Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 5 Oct 1921, p. 3

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WARBHOUBB POR RENT “n Rail- POE "L6---Tise I :; _ Apply T. H. Tor _ “rumum 2;" ". '__,,1.i' m: r3 " Ir-r WANTED - l STOVE WOOD FOR SALE. REGULAR MEETINGS BE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HERB Anyone interested in Christian Sri- exme is cordially invited-to attend an informal» meeting every Sunday eve-n- Ling at We home of Mrs. 'Maephersron, 49 Tamarack street, Timmins, at 8 lr. m. and every Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. V. ll. Emery, 20 Jfernlaek street, at 3.30 p.111. '. As a precaution at this time I tear, all in town are advised n the Water before using. _ H. H. MOORE, MD Timmins Gold Nug:get Rebekah Lodge, No 173 Visiting Brothers and Sisters al- ways welcome. Mary Morrison, May Richardson, Meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday in the Oddfellows' Hall, Third Ave. nue. 'I',, ' Boil the Water. ,»Child's Welfare Clinics, Wednes- days, 1.30 to 3 p.m. . lst. Wed. each month. Dr. Minthoru. 2nd. Wed, each month, Dr. Porter. 3rd. Wed. each month, Dr. Meinnis. 4th. Wed. each month, Dr. Moore. Nurse at Clinic Room daily 1.30 to 3 p.m. It is more important to prevent sickness than to cure it. Protect the Garbage from Flies. Keep flies out of the Mouse. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Etc. Mr. Gauthier will be at Timmins _ " daily. . 8. B. Rawlinson, Box 17 Ont. Lady or Genth tretl known Gel duets. Home!» "or Spare Time. fun partieulart king Company, m, Ontm'in." road; 20 feet ht tCrown and Bridge Work Plates Consultation Free. A, OFFICES REED BLOCK, TIMMINS and SOUTH PORCUPINE. Room 7 Reed Bldg., Timmins. DR. Mil. B. AIKEN DENTIST Plume 201 Gordon ll, Eauthiar MARI Hf HEMTH _ GIMME SWAT TIE FLY BOIL THE WATER. NOTICE. B. B. MOORE, M.D., M, O. H Me J. W. REED. T nmed i eman arraneo, Write u IN 40 feet. Apply al Health Officer May Richardson, Ree. See uh le Wa t ll " l tr If immins. mums, " Apply liable e the IN IO A " b Ill " WW Ill BE WHEN" Illl 1.81M}. imllillilll Government Anncuncas There Will Be Start Made on Right-of-War 70 miles North of Cochrane This Winter. lit taxmng g markalile Accordin great! mi new] start IV H0. start work 1m the extension follows a conference some days ago at North Bay between Premier Drury and the T. & N. o, Commission. The Premier is credited with saying that while 'ijl1c, extension has long been urgently pressed by (the people of the North Land, the Government in making; the present commencement on the work is rnllueneed a‘isu by the desire to relieve the unemployment Situation in Onta- " source of possibility is a fall of Can Porta:,: Tin ("an n: sretviee. Tire cutting of .:_i. "right-ot- way for the ptvposed North 'Land highway to mnnevt the various parts of the North with each. other and with the road system of Old oataario wou/d give employment this winter to a much larger number than will be noasibly used in railway eonstrtui,tion. For the amount of money used the highway plan would give eonsiderably more employment as well as being of much more. divert and immediate bets- sefit to the North Land. Of course, what the North Land' really should A I'Y In!) m n (1mm) wise ‘River. From there. the line will olhour like iivsterus.!rove of the Abiti- i in Tin Can Portage, which is about 0 niilos north of Cochrane and some- .‘here around so miles from tidewaier 11 James Thy. The ultimate intention n" mid to be to push tht line on to It " Int "I lopn kill] ot. ilUUul ~'_\VU Portttige district. q Clan name is not a one. It should be met: would reape I I wt - -- , ' I - t, ._ th m p1 S ea to be to push tht? line on tc fray and establish a great Can. 'eatport were fur this-'I’mvince W PE n upped by iealtttral, yssibilities W l “Jill". 'tie i ttl b'.'l,500,000.00. It is un- right-of-way win be run from 'Coehra.ne, as far hint known as Tin fan to Abitibi River. Later [1 to push the extension ay," and than the T. & re direct connection with itwd tor. As a means ot unemploymmtr in On- ing of a right-of-way for mid he of mueh greater cutting . of a. aistlrt-of- Dmposed North ILand the GUIDING!