I I oo-oo-oo-oo-to_o-o-tt if! W The Haileybury Buéiness College To-day they hold important and well paid positions, because they became EFFICIENT through the help of The Way is open to you. You have ambition-you want to succeed -r" want to be a Leader. g ', l d.'JUt WINTER TERM begins Monday, January 3rd For Particulars write WILLIAMS & ROSS. D, t Proprietors Branehetc--North Bay, Sudbury, Bracehridge, Collingwood. Present attractive Purchases It their present Prices. Till the Market Minna: before placing your exam. Telegraphic Charges paid L, all Orders and . Confirmations _ GIVE THIS FERVICE A TRIAL While they are at-the:o Low Levels. Ensures privacy in all your trantactions. . Copy of-this Coke Book will be s2nt Free, upon request. Ensures you the best exucution o" your Orders, Prompt Deliveries and S3ttlcn.?.ttts. . Homer L. Gibson & Co. Take this step now toward Eur Private Code Book Mining Stocks Our Personal Service business submarines. The. bulletin' tells many other things Edison did while Chairman ofthe Naval Consulting Board. It explains how Edison kept the price of his phonograph at bed rock during an era of high costs andusoaring prices. Since 1014 the New Edison has advanced in price (in the United States) less than 1i5fi-.-and part of this is war tax. This _bulletin also describes the Bud- get Plan, which makes it possible for every home to enjoy the benefits ot'good music without feeling the financial outlay. _. Members Standard Stock Exchange 703-4-5 Bank of Hamitto'n Building ' TORONTO, ONT. tells ’WW“Wâ€W SUCCESS 't TIMMINS DO NOT WAIT {MIC 1113.210 'w J ll, J. MBYBRS. BOY dison t to sea, , foilbd ealer their Program in the Busing“ open to you. match for the am"rrtreettrestt " Mr. (Him. 's Near Renard: f HS DOING OW ONTARIO Cl crmzm Cl ISO! D, C. ROSS, Principal ._._..._. ---" - ' aaikia-"""a"E.cirG iih' " 1.8! " Illlfllilliljlll BAHQJHHB M “PM HEY Guest," was proposed by Mr. A. C. Rorahaek who said he had known Mr. Lee when he first mime to North Bay and waswith the C..P.'R. previous to joining the T. & N. o. In his know- ledge of Mr. Lee, be found it difh'eult JUIYllllg the 1'. a G. ll. Jn his Know-l ledge of Mr. Lee, he found it diffieult. to select words that would adequately) express his feeling and regard for the guest of the evening. Mr. Rorahaek referred to the stirling character of Mr. Lee and his rise from the bottom of the laddertas it were, to the top rung, every step byuuerit and charac- ter and integrity. When Nr. Geo. W. Lee rose to respond he was greeted with prolonged cheering and the hear ty singing of "He's a Jolly Good Fellow." After the required words of thanks for the honour gii'en him Mr. Lee spoke of.' his life, his work and his friendships in North Bay and the North Land. He came to North Bay 23 years ago when the Lake Superior Division of the C.P.R. was formed, and to use his own words, he has made his home there ever since trying, to be a worthy citizen of what he knew was a worthy town. in speak- iin; of' his life and work )11'.