Ontario Community Newspapers

Grimsby Independent, 19 Mar 1924, p. 4

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hoeal Items of Interest Note FOR the By-law. - Friday is the first day ot Grimsby Arena is closed season. FOUR Grimsby needs the Magill Hat fac- tory---Vote FOR the By-law. John and Mrs. Chadwick ot Toronto, were week-end visitors in town. Traffic over the Highway has in- creased 500 per cent. during the past week. Golfers will soon be 'Fore." Mrs. Carson, of Parry Sound, visited with her sons, Dr. William and Gerald Carson, on Friday last. Mrs. W. L. Stephen is visiting her son, K. M. Stephen and family at 150 Suffolk street, Guelph. Edward Lawrence who was operated upon in Hamilton hospital iast week, is improving as well as can be ex- pected. Lt] ii] ',-1 "is-ii) VERNON TUCK Broken Lenses We are in a position to re- place broken lenses, specially ground, in one hours' time. Absolute accuracy anteed. (Jeweler and Optometrist) The Store of "Gifts That Last" PHONE 326 GRIMSBY l GRIMSBY, 'too-o-oe-o-Oro-oo-""' Bring in the pieces. The Hoover Suction Sweeper will eliminate the back- breaking carpet beating that always comes with spring clean- ing. Rugs wear better, look better and are truly clean if you use a Hoover. Recommended by all who know them. Terms to suit. THE NEW PERFECTION 01L STOVE F"or chicken houses. Reg. $1.75 per square or Spraymotor and Hardie 'equipmfant Sold in Town by Rooms Chivers & Sons A. Jarvis White Cross Pharmacy Txr-,2=, Some Candy! tgéouple of second-hand Stoves at low cle SIMS HARDWARE HOOVER SUCTION SWEEPERS :'ofr' p' f.: "r'-'..'::. N:':): “lime“! n... if' , 1 s' T it.)jiseiii, .', V i1?“ is%%, $.33 " / T we? I.) V Ib.,'.; . taihgaiBg tr l _v.', $3333.. _ i'ii)(tta8atgrit, Y: -.9' _ ttWi)"' I-grim' 2% B, 2.ettre.WW.i, assts ,sexsggk":a5mN' 2EY 2tiKMtBiifffh'isWh"'4k%' T2'2ke'2'Lt8g MAKE M... MrWIWlfWE tOli ME aillilt $.33}. BlgMWt AMIMM " f “r'” aiiilti%RatiEgigMlX . ' E, , I iii" 3 MOPS IN ONE ""rtil?i SPRAY SUPPLIES TEMPO ROOFING Friday and Saturday 'i'-iiliit-sS'iit?=i 'sed,-';-);;-",'--'-';---'-,'-----'; Aiiiiiii-iii i; Wéss‘m‘ Changeable in a second . Separate mop cloths for Water. Oil, Dust. For Homes, Hotels, etc. Cleans to the last speck. Wonderful labor-saving device. Collapsible, self-locking frame, can be wrung out by hand, wringer or squeezer. Only that class mop in the world. P.m.'t fail to see a demonstra- tion. Sold In all stores. rttEEt3.Eth1s9.. Tastes Like More! da, for the shouting spring O Ask for the handy 250 package tl Crisp, and consequently so inviting, you’ll just naturally want \more. Deliciopi 313d wigh ai1---wholsamsu)1 at lit-ie-trss-rio (l-trt-st-tg" G: WOD MOP K Miss Ethel May Sallows, of Van- couver, B. C.,is v'siting her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Ingram, at their North Grimsby farm. Football Dance-On Friday night, March 21st, The Grimsby Football Cub will give a dance in Independent Hall. Old time and modern dances, CowNI's four piece orchestra. Everybody invit- ed-Gents 75 cents, ladies provide. Oddfellows, of St. Catharines, held agrand concert and dance in Queen's Hall, St. Catharines, on Friday n'ght last. The mus'c for the dancing was supplied by the Norton four piece orchestra, of Grimsby. Forms for income tax returns arel obta'nable at the local postoffice. Better get Yours now. It usually. takes some time to make out the iii'-) ports, which must be sent in byl April 30th. I The Postoffice Department has an-‘ nounced that after April 1 parcel post packages mailed in Canada and 2ll.l dressed to the United States or mailedl in the Un'ted States and addressed tol Canada, must be accompanied'by a customs declaration. Miss E. L. Cline and her mother, Mrs. W. H. Cline, are Spending th's week in New York City. On they way back they will visit friends and rela- tives in East