Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 22 Dec 1920, p. 7

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Nllllliliili1 PM WINS llf THE Ram 1lilllTll Mil Antwan Book of Verse Prom the Pen of Hugh L. Warren. Poet, - Prospector. Trapper and “limit Poets and m‘tists do In generally appreciated, to lands knuwn and underst grant outside world. The the spirit of tlse [and of and depict in striking. fur and ideals of the people. many who bdlicve that hot try can become truly kno ”minted by the outside land must have its poets tists. The,true heart ol' F' poet. This mummy of beauty that shun it has the immensit) itiis that should fire there is .rumnm'e There hare been ill nzxaent [maple who : two per m m. Fur re“ waterfur the watt-r land must have tts poets Itl lists. T'ne,true heart of Sm shown humanity by Robm Kipling gave the world a , insight into India. In less-1 Service did sorviee for the l its tragic trails. _ The North Land has an noet. This mummy hm (he the Hum-pm of vision l; of the Km" very ”nus hurried. all Lin-x support by tl,e pally ol vohum- the Norm Lnry! has is pos'). Hr. Warren Ins been in [he North Land for twd VI' years past, Inu-rh of tliat time in the Parr-amino. lie knows and loves the. North and its great outdoors He has ramped and trapped, progwntt- ed and mimnd, lived and worked in the North Land. His fi,vt volume 'nf poems suggests that he has found {we spirit ciCthoieourttry an l the heart of the people. “The forewo , to his wol- ume is:-- - l .rhyme nntnnf a city's gun: NorUl Grm's blossmmy pride Thu" I've lot myself to the eddy Of the surgiv,gututnan tide. bii " mL.’P,F‘rV‘~"“-l"m.m'fl‘fv“"n"nfil~â€"'fimnsâ€"-w-warâ€" _-" ruh7tts.' 1N ", 'h.,.". .21!,.‘. " T u g - --,-_-‘ "slr-rl.., '.‘ tfihw‘wfib;-‘JL cd:i..a'tt.qggLiuniraisL'ritc..ur.'t2.S2t, h'tRRtii!aWi,e'ierih52ii"thWiSri; llll W aa Third Avenue Itll trt ol' Ytur by Robe? ttll THU " ('UITK‘S "HIM magmat mu vers' lsaoil , n tii) ' BI - B ii' " RI 1l8 , a , it' ‘ " , _ _ BR,,) tll . Ft , , n , . . M ' Bahq , It . [T ', a? ii . EM . "' tPtt eff: " tia I " 5? ' at. .= a: we“, 424'?” tlrlRlMrt ' V MFNMr il8 - ’ a:,'.:)] Lrr, 3““. ', " a in i8ll G - illtaBllg Iliil tSIN _ %il ' it 'Etr, . . l $1 Ill . {a , _é‘ Leg}. V4532 E, i; iii, , r Tal B, Kr, Il ik' , f T..t,Q 5 ' , . 7' _ 5 Fix M, Bhd lg qhEITlil tIE ." " ='. " bl MI g B, " TR 3 ' ' . “s i y i" P, Bl in. , f , ' haw; rib _ , V, ll? & " MI git -.-_ l TV' M: A; Itl a h a "Ilkl I ;"f-‘-- ta" EM. MI 3. 1-“ M . , " ' , " ‘ L. 1 t ta T _ ' '. an u. , H . _ . . _ . . r " ,5. JN " Rh t p, . T a u " " 'lf' - / a. - _ I R, ‘ Crt , " V ‘ "* . ~ . . , “is; Sig!) Q; rv', ts N - BI ey iN = TU " Ham p, am: 'El, ah Kigt .1?“ am. ' hd will "" tNy --" ,l.EF, B5 “5' 'm , p, Tg' v “with V _ I, I 3 var [' h G . . , ._ it! . " ' n if rt Burns. wonderful Hum than PIT N Irs. the tt their o-r-e-r-i-se---,---'"-"-'?""')?)."'