Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 21 Jun 1922, p. 4

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sl---A Mattngami man this week sug- gested to The Advance that perhaps Mattagami was a little prenmlui'e in seeking to join up with Thinning, ds Why,” he will, “if we had waited a little we might have been a pity all "tie ourselves." Then he proeeeded to enumerate all the things that Matia- gami now possessed or was soon to possess. He" mentioned the sawmills, planing mills, the brick manufactur- ing plant, the electrical shop, the eon- Mefprs, the builders, the big stores and little stores, the roof garden, the merry-go-round, ‘JAnd we are to Tavejaiaw motion picture house yu.ilt. on the River Road, and a drug" store will 'be opened soon right alongside 1'ne theatre. site," he concluded. All tl' whieh suggests that Timmins did well to seek to take in "Matta:sami. For otherwise Mattagmni would soon have to take in Timmins, for both are grow- ing so rapidly that combined the city Hams is not far in the distance from present rate of growth and expansion-., Work is in progress in the filling up and levelling: of the public School grounds. FThis reek Mr. C'. P. Grill has S‘llll out his jewelery store to Mr. J. E. Garrett, formerly uf Stratford. Dur- ing the years he has heen in town Mr, Grill has made. a host oi' friends who will regret his: removal frmn the dis- triet. He intends to leave in a couple of weeks for a trip to tle coast and then to California. J. MATTAGAMI t1R0W1Nt1 AT GREAT RATE THESE DAYS o-tooo-ttot............- '"'"e C. P. GRILL'S JEWELERY 'wi, STORE CHANGES OWNERS Em? v "oo-tooo-ooo-Otto-o-""""'" Office 26 B. Johnson ‘(Eertie Graham Roy Hardy Tlit PHEHHNE mam Ruby iidnnedy Fanny Tyyrwla Ella Bennett M. Howse Willie Fox V. Pirttisalo Eliza. Sirkka [Lillian Slater Elm Cus/ning: Betty Paiee WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21st., 1922. ti. t rtlttuttt' Charlie yitt Daisy Tillc Hazel Sum W. Aruude' Melville Co Velimer R: Jan Watt Max tl'aipe E. Richardson V 12 Sadie Daher l, 12 Dorothy Cox ' 14 1ola Dorway l, 15 Ethel Allworth 5 ll Minnie Stevens l 15 Purcell um Lulu Johuso John Cavent Harry B0511 I' C. Anderson Annie Must: Stun Ellies Sylvia 'llaka B. Urquhart sste Canada - United States Published every Wednesday by Name The rWtnendarwe" is orf the year. Entrance Class Standing for the Year. Sullivan & Newton, Insurance and Real Estate, have moved their offices to the new Marshall-Ecclestone Block. ll ohnstrn Geo. Lake, Publisher Subscription Rates: REMOVAL NOTICE 2huan SULLIVAN & NEWTON 1X il H) Telephones Insurance and Real Estate MARsBALL-Elt90LE1STONE1 BLOCK. (Upstairs) l up with Timmins, , “if we had waited a have been a tity all Then he proeeeded to Age 15 15 15 14 11 15 14 14 14 13 lo 14 tiesldenee Att Max:133" Wr 1111; Comp GEE Hist Ar Gr Total 153 153 154 146 142 154 150 135 155 142 82.00 year $3.00 Fear 110 140 140 149 147 135 154 1:1.5 50 ONTARIO 40 i 44 40 40 MI su.) m 39 t 'rh' Ni m 36 $5 P.) l.) 112 46 41 4t! 41 41; in W 29 : l, 3t', 40 30 19 “I In H) ts, tid 9 ll f An appeal has been made to the i5lastev-ina'hambevs at Os.s.toode Hall, i'l'omnm, from the revent dedsion of {Judge Hartman at Haileylouvy in dis.. imissing the motion to unseat the May- 'MM' and. t'ouneillorp- of the Town of Co, Hum. AUCTION SALE OF TWENTY FRESH MILCH COWS, ETC. Mr. F. A. .lit'kins, Tweed, Hastings Cotmty, has consigned to C. A. Sheri- dan, tiuetiopeev, to be sold by public auction af Dan Ht. huge S, toot 01 Third Avenue, Timmins, eommeneing at 1 p.111. on Friday, June 23yd, an "vieeptionally tine collection of fresh Tnilch Cows and springers, There are twenty of these very desirable ani- mals to be sold, and those desiring good cows would do well ti, attend this sale. 