Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 22 Feb 1922, p. 4

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F 3.17“! Ex: ce'."),)?"",] I: ""»"-.C C’X‘ “If Mtlli'llli AIMEE TWINS, .There were a number of cases of breaches of the ().T.A. before the po. lice court-last Thursday, 'but Magis- trate Atkinson remanded them all paiding the outcome' of charges aghinst One of the special "agents" re)iirofcsihle for the charges. This "agent" was arrested here on the eaitiirlaint of another foreigner who ensue down here from Kapuskasing and who claimed that he had been rdbbed of several hundred dollars some months' ago at the northern tdwn. He identified the "agent" as one of the two men who he thought hthaken his mpney. Magistrate Ai. kinson sent the “agent” hack to Ka. pivslrasing for trial on the rubbery eharge, and in the meantime the cases that depend upon his evidence will naturally be held over until, the "agent" is either cleared or other- wipe. In any case, everybody is proud and pleased at the workings of the. O.T.A. yes! Not! , OMee 26 SPECIAL O.T.A. "AGENT” CHARGED WITH ROBBERY "1Pos1gurdfgllN, G THE SCH ACHBR IKE-OPENING "Some weeks ago there has generull ctonfiderue in usually weil-infovmed mining/ch):; that the s'ehumaehev), Mine would be likely to re-opon thisl spring and be carried along to shoves-ml This eonh'denee is not so strong at the! present moment, the reason given lie-l ing that ii hlo.ek of shares to the exont‘ of some 300,000 are said to be held: now at the par value of $1.00 each.i It was understood that a successful: and wealthy mining corporation was" considering the buying of the control» of the Sohumacher Mine and proeeed- ing to develop it at depth. It was thought that those in control of the Sehumacher _would (be willing to sell their stock at a price that would make stick a deal mutually satisfactory. Whether a par value on the shares will be considered as satisfactory, of cohrse, remains to be seen. The Selur. maeher Mine has 'been a produce? and has been held in good regard 'by many in the emmp." It has not been working during the past year on account of the general conditions.. Everybody in the Camp'would be pleased to see the Sehumaeher re-opened and given a full chance to prove up as a mine. WEDNESDAY. FEB. 22nd., 1922 Published Canada United g FEMININE AIMEE ' . . shed awry 1Nidrcdiiy by [ r I , , Geo. Lake, Publisher ' ' . ' s':ltirs'rtrs': H.I»“f~2 I l ' , a In - - - 74 >11”) Jtsar l ( Ag "l Stun-s in“! .‘er t rt ‘ I m - ONTARIO? ' iis'ii, Telephones: Residence 112 ONTARIO l "l'he following is from the last issue iof The Northland Post of (‘uvllrane:~. l "The trips of Capt. Maxwell in hi>. li‘wru hetween here and Moose Factory land New Post established the fah (that the rigors of the elimute are no ‘detriment to successful flying; in fact, Want. Maxwell seemed to thoroughly' lenjoy what to many would seem to he lgrent hardship in winter flights. The Iplane acted splendidly' on the .skiir/ and no trouble was eneountered in tleinding and getting off in the light lsnow. 'Oapt. Maxwell left on Tuesday for Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa, land during his absence the pilot, Mr. St. Martin, will navigate the airboat. In fact, he made a trip to New Post on Wednesday to deposit a 'base of ‘lsupply there for future trips North, and it might be worth recording that lat three o'clock in the afternoon he was still in Dr. Fraser's oifiee getting h, prescription for one of the men in .' New Post, and by five o'eloek he was rllanaing on his return, having mean- ;iwhi‘e delivered tit medicine. This l certainly beats the dog team for ae- ltion.” SPRING DISPLAY LAST WEEK, AT HOLLINGER STORES There Mere big crowds of the ladies of "rimming and district last Thursday and Friday at the Spring Styles dis, play at the Hollinger Stores. A re- presentative pf a large manufacturing company of Montreal was present to demonstrate an ektensive' and esehv. sive range of suit? and coats. There was also an attractive showing of the latest and smartest in Spring millin- According to the Ottawa Journal, Nil 'Silski, It Pole, who was convicted of the murder of two compatriots, A. Kustman and M. Kolodresky, near Temiskamimg, Que., in July 1921, and was subsequently granted a new trial by the Quebec Court of King 's Bench, will stand trial at the spring; term of the Hull criminal assizes which will open at the Hull Court House on March li'. The paper states that it has been learned that sensational develop- ments are expected within the next few days in this mysterious murder ery. SENSATIONAL FEATURES IN TEMISKAMING CASE case. WINTER AIRSHIP FLIGHTS ENJOYED BY AIR PILOT MERCANTILB LEAGUE GOING ALONG NIGELY The games in the 'llercantile 'Ho.. ekey League are drawing good crowds and yruvingr very popular, as well as Being