fir.,: H.112,- 'imxumiinh .tevt's'is- N, Iiir, - small mu .is the idea that should prevail Nprtlt Land:---Tran.wovtation ities must be greatly impron increased and all should work lint end. The greatest good , test number should be also nsideratiou. The Associated of Trade of Temisktutiing ha whole nuestio ot' all the vaviot tif now nude shank thing: The “: Dance he? End ed. "filer crowd, he 151119. erowd -1neluded many from Tiiiiiiiins, Selntmacher and other ont- sidq points. "V M' very and other t was the key both by the isters. Oat It. It is not moves agree regarding sion frmn Swas is the idea that That last idea Land's developuun question being tak mier with the T. & He also agree (1 as i railways if the lh enjoy development Several Tor lipyaarurr'; the In repi)ing agreed that a narrow gnaw Land eertainly promised 4o c' support the liners. For 1vlii thank Hon. BC SEES .5 a y TY never tiid tint assistance like ed New Onlar be as impor; otherwise as pledged his h oat of the I, looking to t, district. V that lack Was an†tors now W. C. Young', an old-tune pt'0iipee,- tor, pointed to the necessity for out.. side capital for the development of a mining country. To get this there had to be transportation facilities. In addition to the minerals there were valuable tracts of timber. A. t Young. North Bay, J. B. Clarke, 'li. O ’Grady, S tine north eountry. quoted as saying tho line would be a revem not an expense and th,' up a valuable tract of Holiinger being discovered in the north and emphasized the need for adequate tvansportation facilities to develop the country. All along the rira.te of the prupos'ed line, Mr. Loring thought there were indications of great mineral wealth. W. C. Young, an old-tink m'o,cHree,- "Mr. Mae Lam; the large delegat Hon. Harry "Mill and Hon. Benin of Lands & Fore: request that Lite be extended fro; Tree. He is ere! papers with say tion was compo-~11 gtyatatlve bu (Mr. Frank C. Lorin gineer, spoke with sly to the possibilixies of tl Be referred to the chm Bo Big Deputation Impresaes Upon Cabinet Ministers Last Week. 'llflllilllllllll NEW] g THE Hum illllll© MW v9 r, " ou H " Hon. G' 0 n ,le securing: or other tmnspor the keynote ot , gym“, my vim...“ 'va, possibilities of the North Cerred to the chances of f gar being discovered and emphasized the me Me tr1ansportation facilit p the country. All aim Vol VI No. 12 at Mr tine irt H ulbury, al Coward F e w 'i-opu'ta-tion and at all seem to l Ar HI srk in mmmg ll at present a in a few Old urtic as to t ansportat Swasti ""'ll'"'"rilE I?0RClLjlPlilhilE . /uyi/ArilCIE 1 IT an old-timé prospec,~ he necessity for out- the development of a To get this there d g, Mini: 1 BOWL on art alo " eshee. t ould prevail in 1ntipovtatiott fa atlv improved orot )Wed to haw M t‘irat the pmpnsm enue-producer and that it would open of good mummy. orrina, Mining Err. ly Improve "dd work I tt adequate. railway Minn faeilities-- all the speeches. Ill sum 5981115 nulmerm Onta rio proposed exten 11 lat :ferred to the up by the Pre- o. Commission. he necessity for e W ye ll We tt waite the need for 1 facilities to All along the tt gree o I' ll magma ISO Food to the m also a first iated Boards UI Jan in l eularly tr " lll tPltrt1 n in d 0 rt " H kt unto Jnto IN. 'f? agreed ill of Mi Mini speeches, the Min- " le t 1'3' n t ally h W e 1' to we .tlu: ttt le ng tstr. ferenee 1 Land. deli ere it 'eop ul‘ther nes. 111 rel lev- would . and :d out ilities 1h iotnth mend IN Ill Mil- and u po n mm n 1n a orelt tles Jm rat 'et DI or " le at HI " presslon omitting than those ot Au mania and India. pression 'he had t () suncruzt through the last few years which have been partie,ulaviy trying: to the gold mines. _ Hon. Harry Mills, who was named as the father of the bill,---though critics say it was the Premier's child, ---had no logic to uphold the bill flir- ther than that the Province