Ontario Community Newspapers

Ottawa Times (1865), 14 Aug 1866, p. 3

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treely [o« 10, 1866. _ ABOY 5 authoricâ€" 22 pl}*, eased nets» Â¥ foe make of the im the ‘nt. to welve mate npare erw B# * GOLD lady to apgens to all pur Castor to the 0 wis XIs PLA# Wintreal, Qucte, via the St. Lawt Q#ebec steamers i dOrtaws, Aug 1 S PCO IX FIRSTâ€"CI $ FREE 1N\ THE, MATTRR|OF]WILSON STITT. AX 5> > ixsoLfrEXT. [ =s[2 city, on the SIXTH day « 12 ofelock,.noon, that vays Limit, on the Black Rive of the .bg'-nu'»o-l Insc cense No. n‘.,_“"b'";-' LIKE THE PHGENIX OF OLD Aug. 10â€"20004 THE , ND.EI(IIG.\ID RE= spectiplly tertior theirthanks to their numejous friends.and cugtomers for the liferal patronage stowed w them| and at the same tifpe intis mate that the? m'. singe the recent fire idean Street, opened the store |in the building, eqrner of Ridesu and Mosgrove| Streets, nearly opr-iu Messts. Workman k Grifin‘s, where they will conâ€" lt Kabn on hand a neriorstock of XADDLES, keep on hand a mm. TRUNKs O * July 12, 1368 YQâ€"TNG LADIES‘ INSTITUTE, Misa A. ‘Inn‘-‘..... forneeecrreeverccecee e PRIENCIPARE 'l-ll SCHOOL TLL BR PEX OX MOXDAY, SEPT. 3. Animu have ho.-x::l by which the diferent‘ classe« in Fnolish. h. and Music will receive thorough SAGUENAY DECT: x2 tss untoenttt . coutei zlm. and Music will receive thorough efficient training. arties desirons of commuâ€" *vfllfi.?fix i. can do so by letter until the of August, which time she will be at her resilence. â€" There grotwo vacancies for Boardâ€" ing Pupils. Cireulars, ining the terms of tuiâ€" tion and board for th coming school year, can be obtained at Durie & S s, and Urme & Son‘s, Sparks stract L Ag2â€"T24d on and .:n.td “.,l'"m ‘-..-T; -câ€"-; Won‘« Sparks Estalé, CD obtained at Durie & : s, and 4 ‘s, 8 Real pa i Th Ardrmaciftnti o %." 79 Street. ‘ > * qi I94d PATK® | <orth Baird Strect; 18, South NeRKay Street; 25 mine redirantarecimmercicommomecicg mt dimabitime Semididnt 2. 0000 !.fluMSrrhSu:el.nfl%oad2!.\‘ur1h e | Queen Streetâ€"will be sold « en bloe." â€" Lot 19, mmno IN ENGLAND.| xt Boteler Street; Lots 10,‘12, and 14, South s <el * * ‘m‘ Tor:u&:‘.loot 28, .\'ofl:fl!:u;nr:‘tl;nt; k C tPe , Sout! wa Street ; , Block D, Le TOBRQqUAY, EVONsHIRE . Breton‘s Flat; also, Block on North side Srdvh | MECUC" " 0_ tha Russell House, having a frontâ€" wE UNXDERSI on their ar"i REFEREXCES lowing: The Righ! J:-an.‘ B:flldbfl‘ rend G. T. Spence: +. ©0OF, ROME flmm‘ Harris, D. D., m 31» Rev. H. N. Etd UouCL! F7 MISS BEX , reegive for board and a limited pumber of young ladies, to moral and reli 'uo"_i;nhig. on Church of Engiand principles, ote their utmost attenâ€" tion. The domestic gements of the establishâ€" ment are under the superintendence of Mus. Buickuax (a Widow) ; whose great experiâ€" ence in the of children rendors he well ada to .oeo-fonnJ of those e to her care. The saluâ€" y of Torquay is well known to medical pracâ€" titioners in all pa the world to require com ted artange nent nveved to 4â€"200 . 2m Insolven The course of inst m.‘uuk‘.‘ i per annum vance, include seat . other necessaries, ex< wE SUBSCRIBSEZER WILL OFFER L Lo znonil Pematadi d EP RPENCCE I -.w-h‘ the §olidays £10 per annum extra. Should it be desired ) Mr«. Bracaxax will be happy | wfid‘h‘u being paid),to meetyoung | on their arâ€"ivil in Engtand. | betue M ds i en ceb Au4. We Risc from our Ashes!! 10â€"200¢ mm ut P ut j $ REFERENCES kindly permitted to this folâ€" lowing : The Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Jamaica, Braddon,{or Torquay ; ‘The Right Reveâ€" Trend G. T. Spencer,|late Bishop of Madras, Ldgeâ€" mfi&u‘, rbhyshire ; The Reverend J. H. p. D., Pe al Curate of Tor , Torâ€" ry; Mre. Torquay ; Mre. PWityi r.mfo the Rex. H. N. Phillipps, for some time Incumâ€" "PDFY s uL4 R ®ALE. on ta® RBnk MX 20e EP D 19 bent of Christ Cha Granthauy C Master of the Nis i\(‘onuy.t.h AT GREATLY 14, Pes Xay Timbet I:in*'.s an Black iPiver * REM . FWNIE aily, or Weekly Boarders, Ottews, Juna) 19, 1866. Ottawa, July 30th 1866 3 R ivered. 3 H WELLINGTON STREET H FRANCTS CLEMON othep, on Elan street, in this ay of SEPTEMBER next, at vairtable W hite Pine Fimber iveg, belonging to the Estate nsolvent. as described in Liâ€" REDUCED K ATES EXCURSION ! ‘B.t', cannecting with the remainder of the season, . LV xED HAS COMPLE» urvreby Passenyers may and the. Sacuenay, . BRUSH pe Vincent Buffalo & Detrait 1 Telegraph Line : ORFICES : _ t. I Sparke St. | Yonge St. Chta® a . Toronto. ct of 1864 ara County Gratomar School, the house with Mrs: Blackman ting a recent visit to England, sonal experience to the mater on bestowed on the children unâ€" * April 16. 101â€"6m xCIs CLEMOW S l{l'll.l)l.\"fl.\'. YÂ¥ HOND. hop 8. & H. BORBRIDGE. 175â€"394 N,A ND I!!R !Il'l'll’ correctly forwarded and promptly G. W. CARLETON, Monager. _ Aamond‘s Building* â€" P01 ~V A ph Line | which they will sell at 0oL SALT. McGILLIVRAY Elgin Street y «descripâ€" fthe Free &lllhfli is the For further W .. and Head 1€ 8.00 40. 00 8. 