7% all E? j) M a £3 "liyiiiil The final score of the Falls. t this was a ham team, the boys going until wel Porcupine Lost Out at Iroquois Falls Last Week on Soft Ice. "If Mtllnli AIMEE “Iroquois Falls to see the Senior N. 0.H.A. game, Porcupine Vs the Falls. T.he final score was 9 to 4 in favour of the Falls. The ice was soft, and this was a handicap to the Porcupine team, the boys not being able to get going until well on in the game. 'At the end of the second period, for ins.. "nee, the score stood 7 for the Falls and 0 for Porenpine. In the last period, however, Frank McGuire got tRo and ("anteron two. If the boys, had been going: all through as they did in the last period, the score would have been much different. TWINS, OMee 2.0 W nus WIN AGAIN lllll Illllflillllllll GAME 9-4 a WEDNESDAY, FEB. 8th., 1922. ham ttbliss ted Geo a ll St Telephones: Lake PINE lllllllllim V l l ‘ . "t " ‘ T T" ' I ' ' ' F', I - . , ' !_x‘ W-rr-cor by I ., ‘ '. . . _ ce, Publisher , Kt > , , , y ~.. . . T 'iillh mum: .‘ e . . . . _ Tu.'.) \I-ur . 2 ' ' . i ' ‘ $HM Mar i > e-.-------------------""-'-' ' ' ‘ " . r . [L' ----- nw'rAntn. c; "; _ - ' . Residence 11 ONTARIO began to hustle. and, Here was some fast wbrk, though the play was elean- er, only two penalfies béing handed out. Clever“ combination and indivi- dual work l)y.MuGuire and Cameron secured four counts for Porcupine, each of these players tallying. Both Brennan and Campbell gave Corbould some tough work to do, but he was there all right. Scully also had his work cut out for him, being fairly ls worked hard against them This meriod were half w the Falls players featured this period. In the third ‘spasm, the Poreupines began to bristle. and there was same away to a good start. Two or three more singers or instrumentalists are desired to round out the organization, and any in town or district who would like the opportunity to join up should see or communicate at once with Mr. A. J. Downie, The Minstrels expect and intend to have an interesting and happy time and furnish some pleasing entertainments to the public. Any who would like.“to get in on this" should write or see Mr. A. J. Downie at once. There will be 15 in the completed troupe. Falls. In worka some tough work to do, but he was there all right. Seully also had his work cut out for him, being fairly bombarded at times. He was' left time and again without the assistance of a, defence but he did some wonderful work. Despite the appearance of the score, Scully played a rattling good game and it was not his fault by any means that the game was lost. He showed a quickness and cleverness as' a goaler that delighted the crowd. l‘ime and a,gain the Falls fans joined in the cheering when he stopped ones that looked sure ones. MINSTREL TROUPE NEEDS TWO OR THREE MORE ARTISTS Without a SN seven counted The Minstrel Troupe recently or- ganized for Timmins has now elected otfieers and is about ready to get 1 was rep saw the perm rte h W a own an out ready to get trt. Two or three strumentalists are l the organization, district who would h mtet )red Mr. Wi but a cupm D seer , luel " 2plrMI Wltil satt W " _':-,, nllllllM WINS Hil 4 i fililll llilll [lNllflll Timmins-Koster, goal; Cox and McGuire, defence: Cameron, Kelly and Brennan, forwards; McCurry and Campbell, spares. New Liskeard---Elliott, goal; Hogg and S. Eppler, defence: Burns, Thump son and Spence, forwards; C. Epplet and Robertson, spares. Referee-Mr. Angus Campbell. Timers-O. Frood. Liskeard; T. e Timers-C. Freed, Liskeard; T. White, Timmins. While the game was nor a particu- larly fast one, it iras interesting throughout. , Porcupine was under some handicaps, one of them being that "Duke" McCurry, always a con- sistent worker for the team, was not fully recovered from injuries received ILA at the Falls last week and was only in the game part of the time. New Lis- keard had the best of the play in the tirst period, which was rather slow, but the Porcupine boys got going in the second half and were strong in the third per'od. Those seeing the game are {lg-ma in special praise for Joe Brennan's hard work all through the game. He showed up great in baek-eheeking, in stealing; passes and breaking: up Liskeard eombinationy and he was a worry to the Farmers†team all the time. ;“"“' Jo9sas-' week Mr. I. K. Pierre returned to the Camp this week bringing back with him his bride, formerly Miss Thine C'arswell. Mr. and Mrs. I. K. Pielee are receiving hosts of good wish‘es from their tiiendi in the town and district. HOUSE POR BALB--1n Mattagami Heights; 4 rooms. Apply Box c., Advance odiee, Timmins. 