@4 _ Manufacturers of Clothing, # 44 . t DAÂ¥ E Boiknitse scuov, or Gtey Nuns, We ingtin Etreet, i ppan will be reâ€"ovened MGSDAY, SEPTZEL EF ; ; t=, Auguast +7 £06, Y Noqw is the Fime tor it=rga ALEXR. DUPFF. | OTT AWA.APRIL T 1242 MENS‘YOUTHS‘ & BOYS‘ CLOTHINCG, ATTENTIOYKX | HOW?E: &SON. â€" B00g, $ROE, LEATHE® & PINDINGS | Ensglish, Scotch, and Canadian Tweeds STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS â€" ESTABLISHED 1844 1866) Spring Importations. (1866 flm;l‘m“‘ this lnaeh-{ N. Bâ€"TSe public are inv.ted to r‘uiul] Ruality and cheapmess of tho art=le« whith ©B0078, SHOES. b oE m seledne e t yoan if Ottawd. June 18. wE ArZ sow sELLING | _ EN OUSAND DOLL g:g{.:ld:mn:.l:vv‘t;!‘ out all bis »u?r‘n of READYâ€"MADE CLOTHILNG, CROCKERY, Hosâ€" « â€" s $ ~ * | ‘ : HKReduceéed Prices! | HOSIERY, CLOAKS, MANTLES, RI4G & SUMM:R G001 Where Ka will execnte promptiv, and in thp latest style, all orders that he may be favored with The undersgned would also give notiop that he will have always on band at HIS OLD STORE, a complete assort nt of * & \ t E I R-‘I’!’I‘l nts stNCERE 'rutlua TO HIS FRIENXD® ANXD THE Propuic 1N guneral for the hbera? patrinage which be has received from them up to the present m\o.. and | takes 'N-vm"'? io anneunce that be has just aqpened out, in the same Lfl;ling,nn( door to ‘his old | store, A NEKW STORE oF | s j * P 8 AF %I 7 + 7 » . CLOHRS & TWEEDS, READYâ€"AADE CLOTHDG, &C. | 8 0 L ruaAT U 9 L + U AllP h || Boardiog Sehdol of the G ST. MARY!s aca0EMXY,UÂ¥pEn ldine‘trm o the Grey Nuns, Wellington f own, will be reâ€"opened onl MON. sepirruBer}s, 205â€" Sussex Ntreet, TILORi «6. HOWE & 8O 69 Susser , and 10 Rideau Â¥eb. 1%, vu%_ 1\1 T * Mn Orders Lron 'IIIF'R [hv KEARNS & RYAN _ BEG LEAYE To INFORM THEIR CUSTOMERS AXND THER ° ‘ New Sp iTogether with a TATLOR SHOP of the First Class. ing of| Bt. Mary‘s Acader Ottews, April 5, 1868 Union Block, cor. of Sussex & York STREETS, LOWER.TOWXNX. In all its LIQUORS, &c., FOR LADIES & GENTLEMENâ€": SPRINXG â€" STOCK ! wORTH or AND INYITE INSPECTION OF THE SAME AT E.\RLIqST CONYENIEN °E. 50, SPARKS STREET, CPM 1-:A;zA & 4. *E. t*1 White Shirtss p ke., hopt coust '_E‘sh‘.n.b:numl. the City, being ré Oxtiws Prade, ond Crapricag Chandigre Tweeds, Halifat Grans, Bedlord Corde ; also| Plain and Fancy Doeskins, râ€"eiver xindintietr o. 49: mor ind cmnihdraast P d nccai se d Cassimzres, ‘u;-'.xcu r nlq-glixi'olu; ilut.:d Colorel Alpmcas ng* ; Fancy Flannels, and a fall amorcnent of qEATY UNDERCLOTHINGâ€" They would aiso di special attention to their lnvite an i of. their ln&-lleut Stock of CLOTHS, Immported drpressly for this Market, comâ€" nfochorias Phain‘t Yixer uiek ais" JanabCchoriam: eiais i Faxer sieX Miy TURES, C)ATING4, do., do., TRO W SERLSGS. AI. NOW PREPARED TO OFFER one of the largest and best assorted Stock of DEY GOODS ever brought to the city. Thackful for past favors, they desire to inform their friends M:uumu‘ne-gla-hmbqu And wi‘l be found with every KOVELTY OF. THE HOME ASD co.fl'lmru. MARâ€" KETsS, imported er y for this seasou. Vi ESTABLINDIRNT , Sign of the Golden Sheep, . I 46 & 2. o 18 &E To INFO THEIR CUSTOMERS AXND T PEOPLEINX GENERAL THAT THEIR Grey Nn Is .\'()\L' COMPLETE y THE Towg, HNL ARS raish .‘puy Attended to. 3 RIUCOIPEIEILOONMEL MLIS ect special attention to thei Stock of i trode. . _&@" The Liquors will only be sold whole se two stores, and judge for themseives of the « odered for sale. eb en opposite Clarenice °8t. ring Goods. Departments | E0003009 CC °CC CHTVe, ht 1 sue‘s .\lr?lnn(o pay administer the oath and si | sach declaration, whickh declaration should be :: | thenticated.by the British Consul, whose certificate | should state the.name of the ship on board of wiich { and the Port at which the Wines are to be shipped for exportation, and such certificate shall at prosent be deemed the proper document to be produced : at ( the Port of importation in this Province ; and in ; the event of there being no British Comsul at the | place of exportation the certificate of authentication , may be given by the Mayor or Chiel Magistrate at the Port of shtpment. Jy Commund, | + k. 8. M. BOUCHETTE, 24 90 | Commissioner of Castoms: C uc Â¥ ie PlntaiD tnss1 h ..3 â€" the Fari® of Dutieg ry-bh urider them," enacts that " upon, from and after the FIRST day of 0Câ€" ! TOBER in the present year," !Mlh' '{.0 of all kinds, in bettle«, when necompanied by a certificate of growth, shall be entitled t, entry at $3.00 doren quitt botties and $1.50 per dozen pint MJ:' | N otice is hareby given that in the absence of any »pecial form that may hereafter be prescribed