needed money to maintain the Farmers' Go.. M would elosung down; t a similar nude the gold mire, opportunity to fevts of me los position to the measure was and trnqmalrtied in the case: of the North Land rem-es but both these North Land and thehnenrlsers from OH emphasized the evil effects i) pressum mines, I: emphasized plioation of time when a and ("onsel'vatnw in their protests sure at such a ti n ly ne and ( ment did not le eonfidenN mm " mon to he Shown to the mmmg In- tiusqtyy without 1110 nJost emphatic rroteist. My. Z, May,'eau, Sturgeon Falls, Mr. Chas. MeCrea, Sudbury, Ily. Mae Lang, C'oehvane Riding, Col. Price, Mr. Hartley Dewprt, and ithers took part in the debate on the matter. Only three of the speakers showed any disposition tu counten- the yroposed invrease of the mining taxeS. ()ne of these ‘three was Hon. Mr. Mills, who gave only lan 1rp- parently half-hearted support to what was supposed to he ‘his own bill. An.. other was Hon. Walter Rollo, Minis- ter of Labour, who laboured hard to suggest that Iris only objection to the bill was that it did not increase the bi wank f LIB: week In the mier Drury received U mm Premier Unpleasantly Surprised at Determined Stand Against In- juring Mining 1ndhstrar. ll l from the 2 south were injury and ttion to be "tf ll amass gRllllllilll Til. mam a; ms Ill) we Pt' ttX erent was a man I resents Hall “as some Str 10tt led to ‘t auld sir ll Istry rm f) at or the .mnlster of Mines) Game u for a second reading. Apparent- the Premier had expected that the ll would get its second reading thout'nmch trouble. But when the l was brought, forward by Hon. 1rry Mills the Government soon are shown that neither the members S at 10ltlit It 11111111] 10 enou It assury to my Muthers Pensions her pet schemes of the Govern- The. third admirer of the bill man named Stringer who re- ts Haldimand. He showed he une Stringer at that, though he t let the house. actually into bis knee at" to what he was talking Perhaps he was not sure him.. Apparently one. of thisJIalcli- oraele's ideas was that taxing be good for the mining indus- it would Force the mines to be heal 01' go out of business. Mr. an n (f Jim any M? HIE mg tit? " all over the y: industry is 1nd tlilliettlty , curtailing ow " n lxscmumathl He did sul.,' as were more of Australia " me t Ilium In and any: only hurt t spem til more orth nor willing to unpreeede shown to mut Ilu, g in the Legislature'l’re- received a decided sur- te that apparently did not any too well. His bill to [ taxes on the mining in- it is geneyally understood remier's bill, rather than Minister of Mines) ean1e mposit tubers ledged of mh same idea siior, fa 1min r: indust, ll US$05 am ally Otl n re £10 H) ll t; again time as and Jus f'eeovE tl un K lid be NI he knew praetae- uining costs. If he musual opportunity he would no doubt mon TE um JI the " Met txt" oppost WIS :unst such amen- as this. The up- uu'e was complete he cases of most 1 representatives, {11 Land members rum Old Ontario h n position wins: thei e DC ant I disadvantage last few year Oh, that at allow such an nted discrimin- the mining im. operations or Lyes no s can: , the rea stud, was and develop- hing injuring he North but Fas absnil ul L suit 1111116 It Mr. Mil Federal ta: I'Ulll s ot ot Win Hot sense In the rth on ix In from the tung de- e niekel the ap- present 'ountry Inelud D taxmg indus- to be s.Mr. at que:' Min axed tit n Inet I) TIMMINS, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23rd., 1921. Mr ll ttli P pe dif I m tnd up- ; he io- He of " ll I m , ease against the proposed measure, as undesirable, unnecessary, injurious, unjust and discriminatory legislature of the most objectionable type. _ Premier Drury adjourned the de- bate, after Hon. Howard Ferguson age side expressed the North 'Country" got from the Pro- vincial revenue ot' $l,117,,000 squeez- ed from the mining industry; Bash year. Only $220,000 he said had been spent and $90,000 of this went for the Peat _ Industry Investigation. Mr. Glue Lang made a valuable eon- tribution to the debate. He showed that if the Province wished to get on a firm finaneial basis and pay its t ml) Met 1nlr1t [MEETING TO ORGANIZE ': OURLING CLUB TO-NIGHT. re It m SBI'VIC m m will 'be eltt HE up ( (four ill " rat lure of veal lloe.l 11v Reynolds wa capable srelt' Mn had allt keeper. The were ..