‘A TCH f the CH 'uvfln' h"" rate of §225~* by a dgcre© © river, 1€ Stame 17th ial (Mon« his salary» was one of ~d that Sa7â€" ie with 0f one half ve him the . PAT» 17th. in Windâ€" coast, *** ahys : of Wash Revd. g:30 29â€" â€" Berraro, Aith.â€"A New York Central fr be the upse tting of a the store. The . fis communicat d to the longing to the same jnge were entivrely d in order that merch may have an opport Mpr’nllhn are about 10,000 regulars in Canada, besides 11,000 volunteers, on duty. There are about 15,000 fully. armed militia, mady to move at a moment‘s notice, and ’,â€-Le could be soon made available. The government has an immease number of veteran officers, who are well drilled, to lead the militia. There is a large numbers of volâ€" unteers at St. Johns, and they are increasing There was some littl¢ excitement on the western fronticr last night, eccasioned by noisy demonstrations in honer of St. Patrick. (The troops were under arms all. night, but all is quiet toâ€"day. % Botrkaâ€"Dairy â€"â€""v.-.“m!. 17th.â€"The Treagury Departâ€" ment will‘ not consider that the Rociprocity Treaty expires until twelve o‘clock toâ€"night, in order that merchandize. &c., lr-w in transit may kave an opportunity to reach its place of Welland Canal Superfine % Bag ll;-:‘c‘ Outeâ€"Por 32 the.... Bazueyâ€"Per 48 Ihe Frovaâ€"Super Extra. Money on c udmnu. s 'oni‘-luh:o at 107}. P @old vpened and closedat 130;. _ $ /. Cotton quiet at 41¢ for middling. p Receipts of Flour 5000 bbis. Flour dall and â€".:-usmlvnr.,&haww- rels at 9 a 7 200 for sound superfine Rtate; :'l‘ll‘hirm&.h; ir‘t:) a 8 206 choice State ; $6 95 a 7 20 for superfine Westâ€" em; $7 40 a 8 2 for common to mediam extra '“;â€Q:l“ï¬nméondnlipâ€"\ brands extra hoop Ohio. Canada Flour ud.?:;‘#m Sales 260 barrels at $7 45 a 8 20¢ for common ; and $8 25 a 11 2%¢ for good to choice extra. _ © _ . .. Wheatâ€"Receiptsnone. Marketdul! and drooping with nothing of moment nc:l;l sold. Rye.«quict. Sales 2,000 bushets Western at TGe. 14 #.77¢ for sound mixed Western in. store and emm; 54 a 54jc for State ; and J4c¢ for Canada‘; 50¢ fr Jersey and Pennoyivania« _ _â€" â€" _ _ _ _ _ h'qr‘ Sales 8,900 bush. common Canada Western at 31 14}¢; and 35 a 90¢ for State. * 7,300 bushels.‘ Market steady. Sales mu 61 a 62¢ for unsound ; and Porkâ€"Sales 6500 bbis at $26 31 a 26 50¢ for new mess, closing at,$26 31 for cash ; and $26 09 for old do, Beet steady. Dressed Hogs firmer at 12} a 12}c. _‘ ~.=:h’h~yu|o:‘mo. 718 t«\\“ quict at $2 28¢ a 2 28jc estern. _ Petroleam dull at 23 a 290 for crude, and 45 & €le for refined* Yare Interesting News for the Ladies ! GREAT THREE STITCH Wheeler and Wilson‘s Yaking Thres different distinet Stitches ! L K STITCH. as already made by the NEW ADVERTISEMEXTS | .. ~â€"ANDâ€" Embroidering Attachment 28e LOCK STITCH, as already made by the Wheeler & Wilson : Tt Menaid * N20 Blastic Double Loop EMBROIDERING STITCH, as made by the Cirover & Baker ; * The THREE THEE AD STTTCIE a combinati «e mx::&s.w STITCHH, a combination Making the most: beautiful . Embroidering ® Stitch yet invented ! 1- 18â€" THE STRONGEST & STITCH in the world, whether made by hand or machine. This hment can be attached to a8y Wheeler & Wilson Machine in use, and all are lnvited to call and see it in operation. Wheeler & -bhï¬. Machines have always been noted ï¬ Â« greater variety and range of work, better than any other Machine, ashas been acâ€" Serded them again and again at all the great Exhiâ€" Nitions, wherever exhibited} but this last simple = ingenious device enables them to perform double c‘ eveni theirâ€"former great capacity. The the for these Machines are so groat throughout ~~CM neatly opeâ€"third. more are made and -.h that of any other make. Over 1400 a aré turned out of their bdur{‘.’:nd yet they Arefar in arrear of their orders. Kesolutions are :-'-" by the company for the building of anâ€" pere hznarly u‘:r as their present largâ€" “?, the world. ’ï¬q will then be better 121 iC tupply the great and growing demand of A large n VMice:=â€"37, Sparks Street, Ottawa. :‘,ul. for all Machines in use ; Oil ; Spool t all shades, fot families: . Séwing Machines reâ€" ‘ Concession of Mariborough, iw; 15 acres of whigh are cleare amail Log House on the premiscs. The Lot is well watered, and is niw:tedl’un the Main Road from h-.t to North Gower.. For further particuâ€" lare, apply to JA'I‘\ .lmls-'rocl. North Gower Corners. Notth Gower, March 19, 1866. Yéw.d Ontsâ€"35 a 42 for unsound ; 53 for sound Westâ€" =â€"h; good -rihri“si: uqum:i.:u'h .M’.o. * Ottawa, March 19, 1866. ITâ€"= COMMERCIA L Saturday‘s Montreal Markets» )luuml,snlanhl‘t â€"Super Extra........................08 00 a 8 Welland Canal Superfine...... 