by :.fl.. Department for the certifice;s n}-md. the Exporter may go before :n‘v Magistrate of the place wer port of Exportation, and make and sign before him a declaration as to the place of growth and â€" production of such wines deseribing the same, and I such Magistrate may administar tha 22ui _ _b AnC ‘VHIIIAI. THE 3rd SECTIOK oP the Act passed in the 20th and 30th years of Mer Majesty‘s Reign, intitoled : " An Ast to amend the Act« respecting Daties of Custoras, and the Tarif#® of Duties ry-Mo urider them," enacts that = upon, from and after the FIRST day of OCâ€" TOBEE iw the nreésent cessn q. °O NDE d T W O‘MEARA & CO FINAXNCE PEPARTMENT, CUsToMs®. DEPARTMENTAL otnm. ‘ Ortaws, 21st August, 1866 WÂ¥reusuuct . _ 1 *4 J. T. PRUDHOMME #1â€" ale, cellent | within British W aters for the parpose of repairshall le-uimu in any such l"mtrlkmbhuh. or waters, for alonger period than Twentyâ€"four after her necessary repairs shall have been com; ; Provided neverthcle««, that in all cases in which there shall be any Vessel (whether Sbips of W ar, Pricateers, or Merchant Ships) of the said Belliâ€" :"“ parties in the same Port, Roadstead, ar Waters within the Territorial jurisdiction of Her Majesty, there shall be an interval of not less than Twenty â€"four bours between the departure therefrom of any such versel (whether a Ship of W ar, a Privaâ€" teer, or a Merchant Ship)of the one Belligerent, and the subsequent departure therefrom of any Ship of W ar or Privateer of the other Relligerent, and the times Nereby limited forthe tf?w'vo_l'malp of War and Privateers respectively, shall g: in case of necessity be ertended, so far as may na;l:m for giving effect to this proviso, bdt not | fu t or otherwise. IIL. No Ship of W ar or Privateer of either belliâ€" | rnn& shall hereafter be permitted while in any Port, Roadstoad or W aters, gabject to the Territoâ€" ’ rial jurisdiction of Her lï¬y.,‘u‘ ukan any supâ€" lies, ox m other things as ":ny be :::uiu for subsistence of her crew, and except so much coal only as may be #uficient to earry such Vessel to the neareit Port 6f her own country, or to some nearer destination ; and no coml shall be again sapplied to any such flhi&:l W ar or Privateer in the same or any other Port, Roadstéad, \ :; W:m “wwhlc:o the ‘X;:lnitoriï¬'{t:‘rhdicï¬wno'l Her eaty, without s 4 the ox;‘n‘rw’o- ol"l'hnop:oum the m:m such coal miay have been last supplied to her withâ€" in British Waters as aforesaid. I have the honor to be, Sit, * _ Your most hamble servant, (Signed) EDWARD CARDW PLL. The Oficer Administering _ _ â€" | > 21541 YR English Songs, Sacted Music. Polka e i e UUn" Dong». Sagred Muslc, Polkas HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVIRNOl-Gï¬NHB- 1 AL INX COUNCIL. he Hll EKXCELLEXCY was PLEASED to lay before the Council a Schedule of rates of Toll submitted and recommended by the Honorâ€" able the Commuissioner of Public Works, to be leviâ€" ed on the Batiscan Bridge, in the county of Cham plain, for the period of ml.:"‘ as ptovided by Order 13 Councel of the 6th ch last. |. . . ~ Wherenpon His Exceliebcy was pleased to order and it in hereby ordered, that for a period of one C y x P oS Pm itP ear, to be cum and reckuned on from the 12th 5., of x.,,lszj the ruuwhum! of Toll, be and they are herelyy suthorized to levied and collectâ€" ed on the said Bridgo, that is to any : For each vehigle of any kind and one horse or «ther beart of draught, and not more 1 than 10 owt.\of iqad, each additional ewt. _ â€" being reck m« ons horse, and any lchnu of 10 ewt. as 10 CWbs prerasizrenres s ul0 r‘ For each u!diurnnl horse or beast of draught attached to such vehicle, or saddle horse, : or other beast, and it« FIdors...3«â€"4:4.a. t 0 $ For each horse|not attached to .3’, vehiele | and without in rder, ox, cow of hoad of eattle or nonâ€"enumerated quadruped...... 0 0 1 ;or each shoep, pig OT OMb revsstreesseens..» 0 0 0f oot p-uengen’. " 9 n a the Governmert of Canada Ottawa, April 3. 1865. nired to depart and pat to sea within Twentyâ€" e hoars -mm: enterance into such Port, lu«’l- stead, or W aters, except in case of streas of weather, or of her iring provisions or â€"pecessary . hlho-mm oflnCm.cr:zn.iqrw ‘ of which cases the Authorities of the Port or of the nearest Port (ar the case may sballâ€" require . her to put to sea as roon as wher â€"the exâ€" piration of such period of Twentyâ€"four hn with. out permitting her to take in n:rlin.by what ma hmr{fwln‘hn inte use ; and no nr‘ Vessel which may havebeen allowed to remain Port Roadstead,or Wnin!boh.h‘ Y "’"i;'fl'é'"m‘ j -";. either in the United Kingdom or in the Chanbet 1+ lands, or in any of Her I.ty,’n(.