Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 11 Jan 1922, p. 2

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tfgltja" (ir, h/ ms. I1mll8ME5%MEaE - Jim’sa' r. Bie%tr!Mig " " - e ' 'r " o g k ‘ , IN' MM.'. - 'rf: = t" Aliza}. Y. Ag - _ k,? ‘ Ma $13- f " . Si: "figs' a" £25m Subscribe toyour local paper U22: je, ; V}! . I»; . Fc, 's ll - 1 _ 2%: A . . u / e AF fErFng,3EFteriirag end Salads Js':","""""?.?.,.!-"':'?,';;':;'"):"; WV”? fi'!" f/ \- . ’~ N . 74%“ referee' 1 _irl 'd Illlllllr" $1Rt' 1f..raueit, tttfret I m x w I Mt ”Em?! ',gpeaLirdv4sr9ee'tit Eihuh/iiik GOOD BAY T0 GIVE 'SllMJBER'P' A TRIAL A. B 0 Ste: JHJ, U B E'R‘I'EW'TED wr [ARGEST HOUSE IN THE WORLD Dal/N6 E 'PT/th' I NORTH AMERICAN, RAW F " FORT WILLXAM DEPT. 137 ONTAPIQ " . - A My. c, q ONCE more "SrrUpm.rr" ‘ 1lgllili \ '; .' copes to the frontwith a ' ll 4, /8llt't ' _ S' convenience for fur ith',',',"?; l iii': il' - . (N As usual, ISHI.JBE.R l' " lt 'W, , \ looking out for your interest. 31 Elie, , In order to eliminate, for you the necessity of obtaining . ll’ export permit and the payment of royalty-to make it pcs- il o"atlt sible for you to let "more moneor'c-"quicher" for your , l"a.sr.ililtiirl',r't furs, "SHUBBRT" has opened a Fur Receiving Depot at Limite Fort William. All you have to do is PACK UP YOUR FURS AND SHIP THEM TO A. B. SHUBERT, LTD., FORT WILLIAM, ONTARIO. NO PERMIT REQUIRED FOR SHIPMENTS WITHIN THE PROVINCE. "SHUBERT" is paying extremely high prices for Miiit, Beaver, Marten, Fisher and all other lawfully taken fut-bearers. We want all the lets you can ship, but we must have ihem--QUfCK--ao get after 'em and ship 'em to "SHUBERT" as fast as you get 'em. I _ ' .. "lb ' I - " ‘ c " a!" if ." 'ro, sltil g 28 a ', in “it . -' la" Qlkr! Il . ' it'sie)1"i m jf' lil O f . s)?' A”? T m MAZOLA s5iiiiiiiiiibse--- t 'arrtyird, Shortening end Salads my advantages ovér cooking with animal fats that one trial u fill that most housewives require. And how good it is on salads! Never gets rancid. COOKING with Mazola, the pure oil of com, has so m CANADA STANCE COMPAQ“ LIMITED, Mound tliste a ll IBI" - ir1ip'iA'ii'il& '?:')'i":r)"iii,ilt, a iiii'illl,ll , Ill The Very Latest iiiiiiiig-5'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiia It , ism?“ IMI . ' . , . Illlllltllllll llllllllllllllilllll IiL%tlit, I r, and Snappiest - , ' - ' Dance Musk on I . n . . "Ris Master's Voice Arictor Records at any "His Mafter's Yoice” dealers For Your Convenience as SHIP AALLj’QUB guns muse-r 'e. WHOEVER first said, " I tytlt, make M. feet behave," must have t anticipated the January "His Master's Voice"Nictor Dance Records. 18823 Woof No More My Mariimr--Fox Trot Paul W hiteman and His Orchestra Apr! showers-Fox Trot Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra 18826 Eterybody step-Fo-Trp! Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra Enauu-h-Biue Danube Biuea---FoxTrot Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra 18827 Blomm Time-Medley Waltz Joseph C. Smith and His Orchestra saturday-Plano Duet (in F R Trot Tempo) Victor Arden-Phil Ohman 18831 Dapper Dan-Fox Trot _ Club Royal Orchestra The 'stutik---Fox Trot Club Royal Orchestra 18834 Birds of a Feather-Fox Trot All Star Trio and Their Orchestra Leave 'P With a smile-Fox Trot All Star Trio and Their Orchestra 216353 June Mount-Fox Trot , Champion Jazz Band Fancles-Fox Trot _ Imperial Dance Orchestra s Opened a Depot FORT WILLIAM Victrola ' £750,941? duu? says: JdtareM'ia. am I“ - W All on IO-imh double-sided records, 85c. Ask to hear these new selections played on the Berliner Gram-o wphone Company, Limited, Montreal 93 Illll llflllllllll Bll Iilllllllll MIME ll I'illl1lllillllllf News of Rolling: Interest in Elbow lake Creates Much Activity. In the lastjssue of The Pas Herald there is the following article under the heading, "Big Demand for Min- ing, Claims at Elbow Lake. Sudden Adtivity Croates Strong Market for Them."