~"@~P.B. HKURD, Mattagami Heights, opposite Post Office, or phone MXL o 1 Heavy Skid Harness. 1 18â€"foot Chestnut Canoe. 1 2l1â€"foot Launch,,, 5 horseâ€"power Gray motor, good condition. 1 Lumberman Stove. , 1 20â€"horse power, Boiler, with fixâ€" tures. s 1 5 x5 Hoist, with 200 feet cable. 1 No. 1 Duplex Steam Pump. Enquire j 9 Maple Street, Timmins, P.O. Box 75. Phone 211. ALSO SELLING PIANOS ©0000008000000809Q01000000406 O. SEGUIN e min n mai n mdns mt um meoncemeetren ditecmmacmarncs | LOOPHLTOALTE tIQ" DORSILDOLL CS i n e erre maiiin e nniachenl nontpie balnk YIZ(‘[ I)Ut\\'(,‘t':l (“l\i'lll’illl(‘ s r Bay than it was in this f Gook & Mitchell 3 tery of the T. & N. 0. Rai BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ({|}azo, then the outlook show NCTARIES. fully considered by the TlmmlDS, South Porcuplne z(dl’l( & :\.\ an as l(x‘(, '1I 1 Toronto :ukm'l‘, what does f(,"'â€â€â€ the T. & N. O. Railway bemnmininnn en aompnrie meneriana mt mmemenicenceancameneermecmmemecn | DACTL §6 . GLEHbLY 1LTLDLTUOY CC WW’“’O“‘ year? If was the best ® faah At Harparp tha White Bros. Garage .\('.11 d,()t where dl(' Il.l( y / Eludebaker Service station planets for a (I.GS(‘I'AZ}Dtl()ll General overhauling Repairs, road toâ€"day, with its vas 3 : ed service? and adjustments. Get your i d ols ; | wowrk done now and be ready In H:j-_';n:tl to the propose For spring of the I‘. & N. O. north, co f and business judgment s TE BROS. GARAGE y ty WH%)P PB I(I)nsl it Coa C(; before anything is done t 12â€"26 9 Monet-,a be a proper and detailed s s s country,â€"a survey of th k L Ah h n h n h L ns h in in in n in nc in e ie Arcss IUf the country, before the Meets every Tuesday evening in the Oddfellows Hall, Third â€" Avenue. Visiting brethren requested to attend. J. 8. Brough ‘_â€"_W. G. Smith WW“WOO’: White Bros. Garage § Studebaker Service station, General overhauling. Repairs and adjustments. Get your * § wowrk done now and be ready § for spring. WHITE BROS. GARAGE, + OPâ€"P Union Coal Co., # 12â€"26 Moneta. HOUSE AND LOT THAMINS L0DGE, 1.0.0.f. No. 433 CHEAP SECONDâ€"HAND MOTOR sewing Machines Meets every first and fourth Monâ€" day in the Oddfellows‘ Hall at 8 p.m. Visiting brethren always welcome. Car, wanted at once Stewart Crawford, c South Poreunine. river; stab AUZ 35 Fourth Ave., Timmins J. A. HOWSE WhOlesale TObaCCOSV and Confectionery FIELD Wm. HANCOCK, W.M. R. New Empire Theatre Block TMMINS LO.L No. 2557 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary. Agent for Singer an &. C. BROWN TIMMINS, ONT. Phone 154 M FOR SALE WANTED itt LC c. Apply rami Hei Apply to J. Dome Mines, s« TL saie Al LO 19â€"20p D pulpwood that would be made availâ€" able by such a road 38,000,000 cords. This means that 30 to 50 thousand square miles of wooded country would have to be served by the road. That It is on the question of the pulpâ€" wood resources, however, that the enâ€" thusiasts for the extension place their strongest emphasis. Yet even ‘here they have not the full support of those who ought to know. One man put it this way last week:â€"‘‘All this talk of immense forests is rot. This country has been cruised over, alâ€" though no mccurate plots ‘have been made of it, and the eruisers‘ reports of it are practically all the same,â€" that spruce is sceattered and of no great size. It would be a mighty opâ€" timistic company that would build a mill in such a country."‘ men T of the I‘. & N. O. north, common sense and business judgment suggest that before anything is done there should be a proper and detailed survey of the country,â€"a survey of the resources of the country, before the survey for the railroad line. The advocates of the extension emphasize the possibilâ€" ities in agriculture, minerals and pulpwood. They speak only in generâ€" al terms, howe\’e,r, without detailing facts, and on each of . the three points! experienced men question their claims. J SUC Calls T. & N. 0. Extension Just "A Corduroy Railway" 10on PULP AND PAPER MAGAZINE DISCOUNTS AMOUNT OFP PULP IN JAMES BAY DISTRICT AND ASKS FOR SURVEY OF TERâ€" RITORY CONCERNED. 1€ 1( set wa v 1e TC 1i was tNC Dest go, where are the : s for a description oâ€"day, with its va vice? venture. to n p1 ty] ird extending (f ertn Ontario ameé OT ween Cocurane anda Jame it was in this fulsome flat e T. & N. 0. Railway a yea the outlook should be care sidered by the rest of th urce stimate nerally mentioned ity imes as 16 rives the amount 0 em av. aside, it may now ‘De s Cochrane think of â€"Railway which has improved during this the best on earth a nc Advan propose( revenue. A very (or conservative hi re n )eA and at ie words or th on of the rail pre Allway very en In K( Iv in LGi€ on Pu n iming ns10n Drov rom imes in not In the Matter of the Estate of Moussa Tawaifi otherwise known as Moses Toafey, late of the Town of Timâ€" mins in the District