6-7p _ Poreupine team went down last to Liskeard and on taturday 1g drew another will in the ND. Senior series. the score being 7 The line-up of the two teams s follows:--- ita TEE POROVPINB ADVAKOI There was a meeting of the Porcu- pine Branch of the Children's Aid soeiety in, the Council Chamber, Tim. mins,. on Monday evening of this week. Mr. C. G. Williams, the pre- sident, occupied the chair and many matters were dealt with. The Secret- ttry-Treasurer, Mrs. R. J. Ennis, re- ported the membership campaign as having been very successful. All the returns are not in yet from those handling the membership tickets, bat it is evident that several lurndred members have been added to th So- eiety. The Children 's Aid Society is one of the most helpful organizations in the Camp, and if there is any good citizen who has been missed or has neglected the opportunity to become a member this year, he or she should join this truly "phtriotie" society at once. MINING CLASSES 1TOVE SUCCESSFUL AND HELPFUL CHILDREN'S AID BRANCH T _ HAS LARGE MEMBERSHIP The mining classes at the public. school are proving very interesting and inspiring. The attendance eon- tinnes large and the classes are being very much appreciated. On Thursday evening: last Mr. Skavlem gave a note- worthy address on the geology of the Porcupine Camp. His address was very much appreciated by the thirty or more attending the elass. On Monday evening Mr. Geo. 'Yfur- phy very effectively dealt with the question of are sampling. He had samples of ores with values and gave interesting explanations and side- lights on these samples. In addition he gave very helpful suggestions and pointers on the samples that should be sent to the assayers. §SAVE MONEY? The mining; classes continue to be helpful and interesting arid these classes promise to be the most popular of the evening, classes being held here this winter. T One of the special features at the regular meeting: of the Caledonian Sro.. eiety of Timmins in the I.0.0.F. Hall on Friday evening: of this week, Feb. 10th. will be an address by Mr. w. W. White on "rt Scot 's Reminiseenees of South Africa." Mr. White spent Several years in South Africa, and as he is of a thoughtful and observing turn of mind, his paper will undoubt- edly be both interesting and inform- ative. After the regular business of the Society and the paper-by Mr. White, Mrs. A. Roberts will take charge and condur-t the rest pf the evening. Mrs. Jolserts has iii-ranged for a musical and social evening. Re- freshments will he served and dane- in: will also be enjoyed. The even- POR BE1NT----Fry1. immediate rent, t'cree-voomed house, to party pur- chasing contents. Apply after- noons only to 30 Elm street. (ip QWOWWWQOOo CALEDONIANS TO HAVE SOCIAL AND MUSICAL EVG. NMWNQOOW. t, L. HALFERIN i M“Wâ€OOOMW â€OOWOWWMNM Buy from me your Piano or Gramophone. etc. 10% down. Balance monthly. Phone, write or call. _ 17 Fourth Ave. JAMES MCGALE Telephone 141 Reliable Timepiece and the most Beautiful Watch ever made and at' a reasonable price. L 1iiAlLlNii,'RllN .np campalgn as 'eessful. All the yet from those 'ship tickets, but several lumdred added to th So.. Jeweler and Optician Pine Street, next Post Office Jeweler and Optician Timmins. le HORSES FOR SALE--'.?)) good horses for sale. Prices range from $50 to $200. Apply Triangle Lumber Co., Timmins. --46-- WANlN1D---dUH1NT8 to sell Special- ties in Timmins and vicinity. Ex- perienee" not necessary. Good emu- mission. Apply at once, giving phone number if any, to W, J. Pal- mer, General Delivery, Timmins. WAITRESS WANTED. Apply to New York Cafe. s'ehuuvaehet. WANTED-Experienced housemaid. Apply to D. Lapmirie, 56 Third Ave. ---4'rp FOR RENT---lee ll Take Notice that. l. The Council of The Corporation of the Town of Timmins, has eons- trueted as a Local Improvement Con- crete Walks, on, St St 2. The east of the work is $9068.00 of which $4224.74 is to be paid by the Corporation, the special rate per foot frontage is $1.88 89-100. The special assessment is to be paid in ten annual instalments. Maple St. between 3rd. Ave. South Boundary. Elm St. between 3rd. Ave. South EBoundary. Balsam St. between 3rd. Avev 15outh Boundary. Cedar St. between 2nd. Ave. Cedar St. between 2nd. Ave South Boundary. 