Aurora, where M'ss Cline will take part in a recital in the First Baptist church, next Tuesday even'ng. Hatt'e J. Preston and Josephine Strauss, of Lockport, N. Y., have start- ed action aga'nst Merritt Brothers, of Grimsby, for the recovery of $20,000 for personal injuries sustained through thtralleged negligence of the dir.. fendants in a motor accident on the Highway, last summer. Grimsby district or the country to the south of us has not anyth'ng on Burlington tn the advance stage of the peach trees this season. On Wed- nesday morning Bert. Edwards, of the waterworks department, brought to the Gazette office a branch of a peach tree, on which was one blossom and another ready to burst.--Eurlington Gazette. The choir of the Methodist Church was assisted last Sunday by Mrs. Walker,-of Thorold, contralto soloist, student of Dr. Egener, St. Cathar'nes. Her pleasing solos were a real help to the musical services and were greatly appreciated by the congrega- tion. The choir is preparing a musi- cal service for Sunday evening, March. 30th. T Send in your news Needs no recommendation. It is known from coast to coast as the most satisfac- tory Oil Stove manufac- tured. This year it is made in two stvles. The new coast as the most SaTItiraU- tory Oil Stove manufac- tured. This year it is made in two styles. The new style having the famed double wall chimney, giving better combustion and act- ing as an economizer. 1924 prices: Old style. New style .. . . . . .$22.00 $24.00 . . . . . . . .$27.00 $30.00 . . . . . . .$35.00 $38.00 TO RONTO Eii5Q at Phone 130 runing tools -out prlces Pruning Shears Poultry Fencing $1.55 ii, Staples Grape Twine [may BAPTIST Rev. Thos. E. Richards, ILL, Minister Sunday, March 23rd 11 a.m.---Publie Worship. 2.30 p.m.--Bible School and Adult Classes 7 p.m.---Evening Worship. "Just real good services." The public is heartily invited to at- tend Sunday, March 23rd, 19t?A----s'oe'al Seas vice Day 11 a.m.--The Pastor. 7 p.rn.--Rev. Geo. l, Campbell, B.D Field Secretary of the Department 10 a.m.---Young Men's Bible Class. 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. Remember the travelogue "Across Canada," Tuesday evening, March 25th at the Methodist Church. Jas. Fisher is opening a garage be- hind the Auto Electric and Battery Service, and will be pleased to meet all his old customers. Miss Elma Moore returned home on Sunday from a four months' trip to points in the Southern States and Cuba. Watch for-next week's adv. of play given by "Robinson Street Circle" of Methodist Church, in Moore's Theatre, on'April 3rd and 4th. C. E. CTeddy") Rea, organizer and President of the Grimsby Neckwear Ltd., has sold out his interest in this rapidly growing business to Mr. Pear. berton, of Hamilton. Rev. Thos. E. Richards conducted the services at the Fonthill Baptist Church last Sunday. The services here were taken by Rev. W. H. Cline and Rev. D, H. Williamson. The ladligfs of St. John's Church will hold a ijolet Tea and sale of work and homer-made baking, in the School Room orthe Church, on Friday, April 11th. Further particulars later. A 's/ttltd concert will be given by the unite! choirs of. the Grimsby and Beamsvilfrs, Presbyterian churches .at Grimsby, l on Good Friday, and at Beamsvilhi, the week previous. A recital,wi11 be given by a few piano pupils, of Miss Pearl Brooks, on Friday, March 28th, at 8 p.m., in Moore’s Thea'gffe. They will be assist- ed by Miss Ve a Rymal and Mr. John Rodger, Violinigts; also Mrs. Jean Kel- lett Rymal, 'e'fo"Aiiionist, ot Hamilton. TO _t,j,iuiitCi-,i,i-i,i,;iititti? avenue, three acres fruit and ve etable land; plant- ed to titty peach, fi teen sweet cherry and five sour cherryx trees, halt-acre raspberries; with bashiuzavyjttausggp- acres fruit and ed to fifty peac and five sour c gaspberz‘les; with p ning water. A, E. Committee, ”Board 