--sLerh Harry Boyd mat arty SCHOOL BOYS DEFEAT TOWN BOYS AT HOCKEY. thin should to-niglrt on m m t tIN m rem 11-mmms, flay) even played at and all wh bum Vt'Hlfi ll " ttost Irrirrular lime. Mr. Magnum wanted mmuy 1 1 additi 11g. all aura. Wedm acted on Old C) I millions 'had H Hon Hm beral Pa U mes must ot asot tld e tW. Tl 1K6 mth m ll Km tl " lll(‘( cal 1hle 1ll ea y Boyd, tummy '11: 'S. Forthe. town 1 d r-uN9lson Huliman Evan Naedonald, II stun and Bert Studs In ll n rm t' re wil o r,9,"0 111 UH pm :ms "'otest esen w as soon as the weak' Ill interested in curlin e. mung: Lemme In goal was to the good. The other team practice, but all of them pat i'e'tty fair game. It was en- ng to see the interest of 't'lie for in 'these lads lies the fu- the ol 101] veal hockey in the town. Hulk lolds was his usual fair and 5011’ as referee, while Roy Up- all the time there was as time The boys on the S'ehool team Levine, Stevens, Ervi Kari, 111111 Ph' part1: ion to h ll the _ that mal w a t ll be ready IN' nt er f Jl mpre that In one year for example, n the Smllmr tl It Ieel Me oar ‘ountry got from the Pro- nuo ot' $1,117,,000 squeez- he mining industry; Bast: $220,000 he said had been 00,000 of this went for the ill be attractive special the Timmins Presbyterian Sunday. In the morning to the special Easter. Ser- will he Communion. There eeio.l music morning and {£1 other special features. attitude t. He tt e tl eral om " " IE e moreasv was pa) and burdensome at mum against its m", n 1 LMi. Mil eiation of and tlu At) ind u m n 19 PHâ€) Dew N Mack ntario in many ways. been made. in the t had stayed in the 0 year alone eighteen mmle. had been dis- 2201' spernal t be speeial unduly School he (‘uuncul' Uhamber, p.111. this (Wednes- All those who have bras roarin’ game," 1k they would like {to I' winter amusement he Council Chamber persistent worrying ke Patsy Parker so fagladery had both :tention of speaking sed bill. " uld the gold mines tax to their selling in other industries x'easv was particu ay was to study ussibi'lities of the V l ew mt t endin SO " W ml " or m calle to know what ng the strong d measure. as gttwrenee leader of distrk l on with next weather per- ule It trtuer con erey Ben ly, Chicot " ng should the meet- {ROTC team in It n m1nm prof It lgntee'n on dis.. t Mr. but the mines, ry , work ettrltn ted 1n to at- tor 1ste1 ro HS n 11 oe IS the people ot athletic field The Iiollinger is planning: the erec- tion of a large number of.' houses this spring and summer. Details are not. available, the number, style, loeation, etc., of the proposed houses being still under consideration and definite plans and speeih'eations not having been decided upon. It is an assured fact, however, that the Hollinger will provide a large number of new houses for the aeeommodtrtion of its "em- ployees this year. With a full power service available at latest by April 15th, it is expected that the, staffs at the big mine will be very materially increased and will continue to grow steadily. To provide accommodation for present employees and the ones to be added to the working, forces the Hollinger is considering an extended Programme Now Being Planned For Accommodation of Enlarged Staffs. tllll.lililfil lil WEE HUMBEB ilf MEWS er ' The English-speaking ladies of the R. C. Chureh are certainly to be con- gratulated on the outstanding sueeess" of the Euchre and serial evening giv-, en