application for the athletie grounds for May 24th. so as to allow the Base- ball Club to profit by the day.' Thu, Baseball Club at a reeent meeting ex- pressed the'wish to go in with the Football, Cluls on a fifty-fifty basis on May 24th, so as to raise non-scar) funds for baseball in town this year. The Football boys were anxious to give the baseball a boost, and so de. cided to withdraw their application "for the grounds for the 24th. leaving the whole day to the baseball club. At the same time the Football (hub went. on record as offering the Baseball Club every possible eo-operation and assistance and wishing them sineerel) a. big and very sueeesst'ul event. Another question before the Foot, ball meeting: was the matter of ar- rangement of finanees as between the Timmins Foouutll Club and the Hol, linger Football Club. Mr. C. G. Wil- liams was present, representing the Hollinger Athletic Association, ano very effeetively pointed out the ad., vantages that would act-rue from having the, finanees handled by one body, thus avoiding duplicate appeals for funds and other ditfieulties. The Timmins Football Cluly was the parent body and in charge as it were of tilt football in the town, and he thought that it would help the smooth run- ning of the sport in town if all fin- aneing were centralized in the Tim- mins Football Club. Mr. Williams, suggested that the Timmins Football: Club should see to the finaneing of the) otttiitting, ete., of the Hollinger (‘lubt and the Hollinger in return would eontrilutte $150.00 (the estimated ex. pense of said outfitting, etc.) to the central funds, Under this plan the MAY 24th. LEFT OPEN FOR TIL/[MINE BASEBALL CLUB OMee TIMMINS, IIE MlllllMf limit At a meetin Timmins Fm: WEDNESDAY. MAY 3rd., 1922. Canada - United States Published every Wednesday by Geo. Lake, Publisher m oide Subscription Rates Special-Six Fivc-Pessenrer. fo-horsepower, I 19-inch wheelbase, cord tires. atandard equinmcnt. $207if.o. b. Walke-villr.. Ont. " ounng - - - 2-Pass. Banister 40'ass. Roadster Coupe - - - Sedan - - - ANY well-informed garage mechanic will tell you the Special-Six leads 'in value from the standpoint of endurance, comfort, power and economy of upkeep. Drive one yourself and you will realize why thousands of owners have found in it those qualities which go to make up motoring satisfaction and pride of ownership. Att price: fo. h. Walkerct.0e One-piece windshield with windshield wiper oall \vithdr the at the 10nes xet i W Resident $2.00 year $3.00 rear mnve ot astiaveek Marshall-Ecclestone, Limited 1.0an AGENTS " nunmsmnr. tht ONTARIO $2075 Par.kin.ghjrlt.ttiniower corners of todoc,g. W V - - -i- - WV "H N 2025 windshield base. One key operates the Yale lock 2375 One-piece rainproof windshield onignitionswitch.transmission 3050 and windshield base. and tool compartment. 3250 In the Special-Six you get such value. and satisfaction as .'. Ont. only Studebaker, the worla"s largest builder of sixes, offers. ttlt 11 the Tins plan gives every opportunity for a very agreeable and suecessful football season here and the football enthusiasts look forward now to tm. season of 1922 as to be the most sue cessful in the history of football in Timmins with everybody working to gether and the prospects of the very brightest for much good sport in the line of football. In resolution only membership tickets to be sold for football would he those of the Tim- ming Football Club and the latter would look after all gates. Mr. Wil- liams also said that the Hollinger would fix up a practice grounds on the 'islimes" for foothall this season. Mr. Williams' plan was very heartily en- dorsed by the Football Club and a vote of thanks passed to Mr. Williams for his interest and assistance, after his plan had been formally adopted by be secured at this eard for your store supply is taken up in,s is necessary. The Advance ha's sale announcing the mum early closing. EARLY CLOSING CARDS POR SALE AT ADVANCE OFFICE RED , Mr. . Dept MBSSRS. GOLDSTEIN AND CROWN BUY PELDMAN BROS ll' general has tomobiles. q