_ SUCCESSOR TO JAS. FISHER UNIVERSAL GARAGE - GRI] Day Phone 193. V If, you are in!the market for a closed car now' is the time to buy as the cold days of fall and winter are getting near. They are very comfortable to ride in either winter or summer. Terms arranged if desired. 1' FORD SALES &,\ SERVICE EXIDE BATTERY SERVICE-BATTERY CHARGING _ h SPECIALTY MDAY. NOVEMBER 9, 1921 R. W. DOUGLAS THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE The Best Way Grimsby Branch: H.'J. White, Manager Capital Paid up $15,000,000 _ ' , Reserve Fund $15,000,000 GENUINE FORD PARTS Money Orders Issued by this Bank a safe and convenient way of paying your outrof-tomx accounts. Our Teller can issue them without delay It the - con an Post Office, or Expres- Orders. WE WELCOME YOUR. BUSINESS ,5 ,ON’T rink loss by enclosing cash in your letters. Tpu will find -thes Night Phone 74 R-2 GRIMSBY, ONT. Alex. Summons for work m: road division 18 57.25; E. M. Kiliinn road division 42 816.75; Claude Lymburner road division " $22.50; Gordon Phil- lips road division 6 any also for hauling grader with tgactor 3300;. J. p1 [ Communications were read trom Mrs. George Turner, claiming damag- es tor accident on highway; from the Ontario Bridge "co.-'-re “culverts: From The Canadian Eank of Com- merce respecting finnncesnnd ' from Thos. G. Patterson re his business tMH sessment. _ Moved by Mr. Lymburner, seconded by Mr. Lounsbury that this councll having examined the collector's bond and find them satisfactory" do here- by accept the same. Carried. _ The council met pursuant to ad- Journment in the township hall on Saturday', October 15 at one o'clock. Members all present. Minutes read at last meeting were read \and con- firmed. F Moved bi Kennedy seconded by Cowan that this council adjourn to meet on Tuesday November 8 " ,1 D. E. Krlck to apply on salary 'as Township road superintendent 5200; S. W. Freure to apply on salary as clerk and treasurer $200; Grant 'to Galnsboro Rural School Fair $25; Walter Misener insurance on town- ship hall $15; Grant to Wellandport Falr $50; J. S..Campbell tees re up- peal on township ditch paward $26; B. .W. F‘reure tees re Appeal on town- shlp'dltch award $10; ,D. E. Kriek, road 'superintendent presented a list of accounts for road and brldge work and payment. of same was authorized by Count" _ _ V ,Moved by Stewart, seconded by Cowan that tre, teen; and treasurer issue their cheques tor the following accounts: F ' More? by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Kennedy that the clerk be authoriz- ed to order, one thousand blank cheques trom Sterling Bank, also a cash box tor use ot treasurer trop1 Municipal world. V 'r- Moved by Mr. Strong. seconded by Cowan that the glerk be appointed canvasser tor the township ot Gains- boro to secure contracts for Rural Hydro Electric Service, and to ur- range tor Public Meetings through- out the township. t C F. Hurst, Secretary Meadowbrook Farm Commission requesting council to give a grant toward purchasing a large farm east ot St. Catharines to be used as a Curative Home tor War Veterans;, from J. B. Campbell, Coun- tr Judge, F Judgment in appeal ot Davis, Grant and Nunn against the ditch pt F. N. Rutherford, Township Engineer. 'GAINSBORD COUNCIL The Municipal Council at the town,- shlp or Gainsborp. met pursuant' to adPu,rnment. Members all present. Communications were read trim Ontario Department of Agriculture T grant to Rural School Fair, trom THE INDEPENDENT,‘GRIMSBY, ONTARIO RADIANT ELECTRIC CO. Limited CAISTOR COUNCIL MADE IN titllm NttiriiirY B. W. FREURE. Clerk. A. MeMaster, Beamsvmé Dee. J. Chllvers, Grlmsby Oct. P. T. Bttoebritlge,-Grirnisp, Dec. W. L. Davies, Grlmsby Dec. John Durham, Grimsby Dec., R. o. Farrell, Grimsby Dec. E. H. Norton, Grimsby Apr, H. Arnold, Toronto Oct. H. Gibson. Grimsby Dee. W. Ariekers, Grimaby Dec. Miss Tr. Jones, Grimaby Dec. H. P. Shepherd & Son. Grimsby , Oct. _ B. W. _Ducker, Beamsvllle Dee. , ALmsatfsrmgLDs, Clerk. MURRAY BUSH, Reeve. Moved by Mr. Lymburner, seconded by Mr. Snyder that this councy do now adjourn to meet on November 12 at one o'clock tor general buamess‘ A. Benty tor grading approaches to McFarlane