-"", de oi ee tttn )rt are 'al' the 11r rue 1k: ul HS In n I W he at " It pre-virar prices. Special prices in Clothing, Suits and Overcoats at prices that can not be equalled elsewhere. Suits, tailor-made, regular $75.00 here for $37.50 this week. . it you have left the buying of Christmas gifts until now, you will find it difficult to select presents: We cin and will help you. This store still has good stocks of goods suitable for Christmas gifts. We hure been clearing out our big stocks, but you will get good bargains indeed on what is still here. Just come in and see the goods and note the prices. You will find here innumets able handsome and useful gifts, gifts th 1t are high in quality and low in price, gifts that will be appreciated and remembered. T . K For example, come and see the wonderful Values we carry in Men's and Boys' Shirts, Ties, Collars, Gloves, Scarfs, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Boots, Shces and Slippers. All sellirg below Putt mine is the great high nortlinnd‘ The forest, chic and the glen, The beanteous lakes and rivers And the fearless pioneer men. There are a number of verses in the book that show the true poet. "Where Nature Whispers,” "Farewell, Little Cabin," “Nature's Welcome," "Hel- lo, Little Cabin,” "An Old Faded i'tittas,re,"---t!tese are poetical gems that would alone make the book trea- sured by those who love the North and have a taste for talented Verse and the wor 1) “HM ,_,ji'jicriit'o "sri:',',';,"'.;',,),':))-,:. iinmr dilsty'ss libefore the lbig day Speeiiall :- tttt nu n ll Ill tt " That the Irrltle serihe knew ()l' the Crilrple1'reel; Trad And the tlies. "Nnture's WeleomeT will have "a partieular appeal to the olil-timers:--- Fur in the high North where the SVPHPI')’ is grander, Kissed in the twilight by the frost and the dew, Great valleys amazing and hillsides in splendor Are whispering, old timer, a welcome to you. This poetic verse is .used as the title ll ll 1 general t1.2P um t W ttt n en 'list covetsk 1lllt%g llh o I "IME LE Ul _ y .BIMI1 Qilllritlt I H the it W POE " we r "I ----. _____________________m - EhfiEfiBfl-ifiEHWEI-3555535555WEfififififliflififimflifififikfifififififififlifikfihfififiifiififiififlihfikfl ll m n " at n " lt " o t “Hint w it it PM. Prior ll inn-m at Hm- st“ " It " narrative pne {inning to NH creditable. ' it tt )UI'HU Net is perhaps the tary notice that enuld store in town ordered lovers of t in will jus" s evidenced I) m te of " HI south ut'.tu the book do not aimed inspiration sion. This might dar truth regard- rtive nuems. But old table. The book Canadian poetry 91's of the North will justly value. :idcnvml his faith a poet. The pub- than justified this " is having a with. Here it is orutlar. And the I were by wire 11V mt over m( Jit Hull summer tum few lines “or JUST of UT 1 over that I] IS Cxlrerl all sold. and they sale. tale of a dull vity e ('l'lpp'le I account tat, well- rlh Land nne o Irrivnl " tt't or m to the photo that forms the frontis- piece of the volume. The photo is one of the typical North Land scene, n rough road leading to a cabin in the shelter of great hills, with the tall straight pines lining the way like sen- tinels on duty, and in the background rising up to the sky is one of the ever- lasting hills. And from this striking frontispiece to the end of the little volume there will be pleasure and ins- piration for all who carefully peruse its pages. TEM18KAMINt1 M. P. GIVES TORONTO SOME BOT SHOT Considerable prominence was gi by Toronto and other outside tlt' papers to th" adress of Mr. Angus Donald, M. P. fot. Tmniskaming, at United Farmers' Convention in pitv an Thursdav last. According Donald, M. P. fur Temiskaming, at the ithn United Farmers' Convention in the ' city on Thursday last. According to the