Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 17 Aug 1921, p. 8

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E; iii. ' . i-tto-........-.-.........." fiéfigfigfigfififigfigfigfigfi%gfigfigfififigfigfigfififigfigfigfigfigfigfi thazaasisiie I ./ <,¢,I/‘ _ “Jr ---e- if. // ~//,,. - ’ / Jr , aj49scytpy.rcitisr,sxg 2 '/”/’/.s//lr//:;.-‘/’:_;4% ’ 1"rs5terf-'ec'c.eE:f, 'if-Ctr-rt-err-fig-Cari-ri; ' // 'ea.; f . 2 .4 F", " 12- W. w , ' 1Eirs"i'-erir4"iii,r.' 'd: tirrattut 'qits" - tiii? t Jt(1,' 'i),;-)-);-,';)'-]'--.",'-";.:.)), {W/ a; 'i'iiMl3Eliit' iEiiFiii; 'treal, 3ileitiRIf ',ii_iiiif,"j' . I r I 1. ' ' - , ecCrrrr: u.= '_.- T CT-a-V" tw- _ Fer- "h "H _ Wh/ " , URI , ,f/‘_//;71///W W/ A [g ‘ ' " Fgrt V " - -- - 'lih'i't?fs V’M’ - tld " 1 E " V / tgli', ffyf, 4" \. 1llilll'll" tin-Wat All I f . . .e. ‘-. , ' f/ ' J1? YOUR topfrrat,i?n----.tht co-operation of all the city . (”K 'a air' zens of Ontario-is the biggest need in Ontario I , in. tlt [.2773 Forestry to-day. 'l l , CW Bl! History shows that impoverishment and national decline tol... t'lll ll . / J lows from the destruction of a country's forests. .. lil a bt (l) ' A 'ljg Most of the area of this Province is non-agricultural, suited L ("l ' j, "f/ t l 2/), by Nature only for growing trees. This land remains yours but Jillllbl/ r J, gl the Government sells the trees. \ , ' JAR" // g // Every summer in Ontario an average area of 425,000 acres of forest _ . ~. a l land is burnt over, equal to a strip 130 miles long by 5 miles wide. Aitti' , ' f 'di This. yearly desolation at the hands of her own people is gradually - 'lha n... turning the northern part of the Province into a roekyAdesert. On the most beautiful watches in America. The Gruen Bracelet Watch are famed for beauty and doing their duty. We have them in green gold, platinum set with diamonds, also in gold-filled. Every watch carries a guarantee from the maker. , ,,._,,.»3._tgks Jeweler and Optician Telephone 141 Pine Street, Next Post Offiqe 'lf/lf " “" ' v\. I 'Gr. T " "c, “:4 . . a ' > . v l ti I V MR " " - LG /», i 1 BBq " IRR V "ra t A}. t it Eg ill I git if 433 'tl "2h 2 " " til . O' tt " Bb, 9gllrHtllfq I - f: ll, 7/) We have just received the Agency for Gruen Verithin Watches L Halperin L,,, Halperin Jeweler and Optician in is about 1,275. The vigilance of the Fire Rangers keep two-thirds of Ontario's forest tires down to an average size of less than five acres. But the others are big enough to raise the total average to 350 acres. The average yearly num- ber of forest fires in Ontario Forest fires in Ontario are de- stroying provincial assets of tim- ber and pulpwood upop which ‘the "iorosArice' rélies to help pay her share of Canada's War Debt. Forest fires destroy fish and game, decrease the regularity of stream thow, cause spring Mods, land ero- sion and the crippling of water powers; turn revenue-producing areas into rock deserts. Out of every 100 fires in On- tario's forests only three are caused by lightning, while ninety or more are due to man's care- Save (Ontario':; Forests Every summer in Ontario an average area of 425,000 acres of forest land is burnt over, equal to a strip 130 miles long by 5 miles wide. This yearly desolation at the hands of her own people is gradually turning the northern part of the Province into a rocky desert. On thousands of acres, even the soil has been destroyed by fire! ' "in? m, ht LCI Ontario F0{estry Branch, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ont. nfwwnynmmWW‘ " --/_'. CrC I ess-s-tcert:-.,':-:--- -rTbui-sG "d' Tr.. - set.'