5 50 a 5 CEERK FPOR A GENXERAL STORE. Must be a good writer, and acquainted with Canada Wheat Western * Stogeâ€"Packed U ectrrimntocee Teats......... rwinforcements Sewing Machines, a New York Marketss, New York, Mazch 17. W ANEED, ht awaitin , 1t is exp will â€" move all move in procession, rated in the forenoon by y at St. Patrick‘s Catheâ€" n Irclands Patron Saint w Lyuch of Charleston. laved American and Irish its from Engla me regiments of ire this morning at the ight depot, was caused an of Kevosone oil near hes spread rapidly and splendid Elevator beâ€" Company. <Both puildâ€" ompany ruyu'. rded car ACRES OF LANXD for sale, Lot No. 3, 6th s in the depot, toment were all lld, are cavairy e 14wâ€"d « vICTORIA WARD. GEORGE STREET.â€"Lots Nos. 1, 2, 5 and 3, near Pooloy‘s Bridge. y F ? JLIFTLE BAY STREET.â€"That Lot of Land known . _ as Keefer‘s Hill, «ay about one acre of land. BRIDGE STREET.â€"Lot No. 10, Block D, adjoinâ€" \ _ ing Mr. Morrill‘s, and noarly opposite the Hon. J. Skead‘s. _ ie West }] of Lot No. 4, South side of Victoria Terâ€" race, known as Mr. 8. Worknian‘s Homestead, with a good stone building therpon, containing cight robms, kitchen, and a good edilar, good stables and outhouse. â€" The above Lot is in Block M. Possession given First of May. _ Ottawa, March 17, 1804 The following property, viz. TERMSâ€"Onéâ€"half eash ; per cent. â€" Sale positive. _ ALUCTION SALTE TOWNSHIP OF EARDLY. ; _ Lot No. 16, in ‘J:* Range, 200 actes, on the leadâ€" ing roadâ€"tho newi roadâ€"from Aylmer to Portage du Fort, 10 miles from Aylmer, best of laad and well wooded and wmrmfv. convehient to Churches, Mills, and Market. | Also Lots 13, inthe 11th Range; good land, well watered and timberedâ€"400 acres. * t * ALUCTION SATLE Tuosday, the 10th day of April, 1866 MONXDAY â€" BYeW ARD (Opposite the Market.) CLARENCE .~'nu».rzr.-x..nh East half of No. i0, with buildings thereon; one of finest business stands in town. OW TsHIP oOr HULL. The West half of Lot 28, in the oth, Rangeâ€"100 acres. | This farm is in a High ntute‘of cultivation. Good House, Barns, &<., Stables, all frame buildâ€" ing»; Orchard, &o., well watered apd fenced, and rents for $160 per year. A good nrd. and within four miles of Aylmer Village. 1 REAXAL ESTATLE ATTHE RUSSELL HoUSE, TOW NsHIP OF NEPEAN. 22 acres of Lot No. 25, 2nd Range, Ottawa front Righly iniproved ; well watered; good buildings the best ot Tand; and within 5 miles of the city ; : good M« tdamized road, and adjoining the resi denee of ibe late Captain Baker, TOWNsiIP OF GLMCESTER. Lot No. 7, in the 2ud range:Ottawa Front. . Good House and Barn, well improved, and pï¬ Land, six miles from the city, on the Ottawa and Montreal McAdamired Road, 200 acres; the wood standing sells for $10 per acre. _ __â€" _ _ . _ Titleindisputable of all the above proj Fale to commence at the hour of eleven o‘clock, ajm. MBR. HECTOR McLEAN, Auctioneer. Hector McLean / 11AS BEEX INSTRUCCTED To SELL At the Russell House, © Terms of Sale:â€"Oneâ€"sixth Cash on the et" of sale ; the balance in five ygars, bearing interest at the rate of seven per cent, payable annually} Aucâ€" tion fees and -kuE paid by ~purchasors. A) large deduction will be made on ca*A. REAXL BSFATH Ottawa, March 14, 1866. ; At the hour of 11 o‘clock, a.m., The following very valuable property, viz. : ‘ LOT NO« 5, u. In Block J, Cathcart Street, Le Breton Flats, with two very neat Cutu“n thereon, well finished, and separate from each other. , In Block E, Shorwood Street, Le Breton Flats, with two very neat Cottages thereon, well finished, and separate from each other. .. i nemine "ahimiin < REAIL ESFEAXTH â€"ONâ€" * 2 FRIDAY, THE 30th OF MARCZH, _ ‘The above property is beautifully situated, and is worth the m’ol those wishing to purchase. It can be seen at : ;;y,';h;; béfore the saie. Pos session giten immediately. _ , TERMS oneâ€"half Cash ; balance in two years at 7 per cent. Title undisputable.. At the same time and place A SECONDâ€"HAND STEAM ENGINE, eight horse power, suitable for a small Grist Mill, or Oil Well. Itcan be seen at Mr. Power‘s ®ash and Door Factory, East side of the Cunal Baske~ . ! .. 5 _ ~~] T % four months Ottawa, March a, 1866. #£XTUCT £9,§ SALE Mousechold Furnitare at 10 o‘c10CK, a.M., > All her Household Furniture Effects, consisting in part as follows, viz.: « * Black Walnut Sofas, (sprin ; Black Walnut cmu(; flï¬un.in'; Centre Tables ; Mde M;- ClothesPresses ; ; N Tnremus : Extonsive Dining Tal Bureaus ; Extension ‘fl ‘wbje ; Bedsteads ; Washstands ; nds ; * Two Whatâ€"Nots; Spring Mattresses ; Palliasses ; Lookingâ€"gl ; Crockery and Glassware ; C::rou; Oileloth ; ‘= a 1 Parlor and Cooking Stove, with Furniture ; Stovepipes ; and Kitchen Utensils. § .. . Sale positive, and without . p*s; Zâ€"@~ TERMSCASHâ€"pay in bankable funds. HECTOR MeLEAN, | A *NI. 4 + «=A1L80 West } of Lot No. 3; in Blo On the South Side of Rideau Street Ottawa, March 7, 1866 AXTCEEPEICOIDE SA ON MONDAY, THE 19th OF MARCH, HERRINGS AND LEMONS At 10 o‘clock in Ottawa, February 21, 1866 Lower Town Market FOUR SMART BDQOYS \VANTE[) ASs APPRENTICES, AT THE YORK STREET! AVCTION . RoomsS 200 Packed and inspected by R. Kixtyv, Ottawa. P Al.sn,. aA narok srock or Qroceries & Liquors B@" Country Men bnlhl vould-do well :to examine before pm$a~i+¢ «Isewhere. _ * D. WHELAN, ElAs' RECEIVED. INSTRUCTION® from MR. W AGGONER, to sell by PUBLIC ..