SIX c 'tttiii' A V cs I - 'er-Warp.." V v; t fi." 'il-'. 16151:» 'Fi This Bagyptit.i, fr â€My “Liv - -> ,tt,te,e','dFiyll.'s"l' by When you buy cooked 4 V , ' , ham say Ayur?F'sf." JOHN DUFF & SONS, LTD. erxnrr mnyq nNT_ You’ve glen-med your picnic. 01 require mm the following list ‘ part of it a success, both for gm The picnic basket will cost lest FRAY BENTOS or CLARKS 25 l CORNED BEEF - C \ CROSSE & BLACK- (6 kinds) - - 27C CLARKS POTTED MEATS, 3 for - -25C JEFFRESS OLIVE BUTTER lh: CLARK’S VEAL LOAF - lk CLARK'S BOILED DINNER 23c MONARCH SOUR MIXED or CHOW 40 l PICKLES - - - c Mtppnte,tm,,ty,r,P,i7i Ah Service is something which, while not on“? up in every purchase you make at DOMIN is this service, plus continued savings to ye! us to reach our present position--?" stores- Retail Grocery brianiaiition---and growing ---but never too big to forget you are our , BREAKFAST BACON 27 PICNIC RAMS 1 MAYFIELD BRAND C lb " " .. FANCY BLUE 25 . ROSE RICE, 3 lbs. - C ogjgggm 4-121: Sita/W. 'fh1'" -75C Io-om sze: 2 for - FEARS in Light Syrup YELLQW__ illtl NH CHIVERS & SONS, WRAY'S TE LIL ?V@;§7>@73~7 "It's Duff' S -iiiiiheHEs - HOMI TI MOP STIC [PEM M18ttik T2t I a "tbr -rii I‘\ // (I; - BAYSIDE CANNED FRUITS - - W v V ___- _.-=-=="'"" I†f) 'i7et, GOOD K $ilt)5 " tp. U A M," Store ope: RILAIT CROWN 39 AF CHEESE, lb. RTENING M ks' 'J, I .,"-,"t-rf,(,-siii'ti, ' 2}“:9975)‘ KS or tin JP WE SELL SWEET PICKLES BRAND HAMILTON, ONT. 3NS, WHITE CROSS PHARMACY i TEA ROOMS, A. JARVIS MATO Horse Shoe Brand-- I buy it by name" Wednesday Afternoon, Frid Closed all day Saturday. tMR DOt -ch Ak 'o. 39c si"'t"u1clC""t , Ah: BACK BACQN HOMADE TOMATO 25 C KETCHUP, Pt. bot. - LUNCH ROLLS a n.---.----------"" 23c cit,itoii2' -40c cftyifrif, -49c “313?†Aih: Dfigidhf, " HI 23c They all agree there is an exceptional p1easiar.tness in the meal. The brown crisp strips; the keen deliciousness of the bacon is what makes the meal such a satisfaction. ', on the 24th. Select what you list to make the most important grown-ups and kiddies-the eats. less if filled at Dominion Stores. Your wife says: G. or LOMBARD PLUMS - - - 1b. - - - - CLARK'S PORK & BEANSrNo. 2 - CHOCOLATE BARS FRUIT ti AYLM ER B3931} for Sfor - - - S.L. WRAPPED '1'ifya?ian, Peameal) b. - - - - A V TO SATISF Y , Friday until eleven. lb " " 19c Lot. 14c - 4:10c - -47c f -14c “HI -15c 25c -l4c -15c - 53¢ CIT 29c I? WMAINLRWOMENwfl a} (it/il/hi, 1 Urn) f, ""4 ..--. m.o-u.u -(1-(n-n.(r Walls Dry Though early spring and late fall are usually housecleaning and paper- ing times of the year in most com- munities, early summer is favored for this work by many housekeepers. [ This season has its advantages. One' is that the walls dry out more quick- ly and thoroug!hly. And another is that confusion seems to be less acute when we can go outdoors and leave it, instead of having to huddle into close quarters in the less frequented rooms. The question of wall paper becomes one of individual choice, of suitability i for the room in which it is to be used, __f a» "A.“ Hm lnral dealer savs is WARM DAYS FOR PAPERING and not what the local dealer says is the "correct thing." The choice depends on your furni- ture, rugs and hangings and what the lighting of the room may be. Papers are better made today than i,, nlran times. They do not fade as Papers are better made I in olden times. They do n easily, so more liberty may in their selection. It is pa' than prices that should be c The paper is the DacKgrounu OI Lu» decorative scheme and should speak gently, but not scream at us every time we enter the room. We have been told that communi- cating rooms should be papered alike, but this does not always hold good. For, if one is a shady and the other a :nnnv room, it may not be Ib happy For, if one is a sunny room plan. . "ide is called vancing" color . 