Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 27 Dec 1920, p. 4

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TIIE nlil'ili'W new (Mice 26 The nominations for ship heid at Porcupine united as follows:--- For Reeve-Geo. Bannernian and Geo. D. Hamilton. " Por Couneimnvsr----W. Campsall, Z. Hart, J. C. Hui], A. H. Reamsbottom, J. W. Young. been changed thy the mlditaun of the éip,'tuxt 1 and the rate of pay per month had also been ehanpul on the original bat not on the duplicate. The work was quite skilfully dura, 'N"lrtt will have opportunity to explain the matter in Magistrate Atkinson to- marrow (Thursday.) PARTY IN HONOUR or' MRS. L. HALPBRIN THIS WEEK. Hadnsnh Chapt .1 party this week 3t'eidman, 'Muneta " Polished every Wednesday b) Geo. Lake, Publisher WEDNESDAY, DEC. Mth., 1920. Canada - United States t . ' I 'ren Ir NOMINATIONS FOB. WHITNEY TOWNSHIP. CHE/2UP. SKILFULLY RAISED PROM $1 TO $14. Subscription Rater. Telephones: 5r of Timmins gave at the home of Mr. in honour of Mrs. ,mse Skunk Simon Party, Billy BI M6206 [Swine Along Peerless Qt {There's {Faint Chair at Home. 215214} - 5%" "cm. (Take M. Joseph f Because 216219 IA Dream Hughes 1 {My Home Town Is a One-Horse gti22it u ii'tiiiidBuu-riru-3ims Bil [All She'd Bay Was Emil-Hum 2162211 Jack Sharp assisted by l [Andy Lewis James and (lr/ll You Remember or Will Yot 216125 Old Fashioned Garden l Lewis James anc Whitney Town on Monday re- 0 ONTARIO Residence 112 $2.00 year B3.00 your VOCAL RECORDS {Gems from "The Maid of the Mountains" )Geins from Jrmu-chm-fitlot" l H.M.V. Light Opera Co. {who Simple Simon Party, Billy Murray \cuana Alum Peerless Quartet Any "His Master's Voice" dealer . 5 A? ”I , , EEN ge' 't ' 'igl 3 . . " ' , ttppm , - I " “i R' IN . " B' " Y, at“. v L' El , 9 'tit ” , 8lt id It: ' t. FC titll a; M IN " lt, bg " E . M, . , B. L“ ‘ v" I ”"35 "l a e, . g _ tt . FP, Ef ., , - 'etll e Il 'A, IM , G -, . ' I P, a IN v '09” " tr N BIN .4 "de,e b" w! tii? a“. tt" NC' ' .g ' " IF, Tr . I © I a ' U" ‘ ttp, . A :1 Ft' " If.', .,. _ . Nit, _ 1.... .,- ' :9 'd ' gh A .3: Jim FEE . “fay? J fl.,., 43” 'e auus “a -11.? SS'w,v3 " , . . aw, tl Nh a ' ~ ’ . " I - " .‘l A, . Ire, * 'WN 1q.#, U. , - " v. 'PE 5..- trf se'," w.' l _ a” 5 a k Ill! . =r 41%; I d in - . * b ar v. ' , tl 'rs . ,. Et' - Riu? " .;..: . MI . u V-gif , a? 5‘ . M " - ’ Vi r 'a . a ’4'; " a ”5-H..." tls I.“ ",sggh, Il ' A: t ' 5 " AiTiFTWTTTTN Just look over this list and note what a feast of this month for your enjoyment. Famous artists, nin;hie-fingerer) iazz masters combine to make this list one of the most intc: offered for some: timc. will gtadly play any selec -smetured by IKRLINER GRAM- 64914 Stein Song “915 Turkish arch (Violin) 64919 Le Cancun J.Trr. 2tt.t , FOR JAN ILLij2Y" Now on Sale L. Halperin who basic? for a visit of three months in New rk. Mrs. Hal- perin wag the orstanirxt of the Chap- ter in 1imrnins. and her services in this respect were very highly appreciated and she has enjoyed very general po- pularity. At the party this week oe- .ssion was taken to give expression to the high esteem in which Mrs. Hal- ierin is held and as a memento of this ozard she was presented with a very andsmio gift. as a reinenr.raneo. A fiery pleasant soeial evening: was spent l y t.e many friends present for the i it'cnsinn and Mrs. Halperin was show- l red with good wishes. The Northcrown Mines, more com- ionly known as the Porcupine Crdwn t' simply the Crown, has not closed Invn nor has it any intention of clos- nr, down as reported., Instead, the 4". " mm