Ca But in case Peter wants too much speed there is an extra control on the car, this is a long cable with a switch to the accelerator the end of which is held' hy his nurse. When the speed becomes too high the nurse can ewitch the engine oft. Peter's father is a keen motorist and owns a, car capable of 85 m.p.h. Peter wanted one, of course, so the miniature came along. He soon learn. ed how to steer and drive. It is a real motor car in miniature, with reverse and forward gears, elec- tric headlamps, tra c indicators and brakes. The car is driven by an elec- tric motor. Its highest speed is eight miles an hour. He owns a car and drives it round the grounds ot his tather's house. LONDON. - Eighteen-month-old Pe- ter Aldridge, ot Offchurch, Learning- ton, Warwickshire, is the youngest motorist in Britain. Probably the olive lives to as good, or green, an old age as any European tree, and the gargoyles ot the trunks often grin "like an antie," mocking at time. They may sex a thousand years out; but - should doubt whether any single tree in Britain is known to be a thousand years old. suppose the palm would go to the oaks - the oaks, say, of Aldermaston in Berkshire, of Hatfield in Herts, of Whiligh on the Surrey-Sussex border. Sir George Courthope, whose "amlly records in Surrey predate most tcees, might have some material help tor the tree bio- grapher. 18 Monthtr-uyrivets C The question is suggested, how old can a. tree be? Elwes, who was a great authority, gave 2,000 years to this famous Whiligh Oak, but I should doubt whether any authority of to-day would accept his record, would even grant him halt his estimate. Trees of a thousand years old are pointed out to one in many parts of the world: certain olives for examples in Majorca and the "dragon tree" in the garden of Government House in Gibralter. The round number comes sweetly to the lips. -Some years ago I called attention to a charming instance of continuity and tradition in English county an- nals: Sir George Courthope was re pairing Westminster Hall with oak from the same wood that had sup- plied the original timber 600 years earlier. . . . . "They make their stars overnight, ~{lggwforget about them overnight. They haveh't even time to find oat whether the public like them or not ' . . It’s hard on a young girl. . . ." "The only difference is that they ar- rive quicker - and they go quicker - nowadays. She is tanned brown by the sun, and the spirit of .an unconquerable optim- ism sparkles in her black eyes. She started her film career at Brookly: before they'd ever thought of Hollywood. "lie seen the great stars come and I've seen them go," she says. I don't like that man. It's not right to teach young people to be vengeful, intolerant, and militerist. The young should be taught to be tolerant - to understand the point of view of others. Norma Talmadge is thirty-seven. She looks twenty-seven. These film stars who lose all their money in the market and then go at round whiting about 't make me tired. If you’ve tit the brains and the ability to make money you should be able tc keep It. I think movie actresses who make fortunes (and they earn them) should be compelled by law to put them into trust funds, and stop making public nuisances of themselves. I talked to her tor an hour and came away with these comments. It is high time we put love in its proper place. It isn't all that import. ant. Nowadays .9 are beginning to treat the thing sanely. A girl Is no longer ruined for life because she has an unfortun- ate love affair, or because her marriage doesn’t work out right. She as other things to thin' about. I haven't any patience with the fools who keep on getting married and di.. vorced, and married again. 3 Norma Talmadgc is something ot a philosopher. She has decided views on Love, Money and Hitler. Thomas Meigha.;_, '9 wag to have been her leading man, goes too. LONDON -- For the past seven days one of the greatest film stars the world has ever known has been in London, staying a a big hotel, going to firtyt nights and films. Nobody no- ticed ler - Miss Norms Talmadge. Oftieia11y she was due to arrive in this country some time next week. Actually she came last Saturday. And left again tor New York yesterday at- ternoon in the liner Paris. Negotiations tor her to play lead in a talkie remake of the famous old British silent film, "Somehow Good," fell through. She did not like the part suggested another, and decided to go home to Palm Beach while it is being, prepared. 