--- "Supplies for the Murray property at Elbow lake were taken up on Wed- nesday. A gang of 25 men was also taken along by Engineer Rutherford, and they will be put to work erecting camps, of which some dozen may be put up. The Hollinger interests be- hind this are evidently planning to ex- plore the Murray clgims thoroughly. Large development cannot be under- taken until milder weather sets in, towards March and it is expected that some smali amount of progress can he made alongthe exposures. The announeement that the Bollin- ger mine of Porcupine holds the up- tiun on the Murray claims was follow- ed hy increased interest in Elbow lake, and many successful s.ales of claims he been made. The demanlseents to be-very active in The Pas for pro- perties in that section. W. Burbutt gut $5,000 for his holdings at the north end of Elbow, about seven miles from Murray. Charlie Stuhhuek and a local banker nicked off $3,000 bel- ween them, and Austin MeVey sold tcs North Bdttleford interests For an uns- tated sum. Seventil parties have gone up for snow staking on location only, and the situation is that the whole dis, trict surrounding the lake is liable to be completely ‘blanketted by spring. Nearly erery prospector in the coun- try is heading; for the new Eldorado. Gus Rosen, Dob dingsett, Jack Owens, Jack and Charlie Sipbbaek and Pete the Dane are forming one yolid-group to leave for Elbow in a few days to stake up some favorable ground which they had prospeeted over in the late summer. Nr' l The Herald ha}, never seen Such strong tone to mining in The Pas dis- triet as at present The reason for this is that peoplel are buying gold claims at Elbow lake on the strength of the Murray discoveries and the fact that the Hollinger is interested in there. Real money is changing hands, and a well located claim com'nmn'ls between $1,000 and $2,500, with ready buyers.” - Mr. ifloht. daughter, Mr issue of The Pas Herald following article under “Big Demand for Min- Lillie is" visitin E. M. Allworth. i"e?,jW4r', t v.,, “i ' m POROUPINB ADVM SPECIAL FEATURES AT CALEDONTAN MEET FRIDAY The special feature at the meeting of the Caledonian Society on Friday evening of this week in the I.0.0.F. Hall ,will be the address on “The Scot,” by Mr. M. B. Scott, the Pre- sident of the Society: In addition there will he a programme of song:, readjngs, em, and the evening will conclude with the usual impromptu dance. FALLS INTERMEDIATES TO PLAY HERB NEXT WEDNESDAY The next Intermediate game to be played in Timmins will be here next Wednesday evening, Jan._18tl1crwhen the local Intermediates will try an- other battle with the Iroquois Falls Intermediates. The local Intermedi- Mes, who are in the game for all the sport they can get out of it, are hope- ful of trimming the Falls, but in any case they intend to make the Piper Town boys travel Some when they vonie here. There is great interest here in these Intermediate games, and the game with thel'alls next Wednesu day evening will be a particularly hr. teresting event. PAIN KILLER LAKE MINES NOW IN AMALGAMATION far away from the fanious Croesusl The Cartwright has six claims on the) south side of Painkiller Lake and the La Santa Lucia owns an adjoining claim. Ttle/amalgamation is to he known as theBlue Quartz Gold Nines 'Limited. The capitalization is three million shares of a. par value of one dollar each. It is understood that the Blue Quartz Gryhl,Uines have raised enough money ‘among English _and’ Toronto capitalists to conduct an ex- tensixfe programme of development. This extensive programme has already been planned and it is expected that work m an aggressive scale will be under hwy at an early date. There is tt shaft down 110 feet on the Cavt- wright and this will be carried to a depth of 400 feet. Drifting and cross- cutting will also be undertaken, chief- ly, it is understood, at the 400-foot level, to prove up the continuation of rich veins uncovered near the sur- face; Wotk already done on the pro- perties suggests very encouraging prospects. Mr. ll, C. Crew, of Toron- to, is the president, and Mr. C. JI. Taylor, the viee-presiden't of the Blue Quartz Gold Mines. . Two Painkiller Lake properties,-- {he La Santa 'Lucia and the Cart “Tight Gohlfields,---have been arrvol rammed. The two properties are no TIME TO GET READY POR THE PORCUPINE DOG RACE (hit at the lPas, Manitoba, every-l thing has been in full swing; in lire-l: partition for the.Dog