Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 22 Jun 1921, p. 4

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$5.55 It 2: MW“. tto-ot-tq-dt-tot-ted 2"?”195 Ell! ik nllllllM Illlllllllllf offiee 26 ms WINS AT FALLS / IN LEAGUE FOOTBALL at Iron other t score b PINE MUSICAL PROGRAMME FOR FRIDAY Eva. MEETING interest 1hough ably ho The regular nian Society l in the 1.0.0.} ing of fins week. [he prugra in charge of Mrs. J. K. Moore twtake the form of a Musical ing. An unusually attraetir gramme of some length has be pared, and members of the who fail to attend will miss a g treat. The programme Wil best type in every way, , attractive, but naturally wi ous leaning to all things Se THE TROOPS CAN'T KID THE . EDITOR IN POWASSAN --v'The editor bought an Oldsmo. bile last week, and people are no doubt wondering where he got the "dough." Perfectly natural. We have sometimes wondered the same thing about other people. Riehmnele, or something. Now, for the benefit of some who are more curious than others, we will tell the secret by pri- vate letter upon receipt of $1.00, and It is unnecessary, perhaps imposs- . O . . ible, to comment on the following from the last issue of The Powassan News:--- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22nd., 1921 lit We will also tell how it is possible to knock one end out of a garage with very little injury to a ear." WWWONOOOWMWMOO e MWWMWWWWW Published every Wednesday by Gen. Lake, Publisher Canada - United States TIMMINS, PHONE 43 Subscription Rates l) WILLIAM HAMILTON COMPANY, LIMITED am n H trettrl Tim) al Peterborough, Ont. Hydraulic Turbine Machinery Pulpmill Machinery -.. Sawmill Machinery Structural Steel and Steel Plate Work Transmission Machinery Grey Iron and Brass Castings nes w n Residence II', $2.00 year S3.00 year Programme Scott w rxday eve: ONTARIO Northern Re presentative VINCENT WOODBURY aried and M? or a ,gener- Ill! " enume 111d 'PIE ed ven pro pre We mans m '. / TOOTBALL MATCH. 5 TO I. the Timmins Football Ciuh is looking after the t"1naneing of the Juniors, Mr. w. A. Field suggests that if the gen- eral public. are as interested as they appear to be they could give a help along by loaning their autos to take the boys out to the games at the Dome in the League series. Three or four autos would easily look after the teem for these games. It would mean a noteworthy saving for the boys. Anyone who can thus assist in this "tra tioortation problem" should see Jar'71'/2't"dll" Field" man about it: without much r (At a special meeting of the Town Council last week the question of giv- ing inducements to the Fesserton Timber Company to build their pro- posed new mill at the river here was thoroughly discussed and considered. A proposal is to be submitted to the Fesserton's and the Council to deal with the question at its next regular meeting. I) " lar " y 'l'lmml under he COBALT, PHONE 17. " Irtl expenses Of K SH, (If lub nerally and as I) tte M AMATEUR ATHLETIC NOT TAKING UP SUBSCRIPTION any nnsrep ped. The. l Association thh any eral" in THE MORAL IS: “NEVER GET GAY WITH A MAGISTRATE.” Tut, the police court on Thursday Feodore Raimon was charged with being disorderly. Magistrate Atkin- son found the charge sustained, but without any serious harm being done, so he let Feodore down easy. m mm ADVANCE "Five dollars and costs," said the Magistrate. _ "That's pretty easy," was the ra- ther impudent comment of Feodore. "Well, I'll make it "ten dollars and costs then," replied the Magis- trate, and he waited to see if that would satisfy the gentleman. It did. He said 'no more. Just paid up and went quietly and respectfully alon:g, about his business. The question is:----) or. what was easy? The accused man, or the five dollars? No prize for an answer. MR. SIMMERS MISSING EVER SINCE LAST WINTER easy 't '1 he dollars? h', It 's, too easy Plaunt's siding had enough worl The New Liskeard Speaker week SaysC-- natm L th., Taylor, one