Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 2 Nov 1921, p. 4

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ilW. I 31:3; k725g "If nililllrllli MINCE mgfifigfigfigfififififigfigfifigfigfigfigfigfimgfigfififigfififiw giiriEEERgiigeihR,lllil Monday of neit week, Nov. 7th. is Thanksgiving Day in the Dominion of Canada as set aside by royal proela- mation. The day will be specially ob- eerved in Cochrane, that town having special cause for thanksgiving in the fact that the first sod of the railway extension work on to Oil Can has been turned. Next year Coehrane will also likely be able to celebrate Thanksgiv- ine 'Day as the second sod will no than received from the North (Land, with the same decei'ving figures used in each case. So far as can be Learned he made no reference to the amount of money spent at Kapuskas- Int 4.. omee 26 THANKSGme DAY IS MONDAY NEXT, NOV. tth. ing *Day as the doubt be turned that time. pose me.with problems, but to glve we a g,ood time, and I can assure you we have all enjoyed ourselves greatly." According to the same repo‘r-t, how- ever, the Premier who is some politiei- an, took the opportunity in his speech to shoot across a strong line of poji- tical gaff. He told the yarn that he repeated the next day at Cochrane that Ontarib spends $1,000,'000 more PREMIER PAID SOCIAL I.,) VISIT TO IROQUOIS FALLS d, On Thursday evening last, on his way to Coehrane for the formal turn- ing of the first sod of the extension of the T. & N. o. to Oil Can, Premier Drury paid a sort of a social visit to Iroquois Falls. The people of the Falls gave him a good time and kept away apparently from politics and the approach to politics. He was enter- tained at the Town Hall by the Iro- quois Falls Dramatic Club who put on a special» entertainment for his plea- sure. “I thank you all heartily,” the Premier, is reported to have said, ti be... cause you did not invite me here io pose me. with problems, but to give me WDNESDAY, NOV. 2nd., 1921. Published every Wednesday by Canada - United States Geo. Lake, Publisher Subscription Rates: Telephones: seeond.sod will no on the extension by Residence 112 $2.00 year $3.00 year ONTARIO is plea- y," the id, “be- here io diet Minister-Virol you care to join us in the new missionary movement?" Miss Helerr--jm any to try it. Is it anything like the fox-trot or tod- -He---imien you 'd better wear long- er skirts. , '-London Opinion. Oswald---" My love for the deep, blue sea." Clarissa---") I take corresponding amount of Morning service was in progress at vilihage church, and 'the vicar had an- nounced the hanns and marriages, the last couple to be mentioned being John Thomas Hay and Susan Grass. The curate then announced the an- them by the choir, "What will the harvest be?” Needless to say, the vicar will exercise greater care in choosing his anthems next time. tHie---"1 do my new hat.' sors. ' tn "Yes as soon as your as attack is ' . over," answered the weary customer. There was a dear little baby on the train, and an elder'ly man stopped to pecp-bo at it. “A fine youngster," he said to {ts demure mother. “I hope you will bring him up to be an upright, eon- seientious man." " Yes, 3, "hut I'm fietili." “1)c‘nn“ "Ps,haw!" said he. tt 'As the-twig is bent so is the tree inelined." "I know it,' agreed the motlvsr, "but the trouble is, this twig is bent on being a, girl." Neighuor-'Uhrt much money in your bank Tommy?" Tommy--"Oh, no. The depositors have fallen off since sister got engag- 0,] " "Shall I go over the top?” asked the talkatise barber, poising his seis- "Well, dad, here we are," said the young man who had persuaded his fa- ther to attend a boxing match. “I'll warrant youll get more excitement for your $2 than you ever got in your life before." "Huh! I doubt that," grunted the old man. "Two dollars was all I paid for my marriage license.” 