Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 20 Jul 1921, p. 4

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Mit' ee a: halt. The other towns voneerned are nearly all giving $100.(l0 each. The cup cost about $600.00, the special least being; due to its unique design and style, all the materials used for its construction being North Land metals, gold, silver, nickel, ete. The Arbitration Commission tak- ing: evidence in regard to the demands of the International Unions for in.. creases in wages and deereases in hours in the pulp and paper mills of Canada and the [Knitted States held an open session at Irlmuois Falls recent- ly. The. Abitilri Company, through the generathnanager, Mr. R. A. Me.. Innis, filed statements showing an in- crease of 82 per cent. in the wages paid in the past tive years, a. state- ment of the retail prices at the store showing an average decrease of 31 per cent., and the house rental basis showing an average rental of $222.76. ARBITRATION BOARD HELD SESSION AT THE FALLS. ard with a Cobalt mire] key each Sl'tt Mr. Geo. S. Drew leaves this week for a holiday in the south. t' ross Falls, and t for an early ury final set in dispute. Following theHead of other towns in the North Land, and in pursuance of the understanding before the cup was made, lruqnuis Falls Council last week passed a resolution donating 8100.00 to lselp...defray the cost of the unique trophy' put up by the N.O.H. A. for emnpetitiun among the hockey teams 'Of the North. "Sudbury also last. week donated $100.00 to the i'und' There are still wine towns in the Norl in Land that still have to “mule u-i a review of the losses to in the hotel and camps, Delegations waited upon Chairman Geo. W. Lee last week asking for stations on the T. & NA). Railway. One deputation from Jacinto (better known as The Wye) asked for a sta- tion there. They formerly had a station at Jaeinto, but as it was only some 700 yards from the Iroquois sta- tion it, was removed as superfluous. The other station asked for was at Val Gagne, formerly Nushka. The requests were taken into eomcsidera- tion, but it is hardly likely they will he granted at the present moment on pccount of general conditions. hard coal supplied at ployees, ete., etc. TI tt number of men tn costs of living had no 1921, as compared wi It will likely be tit the Arbitration Boa: tinding,.a number ol Canada and the Cs. Canada and the VSA. having to be visited. In the meantime everything is going along as usual at Iroquois Falls, and the general hope will be for an early and mutually satisfact- ory final settlement of the questions IROQUOIS FALLS COUNCIL GIVES $100 TOWARDS CUP. right portfolio." Even the laughed at this choke sample (um humor. \ In his heart, nu doubt, the thinks the only case where not pick a lemon was when h ed the Premier. And the u general will agree with him except as regards the Premie JACINTO AND VAL GAGNE WANT STATIONS ON T. & N.O 1er m y the work of the Hand similar hand convert I week will be appreciate that popularize.tlse Tin Band.-" THE PREMIER OF ONTARIO SAYS SUCH FUNNY THINGS enablent by the T "q't'tt.tHttll of mum ‘ The pleased mmcert on Thur mms ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL , . _ OPEN AIR BAND comma] Offiee 26 Ilif i'llKllhlli 1lillllllllli WEDNESDAY. JULY 20th., 1921 HE hit Published every Wednesday by Chanda - United States Drury it minister desire to 01' given at ti sday wenir tizel Itll mt still hav, ‘ this trophy Gen. Lake. Publisher team In presented we it50.00 " H Subscription ew itl id tVE let Telephones: rs turned out all were pleas 1t for far ns 'eneral seeond Int Rear It " to the company ps, the price of cost to all em- Ity Unions called y show that the t fallen in June, th June, 1920. Mtte time before leur tH w at o ther H m R 100 lose can 119 people m s . 