reports. "Long: Angus" was in a fighting form and told them all where) [til they got " at. Me casually referred 1liii to Tm‘unto as the bigg,est pool of in- LEE to Tunmto as the biggest pool of in- equity, so far as the press is eunrermed that we have in the Ihnninion., He de elared that there were 14 or 15 news- pawn in Canada that were subsidized by the Government to the extent of some millio.ns of dollars. He mention ml two Ottawa mapei's [IS receivingr .ih'il,000.fu) In war ond others in Mun- treal, but he did not name any in To.. mum, if' the reports are correct. The Temiskarmng A ters present to and apparently at his word. 'l and job itrmt'lny:----simply lmszl' service. The pity nowspamers may tied up, but surely it is not fair to tempt' to prove it in this way. overvuno who am-epts money from overyunv Will) arm-ms umney 1mm tllt' Dominion (luwrn‘ment for mlun rw- twired is zuwusedi of being "13ml" than thousand (if people in the mun- try (the Temiskaming: 11.P., included) may he as fairly set down as “mn- trollml by subsidy. Mr. Ali-Donald told the Con.. vention that. the Labour I'o My was going: to vo-operate to the limit with the U.F.(). As am ex-Farmer he quite apvreeiatcdt that an 8-hour day was not workahlle on the farms ol' Can adagbul there. was going to be no split between the two sides-the Farmers and Labour-on that score. Mr. Dakin, of the Hollinger staff left last week for a threepveeks' huli- day in Toronto and other points south er Plil Borsalino Felt Hats, regular $11.00 ac $7.45. Felt Hats, good quality, all colors, regular $6.00 to $7.00 at $2.45 Ire, 1'etu'lrt of mursr 7'17 T" CTetr", reports are current. Ilie M. P. dared any repor- to print his statements, ly they have taken him '" [he amounts he (“lures mired Ihy certain iteu.'i- f mursu for advertising THE POROUPIITE ADVANCE r'.,T,trre'r:.yT'rJ'r'b"2(TIT; Err-"v led Framm'": i .. 'l7WU a". 'sd..: ta ui'Lgi'A mi: s'ia 'i'cERfh'lh' s'Ti' a; 4.2153412; 'd.t hi , w S YOU Mv ll Sei EFS EU E! L-tr,?, gill Sir tify. Ct.? I-ti] _ , ,1 5% ESEEEEEF-flfigfigfiafigfi$$ގޤbfi§fi§fi§§$§fi§$§figfigfiafiflfifififigflaflfim Em Ffe, We have something for everybody Fancy boxes of Chocolates Confectionery in bulk All kinds of Fruit and Nuts Dolls, Toys, Cigars, Pipes, Pouches, Hand Bags, Purses, 45 Third Avenue Wednesday, Thursday and Friday must see our entire stock of of Xmas and Holiday Goods cleared at prices that will leave no room for argument. 'ake advantage of Santa Claus's last call for Xmas 1920 and make your dollar buy 100 per cent. of its value at 2lb. box of Xmas Confectionery, assorted {51.2.3 perl Boxes of Chocolates, all sorts, regulur $1.50 at 95c. " " K, *1" ‘v; v Rta Ta " ' . 'dB g " - r RI , Iii, E) Fl till (y? Ii? 'treg th Bit G' “I " ', ' 'lo' , ll, 55. a: M Bll MI " N . V ii flu-UM 't ". g tl, © llli " Eh' " r ‘ . n ttt . , lil " “r ‘5 F, th' . n?" r iii - K?l iN Bl " ' Glu - . . . . J BN , y 'At 4cm»- " - . r " “WM Blit “A? Xmas Confectionery, assorted $1.25 per box.. Wigl-ZJ t"'i':2'ihFi':':s"7:i"i'-j'li'e:f.' S/it/ERR:."'. 'ss'ie'i2ggiyr'fh'itu'zfiystit,XEeh"' xtra Special Q n% Ctiii, Cut Glass, China, Toilet and Manicure Sets, and a big variety of other practical and useful Timmins, Ont. Christmas Decorations- gifts. Timmins, Ont. (.eiyiNF2:',riSi"'i%9'ir ft

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