“ direct connection wit [son Bay. [ extension, aeeovdh1 r power possuo 1939 olIicials the HIS [name on the 1l cost of thi: 300.000.00. _ hat such an extensim ho built to ensure the nt ot' the North Land tilemept. To use a 1, what is the use of up more territory early partly settled for. As a means of Farmers' . Govern- mnouneement, that menced this winter zht -ot'-wtw north- , Liskeard agree suffered as much en Timmins trim: oekev team. rtlln Land lieials the conn- re extension has lumbering and The decision to sled ntchmngh its ls, the h'rst"and ity for we de- ess of the North highways in the {I tt y bat if only one .tlhat one should to the prOJeot territory eutr and with re, possibilities North 'Land various parts ll OS I) as mu. and, tl many ak cu W a y ople sion m on le FAREWELL PARTY IN HONOUR OF MISS GBRTRUDE ROCHE nnssod by She had e, ment in ti HAYDEN MINE BEING DB-WATERED THIS WEEK num HIS two years Excellent progress has ho in getting the buildings and the Hayden Mine in first-da for the re-opening of the l w 1th for the re-opening of the property. All is now in the. best of order, the property being We?) cared for during the .time it was rinsed down. Car- penters, painters, em, have been busy during the past. week or two and now everything may he considered as ship- shape. Work of de-watering the mine was started this week and by Oct. 15t,h. it is expected the pi'openty will be going along at a good pace at act- ive mining: world The aetdal Pe-open- ing of Work will iikely commence with a force of 20 or 30 men. WORLD'S SERIES OVER H. B. WILLS CO. DIRECT WIRE With their usual ("n-term thought for the aeeommodati: public, the Hamilton B. IN have arranged for a direct w of the Mrcuhl'ss Series 1‘ Through this service the bryd of Tinuuins will be able in fk 22mm}; almost as well as thos thong public have : ist' t? hog the big games. Bill ‘l’ierce, who left last week to take in the World's Series, isn't going to lurve much on the fellows who couldn't, go with him. The H. P,.' Wills Co, servive, starting Wednesday, will gave a eomp1ere, de- tailed story of the series as the games progress. A running story of' each game will come hot over the direct wine as the games go along. STORM TEARS SCREEN DOOR OFF PREMIER'S CAR AT COBALT “While running on the, T. & N. o. Railway tracks one evening; hrst week the National train on which Premier 1Ieighen was traveltling in Ottawa passed through a severe electrical and rain storm. Ho fieree was the wind o, Ph Whon passed through a severe e.leeWlettl 4l'ntl rain storm. So fieree was the wind that it tore One of the screen doors completely off the Premier's car and flung it beyond the traek. Those su- perstitiousiy inclined may read Ivor- tents and signs in this incident. To one type it may appear that this is it Sign that the "sereen" is to be torn from below the premier and his go- mmmeut exposing them to the fury of the elements. To nnuther type the. omen may he in happier one, suggy'st- ing that the. 'l’rcmiei' having safely weathered one wind storm will he equally lucky in the wind storm 5mm to blow upon the country in the name of a gamma! eleetion. No 1e He shau't do this, and can't do that! To simply strike a baLl with bat is grievous sin! Wateh what you're at 'With this Alliangy! They'd even jail a kittening, tale For such dchanee! lumber of the D, may}: on. Monday o a Farewell Part krtrndo Rosie. THE LORD'S DAY ALLIANCE AND SUNDAY OBSERVANCE With Lino-lions righteousness they said On Sunday morn from out of bed Eaeh one shall rise and then be led Hy their comma-11d, "w, And thus be good until "he's dead! Heaven help mu‘ land! No one may breathe the fragrant air, Nor give lee alight a kidiy care, ' But just sit down with black despah [In plastered can, Denying all in life thar1s fair To ponder hell! A few weeks since ivan'lmmms town (A pleasant place of wovld renown) The Powers-that-be with angry frown Jhwreed