4 him m tins, remier. _ It tnan Residence 11: Hem t hv ates en he sele $2.00 year $3.00 year se my cubi- ability and man in the the farmers mle ot' Gas- e W entt It' 1,2119 am Wt ONTARIO :i n give its m 1n hoe 'l'emler he did Us e rem b o IV t m 1m DR. J ERRY LAPLAMMB MAY I GO TO BAILEYBURY? WHAT? A story is going: the. rounds of sporting (-ii'eles to the effect that Dr. Jerry Laflamme, the fainuus Toronto hoekeyist, is mining to the North Land in the very near future to re- side, and that he will locate at either Timmins or Jlaileybuty to act as the coach of the local hockey team. The necessary local color is given to the story by referring to the recent visit of Dr. Lntiamme to both Timmins and Haileylmry. Because Jerry stayed longer in Timmins than in Hailesbur.t longer for coming view of the fact th eybury after leavi that the last shall Jerry will land in there is said to be tion that not onl: at but that team w and tinish the tie, but tinisAing : suggest Haileyh1 Dr. Laflamme su has secured Ur. Lanamme. The Falls is usually accused of securing nearly everybody in the line,o'f hockey and baseball, though when the seasons get under way Iroquois Falls does not Seem to use as many "new" men as the other towns of the North Land. the hush tires in the. North Land this year. The [property loss "also is not nearly so serious as the exaggerated accounts in certain daily newspapers would lead one to expect. The fires, speaking generally, have burned .over areas that needed clearing. Around towns like. Timmins, Iroquois Falls, ere., they have really done good, re- moving bush that might be more or less of a fire menace in future years. Settlements generally have escaped, and even individual settlers, with a few exceptions, have not suffered much this year. Some of the chief losses have been from pulp wood piles destroyed. Scores of cords; of pulp- wood have been destroyed by tires. These piles of wood have been left unguarded, lbeing owned by people in, the south who apparently havei-beenl (disgusted with the twists in the pulp- 'wood market. The lumber mill own- ed' by Mr. 1R. til. Potter at 'Wassach, near Matheson, is reported as totally destroyed by fire, together with a quantity of slumber. A mine building at Boufke's as. well as a quantity of pulpwpod in that district, also listed as destroyed by hush tires. Some damage was done. to settlers' places in the vicinity of Nahum. near Coeh- rane. but apart from these the dam- JPA? has Ilieen o.onf1ned to comparative ly small individual losses by settlers. Among the heaviest losses reported is stood that Dr. I of his dental pl is accordingly h chase Dr. It stood ttee In some lw Latiamme himse visiting" in th these guessers k have it their " time has not the bus f‘With the number of bush fires throughout the North Land this sum- uier,"and especially with the ehmfl:ger- ated aeeoivnts published in daily newspapers, it might be expected that there would be very heavy losses in the way of property destroyed as well as serious loss of life. Fortunately, however. this is not the case. There has not been a single life lost through MINOR LOSSES FROM THE T BUSH FIRES IN DISTRICT. m2e wise guys. think his chances are oifieial endin own WE HAVE WITH US AGAIN. ---Tm1 THREE BALLOONATICS h' 1tnes IW to not Ired 'd hm JO IOWGVE the mat not only will t have a team in the O Mr ll' In a t' n ta mu 'UIUM "av1nft' tummt1s Mun-k oll be first and so in Haileybury where be a iised determina- -ill stay in the League mun, first it is hoped, anyhow. Those who ury as likely to secure guest that he will pur J practice of the late [ Lawlor whose loss 1e Mattagami River " $3,000.00. l" n am tuat they can nnouncement of here hmvever, gave t whole affair RTE;- " life lost through North Land this loss "also is not the exaggerated '. Others, in was at Hail- iinmins think le County N.0.H.A., 'vd as well )rtunately, 5e. There team to] y could! fr. John] m tdsott neat and " le "oo-o-tooo-o-oo-tooo..' 