'Three young fellows were inure Magistrate Atkinson at Sumh'Pol‘vn- pine last week charged with breaking into one of Mr. “an ()'Connov's camps near ('ummug'nt. The young- est of the trio was given a 30-day sen- tenee, and the other two drew three months each.' . C 1ugfCre,,nnd. is the new addition to the Timmins police foree, taking: the plave of Mr. J. L1leCauley on the staff. (Nicer “Tonnm‘ has had SPV- eral yew-5' experience in poliee work and shows the signs of being: a capable and courteous ollivev. l, nre Dell. '1 new was simply a Case of tes tive alarm boxes put the pew Hollinger Tt thi tire' safe which the temper S: Beripi's (Misses Mary and Loretta Maseioli ind Master Dan uaseioli came home an Saturday last from the Saered Heart Convent, Montreal to spend the, sumuusr"vaeation at their home here. Home-made Pastry sold at the Al.. bany Laneh Counter and Bake Shop. Delivered 'without extra gharge. G. Gagne, corner of Cedar and Fourtn Avenue. 23-27p \Still no trat missing prosp 4U 40 34 41 31§65 30356 33249 ll) tii 19 ranch 'sl) 's m IO $0 Hi it) Hi ’9 H " m Some H'ed tlt e which HTH SS so Sl ($9 70 65 It (it; 70 (in e little excitement was t'ternoon 'hyothe ringin ll. There was no fire. TU (iii ti li7 (i5 60 65 67 ti9 (i " 60 31 65 o ary m 70 (ii) 7” (if) 56i.48 t'A.51 54 42 (if " ($8 iri 69 69 " ii' titi CA 9 " H H " W motor walla] k few " Ab 79 SO tt (i 70 ti lit! 54 48 56 S-DHIL’ ttme © (is TH S) " " S) EVERETT. Teacher.| Furniture at cheap prices. ll [Lupment Bank ol' sting out the I t in this week ownsite. l HO ses 4 t 70 65 70 45 (if) 70 so 50 new: found (l Mr. W. Hut vanshin lib' the unsung man (i4 (SH ii (i7 50 51 (i DO (i4 (55 ii, 43 40 39 It k5 ll next to Howie " ti9 SO SO SH ti9 (56 85 SO 1ers (i; 66 67 (H was created ging of the ire. It was out the new 29;3t'ri373 35:3si369" 56138§351 (iti Ii Wo 4;5 51 59 46 ily,' 53 29 4H " 5ti 4S (iii " " n Mon t real an. 85 79 n SO 54 80 90 (ST 1 NY. th ' l ”PM“: 'HOLLINGER HEADS VISIT ' c,,,,',,.', ELBOW LAKE DISTRICT tis' li4 45 54 45 41 40 40 40 50 30 35 Tl 50 it) JO Htl MI 597 596 563 5153 562 55):) 549 542 537 53o' .510 508 505 501. 44).: ill It lt' POR SAIa1----House and ‘Lot on Elm street. Good barn, H by 22, with lean-to on the property. The home is a well-built sis-voor" house, 22 by '26, with all modern conveniences. Bargain fur cash. Apply to 51 Elm street, corner of Third Ave. 25p FOR t1ALE1--Cyhrary table, quarter out oak. mission tiuish: extension couch and othev living mum fur- niture: also k.citehen furniture. An- yly 24 Second Avenue. ---25 TWO DOGS FOUND at FOR QUICK SALD---one half inter- - _ . . . . , ($7: In Hotel m Timmins. Good business proposition. l‘Ixocllem‘ull'u over. Small payment secures this. , Suitable for male or female cook or Family Apply by letter to Box J. .l., Advance (hiice, Timmins. 25-20p POR RENT-six-rom-ned furnished house, all . mmlcru eonveniepees. Phone 232. ---25 WANTED-Hi-r, and vacant lots in Timmins. 1? you want to sell I have buyers waiting for prod buys. H. A. Proctor. Iloore Block, op- posite Goldtields. _ at present hel Hollinger int work has been months. , ' FOR SALEMSmaII house nn Pine Flt. Moneta. House clean and in grand condition. Bargain at $950. H. A. Proeit,v, Manure Prloek, 1rpl). Gold- WANTED-tin for dining mom and the Hollinger Consolidated (in Mines Ltd., arrived in The Pas l Tuesday and left by the Nipawin tl same evening for Sturgwn Landin from where they will eontinue the jmwney on to Elbow lake. It is tl intention of Messrs. Timmins an: "President , General .Manag the Hollinger Mines Ltd., ar Tuesday and le WANTED-Responsible party would trent modern house unfurnished