearâ€" the Distillery of C D," or * Bonding Warehouse.D> | ing on the subject of Ihmignuun. sUch as letters at Prescott," or " The store of J K," as the casemay | from actual settlers, showing their pyogress in the be. + mï¬z, and pointing out the peculiar advantages (b) The street, town, city, village,; &e. Inf ir district in rlnlculn. &e. It is (6) The place to which it is to be removed, as | desirablethat they skould be writter as concisely * Montreal.". \ } as possible, and be free from anythifg like exagâ€" (7) The mode of conveyance, as| The waggon | getation. _ _ _ | j (b) The street, town, city, village,; &e. (6) The ?lm to which it is w|bo removed, as # !;)“';‘h.l. ..c;d at J Th e mode of conveyance,. as e waggon befon‘in' to A B," or " 'fla steamer St. Helen," or " The Gtand Trunk Railway," as the case may be. (8) Name .and occupation of t! whose floueuion it is to be transfer (9) His residence and place of t a« " 26, Craig street, Montreal." (10) Here state whother the d::{v '_+ whether the spirits are remov 3) The place to which the .«Euld u'u'um- 1 .’H‘{ wiheh iha‘permicts graminge * **" 4] The owner‘s name and cccups M His place of business. ed into the hands of the Co‘lector 0/ leetor of l’nhud Revenue, for the I Division of [12] ( a T 186 . ® sion Explanation of the manner of fillin in the preceding torm B _of ?“‘2 “;"‘_".‘""'!". as . (1) Name and cccupation in full of the person making the requisition. (2) Mis place of residence. (3) * Owner" or « Alru for [A B] the owner," as the case may be. an agent, then a written authority to act as such must be lodged with the officer before the Permit is granted, stating the name, residence, and occupstion of such owner. _ day of 186 .} > * Explanation of the manner of filling in the blanks in the preceding Form A: | _ _ t (5) . t( < 4 , there to be d: ossession of (3) »of (9) he duty on the said spirits having C Permit granted at (11) To be signed by the person isition, Muhilign!}lldc at ) [84. 11] Excise. â€" Requirition /or a FORMS AND EXPLANA this and about to be tran No of Pormit, Exors®e Prawr this Collector W. 55 3 THE QTTA W A PMUERS oo conment Munsnimgnel se 1J 6 &3 361 *~ ~ 80p int I . Ul 8 e > B y b webec, on _Monâ€" | . 10] s y the « 1866. _ :( for the m B 4 c c 1(1 ERNORGENâ€" this spi Me 1 0t ATION OF . Finanee, and | ,| . , ion of the Act ; *![ "â€" Act . to amend | . cise, and to alâ€" ite," Mis Excelâ€" | H{tS E o order, and it e ing: regulations > y f spinits from n en imanufaeturâ€" | | [ ) ., they have been | [!["0! e forms and exâ€" .‘{'." e,and the same | | l , that 'I'lo‘ly: ?'; (;:“ sprit« from any l inanafactured, | € hiaat hey have been â€"T, i h bfos evunthenc l s dFt. Pormit lnpor(-x?uion to | _ .. j A 7 -}"’“‘,‘l‘ hereof and th# | The Collector of Customs [IONS a (4) _â€" by the &.’) livered into the been (10) Ll‘!u been paid, nder removal rérud into the ~_â€" days from ore the expira~ to be deliverâ€" Assistant Colâ€" E.nd Revenue cancelled siness in full, naking the re peal No eneral No t IRH # ;ig ?}l@ i of Inland Reâ€" The Steamer to A B," as the property upthe blanks h of proof for for the Diviâ€" are to be reâ€" on in full g5i%i of the 34 « h ‘That in addition to the i.icense fee named in | thz Act above cilm@i‘r\‘ery person to whom a « Bondâ€" ed Manufacturing License " is grante{l, shall pay | | to he Collector of Inland Revenue, in} monthly inâ€" ' ments, such sums of mogey as shall be sutficient | | for the, payment <f the expenses incfrred by the | | Fi ghpqmnent for the effective supervision of | | the manufactures carried on under