Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 7 Sep 1921, p. 3

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c, Maple Street: Timmins. P.0. Box 75.. Phone 211. ALSO SELLING PIANOS l General Contractor Excavating, Concrete. all Kinds i of Rock Work a Specialty. t _ Drawer' 2. Schumacher, Ont. LOOK! ONLY $1.60 PER LOAD! Tllilillill MUSE, l,ll,ilf lit, 459 Meets every Tuesday evening: in the Oddfellow§ Hall, Third Avenué. Visiting br'tthren requested to attend. All Prom. W. G. Smith “rs For stvle--t1ood mixed wood, only , mile and A quarter from Timmins, an; the Government Road. All pil- ' A man to 1teltryou load. Sewing. Machines Meets every first and fourth Mom day in the oddfellows' Hall at .8 p.m. Visiting brethren always welcome. Highest Market Prices PAID FOR ALL RAW PURS Dealer in Raw .I‘urs Box 33, Matheson, Ont. Cadets taken for high-grade garments. . FIELD Wm. HANCOCK. 35 Fourth Ave., Timmins J. A. HOWSE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary. New Empire Theatre Block TIMMINS, ONT. thl sale Tobaccos and 1sl'l','dtoiC2."y' "MINE Lll1, No. IE * SEGUIN k51 r RALPH DIPAOLO NEH FAULKENHAM Agent forfringer A. (3. BROWN m Phone 154 W. O. EDWARDS, fist Farm, Mountjoy, Bank of the River Timmin7,---NeLean doubled to can: tre. Lake struck out. McIntyre lined to Brydge who doubled McLean at 2nd. 0 runs. 1 hit, 0 errors. 5th. innings. Palls-Norrison out Spring to Pierce. Renaud safe when NeCurry bopted his easy grounder. Brydge singled past Pierce, sending Renaud to 3nd. Brydge stole 2nd. Bousquet walked. Banekels grounder was field- ed by Seally who made a 'bmhrow to home, Renaud scoring. Anson 's groun- der was untied by McCarty. Brydge 3rd. innings. Jnlls---uFahey flied out to Mei"urry. Morrison dropped a single to centre. Rennud's single to right scored Nor- rison, Renaud going to .,3rd. on the throw in to home. Ilenaud in trying to more on a passed hall was out at. home,Neltityre to Farr. Brydge's high ily dropped between McIntyre and Lefty. Boumuet out Sadly. to Pierce. 1 run, 2 hits, 1 error. frimmins--Melntyre hit by pitched ball. MeCurry's saeritieed hunt was mulfed and both runners safe." Seully laid. down " hunt and all runners safe Sheelmn walked towing: in McIntyre. This was enough for Bowman who was replaced by Little. Spring struek out. Furr’s saevifiee Iv was dropped by Boummet, 1leCurry seoring. Pierce struck out. Scully out trying to steal ho,me. 2 runs, 1 hit, p, errors. 4th. innings. Falls-lumen walked and was fore ed at 2nd. on Alison's grounder to Spring to Seully. Girouard's irronn- der was fielded by Seully who threw to MeCurry at 2nd. to get Anson, hut MeCurtyal'topped the ball. Little flied to Lake. Fahey struck out. " runs, 0 hits, 1 error. . lst. innings Falls-r-rho-ug," popped to Pierce. Bousquet out, 'MeCurry to Pierre. Buncke out, Farr to Pierce. 0 VHS, 0 hits, 0 errors. r Thumins-NeCurry doubled to right tield. Fleully and Sheelmn struck out. Spring walked. _Fttrt. flied out to Arr. son. 0 runs, 1 hit,'0 errors. 2nd. innings . Falls-Anson out Spring; Jo Pierce. Crirouard and Bowman struck out. 0 runs, 0 hits, 0 errors. Timmins-Pieree struck out. Me Lean safe when Girouard dropped his fly. Lake popped to "rydge who doubled )IdLean at lst. 0 runs. 0 hits, Met"urry, Squy, 2,ly Shaping), I Spring, 1“. Farr, " . . . .'. .. Pierce, ll, ..... McLean, ef, ss.. Lake, ff . . . . . . McIntyre, o ... Total SRO t'or Budge, 2b Buusquet, C Buncko, 1b Anson. " Crirouard, , Bowman, p Custer was on bases. It was a (lillicult game to umpire and there were some close decisions that did not please the crowdhlmt, taken all through, the of- fieials did the hast possible and cer- tainly tried to be fair and square. The following is the sad tale in detail, as reeorded by Mr. J. N. Levine, ullicial Fahey, ill, Morrison, Renaud, " Little, p . out winner by a good 11 after a game that was spots. For Timmins. ' Its fi pt pitched n good game and with the right sort of support for the battery, Timmins would have had a better tale to tell. Errors, however,---lmt what's the use? The game was lost in the all right, though n decision regarding a foul hall in the early part of the game might have. made quite a differ- ence it"it had been given otherwise. It was not the umpire or the base um- pire, but the play that lost the game. Many expressed the general Jseling that they did not mind losing, but therdidn't want to lose front poor Tutal 1Wdnesday ball team see and as a rem Wednesday's Game Proved a Disap- pointmént to the Crowd Here. TIMMIHS "All ilff-illlll; 1illllllllllll HHS Will error. , If 1“) l) day last the Timmins Base- seemed to have an off-day, result Iroquois. Falls pulled r by a good margin, 8 to 3, BOX SCORE AB. R. H. Po, A. E. .. 