an ts, in}: ,1." a Eh" if; mm Mlilllml mm "_rr_r,_i"'.,_,', $l,ililll/lllil m nu 1lilllrc_r'l..'.,"s,,_i'-.i,..'./', sued pm hi year "" Canadian Red Cross Society Enroll with your local Red Crosc Branch or Enrollment Committee, or, it there is none in your community. with the ONTARIO PROV- INCIAL DIVISION, 110 SHERBOURNE STREET, TORONTO, An Honored Emblem in a New Field ONTARIO ENROLLMENT, MAY 22-28 UGHTSIX .GGii7arc%iT "r-".- - . 52050 mam-.51): COUPE ROADSTER . swan-51x TOURING CAR _ . . . 2450 uch. IX SEDAN . . . 55::wa 2-PASS.-ad q.PASS.ROADSTERS 2453 Wi8ityhit COUPE . . . . 3:5st TOURING CAR . . . . 2935 vacuum SEDAN . . . ALL STUDEBAKER CARS ARE EQUIPPED WITH CORD TIRES THE economy of the LIGHT-SIX is a demon-. strated fact-An the hands of owners this car is averaging between 21 and 26 miles to the gallon of gasoline and twelve to fifteen thousand miles to the set of stsindard-equipped cord tires. "Buy it because it's a Studebaker. " Membership Fees: Annual, $1.00; Life, $25.00 THE STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF CANADA, LTD., WALKERVILLE, Touring C an and Road-nu Ontario Division Marshall-Ecclestone, Limited Timmins " Ontario Organized voluntary effort, supporting and supplementing Government action, is needed to make effective the great Crusade for Good Health. To those who came under its beneficent ministrations in war time, or who served under its banner, as well as to all other public-spirited citizens, the Red Cross Society appeals in the name of its new mission. Enroll in its ranks, and so help to create active public opinion in favor of sound health measures. "The improvement of health, the pre- vention of disease and the mitigation of suffering"--) is the great peace- time mission of the Red Cross Societies of the world. The banner of the Red Cross, bearing an emblem universally honored, trust- ed and loved, covered with the glory of faithful service during war, is now carried into peace-time fields of en- deavor.. _rts'.'t-Yrrs. _ rice: f. o. b. Wartkerville, Ont. $133,033 1.00, the s of $1,239,508, on operatibns of ,t and exchange =1s:;,-0s3.w, and oo DH NT d a 1' motion was ar a total , of which tons were “Built-in-Canada. " $1.946. Tre if a and Coupe: and Sedan. IN?-- 11 at per ton. The report however, alh for dilution, and suggests that grade for actual mining will be least' $10.00 to $12.00. A width of feet in one place is referred to 1 other evidences are given of tl la lmd)‘ of highly pvoh'table,ove, wheil all regarded as highly satisfactory ‘Whiler the report necessarily ex- plains' the problems that made profit- able ntining difficult during the year, the future is referred to with much optimism. Everything now seems in the Miner's favour, labour, power, costs, eta, and the future appears During the year the tenth lex body has been drifted on for. 3t with very gratifying; results. samples showed an average of per ton. The revert however, In tions during the year. The surplus on March 31, 1920, $31k4,il15.00. The surplus on Ma 31, 1921, was $192,445.00, from wl dividend payment of April 20th uurmg the Tea usual dimeulties special diiiicnltie control of the 'Mi .t019,357.00, and th at $41,413.00, leaviz the year of $302,471 Ore pnuivnlpnt i mne months ot bor year mnds ands, bullin 1,817,994.00 l ducte 9.00. Durin in) ere ll " la wivelent in valt; 3 been exposed in leaving net surplus Dividends paid dur 3 $438.333.000. )1'6 IR ets listed ion, supplie Jo, aver a Dominion - ear vmg a net protit 479.00. ne _ average of $26.00 urt however, allows suggests that the mining will be at 00. A width of 22 is referred to and l'i" C $2550 2935 tein UVBI‘COXHE 3750 Durin Minv': Dominion taxes mill and value April 20 urplus ot menu Don i1 I'e SAVE ‘9 3 year I eneral ope THE PQRCUPINE ADVANCE outside m dollar we] ore- 560 feet . Moil JVinel ODE! It n ll cash, alling tl 1' “If fit _trelt W un la at " le point on this gorg:eously different tf,:.?,] comedy is one long: joyous shout of P. laughter. The hero is ih'pped head (iii":,, over heels into a tremendously excit- ing: adventure. The owner of the --.. beautiful buck enlists. his services in pot helping her out of some veal rumble. There is a squat, frog-eyed villain, a mild and unsuspecting husband, and Ti other features, but all different. And the even 'the ending is different., After Don' the hero has risked: breaking: his neck quoi to help the lady, she tips him out otlweri her life with a'elioi "ll)ank you,") and goes hack to friend hiishand. Aslcm’l Val. scays, "Heavens, she loves her 0 husband. Oh well, I .had a good time play while it lasted." “Seratéh My Back†1 nest d l' val. thought, "warty next to the pretty back is probably her father; I wonder what her face is like; I've had some awful disappointments, be.. cause hacks and faces are not always built in unison," And then he notic- ed that her shoulders were twitching. That beautiful haek must he ih7hy, He