Ontario Community Newspapers

Grimsby Independent, 19 Mar 1924, p. 5

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-lllNllilrB"fFi'r.':"ie'-ooooeio--ie'"")4 MP.P3I. -r, Fr'. _ new. Owned by H Gulf. CN 17.--- l "IIB!. (lilM, 'vlltltl.i, Bfrti2f'7rrli'tjrse lorry in Iltlilriii'il,5i'iiii1ijii; alsc blocky mare. 'tllilit.55s?,lirx 53, Winona, team and l1ar- -sr-e----,rsr' ' - w, _ -c; I TO RENTr-On Bolton avenue, three 5 cn éatfiias' acres fruit and vegetable land; plant-ll kn ’ fed to titty peach, fifteen sweet cherry b t - =and five sour cherry trees, half-acre] u il.liilii'ikft'ii"ii)1iiisob,erries,. with pasture with run-; 51" Il1llllBim"iiihe'i,' ir-ri _v J' _ . tm , "llRiilgsrs'm'.i'iift.11riti: water. A. E. Phipps, Property Illlllllilfftiiss,f,'i,i't)'iic, Gengmittee, Board of Educatlon,l le,., . "iii-gt-tll";,:'::}:,,.'-")'.')),' 26 or MI. _ . . me FOR SALE-Quantity of picture frames, all sizes, less than cost. Mur- doch Studio. .'FOR SALE-A fresh milch cow; also heavy draft horse,_ssuit?ble for fruit farm 'ilqtc?',5,Tr--r/'y pair of scales between IllEriti,tty Mountain and the T. H. & mks Kindly return to The In- llih'is't dent. :MSALE, GRAPE vINES---Quanti- Iltiilti'tstrory' healthy two year old Con- Illii,r,rrs and Niagara vines, $65 per Iliill'itityiyl, $7.50 per hundred. D, H. IllB't,li't'i' Stoney Creek, 'phone 186 Tiny; 1llirFi.iiif,,rarr,1,ao,11?y 914 “ii SALE-Acre of land in fruit 55b1eléR SALE---Aere of land in fruit 't,'iktt,. new five room bungalow on iiritijt1oor; bathroom, lights and water. rms arranged. S. Hand, 67 Maple Iii" ; "ue. Illlrtii)ilr) SALE OR EXCHANGE-I Ill.'"',"))";') grain and fruit farms for 1lB'tt'irj_tge for town or city property; lliBTt,ii_iNe?pt lots in town of Grimsby, Illlti'11t,",t_" $100 up; D. E. Swayze, Grims- llRii,is.tbi/-i-'rE?hdne 163. _ Ert,fjtr,BEyre--T M. Scott's farm, all Ilit'f,?yt)hients included.' Three hundred IIB."',))".? east of McCurrick’s ,sideroad, on Ilillgt:ifr shore. Good house, running .itiiltr,' furnace. For particulars ap- llIlFi"'rirg.. V. Cooke, 77 ring 14, Beams- 'lBtttic 26|3 'El",,t,ilt,tt'r'S4111s1-.--To close an estate, 'lltst','t,ti_,_,i_t:,eit,1, Hot on Central avenue, .iiiiitiy East; good location. Jay D. 1ltilitii:,',':'ph,one 14 ring 2, Grimsby illrtl:til?y, SALE-Three oven automatic ilig5tttiitfeookers. No extra wiring re- M‘,£d. Demonstration and installa- $ttlt,i'y 'free. James Marlowe, Grimsby B.i'itW, 1phone 191i. - Rrs:ile!iWt'Cq)' y . “Li‘g;1,'0flg FOR SALE-one bureau and wash- IlIllillilltli-)?i?-,r?i:l-'lt'l_ ",'.?lionei' stand; hall chair; also garden tools, IlillMllE-ts:isi?i'csliiLi,siajCLil _". {and lawn mower. Mrs. Jenkinson, . ' "llNitti8r. F%F,rii'srCp,'ufi' we"):.". 'Grimsby East, 'phone 14 ring 3. FOR SALE-Heav East "sitilto RlilN'D---On Fairview Road, t')i'iiri;vieiir" Gardens, 5 roomed bunga- §§Jw, 3 piece bath, full sized cellar, _f,tiirpaee, electric fixtures, blinds, $25.00 per month; immediate posses- Eéiion. G. E. Armstrong, 32 Main St. 3., Hamilton, 'phone Regent 2140. "ti/FOR SALE-on Livingston Ave., Bi/seven-room house, with water, and ‘écctric lights; a good barn and some Ltttit. This would make an ideal 'fj'ttme for anyone who wishes to team fir truck as there is a lot of barn gem; price $3600. Terms arranged. 5MB Swayze, Grimsby. Phone 163. 'llBllhlNas,tti,,t"ytr'tt,qvenl1t:, Iward's house, Grimsby. éTVI'HORSES FOR SALE, or Exchanges i?,",',,.,.."'