such Fx:cmc. and | | fot taking account of the dutiable articles consumed | in euch manufacture, and of the articles produced | | therefrom. _ And the maximum sum tobeso paid by | | the party aforesaid shall be from time|to time deâ€" | |termined by the Minister of Financg, as he may ! degn necessary, and shall, as nearly a= may be, be | in proportion to the imagnitude and general characâ€" | tersof the basiness carried on under sugh license. | . #. That goods manufactured in Bond shall be reâ€" I mgyed from the @partments of the inanufactoty teinthey are actured as soon{ as the whale | ess of manufa is completed, and shailthen | ‘ placed in apartthents or storeâ€"rooma(set apart for ! that purpose,‘wherein they shall be ed: in the | | manner nsuind by the Exeise Bondin@Afegulations | ! m ehg“ rder in ?unmil. dated the lith day of | | Mgy, 1865; and they shall be dealt with, in rc-)ujr( \| | of [their subsequent removal, exportation or entry | fot consumption, in/accordance with the said Reguâ€" | | ‘The Honourable the Minister of A; Immigration, having authorized the p/ | this Department, of an cceasional pa ' ed the ©CANADA IMMIGRATION: | which will be devoted exclusively to th | ment of Immigration, and to the dif '-nh‘ and usetul intormation conce | abréad, I bo&luvo to bring under y | ldâ€mg is sheet will offer as a mediam to.land owners, and others ) | ties for sale or lease.| As informatio. i..m"l’ sought‘ fugud much val | intelligent emigrant, means will thus :‘slpq‘m‘ the ln(endin%npurthlsel’ or le | Britain in direct comtuunication with | holder here. | ; The Honourable the Minister of Agriculture and Immigration has also authorized the opening of an hz'f;mnion Office in Liverpool, under the manageâ€" mo§ of Mr, Win. Dixon, a gentleman well acquaintâ€" | ed with this and the mother country, who will be | spedlally charged with the distributiorn} of this paper | throughout the United Kingdom, and in bringing the | saimg prominently under the notice of the emigrant. l‘;« first number will appear in the course of | nextimonth, the second in April, bringing down the : i‘:Fonnuion to the latest period, to ;ollov.d up , m‘hly or quarterly, as may be requ red. Ad the space it is intended to allot foriadvertising | purposes will be limited, and in view|of the large cireulation the sheet will obtain, [for it will be disâ€" | tributed gratuitously ], the prices of advertisements | cangot be much lower:than the followifg :â€" ([7) The name and cceupation in full of the perâ€" #@i intoâ€"whose possessiod it is to be traksferred. ([8] M# place of business. #} «Paid" or * secured in bond,"\as the case y be. ‘)[10] The namber of days which, in| the opinion the officer grantingthe permit, may e necessary for the removal. > ; | \[i1} The period named for the al. 1!12 The Inland Revenue Division|into which thie spirits are removed or in which the removal trom one place to @nother tukes place. that purpose,‘wherein they shall be -t:&“! nguind by the Excise Bondin m4de bg'“ tder in Council, dated the May, 1865; and they shall be dealt wi of |their subsequent removal, export fof consumption, in;accordance with thi ~the, Monorabte the Minister of Finance, and wijder ammd in virtug of the authority gigen and conâ€" fefred by the Act 20=30 Vic. Cap. 7, i l:w.-ll«-1u-y ol Council has been pleased to ordor, ap t it is héreâ€" by ordered that the following Regihrtions respectâ€" the lunufuvw‘fe of the undermentigned datia bie & in Bond, be and the same are Iforeby ad: ql ed at is to say : 1 . That subject to the provisions of the Act abpve cifeil, to these Kegulations, and h-.!uc farther Reâ€" gulations, as may hereafter be made lfy competent ority, Lacenses may be granted to pnanutacture infBond the articles herein enumerated} vis : , )* Drugsâ€"including Essencés anit Ejtracts, 1' l‘efl‘n‘mery. p.