is going after its develop- nent programme with a vim and ex- tended work is to be carried on. The if: programme of development work varred out some time ago could not he carried out as the management would have liked to have, it done dur- ing the past year, but now full atten- im may he centered on it and great raga-em made during the next two or t.:ree months. On aeieount of the pow- r situation it has been found espedi- "rt to close the mill, but this will not move any partieular handicap to the N u-thcrown in the long run. The ex- tended programme of underground de- rs.c-liriosrient will mean of course an odd- ed amount of Work for the mill, but the mill has a capacity that, can he us» J.y0WN NOW ON‘EXTENDED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME. ‘owwoowmooeoooo‘: to-tttOtto'.",.',')"""?':" itrC wooeomewoomomoo I, _..--."-"" Ian) assisted by Kid Bell Lewis James and Chorus To One ancl 2’? sl',".: Trc? W'ish Sincerely a Happy and Cr? ”-3 "o'irierous New Year --'.i With An your null”: Song Mme. Homer-Mi You Went Away (Tenor with Violitt) blu a ehtstier---Nemi'eo dclla Panic? All on 12-inch Red Seat Records $2.00 THIRD AVENUE, or Will You Forket James and Chorus l RED SEAL RECORDS Hughes Macklin Joseph Phillipa rs; Town Billy Jones selection you may wislt to hear TY “an" l ry /it 1" l, 9:; _ "l, (,),tl' RTZ , O-PHOI‘JE co.. Limited, Montreal z masters and popular singers most interesting that has been (In a Monastery Garden 216224lHis Master's Voice Orchestra and Chorus \Minuetto and Barctrolle Henri's Orch lSceneu Msaciennts--part m 2162” Moretti Trio 'musnerdGil'tr Dream Chamburland Trio DANCE RECORDS 'Feather Your Nest-Fox Trot \1...:.. Dual 216227; 2t62221 216223 ‘Ivhavx icaresses---Fox Trot (Finer Patter--Walta 23622" i thtrhrut-- Pox Trot {Stop It t--one Step 2162281've Got the Elm-I for l _ Home-Pos Trot feast of good numbers are out Yrarssie and patesteerva--Fos Trot [Fair Qnegnd Old Fashioned Garden l -- Ont-Step (The Broadway Blues-Fox Trot The Melody Men (Annie. My own-Fox Trot 4 Raderman's Eryrelty flet'he I NS TR UM ESTA L RECORDS DI,, " " 03-0MOW6W000W99 sehei Radxmaninc ed to advantage with ore ahead. The ed to advantage with ore ahead. The plan of the management is to do as much development wore as possible now and then when the power is avail- able again to simply speed up the mill and run the ore through. With the de velopment work now under way and Reinald Wrrrertrath / Mischa Emmy, the doubling up of the mill staffs in the spring, the production of the Northorown will undoubtedly make a record in the next six months. INSTALLATION or OFFICERS PORCUPINE LODGE A.P. 8t AM. .1, M..- " "m-r-.' (supine t week, St ine Mast Todd, of Cobalt. The following Were the ullicers installed C--- Wor. Master-W. b'. Richardson. I. P. W LM.---W. V 1Viddifield. Senior Warden-Geo. Lake. Junior Warden-Jas. Fl, Boyle. tiee y.-cChas. 'M eCatfery," Treas.---iM.Al. Clarke. D. of C.--Geo. Bannermar S. S.----). G. A. Woods. y J. S.--4 Starling:. S. I)eaeon--H. Blood. J. Deaeon--Ciuts. Melnnis. Chaplain ---Joim Mason. I. Cl.----!':)' Peatwe. '!'yler---Creo. I). Hamilton.. A l'tei‘ the installation there was a big 'I'an’qnct much enjoyed by all. There “'er many pleasing addresses and tle fare at the hanquet, was unusually Honzéux' Quyntt' Edward Johnson iss Louise Homer '9; maeioKrrisltr Frances Alda "iii/a' "ttttat, Shares). Ufor Mxli'extucky Trot ran Eps Quartet I _ r-.-Fox Trot Mario Perri iii; iieiddy Men The Melody Men Diamogd Trio 2tttt6 TIMMINS. 