1 Famous Star In Brief Visit To London Norma. Talmadge Speaks Mind in Love, Money and Hitler Famous Oaks The Spectator. Her Get genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia in the familiar liquid form, or the new, marvelously convenient tablets. Be sure it's PHILLIPS' . . . the kind doctors endorse. NOW IN IABLET OR HQUJD FORM Or take the eguivalent amount of Phillips' Milk 0 Magnesia tablets. Each tablet is equal to a teaspoonful of t..he, liquid, - - -_ - h TAKE--2 tayespo.on.fuls of Phil- lips' Milk of Magnesua in a glass. of water BEFORE bed. In the mornmg 2 more tablespoonfuls with the 3u1ee of a WHOLE ORANGE. That's all), Torporrpw yoq'llfee) great! - We easily forget those faults that are nown only to ourselves-La Rochefoucauld. . . EFFECTS-tji -d.vifriiiFtisaesrciiG most powerful acid neutralizer known topyiiy1qe. Just do this: YET-nts Morning No "Acid fleadacu"---No Upset Stomach Scientists say this i, the QUI CK- EST, SUREST and EASIEST way 1tt_eopnbat FEELING THE James J. Jeffrles, tor long the Cham. pion heavy-weight ot the world, found that Omega Oil went deeper, and limbered up those great muscles quicker. Omega Oil should be in every household for strains, sprains, stiffness, and sore aching muscles. Rubbing doam't blister the skin. At all drugglsts 35 and 60 cts. Sole Agent: John A. Huston Company, Limited, Toronto. "Among the thousands who use Omega Oil as a daily rub down, no one .thinks more of it than I do, It is a liniment of amazing strengthening and soothing power." Toronto.--" remarkable tribute was recently paid to the Hon. Charles Me- Crea at the King Edward Hotel by the leaders of Ontario’s mining Industry. No man has contributed more to the opening up and upbullding ot the north country than the Minister ot Mines, who hails from the Sudbury nickel belt, and who for ten years has been the alert and forceful backer ot the mineral industry, an inspiration to engineers and prospectors engaged in the development of the north, and thus a benefactor ot the whole province and of the entire Dominion. But tor the sympathetic leadership given by Mr. McCrea, the Ontario gold min. ing industry, could scarcely have reached its present proportions. Nor could the base metal industry have grown as it has. Too Much "Party" Last Night Hon. Charles McCrea Landed By Leaders of Mining Industry New government regulations re- quire all eggs to be graded individu- ally by weight. Every producer, buyer and seller of eggs should have a quick, accurate, economical Frost Egg Balance. Priced at only $1.00 each, obtainable trom your nearest Frost Fence Dealer or direct from us if he is not known to you. Order today; send cash or money order. Frost Steel and Wire Co., Ltd. Hamilton Only Frost MADE m CANADA $1.00 ea. Egg Balance INTERNATIONAL GOLD $25 BUYS too FULLY PAID SHARES MAIL COUPON NOW "The California Boner Maker" MINES LIMITED AT 25 CENTS PER SHARE You Must Act Now A Junior Gold of Merit - First Offering of Ontario CAPITAL 1,000,000 SHARES Postpaid When properly developed it will give 50 years of permanent work to at least 1,200 men. The local uni employment problem is solved. When the sinkers cut the coal at a depth of 225 yards, cheering miners flung their caps in the air, and the Union Jack was hoisted over the mine as a symbol of victorv. Gloucester, Eng.--There is joy on the eastern side ot the Forest ot Dean, A virgin seam ot coal has been cut by the Crawshay Colliery Company. Ttie Liverpool City Council is form- ing a special committee to plan festi- vities tor the occasion. The streets of the city will be decorated with flowers, flags and hunting and illumi- nated at night with thousands ot colored fairy lamps so Years' Work __ 7 For 1,200 Men King Will Open Huge New Tunnel London.---; new £8,000,000 Mer- sey Tunnel, the largest underwater tunnel in the world, is to be open- ed, by the King in July. ’: Media, Pa,--Mrs. James J, Nelson, Jr., wife ot a Philadelphia dentist, jestitied in divorce court that she ‘could take almost anything. It was bad wheiher husband threw lighted cigarettes in her face and took other women home trom parties, she said. It was worse when he went upstairs and fired a revolver through the floor in the general direction of the bridge table. But, she added, it was too much when he put a pistol at her back and made her "walk the plank" on a tiny pier at Beach Haven, NO Since establishment ot the Ministry of Pensions the tctal expenditure has triren '5,235,i)()(),000. Another, reduction has resulted trom the fact that 46,500 "war babies†reached the age of sixteen daring the year. Their, allowances automatically ceased. This fact is revealed in the annual report of the Minister of Pensions. It shows that twenty years after the out- break of the var there are still 1,107,- 900 persons in receipt ot war pensions or allowances. LONDoN.