00 T.00 25.00 25.00 27.00 18.00 ©3.00 00 C 50 00 w0 IMNPORTANT AUCTION â€" SALE ! SAW MILLS, MILL SITES Mana ger . 190â€"tf c@F:" 'l‘lll1 s A W MILL® & from Ottawa, and a «! MLLL SITES with water js TIMBER LLMLTS on the T ind Gatinean mds WEnee . m e t ie The 19th ani 20th September, | the following TIMBER LIMITsS, coveriag ar I EL. T06 couare miles, it Rlocks, as belon 155â€"tf say Important Sale of Timber Limits, Saw Milis, City and and Furnishings Tlfi TRUSTEES OF of the late JOHN EG AN; this exterisive establishment, ® PUBLIC _ AUCTION, On Wednesday and Thiursday. of some + | with this lot. _ . \ _ The Little Bonnechere Block, Licenses Nos. 219 . 220, nl.mu 224, of 1865 and 1866, extendâ€" ‘hcfan- Lake to the sources of the Litâ€" tle m.«-.zo-nu.-muorh of from | honmmucflnuo,.do- racing an | area of some 216 square miles, with Farms, Saw | Mills, Danis and Slides, the latter of which, with m Amnrovements of the river through the of some 700 square miles, in fMocks, as Defon Bessets, Grant‘s Creek ana Petawawa, Li Nos. T3 13, 14. 13, 16 and 77 of 1865 and ‘6f a total area of about 225 square miles. | This Block of Limits, intertected by two streams, which‘ have been improved at im o:rlfl. and having a frontage otf some & miles on the main Oudwa, is unsurpassed for SAWâ€"LOG or TIMBERMANL FACTURE, a with buildings of every description, togethe & Small Farm and four to ave hundred agres 0 is incladed in this lot. l aupe mee B Aiee 220508000800 0000 4 ied | the other improvements of the rIVCT IMIUIRM T07 | limits, cost some £8,000. The above limits are all mpfli«l with material for next winter(s opesations, as Horses, Oxen, Pork, : Flour, Hay, Oats, &c., (Inventories of which will be | farrished) ; these, th:rrehnr of the limits is reâ€" k quired to take at a f; valuation. \ * Pontiae Mill property and Saw Mill«, (if not preâ€" | viously sold) are situated on the Chatts Falls at the na'd of the Chaudiere Lake. There are some | ffty saws in all, with cutting capacity of 800 logs in | "The propert Vlook of fo cou ses & some four to | _ The property o .m..n incether with a namber â€" Madawaska Block, Licenses No<. 228 and 229, on the main Madawask Branch, covering an area of some 22 MH eAE T ow has a frontage on the Madawask® of !> 10 onâ€" the Op'wSBuul: a Farm o acres, withâ€" excellent buildings, and a :‘.. ies «4Wt ill «i -..IM, o‘\'{“ "hfgd mill sites feman «« 41, 42, 40, B Plans of the above may be . Rideau Street, Ottawa. _ Amp® TY 5':.1 Estate, City of Ottawa, North Baird Street ; 18, South and 24, South Sparks Street, a1 Queen Streetâ€"will be sold « South Boteler Street; Lots 10 The Buildings Cite Lats N« Terms and place of Business» i I __ | Sale. Plans of the above properties can be reen and 1 | further information obtained. In Montreal, from ! MENRY MeKAY, Exchange Court. In Ayimer, i from HENRY CHEPMELL, at the Office of the eR CCE USRWAW WVAWAN Wenr West §020, 2 CCE T C qost Rrad Lots 6 and 7, 34 range, Musk Rat Lake Lot 5, 4th range, Muask Rat Lake......... s ONSLOW. West | Lot 15, in the 4th FADFe.........«»> South } Lot 4, in the Tth TADROG] . eecees «> North Lots 23, 23226 & 27, in range North 4 of Lot 1278 io(ll,k.\‘;uf â€", ‘Tenth range 8 } of Lot« 10, 1i, Rear 4 of Lot 27, in the 4th concession * _ WAKEFIELD:> South }s of Lot« 13 and 14, 10th range HULL. South j of Lot 23, in the 8th range..... Lot 14, in the 6th MB enc« Lots 12, (165 nn&, 13, (133 acre W 4 of 11, 12th TADG®.........~> f CUMBERLAND ALLUMETTE ISLAND Part of Lot 5, 2nd range oN MONDAY, 10th SEPITEMBER, 1866. C e eoe o Lot 3, and front } of Lot * CLARENDON. W 4 of Lot 4, and N W 4 of Lot 6, 9th con..250 acres Lot 1, front. $ of Lot 3, rear } of Lot 1}, e front &( Lotd 12 and‘13, 10th range...500 acres 8 W 4 of 1, rear } of Lot 3, W 4 of Lot 11, and Lots 22 and 24, in the 11th i aaval Emt are improved, and all are valuable, from their #1!« rfhr ition, and facilities of access, to both --borz::ld Ottawa market. |\ ‘The Stock consists or very superior Draught Horses, an immense quantity_ of Chains, ‘o’g._ | Boats, Apchor®, and a couple of hundred paire: of Blanket=. ; m{a Lot 4, W } of Lot« 12 and 13, rear } of Lots 14;and 15, front } of Lots 16 and 18 in the 12th range........ ............;.1000 actes Lots 12, 14, 17, and rear }* of Lots 20 and Terms tor city property and lands :â€"Une fourth down, balance in three equal â€"annwal instalments, with interest at 7 per cent. Some of the above Lands are timbered, others are improved, and all are valuable, from their suâ€" MeRPUUC® * Ond facilities of access, to both i Lot 13, 8 Lolf.â€"mn- the House of Assembly ‘ and the corner of Sparks and Motcalfe Streots, | supposed to have been a few ’i.m south of the J w;xol;gnph Office, on Tuesdayafternoon, a GOLD , inlaid with hair, with " A. R. from | K. R.," engraved insidethe circle ; tm:lly va l by the owner ‘as & souvenir . The râ€" will suitably rewarded on leaving it at this office. / Further terms will be AUCTION SALES Yhe Sale of BELONCINC TO / MILLS® known as the tA w and a short distance above t No. 3 and 4 «10 W . . Licence N on the ea , 11, 18; and whole of 19,..... j of 12, & N { of 14, range 11 s s KEPEAX. ‘TTM BEF shment, will o# and Farming Propertys ngs of Yarge Lumbering wWESTMEATA , Cologne. Lake, PWCY Lale will be made known in a f Licenses No#. 