g r .. -_.-__.--'. -- '_--"---"-'" u '_,"),'-,:', ' I'lers. The Cochrane iii _,-',',""). k" . th .Hew '_.'_'_, _ 32,; Geo. Taylor Hardware, Ltd. J/ttttgl iii, 'ir, WWWWWWOMWWNW$ _'i'2i 'a IW, ' T I a“. " " (tTNI M: f Mg MiN iv C,t'ie7tNTil " t FM“ .7 '1':',ruF?'vNiy,"d'titv9 1bj"frs', fllifi. 'iii; Matinee Every Day - - 2.30 pm. Egg aï¬ï¬aï¬ï¬gï¬ï¬‚éï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬gï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬gï¬gï¬aï¬gï¬gï¬ï¬BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ‘EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 'Pei min " An Thtiwil1lliingt Hero " Pathe News Friday and Saturday, February 17th and 18th. Will Rogers in CoAesiy " Country Chickens " "A CHAIN OF SERVICE" The EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE _'ii1trlifvr,:r,stf,Mr,t,t8.' Government Scenic - TEE POROUPINP. ADVANCE Cobalt Cochrane giigrflii .,i,'; 1mm: AMP-IE Iluhlllll 32; Ill new 3mm Par Value of Sm]: to be Reduced Prom $10 to $9 per Shae. and $1 per Share to be Paid in April. At the s'pioial general meeting of the shareholders of the Dome Mine, Company Limited on Saturday last, the shareholders gave their approval to the two 1ry-laws recently passed by the directors 2211 referred to in these columns last w ek. Briefly, these by- laws provide for the re-payment in April this year of $1.00 per share in all the capital stock of the company and then for the reduction of the par value 0f each share from $10.00 to $9.00 per share. This will mean the repayment in April of $76,007.00J0 shareholders as return of their capital investment, and will reduce the par value of the capital stuck frhm $5,000. 000.00 to $4,500,000.00. Further si.. milnr re-payments of capital Stork are planned for the future, this me- thod tir be followed until shareholders have all their capital returned. NUGGBT IN RECEIVERSHIP COMPANY RB-OR-ZINC, The Dome Mines has come in for much attention and complimentary re- ference for being the first of the gold mines to adopt the re-payment plan along these definite lines. Duu's Bulletin last week noted ttlt action entered in the Supreme Court at CJsgoode Hall, Toronto, for It 1'0- eeirership and for the sale of assets of the North Bay Nugget, the artiuu being entered by the Trusts & G'ma- rantee Company, Limited, as trustees under a mortgage to secure a $20,000 bond issue. In Tuesday's ()sgmide Hall reports the following' paragraph appears: "G. H. Sedgewick, for plain- tiff, obtained order on consent, ap- pointing vlaintitfs receiver and man-- uger of defendant oompany, directing: a reference tn take aemunts and sale of assets, etc." It is understood that the procedure ii being taken with a View to the re-organization of the Nugget Company. Mr. Wm. Browne of Napanee was' iveel, visitor to theyCamp last week. I'Rugt ".rve i 9 “His Nluster's Voice" , - Victor _ _-.,.' "ikiiirM7iiiigiig WEE" 18789 Sweetheart-Fox Trot ' 18744 Underneath Hawaiian skies-Fox Trot 18756 My Man (Mon Homme)--Fox Trot Sip Sip Sippy Shore-Fox Trot 18801 South Sea Isies---Medley Fox Trot 18818 Second Hand Rose-Fox Trot 18824 Canadian Capers-Fox Trot \ Have You Forgotten-Fox Trot 18842 Just a Little Love Song-Fox Trot 18825 Weep No More, My Mammy-FoxTrot Ty-Tee-Fox Trot April Sbowers--Fox Trot _ 18839 Gypsy Blues-Fox Trot 18826 Everybody b'tep--Fox Trot When Buddha Smiles-Fox Trot Ka-Lu-A-Blue Danube Blues-FoxTrot 18777 Cho-Cho-San-Fox Trot 18778 Learn to Smlie--Fox Trot Song of India-Fox Trot Oh Met. Oh My!-Medley Fox Trot '. All on 10-inch double-sided records, 85c. Ty-Tee-Fox Trot - 18839 Gypsy Blues-Fox Trot When Buddha Smiles-Fox Trot 18777 Cho-Cho-San-Fox Trot Song of India-Fox Trot mmmwm Ptiviqill:, Whiteman and "t llHiliis Orchestra DRUG-8, STATIONERY. BTS. This organization is the most famous dance orchestra in the world. Its records have introduced a new element into :: '.'