Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 24 Aug 1921, p. 7

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W -... I!!! WW ”I. M 3’55 MOWOOOWOWWMWMOffr Mommmwwouog WW -ee 'ou...".-.-.'"'.-'" W t'ttuioAooootto-ott _ ..._.. Make it "Dorway" and you will have complete satisfaction in your clothes. fine new lines of English Serges, blacks and blues, fancy Worsteds, English Pantings of fine quality. Pit and wohrmanship guaranteed. Prices as low as consist- ent with the Best of materials and workmanship. Come in and see us about that summer suit. 30 THIRD AVENUE, WHO’S YOUR TAILOR '? L. E. BORWAY TIMMINS, ONT. Monthly reports from all, the mines might be a convenience to the stock- brokers and to certain and uncertain newspapers, perhaps. But at the pre- sent moment they show no signs of being at ail to the public advantaige. Indeed, The Advance believes that any time monthly, or more frequent, reports are a real benefit to the share- holders and the public the mines (judging especially from the attitude ot the gold mines) will be found issu- ing them without any pressure except ests of the public to divulge prematu- rely. It is this premature information that vermin and uncertain newspa- pers love. The mining companies are performing a public service in pre- venting the improper use of facts and figures that would only confuse and misrepresent. It is a fact, as suggest- ed above, that mining companies gen- erally give more frequent public re- ports than any other Glass of corpora- tions in industry generally. Instead of being singled out for Government threats as to being forced to report more frequently, they might be held wins an example to other lines of in- dustry in the matter of being open and frank with shareholders and the public generally. Why, then, is there disposition at the present moment to bring pressure to bear on the mining: companies in regard to reports? 'l'here's, a reason ot"tourse. The truth is that a certain. or uncertain, 1'ohalt newspaper is at the bottom of all the frothy agita- tion,---an agitation in which the pu- blie does not seem to be interested, if a few disgruntled persons are except- ed. Apparently, the mining companies have found it necessary to keep this certainor uncertain Cobalt newspa- per out of their private affairs. The mining companies usually are very willing and courteous in giving any information desired by the press, but that,eevtain or uncertain newspaper must be a great trial. It 'has such a proper penchant to get things mixed and twisted and to misrepresent mat- ters, that in the public' interests the mines are quite right in si,iitholding otticial authority from any of its state ments. To illustrate, if a mine (a real miner-a gold mine) issued a re- port showing a profit of creditable size, successful working operations and pleasing state of f'1nanees, but in- eidentally referring: to its regret that an Jeident had occurred on the pro- 'perty at some time or another, the certain or uncertain newspaper would be sure to make a spread heading across the front wagcv--telling about the aeeident,---but giving little if any real idea of the condition of the. mine. Also, the mines suffer from the im- proper use of information given cer- tain or uncertain newspapers and naturally do not wish to place these certain or uncertain papers in position to make the false inform- ation or deductions appear oifieial. In any business there are facts and con- ditions that it is neither to the inter- ests: ot' the business nor to the inter- have even gone that the Goverr question up and companies in tl gestiun is a mu The Real Impetus fdr Recent Cri- ticism Regarding Reports. WHY 1lltillf HUT THE MINING tiltlhllllill? THE POROUPINB ADVANCE Railway. l No tender for quantities less than 10,000 ties will be considered. r-Che lowest or any tender not necess- arily accepted. Special arrangements will be made to pui'éhase ties fully up to speeifie- ation, manufaeturefand delivered by actual settlers from their own lands. Tender forms and Speeifieations can be obtained at the otfiee of the General Tie Agent, Room 231, New Union Station, Toronto, F. W. Tis- dale, Purchasing Agent, Winnipeg or C. C. Labrie, Purchasing Agent, Van.. Sealed tenders addressed to the un- dersigned and endorsed "Tender for Ties" will be received .at this office until twelve o'eloek noon, Saturday, 17th. day of September, 1921, for 2,500,000 Railway ties to be mariufats tured between October 1921, and May 1922, and delivered between Deeem- ber lst, 1921, and September 30th, 1922, on Canadian National lines bet- ween Vaneouver and Port Arthur, and between Prince Rupert and Arm- strong, in accordance with Tie Speci- iieation No. 3856, dated March 18th, 1919. couver. Tenders will not be eonsidired un- less