229, 220, €27» rin Madawaska and Opeongo rea of some 220 szuan miles, Madawaska of 10 miles, apd ranch ; a Farm of some 200 kuildine« and a Grist Mill will commence at one. peime cach day» WERTTCOT e 4th range............... 50 acres > Tth nngeloo acres: 25426 & 27,in range 9.400 acres »S 4 of 13, & 8 4 of 24, 5; and whole of 19,..... .100 ncres C CAC L af 14 rance 11..300 acres power capable of drivi Tomasine and Gatine square milos. | â€" interfected by two large sen improved at immense frontage ot some sixteen a, is unsurpassed for either MANXUFACTURE, a depot description, together with »hive hundred acres of land, EARDLE) BRISTOL st side dt Sussex SCCP! Theodore Street Nobth, King Street, East, W ilbrod South, Theodore Street North \Gloucester Street West , Besserer Street North, be seeu with the Propi a blook of some four to together with a namber ites, with an unlimited M4, 442 143 414. 440 U ~ TWE ESTATE , to close the Trust of will affer by (133 acres), and t mussex Stre made known previous to comprises Lot 18 venig an area 12th con _ O P .R YX i(r\»)l. lately cccupied by Messrs. Jas. Brovor & Co NOHQH, BHOGK A....ccoocecommerserterenyrremrecrene 08 X 100 romad i on mb ce ruvhane dea oc ie nt O l'r.-pu‘-hs\‘ at the -vnsf} . wit 163 acres 200 acres 200 acres 100 acres 400 ncres OF 200 acres P EN ETV RERRTRTTY PTMICCUCCo ol e new Bridge now in course of eréction. . Also, " (ihe dsc o hadibeging trmalP). e d 7 ib T 4 120040 B . 2.0..4 0000 Acnicahnedtyns Ehnd tart Sn‘ m e new Bridge now in course of eréction. Also, three g a large amount of machinery. Also, the following n rivers, Iguace Creek und Gatipeau, Joan de Terre 100 acres . CGITMITTETS, cOPEER"Y 100 acres NDREW MAIN, ‘Esq. 100 acregs ND INEAU MILLS, situated about uvo'u miles 2 & MEon o ons ie ce t ie t 4 ces 200 acros 50 400 acres 284 neres 500 neres 50 square miles.â€"Tomasine River 48 87 actes 300 acres 300 acres 200 neres 47 700 aores )1 aeres 0 acres Made by Thiton, of Montreal . | ___ I f “I'.("l't"'l., MeLEAN HAS RECEIVED } instructions from Mrs. John MacKinnon, to zell at her residence, near the Railway Station, on | THURSDAY, I6h AUGUST next, the follow ing | articles of Furniture and Househoid Goods, viz : Mahogany and other Tables, Mabogany Chairs," Damask covered ; Sofas, Lounges, Bureaus, Side~ | board. Hall Table, Marble Top; Walnut Bedsteads, | Laakine Classes. Pictures, Cooking and !.‘urlnri‘ Looking (Glasses, Pictures, Cooking and T@HO® Stoves, l‘micviv and Glassware, Ritchen Furniâ€" turé, &e, ; also, 1 six octave prano, by Gilbert; one excellent Quebeeâ€"built Phseton, and numerous other articles. 1 Cns one eeminoaliec s d s wenng @rECTCC. At.the same time and place will be offered a part | ofthe Furniture of Rideau Hall, including a ?-Ion- \| did Solid Mabogany Dining Table, eapable of dinâ€" | ‘no 30 person«: also, Bolid Mahogany Bedsteads, ! ul IRuratl ind eva dthher e nntleny rik. aniielin it I and large Wainut Bookease, &c. i P A first class English cw carriage, for one horse, built in Long Aore, on, knewn as a F « Sovreign." ; I Catalogues can be obtained upon application to [ the Auctioneer, and the Farniture can be seen at | the place of sale, on Wednesday, August 15th, from | 9 a.m, to 6 p.m. . Sale to commence at 10 o‘clock a. | in. on Tharsday 16th. | JA Terms Cash in bankable funds. 198td l iture advertisement VARIETY HALL Dwellings, now offers the same for sa‘0, MMW "" CGive Decided Bargains ! Housenold Furri 12 DORnttt B NCO Hair Mattrasses ; Bedsteads ; W ashstands. ‘Toilet Tables ; Pembroke Tables. it acisuoards, Bureaus, W indow Cornices & Shades. Door and Table Mats; Cooking Stove and Kitâ€" chen Furniture. . Also, | 1 frstâ€"class Refrigerator ; and 1 Platform Seale® NoTICE. ‘ A NEW FIRM JUST OPIIN}I,D. ' 0. WARDELL & Co. on on oner aetos, t sex Street, where they will -'Iu h.y drad ipbradie s PU BLIC £&XTCETIO N , Until the whole is disposed of. The Stock consists of the following, viz :â€" _ Brussells and Union Carpets. Hall and Stair Cng:b. c Tables and Sotas ; Parlor Chairs. Teon aha Marble Parior Stands ; Contif# Tables Beautiful Easy Chair, Velvet mnd. Several hlr Mirrors in Gilt ogany. 