'tHH-tot-, w " (MrOQWWWOOO “W000: WW mommommw»; 0mm 3WOWOMOWO®¢M¢OOWOOWOWWMO "oo-ooo-ooo-o-oi-ttttto' loi'lut'k, Mr. trank Lanny noticed I smoke. and the smell of smoke but was unable to locate any fire. Not to take any ehanee, he called up the tire hall and suggested that a couple of fire- tig:'uers come over and locate the fire it' any. Leaving the. phone then he started down stairs for further inves- ligation and found the tire team with a crowd of firemen on the wagon draw ing up to the door. ln addition, there were {our policemen right on hand to keep order in the big crowd that had gathered almost instantly on seeing smoke filtering from the grocery store [basement "That is what I call ser- vice," said Mr. Lamb. In a few [minutes the firemen had made a full 1investigation. There was a lot of smoke in the store and the. basement was just filled with smoke. The cause of the smoke was located as a burn- ing motor. The motor used in the meat department of the Hollinger was burning out and the smoke and smell of smoke and oil, ete., was very penetrating.) firemen looked after r(the matter, seeing that there was no danger of fire from the burning mot-, or, ete. The only damage caused; was' through the burning-out of the motel" itself.' ”mommmoioooumomommmomom” BURNING MOTOR CAUSES ALARM OF FIRE LAST WEEK ~While Hollinge last TIn T. & N.0. ANNUAL PICNIC TO BE HELD ON AUGUST 20th. n REBEKAHS TO HAVE SAIL ON MINGA TOMORROW BVG. rar IN' yet Spruce, Tamarac, Poplar, and Jack Pine Lumber in stock ready for immediate shipment. It will pay prospective builders to ask for our prices, especially on call lumber. HAWK LAKE LUMBER co., LllhiTlli0 Monteith - Ontario LONG DISTANCE PHONE. rile in his apartments over the 1'gel' Stores Grocery Department Thursday evening about eight vk. Mr. Frank Lamb noticed LABORATORIES; - NORTHCROWN MINES A Diploma from this Conservatory insures your musical standing anywhere. We furnish the violin, mandolin, etc. You pay a little each month. PORCUPINE DISTRICT ASSAY OFFICE in I) pleas GEO. CARSON, ASSAYER LUBIBER I, Samples may be left at Curtis Drug Store. W mutate arrange-men 1 'detinitely made r Open to all prospectors and mines. Timmins Conservatory 14 Cedar Street, Up-stairs H. F. SCHROEDER, Director employees e annu mlar each Innual smmsts net br le .10t the THE POROUPINB ADVANCE al pienie of rl m a ever aet am e " “RIMS a t-ltitn't ly mulled It Near on at " [at be eedin: Imlt ll e W are an The week-end game in League between Hollinger Intwe at yleluunaeher had t WILL THE PARTY who took the two little grey kittens from No. 1 Maple street kindly return them at once and so avoid further anion. Wanted-Waitress and Maids. Ap- ply to Hotel Iroquois, Iraquois Falls. . 29-30. The Timmins Girls 13aseloall team defeated. South Porcupine girls at South End Monday evening, score 10 to 2. WANTED---Maid for g:eneral house- work; good “11:05. Apply 12 Hem- loek street, The Kingston Baseball team under the management of Pete Macauley played at Connaught during the week end and mm a notable vietorr. went 11ve innings Without a scare, and though there were a few errors, it was just. that kind of ball. Jimmy Deacon pitched for the Married and Oscar Haqnuist fur‘ the Single, with good work in each case. Joe Everard umpired. It was the right kind of a practice. _ The ---l1fiss for her in Hui The. game gm Monday 1ststiveen Married and Single Men was an citing and interesting Inactive In: much disappointed beeause be called on account of the went tive innings without a t though there were a few was just. that kind of ball 0 W m; fin was defeatm Rev 1Ii.ssi at “MINE Ilflllll It BRIEF ve PY m I” IE WANTED AT ONCE. 'oehvane Post last week 3'!) Emily Nunn left on b'und holidays which she will we 3yblu‘y and Timmins. ”RITE 1e score heir 11 ybury has val at At HIKIIIHS 1me J orgamze oekey. nts er Beaudin is tations are attendi 11n at mg praetset n let' ' Baseball team lumacher last other incidents o I 'li Irt meet U will spend o he lively number of t'tt 111 it " It. 111 an tut- m Mines and Mr: he ealled " lot IS very had to n. It matt Ctutlin BQXS and " N Dated at Timmins in the province of Ontario this 30th day otNay, 1921. --22-35 A. C. BROWN. Notice is hereby given that Archi- bald Charnley Brown of the Town of Timmins in the District of Temiskam- ing in the Provinee'of Ontario, Bar- rster-atuLaw, will apply to the par- liament of Canada, at the next. ses- sion thereof, for a Bill of Divorce from his wife, Bessie Alice Brown of the City of Toronto in the County of York in the province of Ontarit, on the ground of adultery. NOTICE op APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE BOATING, BATHING, ETC., AT GOLDEN CITY.