1'38 POROUPINB ADVAXOB good. A‘vote of thanks was tendered to the ladies for their assistance in the providing of the banquet. OFFICERS INSTALLED AT GOLDEN BEAVER LODGE. One Monday evening, St. John's Night, the annual installation of offio. rrs took place at Golden Beaver Lodge AF. & AN., Timmins. M. W. Bro. N. J. McAulay, of Haileybury. was the Installing Master sind was. assisted by M. W. Bro. C. Cr, Williams. The following were the olh'eors installed :-- W.3tc.----W. W. White . I.1r1l.--rl. L. Longmore. SAC-il. H. Martin. programme was an unusually pleasing me, including music and excellent ad.. dresses that pleased and inspired all. l'lie banquet was an eleg,ant one, and the whole event vetleeted the highest eredit on those responsible for its sue- cess. The hall was artistically decor- ated for the occasion and the tables spread with all good things. were wortr..v of special native. The ladies who Lokedttiter the preparations and iipinnémenis for the banquet certain- ly did their gdnd work well. LCr.---1l. o. Udall. Tylev---0 . M . How ery. After the installation a very pleas- ,mt banquet and pmgramme was en- joyed by the members present. The prugramxue was an unusually pleasing nae, ineluding music and excellent ad.. dresses that pleased and inspired all. l'he banquet was an elegant one, and Hum whole event veileeted the highest Do you know your child's teaeherfi' Have you ever called on her to dis-l, cuss the human being for whom you'; and she are jointly responsible? . i She is your child's best, friend, out-" side the home. She is your purinerl in the business of' bringing the ehild" up to worthy citizens'iip. Your in-' Latest in this business is far greater than hers. She is always an active, tireless partner; but too many par- ents are silent ones. The teacher is deserving of the eon-' tidenee the parent places in her, but is it fair that she should be obliged to bear the whole responsibility for the education of the child. l, - It is the duty of the parent to can-' fer frequently with the child 's teacher just us k conscientious business man confers often with his partners on the condition of the business. , The teacher should be eultivaieduas a strong, personal friend with whom the parent shares the most congenial of common interests. . She should be visited at least once a month and consulted as to the ehild's weaknesses and theineihods whereby the parent can best eo-operate in the ‘work of the teachers. The good school and the good teacher welcome the co-operation ol the helpful parent but there is a diiferenee between the helpful parent and the merely critic. al one. s.ttr.- ll. H. Marti J.W.--tl. S. Lowe. Tryms.--W. H. Hm S'eey.--W. R. Him Chaplain-J. S. It.---) F. J.D.---J. 'Thm Sm. Steward J 1'. Steward" If you are not yet acquainted yvith1 your ehild'spoaelut suppose you call on her and get acquainted; and have a long tall; ulmut your child. You will learn much from her: and she will learn much from you; and then both ot' you will know the child better. With the oxmptinn of yourself, who is a better friend of your child than his te:uler? Rename a friend of hers. Winnipeg Tcle;pam. PATRONESSEIS op THE ROSE BALL NEW YEAR'S EVE. The i'ollosring are the patronesses of the Rose Ball being given in the Mas mic Hall, Friday evening, Dee. 31st. under the auspices of Timmins Guldvn Chapter l.o.D.E.:-- Mrs. J. A. Mclnnis, Mrs. D. ostross- er. M 1's. H. Peters, Mrs. A. F. Carriere Mrs. P. Tcare, Mrs. L. b'.. Dorwtty. They are having their first munieip- al election mun-st at Iroquois Falls this year, The candidates are as