of Co known medical practitione ed to Timmins opening I the Reed bah-k7) wmwumnmwmuom. kWMWWOMWWO esentmg neral in " JAB. PAOEY DIES tll) no )emtmn Last winter Messrs Simmers. Bros. Thornloe, Were cutting lumber at unt's siding near Kennabeek, and l enoug:h Work for another season's . At Easter time William came to h' Ciskeasd on business, and said would call at Thornloe on his way H n .' many friends it w nd see ll Sunday Excursions June N To Sandy Falls Leave Timmins Landing at Fare men can ‘b y the, fam about him.’ m is thepnly control over ii town" should be Timmins Amateur n promptly notified rvresentation may , dt see his mother. He did not has he been heard of since, 'Mrs:,. McNabb, (nee Mrs.. ), and friends have made wiries, and been in corres- with friends anrrelatives aura. Mrs. NeNably can as- 1'eason for her son's disap- EVE! n u W n dent Timmins Athletic 11111 n W per det 10.30 A.M. 2.00 P.M. 4.00 RM. 7.30 PM. is certam ti 1rd in April. fact, but tiva ab IV. A. FIELD, d l , $1.00 return Refreshments on Board Will n m and knows n mateur )clatlon " 5.5. MINGA ' eel oorts h' " persons W 01 In spo oalt pm 41m 1n1zat10n It r e " 1tr1 otliee m It Ill anon “. eur used tl re- I WANTBD---f 5,. i, WANTED en waamgD-Atursemaid. Apply Mrs. H. J. Stewart, Northerown Mine. r --25p WOMAN WANTS HOUSBWORK TO RENT FOR SALE-- WANTED TO RENT---0mse, REGULAR MEETINGS RE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HERE ll 49 Notice to Attend Court of Revision at we Hemlm Take notice that the Cort 0t tte- vision will sit at the Council Cham- bers, South Poreupine, at the hour of 2 o'clock, in the afternoon of Monday the 11th, day of July AD. 1921, to hear and determine the appeals in the matterbt‘ the Assessment Roll of the Municipality of the Township of Tis- dale for the year 1921. . NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE n f 24; Notice is hereby g,iven that Arehi- bald Charnley Brown of the Town of Timmins in the District of Temiskam- ing in the Province of Ontario, Bar- rster-ataLaw, will apply to the par- liament of Canada, at the next ses- sion thereof,-t'or a Bill of Divorce from his wife, Bessie Alice Brown of the City of Toronto in the County of York in the province of Ontario, on the g:round of adultery. Dated at Timmins in the province of Ontario this 30th day ot"Nay, 1021. --22-35 A. C. BROWN. 24-26 Clerk of the said Municipality In the matter of the Estate of Staicho Petroff late of the Town of Tim- mins in the District of Temiskam- ing,aniner, deceased. Take notice that all persons having olaims against the estate of the above deveased are to file the same, duly VU- Mamas against tn deceased are to fi 10ed by atfidarit ed, on or be'tore ed, on o Al). 19 then hm Dated 1921. COOK & MITCHELL, WING] W A‘n y The Public Trustee for Ontario, _ is cordially invited to attend an rmal meeting every Sunday even- at the home of Mrs. Macpherson. {'zmmrack .street, Timmins, at S' p. and every Wednesday afternoon Exe heme of Mrs. V. H. Emery, 20 dock street. at 3.30 mm. --24--- Osgoode Hall, Toronto Administrator of said Estate. TOWNSHIP OF TISDALB ti', " NOTICE TO CREDITORS HI f) an HOUSE FOR SALE n only to such we been file? SHIN (1 th' "' t \' It 11 Return Leaving Sandy F alls at FRANK c. EVANS, ew ll ll And Portupine, Ont. .sitors fbr Admir Ill 11 11,30 AM 3.00 RM :he estat be distri 3H rty-tirst day ot r, with the um the first day ( take notice i Ht .umly 00 IN) II' I' pa ilt the Court of Re " 1eeo RM. RM nbute or man and nnlv PO, ma a n n J11s wit It; til May, July 'ator I)! Ill n WARBKHUSE POR RENT on Rail- 11 LOST Notice is hereby given under R.S.O. 1914, Chapter 121, section 56, that all persons having claims or demands against Telesphore Proulx, formerly of Gheneville, P.Q. but late of Tim- rims, Ont. Woodsman Labourer, wh# died on the 14th day of February, 1921 at Timmins aforesaid, are re- quired to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to