-----')- real choice stock to $3100se from; fresh shipments week- ',8ht, all breeds, types and classes; Quit-able for any work-farmers', geiamsters’, fruit farmers', market gardeners, general -delivery, coal, Symber, merchants. Trotters, pacers, {gaddle horses, ponies; also harness, wagons, buggies. We handle every- flting in the horse line and every $01139 sold or exchanged from our _'b1es carries a written "money- “Ck” guarantee. Central Horse Ex- (Ange Stables, rear 124 Jackson Br,, et’East, Hamilton, 'phone Regent If“ ' rr 2ti ‘TTENTION ! !! Illllliil7ti,i'ii'_'i, You Know IVitct . 5:31)}? . - 'tlei) imp N OW! . Eircif)if. _?'- a, V line of repair IlBiti1:iit'iitye!s. PHONE 431 Our staff of mechanic Wednesday: Bron1ley's guaranteed. ‘pHONE 431 WALLACE BROMLEY ' THE Agents ihe SPRAY Time Will Soon Be Here Overhauled and put v. You know what PLUMBING Ah FIRM OF EFFICIENT rump I"." M ring for the March 19, 1924 echanics is sufficiently large tc needs without vexatious delays gem. Apply 14, Beams- 2613 Hospital for Spray ass1e world famous T put 111 snape 101 m what losing a fine d (iR1MSBY [G AND HEATING CIENT AND SPEEDY SERVICE parts for all makes, of Pumps and " FOR SALE-complete fittings iron gates; 1oosttorrugated iron rooting eighty by thirty, cheap; two hundred gallon spray tank, wanting slight repairs, twenty dollars; Chatham Itwo hundred-eg incubator, eight dol-. llars; spray gun, five dollars. C. J. Blames, stop 159, Main road, Grimsby East, 'phone 354j. M I - 'u-------- EGGS FOR HATCHING_O. A. C. Barred Rock, $1.50' per setting of tit- teen. 'Phone 69, Winona. 1913 FOR SALE OR RENT-House and lot on Oak sfreet, modern conven- tenees; possession immediately. Ap- ply A. J. Woodcock, at Burgoyne's Grocery. HATCHING EGGS--iom winter laying White Wyandottes, 75c for 15. Cartner's, Main. west, near Schwab's. FOR sALE--'Three geese and a gan- der, good stock, price right, need the room; also clucking hens wanted. 'Phone 190 ring 3, Grimsby. EGGS FOR HATCHING-O. A. C. Barred Rocks, $1.50 setting of 15 or $9.00 per 100. 'Phone 190 ring 3, Grimsby. 412 shape for immediate, FOR SALE-White Leghorn eggs from trapnested stock, by the hun- dred or single setting; pure bred White Wyandotte pullets; and a num- ber of Barred Rocks. J. J. Bertfam, Vinemount, 'phone 38 ring 2, Winona. EGGS FOR HATCHING---White Wyandottes--1aying stock, bred from Martin's Dorcas strain; two pens selected, $1.00 and $1.50 for 15 eggs. Apply Methodist Parsonage, 'phone 168. 214. FOR SALE-Two Chatham incu- bators, 120-egg each; good order. The two for fifteen dollars, one eight dollars. Bred-to-lay Barred Rock eggs at one dollar for fifteen. H. Kivell, Main street west, Grimsby. e--------'-""""' --r-%-%e%P-P%__r-%Pre'-'%eq TOMATO PLANTS-Early and late. Peppers, cabbage, cauliflower and celery plants also. Jas. Steven, Sr., 'phone 5 ring 4, Beamsville. S. B. Black has his chopping mill in- stalled at Grassie Corner, and will do custom chopping on Monday of each week. 2613 TOMATO PLANTS-l am again ready to take orders tor Tomato Plants Peppers, Cabbage and so torth--79 R. 3, Beamsville, Alex Groff. . TOMATO PLANTS-l am now ready to take orders for both early and _late tomato plants. E. Ingle- hart, 'phone 37'"rintr21; Grimsby. ~‘v vvvvvwvwvvwvwwwwwwm M "s-s-----------""- EGGS AND CHICKENS Hardy Spray Outift MISCELLANEOUS large to attend ot your oi1mipg--sspeedy WWW4 aT ll may mes PHONE 431 PHONE 431 use. Don't lean-bring cures :fNEW MINISTER TC *9? COME To WINONA ' I " .1 VV Av;u..v-N._i E It was announced last Sunday that . Rev. John Winfield Hunt, at present t in charge of the Plains circuit of the A. Methodist conference, with residence fiat Freeman, Ont., has accepted a call ifrom the Winona and Fruitland cir- - 1;..