‘ AUCTJON, â€" At the HBRussell House AUCTION SALE Ottawa, Jan. 22, 18%6 sidence, . FOR SA LE 70 22:[32' OF MESS AND PRIME P Of It,> HECTOR McLEAN U th HMHector MceLean » “ aA8 RECEIVED IN« structions from the Widow of the late G. W. Smith, to sellat her hour of 12 a‘clock, noon, IX LANGRELL‘S BLOCK, THE 26th MARCH, LOT NO« 16, JAMES WADSWORTIH. HECTC EVERY DAY â€"ALSOâ€" â€"A0Xâ€" â€"OFâ€"â€" â€"â€"AT THEEâ€" M. E. CHAMBER®, | AvcrionkER®. 1â€" 1866.| <<â€" > â€"oPâ€" M R MeLEAN, Averiosk®® the Morning. m Albert Street Rideau street r« ht 8 T6â€"td Lot the 67.â€"td 29â€"4f , ‘of The owner being about to leave the City, takes this as the quickest method in disposing of them. Dealers and others will find this an excollentwphpor- ;\lnil'y, and the last of the season, for securing cheap Pruit. TERMS CASEH. R ROWE & BOYDEN, APPLES AND ONIONS ! In good condition, comprising Greenings, Spitsen bergs, Baldwins, and Russetts. eb en ue X. B.â€"For Sale, A BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOT. sitaated on Albert Street, Centre Town, imâ€" mediately in reas. of the Queen‘s Printing Office, second ltrzet from Sparks Street. For further particulars, apply to 4 F RO*E & BOYDENX, Ottawa,March 1 ith, 1866 Wednesday, March 14th Inst, IXN FHE MATTER OF J A MES S. BA NGS, + ** _ AN INXSOLYEXT, . 0! sATURDAY, THE 19th DAiY OF MAY noxt, the undersigned will apply to the Judge of the said Court, for a dischargewnder the said Act. OE ER .. % Ottawa, Tenth day of March, 1866 Ottawa, March 1 ROWE & BOYDEN RROYVINCE OF CANADA, ) In the Count | County of Carleton, of the Cour | To wit." â€" Garleto H And following ||;|;\'.¢, at TEX o‘clock, #.m., onthe Market Square, Lower Town A LARGE QUaXTITY oÂ¥ | EXGLESH, 50 LBSLS. PRIME MESS, AND 100 BBiLS. MESS PORK. 100 BBLS. FLOFPR. aA PEW BBLS. DRIND APPLES. BY s1 CHrusTIE. Ottawa, Margh 14, 185( FA NCY CQCOO0OBS:! SHEEFIELDHOUSE! OovaT TO BE LEE® AT Esmonde Bros CGASâ€"FITTING PURE KEROSENE OIL ! Ottawa, March 6, 1866 ‘The Shuttle is so constructed that the thyoad draws from it with much more precision thal forâ€" merly, and will not vary its tension, whethof going fast or slow, and makes the stitch easier J heavy eloth than can be done by any other myéhine. SINGER SEWING MACHINE ! Great Excitement| HAS CREATED THE GREATEST sonsation in the city. Mundreds have been to see it, and all are charmed, with its performance. No fault can‘be pointed out in its construction. . It is as noiseless as the most noiseless, and so simple that A CHILD CAN DO BEAUTIFUL WOLK WITHIT! ty â€" The sale of this Machineis entirely unpre= cedented, and a decided success has attended its introduction. » It will do fine work better than any=machine yet made, and can be changed to do eoarse work in a second, having the straight needle with a perpenâ€" dicular action, it has many advantages over. the erooked or curved needle mackines. I‘T DoE ITs WORK EASILY ANDSECUCREIA. Quesen of Sewing Machines! GREAT INPROVEMENTH In f Singer‘s Manufacturing‘ Machines. Tha vihratime toot presser attached to them are hoge~< â€"Surftied Phst Nee T The vibrating toot presser attached to them are a deeided improvement, enabling the operator to stitch patcn}orenmnllod leather, without oiling, in order to facilitate the operation of feeding it. The vibrating q:euar (which is used. in all kinds of fancy stitching) permits any curve to be turned while the machine is in motion,. _It is a great adâ€" vantage to the operator in QUILTING, in running n‘nr-igh! seams; and many other sdv.nnt‘nies, which only can be understood and appreciated when seen in operation. Creat Reduction in our Prices One and all give us a call. Needles, Oil, &c., for sale. Sowia Machines nrlnd. OFFICEâ€"62, SPARKS STREUT. _ e ‘x.(.):l.o.‘;l.m & co_-i B@" Sign of the i tern. Otuvn.?lngl?.lï¬. 1866. L“ M S TOBACCOS! TOBAGQqCOS! | . y PLEASE CALL AND SEE. y . Ottawa, March 10, 1866. : T Cigars, Cigar Cases, and Cigarâ€"Holders ! Together with a large lot of FANCY GOODS, &c. s J. G. ZIMMERMAN, ® Corner of Sparks and Metcalfo Streets. Insolvent Act of 18804. . BY PVUBLIC AVCTION. AVE RECEIVED INSTRUCTION® to sell without reserve on 24, SPARKS ORDilLis FOR SELLING OFF PRATT&Co PLUMBING. &c., | Solling off. \\}intcr(}omls ('E.\"TR.\L! OTTAWA, (Opposite Bishop‘s Hotel Sparks Street ()P';HA.\’D a large Stock of Caxantax Twezns, Scorcu Tw+):ns, Doeskins, Broapcroti, FrAxseLs, &¢., &¢. Alsoa comâ€" plete stock of Coat3, Â¥ests, Pa T!,"Sll'lh, Sasnes, . Parer Cormars, For Care, Cuoru Cars, Hoys® Buaxkers, &c. _ _‘ "All of which will be sold at & REpUCTION wWWICH HAS BEEX JUSTLY STYLED THF 10 to ‘ 15 per Cent. J US']? RECEIV ED 5 |a xew srocx or 4 sktuiNG OPFP aT A CREAT. REDUCTION B@7" Call and see. "Geg BARGAINS WILL BE GLVEN Goods maked in plain figures. Ottawa, Fob. 4. 