‘d-luw'mlc Possessions or Dependencies, such Vesse!l shall 11. If any Ship of War or Privateer of cither Belligerent shail, after the‘ time when this Order sbail be first notified and pat in fores in the T aited Kingdom, and in the Channe! Islands, and in the several Colonies and ‘Foreign, Possessions or Deâ€" pendencies of Her Majesty. respectively, enter any dietion of Her Majesty Territories and Possessions beyond seas u} ‘l"n after the day when the Governor, or other. Chief Authority of each of such Territories or Posseasions respectively shall have notified and ‘published the same, stating in such notifcation that the «ald Rnles are to be obeyed by all persons within the same territories and pâ€"asessions . _ e . 1 , T _ Her Majesty has been plaased to. command that | . s theso rules shall be put in foree in the United K ingâ€" s dom, and in the Channel Islands, on and after Friâ€" | i us o # Uay,the Ind of March next, and in Her Majesty‘s | _ GOVERNMENT IMMTGRATION OFFIOE, , Six,â€"ler Majesty being fully determined to obâ€" serve the duties of Noutrality during the “m: hostilities between Her Cathoiic I‘nny and Republics of Chili and Perv, and being moreovér resulved to prevent, as far h# possible, the use of Her lqje:{'o Harbors, Ports, and Coasts, and the W aters within Her Majesty‘s Territoriat amu tion, in aid of the warlike ‘purposes of cither Belâ€" Iigerent, has commanded me to communicate to ‘you, for your guidance, the following Rules, which are‘to be treated and enforced as Her Majesty‘s Orders and Directions :â€" ; : [Corv.) I have accordingly to ue,]n-h( you that the Queen has Leen pleased to direct that orders. in conformity with the principles aboya stated, should forthwith be addressed to all nmrn authorities in the United Kingdom, and to Mer Majesty‘aâ€"Naval or other authoritie« in all quarters beyond the United Kingdom, for their guidance in the ciroumâ€" stances, /‘ 1 have, A0., ht The Right Honorable â€" Edward Cardwel!, M. P The Kar? of Clareadonto Mr. Cardieelt; Fommax Orric®, 2nd February, 1806. Six,â€"ler Majesty‘s Government being desirous of observing the strictest neutrality ir the contest between Spain and the l(-l.u!-li.e of Chili, they proâ€" pose, with the view of more "ï¬xully ““’:5 mto effect this rinciple, to interdict the Ar Ships, and also &o Privateers of both parties, from carrying Prizes made by them into the Ports, Harâ€" bours, Roadsteads or Waters of the: United Kingâ€" vom, or any of Her Majesty‘s Oolonies or Possesâ€" sions abroad. ; i The Collector iipmmrautinc ons "purne. 2000 topra FiNANCE DEPARTMEXNT, otsToMs, * ® Orraw a, 19th March, L Sin.â€"â€"1 have it in command to cal your spesial aftertion to theanneted copy of ® 1kmneh trom the secretary of State for Foroign Aftairs, to the Uovernorâ€"General ‘of this Province, conveying Her Majesty‘« Orders that no CAvlion or NpomeA Y es d 4 Dib petine: Euies w hnd o c sn ilad 4s c lcA 2 h in; that under anthority of ebaptor 1T.of the + stat., Can., See, 24, an Order in Counct} Was m-n on 2sth April, 1804, divrecting «that Goods boma /ite exported to this Province from, any conutry, bet passing in traweity through another country and unâ€" der Boads shall bo untii it shall be otherw ino otdrred, valaet for \h:lty as if -m-uu-:m were imported di~ UsIC 1 U8IC + _ MUsto:: @mnexou MJ Cwewlar els be all Waters * _ Satunday, l6th day of December, 1865. f Prssowyr. > hy Exomnmn®n@y m# Anwinistraton dP ym Goy raeareyr n Conseun. f " ll! EXCELLENCY was pleased to iny | before the Council a Report from the Commntsâ€" ov of Customs, dated 15th December, 1888, and | coved by the Hon. the Minister of Finance, statâ€" GoOvERNMENT HoUug®, â€" (Mtawa, Tuesday, 21st August, 1846. PHESENT: O >‘ t Commissioner of Mector of Customs, © At Sea Ports in Canada OVERNMENT HOUSK â€"OTTAWA n the [Signed.] Excellency in Council was pleas o\ hereby ordered, that free ugh a foreign country consigned tors in Canada, shall horeatter footing as dutiable tGoods, s VC Y our obodic 1t sorvent, . | a R.S.M. BOUCHETTE, DOW NXING STREET Music, Polkas, Valsos, DUVERNXAY BRG* HIMSWORTH iW Pb dty in es dhcoad it Et : n _od(n-ulol.qu&;llhe“h toxjmo, mibject to the ; R condition that the Importer &mi.nh the ({fllri*l»"‘(f Custom with list« of parties desirous.éf provuring \ING STREET, â€"" | such arms, and that such parties be known to bo February 26th, 1866. _ | reliable loyal subjects, and such privilege shall fully determined to obâ€" | e:n:ad to all such importation« made wpon and frow of Customs and Exctse the Woa . I1 LEE !'l..\ll}'l.