51.14'40 (I f AB. R. H. PO. A. E. JO hi " " 0 I) " I) o U " 82715 b' " l) " l) " It)!” lefty who threw Anson, 1)ut Little flied It. 0 runs, n H In " (i I) 1t what's st in the t of blew the Falls regarding " 0 only in " " " o I.) l) " 0 2ril " " " o H o U o " o 0 " Mr. Don Campbéll returned last week from Cobalt where he was re- lieving agent/during the holiday ab- sence of the express company agent there. "Sam Cohen took along a small army of' workers to assist in his ex- amination of the Murray brother's claims at Elbow lake. Besides Harry Darling and Gordon and Kenneth Murray there was Pete Davidson, w, H. 1feCatcheon and four miners. It is good to see doings like this in The Pas mineral district, and it is a busi- ness-like proceeding. When Mr. Co- hen finishes his examination it is sure Jrettins that he will know 'what'.,. there." A complete assaying out,h't was tak- en along by Sam Cohen to the Murray Brothers' claims at Elbow lake. Har- ry Darling, of Porcupine, went along to (lo some field work for Mr. Cohen, end it is the intention lo give the properties a fine going: over. Harry Darling met the directors of the Northern Manitoba-ttune early in the week and asked to) a further re- newal of his option on the mine. He is pleased with the property and tinds itl worthy of spending"-money upon, hut his diifieully is to interest capital for the amount necessary. The situa- tion was explained by Cllr. Darling and he felt that perhaps he could-yet do something it' the option was ex- tended. _The directors g:ranted t,he ex- tension. i . WOULD DEVELOP INTO A “WI-IALE or A PROVINCE." “A Square Deal for the North or Secession," is the cry of Northern Ontario. What a whale of a province Northern Ontario and Northern Ma- nitoba would make, These two united as one as fhe Province of Keewatin, with a sea-port on Hudson Bay and unlimited natural wealth to build up- on, is something to lie awake dreaming about. Snell a combination would eventually develop itself, into the richest province in Canada. Two base hits---NeCurry 1; 1fe Lean 1. s'aeritied hiis---lMeCurry I; Farr 2: Buncke 1. Hit by piteher--- McIntyre by Bowman; Girouard by Farr. Walked by Bowman 2; by Farr 2; by Little 1. Struck out-hy 1low.. nmn.3;b.\' Little 5: by Farr 5. Double plays-ral-ls, 4. Speaking: of the matter of the se- eession of the North Land, the Pas (Manitoba) Herald has tlhe follow- Inf-'.' PORCUPINE MINING MEN OUT AT THE PAS, MANITOBA The following paragraphs from the lashiswe of The Pi.,. (Nanitoba) Herald will be of general interest to the people of this Camp:---. 9th. innings t,r"ails--lhousquet struck out. Bun- eke pimped to Scull): Anson went hitless in tive trips to the plate when Lefty forced him to lift a high one to Mull-an. 0 runs. 0 hits, 0 errors. 'Thmnins---NeLean safe “‘hon (li- ruunrd booted his grounder. Lake's grounder to Budge Forced McLean at 2nd., Girounrcl hovering: the bag. Ma Intyre singled. MeCurry flied out to Anson who doubled Lake at 2nd. 0 runs, 1 hit, 1 error. 8th. innings I'alls--iMorrison struck out. Re- naud singled and wao..u.tauy,ht stealing Farr to Inerer tty Heully. ilrydge out, Farr to Pierre. () runs. 1 llit, 0 errors. fhmnins---hullwehan singled. Spring singled. Farr saerih'eed advancing hath runners. Pierre rlineil to Bryllg'e who doubled Spring- at 2nd. '0 runs, 2 hits, 0 error. 2nd. _ st ruck scored Svully son ing to 2nd. and Little out at home, Sheehan to McIntyre. 'Morrison up for the 2nd. time was thrown out by Farr. 6 runs, 3 hits, 4 errors. , Timmins--MeCurry out (.Hronard to Buneke. Scully walked and was caught at Ist., Little to Huneke. Shee- han struek out. 0 runs. 0 hits. 0 er- and Bousquet scoring. 1 single scored Buncke. Lit; storing Anson. Fhthey's gm again booted by MeCurry, ing to 2nd. and Little out " et't't)t' 2nd. lleLean to Svully. 1 run, hits, 0 errors. Timmins---llwan fouled to Morri- n. Lake singled and advanced to td. on a passed hall. '/,e'/n/trvt ruck out. MeCurry safe and Lak ored when Fahey threw wild to Ist. "tllyycyped to Little. 1 run, 1 hit. SUMMARY THE POROUPINB ADVANCE . Gironard's Little singled Munder' was alloy 20 55355555555155;EEEEEEHEHEEEEEEEEEEEHEHEEW part of south half of' Lot 2, Coneesr. sion 3, in the Township of Mount Joy, in the District of Temiskaming, on tt site already held by the Applicants, whieh said Storage Booms are to be used for storing logs to be supplied to the mill of the Applicant, situate on adjoining lands. And take. notice that after the ex- piration of one month from the date of the tivst publication of this notice, the said F. Miles Wallingford, will, under section 7 of the said Act, apply to the Minister of Public Works at his otlice in the eity'of Ottawa, for approval ot' the said site and plans of storage booms, and for leave to cons- truot and maintain the same. Dated at Timmins this 6th. day of August, 1921. Hailey!) rio,ade of yltor built in side in In of notice the SR ister , NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTBth WON ACT. oft " Miies F. MILES WALLINGFORD, lites Wallingford, hereby gives that he has, under seetion 7 of d Art, deposited with the Min- l' Public Works at Ottawa and Mice of the Registrar of Deeds Oistriet of Temiskaming, at isur.v in the Provinee of Onta- leseription of the site and plans wage Booms proposed to be JI the Mattagami River, east R. B. C. CHAPT. 118. rout of mt portion of the oneessim 2, and Lot P., Conces- A ppl iear an} Subscribe to your local paper R)

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