--BecauBe a thousand war widows married again last year Ne. ville Chamberlain, Chancellor ot the Exchequer, will save more than $250,- 000 in his coming budget. The widows had the option of choos- ing between their pensions of $5 a week and would-be-husbands. One thousand' chose husbands. But tor this country's greatly ex- panded gold production the Canadian Treasury might not havepeen ablerto maintain the national credit or to meet its obligations abroad during the depression. Nor should it be forgot- ten that those engaged in the mining industry are by no means the only section of the community to benefit from this industry. The mines ot New Ontario utilize a tremendous amount ot food, clothing, boots and shoes and other products of ontario factories. The mines thus give employment, di.. rectly and indirectly, to large num- bers of our people. As the protector ot the mining industry, Mr. McCrea has proved an invaluable friend not only to Canadian mining men, but to the country as a whole. In the distribution ot surplus tarm products 120 one-pound prints were apportioned to Perry Township, Mr. Raymond N. Carmichael, township trustee, looked at the 120 prints, then at his relief list, and then scratched his head thoughtfully. He finally decided to store the butter in a pack- ing house in a near-by city until he should have opportunity to confer with relief agencies of the city re- garding disposal ot his surplus. The total relief bill for Perry Township during the month of January was $6.75 which was paid for one ton of coal. . .. Muncie, Ind.--u'erry Township, In- diana, has 120 pounds. of butter for one man on its relief list, and that one man doesn't want any butter. Butter Here Like Coal in Newcastle 1,000 Widows Wed ISSUE No. tfl---'" Too Much It you have never tried Ifrusehpn-trr it now at our expense. We have distributed a great many special 'GIANT" packages which make it easy for you to prove our claims for yourself. Ask your drug- glst for the new "GIANT" Lie package. This consists of our regular 75c bottle together with a separate trial bottle- tsutfielent for about one week. Open the trial bottle first, put it to the test, and then, if not entirely convinced that Kruschen does everything we claim it to do, the regular bottle is still as good as new. Take it back. Your drugglst is authorized to return your 75o immediate.. ly and without question. You have tried Kruschen free, at our expense. What could be fairer? Manufactured by E. Griffiths Hughes, Ltd., Manchester, Eng. (Estab. 1756). Importers: McGillivray Bros, Ltd., Toronto. Thousands of overstout men and women tMd in Kruschen Salts a tar better means of reducing than by taking drugs. The little daily dose of Kruschen Salts keeps the organs functioning properly every day and fills you with euch a feeling of radiant vitality and vigor that before you know it, you are fairly "jumping out ot your skin†with energy instead of moping around-and reduction tollows as a matter of course. .. FREE TRIAL OFFER A woman writes about her husband as tollowis:--"He started to take Kruschen Salts for rheumatism His weight was then 266 lbs. He began to lose weight, and now he is 210 lbs., and feels better. He took haltas teaspoonful ot Kruschen in a cup ot warm water ever morning. People keep asking what L has done to fetch his weight ddwn, and he always says Kruschen Salts."-(Mrs) E. S. C A 266 lbs. MAN LOSES FAT Religious Empires One has but to visit the so-called palace at Tsarskoe Selo, in which the last of the Romanovs lied in a state bordering on retirement, to Tea. lize how the religuus fervor ot the late Empress dominated the house- hold and all who were in contact with the Court," Bays Allan Monk- house, British engineer who was the Central figure of the notorious Moscow trial last April, (in his mem- oirs, "Moscow 1911-1933." "The bed.. room which‘ Nicholas II and his Tsarina occupied during the closing "Too busy," replied Edison "A lot of time is wasted in listening. If I had one ot those things my wife would want to talk to me all the time." .. Edison Replied As one deaf man meznother, Een.. est Elmo Calkins recalls in his auto- biography "Loader Please" how he once asked the late Thomas A. Edison Why he, ot all people, did not.' use one of those electrical devices de, signed to make hearing less' diffi- cult. .. 