? _ r", 'iv " 2Git I././ I "jJCJrCVrf-iri:1rEsr11-5ci?.e- _.tcreeer'-' z’fl/fl%§,%‘< . to-day. shows that im; the. destruction the area of th only for growil They're Yours _ area ot t y for grow at sells th Ontario ar equal to a ion at the f this Prpvin owing trees. the trees. an average a t a strip 130 -erishment and ' a country's f0 Province is no trees. This la lessness. One thousand men scattered over 100,000,000 acres, have little chance of preventing fires. All they can hope to do is to see the smoke in time to check them and pub them out before they spread beyond control. The problem of adequate pro- tection of Ontario's Forests from fire is almost entirely a moral one involving the whole public of On- tario. The vast majority of forest fires are caused by human_care- lessness due to lack of civic re- sponsibility. The tendency is to leave all the responsibility to the Government for protecting the forests from fire. The Govern- ment cannot protect the forests belonging t the people of Ontario unless the‘geople of Ontario co- operate. orestry needs your patriotism, Four public spirit, your regard for the general wel- fare of Canada. ABITIBI SAID TO HAVE SECURED BIG CONTRACT ported that the Abitibi Power a Pa- per Co. have been awarded a contract for about 120 tons of newsprint pa- per a day or 36,000 tons a year for the Hearst publications. The Ahitibi Co. is now producing around 400 tons a day at the. enlarged plant at Iro- quois Falls, with production expert- ed next month to exceed 500 tons a day. The Alsitibi finds customers on contract for its enlarged production, t'ulhlling: the statement of the Pre- sident, Mr. K. ll. Anson, who some time ago said that the increased lu'o- Mr. Floyd burg, West Cobalt this sidont, Mr. F. 11. time ago said that duetion of the mil crease of mstomer paper made at the WEST VIRGINIAN CANOES PROM NEW YORK TO NORTH (111110 a teiv-pot'tages to make, having: tt whale ol' a gum] ti cording to his mm views as Stl by despntvlws regarding; his tr is said to have gained fire pm " Mtd . eordimt w i Ctill ly,' the abs’enve ol I at the Dominion Hon at Three Rive vacation in the tr n ei' wen um!) ear ll -. Fight de H'IHUI‘ ,(‘e 01' 1"ll'L‘ Clnt inion Fire Chief _ Rivera Qua, an the south, Mr. ' )1 " fire pounds in w York so this the ( ll es it is re- ’ower & Pa- 'd tt contract roliday (1E THE POROUPINE ADVANCE l7 puty ('hiet Ilent and tire lle THE TRAIN fllill1 filllllili VISIT IUBTH NEXT WITH Eight Cars Representing Various Phases of French Life and Industry. hlbltlon rram. A's explained in a previous issue of The Advance the plllllumt' ot' the French Exhibition train is to tirese/t to the. people or Canada a review, as it worm-of all the phases of life, art and industry in France, together with the opportunity to view many trea- sures of literature, pairing, jewelry and objects of historical importance. . The train, as it will visit the North Land, will he composed of eight cars. The visit of the train is expected to greatly stimulate trade and inter- course. between Canada and France. The train will travel front coast to Coast. stopping“ at all centres of im- all the h yluduury lble as to whe bitinn Train w Ing It: month that f, are among the towns me receive a visit t'rmil the hibition Train. BRITISH KNIGHT BROKER ON WAY TO PORCUPINE his visit here. The visit should be an- other factor in increasing the interest of Old Country finaneiers in the gold camps of Canada and especially in this,---4he greatest and best,--the Porcupine. The train will Coast, stirppiny: portanee. vumln' arts , l of' M. bald 1litehelson, of Messrs. A. Michel sun & Co., Limited, stork-lmlers, with the purpose ul.’ coming to Canada to visit the Porcupine Gold Camp. Ae.. oording to the despatehes, Sir Arehi- bald Mitclwlson has acquired a com trolling interest in the Davidson Con- solidated Gold Mines. and this pm- perty of course will come in for spe- eial attention during: the visit, Sir de Pa w i H h Emi le Frame T I l e tie Farm, smentmr 1 will be under the Emile Dupont, prosi Frunvais des Expos The seventh our, ( Lure. Horticulture wil be under the I Albert Viger, Pres tional Association I France, ex-Niuister The eighth v Objects of At rhe presidency President' ol' smiths of Par The goods tl in! exhibition Archibald 'Mrtuels,on was closely as- sociated with the late Lord Rhonda in connection with his interests in the Peace River district. LMr. John Ham- byl will accompany 'Sir Archibald on Despatehes from London, England, tell of the leaving last week from that ljttle city over the pond of Sir Archi- bald 1litehelson, of Messrs. A. Michel sun & Co., Limited, stork-lmlers, IV Ex-President ol' the From The somml our. untitled 1hnnnuwee and Tourism. transportation by land, ', and civil and meehanieal will be under tire, presil Dal Pitiz, President (If. Lt Tvanssatluntinue, vmnmun the French Lino. . I v of Mr. 2 resident ol spositions. I'arliutlst The tit Ile, " , dcfinite in 'tt no S11 c,hrtite information is yet avail to whether the French Kshi- Train will visit Timmins dur- tour of the North Land next but it is scarcely eoneeivable is town will be missed in view fact that it is intended to visit leading ventrvs of the country. ts, “rugs. a.” wil be Mr. Amie, sixth w 1 FE Pitl', entitled, “In! l‘eusec '---the French thought: literature, science and l be under the presidonvy 10ml Poincare. Sermturand am. a and fitting ml \rt our, entitled, entifie instrume n‘ the prosidon l, president of ', blxpositiorrs. ‘11 var, entitled, uliure and IN 1' the presiden r, President o iation of Marti a 1' . of the centres of the country. h itay and Coelrrane towns mentioned as to entitled leather. or Frame. entitled, "Chemieal .Phar,maey, Perfum- 3 under the Presiden- , Senator, and Vive- L'omite Franeais des umnmmly known as 3t' of A entitled te.," w Mr. Pa Jewellt unrlsln. mvlmllng land, sea and air haniml engineering presileney of Mr 'itlcd, “Agrioul 1d Foodstuffs,' Isidem‘y of Mr ent of the Na Horticulture o' f Agriculture. Hod, “Jewellery ' will he unde Paul Templier 'ellers andGold rom'h 2m ml 1R'lit Le mnpagme Republic. Indus! t'Y, inehuling and air. ivtit , ete of I f M I', omi te " of Fomtd--tt handsome silver do tiehool medal for good ete. Owner may have same munieatintt with The Adult paying cost of this advi., etc "oo-too-to-ooo-ooo-o-o' MMOOOOQOOW¢O”OOO”OO”OOWOWMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ 1J,tnllo,i,etro,td, E Talk ofthe Town 6 ' q "ttto-ttH-H..-...........-..... WOOWOOOO”O”OOWM”ONOW 'o........-..-.........-.-.... -rtot-..0.H0.o....00t.-o...o.......0t "ttttttttoo-tttooo-oo---- ”09000OOOWOOOO”NO¢O”WW”WOMM \ t' l 4 .... . " "....0t00o0.6.0H....t.t.-t- 0099‘“ SILVER- MEDAL POUND THIRD AVENUE, Lumber, Building Materials ' Coal and Coke, Cline and Mill Supplies ---AGENT FOR---- Colonial Steel Companies Famous RED STAR DRILL STEEL , B.C. Fir. Wood-Stave Pipe and Tanks of all descriptions Head Office All kinds second hand Mining Machinery in iirst-elass condition. Boilers, Hoists, Pumps, Drills, ete. to start in the classes, August 22nd. A new school is to be opened in the Ansara Block, Timmins Ont., known as the Timmins Business College and is to be a branch of the Sudbury Business College, Sud- bury 0nt., in other words one of the Ellen Terry Schools of Commerce which means efficient and capable graduates. The Timmins Business College will occupy the top floor of the Ansara Block and classes will commence Aug. 22nd. Enroll- ments will be niade at the College Office from Aug. 15th. to 20th. The Principal will be in the office from 15th to 20th. from 10 am. to 4 pm. Everyone desiring to take a course should call in, in order that everyone may be prepared There is room for everyone in your new school. we are expect- ing you. A six month course in the Timmins Business College means a solid foundation to your Business Career. Do not forget the dates of enrollment from Aug. 15th. to 20th. Date of class opening Aug. 22nd. TIMMINS BUSINESS COLLEGE ANSARA BLOCK A Diploma from this Conservatory insures your music“ standing anywhere. We furnish the violin, mandolin, etc. You pay a little each month. TIMMINS Phone 10 B Watches, Clocks, Community Plate, etc. All Repair Work Guaranteed. Everything in Jewelry "no Silver Barnar- for good conduet, ave same by com- he Advance Miee, 14 Cedar Street, Up-stairs H. F. SCHROEDER, Director H. HORWITZ immins Conservatory E. M. Terry, Principal (Between Boll inger Stores). Yard and Warehouse P.O. Box 443. Civil Engineer and Ontario Land Surveyor. 011300 opposite Post OWN Box 443. - Timmins, A. MATHESON TIMMINS, ONT. griitWii uauakr fiei" 'i9, a .1 m“ “A -. ' SCHUMACHER Phone " B TIMMINS. Ont.

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