It State Claus has been keeping his eyes open during the election cams pain just closed, a lot of "the boys" will be out off with nothing in their Qhristmas stockings. A lot of "the Says" have been very far from good during this election aghast. By orderuin-eouneil 'last week the Drury Government offered a reward of $1000.00 for_information that will lead to the'arrest and conviction of the person or persons who killed Geo. Young, a China.maiat North Bay, some weeks ago; _ Geo. Young, who was very popular with all classes of people in North Bay,nvas apparently awakened by burglars in his house. He was shot dead and his mother was also badly wounded. About $15.00 only is the amount reported as being seemed in cash by the burglar or burglars. Now, after several weeks, there comes notice. There seems to be an unlimit- ed amount of public money readyfor the enfOrcement of freak temperance (f) laws. Special instructions may be issued to all Provincial offieers to stop nil persons from doing anything on Sundays that AttorneyGeneral 4taney does not like. These are the impor: tut things,---st Sad Sunday and rot- ten booxe,---but little matters like plunder, rape, ete., are too inconse- 'quentiwl to take up the time or money of this Province now fast in the grip pf boobs and robes. this offer of a reward. Some may think that the authoritieshave gotten on the trail of 'a clue and think that the offer of a reward may tempt some- one to helpful disclosures that will lead to the conviction of the criminal or criminals responsible for the foul killing of an esteemed oitizen. Others may be tempted to think that the Drtr. ry Government, with its own speeial rcunning: idea of political cleverness 'nas waited until there is little' likeli.. hood of the money being won before offering the reward. In this eonnee- " The report points out that, provid- led the output for the last quarter of the year equals that of the third quar- ter, Ontario'ss gold production for the fullyâ€; 1921 will be approximately '13,870,000.00. In this connection it may be stated that the chances are all in favour of the last quarter showing, a considerably increased production over previous quarter of the year. It would not take a specially hopeful prophet to foretell a gold production for 1921 of approximately $15,000,- 000.00. The report shows that not only does Ontario lead the Canadian provinces in gold output, but it is quite probable that this year the Province will have a production exeeeding that of Cali- jt/t1.ia, which provides about 2.5 per l t. of the entire gold output of the l'nited States. For the first o months of 1021, the gold production was 474,056 ounces, as against 424,297 for the same period in 1020. The 'value of the gold output in the Province for the first E) months of 1021 was $0,818,073.00, as against $8,735,708 for the some period last year. The inerease for 1021 was thus over $82,000.00 for these nine months. The report lists seven producing gold mines in Northern Ontario. The list includes three Porcupine and four Kirkland Lake properties. It will, he noted that the Wright-Hargreaves Mine is now the second largest pro- ducer, in point of values recovered, of any of the Kirkland Lake mines. The WrightsHarsgreaves started its mill in May and will pay its first di- vidend on January lst. It may also be worth while to note that the On- tako-Kirkland will probably start its 100,ton mill this month. - Ore Source Milled Value of (Tons) Recovery Hollinger . . . . . . . 719,007 $6,014,402 Dome . . . . . . . . . . . 243,280 1,580,019 McIntyre .. . . . . . . 124,174 1,238,105 'Wright-Hargreaves 20,660. 280,938 Lake Shore , . . . . . 15,991 278,382 Teekdrttirhess . . : . 25,828 242,670 Kirkland Lake . . .. 33,871 179,352 $1000 REWARD OFFERED POR MURDERER or GEO. YOUNG The quarterly report of the Ontario Department of Mines was issued last week and contains some very interest- ing matter. Perhaps the outstanding information is the list of tables and statistics showing the growing impor- tance of the gold mining industry. Some one should send Premier Drury a copy of this Departmental Report. with murder and the other with a more heinous crime even than murder. Apparently no special effort was made to recapture these prisoners,---" Ilenst no exfort that attracted any particular This You Province Will Likely Ex- ceed California in Gold Pro- tion it%ust be remembered that two prisoners escaped some months ago from North Bay jail,--one charged lllllllllll'll tIM illlmlf $9,818,315 ll , tllll0llll Hollinger . . . . . .. Dunne ........... McIntyre ... . . . . . Wright-Hargreaves Lake Shore . . . . .. Teelchttghes . . . . Kirkland Lake . . .. duction. 20,000. 15,991 25,828 33,871 "tet-ttttttto-ttttttttttttttto- 9W ...00..H..0.........0-.H0.H.0.H._..., norm: ron BALE in Schumneber; 7 rooms; 2 storeys; reasonable terms. Apply P. O. Box 662, or Phone 171, Timmins. ---60 A Diploma from this Conservatory insures your musical standing anywhere. We furnish the violin, mandolin, etc. You pay a little each month. Timmins Conservatory 14 Cedar Street, Up-stairs H. F. SCHROEDER, Director M MtN--rn Behumaeher,--4flat, 2 rooms, spacious, new, and suitable for housekeeping. Apply to P. o. Box 662,.or phone rn, Timmins. " "ML! ' “may; m 0mm WANTED for lead mine, thirty-two miles west of Otta- wa. Apply stating qualif1eations and salary expected to R. H. Rose, Galetta, Ont. 50-51 GARAGE and SERVICE STATION Batteries overhauled and tea-chut- ed. Gasoline, Oils and Accessories. Magnetos. Electric Starting and Lighting Systems put in first-class condition. Phone 237. 18 Cedar étreet. Highest Market Prices PAID FOR ALL RAW FURS Dealer in Raw Furs Box 33, Mathetsott, Ont. Orders taken for high-grade garments. Eyre and Creme NEH FAULKENHAM Car for Hire. ",'t'vt V “I Fi ya (a'isditlfg 'iii,rt" .. A“? 2.. Thinning. FROM THE JUNGLE . To have Dyspepsia is to be miserable, untold agony after eating or trying to eat, your lot may be different since the introduction of Red- mac. Those who are sufferers, now have a chance to be made well. Dysr. pepties, Jthenmaties, and any one ailing will have a chance to regain their health. ‘Weak nerves, irritable, and out of sorts, run down, pain in the back, melancholy, shortness of breath, bad memory; all the result of Marv- ation of the blood and nerves. Redmae is here and you may now put yourself on 'the road to re- cover-y and that very quickly. If you are hardly able to look after your work, if your appetite is bad, your stomach out of order, if your back hurts you, if you have headaches, then you will be grateful to Redmac for ever coming your way. Mrs. Fulton of Montreal, writes: I have been an awful sufferer from indigestion and dyspepsia for several years. I would almost die after eating, the pain in the pit of my stomach was so bad. Redmac was re- commended to me by a friend. I tried one bottle.und the relief I got was wonderful. I have taken six bottles altogether, and I think it is the most wonderful medicine that was ever made. I can eat anything now, and am in perfect health. If you are suffering from any of the above, go to your druggist right fway and get a bottle of 'Redmae. It is purely vegetable, made from herbs and roots, gathered from foreign countries. The benefit you will receive will surprise you. Sold in Porcupine by BURKE’S D RUGJS‘TORE, Timmins. Redmac Has Arrived to Heal the Sick Te), 552a