% (3 Vinegar, L _ I ; I t arnihes. "| | . | Starch. 4* | + That any Boaded manufactory li¢ensed under | thy. above recited Act,; may: be cloged and e | License forfeited, whenever it is shown to the satisâ€" fagtion of the Minister of Finance thatthere is just ‘ canse for believing that frauds upon the Revenue‘ are .perpetrated jin connection with sugh manufde» .hionv' raptf Crievias No. 175. ; of FiNANCE DepArtMEXT, ou % \ ‘Ottawa, Jul â€" "*An Actto provide. a fund towhrds defraying expenses incurred for matters neceskary to the eâ€" ciency of the Registry Laws of Lower Canada." Whereupon His E;tllency was pleased to order and it is hereby ORDEREDâ€" ‘That on, from and after the FIRST 'jny of 0Câ€" TOBER next, there shall be imposed, levied and collected on each deed, instrument or ducument reâ€" gistered in any Registry Office in Lower Canada, and on every search made in such |Registry Office on or after the raid day, the l'ull-n*ing duties rosâ€" péctively, that is to say : | On levery will, marriage contract or donation, flflv‘t Cents, | ‘ ‘On ver{ doed or instrument effepting or evidencâ€" ing the sale, exchnnl;,t hy pothecation or mortgage of u:r property, for a r'um or consi ou!t)"un exeeedâ€" ing.in value $400, Thirty Cents. | Un every other deed or instrumagnt, I'-{/,'mn Cents _ On every search, wil‘ or withouf certificate, Fip You are hereby authorized to refurid the duties already paid :Eon s and Munitions of War im« ported within the period above nam a I aui, Sir, > h [ourâ€" obedient servant, wb soof 50 ‘fL 8. M. BOUCHETTE. <4 GOoVERKNMENT HOUSE, e f Ottawa, 17th August, 1966. : PRESENT : 4 HIS EXCELLENCY.THE 00\'8!{%0 GENERâ€" | AL IN COUNCIL.! Hm EXCELLENCY WAS PLEASED to lay before u;: Council a Thriff of Duties to be imposed under the authority 6f an Act of the l‘mlmm of Canada, passed in the seksion thereâ€" of held in the Twentyâ€"ninth and Thirticth years of Hch?njgaty‘n Koig_n': intituled. _ For each advertisement, not exceeding ten lines, $2the insertion : .n:{&cenu for evety extra line. For a equare of 22) lines, to stand for a twelveâ€" February 10 That until further orders the ab in all the Registration Counties or visions of Lower Canada, be paid the amount of such duties reccive the amount of such dfll}i.l reecive trar mrctinly. shall be by hi and pg over to the Receiver Gor after the close of every third mont fromithe said First day of October | |% W 208â€"tf > t 8 }:.\\‘}ZLLE.\C'\' THE GOVERN + +~ AL IN COUNCIL &Â¥ N\ THE _ RECOMMEND A wneil held in the City of Quelee the 24h day of September, 18 *" l PRESENT: us » A n » [ _A 465| 4 + BM / ‘2:,.7 t’\‘;}« wiirrcee Stumcr1t » romens GOVERNMENT HOUSE,; Ottawa, 17th A‘ug* PRESENT : }, LLENCY.THE GO\'EKP'Oh AL IN COUNCIL.\ XCELLENCY WAS PI before the Council a Tarift ed under the authority “z{ an .. 4at â€" Bs g1l & { yR M 33 a+ . .4(\;/,'" r'-\,i: \ NMENT IMMIGRATIOX OFF Qyrarc, 25th Janualry, 18( urable the Minister of Agticalta n, having authorized the phblicat I am, Sit, _ .|Your obedient A. C. BUCHANAXN, W. A HIMSWC TV I INISTRATOR 0P TR® Govâ€" Copyoi. | Y was f..“h Clo lay Report from the Commisâ€" 5th December, 1865, and Ministo¢ of Finance, statâ€" { chapter 17 of the Con. lerin Council was padded ing »that Gulmhm fide from jany ntry, but anothgr country and unâ€" thall be étherwisa ardarad . Pve duties shall, Registration Diâ€" iin munoy‘.