'phones 26 or 241. , The following pugs of Miss Pearl Brooks were succe sful in the recent Toronto 'i'iiiv'"iii'si'ib music examina- tions: T Primary 932mm Helen Walker; Primary Rudinieitts, Margaret Wilcox (honors); Elementary Rudiments, Zeita sibherd,l(honors); Greeta Ely (honors). Mr. Gordon) Hill, eldest son ot Thomas and (Mrs. Hill, Grimsby, who is now a res/dent ot Bracebridge, par- ticipated in a pleasing event in that town on Wednesday, March 5, when he acted inithe capacity of grooms- man in the gmarriage ot two of Brace- bridge's most popular young people. A spark from a passing locomotive set fire to the roof of an old building on the rear of James Marlowe's farm at Grimsby East, on Tuesday morning. Slight damage was done before, the blaze was extinguished. Grimsby tired men responded to a call and were at the scene six and one-halt minutes trom the time the call was first put in. There are two ridings in Lincoln County for Provincial purposes, ther riding of Lincoln and that of St. Cath- arines. These two are often confused in the mind of the public in reading ot the doings of Parliament. Robert Kemp is the represenative for Lincoln while E. C. Graves is the member tor St. Catharines. A recent reference to the member for Lincoln was taken by many to refer to Mr. Graves, whereas it referred to the stand taken by Mr. Kemp. 1 _ Reports from the medical health officer and other physicians in the Winona district indicate a marked im- provement in the general health condi- tions of the community, especially among the children. The epidemic of measles which Invaded a large number of homes in and about Winona has al- most completely abated, no new cases having been reported recently, and there are.J10 signs of scarlet fever which has become prevalent in other sections. One case of chickenpox, however, developed last week, but this lis not considered as being of the serious type. I PAID UP LIST sMrs. Wm. Tew, Kenora Feb. 18, ers. A. E. Ditchburn, Fort Erie Dec. 31, P. E. Wi11r'ns, Grimsby Dec. 31, P. Bertram, Grimsby Nov. 1, .P. J. Jordan, Grimsby East LAWSON-ln North Grimsby, on Sunday, March 16th, 1924, to Mr. and'Mrs. Norman Lawson, a son. AUCTION SALE DATES WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26---d will offer for sale by public auction the household furniture and a half ton truck, on the premises of D. H. Pat- rick, 88 Ontario street ,on the above date. Sale at one o'clock. Terms, cash. Jas. A. Livingston, Auctioneer. W. R. Boehm, Grimsby Churches METHODIST In The THE INDEPEND BORN bt Sept. 12, Dec. 31, Education JI 1925 1924 1924 1924 1924 1924 h/t_-i,,, OADSE§ (0jt)i'ittrijit Ott eialti1 Commis‘sim.1 German $116 council on , tion Was gr, trically 11gb roads in th, roads In the a: the cost ot ms: amount to g; This, it Was 52‘: 'n any Way fog would beTmtjii Needless tAt,lilr came asea' sti interested, wt! work at a com? In order ttuit) some idea-ot t lights and to ‘, their necessity agreed to instiil the mountain t, weeks; this ttyt township. It which road ttttii in good runniiiit condition; ca- pacity 1250 pougds. $75.00 with shafts; $80.0f with pole, also. A pretty'fmg’“ Illtiftst solemnized at th_rgaptiirt,'t:]% 'tfron Wednesday atternoori,C,9m Illtrp, 1924, _when Enos L. 1i,')jiti5i IFt Mr, and the late Mrs. A;;’J"5» and Lena Edna McNineh,iAt"jih'" it: Mr .and Mrs. George iij'iiiilliii Et united in mar- riage by 1t'ir1lit,i'i,tl fi7Richards. The br de wasat :5 llt'8 her sister,, Miss Hazel MeNiiiall Bt Mr. J. Fisher supported "r/iii-Ill Iliijp. The. happy couple left Cir) Illti30 train to spend a short hontigit “;;:t points east. The best ",ir,i,s,ijiiil, K'tjosst of friends in Grimsby follcgg‘ 'Eb) to' their new home in Buff: 1lrti"', To whom 'ii-i:!,,,.,'?),';',), Egrn: My wife'"1'; 'tIFJ), (Amy) Culp, having left Tttl Ei'., board, 'for no just