Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 1 Feb 1922, p. 5

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m POI ms Bowman, TEE POPE, AT R. C. CHURCH mg ',diiiihiDeyciiiEalllsiir I tot-ttot-ttto-HHH-tHH... 'yoooootooooooooooooeoooooootoo-otoooo-o-t Beef Stealc_, --e--ir---_.r---- --------_---e-et------e---.r--------""_ 18c Roast Beef..m_..___,_ __ -r---t--ev--eeee _ei--___P.___ --_eP'-'i------ee 10c Pork_-__._.._.-._W i-.--qee-_ee-e_e_-e-ei-Peeer- 19c and 21c Mutton, forequarters-, ----Nree _--- -_er____e"_" __"_" 14c ‘Mut'ton, hindquarters-, -----r,---"--e-t-ee- 17c ,Beef Hearts, _---------'--..---------' -VVte 81/2c 'Sausage----', --ii-_-ee_-__ 10c and 20c Breakfast Bacon, sides_.___ 27c Choice Creamery-----..----:-", .-ie 40c Choice Dairy Butter -e- --.. e-w-er----"- ,. -e-.e__eM. 38c ' No. 1 Eggs-, _" -, ---v ------e_e-t"""'---- or .. 'e---- 42c 4 lbs. Wagstaffe's Jam, -___ -i-ee- or _. _-s-tei--- $1.00 Lard, per 113...... ----ee-_"-- -ee-eeiF- “”16c and 18c _ Tomatoes, per can, _ ___ Wm“ e-e-w-re-_-er-ree- 18c Coin, per can....,u.. ."""- _ er-ee-ie-- -tteee_e"'----eeie 15c 30 lb. Pails Maple Butter, per Ib., CV _ 20c Bulk Tea, black, . ,. - -"" "..-e _/l for 75c 5 lbs. Honey---, --,----ee_ -'" _"- $1.20 Extra Choice Barbadoes Molasses, Ib.. --_ 12c Jtiro lb. Bag Choice Potatoes, -. A, _-. __ $1.65 Turnips, per bag o. ----_e._ -'"""_ P_ve- _ 'F-V $1.00 tHotel size Milk _-----)---- __-_- -1,, -_____e- ____e_t.. 30c ('i'i'iilt,'_'k'i " for the repose of His Holi- - 't 'ttN Imp: were said this morning “7_vAntlxony's R. C. church, large 1t.ltttt th r this turning nut for the “was. EXPERT SAYS JACKPINE C USEFUL FOB. NEWSPRINT tttlit,") week said that it is quite ' P, sh" itsle to use jaekpine in the manu- 'tihiiiuii/t newsprint paper. He sta- Mthat his company had been carry- his 'on extensive experiments with “pine, under both the sulphite and 1iioirgrpund process, and had met with tohssiderable sum-ass. The point has brought out in disetrssion that aimilablg spruce t'ores'ts were being fatiidl'y depleted, and that the come- queues was longer hauls, more ex- pensive wood and a higher-pritwd "tril pt the mill. Jaekpine, on the other hand, is plentiful, cheap and at- tins commercial size forty years eaZrIier than spruve, according: to the reports of the diseussiou at the meet- ing. . ', Mr, Maurice Neilson, of the Bel- gititt Industrial Company Limited, in tls' address to the technical seetion 1.the Canadian Pulp & Paper Associ- '?ltit, " its annual meeting in Mon- ml last week said that it is quite Beef Steakww, ,. "e.-- -- Roast Beef, to .- --e_e Pork-, -v- -_. ___ __ e t.e"t_ Mutton, forequarters - Mutton, hindquarters,,_. Beef Hearts, _-e----- _ 'Sausage, -etF-e- ___,,,'., -.--_ Breakfast Bacon, sides Choice Creamery, __-., V. Choice Dairy Butter V If Mr. Neilson's contention is vor- reet and jaokpine can he used for pn- permaking it will mean runsiderable to the North 'Land. 33 Fourth Avenue Friday and Saturday Only. INTERMEDIATE SCHEDULE BEING Bil-ARRANGED The Intermediate Scheduloljbf he. the}; games fstm'bee4u.qtrttfty changed. As a result tithe changes for the general convenience M the thveesclubs concerned, the game seheduled here for last night between Coehrame and Timmins has been postponed, as has also the game scheduled between Tim- mins and Coehrane at Coehrane on Friday of this week. These games will be played later, the dates to he announced shortly. Last week Coeh- rane played at Iroquois Falls and this week the Falls plays at Coehrano. HOCKEY SPECIAL TO FALLS THIS EVENING AT 5.15 The hockey special for the game, Porcupine vs. Iroquois Falls, at the Falls this (Wednesday) evening, will leave Timmins at 5.15 p.m. The spe- oial will leave' the Falls for the return trip, immediately after the conclusion of the game. The fare for the return trip is $2.65. This game will be a rip-snorter, as the Porcupine team is going down all set for a win. A swift and well-eon- tested game is assured, and the win- ners. Porcupine or Falls, will have to go some to win. Everybody that can go from Timmins and ‘district should take in the trip and help in the cheer- ing on to victory of the J'oreupine team. There is sure to be a big erowd on thd trip as the game promises to be the liveliest yet. Phone 2 l 3 The spe- the return conclusion the return an}: THAT YOU HELP ON THE " ADVANCE or THE ADVANOB subscnpnon ls paul to me seconu month'of the year '22, or in other words to February, 1922. That also means that prompt action is ttet'ess- ary to continue the advance of The Advance to your address. The rule of The Advane't, is to stop all subiserip- tions as soon as they expire. The on- ly way that we can be time you wish the paper continued is by your send- ing in your little two dollars if you live in Canada, or your little three dollars if you live. in the