‘ and by every Regisâ€" h ac¢ounted for br,li_ mediately , to next is M. LEB, irds defraying ary to the efâ€" r Canada." leased to order !ertenu hief Agent 62â€"4f r advanta &e. lt‘.i: as concisely ig like exagâ€" communica cation, bearâ€" ich as letters ogress in the i re and blication, b r, to be ulz GAZETTE," e encourage~ «ion of accu» ing , Canada ur notice the {vertising ; & t= | f this Zin‘ ied by every e uflofdu; of ifee in Great he property. a. Vb(‘ imlml‘f: bject to the Collector of CHETTE H4â€"f hat His Exâ€" an Order in leased to reâ€" e hereof, the st, directing RTH. sst. C. E Râ€"GENEE TOMsS. e 6, 1866 # Monday 10Nx OoF reckoned No. Printing Works! "OTraAwWA TIMES" 60, Sparks §t., Centre Town. WILL AFFORD A S$UPERIOR MEDIUM ADVERTISING IT HAS BEEN TRULY SAID 'I‘l;lA'lJ "! A JUDICLIOUS APPLLCATION OF 'I‘IIE This is the Motto of every Real Dry Good: THE "OTTAWA TWES Through Which it Will Reach f ADYERTISE 1 Let the World Know It Or Hardware Do You want to Buy ? No Matter what your Business NOW is the TIME ‘ROPERTY to SELL QOCTOBER 5, is6os PRINTERS INK 18. ONE OB THE LEADING AVENUES To WEALTI TO BUSINESS MEX INX THE ADV ERTISK: AXADVERAISE! THE "TIMES" Groce 18 THE MEDIUM BUSINESS MAXN. ADVERTISE!! THE PUBLIC. STUICA M ADVERTISE ! IF YOU IF YOU HAYVE OorFICE uww 4 M uiess CrC T H E ADVERTISE, LINE OF TO SELL, Glassware, HAVE ckery, ‘16.8, 1| 9 Gzo. E1. Cartik®, z“,'ulmlus; In and Atty.â€"Gen. by the thirtyâ€"eight ghapter of . Consolidated Statutes of Canada, intiâ€" tuled : " An Act respecting the preservation of the i-blhlhd&h,"it is amonget other things enacted, at whenever this Province or any part theref; Ry His Excellency the Right Honorable C#aRL*E® |~ ‘Braxuer Viscount Moscx, Baron Monek of .__ Ballytramon, in the County Wexford, Governorâ€" | â€" Generalof British North America, and Captainâ€" | _ General and Governorâ€"inâ€"Chief in and over the | _ Provinces of Canada, Nova Scuia, New Brousâ€" ‘wick, and the I«land of l‘#e Ldrard, and | ~ Viceâ€"Admiral of the same/&c., &e. To all to whom these presents shall comeâ€"Gakrtâ€" 1 se : 4 } I A PROCLAMATION. / (M ward Island has given notice thata Light House ha« recently been erected on the North Point of that Island, in 47°, 3‘, 46" N., and Longitude 63©,59‘, 9" W. The Light stands eighty feet high above water, and shows a fixed white light. | By command, 8 1 R. £. M. BOUCHETTE, By Command, | * . WM. McDOUGALL, Secretary “Tr. have appointed Mr. J. Lt:sl,u:, Eparks Street, sole Agent ffor saleof above Watches, and caution the public against being imâ€" posed upon by Watches marked «Makers to the Queen," but which are not manufactured by us. THCMAS RUSSELL & sOXN, into this Province, or any part thereof, by sea, of cattle, sheep, horses, swine, asses and mules, meat, Skins, hides,; horns, hoofs, or other parts of such animals, m,mnw, and fodder, be, and the same is prohibited ;â€"save and except suchâ€"cargo or carâ€" goes, or part of cargo, as His Excellency in Counâ€" cil may hereafter seeftto exempt from such proâ€" )Ll'ghhâ€"(,‘ulf]of St. Lavrence, Prince EMeard 1 ~ _ faland s . Canal, be and the s free through the St. BIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNXOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL ‘“rnmu:n, BY AN ACT PASSED IN the twentyâ€"ninth year of Her Majesty‘s Reign, intituled * An Act to rrovide against the introduction and spreading of disorders affecting certain animals," authority is given to the Governor in Council to take such measures as may appear to be necessary in