-” "have an ' IUZ'LIIUuunub. . Rev. Mr. Hunt was ordained at the _ Brantford conference in 1917, when a] stationed as a probatio'ner at Norval, Ont., and following his yordination he ’too charge of the pastorate at Lion's JHead, Ont., from where he came to 5the Plains circuit about fog years ago. l His present pastorate was formerly iknown as the J'i1is,:1ihr.Cti'oi'er?"'y e'rcuit, ’but, on account of development and a .greatly increased membership, it was 'found necessary to confine tfiNcl,ye.?,t' to the Plains alone, Appleb being (made a part of another circuit}:\ cwf i, Although the snow is gradually dis- appearing, there is still erlough on the roads to hinder motbr traffic. The mountains are in a v/ry icy con- dition. / Although caterpillars, crows, robins and blackbirds are to be seen around here, we don't expect' spring until it arrives. Some of the hockey fans from here attended the Soo-Tiger hockey game in Toronto, last Saturday night and reported it to be the best of the sea- Bon annual repairs to the Welland Canal, preparatory to the opening of navi- gation, which occurred last year on April 17. All the lock gates are being inspected, and a new gate will be placed in Lock Two of the Old Wel- land Canal, at the Welland Vale plant. REPAIRS T7THE . . .. WELLANDCANAL The most considerable piece of work remaining to be done is the concreting of the repairs to the retaining wall in the level between Locks 22 and 23 on the present canal, where a leak under the wall last year caused three serious cessations of navigation. Piling was driven during the winter, but concrete could not be poured until weather conditions were right. The repairs will keep the staff busy right up to the opening of navigation, it is expected. lt any medicines ordered by your physician are dangerous when taken, except under special conditions, make the family safe by pasting on the out- side of the bottle or box a piece of sandpaper. Kev. JUuu w lllLlunu -...,.---, - in charge of the Plains circuit dt the Methodist conference, with residence at Freeman, Ont., has accepted a call from the Winona and Fruitland cir- cuit to assume the pastorate there on or about July 1 next.." This change, of course, is subject to the approval of! the s ,ationing commit- tee of the conference but in cases of a like nature, where call has been issued and accepted, ‘) it is conceded, that the committee's Vanction will bei forthcoming. . l l __n,t,,.,e,A at the Sandpaper being rough can be de- tected in the dark and will warn any- one to drop that particular bottle or box. Yes, people who persist in go- ing to a medicine cabinet in the dark and take a dose out of an unseen bot- tle or box, are to be found every- where-even in the best of families. PLOWING WANTED-my an exper- ienced man. Can do any kind of gen- eral plowing. 'Phone 435f. 1913 BOARD WANTED-hom and board by elderly man. Answer by letter only. Box BW, Independent. BOARD WANTED---Young man requires room and board with private family; modern conveniences. State terms to Box S, The Independent. WANTED-position as foreman on fruit farm.- Many years experience. Best of references. Can take com- plete charge. Apple Box C, The In- dependent. 