USA. Look up this matter at once. If you wish The Advance to continue your address, advance t tion at once._ In Short, d it withttwo dollars or eaiie may be. IROQUOIS FALLS WON 9--1 PROM LISKEARD SATURDAY more fur we gamv. we prevwns Na.. turday this Fails team had been seize- duled to play at sILrnteith, but when they gut as far as Porquis Junction they toumf no trains running on ac- count of the wreck on the T. & N. o. "We should not disappoint the Man- teith boys; they expect us,”\was the way the Falls boys looked at it. So they WALKED the' seven miles to Monteith; playing the school team there and defeating them at that, coming. back home on the evening ttai. A buneh. qfhoys like that take some9eating in'sport, eh? tint On Saturday evening last Iroquois Falls maintained its winning streak by another victory over New Liskeard on the farmers' own ice, the score be.. ing: 9 to 1. Those seeing the game, however, do not consider the score any real indication of the play. The best team won all ri.ght on the play of the evening:, bat they had no walk-away. The Falls had to work every, minute for the victory. Had it not been for crack goal tender of the Falls, Cor- bunld, the seore might easily have been mach ditferent. Corbould had great support from Bryclge and Wil- sun on defence. They know how to keep them back. Fahey on the front line played an effective game for the Falls, scoring three out of the nine goals. Flaker and Quesnell each are credited with two goals. Yankoski and C'hireoski each played a good game. For Liskeard Spence was the best man, his stiek-handlinp: and checking being,r features of the game. Thomp- son was checked so closely that he had no chance to get swing. Epplet, Burns, Robertson and Wilder worked hard for the farm lads. Fred. Bailey of North Cobalt, and Ken Carmichael, ot"Haileyloury, were the o'tfieials for the game and one of their tirst moves was to stop the rough stutT'by prompt penalizing of those responsible. With- out them the game would likely have been rough, much of the rough stuff having been seen at the opening. N, brains. The Falls blessed in a clever f::'. mins team did not al in the game, but the mising, material and vanc-es the boys .ma' give so! v'e Boy; which was an interesting, one, though the Falls team had the locals pretty well outclassed on the play of the evening. The Falls boys showed the effects of practice and coaching and put up at niee brand of hockey. The eentre man on the Falls forward line was speeially worthy of note. He was a clever stiek-handler, a speedy skat- er and seemed to have lots of hockey brains. The Falls team also was blessed in a clever goal tender. Tim- FALLS STARTS OUT WINNING IN HIGH SCHOOL LEAGUE Iroquois Falls has a sure-enough winning streak (In this year in hockey. The Falls has apparently a- half a dozen ditferent teams in different se- ries in the district and they all seem to be coming out ahead. The~Falls school team is even heading the High School hockey league. In this league the Falls boys played here on Satur- day evening and defeated the Tim- mins boys by a score of5 to 2. There was a big crowd out for the game, which was an interesting one. though day evenmg an mins boys by a a was a big cum which was an it the Falls team well outelassed tne J t me M I' ta l, M I' io JIIOY the boys mighty g Thev all soon as they expire. The on- hat We can be sure you wish r continued is by your send- um' little two dollars it you L‘anada, or your little three tyou live in the U.S.A. "Look matter at once. If you wish ance to continue advancing to lress, advance that subscrip- nee. T In short, do it now. Say two dollars or three, as the Fim -Eh owneN ot appear trod ml Quosnell each are J g.oals. Yankoski and played a good game. meme was the best andling and checking f the game. Thomp- l so elosely that he appear so seasoned wre is logs of pro- J as the season ad- ay be expected to 1 account of them- owed a right spirit worked hard. The t" High Sehool was a)”, goal; Neill and terling, Lawrence s; Bradburn, Stu- spares. Now that THE POWER ADVANCE eat W l o I 2 F, ovet the Ive A Search minister and his friend, coming home from a wedding, began to consider the Mate in which their potatiuns at the feast had left them. 'While visiting friends in Montreal, tt young Torontoniatt was presented with a quart of whiskey. He decided to take it home in his suitcase. As the train neared Toronto he became more and more nervous. Finally, in des- peration, he confessed his fears to a fellow traveller. This kindly indivi- dual offered to trade suitcases and assume all responsibility. The young' man was vastly relieved, and the man was vastly relieved, and the change was made. An hour or two later' the two met outside the Union Station, on Front Street. The young man wus exceedingly grateful. "By the way," he observed, as they ex- ehanged again, "you must have a lot of things in your suitcase. "It's aw- fully heavy." "Yes," said the stan- ger, "l have twelve quarts in mine.” kltan. Burgoyne, who coached the Iroquois Falls N.