that pleasure Should banished he, and so called (By l fer w weeks Me n'e " earu:q Boyle, Mtl mm “on: pleamntly unental m n n bigotry has (lumen t meats and pains of net But hide the goal! gal act, one little whit NV”. ty Miss Wiii " Miss , t' fad] ff Wide Cll'( m O, fly bl ot Jsttttl enterprtse accommodation of tl n‘cunm tpr I meas Pu f?.,' ghi 11 o) n Me am on Th dulled the wi IS of nether u ‘ngs and plan Tral POROUFINB ADVANCE , eve with I HI ent n & Edward Sty be will) of friends ies' depart " h sack ll' of Miss Wills Co, wire story mm: was Nova! and 'e ha tamed a treupimr JI n made ll f H fans JW the w at eh - a. who we ck pas nap-e tl at FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT-- GARDEN AND BUILDING LOTS POR SALE. Twenty lots, 4,5 x 133 STOVE FOR SALE Notice is hereby given that a By- law was passed by the Municipal Cor- poration of the Town of Timmins on the 25th day of May, 1921, providing, for the issue of Debentures to the amount of $37,801.20 for the purpose of waterworks extension, and that such Ily-law was registered in the Land Titles Otliee for the District of Temiskaming at the town of Hailey- Ioury on the 19th day of September, AD. 1921. Any motioii to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof mustbe made within three months after the first publication of this notice and cannot he made thereafter. Dated the 20th day of September, A.D. 1021. amount ot to sewerag law was 1'6 ty/lies: fur ing at the 38-4 0 38-40 Efifilfihfi§flfi§§ififififiwilfififififibfihfiéfiifihfifibfififlfiéfiffiéfibfifiififiéfi neuter dition TESS Ont heated l 1 same finor feet, __adjoinin itnrnmte. . whole group buying this, 39t.f. w 0 li or " " H. E. MONTGOMERY, H. E. MONTGOMERY. RI FOR SALE ue; ar R. WAITE, Timmins at Sn] h a 1' Sa T the new Hollinger argain to sell the me $60.00 a lot by am fox in firs hum or E50, mums Clerk A dd- N an w-io erk p, N let Sale of Furniture for Storage Charges WAITRESSBS WANTED-- Apply Dated at Timo September, 1921 The Ontario Railway and Municipal Board. In the matter of the Application of the Council of the Town of Tim- mins, under subsection (2) of sec- tion 18 of "The Municipal Act," for annexation to such Town of that part of the Township of Mountjoy adjoining the said Town of Tim- Notice is hereby given that after thirty days from the date of the first insertion of this native. there will be offered for sale to pay storage charges nmv due on same. a quantity of fur- offered for sale to luty storage 110w due on same, ft quantity niture left here hy Jack Todd JJatod at Timmins this let mins, consisting of all the northeast quarter of the north half of Lot 1, Concession II in said Township, con taining 40.04 acres more or less, and being the property of the Timmins Townsite Company Limited. Public Notice is hereby given that the above mentioned application has been tiled with The Ontario Railway and Municipal Board, and may be granted unless on or before the tenth day of October next, (1921), a Notice, either verbal or written, of any objee- tion to such annexation be received by the said Board. "Dated at Toronto this fifteenth day of September, 1021. __ ,,, 38-40 PO. Box 443. Kin General Contractor Excavating, Concrete, all Kinda of Rock Work a Specialty. Drawer 2. Schumacher, Ont. Civil Engineer and Ontario Land Surveyor. (Mice opposite Post Offier, RALPH DIPAOLO A. MATHESON T Birch street, Timmins, Ont. ----38-41p. n H NOTICE , R El. DAGENAIS. Timmins H. C. SMALL, Timmins, Ont. Secretary d " of it 0”.”OOOOOOMOOWM oottt-.-0......t t When thinking of t, MMOOONOOMWO” g PORCUPINE DISTRICT g ASSAY OFFICE 'ooo-ooo-oo-oi Highest Market Prices PAID POR ALL RAW PURS Orders taken for high-grads garments. Dealer in Raw Furs Box 33, Matheson, Ont. Open to all. prospectors and mines. . Laboratories-At Northerown Mines. Samples may be left at Curtis Drug Store. Barrister, Solicitor. Notary. New Empire Theatre Block TIMMIN S, ONT. GEO. CARSON, Assayer. Timmins, Ont. NEH FAULKENHAM a. C. BROWN

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