12 beautiful Engravings, well f‘r_bm:d. EN . %ir c Acbawds B BARGAINS MAY BE EXPECTED Also, a firstâ€"class assortment of cROCKERY AND GLASSsSWA & At the Variety Hal‘, No. 5%.8:*! JOSEPH BOYDEXN, C en Mn rmmnine St[‘ Lawrence Tow Boat Co‘y. P r and Freight Line between Quebec Wivm ¢vening at 7 otclock. Their stock consists of : 4 f HE SPLENDID AND FASTeS AILING new Steamer «" UNION," Ctr. W. Davison, will leave the St. Andrew‘s Wharf, â€"Quebec, on TUEsDAY,the 7th AUGUST next, at lrm.. for Pibtou, calling, going and nhnilf‘ at Father Point, Gaspe, Porce, Purhile. Dalbousie, Newâ€" castle, Chatham, and Shediac. â€" AUCTION SA : PARES : Chbin, to Pictou, including meals and open benh,'m,u&oo |This splendid steamer: has all the modern imâ€" provements, with large family staterooms, and is acknowledged to be one of the fastest vessels on the No. 34. St. Lawrence. For further information apply at the Company‘s Office, St. Andrew‘s Wharf. c J. CHABOT, Quebec, July 28 T CTIOXNX SALES Tlll REV ATHER DOVGHERTY, Professor e Somlnu*ol Quebec, will deâ€" liver a Lecture ST. PATRICK‘3 HALL, on SUNDAY EVENJNG, 19th Inst., for the benetit of the Irish ‘l'mEo nee Associ k [ sU BJ BCTâ€"FAT HERaM ATHE W . | ~Door« open at 7:30 a‘elock, . â€" Admission 25 i eaniecorsrimententnnmataintndt t 00 Mills, or at Mesar«. Cunningham & 1 pilustc tm â€"*4 194â€"4d _ Doors cents. Aug. 10 tE Beotch and Canadian Tweeds, ‘ ; UNDERSIGNED HAVING Pur« ased. the FURNITURE of Two Private e offers the same for sale, and will 186y Crow and Colonge River Ignace Creek. § Jean de Torre River, _ T_â€"EBECOCTU E. Cottonss Table Linens OP VALCUABLE Sussex Street. General Commission dymade Clothing? Satchel‘s Cutlery, JOHNX GREILLY, tur oTTawA‘T@Es, A Lind t K Mana ger 192 Necretary 0l" ALL THE Ilol)llli 1NVENTIONS wone have accomplished greater good to a greater number than They are a blessing, Morally, N ntally and Physic: ally. _ Hood has sung in pathet straing how : « With fingers weary and worn, W ith eyelids heavy and| red, I A woman sat in unwomanly rags, | Sul;xin‘ hor needie and ronfi ; j 3 l I stitch lhltllch 1 * n poverty, hunger and dirt, And still with a yoice of dolorous pitchâ€" She sang the «Song of the Shirt.‘ Every philanthropist has wished that this poort m-l’n:.boon mi«l with one of \\'HEEKER & WILSON‘3 8E G MAGCLHINES, that Hood might have written truthfully of her,â€" _ A woman sat in an elegant room, _ . : With EOyou heart and p + Her del fingers gu her work, ' And her footwas turning a Sewing Machine. She sang the last new Bong, As the cast iron Doreas sewed the seams, | She sewed the buttons where they belong, | And bleased the inventof of Sewing Machines. Who does not enyy Messrq. Wheeler & Wilson the innumerable benisons they must have TFeceived from the fair sex, whose former work of weeks they have enabled them to do in howr«, and in & far suâ€" perior manner. _ _ 4 The earnest sceker after d ie felicity cannot invest $50 more profitably than in the purchase of a | SEWING .\lAChl.\_’E. 'l!he f mzle memberu‘of his KA TT ENT PO N I i p;‘nfll;‘;\-hnt Veâ€"v-é;;v&vdy adin should have & Sewing Muchin | What kind to get? The an household will be relieved of t M hat was labor will become will hereafter have time for intellectual cullun‘, ll!ul, _ w W means WHEELER will exccute in a superior st ofâ€"afork ; they are more simp any other Lock Stitech Machi ly tpore durable and less liw and@ they work with Im‘n:xi!1 :-t" r. These are tacts that by ‘mg\lflilljudgfl at . Tow State, National, and W orld‘s and Americ® way.. N. B.â€"Noeedles for i Oil, Spool Silk, etc. . All kin1 N[Eli;fid SEWING MA RovalCan â€" OTrTAWA Officeâ€"Desbarats‘ B1 Ottawa, June 21. CIGAR 1 gubstitute for the oldâ€"fashioned Clay Pipe. Wl'l‘ll IT A CH ease as good a leaf or smoking tobacc You can use the very 1 resort to the use of a st1 RETAIL PRICE, Any ordinary «mok Machine in a week or For sale on .. G. Zl!‘ Tobaccfi FAN Scerschanm Brial T O B 4 . rders w gglr stand, deliver eris given. _ __ Ottawa, June 26. WAI'I‘ID.-IHA'I‘ STIFF AND GRE« gory‘s Photographic Art Gallery, a smart young lad, 14 to 15 years old ; one who can read and write well. . Apply at gallery from 8 to 9 :’eloek, 2o2 195â€"8 Is recommended to WAI'I‘ID--A Situation in a General Etore by :J)mon of 20 years‘ experience. Speaks French a English ; also thoroughly unâ€" derstands Bookâ€"keeping. References if ro&:h'od‘ Please address to A. B., at the Post Office, Ottawi. Ottawa, July 27. # 188tf w BMA U LCLO L athe abtame o RH ato desirous of obtaining situations as RESIâ€" DENT GRVEBNESSES. or as Teachers of Junior Pupile, eil er together, or separatoly, in Academics. Nochoiceof place, whether in Canada or in the States. Address, by letter, stating _Ptuinullr\l. I C SV www brUPRS: Address, *y'letur. stating 1Ptrtimllr-. /‘ J. or J. E., THREE RIVERS, {| Co. Et. Maurice, Canada F Ottawa, April 2, 1866. + g9â€"tf WA' TED,.«=â€"A SITUAIIDN in ® MTTT RY or GENERAL STORE, by a yOoung man who is experienced in the business. Apply at this office. Ottawa, April 14. 100 tf COT Jl?:“‘lT'r fi‘o'v:’:an‘ RryY SUPEâ€" Dundds ald American Optton Yam, erAtt & /co.s. Ottawa, April 23 From 20 ots u ° _ _ JOHN G. ZIMMERMAN, Corner of Sparks and MetcalfeStreets. ANTED, ««« A CHAMBERMAID. Apply at this office. 153tf ANTED.«â€"â€" IMMEDIATELY, a Firstâ€" Class COOK. Apply at the Tru®s ?E-r"n ANTED.=«IWO G. A. WA 37 E1 TB . THE TED.