2nd. Ave. between 4"ine and ( St of the Town of Timmins, has COllS- tructed as a Local Improvement Wooden sidewalks on, 6th. Ave. South side between Elm and lSpruce Street. 2. The cost of the work is $1840.00 of which $1004.15 is to be paid by Ithe Corporation, the, special rate per foot frontage is 00 815-100 ets., the spe- cial assessment is to be paid in 5 an- nual instalments. 3. The estimated lifetime of the work is 5 years. 3. The estimated lifetime of the work is lten years. . 4. A Court of Revision. will be held on the 2Sth. day of February 1922, at 10 o'cloek a.m. at the Couneil Rooms, Timmins, for the purpose of hearing complaints against the pro- posed assessments or the aeeurunev of frontage. measurements and any other complaints which perSons interested may desire to make and which is. by law cognizable by the Court. Rooms, Timmins, for the purpose ot hearing complaints against the pro- posed assessments or the aeeuwtney of! frontage measurements and any other eomplaints which persons interested may desire to' make and whim is ew. gnizable by t!he Court. Phone 184. Curtis Dru 4th. Ave. betweql Balsam and Pine 4th. Ave. between Pine and Spruce I, O' MISS B. FINDLAY Agent for Gruen Verithin Watches ‘J Notice that. The Couneil of The Corporation Town of Timmins, has cons- d as a Local Improvement GRADUATE NURSE H. E. MONTGOMERY, H. E. MONTGOMERY, Rodmac his been!" a “ham! spend the evening without hi society and those of humble Mac has bacon. a “homeland murte,aa-riritutantitit 1mm!» spend the evening without hearing the name Bethune. 'Norte of society and those of humble life are to-day placed on the same plane, they are both human, both subject to the ills of life. Bad- muc heals them alike, and at the same price. No man or woman is too poor or too wealthy for Redmac. Sold by BURKE‘S is too poor or DRUG STORE NOTICE NOTICE o ouse Cochrane, Ont. and Cedt Ipply Treasure 1'ettfitu'er and a n d and a n d 5-6 the a I' ie. THE ciu,EDdiiihii"itftittilifrRirt TIMMINS. . .1. 'h _ ..)Iexnhershxp fee $2.00 per year for ordinary members and 500. per your for assoeiaie members. Open to native-born Scots and Scotmmmen and those of Scottish descent. F Meets every second Friday in the month in Hall, M. B. SCOTT, NOOMMOONWM i New and Second-Hand t . Goods l i: 0. SEGUIN 9mmomnmmuoobe mo mommmé Mooommowoonoomoo HARRY W. DARLING MINING ENGINEER Examinations, Reports, Develop- ment Programs. Reed Block, Timmins, Porcupine District, Ontario. Audits P. o. Box 804 - Timmins, Ont. Books Opened and Kept Posted Por Local Tradesmen. Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public. Etc. _ Mr. Gauthier will be at Timmins daily. . ' Crown and Bridge Work Plates Consultation Free. Room 7 Reed Bldg., Timmins. DR. all. B. AIKEN DENTIST Phone 201 OFFICES REED BLOCK, TIMMINS and SOUTH POROUPINE. . BERNARD a. BRADY _ Dealer in Raw Furs Box 33, Matheson, Ont. Highest Market Prices PAID FOR ALL RAW FURS Orders taken for high-grade garments. Tuning ailllepairiag Nathan Greenberg eo Balsam St. - Timmins. buying from you. If you want' to buy anything in Furniture, Stoves, Beds, Mattresses, Eta; you will get good bargains here. If you want to sell, we'll treat you right. 9 Maple St. Singer Sewing Machine Agent, 35 Third Ave. 'We sell good goods cheat) but pay the best prices when Barrister, Solicitor, Notary. New Empire Theatre Block TIMMINS. ONT. Buy Willis Piano from Gordon ll, Eauthiers NEH FAULKENHAM Satisfaction Guaranteed AL. WILSON a. C. BROWN President Special lnvestigntions Income Tax Returns AC G oUNTANT P. DOUGALL. Phone 211. Phone 236, and fourth the I.0.0.F. Secretary "