order to snvont the introduction of contagious or infectious disorders: affecting sheep, cattle, horses, and other animals, and check such disorders trom spreading, if introduced ; And whereasa contagious disease or epidemic affecting cattle prevails in many plnlof.g:umpe. wnd is incressing and extending its ravages, and whereas it is expedient, in order to prevent the" inâ€" troduction of the same into this Province, that the importation by sea 5-! certain animals and articles His Excellency in Council, on the recommendaâ€" tion of the Honerable the Minister of Agriculture, land under the authority given and conferred by the waid Act, has been pleased to order, and it 1« hereâ€" ":{ordor'od.thu on, from and after the FIRST day ho .M_A_l.tCl_l-ngxt, the lmponllinl_: or introduction hibition IIIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENE. RAL IN.COUNCIL. , ,0! THE RECOMMENDATION OF the Honorable the Commissioner of Public Works, and under the authority ot the Consolidated statutes of Canads, 22 Victoria, cbapter 28, section 85, His Excellency is pleased to order, and it is hereby orâ€" dered that the followihg Tolls be imposed on Saw Logs, Timber, &c., passing down the slides afChis: holms lhskh, Ramsay‘s Falls, Middle Fails, Healy‘s Falls and Crooks (Rapids, on the works of the River Trent, viz. : ‘ One cent per Saw Log of thirtcen feet in length and in the same sfoponion on picces of greater length, and one dollar on each crib of square timâ€" ber; and that the above toll of one cent be collected on such Saw Logs, and oke dollar on all such Cribs of square timber as have| passed down the River Trent from the opening of the present season of naâ€" vigation, y L " W.HLEE â€" leam, which bave paidfull Toll on the Welland Canal, be and the sarme are hereby allowed to pass free throughthe St. Lawrencse Canal, the Riliruu and Ottaws Canals, the St Ann‘s Lock and the Chambly Canal w.lLLEs, | . importation by sea of c should be prohibitedâ€" February 28, 1866 May 31, 1866. GOVERNMENT HOUSE. y Ottawn, Woednesday, Tth June, 1866 Parstxt: BIS EXCELLENCY THEGOYVERNOR GEXN: 7 ~ ERAL IN COUNC1L q CY WaASs PLEASED the Council a Memorandum from y i Ouinlnoe,“rm;mmending â€" as well as Petroleum, which ,‘hth'uih the Welland Caâ€" nal, be > ‘)fllmfg the St. Lawrence, Ottawa G-HL‘_â€â€™ Canals free of Toll. His Ex in Council, on the ommendation aforesaid, and under and by virâ€" PROVINCE OF CANADA. e _ es _ on d uen .p 19 heC puh 2 __als . ~" *k FINANCE DEPARTMENT, CUSTOMs®. + Ottawa, June 14th, 1866 ’ . T«‘and HE GOVERNXMEXTOFr PRINCE EDâ€" $3 ) 38 ’/\’T\ '}â€â€˜n{}f Cy :?w?{{c_n‘f ® 3 NRTICE TO MARINERS Mo#tr®aL, 20th day of February, 1866. PRESENT : O 0; R GOoVERNMENT HOUSE * Ottewa, Tuesday, 14th August ; 1866 PRESENT : I instant, Peas, Barley, Oats and Potroâ€" muï¬!fl $ Tol_l on__(he !\ltl.lnnd W. IL LEE, Clerk Executive Council d6tf London and Liverpool 180y Clerk Executive Council "» 4 y124â€"tf MONCK OCHANX STEANMSIHIIP COMPANY ACAIIAN,. .\('&'!l",lh.\.\' PERUYVIAXN MelliiyiAay HIEEESIA® thag bave heretofore been corsidered utterly incurâ€" able, disappear quickly and permanently. In the following discasgs, these Pills are the safest, the uickest, and th@ best temedy ever prepared, and :‘nwld;be ht once resorted to : Bristol‘s Sarsaparilla, and | Bristol‘s Sugarâ€"Coatâ€" ed Pills hre for sale by all Dmgn’m every where Fold in Ottawa by John l(anm. r. Garvey, H.F. MacCarthy, J. . Jenning«, W. M. Massey, and Geo Mortinjer. t 4Sutf N THE TWENTYâ€"THIRD Daiy or 0 October uext, the undersigned will apply to the Jn?o of *he said Court