cause my, bj,jvil.1 not now or Vncefovyy)rtilllF(t'snsibje for any debts whichvv'lu- Et' contract in my name, for ' 'trs/a wgnwh-atsoever. NELSON Si 3rimsb) At a meeting of the Grims- by Board of Health, held on March 13th, 1924, the follow- ing motion was passed: Moved by Livingston and seconded by Farrow, that ow- ing to the fact that an epi- demic of small-pox is preval- ent in several parts of the province, the Provincial Board of Health deems it necessary that all school chil- dren and other unvaccinated persons, be vaccinated at once; therefore, the Grimsby Board of Health urges all parents to have their children vaccinated, and that the Med- ical Officer of Health, Dr. ( Alexander, perform the oper- ation at the small fee of twen- l ty-five cents each. W.- F. RANDALL, I Secretary Board of Health. PUBLIC NOTICE siiiirii "6iriiririi"irjTiifttii2 MONDAY MARCH 1 Tth FOR SALE in the Big New York Success by Sam Shipman, Author of "East is West," "Lawful Larceny," etc. TANE SEYMOUR, FRANK BOND, GLADYS GILLAN, ZORA CARVER .-MATINEESa-. WED., THURS., SAT., 2.15 ‘THE GOLDFISH' EVENINGS AT 8.15 Phone Reg. 5391 For Seats DRAY "THE CROOKED SQUARE" Cials of Week of March 24th Marjorie Rambeau's Hit --All the Favorites--- i g ven light and r, and -arl All-Star Cast Tqsmt--3reyr?i CH -ri'iiii;).r% 12:11 CULP (tr'ii'itg Er1924. NOTICE in @ARSEY ' enance: which .iisi, these figures Mt 'se ., to those E?,' pstirflated the $§~lesser cost. Biit)ple m'ght gain '_'ulneSS of the IIliti the extent of E1Wiiro officials llryt, two on one of Ft, a month or " :10 cost to the I 't, decided upon 'tiould be placed. y, when "iiroposal various wo ilti,iie with Reeve 'l,'iirt1le Saltfleet Ei'i'ierrco,nsl,Ty Iriftisal . to elec- ,j’fous mountain §:est'mated that lit',', alone would ately $35,000. $257 not provide ro Electric sence with SBY, OODSTOCK Power ONTARIO Charles P. Hasirkey, a highly re- spected resident, of North Grimsby, died at his home on the Ridge Road last Saturday night. The late Mr. Hawkey, son ot An- thony and Mary Rundel Hawkey, was ban in Cobourg, on September 2nd, 1852. He married Mary D. Vanduzer, daughter of the late John W. Van- duzer, of Ngrth Grimsby, in 1886, and since that time has lived in the vicin- ity of Grimsby. Mr. Hawkey, besides being public spirited, was a man of exemplary habits and character, and always ready to lend a willing hand when asked. . His death will be a distinct loss to the neighborhood. _ Left to mourn his death are his widow, one daughter, Florence E., and one son, Lewis, all at home; an- other younger son, Roy, went over- seas with the 47th battery and was killed in action near Passchendaele in 1917 The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved family. After a lengthy illness, extending over several years, Daniel B. Cal- bick, one of the Winona district's most highly regarded res dents, died suddenly on Saturday night. About two weeks ago Mr. Calhick's illness became more pronounced, and necessitated confinement to his room. A few days ago, hoWever, he recovered sufficiently to enable him to be about, hut there set in a relapse, which ter- minated in his death. He was a member ot the Woodmen of the World. l Left to mourn ,re his widow and one son,, Harold, _ f Winona; two bro- thers, Themas, of Vancouver, B. C., and Samuel, of C illiwack, B. C.,. and one sister, Miss ane, of Innisfree, Alberta. The fu (eral is taking place at 2 o'clock this afternoon, services being held at hi late residence Hel- derleigh, and t the graveside in Stoney Creek m1etery, where inter- ment will be m de. The Organ Recital given in the Presbyterian Church, last evening, by Dr. fr. T.. Egener, of St. Catharines, attracted a crowded audience, that Was in every way delighted with the brilliant performance of this talented musicin. _'--'Trhe organ at this church is of tine