in the Cami to 250, thou will run clu: OVER PORTY NEW'AUTOS CAME TO TIMMINS THIS YEAR HIS,“ So far this year over . " omobiles have been hr own of Timmins and hem are new“ in activ 'routh Porcupine has ab. Jnnet )Vt " the ml lie mehul --unusually comfortable, because of its deep, genuine. leather upholstery and long semi-elliptic springs, front and rear. --endurance and dependability have been built into it by the manufacturer through the use of high-grade materials and workmanship. . --a Studebaker-built L-head motor, 3% x 5, develops fifty horsepower. --economy of upkeep with repair shop attention reduced to a minimum. -refinements such as you might expect only in higher priced cars. Jeweled eight-day clock on in- Large rectangular plate glass strument board. rear window-... 7% x 23 in. Cowl ventilator controlled from Tool compartment in left-hand instrument board. front door with lock. Tonneau lamp with extension Transmission lock which reduce? cord. costofinsuranc,e to owner 15% Par.kin.g lights in lower corners of to 20%. windshield base. One key oneratcs the Yale lock One-piece rainproof windshield onigni'iiarsswitch.tran:pmission and windshield base. and tool compartment. li rd hlS at )tm have taken over 1 the Corner of 'Ba Ivenue, and will com] "It uneing the Thursday after. v closing. These cards may I at this ohiee. Call for the 0111' store at â€nee. before the taken up, and special print. rot until ur ew owners, Messrs. "ol/l n, are well-known youn of the Camp havmg bee til recently with the Bu o. business. Mes U achve t a]; d tno the Vamp In! oud share of an I tr of automobiles estimated at 200' S. Golds also added Mr. W Ill] “an a ll: ll ma ea his mmls Inos new an nt 1"! tre Large rectangular plate glass rear window-- 7% x 23 in. Tool compartment in left-hand front door with lock. Transmission lock which reduces cost of insurance to owner 15% to 20%. One key overatcs the Yale lock on igni tionswitch. transmission and tool compartment. $1011 If ER (-'-Early tiii.s,miovning a large par tridge flew against the window of the Timmins Grocery & Meat Store will: such force that the bird died from the eifeet of the collision. Mr. S. G-old. stein, une of the new proprietors 01 the store, saw the accident, and tank the unfortunate bird, which is a par- ticularly large one, into the stare where it is now on disrslav. PARTRIDGE KILLS ITSBLF . BY HITTING STORE WINDOW The oth'eial report of the Lake Shore Mine at Kirkland Lake shows that the mill ran 94.75 per vent. of possible time during March. During the month the mill handled 2,210 tons of me with an average of $24.83 in gold to the ton. The total production was thus .i'54,870.20.' With the mill hold. ing this high record of production and the high average of the ore, the Lake Shore keeps its unique plaee among the wonderful rich mines of the North Land. LAKE SHORE PRODUCED OVER $54,800 IN MARCH ME m'uxnxsm to tinanee otferirr PN1-LItrrING OFFERING or CLIFTON MINES SHARES Elsewhere in th an annottneemerr special interest. refers whatever, ar opment 1bseri omuttny OKs on prom an MH UPS ant obtained to go it the property. Th be a leader amo perties of the Pop are If res in which every dol- without any deduction into the Treasury of , be used in completing and development of the In its arm mine Min sual plan IneE R le W) u]: mm ADVANCE tes ‘orvumne meemer urcupine One Oh mining -iistinL 1m) be " n1ne “It Hf. the till m m tll le A posteard received last week from Mr. J. W. Reed showed a gorgeoua view of the It'oya Gorge at Canon City, Colorado. Mr. Heed has been on a motor trip from Duluth to Los An 1reles. California, and has had a Vet? pleasant ten days†trip. Mr. Reed is stopping now at Los Angeles when. they have summer dust nmv, summei reigning at present in California as it doc-t practically all the year rfiund. On Thursday Fast Messrs. McLaugh- Tin and Delaney had a narrow esvape from serious injury in an automobile accident on the 1lelntyre Hill. They were out in Mr. J. R. Todd 's ear and in some way the car got out of con