g Enquiries on Gold Stocks Invited --ttttt4rHt-t0..H....0.0..0.H' Ott-tttH-..........-.....-.. mmWEEEHEEEEEE$EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEï¬EEBï¬Eï¬ESï¬EEEESEE TIMMINS DAY 100 Hamilton B. Wills & G, NO. s SPRUCE ST. 9 Spruce St. Northern Furniture Exchange Limited Stocks and Bonds Northern Furniture Exchange R J. 8NIElilE8, PROPRIETOR AIO ï¬ï¬Eï¬Eï¬Eï¬Eï¬Eï¬Eï¬Eï¬Eï¬Eï¬Eï¬Eï¬E§Eï¬Eï¬Eï¬Eï¬Eï¬Eï¬Eï¬Eï¬uï¬ 1E,?1igjgigii%giyRlRiftnt, The Worlds lowest Priced Palm Equipped Car $785 CHEVRCQME‘T We buy, sell and exchange. We pay the highest prices for new and used furniture. If you have anything to sell call at No. 9, Spruce St. or phone 303. We assure you prompt service and perfect satisfaction. F.O.B. Oshawa-r-Sales Tax Extra. This price includes electric starting and lighting equipment. PHOHES Local Dealers MARNrALL-ECCLE1ST0NEl LTD. Highest Market Prices Dealer in Raw Furs Box 33, Matheson, Ont. PAID FOR ALL RAW FUR! Orders taken for high-grade garments. NEH FAULKENHAM Timmins Opp. Freight Shed ONTARIO HEVROLET cost is lowest per mile per year. Chevrolet costs least per mile in consumption of gasoline, oil and tires. It costs least per year, because of small price and lowest repair bills. It delivers the most economical trans- portation available in motoring, yet in construction and appearance it is a credit to its builders and its owner. See the new Chevrolet. NIGHT 172 Timmins, Ont. OPPOSITE THE FREIGHT SHED some l Camp, The sport he a “If. H. S. H050, C. rl., preside] the {Lebel Crystal Ilmke Crold Him the Kirkland Luke area, is :1 vi to town. INTERNATIONAL FOOTBALL MATCH TUESDAY, JUNE 27. Street, (Timmins), gnu]: Vedmln and Stevenson. (Timminu), barks: Costain (Dome), Pearson (Timminc), Kellmv, (Unmv), captain, half-barks: Lueas (Dome), Dunbar (Timmins), Hyu- (I)mne). Curhoy, (Dome). Airey (Dome), forwavds. Reserves, James, Springhum, Hawkins. h'eotland.--Colors, thlne and gold.--- Hemlvy (Home). goal: “algm'nn and Roberts, captain, (Timmins), haeks; Donald (Timmins), Harrowm- (Dome) Ewart (Home), N'ril'-baelis: W. F. ll. Cadnmn (Timmins), Rimhio (Home), Cary (Timmins), (l. Cooper (Tim- mins), Ilekenna (Dome), forwards. Reserves, A. Pumper, A, Cadman, lt. W Home Calve nota Another "Intérnational" Fnotballl match is to be played on the Timmins Athletic Grounds on Tuesliay next, June 27th. Kick-off at 6.30 pm. This match is for the benefit of Mr. Ralph Calverly, who has long ueen identified with the football of the district, and who is one of the most popular of the football fans in the North 'Land. Mr. ant allure o If . to orhtfr s My In hockey foothall fan or other lover of should miss this frame. It will lively one, as the Ivmne inehule of the must expert players in the return man on July 15th, ms m has i nyers s: but ball: mammal SS1“ ml ll P Norm Land. M been of much assi opts in the Cam mm POMm'rNE ADVANCE will h president of lie n 1Hstti)r tt “H at. QCOBALT PAPER COMPLAINS infâ€; or' HOLD-UP OE' ROAD WORK “up. 1ere the El Ill ol volopment Branch at Swastika as to new road Work in 'l‘vmiskaming' Dis- trict. The reason is apparently that the Ontario (hn'erinnent has voted no new money to the Northern l)evelop- ment Fund and it is impossible to lay out a programme. The Swastika other, which has Margo of all in the work in this distviet, is now only doing small jobs for which the money has been on hand. The delay is becoming a serious matter. The development of newer mining fields, may he retarded, espeei- ally the use of large machinery. There have been rumors from time to time that curtain large svale roadwork was to he done, but without detinite adviee and money in: construction can pro- FAMOUS CROBSUS MINE NOW BEING DE-WATERED Swnsti [In the matter of the Estate of Lucia- 1 nio 8pada, late of the town of, Tim- I mins, in the district of Temiskam- ing, Miner, deceased. . 