Derby there this ( year. Hy getting preparations under|i way months before the event and by“ giving: the time and attention to the j race, the Pas-people have made their|4 annual dog team race a matter of " i erally world-wide fame. All the big [ daily newspapers “cover’y the Pas I Dog Gaee now and the event is also "in the movies" as a regular news feature, more than one h'lm-making , firm having representatives on the ground last year to take pictures of the race. It has proven great ad- vertisiny: fot‘fthe Pas, Dian. In addi- tion' oi' the I og Race the Pas people _ "have all sorts of winter sports and lspecial features, making: three or four days of pleasure each year in connec- tion with their dog team Luce. One of the chief troubles with the Porcupine Dog Team Race is that pre- partitions each year are left oil' until just before' it is time for the event. The result is that everything has to be rushed at the last minute. The Por- cupine Oog-Team Race has been a success each year. Indeed, each year proves just a little more successful than the year before. But a still greater success would no doubt he achieved if there were proper time taken for full preparations. Every year there is a determination express- ed that “next year" the work of get- ting ready for the Dog Race will be taken up at an early date and extra sbecial features introduced. But each succeeding year the matter drifts along and nothing special is done .un- til the last minute. Of course the) Race is a success each year, but not so noteworthy arf advertisement of the Camp as it might otherwise be. Up to the present nothing has been done for the 1922 Dog Race, though The Advance has referred to the mat- ter on several occasions. For the Race this year arrangements should be tak- en up energetically at a very early date. And for "next year" it would be a. good idea if organization for the . 1923 Race were effeeted as soon as the 1922 Race is over. That is about the system followed in the 'as, and you “have tohnnd it to the Pas for tknowhng how to stage a D g Race and Winter Sports to give thdrpeople the greatest possible sport add en- joyment and the district a TtTurn of firrst-elass tt,2'.e')t'iltd,',1t.n'ijr l N, l (is about 'as, and e Pas for D a Race Meets every 2nd and tth Thugsduy in the oddfellows' Hall, Third Ave. nue. Visiting Brothers and Sisters " ways welcome. Mary Morrisqn, May Richardson, ---9 N.G. Ree. See. Timmins Gold Nugget Rebekah Lodge, No I73 Child's Welfare Cliniqs, Wednes- days, 1.30 to 3 pm. f lst. Wed. each month. Dr. Minthorn. 2nd. Wed. each month, Dr. Porter. 3rd. Wed. each month, Dr. Melnnis. 4th. Wed. each month, Dr.. Moore. Nurse at Clinic Room daily 1.30 to 3 pun. l John W. Fogg 99mm W WW‘ i Phone 10 B Phone 95 B i ?o.0o.oo0oot.0..0...00oootooeoteoooootoo-oo.ooooti' , Phone 152. P.0. Box 458 Will visit Timmins first of every month at Dal- ton’s Livery. Any other times by arrangement BILL GAGNON Ask your dealer for Dr. Gag- non's Veterinary Medicines. Safety First Boil the Water ililllilll Hf HEMP! lllllm VETERINARY OFFICE HAILEYBURY. Lumber, Building Materials Coal and Coke, nine and Mill Supplies ---AGENT FOR---- . Colonial Steel Companies Famous , RED STAR DRILL STEEL / B.C. Fir. Wood-Stave Pipe and Tanks of all descriptions . All kinds second hand Mining Machinery in first-class condition. Boilers, Hoists, Pumps, Drills, etc. Bead Oifiet, ROUGH‘ LUMBER TIMMINS Phone 10 B B. H. MOORE, M.D., M. O.H. WALLINGFORD BROS. Delivered anywhere in Porcupine Camp. “MATTAGAMI HEIGHTS For Sale HOUSE POR SALE-4L1 REGULAR MEETINGS RB CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Anyone interested in Christia ence is cordially invited to att informal meeting every Sunday ing at the home of Mrs. ‘Macphe 49 Tamarack street, Timmins, at m. and every Wednesday after at the home of Airs. V. H. Euler} Hemlock street, at 3.30 p.m. 50t.f', I _ Yard and Warehouse DUE}: FOR BW-room I low, all hardwood throughou ment basement, with furnace ply to 82 Elm street. - J. A. HOWSE "I Wholesale Tobaccos and Confectionery 35 Fourth Ave., Timmins 'rt Phone 154 SCHUMAOHER R. WAITE, Thnmin £325 {33'

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