==â€"â€"A SITUATION in a GROâ€" wANTS. i to $1.50 cts per pound. ...........from 2 ots up to 10 ots. ‘be taken for a new musical d in 4 weeks from the day the t ASSORTMENT OF KACHIN®E ! s, Cigars, Y GOoODsS, . Gutta Percha Pipes,&¢. En.lnd are consequentâ€" le to get out of repair, and friction than any ave been cértified to , County, Provincial, Exhibitions in Europe LDCAN ROLL WITH ligar for ONE CENT out of , as you .can bux for TEN. st tobacco, and need not ng pipe for cheapness. r will save the cost of the two. y 8t : c 20 0n uln: . ‘The question is wer isâ€"Get the Best! . WILSON‘8. They le, a greater variety in construction than lwfil not attempt to t«, that every family arks Street, Ottawa. 1 Machines, Machine s of Sewing Machines 190y MMERMA N ir the parchase of a male members of his eir sewing drudgery . recreation, and they ocial enjoyment and AGENCY :. ilding, 77 Sparks St. M. P. HAYES, ,TON, Agent ALER IN dianBank CCOS. okers as a very choice ..ONE DOLLAR ROO8‘8, > 241, Sparks Stree C O S ! YOUNG LADIES flnn Orrawa posite Bishop‘s Hotel YARN| Aokxt. 157 olâ€"3.w HAVE DETERMI RICH BLAY TREIR STOCK COMPRISES THE NE [ss sl-md Fanmfi;{(\\' Goods, Shawis afiI{autle 8. 107â€"f NEWâ€" AND DE Eooo o P PE NO f A being composed of the Bouth half df Lot No, 7, on the 4th Concesâ€" sion, / Gloucester, Ottawa. front.â€" There is 50 neres cleared, well fenced, m{! in a good state of eultivation. . These lands ais of the hest quality, and within eight miles of the ‘{,‘i(_v of Oitawa, on the Bear Brook Road, three miles from Lafieur‘s Corners, on the King‘s road. There is on the premises a good house, birp, and stable, storeâ€" house, SprIng well, &o. Also, a thriving young orchard, now bearigg fruit. For information, Apâ€" ply to Mr. fl:-nrgn Clarke, International Hotel, Otâ€" n L ine AeeGaw 3 “ McLEANOFFERS FOR é e sale in one or in two lots, the ‘ mbove â€" desirable property. The first Lot, well adapted for a Gentleâ€" man‘s country residence, consists of 40 acres, more or less, of good pasture. and table land, well fenced, Wilhdgoud Stone Cottage, 50x60, a large prolific Orâ€" chard, Barn, Stable, &o. The House stands from 80 to 100 feet above the level of the Ottawa river, distant half a mile. . The view from the House and land is magnificent, including the Parliament Buildings atOttawa, an extensive view of the river and Lower Canada, with the mountains in the disâ€" tance. This Lot is well adapted for building purâ€" ses. 4 pos@® 0 00 .0 ). ) Cwstate af 90 neres of good araâ€" Bm mss For further particulars Ottawa. _p‘.‘:‘t_ CALL].CALL!! CALL!! CALL! CALL!! CALL! ! TWE OXLY nnu.lsll'urfl TWR ONLY EATABLIAHMENT A hrgi assort ment of A large assortment of PLAIN AND FANCY sHIRTS! . ) PLAIN ANDFANCY SHIRTS ! J Also, Collars, Ties, Scarfs, Gloves, Handkerâ€" chiefs, Hosiery, Wristbands, Braces, at 25 Sparks AW A, July 28 BEAUMONT FARM. â€" Fitzroy, Ca. Carleton, IAP SALE of BLACK&FANCY PUBLI(‘ NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, that default having been made in the payâ€" ment of the principal money and interest mentioned in certain mon‘-ia deeds made by Daniel McCurâ€" dy, of the Towns ig of Ruseell, in the ‘County of Kussell, Yeoman, to Jamnes Keays of the said Townâ€" ‘ ship of Russell, Esquire, on the North East and. North West quarters of Lot number Twenty, in the Second Concession of the said Township of Russell, which said mort{lge deeds were duly assigned by the said James heays to Michael Stevenson, of the city of Quebece, Esquire, the #aid lands and premisâ€" es will, in pursuance of the ll‘:'“ of sale contained in the said mortgage deeds, sold by Publio aucâ€" tion at the law office of Messrs. Seott & Ross, in the City of Ottawa, THU RSDAY, the SIXTEENTH DAY OF AUGUST next, at twelve o‘clock noon. The sale being under a Power the said Michael Stevenson will covenant ni-inut .his own acts only. All Searches, Abstracts, Deeds and Conveyancing charges wil! be at the exgenn of the purchaser, Dated this Twentyâ€"cighth dn( of July, 1866. Â¥ . A. ROSS, FOR SALE OR TO LET AT THE OTTAW A sHIRT sSTORE! aT THE OTTAWA SHIRT sTORE! D., 1866, or as soon on that GHY 1 be eonveni;nt, to m gr Oll;blil 0j a lio way, Fort wide, lmlinop:otw .;Nos-. 'l‘hy'mnn d Fo in the First C df Gloucester, Qtawa cxmvluf froth the public highway, knotgn . Montreal rogi, in a Southerly direction t§ th ernment allojrange for road between the Wir Becond Conodssions of Gloucester, Ottaw a fro new road to, bg laid out so that the ligg b L212 T.sta Nosk Phirteen and Fourteen, iflhe Dated at Gloucester, this z' a 4th August, A. D., 1866. 197â€"1â€"34w5 l NO'I‘ICI.-HO'I‘ICE 18 HEREBY Gl‘»- en, that an application will be made to the Provincial Parliament, at its next session, for |an Act to incorporate the Ottawa W ater Works = pny,fulh: npplygnodtycfomnwuh:; er WHO _ g.caive 8 fl'ofl"cl‘-“l"fi SPECIFICA TIO L\ and Estimates of Buildings prepared ; dis ed accounts of Artificers‘ work -...#.d and vali AUGUSTUS LAVER, Late Stent & Laver, Architects, de., $ Muol® DOM Buildings. Vistoria Terrace, Oitawa, January 26. _ _ In the County of Carleton, This 27th omiy. A.D., 1866 Dated at the City of Ottawa, M is Ottawa, January 30. HoLrEsaLE AND RETA® 20, Sparks Street, Otta ol Nock 191td ATâ€"VERI This is a f”\’l"fi op UTGUST 1A 4 1866 GooD FARM FOR SALE), vonsists of 90 acres of good araâ€" n the Ottawa. ‘There is a Cotâ€" ;‘there is brick earth on the fhis Lot would be divided into irchasers, if required. ticulars apply to Mr. MeLean, 200a NOTICE.