41â€"3m MEERSCHAUM PIPES : t# yO sECOND PRICE o baccos! OJAT _ EL &A JS I3. RKS STREET, OTFEAWA.. Is, MacdGiliitray & €o., 3 Practical Watchmakers. FRENXCiHI, and Pratt & Co. CHEAP BRIAKâ€"ROOT AND THE NEW or rno)(‘ 'quc L@YCGOrq 1 :‘F, spaurtlcs ist. JAMES 8. BANGS amission Merchant Aucti Auction GERMAX THE OTTAWA TIMES MeF 60â€" y td 53â€"tf 10â€"* vial attention; and alls0UTâ€"DOOR SALES of this ilescription are respectfully solicited. Increased faâ€" vilities haye been secured, with a view to the efiâ€" vient carrying out this department of the business, in order to ensure ‘the greatest economy and desâ€" patch in dispesing of pmperty, #o that partics sellâ€" ing out can have their account salds" and proceeds jufmediately aftereach sale. * =* Special attention:will be given to the sale of REALâ€"ESTATE and CITY PROPERTY, and as this defrartment of the Auction business is becoming imore important with the increase: and extension of the eity, the \llulvraipiucd offers the most LinkraL Truys‘to partics wishing to bring their property into the market for public competition, A great hardship has been felt by both buyers and sellers, the former being taxed illegally with ’l‘lll‘: sUBSCRIBER HAVING BY A i new and gpecial arrangement been appointed by MESSRS. JACQUES & MAY, of Toronto, their sole and only agent in ‘Montreal, for the Sale by Auction,.of their splendid FURNITURE, takes the carlicst opportunity of announcing to the citizens of Montreal, anit the public generally, that ho will from time to time during the ensuing Spring, offer at hi« spacious and well established premises, No. 26"7, Notre Dame Street the various extensive consignments direct from this celebrated establishment, embracing all the new styles of their clegant and elnbon(ï¬y carved and p('nl ishod in every variety.and deseription ary to meet the demands of modern tasts and cojvenionce. In addition to the sale at his own Stores, the sale of MOUSEMOLD FURNITURE and EFFECTS at the private residence of parties declining Mouseâ€" heeping, or retnoving from the city, will claim T- vial attention; and all<OUTâ€"DOOR SALES of this ;hu rit:'.lllw und Wraxs to partics linto the market f | A great hards land sellers, the f r..uï¬:- 7 eent on the (by the exorbit ant tising. â€" Now, the on amounts from £5,000 upwards only £10, } exclusive of the cost of advertising ; upon which the regular trade discount ofï¬ per cent will be allowed. j ‘rd.â€"When proporty is bought in, reserved, or with» driwn, no charge will be made, exuptdu actual disbursetments for advertising. The undersigned avails himself of this opportuniâ€" ty of returning his sincere thanks to the ptï¬iu for ithe very liberal patronage z: owed on him during the past four years, and tri by prompt attention to businoss, and strict adherence to the foregoing propo=als to mect a continuance of the same. A great hardship has been felt by both buyers and sellers, the former being taxed illvgluy with vac‘per cent on the amount of purchaee, mm the latter by the exorbitant charge for commission and adverâ€" tising. _ Now, the undersigned proposes to do lwl‘y with this grievance as far as !xhl own ‘ business is concerned, by undertaking the sale of Real Properâ€" ty, on conditions which fl is hoped will meet the views of all parties, namely : Ast.â€" There will be no charge of ane per cent to the 2ud.â€" _ N. B.â€"AllL.orders left at the offico will meet with prompt attention, uies iiat NEW YORK. '_l)li.\l.l'll‘.h‘ in all sccurities marketable at J the New York Stock Exchange. Acâ€" connts kept in coin and in United States cutâ€" rency, and intercst allowed on deposits of each, subject to choeck at sight.. _ m Particular attention given to the accounts of Forcign and Country Banks and Bankers. January 18 1966, 26â€"3m |aUEBEC BAN K CA SAVINGS DEPARTMEN The Magazines for the Month,. Now Cheap Illustrated Edition of Don Quixote, Iabits of Good Society; by the Man in the Club W indow. ald t The Shepherd and His Flock : by McDuff. Molicre l‘lmruvlcrfl; by C. Cowden Clarke. Wives and Daughters ; by Mrs. Gaskell. FOR SALE BY m on a Ottawa, March 1, 1806 °_ be‘allowed on Deposits of Four Dollars and Upward Has been {h@r;ï¬]t_’ this Branch, and interest °* be‘allowed on Deposits of Ottawa, Feb. 12, 1866 ‘ln. RR« FIAMILTON, LATE OFHAM« l ILTON‘3 Saloon, corner of Sparks and Elgin Streets, has removed to the American Hotel, (forâ€" merly Mathews‘ HotéT), on York street, where he will be happy to see his old friends. Ottawa, }cb. 19, 1866. 53â€"y R R. H., in returning thanks for the e liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the Saloon, would inform his friends and the public gencrally, that he has leased the above premir@#, which he hulru into a thorough state of ng-ir. repainted, and decorated, and refurnished with all the latest appliances of comfort. No exertions or expense will be spared by the Proprietor in renderâ€" ing his house second to none in Ottawa, and parties favoring him with their support may. rely on the strictest attentien to their wishes. Goodstabling i rear of the premises. Wines and Liquors of shoicest description always kept. _ .. $ Ottawa, Fob. 19, 1866. 