the undersigned Solicit- ors for the Royal Trust Company, Administrator of the Estate of the said deceased, on or before the 7th. day of July, 1921, aeir names and addresses, and full particulars in writing of their claims and statements of their accounts, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them, all duly verified. mad; 20 feet by 40 fett, Apply --- J. W. REED, Timmins. And take notice that after the 7th. day of July, 1921, one said Adminis- trator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which it shall tillen have had notice, and that the said Administrator will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim it shall not then have received notice. Datifd at Ottawa, this 15th day of June, A.D. 1921. LUSSIER SI BARRETTB, of No. 91 Rideau Street, Ottawa. Solicitors for the said Royal Trust Company herein. --24-26 nuns NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC- TION ACT. R.S.C. CHAPT. 118. M deposited with t Works at Ottaw the Registrar of has, under section 7 of the said Act, deposited with the Minister of Public Works at Ottawa and in the offiee of the Registrar of Deeds of the District of Temiskaming', at Haileybury in the Province of Ontario, a description of the site and plans of Storage Booms proposed to be built in the Mattagami River, in front of a portion of the North Half of Lot 2, in the Second Concession, in the Township of. Mount Joy, in the District of Temiskaming, on a site already held by the Applic- ants, under license of occupation No. 820, issued by the Minister of Lands ACCOUNTANT and AUDITOR xperience Office Reed Elk. E nergy Timmins, Ont. quipment Telephone 66 Business Systems Installed and Improved. m " . F. ARGLES The Fesserton Timber Co. Ltd Gard-m H. Gauthier, irs solie PARIS HOTEL IROQUOIS FALLS ials H to Dr. ,ld ll' ii d es :sserton ' Tnnber 1ereby gives not " an businc " ll “I M H Timber Company, ll ll " uh nt M n o Il I' n II' armed _ Reward ler t be supplie cants, situat b HM} w it that ed 12m, E'Iimmins Gold Nugget (Rebekah L0dge,N0 173 to'"""'""""""'). O _ ___ - _ " 2 _ ‘99009m0m990‘mm l Nathan Greenberg g ”9.00%....“00099”. m nue Visiting Brut ways weloune. Mary Morrison, THE CALEDONIAN SOCIETY op TIMMINS. Meets Every Second and Fourth Friday in each month in the I.0.0.F'. Hall. Membership: $2.00 per year; $1.00 payable with application. Open to native-born Scotsman and those of Scottish descent. PO. Box 443. . LAMB, G. A. MACDONALD, President. Secretary. Now is the time to clean up the yards both front and buck. Flies will soon be here and Flies and Filth spread disease. _ Uilild's Welfare Clinics, Wednesr- days, 1.30 to 3 pm. , Ist, Wed. each month. Dr. Minthorn. 2nd. Wed. each month, Dr. Porter. 3rd. Wed. each month, Dr. McInnis. 4th. Wed. eaeh month, Dr. Moore. Nurse at Clinic Room daily 1.30 to Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Etc. V Meets every 2: the Oddfellov “WWOOOOOWOMOOO”: New Second Hand Store" Mr. Gauthier will he at Timmins daily. 60 Balsam Street. Wq buy and sell. paying the highest ~and selling the lowest. t $1.00 PER HOUR ' FOR REPAIR WORK N. ao. B. AIKEN DENTiST Hum 201 Crown and Bridge Work Plates Consultation Free. OFFICES V REED BLOCK, TIMMINS 'and SOUTH PORCUPINE. Mom 7 Reed Bldg., Timmins. PLASTERING CONTRACTOR Ornamental. Plain and Rough, cast Plaster Work. Terms moderate. Best of Work. A trial solicited. A. J. Sheppard Old River Road. Timmins 1).111 Oftiee oppos Gordon H. Bauthier Prompt and expert attention to all repairs. Batteries re-charged. . All kinds of Ford parts in stock The Old Reliable Phone 227. Opp. Public School - 4th Ave. Civil Engine” and Ontario Land Surveyor A. MATHESON BEARD ilf llilll.Til tlllllltll Timmins Garage Jos Berini Brothc BLEAN UP N.G. " H. H. MOORE, M.D., are; d and 4th Thursday s' Hall, Third Ave- May Richardson, li' cc. See.. to 'ost OMee, Timmins, Ont and Sisters re £35532

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