â€"â€"THE DIUNI.CIPAL ' 8 ET wiha o c4nl WTLLIAM JOHNSTON 20]4â€"34d Solicitor for Miehul’ Stevenson. OFFER ON MONDAY, 30rt, AN i. w HOLE STOCK OR ,} Al F T lso in stock a very choice lot of newest Where you will find Where you will find SPECIFICATI unity for parties FR cGINLEY. Hâ€"9w :. goops at Â¥grRy: Low â€"PRICES ! TL 4 2+ OUSE& LOT FOR SALE m VERY CHEAP. Lot No. 7 South side jof Murray Street, â€" with ble House and large Yard and Stables. â€" This is one of the best stands in the City for a Tavern or Boarding House. * ALBNO, :5 Ge ; ‘axs, IMPORTED BY THEMSELVES, THIS RIS DIRECT. ) o A handsome stone Cottage, with about 1} neges of land, and outbouses attached, benutifally -'uLted on the Montreal and Ottawa Road, only 1} miles from Ottawa, and commanding a view of the City from Ottawa, and com:t and surrounding country; As the road is now being Macadamized, Phis i® valuable investment. . To be sold very dhe;p. j Apply to J. J. MURPHY, | Solicitor, corner of York and Sussex S&nfl, Ottawa, May 23. 133. ~ TO RENT,.«â€"â€"A BAKE fln House, with working utensils, with a good house and yard, " stabling ; and a good run of cusâ€" omers ; alo, for sale a good baker‘s wagon, horse apd harness. . Possession immediat»ly. Kent medâ€" erate. Apfly at this office for particulars. | Ottawa, June 26. 161 e FABI FOR SALE.â€"One Hundred and Ninety Acres of Land, in the Tm-hir.c:.f Nepean g.:n mflty of the George 11) Hundred and Fifty Aéres of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivaâ€" ion with good Dwelling House, Barn, and other outbuildings thereon. This land is of the best qulity, and situated seven miles from Otftawa City on macadamized road leading to Richinoml. ‘- * _ or tu » For further particulars n‘g‘wuwnlg:l'l.ndmng'md WI‘liL_gl GRAHAM, JA BEARMAN, Executors of the Estate of the late George I1. yA Address Bell‘s Corners P.O. 4 [* June 20, 1866. _ f <~>. A%GA 4 face‘ RUI‘L RESIDENCE®. P h The Subscriber offers for sais. Lots to suit Purehuorl, in the imâ€" A mediate vicinity of Ottawa. . The Br:‘perty is pleasantly situated on the banks of the wa River, along the Richmond Road, within 3 miles of the city. Parties desirous of building a Country Residence will find these Lots in every way suitabie, being but a short distance out of the city, wgn they would be free from heavy taxes. further information, syply to i . & w. THOMSON. | Ottawa, May 17. 128â€"3m _ _ FOR SALE OR To LET. Ottawa, February 10. t@ea cssn ig nea te the lot on whi E the new ank of Montreal is to erected, and within five minutes‘ walk of the r Banks. â€" Lots 9 and 10 on north side of Queen St in rear of the above. x 4 ALSO, 23 ACRES OF LaAx®. ; /.. In the TowuhiE of .Gloucester, situated about a mile from Billings Bridge. This landcan be Mold en bloc or in lots of 5 acres. d For further particulars, t?‘gli to is : Sn l avevls wnw renâ€" i Ottawa, Feb. 10, 1866. woeee iesns C F3 BALK.â€"Lots 12 and 13, South Cathcart Street; 26, 27 and 28, North Rideau Street ; 1 W est Augusta Street ; 1 and 2 East Chapel Streetâ€" all in the City of Ottawa. 4 | Also, VILLA LOTS 10, 11, 12 and 13, being gnto( the South half olfl:; front part of Lot 20, unction Gore, Towncbigol toncester; as laid down in the registered slu\ y George F. Austi and other City Lots and Farming Lands. Jat~ Money to Lend on Keal Estate. Apply to t LEWIS & PINHEY, Barristers, &0., wa. |\ _Forterms and Jflrfi«hrp,, & ‘ Charles Forrest, Merrickville, or | «_ LEWIS g 1 m TOER SALE. of l‘,uu o1 l hoiactadisdhcar +h is ... quintd sroporty known as WodbRroors, by the late Captain: Baker, hufihé{ situated on the Richmond Road, within five miles from Ottawa, Feby 10, 1866. m Ee Ni Cw cms1 pean, and Lots Nos. 26 and 28, in the same Concessibn, at present in the eceupation of Wm. T. Aylen, Esq. For further particulars apply to JOHN and Wx. T#owsos, N'g“"' and Lewis & Pixary, Barrister, Ottawa. ‘\JeZâ€"1414f Richmond, February 10, 1866. ring Silks to procure o_ ;. AT THE OLD PRICE. neyâ€" GBWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AÂ¥D _ _‘ wORTHLESS IMITATIONS. Mare 5,1866, PAIN KILLER ! Dwellings to Let. . Tll.l'l’ VALUABLE PRO# | : : perty known as T. M. Blasâ€" E dell‘s Homestead, containing about 3_‘Iwo Acres, benutifully mtuated on 4 iver, being Lot ‘One, North side Welâ€" | t, City of Ottawa, with the Dwelling | is now being Macadamized, this is a PERRY DAVIS! FRAN N erly oneâ€"third of Lot No. #7» /4 rhi“aflflha Ottawa, ;‘M i"‘ 2202 22A Tate Nos 26 and 28, in LEWIS & PINHEY, SIIOP AND DW RLNARMNIAT | House for Sale in the village of | Richmond, 18 miles from the City of Ottawa, An excellent opening | Barristers, &c., Ottawa., ~46â€"utf â€" OR SALE.â€"â€"That Nors UWikiow, ree,_ ( NCIs ow, E8Q., 6 City ;i fi#&. R SALE.â€"Lots 9 and 10 VEGETABLE R SALE.â€"â€"THE WEST« ly oneâ€"third of Lot No. 27, in EWIS & P. OHANLY. .