\"l)a N in 90â€"+f zes intd Bri 0 0 04 0 0 i Li Ottawa, Fob. 12. cession Joad, between Concessions C and D, in said Township, distant eight handred and fiftyâ€"two and one half links, in a Southerly direction from the Northeast angle of Lot lettered G, aforesaid, thenee Southerly along the said Concession Road, twohunâ€" dred nm{ soven :ud one hi; links, more or less, to the land owned by George Patterson, ,, thenee Westorly, parailel with the division “B::{ Inthl akid Lot G and Lot F, in the said Concession, and along the Northern boundary of the said (George Patterson‘s land, nine hundred and forty â€"nine links, more or less, to the *M’l M&'I’, m-.lngNulm‘ the Enst side of the Rideaa Canal, thenee Northâ€" ofll along the said highway two handred: and cight links, theneé â€" Enstorly, allel with the said division line, between said \‘zu and #, one thousâ€" and and six links, to the pluce of beginning, said last described ronlouol flnnd containing, by adâ€" PUIII.'AI'I‘ TO THE STATUTE IK that behalf, public notice is hereby given that on the Fifteenth day of August neft, at the hour of Twelve w‘slock, noon, the undermentioned Lands and Tenements, being the property of the said Inâ€" solvent, (subject to a Mortgage thereon in favor of Alexander C‘m-do. will be sold by Public Auction at my office, on Elgin street, in the City of @ttawa : &hï¬o:pmed of Villa Lots, Nambers One, Two, and fronting the Rideau Canal, and Lots Numbers Four, Five and Siz, mfl:; the Concesâ€" sion Line, or allowance for road between Concesâ€" sions C and D, in the Townsbip of Nepean, in the County of Carleton, as laid out and marked on‘a gl:n drlwu.b‘v G F. Austin, Provincial Land rveyor, and. moih‘ in the Registry . Ofice of the County of Carfeton, of that portion of the Northâ€" erly hall of Lot lettered (, in &n-iun C, Ridean Front, (the said )'ufllnvx half being formed by dividing the said Lot up the centre, from front to said Northerly half of Lot lettered G, situate, ""f and holur the Easterly side of the Rideau Canal, which «n d?u! is butted and bounded, or may be otherwise known as follow«: that is to say, comâ€" mencing at a point on the Westerly side of the Conâ€" amm, the said. Lot d the centre, from front to rear,) ® tunlo.(l‘yb"n being on the Easterly side of the Rideau Canal; also that other portion of the In all cases, advertisements must be prepaid, and an early transmission is recommended. The undorsigned will glad!y receive communicaâ€" tions of a practical character for publication, bearâ€" ing on the subject of Immigration, such as letters from uln:‘mhn. Mimm-c in the country, pointing out ar advaptagon of l‘o’lr district w-llr. &e. it â€" is desirablethat they s be writemas concis¢ly as possible, and be free froma anything like exagâ€" February 10 throughout the United Kingdom, and in bringing the same prominently under the notice of the emigrant The first number will appesr in the course of next month, the second in April, bringing down the information to the latest period, to be followed up monthly or qumrlkn may be required. As the -put;-;:t'lil.‘ ended n; allot fo;‘vlwnilin‘ rp wi ted, and in view of the large «’:i.mm the sheet ]'m..ohoh. [:‘w it -il‘l be disâ€" tributed gratuitousty}, t advertisements canncts be much lay’e’r than mm(:-â€" For each advertisement, not o;e';d-tâ€":‘ ten lines, $2 the insertion : and 8 cents for onz'n«u line. _‘ For a square of 22 lines, to stand a twelveâ€" ‘ i, Qernec, 23th January,; 1866. .( SIR,â€" § The Honourable the Minister of Agricultare and Immigration, having authorized the publication, by this Department, of an cccasional 5-,;0', to be callâ€" ed the "CANADA IMMIGRATION GAZETTE,* which will be devoted exetusivety to the oneourageâ€" ment of Immigration, and to the |diffusion of acouâ€" rate and usetul intormation copcerning Canada abroad, I beg leave to bring under your notice the advantages ih sheot will ofer as an sdvertising medium to land owners, and others having â€" ::u for l';h or lease. _ As information d.:.!m zind engerly son for, and much valued by every hlolf:pi en\‘:w. means will thus be afforded of flein‘ the intending parchaser or lessee in trreat tain in direct communication with the property. hoider here. + The Honourable the Minister of Agriculture and Immigration has also authorized the ord-g of an Information Office in Liverpool, under the manage» ment of Mr. Win. Dixon, a geatieman well acquaintâ€" ed with this and the mother country, who will be lrdlry chug:d withthe distribuation of this paper IP"" s en enE ttd this date ut You are hereby authorizsed to refund the duties lll&y B“ :{w Arma and Munitions of W ar jmâ€" ported within the period above satmed. â€" . J aw, Sir, + Your obedient servant, ? R. 8. M, BOUCHETTE, The Collector of Customs, 144â€"f 1 have it in command to inform you that His Lxâ€" cellency the Governor General, . by an Order in Council of thik‘day‘s date, has been pleased to re new, for a period of one month from dute hereof, the Order in Council of the 19th March last, directing that « Fire Arins and Munitions of W ar" be im portâ€" k oo S aie i4 Te uP n ue ePE Cirounar No. 175. ' FINANCE DEPARTMENT, ct 8tR ACADIAN,. .