for a discharge under the raid ‘act. Ottawa, lbun day of August, 1866. . $ LBON%A\’ID. 207â€"2m° LEONARD DESMERAIS. Put n‘;'hi Glass Phials, and Warranted to keep any climate. . These Pills are prepared expressly to operate in bl'rmd'gy with that greatest of all bived puriGers, BRISTOLS SARSAPARILLA, in cases arising from depraved humors, or impure biood. ‘The mest belpless sufferers need not despair. Underthe influâ€" â€ll."'r sullerers need notdespair, i nderthe influâ€" ence of these two GREAT REMEDIES, maladies â€"*e in ‘ Dq« __NORTHEOP & LYMAX, Insolvent Act of 1864., ||. Neweastie, €. W ., i1 _ 1?. General Agents for C. W PR‘)\";\'(‘E OF CANADA, )bln the County Court, | â€" Eo by Geo. Mortimer, Jobn Roberts, W. M Copnty of Carleton, :o of the County _ | Massey H. Â¥F. McCarthy, and J. Skinner, in Otâ€" [ In the T“'":I'Ll.f\ls\w"vll.lr.!RD‘“'.‘ 865 1 n the matter 0 oNX pay wh LON A ; Dec. 18, 1865. â€"dwâ€"y DESNMERAIS, Insolvents, _ ; |_Oitaws, Dec. 16,1868. ______ ____ n { The Great cure for all Discases of the Ll\'.]EB.. STOMACH AND BOWELS Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, Liver Come plaints, Constipation, Headache, 7 and Piles, ; FOR SALE. +â€"2,500 BAGS LIVERPOOL SALT l's‘ ACCOR®RRA NCE TH THE ABOVE Order, notic given that the authorizâ€" ed discountis d: be this day 31 per cent, which percentage of feduction is to be continued until next Weekly Notice, and to apply to all purt chases made in the Unite!d States during that week. And}is the only true and reliable cure for Syphilis, t even in its worst forms. Itlisthe Â¥ery best medicine tor the cure of all discases arising from a witiated or impure staté of the z:)od and particularly so when used in con pnection with f ~ ! BRISTOLS dAug. 10â€"200f “YIIBS THE BLOOD.I®s THILCK, THE cireulation clo, ged.‘nnd the humors of the body »endered unneuft y by the heavy and &reu sécrgtions of the winter months. . This safe, m&E powerful detergent, cleafises every ortion of 23 #ystem, and shou‘d be gat" USED DAILY As A DIET DRINK, %A Byj Lll who are sick, or who wish to ptevent sickâ€" ness.‘â€" Jt is the only.genuine O original prepara« tion tor the permanont cure of the most dangerous s â€" .. _ ud gonfirmed cases of _ . & 8« rï¬fulq. O0ld Sorcs» Bollg, Tumors, Ab« } seesser, Ulcersy . * And|every kind of Serefulous:â€" and Scabious erupâ€" | . thoms. Jtis also a sure remedy for SARSAPARILLA ! It is guaranteed to be the purest and mostpowerâ€" 1s% ful preparation of * (Vegetable) Sugarâ€"Coated |_IN QUART BOTTLES ! "ule orEat PURIFIER oF THE BLOOD | â€"_Is pan{cululy}tco@mem’l.cd for use ; DURING THE SPRING ANDSUMMER salT RHEUM, RiING. WORM, TETTER, i seaLb HEAb aXDb scvryEy. C SkAkTLING W EEEKLY GBNUINXE HONXNDUKAS SARSAPARILLA, P I L Li is . l!t-it. & a0 VEA '}".-'I Mftet on v a RBeortl« n *i. USICI MUSIC1:!~ FRENCH AND 4 .Fqlhh Songs, Sacred Music, Polkas, Vaises NTEKI PHâ€"AMEIUCA N T OCEAX STEAMSHIP®S Al stUMMER SERVICE. May i, °2 uTJA BRINT O IL,+» ly..\ T1 HEA BA af (Building) (Building). t. Ballantin 14 OW : 1. 1 N KETS GRANTED ED. RATES.© ~ t R. S. M. BOUCHETTE ° | NJ t .“"\ lie . . Brown ... Capt. Kerr L Watt ).. H DUVERNAY BRO E. McGILLIVRAY i1 ; the & COWARD. is at Orrawa NDERRY BOUCHETTE & Londonderry «lation.) .+ 34.1 CGapt Aird. ~{ Capt! Smith,) Capt. Soott. Capt. Trm:k*. 1 sail at rr“‘- and Quebec. ’ articulars, ap m ‘OTTAWA be allowedâ€" on in accordapce Wy Exch‘uï¬e, ices to appear arch, 1863 after Weekly Collectors of _ PIANOâ€"FORTES ! 