3â€"y ET AMILTONS HOTEL, FHOW E & SJPN, BOOTS, SHOES, LEATRERA FINDINGS, TSN THOUSAWNSD DOLLARS AQ PEENTL rE:oots, $110Es, at., A¢ At ern:nnowly‘re ced prices, as we intend furnishâ€" ing with an entire new Stock of fAll M( WINTER GOODS ! OYSTERS, 01%'{ fafla_ 0YSIEBS, OYCSP MB ES Now‘is the Time for Bargains ! » G. HOWE & SON, P 69 Sussex Street, and 10 Rideau treet. . North River, N Fair Haven, and + , Baltimore CELEBRATED CANAND SHELL OYSTERS ! DAILY BY EXPRESS! o AT THE New Yorks Ottawa, February 28, 1866 North Gower! North Gower! . 1. the inhabitants of the County of Carleton and surrounding country, that he has one of the best mills in the Province, worked by horse power, and giving the meal in a rmmd perfect state, and at prices that will insure satisfaction to all parties, The above firm is situated about one mile from North Gower Corners, and is known by the name ot the © PARMER‘S OWN . MILL!"_ The present prices are $5.00 per barrel for the best pure meal, and at exchange 14 lbs. of meal to the bushel. | 1 ROBERT THOMPSON. _ Oatmeal! Oatmeal! FyNHE SUBSCRIBER begs leave to inform o . â€"., (Ponsieroy xarrigW‘s noTEL,): ® YORK STREET, OTTAWA. . R. HAMILTON, PROPRIETOR, Lark â€"or Hamiutox‘s S11008. BLACK WALNUT FURNITURE! ttawa, Fob. 12, 1866. mid* Orrice Motes:â€"From 10 a.m. to 3 p,m 1. V. NOEL, LONDON SOCIETY CORNHILLL TEMPLE BAR. ENGLISHWOMAN. BOW BELLS. . LOOKWOOD & 00. °... BXXX N KBPâ€"R s. FAMILY HMERALD. °/ CONTEMPORARY REVIEWâ€"Edited by the Dean of C@pterbury. (NEW.) | XEW YORK WEEKLY MAGAZINE. (NEW) e e Ale GODEY, HARPER, and DEMOREST, ror cal ‘alifornia Lunch purch Jannary 3, 1866 When bone fide salos nre effected not oxceedâ€" inz £5,000, the commission will be £5; and ‘The New Books. T EMOV AL, Marou L. DEVANY, noxker axp Commsstox Mercnaxt, Aud Agent for the sale of R%ll Estate March 3, 1866. > East River, Next door to Mamilton‘s Hotel, ~___York Streot, Lower Town. w\c'hm‘:}r of one per cent to the JOHN DURIE & SON, _____* No. 10, Sparks Street 1, BROADWAY, OF Manager. 47â€"utf 61â€"4 2 ‘€) WoORTH OF ? ,000,000 Gold and Silver atches" Splendid Jowelry, French Clocks, Diaâ€" mond Rings, Pianos, Melodeéons, Sewing Machines, %i\l)ver Ware, &e., &e., to be disposed of at TWO LLARS, each article, withc it regard to Value! Grand International Mcciing of Manuface ‘ turers of Watches and Jewelry. The following has been resolved, that in conseâ€" uence of the 7vmnl Stagnation of Trade, and in orâ€" jer to rolieve from pecuhiary embarrassments ocâ€" ¢asioned by a distressing «W ar, and to avoid BA N IIKRUP‘FEFCY I $2,000,000 worth of goods from their Stock, must be sold in the course of six months, KT ANY SACRIFPICE! And for that purpose tlu‘}v have unanimously â€"p )0 electe KS THEIR EXCLUSIVE AGENTS As a preliminary they would remark that they manufacture und sell no brass or imitation of Jewelry, * The articles to sell at TWO DOLLAR® each, no matter how costly it may be, and consist of Splenâ€" did Hunting case Gold and Silver W atches, French Clocks, Rings set with Dinmonds, Rubies, Pearls and other precious Stones (Solitaire and in elasters) Ladi¢s‘ Setts of Jewelry, comprising. Pins and Ear Rin‘r of the most fashionable and recherche style, Gold and Enamelled Bracelet«, Studs ‘and Sleeve Buttons, Chains of all descriptions, &e., &c. Silver Ware, (extra ‘nlulml) compriging Castors, Butter Dish, beautiful {.ehused and engraved, Table and Tea Spoons, Goblets, &e., &e., Pirnos, Melodeons and Sewing Machines of the hest makers. ALLARE WARRANTED GOLD Tho*rrico of cach article varies from SIX TO EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS. f . Extraordinary Anncuncement We have adopted the plan of sale now so popular of chlrgiï¬â€˜; a uniform price, and this price will be $2 for eachâ€"article, regardless of value. . The exâ€" penses of conducting our Agency are paid by the sale of eertifieates, or ebnpons, rcpre.-unling the vaâ€" rioug articles. Theso certisicates are sold at FIFTY CENTS each or 5 for $2.00, and each certificate will show the holder the particular article he‘ or she is entitled to onâ€"payment of an addition $2.00, The expfln.-f of Frcight and Packing Planos or Sewing Machines will be Paid by the Partics who are t« Entitled to thems IIow We Shall Proceed. GOLD AND SILVER. 3ANKRUPTCY â€" AVOIDED ! ; JAMES VON LAER, SEEDSMAN AND FLORIST, In every part of the United States and Provinces, and to all such very liberat indacements will be of. fered, and on ap{vlimtiun a cireular of terms will be forwarded. â€" We prefer money sent in Post Office orders where they. can be obtained, or by Bank Drafts, to our order. . Please write your Name, Town, County and State plainly, ‘and address all orders to v | DB TREY & CO»4 A W FEUL SACARIFICE! AGEN TS ARE W ANT ED March 3, 1866 BEGS TO INTIMATE TO THE IN» habitants of Ottawa and surrounding country that he has opened a SEED STORE in tio above premises, where he has on hand every varicty of Garden, Agricaitural and Flower â€" Soeds, ; All warranted Fresh and Genuine. geBr DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUES, â€" conâ€" taining full cultural directions,â€"will be ready in a fow days, and may be ha* gratis on application. ~Mâ€"â€"RCH 19. 