Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 14 Dec 1921, p. 4

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war; jtft7, A‘s UiPizuihr A number of improvements have been made at the rink this year. AI- terations have been made so that the teams entering or 'leaving the ice do not come in contract with the spec- tators and do not have to push their way through the crowds. Also there are special "entranhe" and "exit" doors, all skaters to enter the ice on- ly by the "entranee" door and leave only by the '.iexist." Band in attendance every Tuesday evening. The hours for skating are given as fohws,:--Afternoons, from 2 to 4; evenings from 8 td IO, Children un- der 16, skating only oo Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 7 to ti' p.m. Juvenile hockey matches Satur, days only from 12.30 to 1.30. Special priced tickets for the smaller children. Elsewhere in this issue will be found an advertisement from the Timmins Skating Rink, giving information as to the hours for skating, etc., and sug- gesting rules and regulations for the convenience and advantage of the pa- trons of the. rink. Also rules and re- gulations, under the heading of "The Ten Commondments of the Timmins Skating Rink," have been posted up at the rink. The public generally should eo-operate with the rink mail- agement, in the enforcement of all these rules and regulations; they are. all for the advantage and convenience of the public. The rule against smok- ing, for instance, is designed for the Irenefit of the hockey players and ska- ters, It is a rule that is rigidly enfove- ed in most rinks in other towns and cities. The request that skaters "skate with the crowd” is simply a rule for the convenience and comfort of skat- ers in general, as is also the regula- tion regarding skating backwards and speed skating. . “If hlllllllmi “MICE Oihee 26 RULES AND REGULATIONS or TIMMINS SKATING RINK WEDNESDAY. DEC. 14th., 1921. Published every Wednesday by Canada - United States The Shop of Real Xmas Gifts Geo. Inks. Plblilhet This store carries animmense range and variety of the finest kinds of gifts- gifts that will delight you-gifts for everyone, lVIen, Women and Children,-and Gifts ' to suit all purses. Just drop in and see the big stocks. WWWwommow ..tt-ot-..H4FHH.H. “on” a . _ - _------ ---. -_-_ ---__ "ooo-ooo-ooo-to-o-o". MNWWOMO WOOW~ o-o-o-oo.........."."" OMOOCOQ“ Subscription Rater. Telephones: Residence 112 $2.00 fear $3.00 year ONTARIO git _ . iid . jet f, 1iTiiit iNaiter: everybody, Guest: "Waiter, we you serve Iobs- ters here 'f" (Mr. Frank Allah, the new coach, has taken hold and appears to be do- ing excellent work. He feels that he has a first-class team and the boys feel they have a competent coach, so the practices so far have been very successful. It might not be out of place in this connection to suggest that it would be a good thing if the railbirds would kindly refrain from yelling at the players during the prae- tices. The speeial noisy enthusaism at, times hardly is fair to either the coach or the players. If the boys can con~ eeptrate on the suggestions of the coach, without the diversion of all sorts of calls from the crowd, the practices will be so much more help. ful. The hockey fans will have lots of opportunity to yell at the regular games when their work will not inter- fere with the play but will actually be encouraging and helpful as it is meant to be. During practices, however, it would seem as if the best work could he done by "putting it all up to the eoaeh." HELP ALONG THE GOOD WORK OF COACHING, BOYS! $793,180.00, which is over 86 per cent. of the total gold dividends paid for the month and over 62 per cent. of the total paid by the mines of the North Land for the month. sing, 8360,000.00.; McIntyre, $182,014; Wright-Hargreaves $125,000.00: Dome $119,166.00. It m be noted that of the total of $1,278,180, the gold mines are paying $918,180.00, or close to seventy-five per cent. of the whole, Tlie Wright-Hargreaves is a note- worthy contributor for the amount, and is the only Kirkland Lake pro- perty that happens to be paying a dividend during December. Of the total of /t01S,180.00 from' the gold mines, the Porcupine oontributes MEMBER Illllillfllllll TIO MR $1118.00“ Of This Amount Porcupine Mimi Pay $793,180. The amount to be distributed in di- vidends this month by the gold and silver mines of the North Land totals the very handsome amount of $1,273,- 000.00. These dividends are as fol- lows :--Hollinger, $492, 000.00; Nipis- i5$5$5555555555555555555$5555$55555$555555$55$55$$555555555555555 I ty, "Yessah, boss, we serves What'll you havev?” The Hospital is accomplishing titty per 1rislst. more work than before the war. Owing to higher prices it requires almost twice the money. May I place that simple but serious tact before your readers in connec» tion with the 46th Christmas appeal ot the Hospital for Sick Children tor funds to carry on another year of service? Remember, however, that every child to whom the Hospital's doors are opened-and none are rettttMsd- adds something to the financial bur- den which the GREAT MOTHER CHARITY has to carry. But it has never defaulted on its dividends, which are paid not in money, but in service. The continued service ot the Hog. pital-depends on the continued sup. port ot the public. A minute of mercy costs titty cents, and the clock in the treatrurer's otiee is six months slow. So there are a lot of