56 lbs. Off --- Feels Better When "Old Folks at Home" was first published in 1851, the title- page stated that it was "Written and composed by E. P. C11risty"-Aea der of the Christy Minstrels. This was done at Foster’s own solicitar tion. He feared that it might injure his reputation "owing to the preju- dice ag'ainst Ethiopian songs by some at the time!†Popular "I doubt if any other song, even 'Home, Sweet Home,' or 'Annie Lau- rie' has been printed as many times as Foster’s‘Old Folks at Home,' and included in as many song collections says John Tasker Howard (in Ste. phen Foster: America's Trouba. dour." It is known that Foster never saw the Swanee river---a small stream in Florida. Immediately under it the same ow ening lines appear, only this time the word "Pedee" is crossed out, and over it is written "Swanee," Swanee or Pedie Had Stephen Collins, Foster left the opening lines ot his immortal song "Old Folks at Home," as orig- inally written by him, they would have read: . "Way down upon de Pedee ribber Far, far away." That was the first dratt--ag en- tered in his work book, now in the Fostler Hall collection, at Indiana» polls. _ "Yes, Ma'am, she is and may the Lord mae us truly thankful tor what we are'ubout to receive.†When the great day arrived and the maid opened the door to the Duchess and the 1attetHnquired if Mrs...... was at home, she answer- ed: "Now, Mary," she said, “remem- ber that whenever you address the Duchess you must say, 'Your Grace Exasperating Another of Captain Jones' stories is about an ambitious woman who was to entertain a real live duchess for the first time, ‘She gave care- tul insrtuctions to her maid: 'To," replied the great actor, ser- enely, "but my secretary was!" Pithy Anecdotes of the Famous T snob who knew that Sir Henry Irving had not had a university ed,. ucation sought to put him to some disad'vartsge, reminlisces .Captaii’nl Adrian Jones in â€Memoirs ot a Soldier Artist" . '. "By the way, Irving", said this gentleman across the crowded table, "were you ever at Oxford?" Effective Reply "Ot your charity pray tor the souls ot members ot the congregation ot this church who gave their lives dur. ing the Great War, 1914-1i)18, and to whose memory this tablet is erected." The tablet was to have been melted down as scrap metal. years of their reign is a. small room, the furnishings of which would not attract undue attention in any mid- dle-class home ot the Victorian per- iod, but the eight hundred ikons, which decorate its walls are the most eloquent evidence ot the late oceupants' complete domination by the Chureh's ritual and eustoms." The name of the church in which It was placed is not known. SHEFFIELD, Eng. T"" A war mem- orial tablet bearing the names of six- teen dead has been found on a. scrap heap in Sheffield by an unemployed ex. soldier. It bears the following inscrip- tion: Girl Friend-ill, you’re not sup- posed to, big boy." _ The average wife begins to sit up and take notice when other women say nice things about her husband. Yot1th-"Yot1 know,, Ethel, there's something about you that reminds me of my mother." Girl Friend-"Please tell me what it is and I’ll have it seen to." Youth-“I ean't see what keeps you girls trom freezing." Read in the paper the other day where-a. woman in Hamilton came home without her make-up on, and her own dog bit her. Off1ce Boy-"How about handling him myself, it he’s in my class y' It's more polite to say a, man wins a bride than that he had one indicted upon him. Editor-it a big man comes here looking for trouble tell him I'm out." Mllli,ig8Er,e'ji,,cais',af2'll't,'i b.?il'),t2Sstif,l?ifiiPi Brown (gasping)-"Yes, the doctor says I’ve one toot in the grave." Salesman - "Don't worry, you’ll never be able to get the other one im" Salesman-"That's a nasty cough you have." Brown had very large feet and a very bad cough. He had entered a shoe store, and the salesman had turned the place upside down trying to find a pair ot shoes large enough to fit him. Brown had Just tried to get the tit. teenth pair of shoes on when he began coughing. The depression has one good thing to its credit, anyway. Not many men found it possible to lead a double life on $15 a week. _ Waiter-idea soup-fourteen car- rots." is this P." your existence, The joy of