18660 He has also a GREENNHOUSE attached, in which will be found a great variety of Hotâ€"house plants, BOUQUETS SUPPLIED. Ottawa. March 5, 1866, * 65â€"3m FINEST WORKMLNSHIP ! EXTRAORDINARY MERIT Milst belong to that which pleases every one and such is the case with / Buchanan‘s Unrivalled. Mixture MOCHA . JAYA, AND JAMAICA COFFEES! ‘ YORK STREET, oPPosiTE THE MARKET ! N ORmAWA} O 0 Roasted and ground daily, on the uremises, by > â€"__. steam power, * #@7" Consequently, always to be had in the highest state of perfection. JAS. BUCHANAN, . Sussex and Wellington Streets. Ottawn, Jan. 20, 1866 LIFE, GROWTH AND BEAUTY, Mrs. 8. A, Allen‘s World‘s Hair Restorer and Dressâ€" ing invigorate, strengthen andlengthen thehair. They act directly upon the roots of the hair, supplying reâ€" quired nourishment, and natural color and beauty returns. â€"Grey hair disapâ€" pears, bald spots are covâ€" ered, hair stops falling, and luxuriant growth is the reâ€" sult. Ladies and Children will appreciate the delightâ€" ful fragrance and rich, glossy appearance impartâ€" ed to the hair, and no fear of soiling the skin, scalp, or most eléegant headâ€"dress. Seld by gil Coru,.rgises. Depot 198 & zol Crceâ€"vvich St. N. Y DE TREY & Co. Seld by i Depot 198 & 23( Sold by George M . Massey, H. F . Mc ta wa. Ottawa Dec. 29, 1 Just Receive ALMERIA GRAPES, 8T. MICHAEL ORANGAS, LEMONS, ENGLISH FILBGATS, * TURKEY FPIGS, TOMATOES,//in Tins, ; GBEEN{ ASy /6 GREEYCORN, 4 MNUSHWROOMS, .“ PBAcuEs, 6 ' BEANS, . | 66 .Jas. Buchanan, Sussex & Welliigton Streets» A|SUPPLY ON: HAND AND FOR | SALE. > :: lnu_ex & Wellington. Streets. Ottawa, Feb. 10, 1866. 46â€"f. SELTERԤS WATER! Jas. Buchanan, 34, LIBERTY STR EXZT, OP THE 2 TREY & CO., Agonts for Manufacturers, 34 Liberty St., New York. 64â€"Gm BUT rtimer, John Roberts W ‘arthy, and J. Skinne in 28 10â€" 300 STRA W HA‘TS, Ottawa, March 10, 1866. 6% Superior PLUNGE BATH®S, TWO sSPONGE BATHS, ' BITZ BATIIS, FOOT BATHS, /CHMILDREN‘S _ BATHS, WE ARE MAKING A NEW AND IMPROVED KIND. They will ko? the water deliciously eool and sparkling. . For Saloons, Public Buildings, Household or Domestic use, it stands unrivalled, Liq both useful and ornamental. Railway Companies, and others who have the health and comfort of themselves and people under their care in view, are solicited to CALL AND EXAMINE THEM, whother they purâ€" chase or note Toilet and Bedâ€"Room Setts of Japanned Tinware. Cooking Stoves.! Cooking Stoves ! IRON BEDSTEADS. IRON BEDSTEADS. BIRD CAGES CHEAP!_ BIRD CAGES CHEAP ! i # LAMPS ! C[l‘I.lL\'IIl'S!I, WICK&!{I COAL, OIL! COAL OIL! COXAL OIL par We gi Milk Pans, IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR IT WE PURrPOSE SELLING OUR PRESENT STOCK OF | sTOvEs AT REDUCED RATES. i s | w P | THE CAPITAL‘" STOVE DEPOT. f 35, SUSSEX STREET TIJ.â€" MEADOWS & Co. PAB'I‘IEI IN CANADA WEST intend= ing to make nfalicnion to the Legislature for Private or Local Bills, either for granting exclugive privileges, or conferring e:rlponu powers for comâ€" mercial or other dpnrpouu profit, for regulating surveys or boundaries, or for doing anything tendâ€" ing to #ffect the r.ighu or ‘gropeny of other parties, are hereby notified that they are required by the 53rd and g:llc;wing l‘lalu o{l the Legislative goun- cil and Legislative Assembly res ively, (which are guhliuhod in full in the (g..mmaw).& give TW O MONTHS‘ NOTICE of the application slelur- ly and distinetly specifying its nature and object), in the Canada (GZazette, and also inanewspaper pubâ€" lished in the Count{ or Union of Counties affected, sending copies of the first and last of such notices, to the Srivpu Bill Office of each House. & within the first three weeks of the Session, n | A. TODD,: Chief Clerk Private Bill Office, E. DOUCET, L. Assembly Clerk of Private Bills, L. Council Ottawa, Feb. 23, 1866. t 574 Ottawa, March 1, 1866. 90 ACRES OF LAND ON THE PRESâ€" COTT road, in the Township of Gloucester, and adjoi Charles Smith‘s farmâ€"about 2 miles from Cunningham‘s Stationâ€"80 acres under good cultivation, with a house and barn thereon. ALSO, several vacant lots in various parts of the city. February 20, 1866. BY A YOUNG MAN, TWENTYâ€"TWO years of n'r. well educated in the both lanâ€" guages, as Clerk or Collector. The best of referâ€" ences given, if required. For more pasticulars, adâ€" ow U L. ut this offcs. un 9 10148 cceA hiatb d dand n ++ tulient t on All Petitions for Private Bills must be presented Ts TERMS musox:’nu:. further particulars a Â¥orfurther p cnmlns ROWAN, Dapital" ‘.:Stovb;ï¬epot,35, Sussex St., Ottawa, Ottawa, March 9, 1866. TILTERING COPEFPEE wonk CA L;L;, â€"A N D)â€" S# h. | LU M B ER ME N ! WILLâ€" BE DEALT LIBERALLY WITH FOR