minutes to catch up. The whole is a contribution to CHILD WELFARE work which mm". commend the Hospital to the syn pathy and support ot your readers. Yon probably saw tl Quebec de. spaich depicting the great intent mortality in that province. One great factor which gives the ontario. born child so much better a chance in life is the maintenance ot public philanthropy of the leading Hospital for children on this continent. And that child, whether it be pallid ot cheek or crooked ot limbs, is helped over the rough spots ot infancy and adolescence by this same Hospital. Here are the average day's figures of 1921 attendance:--- During the year the Hospital actually saves the lives of scores upon scores ot children. It restores health or straightens limbs for hun- dreds more. Every contributor to the Hospital funds is a shareholder in an enterprise which wins bank health and happiness tor thousands ot children, and thereby gives Joy to thousands of anxious homes. Part of thls service consists ot personal medical and surgical care ot the children. Part is in the school- ing of doctors and nurses to carry the Ugh ot medical science into the uttermost corners ot the province. hospital for Sick thiltr, Nowadays people look ahead more than they used to. They realize. tor instance. that the child of to-day is the c.t;zen of the future. The pri- vilegtt ot this Hospital In to provide a service whereby any Ontario child. who is weakly, may be made strong, or If he is crippled. may be set straight. Through Support of Public, Ont-Ho Maintains Grated Children's Hoo. pita! on Thlo Ccntment. Lear Mr. Editor:--. _ Cot patients .. Other patients Faithfully yours, ' . IRVING E. ROBERTSON, Chairman of Appeal Commttteh Total . . .. COLLEGE ST., TORONTO. ......... 426 m POEM ADVANCE .... 268 ..... 158 EfigfigfiflfigfigfififigfigfigfigfigfiEEEEEEEEEEEEEfigfigfigfifigfigfirfigfigfigfigfigfififigfigfigfigfigfigfigfigfi %%5W%$%W%%% giillElhillifiiWElREgiigil The Timmins Girls' Hockey Club had a meeting last week in Grill's Jewelry Store and decided to drop their hockey plans for the present. The girls found it impractical to enter the lladies' district hockey league. Most of the girls here would find it diffieu:lt to get away for Cochrane and Iroquois Falls games, and in addition they see little chance of getting any opportunity for practice here, the other hockey practices at the rink here leaving no time available for the girls. The girls accordingly thought it best to drop_their' hockey plans for the present. They may, however, give one or two exhibition games be- fore the season is over. SPECIAL TRAIN TO LEAVE HERE AT 5 pan. THURSDAY The special for the Hockey match at Iroquois Falls on Thursday,,ef next week,”’Dee.C22nd. when Timmiiu" will’ have its fi'rt?turtune at Iroqitouttmg, leaves here at about 5 o'eloek. The return fare for the trip will be $2.65. GIRLS’ HOCKEY CLUB DROPPED POR PRESENT Opposite Post Office Christmas Speeiialls for you at the Old Store with a Brand New Stock. 10k.Baby Rings r.............................................. $1.00 BabyMugs,from$1.00to....................................... $3.00 SilverB.P.N.S. Batter Dishes...........,..................,.... $2,00 CutG-lassJugand6Tumblers................................... $6.00 DiamondPendants,from$25.00to ............................. $100.00 Diamond Bar Pins, up to .....rq.......'....'.er...........'..r $50.00 Diamond Rings, from .........t.r................'..o...... $20.00 up Bracelet Watches in Fortune Cases, 15 jewels, Special .... . . . . . . . . $15.00 A Few of the Many Chas. P. Grill FOB SALB-4mtri horse, iith hats ness and cutter; Cheap. Apply " Birch street. 50Ailp, R00MIN(1 HOUSE TO RENT TO RENT-ROOM ING HOUSE-- '26 rooms; all modern conveniences; living quarters in connection; unfur- nished. Apply to Timmins Townsite Ollice at Rink. T -60-52 WOOD FOR SALE. by the cord and by thé load. Apply to G. Home, 68 Fifth Avenue. 50-511). LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN from Lotyr--tI'rapper's Licenses, No. 5923, Berrigan; and 5924, Steve Berrigan. Finder please return to Shankman Bros. Store, Timmins. 50p. HOUSE FOR SALE. at Gillies Lake; well-finished; seven good rooms; al, so good shack on property. Apply to Mrs. Laura Fournier, at the pre- mises, or Timmins P. 0. --60-60p Malltagn-mi Heisghts,-isOks and White Collie. Any person found holding this dog.after this notice will be prosecuted. A. Laprairie, 'Mattagami Heights. ---60 Everything New s e.............................'.... 's ................................... FOB BALE-‘4' horse, I set bmm‘t set sleighs. Apply G. Houle, 68 Fifth Ave. 40611) HORSBS‘I‘OB BAhBe9rgtrod horses for sale. Prices range from $50 to $200. Apply Triangle Lumber Co; Timmins. --46-- Anyone interested in Christian Sei, ence is cordially invited to attend an informal meeting every Sunday even- ing at the home of Mrs. Macpherson, 49 Tamarack street, Timmins, at 7 p. m. and every Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. V. H. Emery, 20 Hemlock street, at 3.30 p.111. REGULAR MEETINGS RE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HERE Now open for business. First-class rooms, and steam lseateit All np-to-date conveniences. Reading and Sitting Rooms. Sample Room for Travellers. Best dining room in town. Meals at all hours. Timmins, Ont. PARIS HOTEL IROQUOIS FALLS. _ i xr/ 'itti'E12tl ttIli)"

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