Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 24 Aug 1921, p. 6

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. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3000mm ot-ttto-tttto-ttHt-to" mgggfigfifigfigfigfigfiafigagfigfigflgfififigfi 'li] the most beautiful watches in America. The Gmen Bracelet Watch are famed for beauty and doing their duty. We. have them in green gold, platinum set with diamonds, also in gold-filled. Every watch carries a guarantee from the maker. ' ' ' ( wa,w,.atg'/:i.ilit, Jeweler and Optician Telephone 141 Pine Street, Next Post Office _tiliiive us a illillraund! Ontario Forestry Branch engineers, educationalists, tourists, and sports- men, and all other bodies of weight and inftu- ence, can do a great work for this province and for their own interests as well by actively pro- ge." educational propaganda to reduce forest res. _ RAILWAY OFFICIALS can help. Railways cause 40% of Ontario's Forest fires. .The Forestry Branch is being well supported by improved co-operatibn on the part of railway xytticials and by the Dominion Railway Board. Let us reduce the number of railway fires one- half this summer. (The train passenger in Northern Ontario who nonchalantly throws his cigarette or cigar out of the window during the forest fire season is deserving of a jail sen- We!) CAMPERS, tourists, fishermen, picknickers, berry pickers, prospectors and hunters should Gwen Verithin Watches have just received the Agency for L Halperin L,,,, Halperin Jeweler and Optician 9r, w, t/ift community should be the first to extend a helping hand. Tell the Chief Ranger or write the Head Of1iee any time you have information or suggestions td impart, or questions to ask. THE PRESS could do more public-spirited constructive work to reduce forest fires than any other single agency. This is a non-poli- tical campaign in which the whole press could Join. LUMBER FIRMS can help by impressing on all foreman the need for carefulness. River- drivers in dry seasons should be specially warned. Gangs of men going in and out to the camps need special attentiorvbeeause of the danger along the slash-lined trails from the inevitable cigarette. GIVE US A HAND! LEADERS 03313ch OPINION in every Parliament Buildings, Toronto Fi-jjj the cos-t due to the long distanees ne- ressary to be travelled and the ex- penses incurred through home and home games. To make such a plan sueeessful much more. enthusiastic support of baseball would be a nf?eess- ity. Of course, a league in base- ball worked like the Hockey in groups with the groups playing off, would of itself increase the general baseball in- terest in the towns concerned, and might prove a great success in every way.. In any event the idea. of a Nor- thern Ontario Baseball Association is worth "onsiderinp: and perhaps a suit- able plan may be outlined for next season to the general advantage of sport in general and baseball in par- tieular in this North Land. COBALT WINS TEMISKAMING BASEBALL CHAMPIONSHIP r Last week Culmlt einehed the chum- piottship of the Tentiskaming: Base- ball League, leaving New Liskeavd and Haileybury to contest for second placef Cobalt won 13 games and lost Mrs. A. G.f("ur.~:on is visiting friends in Swastika this week. WI llllllf$lll HAGUE HI [SEWER All HUM" lllllll The proposal is made now to have th Baseball Association for all the North Land from North. Bay up and to in- elude Sudbury. The idea is to have a baseball league along the lines of the Northern Ontario Hockey Assoeia- lion. T. J. Birney, secretary of the Nickel Belt Baseball League has writ- ten the various towns likely to be, in- terested. Among others Iroquois Falls has been communicated with, and the Falls seems to he favourably dispos- ed generally. There are a number of objections. ebiet' among them being Proposal Prom Sudbury to Have N.0. B.A. Along Lines of Hockey Association. five. It i range It is: likely that a game will he til'- ranged, probably home and 'liome games, between the winners of the. 'l'ovmislmming and the Northern Phr. tario aBselmll League. To imagine a game between Cobalt and Timmins or Iroquois Falls is to conjure up "some ball game," eh what? THE PORGUPINE ADVANCE 181 The following, marked "t"onivilurt, ed," appears in the last issue of The Haileybarian. It is generally under- stood that a cyclone is caused by a wave of cold air meeting a wave, ol' hot air. There have been several cold waves in the North Land recently and everybody in the Haileybury-Cobalt district knows where the hot air comes from. It is a pity that Hailey- bury and other places in the North should be made liable to such danger, but it is only for a little while .now till the trouble will be moved to North Bay. “Haileyhurians little realized last Saturday evening that whilst they were peacefully going about their business, the Grim Reaper was hover.. ing in the vicinity. About s. pun. a ey- clone of death-dealing; proportions ap- proaehed to within a mile of the west- erly limits of the town. "Fortunately lhe path of the ey- clone was through the bush, and as far as can be aseevtained, no damage was done/to any buildings, although some farm houses were only missed by a matter of a few yards. The ey- clone was heading; for Jraileybttry, but appeared to disperse when