().H.A. team last year and the Sudbury team the year before, is eoaehiny: the Preston, Ont., hoelrey team this season. Provineial Inspector Blaekwall is said to be the very first automobile owner' in the North Land to secure an automobile license for 1922. Appar- ently the Inspector intends to be right ready as soon as the break-up comes. Eli THEY SWAPPED SAW DOUBLE Marshall - Ecclestone, Ltd. tilesv Models 1 ?slevir Prices " Ko " . f, Q. d " tf, a v Emin- an um a _, . l _ " " . MiE iild N , ItBIN' I I my ' Illt fl . I Tt Cl N: tl ' ' ‘ Att' , * I". . ‘ ‘ N' ' Q14. Ln, ff, $y', ' I q Gll " - I r li8 - - ". ' HF]? s . - ‘ ' p m W .. . q " . m '- G " 'UI' Nanci“; 'dl . '%tilt' diy q " , Iirl R' Att W ' les agp' ' , ih" . MI {5“ - 1 ' Et ttF " T ith $9l8 Th' P, , ar min} Rh'h " I' li' Bl .3 " ". 4 " _ li . ’ ' . r" ' IW ltr tLI I" li . '" '% a . r = 'AE U.“ “I... N ik I" , w" Bh' A,' 3“»! " I - . l ‘ ' - "n. T. T r: " w > wr ", . '- r r - . 3 _ , aM " , mgag$lllli>. M41; , T, ' MBi5l' " g . . h ' ' ‘ wr Agents for Studebaker and Chevrolet Cars This 'is a Studebaker Year Touring Roadster (3-Passenger Coupe-Roadster ...... Sedan............... 'Roadster (2-Passenger) Touring.............. Club Roadster ........ Coupe H-Passenger) .. Sedan................ Series Touring Coupe . Sedan . . All prices L o. b. Walkerville, Ontario, Tax extra Series 22 BIG-SIX Prices The New LliGliii'llNSlllX The. sportsman went for day's shooting. Not being a Cue/l/lk". good shot, the bag was nil, and as he did not like to return empty-handed, he bought a hare in the town on his way home. He presented it his wife, who, after expressig her thanks, thoughtfully re- marked: Is that portion of the bmh'racé ' That goes down town in zero weather In a half-mast lace wast and pumps To buy a muftier and woolen nooks So her husband can go to work. "It was a good thin,g that you shot that hare when you did, John: it wouldn't have kept another day." "We get some sad eases," said attendant at the lunatic asylum to visitor, and opened the door of tirst cell. Inside was a man sitting on a stuo and gazing vaeantly at the wall. “Sad story," said the attendant “he was in love with a girl, hut sh, married another man, and he lost hi: reason from grief. They stole out softly, Musing the door behind them, and proeeeded to the next inmate. This cell was thick- ly padded, and the man within was stark, staring mad. ti Who is this,'.?" inquired the visitor. "This," repeated the litendant-- “this is the other man." This week a general meeting of Fra- ternal societies, ohureh memlrevirttnd other organizations, and the public generally, was called for last night at Cobalt to arrange the best methods of relief for the out-of-workers and other sufferers in Cobalt. Prices vedueed effeetive January 7tl 22 SPECliAlUSliX Prices ANNOUNCES COLD STORAGE SPORT TEE WEAKBR28§X BOTH IN the the the she his ma}; Arum or examine HBNCE CONVENTIONAL ATTIRB \W. L. George, the English noveliit, insists that women are not afraid of conspicuous fashions because it masz others stare. ahthem. (Hear! Hear! Cry all the 1119",) although this is the governing reason behind man's con- ventional elothes. The mere matter ot another's likes or dislikes play a con- siderable part in the oeeeptanee or rejection “f a garment. Men go in deadly fear of what their fellow med think of fashion, which is the reason the bravest refuse to change a straw hat fur a felt one until the appointed ittttt I' m summer and 0 men are restless with things as with things as they are. It is this acknowledged restlessness that finds its semi-annual change in fashimk. And how and where is the time for the change: not the decisive ehange whie'a always appears a'oout March, but the swing t'rom the clothes we have worn since September to the kind we hope an- foyepttnevs, of whnt we are to wear next summer. , Mun would an an mutant from sea- sun to sensun, taking his olil vlothes from the closet and thanking- heaven he does not have to buy tt single gar- ment: woman welcomes the month of February because it gives her 'lt ehanee to blame' the elimate and lury new things for unuthor climate. teacher never takes a bath." Mother---" Why, Willie, who you that?" Willie-s-if/w did. She snh' never did anything in private th: wouldn't ilo in publie." A wmhan serves her own rebellion gainst law and order by wearing furs t summer and ehitfon in winter. Wo. ‘en are restless and men are content Willie---'))"', my Sunday school $1495 $1495 $1925 $2425 $2025 $2075 $2075 $3050 $3250 $2475 $3509 $3700 WELL! WELL! She said s private that s told IQ

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