121““! room seem I‘ llll a "receding" color, for it makes Lu: room appear larger'. Red excites, blue quiets and yellow cheers. Intense colors grow offen- sive to live with, so the usual advice of those who know is to select at- tractive background papers with only color enough to harmonize attractively with the dominant color of upholstery and draperies. C -* q _---- "know-v and Red excites cheers. Inte NIH Light walls are always do not make one feel as dark walls are apt lo do. Vertical stripes add he low ceilinged rooms. I well covered papers lend width. “HULLI. Plain soft yellows, tans or grays, or mottled two-toned papers make excellent backgrounds, especially with the often. indifferent woodwork we find in rented houses or apartments: If there happens to be a wooden ceiling, plain or beamed, a paper with a large or marked design may be used as a. sort of balance, or support, so the room may not seem top-heayy. But when a paper with marked de- sign is used few piJtlires-cshov1juptk' 'ihung. . . V q "_, " _. . ~1,,,.;»,. Papers' that imifate satin, gmgna‘m, Chintz, burlap, leather, rough plaster and marble are all used and are good if properly placed. If old paper is all removed the new Will look better and last longer. . When, yon are ,redecorating your"?');,",'?,-':',','),', rooms t01 spring don't forget youri 'rhiiri(! cushions. A smart girl had an 'iitriiothe",riiiisf,j! which is a timely suggestion for all 'ivertisi',,i:'l, She made slip covers for every s's1uy"r.'(iigrt."1'il,li'i_,li' cushion in her rooms out of plain" ter. j'),"?,,'::':, colored linens. But what coll')').)?)?,),,)':),),-,',.").)],"":, Yellow, orange, henna, (,er,1"i'il/i1",,'Ltrt,t1iti,i,' scarlet, magenta, purple, blue, turj‘and lifi, tnrquoise and all through the whole Thi) ‘lme of the spectrum. She simplyland Iq lbought a yard and a half of every and 31- color she saw and the effect of all For the colors in the room, with its ere? tlt ne tonne drapery and mahogany furnii- rally l ture, was as lovely and brightening as lowmi a garden of spring flowers. Half l ' ‘ounce --_--..._- gar. The Women's of Great Britain 200 working Till orary members, port. CUSHION SLIP COVER More Quickly, and Family! Escape to Outdoors I called by experts an "ad- color because it makes the TI small, while blue is called m†Pnlnn‘. for it makes the [OTC liberty may be taken ction. It is pattern more that should be considered. : is the background of the scheme and should speak not scream at us every h " maen's Engineering society Britain now numbers some ing members, besides hon- mheys, who give the'r sup- from THE 1NroEpENnEki,iNtiE,121?,,h?,,rc In; F.".' a: ays n-0-o.o.u.o.9o.o.o.a height to very Tapestry, or 11d an effect of Boston to In her three-yee 1e police tod 5 cheery and s shut in as gingham, h plaster fl lsband, tms cou to the home of e-year-old dang l took her into P.v.'.V ':iiiikrort, IWat -- " V No, Laqrlrrtk " "" e ... ", TV .........-... _ '-" " y r. iiSQSSQk'rif 1"aN9k my i;?.i.iP, "'.ry -- f IM8h2 Ir..':,': SP 'ss, PPV ""3 _ I _aEs"jl1Citi%lttiiii't I T 'cl, 8888NI2 '.j'j"ifii:.NNggit '. Gtr' f. ' M8FFih" C?j.vj)fiii%imigigilr H. y . '044* " fQ arp.::: 'itWigglifililt2 .", . NMtg T. _ x ( 'fi'?. ItE88KMm8E I) , 'WEP,' .\ fifj'j'.e.':amMigh"' I "_, 'WW:.'.,?.)', Iii::':: #iNimt!,lrtj. : r - MP. Ham'- The first oti8ll n in the deeming of furniture is: ' removal 0! the dust. Uphp1)al td furniture may therefore withiitl “cage be taken out of doors and (lg Lided parts beaten with a stick. ’ t', Tf it is noCfal hient for any rea- If it son to Wu.“ w w..'" a, ‘ If it is not _,i,i'iill hient for any rea- son to take thug iicles out of doors, cover the Pat-Va [be beaten with a damp cloth.. "'i'iiiicivll Fp)t1st will then ad- here to this fit.:, itind not fly about the room. "s, . "",i'i"lt ‘f -- q . ., , - Judd The furnitliri%l thoroughly wjial has been “Spril‘i paraffin. Thié remove the _d 'i81 and other Imam.