SHANTY SUPPLIES 1 ° CHARITABLE INSTUTUTIONS will find it to their advantage to deal at the « CAPITAL® STOVE DEPOT. A Liberal Discount is always allowed on all articles purchased. F‘or Sale or to Let. PARTICULAR: ATTENTION I8 INYITED E ARE NOW MANUFACTURING IN THE ABOVE PREMISES A DURABLE and CHOICE VARIETY of the following Goods, which for beauty of dosign/style of finish, and or Workmanship}CANNOT BE SURPASSED : 3 Go to the ¢CAPITAL! / _ B A.AI*IHI 161 New Spring Goods. Situation Wanted. GARLAND, MUTCHMOR & C€0,, Ottawa, March 13, 1866 rivate Bills. CUNNXINGHAM & LINDSAYS CUNNINXGHAM & LINDSAY‘$ CUNXNINGHAM & LINDsSAYS CUNNXINGHAM & LINDSAY‘S UUNNINGHAM & LINDSAY‘S CUXNINXGHAM & LINDSAY‘s CUNXINGIHAM & LINDSAY‘S CUNXNINXGHAM & LIXDSAY‘s 0 ;soei;l attention to all kinds of JOBBING, ROOFING, EAVETROUGHS, STEAMBOAT and every description of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware on hand, and made to order. ilk St.ui:or:,â€" P-aâ€"iiuâ€"md's;nln;r'-, Maple Sugar Kettles, Agricuitural Furnaces, Farmers‘ Stoves, Cistern Pumps, fnd all kinds of Dairy Utensils made to order. NEW BLACK COBOURGS, fNbsreit | NEW BLACK LUSTRES. f xEW CRAPE CLOTHS. § g XEW MOTTLED ALPAGAS. NEW STRIPE MOHAIRS. XEW CHEXEI NOHAIR AND LUSTRES XEW DRAB JEANS. XEW STRIPE JIiBTI.\'GS. 1 KEW COTTOKLAKD LINEK TICKS. NEW CO’I?T().\" AND XEW COTTON DRILLS: XEW FRENCH PRINTsS. KEW WATER PROOF MANTLE NEW MELTONX MANTLE CLOTHS. For Making a Good Cup of Coffee, retaining all the Aroma. FROM 25 TO 75 CENTS EACH. : Our Spring Stock ! Inspection Invited. W ATEF COOLERS ! SHAOW EIt BATHS, FPARMERS, ATTPENTION ! {H{E BEST AND MOST RELLABLE IN THE CITY! H. MEADOWS & CO. 10th NMlarch, 1866. WHCOLESALE & RETAIL, DPIFFERENT PATTERNX®. ~Y o. 20, Spiirlks 851. Ottawa. 54â€"2m â€"â€"=ap o se 57â€"t.8.0 NEW SPRING HATsS, NEW SPRING .BONXNETsS, xEw pRESS GOODS, XEW BLACK SILKS, & NEW FANCY SILKS, 3 xEew PEATHERS, // XEW BOXNXET ORNMIENTs xEw PriXTsS.| /* IN THE TOWNSHIP OF NEPEAN Wl‘l‘llll TWOâ€"AND«A«HALF MILES of the City Limits, with A DWELLING HOUSE erected thereon. One half of the land is cleared and well fenced. These rties are worthy the attention of intending pm:un, and will ?o sold CHEAP. INDISPUTABLE TITLES WILL BE GIVEN. Forfarther particulars lpéuly to WM. CLEGG, ESQ., CITY PROPERTY ! LOTS AND HousEs. Ottawa, Feb. 22, 1866. MR known as WOODROOFFS, owned by the late Captain Baker, beautifully situated on Lehnood Road, within five miles from Ottawa, containing 300 acres or thereabouts, being composed of the broken l‘::uumd 25 in 1st Concession/Ottawa, Front on Nepean. e ;l.lol’t' xmz.umms,orm % or terms apply Ev. Cnarues Foreest, m. or to â€" LEWIS & PINHEY, Barristers, Ottawa. _ THA'I' ELIGIBLE Ploglll‘i’ known as WOODROOFES, owned by the late &T"’"",,.-.""Ml'i..", Barn, and Shed, also a good ell. Torms will be liberal. Nee pl in m February 10, 1866. Fos.sp 97 ACRES OF GOOD Agricultural Land, 70 of which are cleared. It is situated in the TWMII‘; of Osgoode, Tenth Consession, South half of Lot No. 22. ‘There is a Ottawa, March 1, 1866. iwp;m‘pplyw&onflmw,u the i o. JOHN MULCAHEY. TLand for Sale. FOR SALE OR TO LET. LOTHS TWO SIZES. THREE SIZES. > ‘ TWO SIZES. THREE sIZEs 1S, _ THREE SIZE THS, ONE SIZE T‘OFEFR SAXLE. 25 ACRES OF LAND 0 A JOB 1L0OT OL Barmister, Telegraph Building, Ottawa Ciiy 12â€"y "7 62â€"y T0â€"3m 56â€"tf TO LET.==Scveral Flats of 5 and 6 Apartments, respectively. <â€"â€"â€" 5 ‘ TO"LET.=»A large Stone Building of 15, and a â€" _ smaller of 10 apartments, TO LET.=â€"DPremiscs suitable for m Grocer, Drugâ€" & gist, or Motel. ue _R®*" REXTS MODERATE. "®A All in tine Stone Buildings, well situited, and within ten minutes‘ walk of the Government Buildâ€" ings; Ottawa. Osgyode, March T7, I"f@ !‘@ï¬ming the Northâ€"egst corner, of ats the Court House Square and Main Street, now vccupied by H. Chepmell, Esg. . Apply at this office. Ottawa, March 15, 1866. T5â€"4 kees â€" T0 LET. TO LET.=â€"A Photographic Gallery, &¢ < *ouâ€" , 9\ M NP CF in the Township of Osâ€" * goode, County of Carleton, West half of Lot No. 34, 6th Concession, 50 Acres cleared. .‘N the Lot is a good Log House and Barn. â€" For farthor particulars, as to price and terms, upply to f HENRY ROBERTSON, m Osgoode Post Office. I#% AI..\I!(JIC STONE BUILD»= "; a ing,cligibly wifuated, and con â€" structed citherdor a Private Resi 4+ dence, l‘\--recl-ble Motel, &¢., Boarding House, or a General Grocery and Provisâ€" ion Storeâ€"consists of Two Collars and other 13] apartments, (divisible into two tenements); area 228 37 feet, and 3 stories highâ€"built nearly three years ago, bUt F‘@Mimd, @>., only since last New {eu‘p Day. It is free from damp, whilst elegant y recent uinish. â€" Frame Stable, and Sheds in rear. ALSO, TO SELL OR LET, f A commodious STONE COTTAGE of Ten Apaitâ€" â€" hents, &¢., ul{'::nin‘ the foregoing. s Should these valuable Houses remain unkold at May next, they will be let for 4 or 9 years, at modeâ€" rate rentsâ€"or let‘n meantime, gubject to sale. The proprietor intending to leave Ottawa, prefers to aell even at lLat prices, on e'll)‘ terms of ply“ l-;yr farther |-ln'u-ullrp. apply to k JOHN MACAULAY, OR TO MESSRS. SCOTT & ROSS, . Barrisers, &e., ac., Ottowa Ottawa, Feb. 2, 1866 , oUsk AND FaARM i~ ;7‘ "~~ [ ncrownsiig or Horl. k ~ A good new comfortable dwelling a C â€" house, a storcy and aâ€"half high, two EC CA T house, a storey and a half high, two good Barns built of Cedar, and 200 feet ofsbeds, all of Cedar, oneâ€"half foored. The Farm has one hun dred acres cleared, and is well fenced with Cedar. 