made on forms supplied by the WOMAN WANTS WORK BY DAY Bollinger Consolidated Gold Mined Limited. (No Personal Liability) dry, dead broke about. He had to send back to Canada to borrow money to come back here. He is now on his way back and his opinion of Bolshe- viki Russia and its way of dealing out justice to visitors will tangle up any wireless message that may run across it on the open sea. , A dividend of 1% 'upon the paid up capital stock of the Company has been declared payable on the 9th day of September, 1921, on which date cheques will be mailed to Sharehold- ents of recurd at the close of business on the 26th of August, 1921. Dated the 18th day of August, 1921. sin. He had several hnndred dollars in good hard cash and he took it all with him, intending to settle down in Rus- sia where, perhaps, he believed all the P,olslwvilti stories of a nice new heaven on,.earth for all working peo- ple. He has different opinions now, however, and he is on his way back to Canada. At Warsaw lie tried to change his money into Russian money and sueeeeded only too well. He got a young' eartload of Russian money in exchange for his Canadian dollars, but that is all the good it did him. He did not spend much of his newly-ae- quired Russian fortune before he was up against it. All the money was counterfeit. He was left high and The truth is that at the present time the mining iiompanies not only olr. serve the law in the matter of com- prehensive reports, hut they also issue additional reports as occasion arises. The general public seems to he better posted regarding mining emnpanies and their circumstances and condi- tions than in relation to the affairs of any other type Of industry. But it is an easy matter to set shallow folks an easy matter to set shallow folks phasing “big eorporatious." But any- one with a thirst (not yet contrary to the Oth.) for chasing big corpora- tions would he better employed to for get the mining corporations and try it little chasing of the sugar companies, the transportation concerns, the the- atre trusts, the paper corporations or' some of the other big outfits that seem to get their money from the pu- blic “coming and going" and have not as yet made any "monthly re- ports." . their own desire to play fair with the stockholders and the public general- ly. In the meantime it looks like the rankest sort of injustice and unfair- ness to single out the mining com- panies and ask from them more than is suggested from other corporations that use to even greater extent the money of the people in general. friome months ago a Russian who had been steadily working jn the Por... cupine for some years past deeided to go back to his old home-town in Rus- RUSSIAN PROM HERE LOSES ALL ms MONEY IN WARSAW Toronto, July 29th., 1921. OR HOUR. Cleaning:, scrubbing, washing, cleaning windows, ete. Apply to Mrs. 'Moleski, Box 425, Timmins, or at Gillies Lake. 32-35 CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS. W. B. GRANT, General Tie Agent, Canadian National Railways, Toronto, Ont DIVIDEND NO. 88. Tenders for Ties. (Western Lines) D. A. DUNLAP, Treasurer. WM”WC MOMW W "o.. ....H..e '..oo.o...o.....oo.ototooottottrtt-o- W "ttttttttttttttttot-ttttt MOM ttto-tttot", Womommmwm .PH0000.o0....0..-to.otootot-to-, t."0o00oo.ooooo.o4rtt-stoooo.to ooo-o.'...., o q "Otto-ooo-loo-oo-oo-o..-" MO”OOM””WOOWM >MM Phone 152. P.0. pox 458 Will visit Timmlns flrst of every month at Dal.. ton’s Livery. Any other times by arrangement Ask your dealer for Dr. Gag- non‘s Veterinary Medicines. DR. L GAGNON GOLD MINING STOCKS; Homer L Gibson & Co. HAWK LAKE LUMBER CO., LIMITED Monteith " Ontario LONG DISTANCE PHONE. Spruce, Tamarac, Poplar, and Jack Pine Lumber in stock ready for immediate shipment. It will pay prospective builders to ask for our prices, especially on cull lumber. _ VETERINARY OFFICE HAILBYBURY. TRADESMEN AND OTHERS BOOKS WRITTEN UP, POSTED AND BALANCED MONTHLY. LABORATORIES; -..-. NORTHCROWN MINES PORCUPINE DISTRICT ASSAY OFFICE lxperience OFFICE I fficiency Reed Bier nergy Timmins, OI lquipment Telephone l Business Systems Installed and Improved GEO. CARSON, ASSAYER Samples may be left at Curtis Drug Store. LUD’IBEB Open to all prospectors and mines. It. F. AAI{G:LES 703-4-5 Bank of Hamilton Building Accountant and Auditor We can execute orders in these issues for our Por- cupine friends, promptly and satisfactorily. Wire your orders at our expense. TORONTO, ONT. Phone 18 Cedar street. Batteries overhauled and re-charg- ed. Gasoline. Oils and Accessories. Magnetos, Electric Starting and Lighting Systems put in first-clam condition. GARAGE and SERVICE STATION Eyre and Creme 237. OFFICES Reed Block Timmins, Ont. Telephone 66 - - - Tinimins. Car for Hire.

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