trol and crashed through the fence, turned over and dropped to the low ground at the side of the road. a drop of six feet or so. Mr. MeLauyllin had an artery severe? and some other minor injuries, hut prompt metlieal attention saved him serious consequences. Mr. Delaney only suf- fered slight injuries, thoug:h both men were badly bruised and shaken up. V ENJOY “TEN NIGHTS IN A BARROOM" HERE NEXT WEEK Bourke's Gold Mines are dewater. ing the shaft and putting the plant in shape to go on with furthe/work at the property at lBourke's Siding. The. shaft is down 200 feet and a good shoot of ore was encountered in the work. It is understood that the ex- pldration work to be done now will in~ elude a considerable amount of dia, mend drilling. There will also be ax. extensive campaign of development and it is hoped to carry along the work to success and prove the min; to be a real mine and a producer oy note . Among the specials eoming to the New Empire Theatre is the play. "Ten Nights in a Barroom," on Fri- day and 'Saturday of next week, May 12th. and 13th. This picture has made a decided hit wherever shown. It is full of action and interest and with a thrilling story well carried along. No expense was spared in staging this pietdre and there are some spat-tam lar scenes. The picture has been des- eribed as a "voleano of action" and there is interest in every foot of the ten biz, reels. r The Advanee has received a eouple of very interesting and informative "vtieles this week by local experts or, the Radio question, but space is. not available for their use in this issue. Next week, however, these timely articles will tind a place in these columns. ot Empire 'l'healre. ll he pmgrannue fur this (Wednesday) evening and Thurs. day int-hides the noted picture, “The Sheik," which has been one of the most popular of successes this year wherever shown. at the I'esnlenve or Hemluck street, on of this week, May sharp. mm The annual meeting of t' thew's Tennis Club for the "tlieers and other business sued W E W t enJ Sume unusually good specials an wing shown these days at the New impire Theatre. The programme fur Messrs. L of Irmuois town over t R. W. Bro. R. LeHeup, D.I).G.M., will pay his otfieial visit to Golden Be.aver Lodge ALT. & A. M., Timmins, on Wednesday evenin Mak 10th. ll " 1tnttie1 le " I) The [he the were are 51x out 5k from Muttagami 9k the Timmins wed the resolution ami to the Town. I h £11)“ ietition t & N. 0 th' e week-end ll It n the ride: " births reported this sami,---all buys. Last ins Couneil finally tion to annex Mau- Railway gmn Mrs, 'l'hursd; 4th, at l, l' spine distr ld'T. MeConomy were visitors tt ividend apithl t our record 3 e Hullin he St. Mat, 9 election of will he held I. w. Fo.ev. wa t t 21V next week rad on evenm 30 n.†lt W h en Tim May Mus m It Anyone interested in Christian Sei.. ence is mrdially invited to attend an informal meeting every Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. V. H. Emery, 20 Hemlock street, Timmins, at 3.30 pm. 13nrp. REGULAR MEETINGS RE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HERE LEE, O'DONOGHUE & HARKI'NS, 18-19- Barristers, Toronto, Ont. a ii100.00 garden, is over $300.00 sav- ed in a year. Situated adjoining Hol, iin:gev new townsite to the north. Also lots-for sale 45 x 133, $200.00; half cash. 16-181) R. WATTE, Timmins. The Administrator of the Estate of The interest of the deceased in the following MINING CLAIMS l, Whitney Township, District of Temiskaming Mining ('laims No. 127- 99 and 12795. mlskammg, ‘74 Interl Claim So. L-1055. 3. Lebel Township, nnskamm; Claim No miskamirr Claim No THE TRUSTS and GUARANTEE COMPANY, LIMITED, FOR SA1,E---At'ivel. road, five room house, hardwood floors, well, small 1mm, chicken house.' This is one of the lit-st houses in thi/ section, two lots with house. H. A., Proetor, Moore Block. Buy a house and save $250.00 this year. Eight-mmn house for $1600.00, on terms, 8 per cent. on this and dif- ference of rent, $25.00 monthly, with nnskammg, Claim No. I 4. vLebel Nipissing, 1,43 interest in Mini; Claim H. R. 127. 