7W5 ,, A CLERCIAL ERROR smiled the young mother, afraid it will be a bit dif- HUMORISMS do hope people witl admire it with the salt." . you 15 Ike Invitations are being issued for an "At Home" on Armistice Night, Nov. 11th, givirtrby the Jadieiof Pquupine Chapter Mr. 84 of the 1iliusttht Shir, SouthJPor‘cupine. The event is to be held in the Oddfellows' Hall, South End, and a very pleasant evening will be looked forwhrd to. "AT HOME" TO BE HELD BY PORCUPINE EASTERN STAR SEVERAL JAIL TERMS AT LAST WEEK’S POLICE COURT At the police court last week in ad- dition to the minor cases of breeehes of the O.T.A. some jail terms resulted., Irene Durgeon was sentenced to three months at the Bay for being an in.. mate of a disorderly house. This was the young lady who was brought back from Cobalt after skipping her bail here some weeks ago on a similar charge. Another woman in the ease was remanded for a week. Frank Ca- lesseco was sentenced to six months for keeping a disorderly house. His brother escaped on a similar charge with a tine of $50.00 and costs. Frank Calesseeo also drew another three months, to run concurrently, for il- legally having firearms, Carl Almquist on the charge of having liquor in a public place would not negotiate the fine and so also will be a guest at North Bay/jail. The next regular meeting of 'tlie, Caledonian Society will he held on Friday evening of next week in the LO.0.F', Hall. Included on the even- ing1s programme will he papers on the. two Seotehmen, ‘Sir John A. Macdon- ald and Hon. Geo. Brown, who hadHio great a part in the foundiri,g oCthe Dominion of Canada,. Mr. W. Com. par will give the paper on Hon. Geo. Brown, and G. A. Maedonald thepne on Sir John A. Macdonzild. _ 2 [KIessrs Jenks and Godfrey of New Yoilr,, were visitors to the Camp this week, being interested in the mining investment possibilities of the North Land. Some eareiless, southern pews- papers h_nd referred to them as being' in the Thos. w. Lawson party visiting: the North, but they are in no way con- nected with this broker, and are on an ind pendent visit to the North Land. l Uxessrs. F. Franeis and H. E.Mont- gomery returned this week from their hunting trip after a pleasant and SUP- cessful shoot. On the first half-hour of the first day out -Mr. Montgomery shot/l fine 'big buck. ) m POROUPI‘NB ADVANCE W DEATH or MIM. ALEX MUNRO AT THE DAVIDSON, FRIDAY l Milk. fl Grill, who has been in charge iof Stock Bros. Jewelry Store here for lsozne years past and who is very po- ‘pular in the district, has made ar- vatrgements to take over the ‘business in the course of the next few weeks. At present a stoek-redueing sale is in progress, and as soon as this is con- cluded Mr. Grill will take over full control of the business and carry it on as owner, During his stay in Tim- mins GIr. Grill has won' general esteem and popularity and all will feel sure that the jewelry store under his (own- ership will he conducted with the samewourfesy, goodwill, service and success as it has been under his com- petent management for the Stock Bros. K- ' . ”he many friends of‘the family learned with very sincere regret last vealed? therdeirth ofNts.Alex. Iran. ro‘n't‘fthe Davidson 3ttne."The late Mrs. arattro has been a resident of the Camp for many years and her death though not entirely unexpected came as a shock to her many friends. She had been ill for the past two months, and on Friday last passed away. In addition to the bereaved husband, who is employed at the Da- vidson Mine, five children are left to mourn a mothers' loss. The funeral took place on Monday of this week to South Porcupine cemetery. ' TISDALB GETS JUDGMENT w" IN ASSESSMENT CASE the rate that would follow from the assessment as figured front the Town- ship's reading of the Assessment Act, at the same time was upheld to an ex- tent greater than the former assess- ments of mining properties. The judgment of Judge Hartman permits the Township to collect for the years 1917 and 1918 on the same basis as " lowed for 1919. "ss"-' (Mr. Gordon Murray returned. last week to the Pass. He was accompanied by Mr. J. R. Rutherford from here, and all in the district will wish these two good fellows the kind of good luck they deserve-the very best. J, MR. GRILL TO TAKE OVER l. REDUCTION SALE NOW a t at A. SHAHEEN'S - 72 PINE ST. t Prices Smashed Away Down .