time and quality, but its limited 1satiaeity did not give Dr. Egener full siiappe tor the display of his ability, as with a longer instrument at his com- mand, a still greater degree of excel- lence would have been attained. ' The program of ten numbers was well varied and opened with a fine rendering of the' always popular over- ture from “William Tell," played with "a; delicacy of feeling and dramatic effect which called for hearty appre- ciation. _ "Other classical selections were “Love Song" by F. Liszt and a charm- ing Reverie composed by Dr. Egener, played, with fine expression, but it was in Lemmen’s Fantasia, "The Stog'm” that Dr. Egener displayed his ma‘terl) skill in the exquisite effects, both pastoral and dramatic ot this wonderful composition, and again in "Pinal Toeatrr" from an organ sym- phony. C. M. Widor, the organist demonstrated his brilliance in the exe- cution of bravura passages. "T W 'ltt11,tp March 19th 4W0 omaégonsj Both Covered" - . f e Ywith Will Rogers iti'iiit "g g rg-iid-trs/a, ,-~.,,§,Ild _ 'l ’ 'r'lt,,'c?sPjrfiitririiiiergate" , _ Fla', 'i., , with own Moore and Sylvia Breamer _ ", Sab1rday, March 22nd T '., “Three Wise Fools" _ " "s. _ with 7 an all star cast titesop's Fable and Pathe News '_". Moniia)r, March 24th -.:" "The Trap" l, _ with _ _ Lon Chaney "" and aDanna Round ol' Leather Pushers What may be termed p_opular num- bers, included "Home 2iireet.Home," rendered in the characteristic music of eight countries, and a selection comprising the principal songs of Scotland, which with the quaint "In a Chinese Garden" were keenly appre- ciated. The enjoyment of the evening was much enhanced by the vocal selec- tions of Mrs. A. J. Coyne, also of St. Catharines, who gave a splendid in- terpretation of Handel's "Farewell Ye Limpid Springs" from Jepthah, for which was cordially recalled. Mrs. Coyne later contributed Batten’s "April Morn," in which her power ot expression and the fine execution was fully demonstrated. Dr. Egener's tine baritone voice was heard with pleasure in his fine render- ing of "Bedouin Love Song" and "Where My Caravan Has Rested," these selectons being heartily en- cored. MOORE’S THEATRE ORGAN RECITAL CHARLES P. H A WKEY Ahtractions a member of the Woodmen D. B. (‘ALBICK and li i l , m4..;..;..x..x..:..x»:.w.x«we?.xaqoozo-zoe-anzovxuxo-xuxoa-M-xuznxoe-Manxoewxuxo-x-auxowm ii BiJRc0Yhllli's Grocery t Main Street 'to-so-ooo-ooo-ooo-sooo-"' "THE BEST PLACE TO SHOP AFTE GRIMSBY, . , ', Having disposed of our millinery and dressmaking business to the Miss- es Sevenpifer, we bespeak for them your patronage. Opening days are Friday and Saturday of this week. Exceptional quality, combined with money-saving prices, then you will be interested in this announcement of our clearance of all Ladies' Dresses) most of them only in stock a few weeks. A saving of $10.00 to $15.00 on every garment. Then you owe it to yourself to at least see these offerings, Re ular 20.00 to $32g50,fo§.. .. /. .. $14-90 special.. .". s.'.. Silk Hose?. (seconds), at.. .. .. .. .. .. Silk and Glos I If You Apps_sitciiatii,_ Silk Hose- New, Shades $LSS, $ifiiUti)itl) and $2.50 FRESH CREAMERY BUTTER NEW LAID EGGS............ McLaren's Jellies.. .. .. .. . The A, f'. 't PURELARD..................... " " or 3-1b.pails......... SHREDDEDWHEAT....,....... McLAREN'sJELL1Es......_ Pure Raspberry Jam.. .. .. .4 CLO”VER LEAF SALMON (large). . . . .40c T ' " (small) 2 for 45c. Thursday, Friday and Saturday BUY IN BIG QUANTITIES, AND YOU’LL FIND OUR PRICES RIGHT . WE HAVE A GOOD DELIVERY SERVICE I-r-rt-to-M--"-- Look at the Price! It-tut-ol-e I-ri";:,):,:.;'::.), . 1 .00 55%)., g 1 I00 "five Speaking” 4-lb. Tins TELEPHONE YOUR ORDER Mike Co. Wednesday, March 19,1§ .....35c doz. ...3for25c ALL". ONTARIB _"--m"--ito.. _---"---.

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