“ cloth Gou1irli% with pirafrii' if the cloth 50m needed for Iej.f.ll Stain moved Boil th nearly vinegal Stains 9n 16%;? ' Chairs moved 11?;er oil 2 Boil the 11stalllrl, let , nearly cold, aql I equal vinegar and'b bht?rot ply a few [with a bt11j,;ltc),1iijjsibi6) rriiiiiiiii,i,t,i,i,, can be (iiippty,rtl i-h'F,',ri ppe soiled, by mbPlnjgggéiith w PUiJ-EHsJW‘ Ter. . V61 - ung'awuc kLbLULAlk‘s/Ja "v , . .. ';fil'"p'i'fi'iit'jr' mâ€â€â€˜d‘ï¬lpfb‘wmw‘ iitsai Then clears with a little knife- can 1rerii)ppty,rtd,,Aii'i?,it1)peaf1l.1f,r', W 1en l cleaning powder or very fine bath soiled, by rrdy1Jt?,il,'C':,t,11 warm bran, or brick. Whatever powder is used for with COT-“meal 014333“ soaked m gaso- i this purpose must be fine, otherwise line. Qr' a qiï¬ck‘"§crubb1n‘g_candbe scratches are likely to follow. given with a s.tit ntiil-brush dippen 1nl The most convenient knife cleaning soapsUd? that.ifalmt?st dry. .Fo ioyw "apparatus" is a piece of fairly thin by rubbing with cloth dipped m 1: ear old carpet, about one foot square. water, then l dry rub. Wot on Sprinkle this with powder and fold small space at a tune. ' _ d over with the knife blade between the The frames of chairs, the tables andl fold. Then rub the knife backwards other wood.en articles may he cleanel and forwards vigorously, keeping very effectively with a quite simple one hand on top ot the carpet to combination, namely paraffin and wa- steady it lter. _ Take One part 'of 1ti'iniii'yl . ".'" . 1 lh hold paraffin and three parts of} This IS a speedy. and economica l ouse mm- . - Ammanâ€: hnttlelway of doing the job, because Po?, g1ven WM soapsuds by rurbbi‘ water, tl, small SP: BR"t,gilllli' UP THE FU , TURE DAMP TOWEL When baking in the kitchen keep a damp towel at hand on which to wipe your fingers as they become sticky, and you will probably keep your apron much tidier. 1ausrf. let i..3?.t.i. 2ur '0y.P.i a Little Wllll a pm“, v- .-r_- then poligh with a clean, softi‘ This preparation, removes‘ and surface marks in addition _ vting a high polish. Ms fl _woman started out to' caple in Florida, taking Lnd'a few months' old shr hefmre she had left .uld then be dusted -cloth upon which' la few drops of ith will effectively d, as well, finger _ the surface. The e actually damn f 5 well to prepare hours before it is chairs may be re- V oil and vinegar. , let it stand until equal quantity of ,,thor‘ough1y. Ap- K'Nith a flannel and 1shaster. some cretoune 'sifp'fn'fe'e't; '.?...hTiii?.?..ijij.ii 32R4:335gigigigiigigiirériéti1:23:22 1i9 as; 'iii/fe.:.:.':?::.?.?.?:, . 'iijjijjjjifiiijijijjjiji.' #1::5-2'1'1'1“ iiiiriia??i:??.?i:i?i:y. P.P..P.Tr, It $1 RP.P.N.ET: ",M:.';i:i:i:if.f:.if.f.f.f. PAoyyu Fat '~1:‘-:=:§:1::.i.::§§§93153312553313.3215; Mo'p'ff8: ik.k. '.?i:ii.iiiiii, , mix in one- the following: methylated T I _ "Cr., _ -: aRlilf8, 888s88i8WWRIR IB??' & Ril2Bl2M4lflklt gm ONTARIO H KEEP THE KNIVES BRIGHT It the labor saving stainless steel knives have not found their way yet into your cutlery drawer, a few moments bestowed on the ordinary steel table-knives each time they are used will keep the knives in good condition, without the need for a lab- ofious "weekly clean." 'i:.':.:..:...':::..] 1 F001) VALUE WE Bread Meets This Great more than any other at every meal-Bread should be the mc on the table has a lovely tlavt food value required to keep up the daily waste of muscles, tissue and-- The Chamois leather needs especial care to keep it soft and in good order. Never allow it to become really dirty, and soften the water in which it is washed with ammonia or borax. Use mild soap flakes and gently squaaze the leather up and down till clean. Rinse and dry carefully in a slow heat. H omolItilMllllli'tll When Exp_ptttL,te?,,,,,,./e,,r,,,,i,,,t, tt SALAD Ji,? iifiijifi'ctitt 2.515.?! i1tl,f3, For 'riiiiiii'-iit f Fi/j)))?, EJEISH ""riFiiTaiFiirtzt T"', tea loses 1avor---is made trom for JARVIS' Br phone for Our SE r: world--- that reason NE IIN†A L A; - - v - Nothing like it for Hardwood Floors It wears tihe Iron Write to Head Office. Montreal For Free .Booklet HOME PAINTING MADE EASY 3 SOLD BY od. HIGHEST ENERGY 1IIallllliiliill IS' Bread At the Store, GRIMSBY made from the best baked just right S. PIOTT & SON its freshness and flaNretr. is Great Demand my other food! d he the most important item V ooimtr'sy.oaliM'/lllll'tl STONEY CREEK TEA. is never sold in bulk. tn Wednesday, May 21, 1924 :all daily ilIIl'ttiilllr1illl 1V1 wheat in t SHOE 10 U DA‘ ORNING £551 95c