‘ Sandy Hill.. * 46â€"utf of | Farms For Sale! 100 200 I t C 100 ACRES OF LAND IN THF Township of Gloucester, Count y«of Carlâ€" ton, being the Enst half of Lot No. 21, ‘in Â¥nd concession; This is a good Farm and will be sold cheap. “ a¢ # _“fgo_ L &A Two AND A«HALEF STORY HOUSE, - Sn T n onl it + Prathina ut Ottawa, December 18, 1865 CITY PROPERTY | ATTENTIO N. POR SALE, Iâ€"IO’WE‘&SON | IN THE TOWNSHIP OF NEPEAN ‘Telegraph Building “)unvo.!"fl{-z,’:lg‘;lt uns munlee PROPERTY FOR SALE. ; <+â€" hakne For fur Price moderate. Apply to 300 hf chests young Hyson ‘Tea. 350 _ do Twankay do. 400 _ do _ Japans ao. 100 do Gunpowder do. PUP known as the OSSIAN HALL FARM, #ituated in the Townehip of Gloucester, Coun< ty sof Carleton, being the East halfof Lot No. 3, in the second concession, Ridean Front| There is an extensive clearing on the lot of at least 50 acres, and the remainder is cover< «d with a fine Hardwood Bush. The Farn is within five miles of the City, and is beauti+ fully m:m: on the banks of the Rideas River, thus having an spproach to. the city ‘either by land o:suuter. The land is of a superior quality; and yield« excellenit crops. LOTS & HOUSES. | GROCERIES, TOBACCOS, &c.! m AChuEI 0:‘ LAND, SITCA TED w in the Township of Gloucester, County | sA MTEL BROW rrater ol Carieton: being Lt No. 12, in the 7th conâ€" | * Phow X1NG, eession. . There is about 20 mcres ofthis Farm Propsrtor of the Often cleared, the remainder is covered with wood. nurac L bereaess comerRrInk) |ouru1; â€" _. |£2500,000 STG whttV STRSCRTBED. '0 ACRES OF LANXD, SITUVATED in the Township of Osgoode, County of Carleton, Rideau Eront, being Lot No. ©0, in the 4th concession, . There is about 25 wcres of this Farm cleared, the remainder is coverâ€" ed with a good Mardwood Buash. Thisi= a good Farm, and will be sold at: reasonable m dene Sn C aad‘ situated on Lot No. 6, north sidg of Cathcart : Street.â€"The building is nearly new, and finâ€" ishedâ€"30x36. There is also igood Frame â€" Dwelling on the Lotâ€"24x24, which rents «t $100 per annum. _ It is #ituated in theâ€" imâ€" mediate vicinity of the Railway Terminus, and is a very deqi[nhlerlnrn Kor n qprivate Prs NOS. 2 AND 3 ON THE NORTH side of Wilbrod Street. â€" These lots are situatâ€" ed ite St. Joseph‘s Coljege, (®andy Hill.g und are well suited for the erection private dwellings. Roiet & > My19â€"130â€"3m rates | PHENIX FIRE ASSURANCE COMP OF LONXNDOX, Established in 172. U Township of Osgoode, County 0 ton. â€" This Farm is situated within T of the Gloucester Church, and within miles of Ottawa City. There is a acres of this Farm cleared and under, INSURANCE ADVERTS, | K« | GILLESPIE, MOFFATT & CO, | Directions ftlee id Sooompads i Ant â€" _ AGENTS FOR CANADA. Wiioints Desiges. *~ â€" m Tllll coOMPANY HAVING INVESTED, & . wOOoP, in conformity with the Provincial Act, } 2 Oftewe, C. W. l4 "u"d'.d Thou“nd ||an' N. B.â€"All orders will receive pt attention it | For the special security of Policy=hniders | “&’““‘....‘.‘;.“.;.‘,'z‘if’?.z«‘?““" * iÂ¥iey Commercial Uuion Assurance Company, | L fQ@ TCOR S . Aug. 10â€" residence c d 1 60 udnc t t i i’l‘SP}."E‘:BLE ’{l‘fLB% WILL BE GIVEN or further particu :.',' “.pfly‘_k“ c weid_ EmsC PCO q en e for private residences or businéss p es l’unLr particulare and terms of s':l':.‘” Arruy To .. M. J. FRIEL & CO., | Or to H. McLEAX, ‘; All having escaped the late dutics. JOSEPH PHELAN, 171tf 535 and 537 Paul Street, Montreal, Is red to mocept Risks on Mingâ€" ‘ llol::t:ld Goods nr Furniture, nfi.fiou‘r:lml.:: chandise at the lowest current rates. _ f JOHN DVRIE, ACRES OF THE PROPERTY ALso 100 puns. Highwines. 25 hhds. Ginâ€" 25 qr. casks Gin« 300 Green cases Gin. 300 Red do . do.~ 800 Brandy do. 500 Claret. do. 75 Champagne Green Seal« AKD a GENERAL 8700 OP Ee Een on k M may obtain comfortable rooms on reasonsble terms, either with or without board, in the brick building next the Queen‘s Pri-ti-so.oo. Sparks Street, Ottawa. 197 FOR SALE ACRES OF LAND, INâ€" THE Teacauchin af Nesoode. County of Carlé Y ALU ABLT TO LET.=«Two new cottages on Sandy Hill, 7 room# each, and good stone cellar«, AND A GEXERAL ASSORIMENT OP â€"ALROâ€" 25 ACRES OF LAND â€"FULLY SUBSCRIBED Risks accepted on wood or ot Aprly to J AS. G. ROBINSON, The Tea Pot, Ottawa. P 1844 19 axo 20, Commut, poxetm1ixg or FOI SALE. â€"â€"â€" A FINE Stone Building. ue of the best chaneés in Canada for a Groâ€" cer of cfpital, or for" an hotel. â€"ALSOâ€" â€"ALSOâ€" No. 5« JOHN MACAULAY, * Chandiere, Ottawa. ted on wood or other buildings FRANCIS CLEMOW, + ‘ _ Agent, Elgin Street. in Canada, % cept ‘Risks on DJQ_lHng-b_ol_l_ul LSEay. W M. CLEGG, ESQ.., | Barwi8TFR, ph Building, Ottawa City, 56â€"4f LAND IN THE d within Two miles and within Eleven There is about 40 [ and under cuitivaâ€" Land Agent Loxpos 1â€"tf Ottawa, ;,'E\Meu«u?i 1866. 8EA BATHING. 1866. St. _ceorge’s Hotel!, Tuu FAVOURITE SUMMER RE« wort for health .n:orouun-seekn will be reâ€"opened for the accommodation of Families and the '&‘uvfllmg Public on the 15th JUNE next. :_ _ _OUTEILDE SPORTS have been provided for La dies a« well.as Gentiemen, such as Fishir from l%uu!» and Care, Polite and attentive servants only are engaged O‘NEILL & ABBOTT, . "l"h:d Motel, which will MM.