+. .. (Building) ... . AUSTRIAN .. , . , (Buildingy, .. .. PERUVIAN .. Capt, Battantine, . . MORAVIAN,. ,; . Capt. Aiton., . . .. INBERNIAN..Cupt, Dotton ;. .. NOV Aâ€"8COTIAN , .Capt. Wylie, , | BELGATIAN . .‘,...(‘ntt. Brown ... | NiPRTHâ€"A \"ffl""\‘.',l'npl.'-Kq-lr | DA MASCUS.,, ;. Lapt, Watt . .. Si. DPAYVID, 1650 toms. .. .. ...( ‘apt Aird ST. GEORGE, 1468 tons .. , ;,, Capt. Smith,‘ ST. ANDREW, 1432 toms, .. ;. , Capt. Seott, 8ST. PATRICK, 1207 ton« ... ... C ‘wpt. Trocks The stcamers of this Line will sail at reguâ€" lar intervails between the Clyda and Queboc, Berths not secured until paid for. / For passage, or any other particular«, apâ€" ply to fou m ST. DAVID, 1650 toms. .. .. .. ST. GEORGE, 1468 tons .. , ;. ST. ANDREW, 1432 tons... .. ST. PATRICK, 1207 ton« ... .. (ZeRETURN THCKETS GRANTED A‘ REDUCED RATES Rates of ‘Through Passage from OTTAW A to LV ERPOOY or LONDONDERRY : CABIN ... .. . ... .$66.15.t0 $86.73, _ (Acconding ito accommedation.) Insolvent Act of 1864. OcE AN STEAMSHMN® CoMPANY Ix a*, THOMAS STORY, ax Issouvexr Ottawa, May Mantleâ€"Pieces ! aUMmMER sERVICE, BATLTNG W EEEKLY STEERAGE MONTREAL, OcCEAN sTEAMSULIP®, I am, #ir, L AJSG #ALE OF LANDS®. AWA TIMES | ATGUSH s30, isags WEUBACH & CoWARD Aorsts ar Orrawa Your obedient serventt * A. C. BUCHANAN, _ Chief Arï¬. r OWY LI NE . J. & A. K. MTLLS. 1ENT, CUSTOMs®, Ottawa, Jano 6, 1866 z30 Btreet; apt apt. apt. upt. sail Lamdor $34 tt No. 8 of NOTICEc“NOTI(‘E 18 HEREBY Giv» en, that an application will be made to the Provincial Parliament, at its next session, for an Aot to Incorporate the Ottawa Water Works Comâ€" pany for the supply of the city of Ottawa with water Ottawa, January 30. SA_6¢ P nay yc 2P e t SE an‘ty in the hands of W. . Loucks, Esq., Attorney of Pombroke, all my outstanding debts, boaks of ac. count, and notes of hand; and that I will not reâ€" cognize the receipt of any money: due me, unâ€" less signod by m‘g smid Attorney, or myself, _ Also that I intend to foreclose at once all my i rtgagos that are due, or upon which the inlnre:?hu not been pald according to agreement; t PM"Messages c deljvered. _ We havenow perfect connection with the United States Telegraph Lines at Montreal, Cape Vincent Buffalo & Detroit We are happy to announce the completion of the Provincial Telegraph Line to MQN ’l'RlEAI,. 69, F‘os Xavier St Montreal. , _ PLAIN AND FANCY sHIRTS:! PLALX AND FANCY SHIRTsS! PBD" Also, Collars, Tie#, Searfs, Gloves, Handkerâ€" chiefs, llosiory.'wri-(blmlu, Braces, at 25 Sparks THE ONLY ESTABLISMAENT TYE ONLYOPSTARLISNWECT A large assortment of A large a*sortment of CALL! CALL1I CALLI > CALL! CALLIN CALLE‘T is ~ AT ThE orrawasuint stonEr: AT THE OTTAWA SHIRT sroRE; February 10, 1866 i M erly oneâ€"third of Lot No. 27, in First Concession Ottawa, Front Neâ€" pean, and Lt# Nos. 26 and 28, in the same Concession, at present in the cceupation of Wir. T..Aylen, E«q. For farther particulars peplih ids wl id theis dsb c Lo S â€"A . ® apply ‘to ;)Lpiu' and . W a, Tuonm»l,YN:l?;n',‘lâ€"mi Lowis & P.Narv, Barrister, Ottawa. _ JeZâ€"1#414f sion Ottawa, Froot on Nepean. : Also Pew No. 62,; in Christ Chureh, Ottawa. For terms ‘and particulars, apply to the Revd.] Charles Forrest, Merrickvilie, or to t ~~ LEWIS & PINHEY, P ie e Barristers, Ottawa. Feby 10, 1864. x benutlhllz sitaated on the Richmond Road, within five miles from Ottawa, centaining 300 acres or thereabouts, being comâ€" posed of the broken Lot« 24 and 25 in 1st Conces. Provincial Telegrapn Line ! Ottawa, Fobruary 10. 1868 dence * G. W. CARLETON, Manager, â€" Ottawa, July £0th 1866; Pi% 190â€"tf _ A large Two storey Wcuh-l-ndm.cn the corâ€" ner of ï¬uruy Streots, hh,flMJnd with Brick, furnished with double doors windows and Venctian Blind«. Thereis alarge Kitchen and Shed attached, with Pumps, Stables and other Buildings in the yard. This E‘h well adapted for a Store, l tel, Boarding MHouse, or private resiâ€" Zuel. Maleclin Cameroa. (This: buv&“; Bedâ€"rvoms, and is furnished with all modern imâ€" prevements, fls . Cns d «emtagn‘ NAn M s uk h9i ‘, I' Mund: m Land, in t 7 ‘the prope g"†)!'lnl! 1 of which ard eleAred and i on with good Dwelling outbaitdings thereon. This land is of the bes seved mile« from Ottaw a road feading to Richmond Pot farthor partignlars a §=5% 'I‘ll AT VALUABLE Pl((Wrnl ioned in such "l.':wl:umnln yc .ts perty known as F. M. lllu--" upoen be in force accordingly -m‘;g " deli‘s Homestead; containing about | may in like imanner from timic eS t .