by them in the parish hall on the evening o? st. Patrick's Day. The big crowd present had a delightful evening and the net reoeipts run well mgr $100.00, over $170.00 being tak- en in. The cards were much enjoyed, as was also the excellent programme whieh included attractive selections by 2Iiss M. Downey, A. Laprairie, Thos, Murrisscy, Mr. McLean, S. Kin., voreau. Second lady Dims. tuto1'riss0y, Mr. Luc/Lean, b. 11mm mid, Mr. Pcattray, Levine Brothers, with Mrs. Kincaid and Miss Campeau at the piano. The prize winners were as rolslows:--- SUCCESSFUL EUCHRE ON ST, PATRICK'E EVENING. Mr. Gordon H. Gauthier has resign- ed as Mining Recorder for the Por- cupine, being unwilling to consider the new regulation requiring full time service for such positions. xMr. Dono- hue, an oldatimer of theNorth Land, and a returned soldier wounded over- seas, has been appointed Mining.r Ile- eorder. At ,iirst, he will be at South Porcupine, but it is understood that it is now the intention to move this oliicc to Timmins in the near future. MR. DONOHUE APPOINTED MINING RECORDER HERE powé see t lone of the camp. With spring, however, it that the power sit right again by AI} meantime both th n mm: date will POWER EXPECTED ON PULL FORCE AGAIN BY APRIL 15 II in} ey " Mr tlt vm es O Seound gentleman Consolation priz to far as can be learned t , expected that the Camp the power required and a e over by April 15th. l y, C. Dosaulniers. . me little roasted and decorated pig won by Mr. A. Brazeau. -- IS eek Mr. I ing to it " If II n m la dy Known )mpame ii it due " site 'Wever, W rtleinan 's ot Ni ll lik eiinrtely " II en tthletie grounds trom he town until a better B prot prize-NYS nrizes--iM 1 IN tlu " ll n yrt 158 sril 15th. In the e mines and The re taking steps to ot went again.†J. a II at 1111 Itlml nd 'en g an )ulldn' H prlze some l IH H. Bissonotte Geo. Laporte iandieap to the e development coming of the Emmy believed 311 will be all 15th. In Che " management s reply was, ollineer will 11281 Fla. tled "are m ats, was mer IN' IIT present ill have air bal, at ht 10uses Land It 1111163 ower D u r- on DO be he ut IS K Charle'bois, Percy Bennett, Thompson Cooper, W. Martin, Harry Boyd, Lio- nel ()hnrlebois, P. Piehe, W. Houie and B. Mulloy. The {sinners were:-- J. Landers first, prize $10.00 eas/u; Gerard Churlebuis, second, prize $5.00 cash; Perry Bennett, third, $3.00.! Each of the other boys entering: was: teams in their n 3101111113 and G. the condition o) igh. Messrs W. drivers did _ and all the ( ally well We There was prizes, uls'l crowd enyryed in the day's s were ten entrie "ams an Messrs ute winner urea: Whip ufcs; 1o'weater, $300 ca (ith--J, Wilson, Donn t'wo hours, 12 seconds; N.00 in cash. Emmy “the number would exec Issey number quoted and run ndt. far from the higher In: For the main event-the Do, there were eleven entries, all h finishing the course. There we speeially.yleasing features 4 woof-The fine start made by l ally every team, and the goo dition of the do,gs when they fi nu we cogs were ill the best ot , di'tion after' the 12103. The judges l awarded the prize for the. best l d'itioned dogs at the 0nd of the t to Mr. C, E. Myers. Later their h men-t was tyo1riirmed by the rep from the Dome of the best condit by Dr. McInni-s, $50.00 in ens! and 9 being mentioned in that o: and these being; 019+er Myers, D and These Dem-g i. ing and Martin. dogs were in sue make judging dif All the dogs were in di'tion after the rat-3. awarded the prize f crowds crowd's am and his a ‘St ltes tends vc I'N sin (moi and experienced a1 mored experts for the W? ates of the crowds gathere ternoon vary from 1500 to tainly nthe number would Event This Year One of the Greatestfxecutiveg of Clubs in this Group Successes Yet. But Bigger Things And All Bat One Player Fully Planned for Next Year. 1ihttmarated re Recent . -.'...--.