bridge division 10 $92.10; also tor grading approaches to Beam- er bridge. division " $21.25; also the Lislie bridge approaches, division 13 $78.50; also for teaming and supplies $20; total $219/N. Carried. F. .rPi11ipts tor 4 cedar posts $1.60; Phone 36 for O.K.B. Stationery Grimsby THE vital issue in the coming election- ain fact, the only issue-Hs the Tariff, and to every clear thinking Canadian it should be readily apparent that a Pro- tective Fiscal Policy is absolutely essential to, stability, progress and development. Every important country in the world upholds Protection as an essential eco- nomic principle. Even Great Britain-so long the stronghold of Free Trade-has now adopted laws that constitute Pro- tection of the most effective kind. In fact, the present policy among most nations is towards raising their tariff walls, not lower.. ing them. In the face of these facts it would be suicidal for Canada to do exactly the reverse and discard the fiscal system which has been responsible for its progress during the past forty-three years. Free Trade would mean death to Carr. adian Industry. It would also result in the immediate closing down of Canadian, plants of foreign firms, with consequent additional unemployment. There are to-day 650 American factories alone in Canada. Similar proposed ventures would be aban.. doned. New capital would refuse to come The Vital Issue PAID UP LIST Meighen stands four a uare for Reaponnble Protectar--Protmeta, foi'all the people-and asks for an overwhelmin mandate to give both industry and agriculture that assurence which will spell prosperity for all. Ina. vidual prosperity depends upon National prosperity. Your personal innate and Canada's very existence hung upon your vote. _ _ " What we have to decide is this-Are we oing to continue the protective system ' this country or are we not , fel',',) is the question and that is the who question. And the great, big; necessary thing is that every voter in this mun? Jronr the Yukon to Halifax knows that this is the question he or she is 'ecidirtg when he or she vats in this great contest." . 31 . " " _ " ‘31: " 29122 31:22 31122 13122 31122 31122 .31122 31122 . 9122 15122 31122 31122 31122 The 'Ngtt'ortnl Libénl and ConaervAiv'e (Putty Publicity Commit“. ï¬llllllllllllllllllIllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllIllllllIllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllï¬ mum"mum"mmumumlum"nunnunjjjyluggmum"!ImmnummlemlLl l"hr'sHhRpl,huur l l n _ JhstIsiao' . , , . ~BALDWIN’S HARDWARE Placryour order with any of the' following . . merchants: i RADIANT' E1ettri.ciiRiing)ss F j RADIANT Electric" Hgatgers . , RADIANT Electric Irdns RADIANT Electric Toastefs Ghana/iced a, manufactured in' Canada ' "Good Shoes For Over Sixty Years" Special price to residents of the District FARRELL'S SHOE STORE SUMMER DAYS ARE PAST DRY SCX'shoes are made in both Black and Tan leathers, and wtrhave them in all sizes and widths. _ I this express/purpose and just' how well its mission you can readily know..; Your feet must now be protected from the cold damp days of Fall and Winter. . . . Ontario The INVICTUS bRY sox shoe is to a Country lacking adequate protection and present industrial enterprise would be promptly strangled by foreign competition. The preservation of the home market by a Reasonable Protective Tariff is vital to both city dweller and agrarian alike-now as/never before. adore capital is urgently needed for the development of Canada's enormous resources, which will result in a lessening of unemployment and an in- creased population. More work and more workers will produce an enlarged home market for products of both city and Rum, and the exodus of Canadian 'men and women-and the dollars they eetri-Nvili' be precluded; The United States has slammed her trade door in the face of Canadian farmers By adopting the Fordney Bill, and the farmer is consequently now even more dependent upon the home market than in the past. Yet Cretar asks you to destroy that home market by voting for Free Trade; King's policrr-if he has ae--,vsit result in the destruction of the Tariff. V --ARTH0R MEIGHEN built for it fulfils THREE