125 AT | ‘ï¬lm:l::::a sprEomucatioxs [« C m ildings pared ; disputâ€" ! ed accounts of Artificers‘ work mnp:nd and uh‘ml. | AUGUSTUS LAVER, ' Late Stent & Laver, Architects, de., us,,, _ ge______ _ Departmental Buildings. Side, Back and Head, Cough«, Colds, Soreâ€"Throat *._ Sprains, Bruises, Cramps‘in the Stomach, . __»_ Cliclera Morbus, Dysentery, Bowe! Complaints, Burng, Neald«, * Frost Bites, &¢., &c. tm mownjorunoome !Tlll CANADIAN PAIN|DESTREOYER Has § now been before the phblic for a lenzth of | ML now been before the phblic for tlne. and whenever used is well liked, lin a single instance to {i" @nent timely used, and we have rever kn of dissatisfaction where direct rly followed ; but on the , all with its operations, and :‘ in rms of its virtues.and magical effects Among the most mportant of modern Medical Disâ€" j © coveries stands the * Wespeak from experience in this matter, havi: it thoroughly, and therefore those who a fering from any of the complaints for which it comm d may depend upon its beitg a Sov °_ The Melodeon and Sctrool Organ» For seventeen yoars the superior excellonee of our Melodeons has not been questioned, and for two yuu_ru the ¢normous demand has made it im possible for us to meet our orders promptly: With ï¬ lmundh:;lhh-‘-‘ we feel warranted in assurâ€" our at: their orders will be prowjtly met, m. eontinuance of their p._u'nuagc. Caution to Purchasers. All of our instruments have upon the nameâ€"board, in full, =GEO. A. PRINCE & C€0." When a dealer represents anyâ€"other instrument as =the same as ours," it is nsually s mere attempt to seli an inferior instrument on which he can make a large profit . _ _ C P.8.â€"A liberal discount to Charches, Clergymen and Schouls. Address * CANXADIAN PAIN QESTROYER ! * Another objection to this method of blowing was, that both feet being vecupied, no ©pportanity wase offered for the management of the ewell. _ Within the past two years, instruments constructed on this European plan of =double blowers," have been manufactured in this bountry, and to counteract this dificalty (want of e awell) a lever has been preâ€" jected from the centre of the instrument, to aet upin upon the swell, axp orkrateDb By To: sytk. fl- inconvenience and contortion neceâ€"sary to effect this clhfect are disagrecable enough to a gentiem=n, but to a l.:i, the use of such an appendage is nearâ€" ly impossible. _ 8 Tas Ortawa Tixksâ€"Printed and Published every morning, (Sundays excepted,) by Gsoree Cortox, Proprietor, at the Timzs Steam Printing Workib‘:o. 60, Sparks Street, in the City of wa County o Carleton, C.W. Out Avtoratc device obviates this difficulty enâ€" tirely, the simple act of blo#ing with more or te=s force ‘ivini:he desired increase or docrease in the volume of the tone. Vietoria Terrace, Jttawa, 4 Janpuary 26. * Marry banderson, Nas Hard sthy Tinodore 44szheld, Mermean Wooblentiaspt Prancis H, Hrown, Wim. HMenry Pr4, M NEL EXMUNL nlaniiet sovex 122 P hake % The Automatic Orgam» Ii presenting the Avroxamc Oxca®, we Bboldly announce the greatest triumph in musical instre ments of the age. During the past half cextury,the French and Germans bhave manufactured reed inâ€" struments with double beliows, and two pedals for the feet to operate, but the want of the reversed or FEHAUSTED BFE.Low8, (which is the only belfows used in our instruments,) made it ifip<@sible for them to producé the mellow; rich and musicaiy ne f1g y aich our instruments are celebrated. Automatic Orcans. 4%k. ing full description of style, and testimonial« of the most eminent musicians, as to the superior excellence of our instrumentsâ€"will be seut Irtc to any address. School Organs & Melodcons Finished in Elegant Rosewood, W alnut or 6gk car a Every 1 85,000 Now in Use. PATENT BASSO TENUTO OR sULâ€"BAs j ,Bolm&urehniug, send for a descri flgt. with price. â€" tawa, lrec 18, 1865. Â¥rom The N.