- ' ' Rumours. , , . I, PM"?! BREE MERE WINS THE Mltll?lh'i Illlll BABE " me ll [EX Bo 3 es; .mp9. 10'vlr---uUrs. Darlin it 1N lst M auncey 00 : S Pt Il he 1"dees ttlt :hing the course. There were two F111;; "1?lly.yleasiast features of the pardri r,---tluy fine start made by praetie- fairly every team, and the good eon- itrsy . )n of the dogs when they finished. neies- the dogs were in the best of 0011-. mind HI after the race. The judges here told .1 rded the prize for the best con- fb..'. _. 1 IT el UH Itll :01 H " 1'1 Do tt N H tlot pm pla Sec " did not can 1,'ollov at. $5.00 in Ht olm N er, IM n 0n 5 tre t Wat t Hay, ond, ot lf he police D --rr Miller Lal tee leaps o asststat1ee, . rts spa Myers ; ll H S. M w. I; rieneed ll )ndition l l' 11111 ll I't " lt n LU -J. Landers, Gerard Bennett, Thompson n, Harry Boyd, Lio- Bovs , n n were "'r ty (3111f ot . and 1Hned l efiieieat way. hiaedonald jud e dogs at the ttl M), Ii 500 to 2000. would exceed tt Artm; 1 hour Silver Cup g G0.00 in 1t'a,co' tries, all but two There were two features of the made by praetie- slit M Indium}; Cunuuit u 11 lit 11- m I) mg and or the†WOT in Lll'E lOlll'S 18 min yt to he unusl O arson will] " i 214 11' " ma rk D y 10 I'tl ll LUV m the It l d m n el 8-0.0 10 " LY n i511 l, It “X m ly 111111 and kind tele- ll ll 1' 11-06 'c7IE" young am , seriousnec T,'?' proposals the ed that tt lost team's' 4 rere hm“ Ln." taee IN IE " '.1“119)"p1‘0f ll no bets on " The, om P. the NILE - "An in" ', ed to exln o e13 A. Ju J. I the Ivoqu m' ll. Wane] e f'nrTIr's a: t li phone fl day ant making donbte d nave easuy have won that. game re- gardless of any fixing. No "fixing" was needed, But while.eondemning flirtiy and fallrany such procedure, it is only fair to note that the local player involved was approached at a time when he felt that "the team's chances were imperilled by what he felt was unfairness. Also he was young: and perhaps did not realize the seriousness of his listening lo such proposals. It has been fairly establish- ed that only enthusiasm for the local team’s chances impelled the two men here in their improper action. They profited in no other way, having no bets on this or other games. The, uiiicial statement as issued by the N.U.H.A. is as foliows:---. "An important deeisiou was reach- ed to expel from the association play- ers A. Juliet. and ll, E. Campbell of the Imquais Falls team ,and player ll. “Waters and Manager J. McGratlt of) the 'l'innnins team. This action r-nin:- as the result of a. thorough in- tangent: tr Ir, m1 filllll EXPEHEI FEW " H. ll, WEB iifMiillllllt so err le game '\\ wthing‘ in 1er Ram tors tt ll! and to 1 was paid Single Copies 5 Cents mm Wu' n mg mum n will in la al, Ollg'uly nut l'etusmg ntil facts were avail IS been justified, Ti rem 1m a infest? 2'f e ext T, ,1, ad I'oquoi . ha ve ll use concern une ‘here, t 110ml: one l proper, and be that, For have won tl any fixing. But while event the W n it " H If Facts as brought out follows ..-1n Common tther hockey enthusi- lns. 1IeGrath of the lf refusing any state- were available. This tstilied, The Hodkey 's generally have all nupletely exonqmjed - in any wrongdoing, he contrary. It has Jul that only in the Lens any question of Pt', and the general hat, Porcupine could Wt n 'a] ls rfei I'k C (I n ll Gite sum was reach- ssueiation play- E. Campbell of tltt ,and player get J. MeGratit I. This action W mommy: of the North Bay on llleeal with freq mom ly the 'ter a tlrot'ough the Executive committees of rmmmittee at . other one at carefully con- , and made its ieial statement " le " lat lf IO Q " ayer 3.5451 ivate ar- yers and n " n " mnnit tee ed game 'h these on fixed. ndertak- “at any on its s of the merated matter outside at talk ing: any bandied ee. The ', took he mat- money sted ml for as _ ap- 5 extra lt un- mums "I tlie, 1e ideg in the er the y was ot '11 Im- ,mder into ps Ott IO,