interesting exhibits of good ho- ekey. On Friday evening: last in the series, the Bankers won from the Hol. linger and the Shops defeated :ho Surveyors. The games are being run on the Elimination plan, and this leaves the Bankers and the Kingston Hotel teams to puy.Friday evening of this week for the leadership in the Town group and the Shops and the Canadians to contest for first place in the Mine section. The games Friday evening should he speeially lively and \vell-eontested. Next Frid'ay,eveiling, March 3rd. the winners in each see, tion will play off for the h'nal cham- pionship of the League. I INTERESTING DEBATES AT THE COLUMBUS CLUB i An interesting feature of the meet. ings of the Columbus Y'rah Sunday evenings is the series of debates on topics of.more than passing interest. Last Sunday evening there was a de- hate on the topic, "Resolved that Northern Ontario is the 'best part of the Province to live in." Ifirssrs. P. Maltais and L. S. Newton took the af.. firmative and in able and interesting speeches made their points clear. Messrs. F. MeCrae and J. E. Newton were on the negative side, but despite very able work they could not win I” they had unquestionably the wrong end. Of course the atfivmative wim. But the aifir1uative will not win on March 5th. Cm that date the debate will he on the resolution, "That the Ontario Temperance Act. is a good law." t SAULT STE MARIE WINS SOUTHERN GROUP HONORS "The protest of Sudbury against thel use of F. Cook by the Sault was 5119-: tained last week by the N.8.H.A. Ex-j emtive to the extent of ordering the protested game re-played. The game was accordingly replayed on Blontlay night and the Sault won out brthe score of 1 to 0. This gives the Sattlt the championship of the .southern group and the work of -})laying off with Iroquois Falls for the N.O.H.A. championship and the chance to go to Toronto. The first game between the Sault and the Falls will be at the Falls on Saturday of this week. The N.O.H.A. championship is to be deeid- ed by home and home games, goals to mount. The date of the second match, lat Sault Ste. Marie, has not yet been jjfiartis' decided, but it is likely to be about next Wednesday: "d, PROGRESSIVE SMOKER . GIVEN BY ORIENTALS The 'Progress/sive Smoker given on Friday evening in the I.O.0.F. Hall by the .Ti'mmins Oriental Lodge prov- a most enjoyable and pleasing event. About 75 or so of the Orientals and their friends were present and the evening was at delightful one for all. Euchre and Cribbage were first en- joyed, Mr. R. Anderson Winning f1rst prize in euehre after an interesting contest and Mr. Simon Cody being the final winner in cribbage. Mr. Cody and Fire Chief Borland tied for first place in the regular cribbage series, ;but in a sudden death game to decide Mr. Cody won "by a few pegs. Then a tine line of refreshments, eoffee, sandwiches, cake, ete., added to the pleasure and sociability of the even- ing. This was followed by a "short but most interesting: programme. Schroe- derls, for-pieee orehesltra,'named by the chairman for the evening, Mr. W. B. Nicholson, as the "Oriental (hc. ehestra" provided the 'best of music, the selections by this talented four being much appreciated. In this quar- tette, 'Mr. Schroeder presided at the piano, Mr. W. H. Browne played the oqrnet, Mr. uuor'ris Baker was Vviolin- lit, end Mr. C. P. Grill played the clarinet. Another feature was the rendering of "The Oddfeliows' Ball" by Mr. W. H. Prire'aqrd, his song be- ing promptly eneored. Mr. W. H. Wil.. son played the accompaniment in his usual effective way. Stories by G. A. Macdonald and C. P. Grill were other numbers on the programme. Hr; Grill's number was a sketch from life with a funny twist to it. A very pleasant evening enjoyed by all con- eluded with the singing ofthe Nation.. al Anthem: 11is many friends are pleased to see Chief M. Greer able to be out and around again after his recent illness TEE POEM!!! ADVANOI TENTA‘I‘IVE DATES FOR ITBE ALLAN our GAMES /Tentative dates for Allan Cup games have been decided as follows:' -O.H.A. Intermediate Champions play N.O.H.A. Champions, Monday, March 6th. , _ .utu'L'u um. _ The winner saysh.H.A. Senior eoamlions, Wednesday}, March 8th. Winner of this {Janie defends the Mlan Cup against the Eastern and Western champions. NEW HARDWARE STORE OPENED IN TIMMINS Messrs. Warren and Finlay this week have opened a new hardware store in the premises at 24 Third Ave. just vacated by the uutarshall-1keles.. tone Co., and formerly occupied U) the Northern Fanada Supply Co. it was in these premises that Cilia Dan) Warren first started in Timmins for} the Northern Canada Supply Co, some seven years ago, and as Mr. Finlay was also with, the tirm here, they will be right at home now that they are starting business in these premises on their own account. Ouring the time