7. Gillies Limited, li,. interest Mining Claim No. C-976. For further partibulars apply to: HOUSE POR BALE---r'ourth Ave., six mums. hurdwuml‘ lluurs and fur mace, in Al mnditinn. Terms. JI. A. Proetor; Mum-c Block, opposite FOR SALE POR 8ALEr-uLots, in Town mins, Mutmgmni Heights, Ili/ester an?! Timmins Terms. H. A. Pvuetor. Mo, WOMAN WANTS WORK CEMENT BFICKS AND CEMENT WANTED- Immediate POR SALE .- l., FURNITURE POR "LE-Apply R. Todliunter, Schunmcher. 17-19 GIRL WANTED fur Regular Trips from Schumacher Residential Section to Timmins, 9 a.m., 2 p.m., 6.30 and 7.15 and 7.45 pm. Leaving Timmins (Meyers Cor- ner) after the show and dances. Picnic Parties catered to. REGULAR FARE, 8 TRIPS FOR $1.00. Phone O'Connor House Now open for business. First-elass rooms, and steam heated All up-to-date conveniences. Reading and Sitting Rooms. Sample Room for Travellers. Best dining room in town. Meals at all hours. (i or lbs. Apply after Avenue, Timmins Goldfields l'erms. opposite for sale. A who netds McGregor's Bus hour; nous good worker M dar, small shack on i tur, opposite Goldtit' good wages. Apply Moore, 2 Sixth Avenue D6rfman work: good wa Snilding Blocks fur sale. Apply at i. Melsiaelwen, Old River Road. uneta Lebel Township, "MIN Bernard McEnaney. OFFERS POR SALE TAR-IS HOTEL IROQUOIS FALLS. HOUSE POR SALE J. L-1661. - Lorrnin Township District of r. lb. interest in Mining rel Administrator, Toronto, Ont housewor Township, -1904. Township, District of Te 731; interest in Minin; [ A. VIEW ohlliehls, £192 fo l' 1 light delivery Home, good bargain to the mu. it. Weight about 900 after four, at (58 Fifth ot on lnuacher intere intere ship, District of Te. interest in Mining lp Wner K, “mums ll _'tor, Moore District of Tel.. st in Mining District of Te- st in Mining ‘uurth. near G lot. H. A. Prue Wttshitt al general house Apply Mrs. A d own of Tim Mrs interest in bxpenene musewurk by day or , Pint Muneta Heights Il 1111,80 t' sale. J. Do 18-20h ll 16.18, 16-18 ---18 etc och In ll 19 D Child's Welfare Clinics, Wednes- days, 1.30 to 3 pm. Ist. Wed. each month. Dr. Milthorn. 2nd. Wed. each month, Dr. Porter. 3rd. Wed. each monbh, Dr. Mefnnig. 4rh. Wed. each month, Dr. Mun. Nurse at Clinic Room daily 1.30 to 3 Pan. ( _ PROPERTY FOR SALE-pive-, SITUATION WANTED- WANTED-T, u POR SALE- -t' TO RENT THOROUGHLY COMPETENT WANTED TO BUY--- A Phone 18-1 HARRY W. DARLING MINING ENGINEER Examinations, Reports, Develop- ment Programs. Reed Block, Timmins, Porcupine District, Ontario. P. o. Box 804 Audits Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public. Etc. Mr. Gauthier will be at Timmins daily. Books Opened and Kept Posted For Local Tradesmen. ed house and house. also on property and bargain. Am Fifth Avenue (tenor m 'l‘nnmms in private house; dren. Apply Box (Hive. Tinnnrns. d1 Plli't OFFICES REED BLOCK, TIMINS and SOUTH POROUPINE. m brown and Bridge Work Plates ' Consultation Free. TC Room 7 Reed Bldg., Timmins. DR. JNU. B. hll(lill DENTIST Phone 201 BERNARD A. BRADY location Apply 3 n (mice Safe Tinucins. register Ipply t MISS B. FINDLAY Safety First Boil the Water Hus New Empire Theatre Block TIMMINS, ONT. Gordon H. Gauthier Immlns BOATS AND LAUNCHES Barrister, Solicitor, Notary. rrapht " t ion. ililllilll llf HEMTH tllllllilll Li, stumble tor light lnmsekevp must have modqn mmveni <. Apply Box J. tl., Poreupim moo. Timmins, Out. ---1; GRADUATE NURSE A, C. BROWN ll? Special Investigntions Income Tax Returns " H ACCOUNTANT Timmins wants situation house; married, no chil- ply Box E. c., Advance mi-ns. ---15-20p 2t' tue tyuuui-tf'tt'e-rootn, nd slope 2S x 30. bhnail trn back df Int. A fine ml will be sold at a big Ipply to W, Peters. 66 Store, 14 x 50 ft basement if l Fourth Avenue. E. IE. MOORE, Mat., M. 0. I. " Ipply Bos ttt ookoepor win ollk Apply to Box 29 ot' male, one fema sine, Timmins. 11ng stm Cochrane, Ont. Timmins, Ont. ups, from im roe furnis illrENT Ste- lady) desires c,, Atlvanee. 16-19;) I%.eiish Enr- gond-smtu desire‘ 14-161) can be ood ed 16 14 16 H