no GIRL WANTED for general house- work; good wages. Apply Mrs. A. Dorfman, t'sehumae'ner. --20 BOARDING HOUSE TO RENT, " FOR BALEr--ll equipped macher. " ttALB-Horse, Harness and Bar. " for sale. Also good Sleigh Dog for sale. Apply to No. 56 Laurier Avenue, new Hollinger tuwnsite, ' A ppl y Hogan, St hu- 20p FURNITURE POR "1al--Apply R For sale-Ha/ing Eggs tinest stoek in the (-unntry: ing and Exhibition quality and Wyandottes; $2.00, $5.00 per 15. Place order a G. Stewart, 21 Maple str; ‘odhunter, Schumm FOR SALE reet at If fr m) Yom the my lay. nee Phone .?.0-21y 1OI'I1S and 19 Annual Report of Dept. of Mines Re- fers to Bright Prospects of Min- ing Industry. IllMllil lllllt lllllll nil lliglillilill tiM llllmll made unnpnshed. And even I statement" is impressive make appeal to the peup stance, take the funmvin; paragraphs from the rep: Gold mining at-the we rereiving renewal uttenti Tmmng costs, and the gulf] are the chief 1'all.seri lation. In 10:N the (mu-ha received by ()ntario's companies was $1,376,273 cent. The success ur f: coverles have ealitiee. nwenmg 1.eneteal rim. Alnmdanw of mining costs, and Kow Kas h an, 1936. var. 1m 7 to these a re tarms gold mlm is not depemdent rate of wnivh is, ing vapiay." "The (liseorer in 190 tors ini 1905 to were fe follows Were haunt! annually. Lrllowsc--eplayfah', 19115 Larder Lake, 10trti; Nigh 19t)7-, 'Painkiller.. 1908; Porereone, 19M: Suva Howl? Creek and West 1911; Whisker Lake a oth k e, " 19.1 SHINE brought h ' northeas 1918 im LY, Boistrrn Creek, 19rl 'as'nom, 1915': 3hatatv.bew liekard and Lightning: Ri 'hturrkesc., "1918?. Tu iiiif.rtitu mining industry, however, dent on the premium, tin ‘1] is, at this lime. dtwlin mnemmg Ind eve: impressi EH at pl causes. or In the esehange l Mario's gold i1,:l76,275 or ' -e.=s or failure ring industry,] Lake am Il nd rub 0 tryltmt f sil'vel e present time Is Mention in ()nta, ahur reduetion in the premium on uses of the sthmr.. W They are Gs "a; Alinibi and "it Hawk Lake, : 11mm) {mo astiksi, 1910': s'hisinst: Tree. 'DIE tl' m PORCUPINE ADVANCE an: " l tlt interesting, re' H IT a l)ee prospees iu. Fran. ld arena Ing 'l'y ce. Kirkland c, 1914; ll armmun. ol' ()n n under shoula (h 01' ill H 1'il ll ftp eel ttis ll I" mi Will hkely million d, months of ii9,SIti,07."r, tm OPENING GAME IN TOWN FOOTBALL LEAGUE THURSDAY 24ti ball A will be Kirk] 10th, Timmi game in the D martin] m 1'1) u wn mini 01: 'tl iéUL opening game in the Town ll League will he on Thursday week, the kick-off at fi.15 pm. This opening match will be the versus Hollinger 1'rdlerground ould prove a lively and well- ed event between well-matched It is expected that the Town not dollars 131.201] 111 a Ir , for the tlt'st tune smoe discovered in 1003, Thc im of Ontario for 1921 mount to about fourteen M's. For the tirst nine he year it was valued at ontario is the only im keen Kit Dis: w: W sed in the last that series ff, he Pt tt mshed 0W mght HI 518, 1 was t 1366 wood? Al Re ll) 1d 111111 11 C) Twine Ill tir ll FOR "LD-Two Mair. ,dreet: ire, IIMMINS [illlilf, l,ll,il,f, lit, (l.ill WWOWWOOOO†oe-et.: WOOWOWOWNWOWOOOWW MWWWWOOW tooo...... -.oo-ooootooooooooo-otoo-o0o00. Ma A Diploma trom this Conservatory insures your musical standing anywhere. We furnish the violin, mandolin, etc. You pay a. little each month. He ll Timmins Conservatory 14 Cedar Street, Up-stairs H. F. SCHROEDER, Director corner lots facing location in Matte. ice right Ott ply "r: Visiting Brothers and Sisters H- ways Welcome. Isabella Vollet. Ethel Keene. -9 X.G. Ree. Stu. n Meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday in the Oddfellows' Hall, Third Ave- Timmins Gold Nugget Rebekah Lodge, No I73