ï¬v «1 Two Acres, benstifully situated on | any of the part« or places to v the Ottawa River, being Lot One, North side Welâ€" | lamation extends, revoke or re lington Street, City of O(rtwa, with the Dweiling | lamation t and, subject 40 eue} and outhouses thercon. 4 + | newal a« aforesaid, every such Auoly‘to hEen ANWnF Tok Te nnedivs ae £ Ottawa, Mav Stables, . This is one « for a ‘Tavern of Boari Stroet, with For further particulars O!pll! : oTIck Is HEREBY GivEN tHar I, the umlorllgned. have placed fo: colloction, Biet dtiy Ruitints it ++ ) uin‘ Suidad l ns + For forth mum...; or Oflioe, Ottaw Jurle 20, 1864, ebreary 10, 1 P Latt 199 n ERMmomt NeDPR n &.‘ & l .'\ being . composed 4s PiRAK lislf of Lof No. T. on t Â¥~ d land, in the «Town«lip of Nepean m gh. property of the Lln George ell )Uno Mundred and Fifty Acres which ard elsAred and in a good state of cultivaâ€" rwith good Dwelling Howâ€"e, Bsirn, and other mur mt l""“ SALE.â€"«That. eligible uie reperty known ‘A# W oovroor8, mvneé_bl the late Captain Baker, 183y furthor partipn! ars apply to the under#igned JOHNBELL, WILLIAM GRAILAM, f JAMES BEARMAN, ecutors ol the Estate‘ of the late Goorge Bell. \ddress Beli‘s Corners P.O. ' o a 20, 1864, ts 156â€"46, FTOE SAILE. Dwellings to Let. FON 8BALE OB CTO LK\ «. £f OorRFICEs l;usumsmomx 1M« ng in beversr Street, Sandy Bailding on EHil, nour the mekiento of Ha NOTICES AOR SALE.â€"â€"THE WEST» rrectly forwarded and prbmfvny { the best quality, and sitzated n (rawa City: on macadumized NAnM Fon sAu:. Mundred .@nd Ninety A LEWIS & PINHEY, Sparks St Ottawa. LOOn#ANM FoOR s Audt l“l LET.«=«A Two Story Brick House, containing V oms, Kitchen and Servant‘s Bed wom, in rear of Rev. Mr. Land ad. Apply to ie JAS. STRACHAN. E8O.. OUSEA LOTPOR S ALR FERY CHEAP. ing Howse, A1L8O, Barristers, &o., Ottawa. C 46â€"utf LEWIS &. PINHEY Â¥ ILLIAM JOHNST 201dâ€"344 THO8S BEAMENT L. P. OHANLY JOHN 8UPPLE. 205b Where you will find Where you will find h Eandy Hill, 45â€"utf ands in Yonge 8t Toronto. lo 6f Murray e Ith.C iawa f1 x Atroets the City this is a it y a c uy oo i C 22 CCC ET Pm CCF THe TCP H onorable the Commissioner of Publicâ€" W orks, and under th ‘nthadty ot the Consolidated Statut os of Canada, !; ictoria, chapter 28, section 85, Mis Excellency is pleased to order, and it is hereby orâ€" dered that the followihg Tolls be imposed on Saw T.awe Pimhase fna in c 20 ce is T NLC is MI8 EXCELLENCY THE coÂ¥vERNOR arys. RAL LN .COUNCTL. * (QN THUE RECOMMENDATION OF tnc by ordered, that on, from and after the FLRST day H«{"AMII next, the importation or introduction into this Province, or any part thereof, by son, of eattle, sheep, horees, awino, asses and mules, meat, «kins, hides, horns, hoofs, or other parts of such animals, hay, straw, and fodder, be, a2d the same is ;&lbitmi; save and except such cargo or carâ€" goes, of part of e-rm as lli&léolkueyvin Counâ€" cil may hereafter fit to exompt from such proâ€" hibition. + w.H. l.l:‘n, k â€" Las y ++ ~C@Fk Executive Council, . February 28, 1866. _ O6â€"f And whereas a contagious disease or epidemic affecting cattle prevails in many parts of Europe, and is increasing and extonding itt ravages, and whereas it is expedient, in order to prevent the inâ€" troduction of the #same into this Province, that the importation by sea of cortain animals and articles should be guzlblod.. ' t His Excellency = Gouncil, on the recommendaâ€" tion of the H the Mifl‘r of Avriculture. His Excellency in Council, on the recommendaâ€" tion of the Homsrabit tho Minister of Agrioulture, and under the authority given and.conferred by the said Act, has been pleased to order, and it 1s here» Mess e t We m ts Reign, intituled “AlAuwrw“o against the introduction and spreading of disorders affecting certain animals," authority is given to the Go#ernor in Council to take such measures ns may appear to be necessary in order to wrevent the introduction of contagious of infections &:‘ru} afftecting rheql\; eattle, horees, and @ther als, Aand chock suc di-urd.ern trom spreading, if introduced ; h ul ols benftadienr e rads Putisiso t Aridca Ars P 42 Aii d Whon:son Mis Excellency in Council, on the recommendation aforesaid, and under