or furnished for summer months or longer. All 1urf'e1vnees. H. A. Proe.. tot', Monro Block, opposite Crore., tields Hotel. ' JUNIOR FOOTBALL Sehumaeher Dome . . . . . Timmins . . TOWN LEAGUE FOOTBALL GAME POSTPONED The game in the Town Football League series, Surface Vs. Town, on Tuesday. June 20th, was postponed, the match to be played later to decide the first series of )f Having: disposed of my jewelery business to Mr. J. Fl. Garrett. I hereby expreSs my sincere appreciation to my many friends and patrons for their custum during the past few years. a Husky, and the other a brown and black Collie. Owner may have same by paying: for this advertisement, and for the keep of the dogs, Apply to Gladstone Ray, 40 Pine St., Tim- mins. 25-261» fields general work: Waflies i25.00 to $30.00 per month, aeeording to ex- pcrienee. Apply by letter m- phone to Mrs. Dicksrm, cure of Woollings Co. Limited. Connaught, Ont. 25 Announcement le 1m to v1 follow (Mar P. W. L. D. For Ag. Pts. Messrs. Timmins and it the Murray property, I under option by the progre LEAGUE STANDING 0 a is from the last i titoba) Herald P-- var', A. Timmins . A. P. Brigham Consolidated ( o CHAS. P. GRILL. 0 'ant m PORCUPINB ADVANCE own League Id on “111011 Hg for several 0 Hayden, one a brown and N have same li 55119 and o; on 'ld 0 19 Ir It POR SAI,B---Two adjacent farms near (Twln'ane: good fertile soil; also gopd frame house on one of the farms. One of the farms 145 and the other 152 acres. Will sell cheap for each, Apply to P.O. flox 155, Timmins. --24-25p 24-25 POUND-A small sum of money in a bag. Owner can have same by ap- plyingto H. Hichardsnn, 42 Tam- "avaelr street, on paying for this ad- vevtrsement. 25p (Mary Plants for sale-We have a limited amount now ready for trans- planting. Apply to STEVE-N SALZER, Hoyle, Ont. Take native that the (hurt of' Re.. vision will sit at the Counvil (Tham- ber, Timmins, at {he hour of ten o'eloek n the forenoon of Monday, June 2lith, 1922, to hear and deter- mine the appeals in the matter of the Assessment Roll of the Municipality of the Town of Timmins for the year 1922. POR ihui1--Timmins Heights, Maple KL, lots at $150, $275, til00. Film LOTS POR SALE in Timmins, Matt gami, West Timmins, Munch! m Timmins Heights. Tevins. H. Proetor, Mum-e Block, ummsi Croldtieh-ls Hotel. Sealed tenders, addressed to H, E. Montgomery Bah Town Clerk, will be received until 12 o'eloek noon, Mon- day June 2tith, 1922, for the construc- tion of a stone mad on Second Ave- nue from Cedar Street to Birch Street and Bnlsznn Street from Second Are- nue to Third Avenue. ' Plans and ss'peeih'cMion.s may he seen and form of tender obtained at the'ullire of the Engineer, Town Hall, Timmins. Sealed tenders, Montgomery Esq., received until 12 day June 2tith, 19 tion of a stone 1' WANTED-1iaid for general house work: mmd' wages. Apply to Mrs H. J. Marshall, 12 1lemlovk street WANTED The .luwest or any tender not ne- eessarily aeeepted. 25 J. P. Henderson, Town Engineer. FOR BAhE---Three lots and two houses. Apply to M. Mchlty, Main street, Mattagnmi. 25p HOUSE POR BALB..ftoehester Town. site. Best Mention, 7 rooms. Bar- gain for cash. Apply Advance Otfiee. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM TO RENT! in private house. Apply to 10 Sin! Ave,, or phone 2:..'0. 25p Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned up to twelve, o'clopknmon of Wednesday the 28th day of June, 1922, for about soo yards of ditching on Trunk Road between Golden City" and Hoyle. Tenders to give the price per yard. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Plans and speeifieations may be seen at the otliee of Alex Stirling, Road Inspector, Timmins. All tenders must he addressed to Notice to Attend Court of Revision Terms on all. H. A. Prong Block. uppasite f"roldtields eral house waking. / Third A H CELERY PLANTS FOR SALE NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS lone DI TOWN OF TIMMINS TOWN or TIMMINS Notice to Contractors B. E. MONTGOMERY, Clerk of the Munieipality. Esirerieneed work, one a' Apply to I). Birch Flt. $275. Pyoetor, Munro, Atltrftlr1t?, 1'] for gen- to do the ---2i5 3.261) ”105116 mu 56 tip " ' Anyone interested in Christian Sci- ence is Cordially invited to attend an 'i1"r?,r,ta; meeting evel'y Wednesday afternmm at the home of Mrs. Y, H. Emery, 20 Hemlock street, Timmins, at 3.30 p.m. 13-171). REGULAR MEETINGS RE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HERE FOR y1ALE--14 White lmghorn yearling hens. They are the famous Ferris strain and are remarkably heavy layers. Will sell cheap if taken at once. Apply to HAVE YOUR HOUSE RID or' COCKROACHES. Bug's and all COOKING RANGE POR SALE. WANTED---- Flat Otrure Desk in good eondition. Apply, giving price to PA). Box 19, Timmins. --24 WAITRESS WANTED at once. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR Child's Welfare Clinics, Wednes. days, 1.30 to 3 p.111. . lst. Wed. each month. Dr. Minthorn 2nd. Wed. each month, Dr. Porter. 3rd. Wed. each month, Dr. McInnis. 4th. Wed. each month, Dr. Moore. Nurse at Clinic Room daily 1.30 to 3 p.111. If refuse is exposed flies will eottie, and two flies now may mean two mil- lion flies in July or August if precau- tions are pot taken. HARRY W. DARLING MINING ENGINEER Examinations, Reports, Develop- ment Programs. Reed' Block, Timmins, Porcupine District, Ontano. other kinds nt' vermin. Contraets taken for this and satisfaction gun- ranteed. Hundreds of people have been delighted with my service. He- ferenees. Amdf to A. Cater, 31,5; Spruee street, Timmins, or send postcard to Box 462. 21-271) CLEAN UP YOUR BACK YARD Timmins 'AITRBSS WANTED at once. Ap- ply to Royal Cafe, Schumacher. 24 maker; in h'rst bargain for l Ayoue. Jame Dealer in New and Second Band Furni- ture, Stoves, Boots, Gramo- phones, and Tools of every Des.. cription. 52 THIRD AVE. 'ownsitc Boarding House Schumacher - Ont. In connection with the O'Connor House. 0000 MEALS. New Empire Theatre Block Safety First . Boil the Water Barrister, Solicitor, No; v. BEAR“ ilf HEM"! tilllltlll J. G. STEWART, 2l Maple St A. C. BROWN TIMMINS, ONT. S. MARTIN 1 iirst-elass eondition. Big for cash. Apply to A. James street, Roehester Apply to POR SALE l 0000 SERVICE $8.00 PER WEEK B. M. HO“. HD.. M. o. a. Sixth Avenue, '23 'stood TIMMlN-S GARAGE - Dr. L, Gagnon - Phone 209 Sight and Day calls promptly alter, od to. Ask your Deale: for Doctor Gagnor: Prepared Medicines. Meets every Tuesday evening in the Oddfellows Hall, Third Avenue. Visiting brethren requested to attend. B. Richardson, W. a. Smith. "INNS WIRE, |.0.I.f.~II. 459 W. H. SEVERT General Building Contraétor Estimates Furnished Box 703 Phone 32 _ COBALT, 0NThlll0 Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public. Etc. mmms GARAGE AUTO SERVICE Mr. Gauthier will be at Timmins daily. PROMPT and PLEASING SERVICE When wishing to have a pleasant motor drive, call Timmins Garage Auto Service, Phone 227, Now open for business. First-class rooms, and steam heated All up-to-date conveniences. Reading and Sitting Rooms. Sample Room for Travellers. Best dining room in town. Meals at all hours. OFFICES REED BLOCK, TIMMINS and SOUTH PORGUPINB. Crown and Bridge Work Plates Consultation Free. IR Mil. ll. AIKEN DENTIST Phone 201 Room 7 Reed Bldg., Timmins. Eurdnn ll, Gauthier PARKS HOTEL IROQUOIS FALLS. Veterinary Office Cochrane. Ont Val

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