1 Take Notice that at? persnns having lt-laims against the estate ot' the above deeeased, who died on or about the '6th. day of December, 1921, are to file the same duly verified by aGlavit with the undersigned on or before the 10th day of July 19222. " And take notice that after said date the estate of the said deceased will be distributed having regard only to such accounts as shall then halve been tiled. FIVE NEW GOLD MINING COMPANIES INCORPORATED The incorporation of five new gold mining companies was announced in' the last issue of Tho. Ontario Gazette. The tive new companies. with capital- ization, elm. are as follows:--4louth Argo Gold Mines, head otlice Toronto. eapitalized at $2,000,000; Anglo-Por- cupine Gold Mines, head (Miro. To- ronto, F.t,000,000 capitalization: Amer icon Matateiutwan Gold Mines $2,000,- 000 "apitalization, head oTree, Toron- to: Gordon Murray Gold Mines. hood oth', mm eee Advices from Matheson. are to the effect that the famous Cvoesus; Mine is being de-watered at. the present time. There is no ofiieial announcement- as to the intentions of the. owners of the II UH ing of the property will show how near they are to being right. There is said to be some broken ore in reserve at the Croesus with chances of further rich piekings. The ore from the Cree: $113 was about as 'rich stuff as ever found in the North Land. Samples of' this ore were exhibited all over the wovld and advertised the richness of North Land ore. The (‘mesus has pr'1'- duoed a couple of million dullars‘ worth of gold it, is estimated, and those knowing the propevty lnulc now for more to 001110. In the matter of the estate of John Zalersky. late of the town of Tim- mins in the district .of Temiskaming, deceased. -- Take Notice that all persons having claims, against the estate of the alrove deeest.uerl, who died on or about the 9th Jay of April, 1922, are to file the same. duly veritied by atlidarit with the undersigned oh or before the 10th, day of July 1922. And take notice that after said dale the estate of the said deceased will be distributed having regard only to such accounts as shall then have been filed. Dated at Timmins this 16th day of June, A.D. 1922. The next regular meeting of the Town Cottneil is, seheduled for Mon- day afternoon next, June 26th. Dated at Timmins this 16th day of June, A.D. 1922. 25 ty iee 'l'nruntu, capitalization 7: Ihtrvey-Kivkland Gold 1d otliee, Toronto, vapita 000.000. ' “It ll NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE; TO CREDITORS en D. W. O'SULLIVAN. Soiicitor for Fruggio Modem), t _ Administrator. n Solicitor for Steve Barilka, Administrator HM l'et new]! thu't D. W. o's1JLLIVAN. ll NY 1 l't Ulllllf'l t'lVt ‘me-r to slip by without toriul being done in IT'- .: in the Kirkland Lake- a. The Northern News "mm-Its of the open sea- uul yet no detonite word ived by the. Northern De- ntneh at Swastika as to ()nturin (inn If [‘he Swastikaolrwe, Fall in the work in v only doing small money has been un becoming a serious lopment of newer 19 retarded, espeei- o maehinery. There It Th, parent n-nmen f1 Northern ca 11 pm- tll m _....-.-.-..--..-....- mow, MINING STOCKS . . te.."......----. WW~ E 30 THIRD AVENUE, - - TIMMINS. ONT. t . . ._efff-4r-.-o.oooooootot-ot4 .......H...H.-t-.tt.t--tt- WWWWOOWW Mrï¬mwmsfl p Homer L. Gibson & Co. Any article in our window for Values up to $10 on sale Friday afternoon at 2.30==nearly 200 articles of dependable merchan- dise to choose from Jeweler Make it "Dorway" and you will have complete satisfaction ingour clothes. ine new lines of English Barges, blacks and blues, fancy Worsteds, English Pantings of fine quality, Pit and workmanship guaranteed. Prices as low as consist- ent with the Best of materials and workmanship. Come in and see us about that summer suit. Means milk as you need it--- always on hand. Distributors in the principal towns in the North Country. WHOLE MILK - POWDERED WHO’S YOUR TAILOR '? J. E. Garrett In the brown and yellow tins 703-45 Bank of Hamilton Building $1.95 Opposite Post Office Su :cessor to Chas. P, Grill We can execute orders in these issues for our Por- cupine friends, promptly and satisfactorily. Wire your orders at our expense. L. E. DORWHY TORONTO, ONT.