and ‘by virâ€" tue of the .uthw&mm conferred by the 8oth section of the 28 apter Consolidated Statutes of Canada, has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that on, from and after the TW ENTIETIL day of JUNE instant, Peas, Barley, Oats and Petroâ€" loum, which have paid full Toll on the WeKand Canal, be and the same are hereby allowed to pass free through the St. Lawrence Canal, the‘ l(inluu and Ottawa Canals, the St Aun‘s Lock and the Chambty Canal $3 se wW.H.LEK, | * GovFRNXMENT HOUSE | & Qttawa, W edue:day, 7th Juge, 1866. $ Phgxkr: . [ j . [‘ HIX EXCELLENCY THE §OVERNOR GEXNâ€" * ERAL INX COUXNC1L. llll EXCELLEXNCY was ‘PLEASED to l&be(un the Council a Memofandum from the Hon. Mimeter of Finance, recommending that Peas, Barley, and Oats, as well &« Petroleum, which have r"ul full Toll through the Welland Caâ€" nal, be perthitted to pass through tire St. Lawrence, Ottawa and Chambly Canal« free of Toll. . , YOmcBR To ManrrXER®. t M’ Of 8. Lowrence, Prince Edstard leland. | "l\llflomu}‘.x'r oF PRINXCE ED« ward Ieland has given notice that a l#ghr + ,~3‘, 46" N., and. Longitude 63©, 59%, 9" W. *The Light stands eighty feet Ligh above water, and shows a fixed white light. _ , . By command, â€" |â€" [ hecpf enc R. SSM.BOUTCNETTE, |> year of Her Majesty‘s Reizt By Command, â€"__ _ â€" _ of t May Mostara1, 20th day of Fobruary, 18§6. f PRE8ENXT : # HISs EXCELLENCY THE GO\'E*{.\'-OR GENERAL IN COUNCIL VIIRIIIAI. BY ANACTPASSED IN t‘l:: lu‘ve:n,v-uimh year of Her Majesty‘s TT moa o Mess nds V 4 T 1541f FINANCE DEPARTMENPF, CUsTOM®.| j Oitawa,iJune 14th, 1866 WM. McDOUGALL, Secret ary (knmn the CLTY OP OTT AP in the #a , this TENTH day of Ay govERrNMEXT HoUsSE â€"â€"_> Ottewa, Tuesday, 14th August, 1866 appoin ted Mr. J. LESLLE, Ntrget, gole A sent for sale of above wtlon the public aqeainst being dinâ€" Watchés Anarked :« Mal.r:(u thir ch are nat manufwectared by «. THCMAS RUSSELL & SON, PRESEXT Commissjoner of Customis Clerk Execative Council Â¥t., ;. > \«‘ § * lamdon f *4 1 J MONCK 124â€"tf | act. i +. P Te ~0u.ï¬-, 1618 day of August, 1 886. P October next, the undorsigned will apply to the Judge of *he said Court for a disgharge under TOT We : PROVINCE OF CANADA, ) In the Coant, County of Carteton, e of (“ï¬â€™.v "To wit : s of Carleton, In the mattor of LEON DAVID as# J.EONARD DESMERAIS, Insolvent«, _ * T City of Ottawa, August 20, 1866 S pointed Assignes in this matter, and requires clatith to be fyled Within teo momhs 33. this date, , PANIEL OCONNOR, Tlm UNDERSIGNED HAS BEEX arâ€" pointed Assignee in this tatter| andramnicas Bristol‘s Sarsaparilia, and Bristol!s Sugarâ€"Coatâ€" od Pills are for sale by all Druggis every where. Nold in Ottawa by John Roberts Dr. Garvey, H.F. MacCarthy, J. Jennings, W.â€"M. Massey, and Geo. Mortimer, *\ Asutf In the matter ‘of CHARLES SPARRGQW, the younger, an insolvent.| { These Pills aro mared expressl v to operate:in harmony with (h-r:‘elm of all au-d purifiers, BRISTOL® S ARSAPARILLA, in | casos arising from depraved humors, or tnpiare . The most helpless sufferers need not despair. Tnder the influâ€" ence of these two GREAT flé)flf . ladios that have heretofore been conslde lt'er?bflu’-‘ able, disappear quickly and perm y.: Jn the following . diseases, these l‘ill‘a apo. safest, the xieken. and the best remedy ever red, and ould be at once rosoxted to : ! |/> x4 > Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, HAver Come plajnts, Constipation, achey x _ ud Plies» c | The reaticure for all Discas¢s of the uivk®, stoaacu ax»m BowsLs, Put-rh Glassâ€"Phials, and Wa ed to keep in any climate. * * 207â€"2m GBRUIXE HOXDUKAS SARSAPARILLA, And is the only true and rétiable oure for Syphilis, even in its worst formy. . â€" It is the vory beet medicing sor the cure of all discases arising from a vitiated «rti-p-.m of the blood, and particularly re ‘b’l used in conâ€" nection with 4 ~BRISTOLS _ (Vegetal body sendered unhealthy by wecretions of the winter mont powertal detergent, cleanse And every kind of sei. fulous and |Seabious erupâ€" tions. Itis also a sure respedy for #ALT RHEUM, RING‘ WOR IEIIER, NCALDMHEAD AND SCURYEY,. It is guaranteed to be the purest dnd niost yerâ€" N ism 0k prcpu-fi.m of, " By all who are sick, 4r w ness. lt is the only.genui tion tor the perimancnt cure Scrofule, Old Sorts, Bobis, L scessts4 Ujoers, “'HF.N cireul LIY QUART BOTTLES 1 riig: GREAT PURIFIER or TJE BJLOO0D 1« particWlarly recommendéd for use DURING THE SPRING ANDSUMMER SARmAPARILLA! Insolvent Act of 1864 P I ; ILiS. Phe expounes of RÂ¥eignt|and Packing * Pinnosor=Seving Mae # Wiid boe Poid by the Praurties Â¥iro m« * Lantiticd to thems Insolvent Act of 1864 N THE TWEXTYâ€"THIRD Diy OF GHOLD ANID) MLYER AWFUL SACRIFICE: l'-.