2613 - iTHe thanks of the ment is extended to t so kindly donated tt Best Negro Costume (1adies)---1, Miss Ross as Topsy; 2, Billie Hand.. Largest Family in Costume-Messrs. W'lson Bros. and Hayhoe. Special mention should be made of the costumes of Miss Ross as Topsy and Harry Marsh and Company as the well known Spark Plug and Barney Google. _ I T Work has now conw1e11ced A Best hard time costume---; Hayhoe; 2 ,Chas. Wilson; Wilson. _ The Arena officially wound up a long season of sport last Friday night with a masquerade carnival. Owig to weather cond'tions and counter attractions the crowd was not l as large as anticipted, but the COS- ‘tumes were extremely good and all present had a good night's fun. Messrs. M. B. Cosby, Srpithvi11e and V. Hettrick, Beamsville, awarded the pr’zes and the'r decisons were greeted; I with approval. The prize winners were."--- Latres' Fancy Costume-l, Mfss Smith; 2, Miss Flett; 3, Miss Servais. Gents Fancy Costume-l, V. S. Far-l yell; 2, John Hunter; 3, Art May. I Girls' Fancy Costume-l, Gladys' lSangston; 2, Queenie Addison. Best Negro Costume (gents)--1, Harry Talbert; 2, Harry Fair; 3, Geo. Telfer. 7 --- I iiok (SHm‘c costume-Harry Marsh} and Company as Barney Google and Spark Plug. _ - - . " uni-...l-.” “I_3_evsrtr National Costume-l, Miss Flett; 2, A. B. Bourne; 3 Miss Brown and W. Hewson. -_H /i:jiiisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii -__ I me: _eteBi3eb4t34t, ' I AT CARNIVAL! iii r" an“ I VINEMOUN }’ NEW MINISTER WANTED commenced on the the Welland Cana), 1e Arena manage- , the merchants who the prizes. rse, is subject to itioning commit- but in cases of a call has been it is conceded auction will be dination he te at Lion's re came to {f years ago. rag formerly eby e'rcuit, aivy1t and a ship, it was ,' the\ charge anth being t HE IN DEPEN DENT ii "'5'? ,C'SiéofiipgsEC'At An Advertisitsjttjent in The Independent eggs FREE with CVCI . Paste at The Safe Antiseptic WATER GLASS EGG PRESERVER Small size Gin Pills for the Kidneys Special 18c tin. 2 Special Free Offering One Rexall Spin Top WESPRING SALE Each tin sufficient tor Get One For 39c Speci It's been a tough old winter-r-stormy days, I of money have all Contributed toward slowing do its way things look better and we anticipate the big, done. “To get away to a good Bying start we off One Week. ' Sale Closes Next Wednesday N ight, The Popular Tonic ' GRIMSBY, ONTARru T AN LAC tins to1 ube of Pearl Tooth Your Kiddie T empleton's Rheumatic Capsules $1.00 12 dozen of ackage 35c 25c 290 SEE yld winter-r-stormy day s, blocked roads and general scarcity buted toward slowing down business. But with Spring on and we anticipate the biggest summer's business we've ever [good Bvingstart we offer these Special Prices Good For “m; uraAnquav Night. March 26th. ' I 40c,75c,90c,$2 Against ioths with our Red Cedar Flakes a d Naphthalene. Pleasant and effe Ive. Package 8tllte. Protec): Your Furs and )Clothing for with each SOC b Castile Soap. l LISTERIlhl E Medium size "rhe safest, surest way to fumigate a household following sickness is to use one of our Formaldehyde Fumiga- tors. FORMALDEHYDE FUM- IGATORS KILL DISEASE GERMS Special Free Offering One 50c Rubber Sponge Jar of Le l $1.00 Value 4 Sizes tt34tseM34t Bison French Will Improve Your Business 25c 50c 49c Just the thing to tone you up and remove impurities from the blood. Purely vegetable and pleasant to take. NYAL TONIC, Per $1 00 bottle................ I with each bottle of Riker's Syrup "rar Compound. The best' combination for coughs. 75c value for Me Thomas' Eclectric Oil Speci THE BEST SPRING TONIC Special Free Offering One Box of Boot's Meloids SCOTT 'S EMULSION arg The Safe Antisept ic src Slze 29c Special Small Size 50c FIVE

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