that Mr. Warren Iwas manager of the Sorthern Camyla Supply Co, he built up a no-tewm‘thy husiness here. Mr. Finlay also gained an e viable repu- vation in his c'/eC,11/lhte',l'ir' the ware- house. Accordingly, there is every “easun to believe that the new firm will do well and build up a valuable business. .. Warren and Finlay, Limit- ’Id" will he the oorreet name. for the firm, ineonporation papers now being under way. The h'rm will deal ex- clusively in shelf and heavy hardware land household speeialtiesrmaking, a ’partieular feature of supplies for the household. . ‘Mr. D. S. lMerkley has been tMioint- ed Five Chief of Haileshury. FOR RENT-For immediate rent, three-roamed house, to party pur- chasing contents. Apply afternoons only to 30 Elm Street. . ---8p POR BAIa--Land by the acre, suit, able for garden lots, adjoining Tim. mins on the north. Apply J. P. Bartleman, 66 “Spruce St. 8-101) TO 1.allr--3 roamed house, to party purchasing contents. Apply Mae- auley & Torran'ce, 37 Fourth Ave. Timmins. --4lp FOR SALE-Wat half Lot 151, Gold- en Avenue, South Porcupine. Any reasonable cash offer will be' con- sidered. Write E. R. Watson, P.O. Box 33, Webbwood, Ont. -S-10 LOST, STRAYBD OR "OLBN----Fe- ' male dog, tight sable and white, seven months old. Anyone found harbouring this dog aftep this date will be prosecuted. Reward for FOR SALE-letters], Store Stuck of Ten Thousand. Large' Business. Benson for selling, want time to at- tend to mining. Business of eighty thousand last year. Apply ' D. O'CONNOR, S-9--- FOR SALE-General, Syn? Stock of Terr Thousand. Large Business. Reason for selling, Want time to at- tend to mining. Business of eighty thousand last year. Apply D. O’CONNOR, 8-9-- ae SALE-tDress/er',, Form, au- tomatie and adjustable to any size. iPriee $15.00. Apply No. 50 Fourth Avenue. Option Wanted any information regarding same. Apply J. G. Stewart, 21 Maple St. Apply to tllllill MIMI Box 874 Timmins on Claim in a Good Position. FOR FOR ?ié,'l Connaught, Ont Connaught, Chit IN LOVING MEMORY of our dear, uncle. Fume. who died Feb. tie) 1921, in the Toronto General Hos-l, IN LOVING MEMORY of M. A. Ems who died Feb. 22, 1921, in the To- ronto General Hospital. pit Sp--- 8p ~In ever lm‘ing memory of my dear husband, M. A. (Fonze) Ellis, who, en- tered into vest, Feb. 22nd. 1921. WANTED-Maid for general house- work. Apply 1 Maple street. ---7 HORSES FOR b'ALE--20 good horses for sale. Prices range from $50 to $200. Apply Triangle Lumber Co., Timmins. ' --46-- FOR SAIar--4Raiv Mill in good condi- tion, 30 H.P., near Porquis Jot, also plenty of lumber. "Must be sold cheap. Apply Hunting, Box 112, Timmins, PA). 7-8p m FREE "tiloO'rCB" A Sparkling Stimulant, Full of Wit and Humor. Free copy will be sent upon receipt of your name with add- ress complete. Write to a. Mitchell, 397 Pearl Street, Brooklyn, N Ar. Northern Manitoba Gold fields Miners& Prospectors Supplies Hand Estimates submitted for large small quantities. Complete Outfits Always On The 390th Fisheries Canadian Ctr., limited . _ Phone 184. MISS B. FINDLAY GRADUATE NURSE IN MEMORIAM IN MBMORIAM " weak. pale, thin. or run down. try REUBEN}; the 3133*??? Tomes. This remarkable medicine brings results quickly. It has helped thousands to regain youthful Hum: and straw}; Try a bottle; a large generous bottle can be procured from your chmggist at a reasonable price. If Y011 have Indigestion or sun mach Trouble, if you feel all out of sorts, BBBMAO will Ira? you on your feet in a short time. Sold by BURKB'S DRUG. you on 1 STORE Hugh. Bab and Harry Cochrane, Ont. ---Kitty. Fit-ti-dh-tiii-ii-ii-iii-ii-iid-thtm, or TIMMINS. Open to native-born Scots and Seotswomcn and those of Scottish descent. _ " Meets' every second Friday in the month in Hall. M. B. SCOTT, Membership fee $2.00 per year for ordinary members and 500. per your for associate members. . $3325 HARRY W. DARLING MINING ENGINEER Examinations, Reports, Develop- ment Programs. Reed Block, Timmins, Porcupine District, Ontario. -t-o-ooooori' 'r, I New and Second-Band t E Goods F t . I P. o, Bax 804 - Timmins, Ont. Audits Books Openbd and Kept Posted Por Local Tradesmen. Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public. Etc. " Room 7 Reed Bldg., Timmins. Crown and Bridge Work Plates Consultation Free. Mr. Gauthier will he at Timmins daily. DR. Mil. B. AIKEN DENTIST Phone 201 BERNARD a. BRADY OFFICES REED BLOCK, TIMMINS and SOUTH POROUPINB. Barrister, Solicitg. Notary. New Empire Th’oatra Block TIMMINS, ONT. Highest Market Prices PAID POR ALL RAW PURS Orders taken for high-grade garments. Dealer in Raw Furs Box 33, Matheaon, Ont. Gordon ll, Gauthier A. C. BROWN President NEH FAULKENHAM Special Investigntions Income Tax Returns ' AC C0UNTANT ',er P. DOUGALL, Secretary and fourth the I.0.0.F.

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