---i11rs. Deakter has heats at the doek at Golden City. Bathing Suits and Dressing Rooms for Ladies and Gentlemen at the Swimming Pool. Open every day, Sundays and week days. lee Cream and Refreshments served. An ideal place to spend the hot weather days. There will be dressing rooms and rest rooms for ladies and children in what was known as the Recording Offlee in Golden City. Anyone interested in Christian Sei.. enee is eordially invited io attend an informal meeting every Sunday even- ing at the home of Mrs. Macpherson. M) Tanmrnek street, Timmins, at 9 p. m. and every Wednesday afternoon at, the home of Mrs. Y. H. Emery, 20 Hemlock street, at 3.30 p.1n. ---2A--- REGULAR MEETINGS RE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HERE Vt FOR "LE-lab) style phonograph, mahogany finish as new; with $30.00 worth x select records. Hear this In before you buy. Phone 53. BOOK-KEEPER WILL OPEN and WAREHOUSE POR RENT 11 FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT The above property in adjoining the North Drive, formerly owned by The Hargrave Mines, and is considered to be a very valuable site. Por further particulars apply to By the undersigned, as Authorized Trustee of the property of HARGRAVE CONSOLIDATED MINES, LIMITED. The north-went quarter of the north half of lot three in the second Conven- sion of the Township of Tirulale. mm- teining thirty-nine and three-quarters acres more or lean. THE TRI,'RTS AND GUARANTEE COMPANY. LIMITED, 120 Bay Street, Toronto, Authorized Trustee. Patronize Home Industry S. McChesney and' Sons offer for sale Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shingles and Lath, Pence Posts, and Wood. We also do Customs Sawing and Planing. Give us a call. Now open for business. Best dining room in town. Meals at all hours. First-class rooms, and steam heated All up-to-date conveniences. Reading and Sitting Rooms. Sample Room for Travellers. Business Systems Installed and Improved. ACCOUNTANT and AUDITOR ll. F. ARGLES keep posted book at reasonable rat, Box 550, Timmins road $10.00 per mum Avenue. S. McCHESNEY, & SONS, Mattagami Heights. w Mining Property For Sale xperience Office Reed Blk. nergy Timmins, Ont. *quipment Telephone 66 a precautxon at t all in town are [ BOIL THE WATER. PARIS HOTEL IROQUOIS FALLS. f) below 115mg. H. H. MOORE, M.D., Medical Health mm 1525 run RENT on Hull- feet by 40 feet. Apply J. W. REED, Timmins. NOTICE. books for tradesmen. e rates. Write R. M., W. JIMES. " oly "It ot new machine to boil Sixth If It days, 1.30 to 3 p.m. Ist, Wed. eaeh month. Dr. Minthom. 2nd. Wed. each month, Dr. Porter. 3rd. Wed. each month, Dr. Melnais. 4th. Wed. eaeh month, Dr. Moore. Nurse at Clinic. Room daily 1.30 to 3 p.m. Now is the time to clean up the yards both front and back. Flies will soon be here and Flies and Film spread disease. Child's Welfare Clinics. Wedner. P, LAMB, G. A. MACDONALD, :Meqting-s tliseoniinued during the hut summer months. Next regular meeting in September. V Membership: $2.00 per yéar; $1.00 payable with application. Open to native-born Seotsmen and those of Scottish descent. ' Mary Morrison, May Richardson ---0 N.G. Rec. Se Meets ever-v 2nd and 4th Thursday" in the Lhldfellows' Hall, Third Avip mm. Visiting Brothers and Sisters ways welcome. THE CALEDONIAN SOCIETY OF TIMMINS. Timmins Gold Nugget Rebekah Lodge, No 173 ”WOWWO‘ Mr. Gaqthier will be at Timmins daily, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Etc. Ornamental, Plain and Rough- cast Plaster Work. Terms moderate. Best of Work. A trial solicited. I Old River Road. OFFICES REED BLOCK. TIMMINS and SOUTH PORCUPINE. PLASTERlNG CONTRACTOR A. J. Sheppard PD. Box 443. Crown and Bridge Work Plates Consultation Free. DR. JNO. B. AIKEN DENTIST Plume 201 Room 7 Reed Bldg., Timmins. Bunion H. Gauthier President SHARE llf HEMTH Ilillm Civil Engineer and Ontario Land Surveyor. Otlive opposite Post CNN A. MATHESON CLEAN UP Welfare Clinics, Wedner. H. B. MOORE, M.D.. 59" Timmins, Ont Timmins Secretary. 2.13 "

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