twitehed in sympathy, and there came to him the memory of a yachting par- ty during: which he had been attaeked by a most--exerueiatiug: iteh between his shoulder blades,-hist out, of reach. It was evident to Tal that the owner of the beautiful back was in a similar plight. He 'i wanted" to help her. So he reached out with his glov- ed hand and seratehed'her hack with a f'atalistie deliheration---and an im- pending sense of disaster. From this point on this gorg:eously different comedy is one long joyous shout of laughter. The hero is llipped head over heels into a tremendously excit- ing adventure. The owner of the beautiful hack enlists. his services in helping her out of some real trouble. always did what he wanted to." From this characteristic he manages to leave a trail of excitement behind him. Once in a while he starts a reg- ular explosion. Right atthe opening of the play he "want" to dray a 250' m. labourer from his seat in a street ear." The result is a black eye and a smashed hat for"\'al. And still Val. goes on doing as he pleases, and keep- ing out of jail on narrow margin. Till he goes to the opera one night, feel- ing particularly joyous and helpful. There was a back in front of hinu It was a remarkably beautiful back, and Val. thought, "Party next to the pretty back is probably her father; I wonder what her face is like; I've had some awful disappointments, be, cause backs and faces are not always 200,000 ton THE COMEDY HIT OF THE YEAR AT NEW EMPIRE From tl to leave him. 01 ular exr, of the p th. Inbm mg'motion pwture C produced. H. Chad“ part of Val. Momney always did what b, n ll" nes Limited is scheduled to Toronto on Saturday, June _)',, “MW ls The/Time To Paint led he aunt n W and must 0110 m We guarantee the Martin-Senour 100% Pure Paint (except inside' White and a few dark shades that cannot be prepared from lead and zinc), to be made from pure white lead, pure oxide of zinc, with coloring mat- ter in proportionate quantities neces- sary to make their respective shades and tints, with pure linseed oil and tur- pentine dryer, an* to be entirely FREE from water, ben- zine, whiting and other adulterations, and SOLD SUBJECT TO CHEMICAL AN- ALYSIS. 45uatranttt iene meetir If you have delayed painting, your property has suffered. Do not put off any longer. Save the surface and you Save all. Look around and you will find many places, bdth inside and out that _ fall for a coat of paint. Now is atranttt he time. Nature is re-decorating, uarantee the . get in line and do the same. The i,t,y1.tege..e,r. most economical method is to use ck stars zat in n street ack eye and ft And still Val. uses, and keep- the man who wanted to." 14t Empire Dome b" ever in the MARTIN -SENOUR F 100% PURE PAINT AND VARNISHES Theicc9veripg power and lasting qualities are very great. It will pay you to insist on getting this popular brand. For whatever painting or varnishing you do, there is a special MARTIN-SENOUR Product, each one guaranteed to best serve the purpose for which it is made Consult us ag to_ytour requirements. .We have a full ".stJciiynd"!etss information as to decorative schemes. Let us advise you. FOOTBALL GAMES IN THE NEXT TWO WEEKS OR SO (111015 Falls and we were also two 2"arnes terday, Kirkland at Timmins, and Coohrane at Iroqubis Falls. OrrFrida(v of this week Dome Mine plans at Kirkland Lake, and on Weds Tue nrst the district Dome on nesday Ot 1n (h Is team wi local exper " 18 le ft - 1.. n “a g .4 S..t.e [)tsiil'ii"ifj ph/y " cet, - i) iii.†It ,idllWee ',iv,))li.-i.',-f i 'iii', C. . \ T m: "pr. r - , " +5“ 15'. (t League Football matse1n in was the one played at the Priduy last between Ho- and the Dome. ._Th§re the care ot Home"? You C Policy, v: premiums. summcc th A , o t cf Lanada: 1Vaierloo,Ontarip' SULLIVAN & NEWTON Fr you should (11?, would your poor I widow be so Busy trying to make her own living that she would be Creed io turn your helpless child over to THE S8001 Ir You (JAN afford 131cm icy, with profits appl miums. This pnlicy p: nurse that is absolutely Sa Ask the Ixiutual Life Ag: Jon't bequeath the. child you worship, and is so tenderly curcd fur, to Charity. ' 31M one 10th v General Agents. HESUZH hmmms U eonelttsuons W1 e 4th "iKir W IS week, yes- Mi en season 3, a n 41110 nos W 1 VS 9 ti crop {int :gcrs or to a "Charity the .Mutual Straight Life .3 applied' to reduce the llicy provides low cost ia.. n (1 Ot at E WANTED-A t King and Dickson Cup series, as ap- proved and passed by the N.O.F.A., was published in The Advance last Pilie's Transfer BestTransfer in Northern/Ontario Prompt Service. Good Attention Prices Right Phone88 :3 UAL,' LIFE cent for par Freight, Express General Transfer N? ANTED--h thoroughly competent Bookkeeper. Apply to The Geo. Taylor Hardware Limited, Tim- mins, ---17--d Timmins, Ont "little me one" w “" 1.95:2; i"tg.i.'si,2s . Cor. Ball Grounds, opp. Knight Brow McKinnon tf iculars. /V, [flafl ith