‘1190'S ad- vice. to your}: men is worth murh more ithan passing: notice. He gave as his .secret of success for young men: i“Kee[> perfectly sol;er, the honest in will things, he steady and ever ready land willing to work." Here also is ll ounspl worth tion:----"), n your daddy M all been cheering the 'l‘orcupme Hockey team should take the oppor- tunity of the dance pn the evening of Feb. lst to show their suporl by the largest attendance on record for any dance in Timmins. . EPLET THOUGHT THERE ' MUST BE TWO [naked to the supine ment. 111 W mt. 230 Present. Appointment Very Popular. Mr. Lee Gives V Hi3 “S;cret of Success" " If i) One to l ' tlu n m tc play your work help any to lruud fur Judge J Mr. Art nee SW M m " d W O ll was de l, even if' you land nodnile; fill in your M l' n 'op young men: er, he honest in and ever ready " Here also is closest consider- H JI not In n It pit a tul HIS on TWO PUCKS. oleason.t man- . agreeabk it rourly about My '., W n ople an d tlieys THE PORCUPINB ADVANCE ssmn were al banquet it last, in e's son, the dt with in & ND. w IE I) Mr. Geo SONIC Il n AW W I!) Jt “Our H Ell of o n o, LI en II' " ere boy ml ht 2V6 Jrl 'll iml :l \‘% Mr It " Tl Iles ent w MEANEST MAN IN THE NORTH LAND DISCOVERED t'ma.-...-_i...,Au.i' m It1 It l W w H u (ii"?"'-"':'-: - jt' / "Hfs Master's Voice" Records 662:; Any f 216223 216223 216222 216225 216224 BERLINER GRA AL O-PHONE co. ' LIMI TED, Mor' TREA L n Annie, My Own-Fox Trot Caresses--Fox Trot Fair One. and Old Fashioned Garden-One-Step The Broadway Blues-Fox Trot The Melody Men VOCAL SELECTIONS My Home Town is a One-Horse Town Billy Jones Jinga-Bula-Jlng-Jing (Comic Song) Billy Jones Will You Remember or Will You Forget ? Lewis James and Chorus Old Fashioned Garden Lewis James and Chorus Minuetto and Barcarol1e (from All on 10-inch, don IN A MONASTERY GARDEN His M IN "His D tCfi't (i-l-af-_-r-i.--, ï¬g? t “35.3"?“33 -t..-...._tt-- 7530’ 3.35321- g?l'iraetii,lif,i.ft /ili-rSr-/1-' '--l_r--) b"Piii ‘ 5'ai1BNE? 5913 '-.'f:',i,-'j,'r,'s'f,, ;iLr.,t(ti.'i9( 'i-C-i',).':?.;-?:.!-.;.),..?,-),:...-:).),, " a- _-,lr , ,2, ---..._. ‘kxx "Ni-iii),]':?, / Hï¬l li,:,, ls new 2&3 'it' “H h J "'l/ii7i,)jis'r'fj,ilijjj . . l 93"ny _ l " U '///illliliii1ii"),r,ili,i7t'll '.iiiF,'iii,ijrr, ",, . Y, h' ' +is MASTERG vommw, 'di. Lï¬mrnolr'wï¬nlm-‘v'lrj-IWW '" "i I!" [lo T, W: "ttrl 44.1 t _ - i:giiiirg - ' NOW ON SALE AT . His Master's Voice" dealers . ngi::;\*"\> 'm, . _errC=:cltjui,s,)jtjirr,' 'ii-Iii-i-rr":;:]:":':":':,'?);; 4/% {N30 , E Be Sure of Success l Hear thesc new selections E P.O. Box 62 Phone No. 32 , Coo-ot-ot-to-ooo-ot. “WMOWO OQOWOOOQOOMOOOOWMMMM v " v " vv -- voovovooq'oovooowOOOOMOOM on CE Excavations for 0011311, Sewer: etc. Contracts 0: at en EMPIRE BUILDING imt ', Business Training _ HAILEYBURY, ONT. for details of a Free Corres- pondence foams. A good position with big money DANCE NUMBERS D ' LEO ", MASCIOLI ance Urcnc' c. plays thi sible ton Fox Trot. NORTHERN CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS , STRUM E avails ever y graduate. Stenog raphers, Bookkeepers and Clerks. " Or 121623310 by securing a thorough Good salaries paid to N'TAI "c0NTllhcTOlt Write today to the Raderman's Novelty Orchestra The Melody Men r's Voice Orchestra and (Théms lesof Hoffman") Henri'sOrch. Jed $1.00 " Id m h, $1.00 mization thmichl I on A the Melody Men The Melody Men 1 And mm bets n )rm lers hf 21008 f) bril