about a mile from town. Jleee is the Haileyburian's "eom. tributed" artiele:--- [The Liskeard Historical Society has decided to have a museum in the pu- blie library at New Liskeard. They have at least one item to put in it for a start-that New Liskeard hockey rink. f from other animals, large and small, which live in the bush, than has any of the animals. This is evident by the carefree manner of the porcupine as he goes meandering for the creek to have a drink, or to the tree from the hark of which he want a meal. All of the ha-hitant of the lntsh---tirat is the. wild aninvals---know enough to leave the porcupine severely alone. it remains for the domestic aninvals- the dog and the sheep-to attaek the poretopine. Some dogs, however, do not have more than one scrap with this adversary. “A few days ago a poreupine de.. eided to come out in the open, and cross x3112 ‘R. D. Chester's pasture According to eyewitnesses, the roar, which 'therlikened to several gigantic trains' hurtling themselves through the bush, was heard at least half an hour before the funnel-shaped mons- ter appeared. . “The writer visited a portion of the bush sirtyk and was amazed at the power and force which must have been exerted. A swatch approximately 900 feet wide was cut through the bush as by a giant scythe; what was a bush of tine trees--10 inches to 1 foot in diameter-is new a tangled mass of ruin; not a tree left standing in the path of the cyclone. Aded tu'trss 1 h'eld. aided loukin Y muse It is very silly indeed for domestic animals to attempt to stop the pro- gress of the Porcupine. The New Lis- keard Speaker last week made this clear in a quaint little article. In the hopes that the moral '(slightly hid- den, hut nevertheless very plain and apparent) may be accepted by some southern folks who have hitherto viewed the North Land in a sheeps- head sort of way or tried to worry it by the miselrievotts attitude of a quar- relsome collie, growling and barking, with a “wool?" that sounds like “More" and a yelp that resembles "ullevenue," The Advance reproduces the entertaining little natural history story of The Speaker, as follows:-- “The porcupine has less to fear "il'oreupmcs tl alone, but are VE ter/ered with, as loosen at will, do til they have HON. DRURY GOVT. MIGHT TAKE A LESSON FROM THIS HAILEYBURY HAS CLOSE CALL FOR PIERCE CYCLONE 'o-ooo-ooo-ttot-ooo-tot' .P000.0.-ooo.ttto.o.o-ot.o-to-t "tooo-to-to-ttttOtt-tttttt Fonnd---a handsome silver Barnar- do School medal for good conduct, ete. Owner may have same by com- municuting with The Advance omee, paying cost of this adrt., ete. 33-35 l John w. Fogg i Lumber, Building Materials i t Coal and Coke, Mine to"""""'""""'"""""""'""'"""""' o . . t T . i N ANSARA t 0 . g v b0000WWOQOOOOOOWWWOO :ommmmommmw I " .WWW WWW 'oo'..............--..-.......- . _ ' ' . . . . " O MMOONWMWOWOOOWO OM . Al RED STAR DRILL STEEL BAY. Fir. Wood-Stave Pipe and Tanks of all descriptions All kinds second hand Mining Machinery in first-class condition. Boilers, Hoists, Pumps, Drills, ete. Bead Office THIRD AVENUE, SILVER MEDAL POUND and is to be a branch of the Sudbury Business College, Sud- bury Ont., in other words one of the Ellen Terry Schools of Commerce which means efficient and capable graduates. The Timmins Business College will occupy the top Mor of the Ansara Block and classes will commence Aug. 22nd. Enroll- ments will be made at the College Office from Augg'15th. to 20th. The Principal will be in the office from 15th to 20th. from 10 am. to 4 pm. Everyone desiring to take a course should call in, in order that everyone may be prepared to start in the classes, August 22nd. There is room for everyone in your new school, we are expect- ing you. A six month course in the Timmins Business College means a solid foundation to your Business Career. Do not forget the dates of enrollment from Aug. 15th. to 20th. Date of class opening Aug. 22nd. 30 THIRD AVE. will open a new store in the N. Ansara block, 30 Third Avenue, Timmins, on or about . Any enquiries in the meantime regarding the building. ete., may be made to Box 835, Cobalt, Ont. Wait for the opening on or about Aug. 28th. The low prices at this new store and the high quality of the new goods carried will make it well worth you while. A new school is to be opened in the Amara Block, Timmins, 0nt., known as the - TIMMINS BUSINESS COLLEGE with a complete new stock of Dry Goods, Ladies' Wear, Men's Wear, Boys' and Misses’ and Children's Wear, Boots & Shoes, Fancy Goods, Etc., Etc. The building has been completely re- modelled and re-decorated and everything will be ready to give the public the best service. E. M. Terry, Principal ANSARA BLOCK TIM] Talk of the Town Timmins, Business College TIMMINS Phone 10 B Watches, Clocks, Community Plate, etc All Repair Work Guaranteed. mber, Building Materials Coal and Coke, Mine and Mill Supplies ----AGENT FOR---- Colonial Steel Companies Famous The Unto-date New Dry Good Store Everything in Jewelry N. ANSARA . HORWITZ (Between Boll inger Stores) Yard and Warehouse 1234‘ Civil Engineer and Ontario Land Surveyor. arm-e opposite Post Jifiec. P.O. Box 443. - Timmins, Ont A. MATHESON TIMMINS, ONT. TIMMIKS, ONT. SCEUMACHER Phone 95 B TIMMINS. ""'N'9t f, "

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