°¥. Hero!s examination f Duuou‘s results ubtained are a ve purity and brilliancy thi ment, not often found in the old plan. GEXTLENES :â€"Having : tested the Pranoâ€"Fortes, Mr, 8. B. Drigg«, I am resulting from bis imprc instruments under cxami depth and brilliancy, eq Pianoâ€"PFortes, and «reâ€"l4 topation and ectuel tope ing closer to what J .cons ment than has yet been ar‘ prornn f hcture., * The N. Y. Times, July 12, says iâ€"We h an instrument without anqual. lt can + a emooth delicaty, lcrfefl*y vnatt afo alile (ther instrument; an ordinary player 11 nosexertion, the fullness â€"of a Grand Piar and they must specdily supercede the old #1 Ottawa, Dec. 18th, 1865 > 852 to $55% EACH. THIRTYâ€"NIXE YARIETIE® amet, smy irtes, and netructior NILLUSTRATEDCATALOGUE CONT A I DRIGG®* NEW _ PATENT RE THE ONXLY INXETRUMENXTs Geo. A. Prince & Co‘s Instrument Warranted for Five Â¥Yearsâ€"No Charge for Boxing or Shipping» #:â€"â€"1 have exan Yours respect MBOJNâ€"FICL/# Contructed uJ«4 *, July 12, says :â€"We have now hout anlequal, . 1t 0db sing with Â¥; prfefl‘y vnattafoable on any an ordinary player Ltaine with olg.ll;‘ â€"of a iiui:l Pianoâ€"Foite, i nruudc the old style. aving thoroughly ('lll!‘..h’(‘\l an 1 ortes, invented and patented tby L <f the c pinion t!.at Te dome improvements as exbibited inthe exaemuibation, in yoint if richness ;’Mf'&m ip 1 D THRL PATENT 6EO. A. PRINCE a Co., e Buflalo, N. Â¥ WM. HALL & sOX, BVCLte 17 DESTEOYER Has blic for ajength of 1 liked, never tuiling anent reliet whon ver known a single directions are proâ€" , all are delight» p in the highes «1. dhoatth, _ N. Mveebrnrh., Cha», P rasie L. M, doollnchali A, Thaiterg, 6 w , «M ermion s singing tone TT~CHALK. NEW. Y UhkK 33â€"atf Jde Letw Phursda yâ€" l‘l cl!ernue’ mr.' I j‘rhurfl"', Con ut‘u‘" Elzin Stre« Aumciroer Ros» (tawa, July 28. Ar ham, C.KE. TM" Attends to Ottawa. _ Fobruary 7, 1866 hk neysâ€"atâ€" Law. uvsicts : Mall am Mr. Wright will m Tridays iof every we (x8. Commad + * Ottawa, Feb. T. 1 and Elgin Streets, Ottawa, Dec. 18 io Wen Quebes. repared to uttend feverny) out employ nay nst boium.â€"â€" mitin apd for the di Decenpber 28, 186; T. Chansery, Cot ide of York stroet, Ogawa, March 2 Urrice : Aumon Jitawa, Jan. 12, 1 EDW ARI B A 32 00008 O 0C M Notary Pablic Crown Attorney, for aud Russoil. MWD Conveyancers, urrice ; In the C R Ltk®, Jt awa, February T _ Qrric@: In the January 27, 1866 uzner‘s Shoe Store Ktawa, April 27 K. B. Maves ebraary 7, 18 MEsSsItS. Bsn-\-rm Solicitors in Conveyancers. OQrrice: Lang‘s Certral Otta wa. Wiiiam Doox. Rsoomsmame» Loon id thirty minutes 1@" Oilce hours BB Sclicjuorsâ€"in~ es Public, &£¢., &* rricns Lelegr â€"â€"»Wa. Cunoé. Atawa, Fob. 7, UOttawa, March 10, Offce : he offce at Juhn Smith, Bo Diarke ; Dunoan suto ; John Mail, hy l oéuu. D Snarks Street, A ces I’l!‘l‘ll‘l‘. Messrs. Carn Oittawa, Januar TTORNE * wW, MASI p lA O SE , â€"â€"â€" dQURSD TTOR NE Y\ TDORNEYÂ¥â€" 13. ©A T PORNEY» DVOC A TE DVOCAT A RRIS TE ACGUS ARRLSTER Ottawa, Febru Chancery, Con “m"l':l of lh: A 3t 3t 18 °D Ate A 38 38 108 D VX)14, if nupald, + .0 « l'-:':rili-h « CLE A 8t HCI8 TD 8 GEO, 10 K OMCEP A1 T M 4. 4* i 8 T Di OI "lfll‘l‘- 1 tral Othawa.. tawa, January Caxcnes Oon HA VCO NoR NE Y cagied, if requit Ottawa, A’rfl; PW of Ban Ottawa, Febr Oitewa, F ‘ur JOSEPI ATE of Square. JWHX & OV SICL A! h YSICIA: .MA LEES W DR J wt ATH y 4 Di O M