growth, the splendor ot beauty, the glory ot action. Yesterday is but a dream, and to-mor- row is only a vision, But to-day, well lived, makes every yesterday a dream of happiness. And each to-morrow a vision ot hope. Look well therefore, to this one day, For it, and it. alone, is lite. Such is the salutation or the dawn. Look well to this one day, For it, and it alone, is life, In the brief course of this one day Lie all the Trerities and realities ot He-- 'Dancing is in my blood y'know." She-vim you must have a poor circulation. _ It hasn't reached your feet yet." "Yoa're right," agreed the other, sadly. They have to be borne." _ "In my opinion," declared one, pub. lit speakers are not made, but born." They had just left the meeting and were discussing a few details. On a Scrap Heap Dfner--"Waiter what kind ot soup SHADE TREES, SHRUBS. ROSE Bushes; lirvergreens, Fruit Trees and puno; 311â€an '2 pm; sway 9111 Jo auo u; Fruit Plants. All kinds of nursery stock. Write for free price list. J. H. Windover Nurseries, Petrolia, Ont. N OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. A List of wanted inventions and full Information sent free. The Runway Com.. gnny. World Patent Attorneys. 273 Bank treet. Ottawa, Canada. LYDIA E. PINKIIAM’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND Stereotype i‘uL, Two ton capacity, Coal Fire, Equipped with casting pump, Full bralket, Pot, casting equipment and grates in excellent shape. Casting has solid cast iron base with ash pit so as to set on wood t1oor. A1 equipment tor a small plant. No price asked. Make otter. No reasonable otter retused, Apply G. Bell, Room 421, 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. lumpy Nerves Dr. D. D. Dennis’ Liquid Pre. scription, made and guaranteed by themakens of Campana's Italian Balm. Trial bottle Mo " your druggist. u D] " '1 Classified Advertising Yield to the soothing action of this medicine. You will eat better o" ' . sleep better a -. . feel better . . . look better: Life will seem worth living again; Don't delay any longer. Begin taking it today; FOR SALE CIGARETTE TOBACCO SAVE THE POKER HANDS It pays to "Roll Your Own" When you "roll your own" with Turret Fine Cut you pay less per cigarette because you get mora tobacco for your money-and more enioyment, too, in these milder, cooler, more fragrant smokes. In addition, every package contains Poker Hands that you can exchange for valuable, practical and handsome free gifts. Start smoking Turret Fine Cut today. You can't get Turret's extra value and quality unless you ask for Turret. Save Poker Hands to get Better Cigarette Papers FREE NUESEBY STOCK. PATENTS. Everybody agrees that "Vogue" and "CUntecrer" are the best papers-you can get , large books of either brand-tree for only we complete set of Poker Hands, from your nearest Poker Hand Premium Store or by mail from P.O. Box 1 380, Montreal, P.Q.' TUR/RET FINE CUT Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada Limited any yiher are worth sells for! ment. L Terms. I' Dept. W.- "MarBRBmq by, was; g tPAl . q his), © 'MW: 'VF: tsp (1ceiivrsst cream separator ZL’VNFgV the 'Auos'ld..let us prove ‘ _ Fiae, the on!) SETF-EA a; ARMBG bowl made in Amerie ’4' Twelve features not available [ mv V Hm" wfr'npt-c.wtr-ivw 212mm en "-, - = - "MGzTtfo%'i'iG'l'oir'eri, iiiii, 'iii'tisTiiii, mineral mater, laxative candy or chewing gum, or rogghage, 4on'tgo far. enpugh., . . -...- Digestign and elimination' are beipg slowed up, food " acpumulating and .deeaying inside soypnd, making you [gel wrgtched: _ - You need a liver stimulant. Carter's Little Liver Pills is the best one. Safe. Purely vege- table: Sure. Ask for them by name. Refuse substitutes. 250. at all druggiats 62 When you feel blue, degresspd, sour on the world, that's your hyeryhnch Isn't pouring its daily two pounds oi liquid bile into your bowels. Wake up your Liver Bile --No Calomel needed YOUR [NEWS MAKING ( filll FEEL OUT ill: SURTS "---Ve." I'U D l Eta.“ Annapolis iii'it, Ni" et' sepa ATTRACT THE BIRDS Anker-Holth camst cream separator in' , 'Auos'ld..let us prove it. s, the uni) SE%F-EAL- I, bowl made in America! features not available on aim. .these features alone e than any other machine FE-Trllrc service arrea- 1 trade allowance. . .Easy Miniature, Log Bird Houses, Bird Sher. ters, attractive and practical. Approv- ved by Jack Miner. Ask your local Storekeeper or mend Us $1 and we shall mail to any xddress post free. Hard- wood Specialties with Sarnia. Ontario