of Temiskamâ€" ing, Labourer deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R.S.O. 1914 Chapter 121 and amendâ€" ments thereto that all persons having claims against the Estate of the @bhove named â€" Moussa Tawaifl otherwise known as Moses Toafey who died on or about the 20th day of February 1920 are on or before the 1st day of June 1921 requested to send or deâ€" liver to me their Christian and surâ€" names and addresses and descriptions and full particulars in writing under oath of their claims and statements of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them. Afâ€" ter the said date I shall proceed to By D. W. O ‘Saullivan, Timmins, Ont. Solicitor herein. crease Lne agencies ToOr their depieâ€" tion. It is time to inaugurate better methods of handling available forâ€" ests. To do so would the investing public money wiselyâ€"and it would bring a handsome return. **Construction on the Hudson Bay Railway is to be postponed till the Dominion ean ‘better afford it. At preâ€" sent the revenue does not pay the train crew. When the wood north of crease in Canada fires. We the forests ‘ . RGâ€" wayâ€" t0 vince with the transcontinental [rat fore enough tim to build a would be si follyv.s survey mit its ien nave nad able for the rereof to any prominent the distric Northern Onta: of railway exte arm ian« ind imiles juality, a ceady bui want of ti )C M UV Dated 1auing ailroad ountry 118 @re 1eve the I{ NOTICE TO CREDITORS 13 W Lt 1( n receved the agencies 10 t is time to ina s of handling . To do so would 1¢ uilt trs before should suggestt rofit to W pulpw s IlDLh day ames ‘bay D ilp and papé by providing m W 1 need better pr we have, rather and suffering fhie., Why assut mecessary debt h ber granting railway on mply adding in CTre n hat else is there in the ‘ the idea is to open up we could point to ~miles land, probably of better is government roads alâ€" construction is caused a nate to best serve the proâ€" e timber north of the al is to preserve the n clear t ited qui ting@ thi clear thinking man in ted quite a bit of feelâ€" ing that the possibilâ€" ) the road should be ited from an accurate the government comâ€" ie matter. That sugâ€" certainly be followed. od will not support a t _ else is there in the ie idea is to open up le ciaims Ol which 1 tice and I shall not be d assets or any part rson whose claim has t W _day of April 1921. Eugene Theriauit, Timmins, Ont. Administrator. ) to criticise sion. In fa O1 on IrC to the wron way )1 THE FPORCUPINE ADVANCE r and lumber more wood we such a foolislhne muskeg over ‘s of getting lease timber rant land to n of ne an avoid eserve the f rail ways t of forest tection of than to inâ€" proponents 11 rCt form in his idea day for 17â€"19 done and basis LC as to rV F. LAMB, G. A. MACDONALD, Timmins Gold Nugget Rebekah Lodge, No 173 Membership: $2.00 per year; $1.00 payable with application.> Open to nativeâ€"born Scotsmen and those of Sceottish descent. Visiting Brothers and Sisters alâ€" ways welcome. Mary Morrison, May Richardson, â€"g N.G. Ree. See. Friday in each month in the I.0.0.F. Hall. f t Meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday in the Oddfellows‘ Hall, Third Aveâ€" nite. THE CALEDONIAN SOCIETY OF TIMMINS. Meets Every Second and Fourth Crown and Bridge Work Plates Consultation Free. DR. JNO. B. AIKEN DENTIST Phone 201 Room 7 Reed Bldg., Timmins. General Contractor Excavating, Concrete, all Kinds of Rock Work a Specialty. Drawer 2. Schumacher, Ont. 2.21 President RALPH DIPAOLO i MRKY BRAN eP a dulicas w pantirommeimocerorebetlriirpep LimTEO MONTREAL Unequalled in covering capacityâ€"no other brand can equal its record for [f)ermanence. By using this paint of extreme durability your house is protected or years. f MEDICINE HAT C ocm D ty }E’it: 0e3 30 t /9 C paplos Secretary Bâ€"H "English"" Paint‘s record for surface saving is the result of its guaranteed formulaâ€"70% of its base is Brandram‘s Genuine B.B. White Lead, the world‘s standard for almost two hundred years, and 30% pure White Zinc. Paint your family home with Bâ€"H "English" Paint and it will remain protected. MALIFAX ST.JOMN TORONTO WIMNIPEG F CaLGARY Epmonton YANCOUVER @000006004000000000000000000000008000000000000000000000¢6 ©$0009000608000000000000000000009000000000000000000000 04 JOSEPH â€" CHEETHAM Repairs a Specialty: A FOR SALE BY Chas. Pierce & Sons, Limited TIMMINS, Es ONTARIO xperience Office Reed Blk. E nergy Timmins, Ont. quipment Telephone 66 Business Systems Installed and Improved. Mail Orders promptly attended to ACCOUNTANT and AUDITOR R. F. ARGLES Spruce, Jack Pine, Tamarack, Poplar New Ontario Colonization Co., Limited Jacksonboro . Ontario Piano Tuner and Repairer TIMMINS, P. 0. Complete facilitics for Dressing and f Matching LU M BE R Terms Moderate 100% Pure (Brandram‘s Genuine B. B) 30% Pure White Zine L A T H 70% PursÂ¥hite Lead