fol- i o IV S w n 2 dent For i"ouneillursr---Art'uur Fl. Jhwwer, J. S. Brown, H. W. Camemn, P. M. Cannon, H. J. C. Chapman, F. K. F.lr. bid, A. Gauthier, H. J. Ines, E. J. Kelty. L. Fl. Kendall, P. ll. Kennedy, T. Mills, W. J. Timmy, C. M. Watts. There will be a public meeting at the School House, trehmnueher, Pri- day evening, December Mst,. at 8 p.m. in oonneetion with the municipal elec- tion... in Tisdale. Nr. J. E. Cook,who is om- of the candidates for the Reeve- s'aip, will give an address explaining his platform and position and there will be other special-addresses. Every body is invited and all ratepayers of Tisdale “he can do so should attend this important meeting. YOUR CHILD'S TEACHER. For Mayor-Jolt NICIPAL ELECTIOli AT IROQUOIS FALLS. Thomas Geo Hum. E. Gurnell. Bailey. Gen. Murphy. Hm-kcbonc. s. Wil row0. Vunicr, mill- m, superinten- The Hockey schedule as printed last week has been altered by the changing of the game tretgeen Iroquois Falls at I it v.yo.oooooo-oo--oooooooo0o00oo0o0oe, ' C* . w- ‘ - lrt ' [T - " " ', " g 3. ' T " " K SE , a V " go ‘ , up; . tel " ir, k " Il . 111‘?" kg Ill? " " ’ u d. , - , . a " r" V 3.? " , , BRI, é “' " tt 'gt . 2:; " xx " . r- ' Et' e Il, im , . 1S'lMit15 Fa" In; a" v _ " ' >1 t I "E . Mira, . t Phone 43 Timmins, Cobalt 17 Secretary L. P. Hail. 'i 0 i'ro-oooooooooototoe-ooooooo-0o0o0006. Iroquois Falls at Ilaileybury at . . Timmins at . . . . . Liskeard at . . . . Liskeard at . . . . Ilaileybury at . . Liskeurd at ... . Ilaileybury at .. Timmins at . . . . Timmins at .. .. Iroquois Falls at Iroquois Falls at Timmins at .... Liskoard at ... . Iroquois Falls at Timmins at .... Timmins at .... llailoybury at ., Haileyhury at . stooo.ooooooooootooeooooo-rooo-o"oo""e Liskuard at .. Huile.s%try at l,i.skcard at ' Iroquois Falls Iroquois Falls Efififigfigfigfigfigfigfifigfigfigfigfififlfifififiémwmg r-ot-oo-o-ot--""'"'"" To the Electors of T isdale IliPulijl Etllill SCHEME l ll, ll, l The People's Candidate Timmins, Cobalt, Ontario NORTwERN ONTARIO DISTRIBUTOR BRITISH AMERICAN OIL (UMPANY LOCAL WAREECUSIS Mine and Mill supplies, also building materia', Representing Cobalt Foundry. VINCENT WOODBURY at... at ... For Reeve . . . . 'l‘immim. . . . . Liskeard. Iroquois Falls. . . Haileybnry. ... . Timmins. Iroquois Falls. Iroquois Falls. ...'. Timmins, .. Haileybury, .... Idskeard. _.... 1,iskeard, .. 1laileybttry, Iroquois Falls, . . Haileybury ..... Timmins ... . Liskeard .. llaileybury .... . Liskeard ... . . Timmins Iroquois Falls Iroquois Falls .... Timmins .. Haileybury .. _ . Liskeard VOTE FOR Timmins from February 9 to Fehra. ary 1. All the other dates stand. It now stands as tollosi---- Thursday. Thursday, Tuesday, . Tuesday. . Saturday, Saturday lionday, . nfonday, . Saturday, .. Monday, ... Friday, ... Monday, .., Friday, .... Friday, ... Wednesday. Satitrday, . Monday, . . Wednesday, Saturday, . Saturday, . ,Momlay, .. ,Monduy, . . ,P‘riday, ... .Monday, .. December: [hi-ember: ' . January .. January December 30th, Deremtter30th, . January 4th, ‘. January 4th, . January 8th, . January 8th, January 10th, a January 10th, . January 15th, , January 17th, January 21st, January 24th, . January 28th, January 28th, . February 1st, February 5th, February 7th, . February 9th, February 12th, February 12th, February 14th, February 14th, February 18th, February 21st, 14th, 14th, 18th, 21st, 1920 l C 122%. 192 , 192A 1921. 193E 192i.. 192L 1921, 192t 102t 192: 1931 1931 1921 1921, .192L .1931 102t mat mm m:

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