\.‘\i.'.l‘t'l'iy:' A NVOIJDED:! Ex:vamdlnm‘;;\.nniuncomont AS THEIR B A# nEX THE BLOOD I8S THICK, THE circulation clogged, and the humors of the perimanent ) DAILY 541 WYOL«uKM/ANMNEBIP n Abrimine ofitive Iucatl y t e )] LEQX DAVID, . LEONARD nu*:uu. TREY éc Co.. 51, LIBERCDY STIRLE 44 ) mugarâ€"Coated al.rme XCLUSIYTE AGTC XRRANTED GCOLB wshiall | Proc« the béary and greasy «. is safe, though every portion of 5& ou‘d f DIET DRINXK, s vish fo prevent sickâ€" or original preparaâ€" the dangeroug ases 6f . 19 )11 Tumers, Ab= Assignee. 200â€"B WwoOrTH Or 7 $'<) *Iini’ahr-l in Elegant Resewood, W alnut or eak ease:. > / |Every Instrument W ted ‘or Five | Yearsâ€"Xo Ch fow loq T â€" _aur Whi is EW d lyregr Trs Orrawa Tss â€"Printed «and P "every â€" morning, " (Sundays © cAogp! Grorer Corros, Proprictor, at th Stenm Printing Works; No. 60, Street, in the City of Ottaws Co Carleton, C. W, Merpreaprarcget en 4 1 i nter 4 h * ed accounts of Artificers work measured -J!‘." AUGUSTUS LAVER, _ _ Late Stent d Laver, Architecis 4¢4 14‘ ~ _‘ ,~ Ropannnental Buildings» Vistoria Terrace, Ottaw a, January 26.. Sold by Geo. Mortimer, John Roberts tn-my. M. F. McCarthy, and J. Skinsgt a w a. » ‘Ottawa, Dec. 18, 1865. i The Canadian Pain Destroyer never "U" "* immediate relief. All Medicine Desiers k« n{-i‘:‘.n orderand use it ; and no family ® wit mitnflerm'ryi.‘it Soitic. 4 ce twentyâ€"five conts * :olrnm & LYMAX. XNewcastle, C. W., « * Goneral A gonts Jw C the torturing lmd'lb:ll"“'.‘-" m Nervous Affections, entitle ii,to a high rank in the list of Romedies for these complainte _ Orders stt coming in from Medicine Demlers in all parts of t# country for further n}flifl. and each testifying #* to the universal sati«faetion it gives . _ _ _â€"_. _ y CaNADLAY PAIX Pss aia Has now been before the public for h ef :ine. and whenever used is well hhd.-wf:il: n a single instance to give perm=nent velie( timely fud, and "lfl" never Anoin a single cl'n:nfdm' nction -:nmm oo are proâ€" y followad ; but on all are Collet®~ 5twili its operations, m h‘om terms of its virtues and miggcal effects. . _ recommen Side, Back and Hoad, Conghs«, Colds, Sore Throst, Fprains, Bruises, Cramps in the Stomach, _ Chotera Morbus, Dysentory, Bowel R Complaints, Burhs, Sealds, * Among the most important,of modegn Medical Disâ€" CAKADIAN PAlK 2ESTROTE! P.8.â€"A liberal discount to Chursbes, Clergywes and School«.. Address A . All of our instruments have upon thenageâ€"board, in full, «GBO, A. PRINCE rm.f When a dealer represents amy other instremebt as «the game as ours," it is usually a mere attemptto sell n inferior instrumentâ€"on which be can makes lurge Infolit. .. :s > 104 S B e e tote 1 Out Avronati( device obviates this diffcaity ¢oâ€" tirely, the simple nct of blowing with more or fess force giving the desired increase â€"or decrease in the volume of the tone, The Melodcon and $chool Organ» _For seventeen yoears the sa porior exeellence efour Melodeons har not been questioned, and fortwe yunbru the cnormons demand has madedt im possible for us to meet our onders promptly. Wit our increased facilitics, we fee! 'omd:i asear ing Gurâ€"patrops that their orders will prompdy -t._lJ:ifleh a continamnce of their patronage. ‘Cantion to Purchascrs, 2 [ "" V° TOr managemect of the swell, | Withis the past two years, jnstruments constructed en this European plan of *double blowers," bave been manufactured in this country, and to coppteract this dificalty (want of » eweil) a lever bas been pre jected trom the centre duwblflx upon the swell, aapd orrzarep $y Tek ssm iuconvenience and contertion mecesssry to efect Ancther o that both fee oeffered for th ‘_.h. past two This chject are disagrecatble enoughâ€"to a gentieman but to a lady the use of such an a;pendage is near 1y impossible. _ ‘ NILLU®TRATED CA TALOGUCE COXTap ing full descfiption cf‘ï¬l,, and toRimeniah of the most eminent music as tothe excellence of our instruments+â€"will &mï¬ any rddress. 85,000 Now in Use ‘PIANOQâ€"Fo:Rmy; PATEXT B School Oreans & Me Ottawa, Dee. 18th, 1885 Harry tand, «Mss thnsied a n Thear are Lis Wits in m §3 ul Dooame dn BE $b 11 THIRT3 Geo. A. P1'u Attomatic Ut a e, with j ttawa, Dre DMIGGSY 33 t y "! 64 A The Automatic Organ. N54 to # Ass( H tA Destrover never fails to git® GEO. A. PRINCE 4 00., . Bufale, X. T 5. es “m(‘ufl TEXL W3t. 9A WoPrage C racu, Deslers *TE3 ; d . Published egptcil) by t the Too® AYans. lodeo 1 â€"dwâ€"9 l:n..‘.i.,' EW Yorg in Ot Bâ€"BAs * tw fw« t4 (a8. Ki Ww. JO ,yhme ED