100 acres is covered with good hard wood. The property is within seven miles of the City of Ottawa. A good living.stream runs through the middle of the lot. The whole will be sold on reasonable terms on application to the proprieter, on Lot No. 3, in the Tenth Range Township of Mull. . ; e 000 00 IRECHBDé BURKE, Proprictor 2AÂ¥~ Or to the Tisivs office. Ottawa, March 6, 1866. €6â€"4 Farm to Let for a Torm of Years. . m# : qunmrnf Lot No. 16, in the 11th Concession of Pakenham, will 2 â€" be let on the most reasonabletorms. There are on the Farm a comfortable Dwellingâ€" House, good Barn, and Stable, &c. There are about 40 acres clearedâ€"of a quality not excelled within50 miles of its situation. hm from R. R. station ut Packenham 1} miles. 1immediate possession will be given. B‘n‘.uiro of ROBERT HARRIS, E8Q., Antrim P. 0., Fitwroy; ROBERT ARMSTRONG, Kinburn â€"P. 0.; or NOBLE WALLACE,, North Gower P. O. â€"¢ o K â€" Fitzroy, March 10. 1866. 10â€"2â€"13â€"0 Shop and Dwellin=â€"House for Sale M 2 Tmg\ ls THE VILLAGE OF ie ; MA RICHMOND, 18 miles from the Clty of Ottawa. An exceMentopenâ€" "Jaz ~ ing for a General Merchant. For particulars apply to the Proprictor on the remises. I GEORGE BROW X. School House, wilt be sold for _ â€"â€" One Hundred Pounds Cash Each. Also THREE WOODEN HOUSES IN LETTER 0. Ottawa. â€" Also desirable Richmond, February 10,"1866 Buildingl Lots In Lower Town and in Upper Town, (n In Lower Town and in Upper Mr. Gilmour‘s.) ? Apply at the office of the New Edinburgh, January 31, 1866 erected, and within five minutes‘ walk of the other Banks. Lots 9 and 10 on north side of QueenStcact in rear of the above. f C | a mile from Billings Bridge. This land can b ool:ubhew}nm:bm†; or further particulars, * n axens tTisow,. ssu. ~ 1 ~â€" TIIA'I' VALUABLE PR ib PERTY known as ‘I‘.E BLASDELL‘3 HOMESTEAD, conâ€" ~ taining abont TWO ACKES, â€" ï¬full{ situated on‘the Ottawa River, being Lot " North side Wellington Street, City of Ottawa, wi the Dwelling and outhouses thereon. | Apply to * LEWIS & PINHEY, | , Barristers, &e., Otawa. | _____AL8SO, 23 ACRES OF LAKD | In the Township of Gloucester, situated about halt Ottawa, Feb. 10, 1866 February 10, 1866 ebbertes Z2 Marcora Cawerox. This build contains mevon Bedâ€"rooms, and is furnished with modern improvements. + â€"A large Two storey Wooden Building, on the corâ€" ner of Murray Streets. This MHouse is lined Brick, furni-Ld with double doors and windows Venetian Blinds. There is a large Khfl:fl Shed attached, with Pump, Stable and other + hg-i-lbolyud. ‘l‘hiolL-.il'dluwl‘q. * To farioer paitpeiatenpaty Mess u2e uon f ‘or y to ** t fl O‘HANLY, °/ nurtoal sb mel ehiee > Bandy Hill | Ottawa, February 10, 1866 JSor Sale, e ON sOUTH SIDE RIDEAU al, â€"*, Street, (nearly opposite sW3 Workman & Griffin‘s,) a good ; three storey Stone House, with a good dweliing and shop below. The buildâ€" ing is‘covered with tin, and extends from front to rear, 74 feet. _ It is a good businces stand. Terms reasonable, Apply to e ~EOR SALE OR 10 LET. Cheap Homes for Sale. To partics commencing to build, village and park lots of several acres will be sold moderate rates, and the whole of the purc money, if desired, can remain ten years on property, at six per cent interest. 28 Apply at the office of the |____ ; _| Uttawa, Feb. 6, 1868 New Edinburgh, January 23, 1866 Farm for Sale. <~ 100 ie ;:‘:fl:," An?»? And three or four %‘hed cottagés, on the banks of the Rideau River, Outside the City ILimits Will be sold, subject to Leases, all of which will expire this year. 1 4 ’ N ?!CBLLI'T FAR M, THE SOUTH= ERLY half of Lot L, in Coneession A, Ri Front, Nepean, containing 100 meres, for £1,000, currency, three miles from the City of Ottawa. | 1 qume ar mm d . * tPpKY To March 12, 1806. Village of New Edinburgh, HOMES FOR SALE, To Sell or Let Eb&awa. POSSESSION GIVzN TIMMEDIATELY. o l2 & A SEW BRICK BUILDING PFTOR SALE, PTOR SA LE * FTOF SALE. Dwellings to Let. ‘TOâ€"~LE‘T, FOR SALE, DESIR A B LE . ROW OF SIX NEAT A_(_‘()TTAGES, painted, in New Edinburgh, opposite the K ine, sds Spart eunet nearly oupmiu the l:r:‘- whic the new Bank of Montreal is to be T AYLMEI,«â€"The comâ€" modious house and premises SEVERAL sTOKN E DWELLINGS, in the corâ€" ner Block, HE NORTHâ€"»W EST JOHN MACAULY. Duke Street, Chaudi« DUNCAN SINCLAIR. MACKAY ESTATE MACKAY E8STATE EGAR YIELDING pper. Town, (near City of Ottawa. 60â€"1m 37â€"3m 14â€"4 46â€"utf im Hox 42â€"tf utf