. dancing. They make records exclusively for z: z: Get His Master’s Voice Records at Have you the complete set? MOUNTJOY RATEPAYER8 HOLDING MEETING TONIGHT Hand bills were ptlt.'oat last week calling a meeting of tle ratepayers of Mountjoy Township o be held in the school house at Mattagami Heights this (Wednesday) evening at S pe. for the discussion of the question of annexation to Timmins or a separate organization. . SUGGEST THAT GOVERNMENT MIGHT BUY THE PULPWOOD It is understood that Messrs. Killins and Miller who recently were on a tour of investigation in the Xoi'tlt Land on behalf of the Dominion and Provincial lLabour Departments in re- gard to hardships claimed to be suffer- ed by settlers through the conditions in the pulpu'ood business, will in their' reports to their respeetive depart. ments eonhrm the ditheulties reported as to the condition of the settlers and as one possible remedy suggest that the Governments make arrangements to bu.v.the pulpivood from the settlers, thus giving these lit-ave pioneers imc mediate and honorable relief. A year ago when the settlers in this district suffered severely through one Isis: pulp ago when the settlers in this district suffered severely through one big: pulp company failing to pity its obligations to them, The Advance suggested that the Government step in and see that the settlers received a square deal. Hon. Mr. Beniah Bowman, however, said it would be “unprecedented to interfere with private business." The Advance wasn’t concerned one com tinental whoop with precedent; all this paper desired was that the settlers get tl square deal and a fair show. The attitude of The Advance at that time was that if the Government felt that the company would eventually be able to square things away, the Govern- ment in the meantime might advance the money to the settlers. Had this been done much unnecessary suffering would have been spared to the settlers a class of' people who surely deserve well of the Province. It is to be hop- ed that no foolish tall; of precedents ‘\vill prevent prompt and proper relief tit the present time to the settlers. The itrvo Governments should remember lthat "NOW is the time." The special at the New Empire The... atre for Friday and Saturday of this week, Feb. 17th. and Bill. is Will Rogers in "An Unwilling: Hero.†'ti) Victrola F. M. BURKE’S Ask to hear any of these selection: played on the Berliner Gram-o-, phone Company, Limited, Montreal REED BLOCK, mums “i 'r". o," My POUR-BOOMED HOUSE for SALE- POR 8Ahb--1 have for sale 28 pure REGULAR MEETINGS RE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HERE Anyone interested in Christian fit's euce is cordially invited to attend a informal meeting every Sunday 82* ing at riie home of Mrs. MaeplsertG ’, 49 Tamarack street, Timmins, at 7 p. m. and every Wednesday afternoon at the home of LMrs. V. H. Emery, 20 Hemlock street, at 3.30 p.111. Child's Welfare Clinics, Wednes- days, 1.30 to 3 Fm. lst. Wed. each month. Dr, Minthorn. 2nd. Wed. each month, Dr. Porter. 3rd. Wed. each month, Dr. McInnis. 4th. Wed. earl month, Dr. Moore. Nurse at Clinic. Room daily 1.30 to o' Good well on property sold at a bargain for cl to w. Fr Il , ret Jest W. Fraser, arber Shop. 'ed Leghorn pullets from Guild's 'st pens. Practically all laying. ake me an offer. LID. Safety First Boil the Water Wholesale Tobaccos and Confectionery 5 Fourth Ave., Timmins BEAR“ llf llflllll [llll.llltll . A. HOWSE hm wer McGBB. Sandy Falls. Phone 154 B. H. MOORE, M.D., at for cash. Apply arson &.Fraser's Timinins, On Will he MEI