-------rr--ri-----"'"'"""""""" See Poéters and Come in and Get Your Share of the Big Bargains Offered at This Big Sale. I "Ci'7ciCcrstiitr:? v ti, w"" ( , a A t l //.../.'. g JI i WW 'd /jjijji, . for ('ii1'ijjF, - A/ L women I t "ttiii:-" do f I 57/ . '%. t b,',j, - -.e,,..,/fi/ (i, WOWOOMWMWWW WW WWW... _ m IE I M - / " ed, I v f . , Q V F, HERE is a feeli , the possession of 3 at home or on th General Dry Goods. Boots and Shoes, . Etc. 72 Pine St. STOCK JEWELRY STORE The new "CLASSIC" Ball Strap Oxford, with perforated toe. A. SHAHEEN il HERE is a feeling of genuine satisfaction in the possession of stylishly clad feet. Whether at home or on the vacation, CLASSIC Shoes will give you the service you should have and the smartness that is admired. BOOK-KEEPER. experienced Whole- sale ad Retail accounting, desires work evenings. Terms reasonable. Apply-PO. Box 344, Timmins. LOMr---Between 'Maple street and the Post Omee,---n $10 bill and either one or two $1, hills. Finder please . return to The Adavnee Otllee Al. PotmD--Nan's Rubber Coat found. Owner may ha.ve same by proving property and paying for this adver- tisement. Apply at The Advance (Mice. A4- AIREDALE PUPPIES FOR SALE- REGULAR MEETINGS RE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HERE Anyone interested in Christian Sei- ence. is cordially invited to'attend an informal Meeting every Sunday even- ing at the home of Mrs. "Maepherson, go Tamarack street, Timmins, at 8 p. m. and every Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. V. H. Emery, 20 Hemlock street, at 3.30 p.m. HARRY W. DARLING MINING ENGINEER Examinations, Reports, Develop- ment Programs. Reed Block, Timmins, Porcupine District, Ontario. cr-PASSENGER TOURING CAR (1919 Overland.) WAREHOUSE In Moneta, M' x 70'. Apply. HOUSE 8-rocmed house, with bath and furnace, etc. 45-foot lot. Pedigreed stock. Seventeen cham- pions in dam 's pedigree. If you are looking for one of those wonderful dogs that can do anything-Aus is your chance! These pupies are pric- ed low for quick sale. Leonard P. Heil, Timmins, Ontario. Now open for business. First-class rooms, and steam heated All up-to-date conveniences. Reading and Sitting Rooms. Sample Room for Travellers. Best dining room in town. Meals at all hours. J. W. REED, 24 Hemlock St. or Reed Block. FOR SALE PARIS HOTEL IROQUOIS FALLS. clt dd distinction to the cos tame ie' W. 'JIMES. 4511 WAITRESS WANTRD--Apply New York Cate, Sehttmaeher, 4lt-4drt, Open to native-horn Seats Ill Scotsmmen and those of Scotti descent. THE CALEDONIAN SOCIETY op TIMMINS. M. B. SCOTT. Meats every second Friday in the month in Hall. _ Membership fee $2.00 per year tyr ordinary members and 50e. per year for associate members. ‘OOOMWOWWQW . _ Barrister, Solicitor,. Notary Public Etc. WOOMQOMOW”: Mr. Gauthier will he at Timmins daily. OFFICES REED BLOCK, TIMMINS and SOUTH PORCUPINE. Room 7 Reed Bldg., Timmina. Crown and Bridge Work Plates Consultation Free. GARAGE and SERVICE STATION Batteries overhauled and re-charg- ed. Gasoline, Oils and Accessories. Magnetos. Electric Starting and Lighting Systems put in first-e1aM condition. DR. JNU. ll. AIKEN DENTIST Phone 201 Phone 237. 18 Cedar street. A local "Auditor and Public Accountant” 'with many years 'aouauadxa respond J0 VETERINARY OFFICE HAILEYBURY. Phone 152. l P.0. Box WiII vlslt Tlmmins fit of every month at D: ton’s Livery. Any oth times by arrangame Ask your dealer for Dr. G non's Veterinary Medicine: DR. L GAGNON New Empire Theatre Block Gordon H. Eauthier $1.00 PER HOUR FOR REPAIR WORK Prompt and expert attention to all repairs. -. Batteries re-charged. All kinds of Ford parts in stock. The Old Reliable Phone 227. Opp. Public School - 4th Ave. Barrister, Solicitor. Notary. Accountant and Auditor Eyre and Creme Timmins Garage xpemence ffieieney nergy quipment President A. C. BROWN Jos. Berini ll, F. ARGLES TIMMIN S, ONT. Cars to Hire. l'lmmins first Ionth at Dal- y. Any other arrangement der for Dr. Gag- lary Medicines. C)ifiecs , Reed Block Timmins, Ont. Telephone 66 P. DOUGALL, Car for Hire. am the Secretary Timmins. rottrt 11“. 's"iiJ,,iR, 458 E252

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