-â€"( TT undred guestp, is pictui uely situ at a pouot communding nl‘:dfim i nsa-ud;rluh | the facilities afforded for h.'(b%. fishing, shooting, | on boating aré| unsurpassed. e rooms mre large | and airy, and have been fitted up with every re quirement necpisary to comfort and convenience, | Arrangements| have also been made for the per | inanent residence at the Hotel, during the summmer season, of . an Physician. Detached From: the main building are «pacious and comfortable® Billiard and Bowling Alleys; also, Cricket and Quoit Gre and a beautifal Lawn for child â€" ren to amuse themselves on . Mot and Coldâ€"Baths | can be had at all hours. Patrons may also rely on a firstâ€"class table, and good «attendants. | * Tapors«1¢ ip admitted to be one of the most pic | turerque spots in America, u:rrubably the most \‘desirable resoft for Tourists @ Invabds on this | Continent. Jn short, the locality is now #o widely | known, that it is «almost «uperfinous to describe it | Biit, for the benefit of guch as have not made the tour of the >ut| rAay, it may be necessary to «tate i that Tadouâ€"â€"ge is sitanted at the junction of the «>agnuend y and ®t. Lawrence Rivers, and is the last | stoppitig luace on the rmn.' between Quebec ind | Mal l_h!'lh\', and between which points a daily | line of steamers will ply regularly during the tr« velling season. . The noble fia{l’d Tn:...‘uunt. day !llln"i\(hnh",pfll‘[lfli!bl.le.. m ves, | i« immediately in front of the Iflml'u‘ and | outward bound vessels are distinctly observable 1 fram it« windows and balconies. THE TADOUSMA¢ IIM‘ElL. $ jeased the s W ateringâ€"place, h ed the «ame, and lar and transiont 1 This Motel, whi« Hundred guest®, i communding r the facilities affor 'l‘lll': sUBSCRIBER, HAVING RK+ . leased the: spacious Hotel at this wellâ€"known W ateringâ€"place, has thoroughly refitted and fumnish ed the «ame, and will be prepured to receive regu lar an« trancient visitors on or about the l.'»LL‘tLJun«. PW " de e Fauss June 2. 141â€"3m TaporssaC is ad turesque spots) in desirable n fo Continent. . Jn #h« known, that it is « Juit, for the tour of the Nagur® that Tadous=ge: is paguendy and ®t. stopping place of n‘:':‘u:: &h\‘. an line of steamers AWBo078, SHOEBS, &C., from its windows and DATCOMIEE Having thus the advantage of a new, eapacjoue, and elegant Hote!, situated in a most desirable lo cality, cleasy access, and surrounded with innum > merable aitractions, the Subscriber feels that it 1 only requisite, in order to ensgre the happiness and eomfort of his guests, to perform his t"‘ well. He therefore pledges himself thit nothing shall bo wanting on his part to conduce to that end, beling determined to give his patrons the full benefit of | long experience as & caterer to the *lic. , BAMUEL BROWKRING, _ , Proprietor Ottawa Hotel, Montreal. aulca 140â€"3m 11 ‘June 1 BOOT3. SEOES, LEATHER & FINDINGS wF ARE NOW SELLING TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS m wORTH OF | ‘«*Runnjng the Gauntiet," a novel, b . POMONF | Â¥ates, author off Broken to Hamoss.~ | @©Ecclesia Dei.‘ | _ »The Queen Mother and Rosamond," by A. ;S'inhm. * + | _ «Eastertide Sermons," by Henry Alford, D.D. | ~»Contemporary Review," Bound, 1st vol. . SPRIXG & SUMMEA GO00S ! Now. is the ‘Time 60. Sussex 5 Ottawa, Feb. 12, 1866 x. GARNEAU, par L‘Abbe H. R. Cas Fo grain, avee un pu:npv: Ft“n!ilqu ot uw Autographe.‘ 25 cents. _ _ » GoOD sAMARITAN BALM ! An Internal and External x 1 ]-.‘1“‘0'* Lawn Billiards, Archery, ° Chambers‘ Encyclopedia, Vols. I to VIIL. Photographic Views of Ottawa Scenery . RILL AND POSTAGER STAMP®. JOHN DURIE & SON, 10, Sparks Stre iet .'.3.'7{,'";3',};.."':{& â€"accommodate about One d guestp, is picturesquely situated at a poust nding ml‘:‘ifim view seaward ; while lities n}orded for b«thing, finhing.,l}i-_nu.. NEW BOOKS. LIfE, SROWTH AND BEAUTY, . §iÂ¥s, 8. A. Aiten‘s World‘s Hair Restorer and Dressâ€" ing invigorate, strengthen and leangthen the hair,. They act directly upon the roots of the hair. supplying reâ€" quired â€" nourishiment, and naturalt cvlor and beauty returns,. CGrey hair disapâ€" pears, bald spots are corâ€" evred, hair mtops falling, an«t Inzxuriant growth is the reâ€" sult. " Ludies and Children will appreciate the delightâ€" fut fragrance and rvich, glossy appearance impartâ€" d to the hair, and no fear of soiling the «kin, sealp, or most elegant headâ€"dres8 wsly reduced prices, as we intend furnish ‘in;’flth «n entire new Stock of | _ «Mald by all Rpoagiets Depot 198 & 200 Greenwich St. N. Y. § m s â€" 2.4.. Inherts Â¥ Protected by Letters Patent. § old by George r of the Oitomwa Hotel, Montrea Ottawa wooDn‘s Boating â€"~G. HQOWE & SsON, Street, and 10 Rideau treet ;A stt d sns Amer ies â€" corge Mortime., John Roberts d n.r.‘n.-cuthr and _ Rkinnerjn Quoits, ___ Bowling Alley* luuudtzu * tor Bargains Proprietors Lassr®

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